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“The writing is focused, vivid, and
engaging . . .the strongest I have seen
in a college textbook for majors
studying Western art music. The
author excels at breathing life into
the works of prominent composers,
and at setting in sharp relief the
historical and cultural circumstances
that engendered them.”
– Lorenzo Candelaria
University of Texas at Austin
“The most important contribution
this text makes is to connect the
historical detail to the kinds of things
one finds in the music. The author is
modeling what music history can do
at its best”
–– Cynthia J. Cyrus
Blair School of Music, Vanderbilt
“The text is organized, focused on
topics, and generally comprehensive
in approach. The way in which it
covers a composer’s oeuvre in its
entirety and only once could have
–– Jess Tyre
State University of New York
at Potsdam
“The greatest strength of the
manuscript is the prose description of
important elements in the musical
–– Christine Smith Dorey
Case Western Reserve University
Anthology for Music in
Western Civilization
Instructor’s Edition
All volumes of Anthology for Music in Western
Civilization by Roden, Wright, and Simms
contain scores representing all the major
European styles, genres, and composers. The
anthologies include an introduction to, a score
for, and (where applicable) lyrics and
translation for each piece discussed in the text
and included in its CD set. It is available in a
two- and a three-volume set to provide
instructors with maximum flexibility. It can
also be customized through TextChoice.
To order packaged with this text, contact your
Thomson Schirmer sales representative.
Volume I, Chapters 1–40
ISBN: 0-495-02999-8
Volume II, Chapters 41–83
ISBN: 0-495-03000-7
Volume A, Chapters 1–28
ISBN: 0-495-00879-6
Volume B, Chapters 29–51
ISBN: 0-495-00881-8
Volume C, Chapters 52–83
ISBN: 0-495-00894-X
Audio CDs for Music
in Western Civilization
CD Volume 1
ISBN: 0-495-00632-7
Includes 3 CDs covering Chapters 1–28.
CD Volume 2
ISBN: 0-495-00633-5
Includes 5 CDs covering Chapters 29–51
CD Volume 3
ISBN: 0-495-00634-3
Includes 5 CDs covering Chapters 52–83
ISBN: 0-495-00629-7
Instructor’s Resource CD-ROM
for Music in Western Civilization
with Multimedia Manager and
ExamView® Computerized Testing
ISBN: 0-495-00872-9
This all-in-one multimedia resource includes
the Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank and
Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides with lecture
outlines. Text maps and music examples, as
well as photographs from the text and other
sources, are incorporated in the presentations.
Also included is ExamView, an easy-to-use
assessment and tutorial system that allows you
to create, deliver, and customize tests and study
guides (both print and online) in minutes.
ExamView offers both a Quick Test Wizard and
an Online Test Wizard that guide you step by step
through the process of creating tests—you can
even see the test you are creating on the screen
exactly as it will print or display online. You can
build tests of up to 250 questions using up to
12 question types. Using ExamView’s complete
word-processing capabilities, you can enter an
unlimited number of new questions or edit
existing questions.
Instructor’s Manual and Test Bank
ISBN: 0-495-00630-0
The Music in Western Civilization Instructor’s
Manual and Test Bank includes multiple-choice,
definitional, short-answer, fill-in, and essay
questions, as well as answers to the
Workbook’s analytical questions.
Workbook for Music in
Western Civilization
ISBN: 0-495-00631-9
Prepared by Timothy Roden of Ohio Wesleyan
University, contains a set of analytical questions
for each musical selection in the CD set and
Anthologies, as well as a guide to research in
and writing about music, by Sterling Murray.
It can be customized through TextChoice.
To order packaged with this text, contact your
Thomson Schirmer sales representative.
Wright Book Companion Web Site
When you adopt this text, you and your
students will have access to a rich array of
teaching and learning resources that you won’t
find anywhere else. This outstanding site
features: chapter-by-chapter online tutorial
quizzes, a final exam, chapter outlines, chapter
reviews, chapter-by-chapter weblinks, and more!
Visit TextChoice, Thomson Custom Solution’s
digital library, to create a customized text for
your music course. Assemble and manipulate
content from the text, anthology, and
workbook to create a learning package for
your course—and even add your own teaching
Ask your Thomson Schirmer sales representative
for details or visit us on the web at:
For information on textbooks for all
of your course needs, visit us at
WRIGHT/SIMMS—Music in Western Civilization