11/16/15 ADMIN TEAM MEETING Summary

Shoreline Success (Laura Rehrmann): Attendees shared their Shoreline Success Moments.
Agenda Review (Laura Rehrmann): Reviewed.
Update: New Allocation Model (Dawn Vinberg / Laura Rehrmann / Stuart Trippel)
Dawn presented the draft shown at the campus meeting and asked Admin Team to send feedback to
her by COB Thursday. More will be known after the Presidents have a review in January. It will be
clearer what the FTE and each student type will be by the end of Spring Quarter.
Update: Strategic Plan & Vision, Mission Alignment (Dawn Vinberg / Laura Rehrmann /
Stuart Trippel)
The Strategic Plan Task Force met in early November and incorporated the comments received.
After the Executive Team looks at the input, the Task Force will meet again. In Winter Quarter, there
may be more meetings. Once finalized, it will be rolled out to the campus community and community
at large, then go to the Board.
The Board will discuss the draft Strategic goals and current Vision and Mission. There is opportunity
for online comments on the wording (not the concept). Most the deans have a division meeting
before the end of the quarter and will discuss the Vision/Mission goal then.
Discuss Good to Great (Laura Rehrmann)
Laura showed the PowerPoint, Our Journey from Good to Great (Jim Collins). “The culture of
discipline is not a principle of business, it is a principle of greatness" (Jim Collins) is not confined to
business. The author received 30-50% of reader responses from outside business.
Discuss key concepts:
Research/empirical data showed that Level 5 leadership takes a company from good to great. Every
company that went to great had Level 5 leadership in the pivotal transition years. They made sure
the right decisions happened and were motivated by the mission and vision, not by themselves. They
have personal humility and make sure the vison and mission stay in front of everyone.
Level 4, effective leaders—keep their teams motivated.
Level 3, competent managers—organize people and resources towards the objective.
Level 2, contributing team member—contribute their capabilities to the group objective and work
effectivity within the group.
Level 1, highly capable individuals—make productive contributions.
In the Learning Pods, each person will define which level leadership they are and the level they need
to go to.
Executive Level 5 leadership—Professional Will—is a clear catalyst for going from good to great.
Level 5 leaders have professional humility—are never boastful—and rely on standards, not
charisma. They set up the next level of success to go beyond their time in that position. When there
are poor results, they do self-scrutiny (look in the mirror) first. They look out the window to give credit
to others when things go well. They are intensely driven to produce sustained results.
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Executive Leadership and Legislative Leadership—that combination makes any leader successful.
Legislative leaders have a different leadership skill set and the powers of inclusion, language, shared
interests and coalitions. There is early constant assessment, hiring great people and cultivation of
motivation. "True leadership only exists if people follow when they have the freedom not to." Burns,
Positional leadership puts together rules to help.
What is Shoreline’s Hedgehog Concept
The Stockdale paradox—resolve that we will survive it; never lose faith that we will get there; we
may not know the end game, but we are resolved to get there; confront the brutal facts while at
the same time never losing faith on ultimate victory.
With the Hedgehog concept, we narrow down to essential things only so we can gauge passion,
skill set and resource to know where to say “no.” Hedgehog is internal.
The Flywheel is how we gain momentum internally and externally. The Flywheel concept wraps
around the Hedgehog and has four components—attract believers, build strength, demonstrate
results and build brand. The Flywheel builds momentum. The brand is a deep well of good will
and share of heart so supporters believe not only in the mission, but in our capacity to deliver on
it. Stakeholders are all constituents, including our students and community.
What is the Hedgehog goal of understanding that will take us to the great level? What will our
resource engine look like? What does our passion look like? Confront the brutal facts.
Culture of Discipline—track output/measurements around mission fulfillment. What it measures
will tell us if we achieve the goals we set and determine our Hedgehog concept. Trajectory, drive
towards higher levels of performance and impact, sustaining great results—People-ThoughtAction. They are fanatically consistent within the Hedgehog concept. Duality—people adhering to
a system also ask to have freedom. The Nordstrom concept (wide boulevards with high curbs) is
a system with confinement.
Learning Pods Meet. The pods provided the following input.
What is commonly understood:
appealing to intrinsic mission, great resources, work toward common goal, hire/retain right people,
get wrong people off the bus, pockets of greatness, students as common denominator, build
community, not hedgehog enough, opportunities to learn, assessing/ownership, not saying yes to
everything, importance of long term planning and humility, using Good to Great as guideline for
fulfilling the College mission and vision statement-not making dollars, alleviate fear of failure.
What is new:
right people on/wrong people off, Hedgehog concept (for 10 groups), agree on true North—
passion, what are our resources, liked world class discussion and what to say yes to, need to
know about pockets of greatness and creating those pockets, agree on what our passion is and
not drown in environmental factors, set short term vs long term goals—understand trajectory of
success, creating a brand.
What we want to learn more about:
who decides what, when and if to change the Hedgehog concept; how to apply discussion to
hiring; how is Hedgehog concept shown in hiring, evaluations; how do we measure greatness;
Hedgehog concept is challenging, learn about selves and leadership; need for
coaching/mentoring toward Level 5; how to align department with Hedgehog concept; and
strategic planning.
Admin Team Meeting Summary
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Level 5 Leadership in preparation for Strategic Plan implementation (Laura Rehrmann)
Develop discipline-managed culture. Management culture uses similar approaches for hiring,
development, coaching, employee engagement/decision-making and demonstrate similar
competencies. The purpose of the Pods is to build a level of trust in the Learning Pods and Admin
Team over time, to support professional learning on key competencies and reinforce the learning
outside of meetings. Pods will meet once a month and have structured assignments/questions.
Laura reviewed the upcoming items on the January 25th agenda. The Pods will discuss applying
G2G to our role as managers/leaders. The Pods evaluated the meeting and left the input.
Submitted by Batyah Chliek
Admin Team Meeting Summary
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