2015 PiPEx Baldrige-based Health Care Event Performance Excellence Affordable Care Act Welcome! “I see the Baldrige process as a powerful set of mechanisms for disciplined people engaged in disciplined thought and taking disciplined action to create great organizations that produce exceptional results.” Jim Collins, bestselling author of Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap… And Others Don’t 2 Agenda How Baldrige Came About A historical perspective The Baldrige Enterprise The Framework/Criteria Baldrige Performance Excellence Overview Baldrige-based Model Using the Baldrige Criteria Understanding Criteria Items Evaluation Why Baldrige for Health Care? Introduction to PiPEx Who we are What we do Resources 3 History of Baldrige In the mid-1980s, U.S. leaders realized that American companies needed to focus on quality in order to compete in an ever-expanding, demanding global marketplace. The goal of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Improvement Act of 1987 (Public Law 100-107) is to enhance the competitiveness of U.S. businesses. Its scope has since been expanded to health care and education organizations (in 1999) and to nonprofit/government organizations (in 2005). Congress created the program to: Establish criteria for evaluating improvement efforts Identify and recognize role-model businesses Disseminate and share best practices Malcolm Baldrige Secretary of Commerce 1981-1987 4 Baldrige Enterprise National Program State Programs Massachusetts · New York · Connecticut 5 Partners in Performance Excellence Who We Are – Partners in Performance Excellence is the only multi-state program that is a member of and authorized through the Alliance for Performance Excellence to serve MA, NY, and CT. The National Baldrige Program supports us with publications, educational materials, conferences, and much more. Our Mission – To help organizations become more effective, competitive, and sustainable using the proven Baldrige framework for performance excellence. Our Vision – To be the partner of choice in guiding organizations across MA, NY, and CT to world-class performance excellence. 6 Baldrige Performance Excellence Overview Baldrige an integrated management framework that gets results. Criteria are “just” a set of really good questions designed to help you: Understand your organization Lead your organization Manage your organization Improve your organization 7 Baldrige-Based Model – A Systems Perspective A flexible “systems” approach - non-prescriptive Uses the latest validated management practices 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Leadership Baldrige is a Holistic Management Framework Strategic Planning Customer Focus; Measurement, Analysis & Knowledge Management Workforce Focus Operations Focus Results ISO, Six Sigma, Lean, Balanced Scorecard, Strategy Maps Tools The Baldrige Criteria focus on organizational improvement and innovation systems. Six Sigma & Lean methodologies drive waste and inefficiencies out of processes that users of the Baldrige Criteria identify for improvement. 8 2015-2016 Baldrige Excellence Framework and Criteria (Health Care) www.nist.gov/baldrige/publications/upload/2015_2016_Baldrige_Framework_HC_Free_Sample-2.pdf 9 From Fighting Fires to Innovation: An Analogy for Learning Business/Nonprofit, Education, and Health Care Credit: From Baldrige Performance Excellence Program. 2015. 2015–2016 Baldrige Excellence Framework: A Systems Approach to Improving Your Organization’s Performance. Gaithersburg, MD: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology. http://www.nist.gov/baldrige. 10 Evaluating Items Process Results A – Approach, method described Le – Levels, results listed in meaningful scales D – Deployment, where and when used T – Trends, positive direction , rate, 3 data points over three years L – Learning, evidence of cyclical improvements based on outcomes C – Comparisons, appropriate results comparatives provided I – Integration, process is aligned with needs, goals, and related processes I – Integration, results linked to needs, goals and key factors 11 Top Issues Confronting Hospitals Top Issues Confronting Hospitals Financial challenges Patient safety and quality http://www.ache.org/PUBS/research/ceoissues.cfm Healthcare reform implementation Governmental mandates Care for the uninsured Patient satisfaction Physician-hospital relations “As CEOs are positioning their organizations to succeed in an uncertain environment, it is not surprising that financial challenges, patient safety and quality, and healthcare reform continue to be on their minds,” says Thomas C. Dolan, PhD, FACHE, CAE, Past President and CEO of ACHE. Technology Population health management Personnel shortages Creating an accountable care organization 12 Why Baldrige? Comparison Between Joint Commission Standards, Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award Criteria, and Magnet Recognition Program Components “While Joint Commission standards, and Baldrige criteria, and the Magnet components contain requirements that address the effectiveness of important activities, the Baldrige criteria could be considered to be more encompassing in its expectations. The Baldrige criteria focus on outcomes in several areas not explicitly addressed in Joint Commission standards, including productivity and cycle times, strategy implementation results, patient satisfaction levels, patient and stakeholder engagement, various aspects of the workforce climate, societal responsibilities, and financial and market performance.” The Baldrige criteria address more “business” issues than the Joint Commission standards. The Magnet program naturally focuses on excellence in nursing. Organizations that use all three—the Joint Commission standards, Baldrige criteria, and Magnet components—may actually have the most robust approaches to organizational improvement. Joint Commission Website 3/14/2013: http://www.jointcommission.org/joint_commission_and_baldrige/ 13 Baldrige Hospitals Experience faster five-year performance improvement than peers. Are 83% more likely to be among Thomson Reuters’ 100 Top Hospitals® Outperformed non-Baldrige hospitals on 6 of 7 - 100 Top Hospitals Measures. 100 Top Hospital winners extensively use Baldrige practices (80%). Highest formal use: Teaching hospitals (nearly 70%) By 2018: 65% of Hospitals will most likely use the Baldrige Criteria for improvement or assessment. 41% of Hospitals are likely to apply for a state-level Baldrige-based award. Hill Country Memorial Fredericksburg, TX 2014 MBNQA Recipient 14 Value of Baldrige Adaptable to Your Organization – Baldrige is not prescriptive • You decide what is important to your organization in the Organization Profile – The Health Care Criteria encourages use of creative and flexible approaches • You choose improvement tools most suited to your organization and culture, assess your progress, and adapt Adaptable to Your Organization – Baldrige Award applicants, receive a valuable feedback reports identifying organizational key themes, strengths, and opportunities for improvement – Opportunities to network with and benchmark Baldrige Award recipients, role model organizations across industries 15 Upcoming Events Customer & Employee Metrics for Success June 15, 2015 8:30 am – 12:00 pm New England Organ Bank 60 1st Avenue Waltham, MA 02451 PiPEx Baldrige-based Examiner Training August 31, 2015 & September 1, 2015 8:30 am – 4:00 pm New England Organ Bank 60 1st Avenue Waltham, MA 02451 September 2, 2015 & September 3, 2015 8:30 am – 4:00 pm TBD Utica, NY 16 Resources For More Information: Partners in Performance Excellence www.partnerspex.org Baldrige Performance Excellence Program: www.quality.nist.gov The Alliance for Performance Excellence: www.baldrigepe.org The American Society for Quality: http://asq.org/ Get Involved: Marta Nichols, PiPEx Executive Director • marta@partnerspex.org • 781-801-6893 http://www.partnerspex.org 17 A Special Thanks to Our Current Members and Sponsors PiPEx is recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt, charitable organization. As such, your membership and contributions are tax deductible. 18