Copyright 0 1983 by the Genetics Society of America MITOCHONDRIAL FOUR-POINT CROSSES IN ASPERGILLUS NIDULANS: MAPPING O F A SUPPRESSOR OF A MITOCHONDRIALLY INHERITED COLD-SENSITIVE MUTATION RICHARD B. WARING’ AND CLAUDIO SCAZZOCCHIO Department of Biology, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom Manuscript received August 1,1980 Revised copy accepted November 12, 1982 ABSTRACT Four-point mitochondrial crosses were conducted in heterokaryons of Aspergillus nidulans. The mutations used were (oliAZ), conferring resistance to oligomycin, (camAll2), conferring resistance to chloramphenicol; (cs-67), conferring cold-sensitivity, and (sumD16), a suppressor of (cs-67). Initially, the crosses were conducted by observing the segregation of extranuclear markers in heterokaryotic sectors emerging from the original point of heterokaryosis. This showed that (camAZl2), (cs-67) and (sumD16) were linked but were probably all unlinked to (oIiAl). Second, four-point crosses were conducted using a double marker selection technique, in which (camAl12) and (oliAl) were always set in repulsion and the frequency of the phenotypes produced by the segregation of the mutant and wild-type alleles of (cs-67) and (sumD) were observed in (camAll2 oliAl) recombinants. From these results we concluded that (camAllZ), (cs-67) and (sumD16) were linked and probably mapped in the order given. It was observed that the two nuclear types of conidia from a heterokaryon often had a dissimilar frequency distribution of the segregants of a mitochondrial cross. LTHOUGH mitochondrial recombination has been shown in Podospora A anserina (BELCOUR and BEGEL1977), Schizosaccharomyces pombe (SEITZMAYR,WOLFand KAUDEWITZ 1978), Kluyveromyces lactis (BRUNNER, DE COBOS and GRIFFITHS 1977), Neurospora crassa (MANNELLA and LAMBOWITZ1978) and 1975), extensive formal genetics Aspergillus nidulans (ROWLANDSand TURNER has only been carried out with the mitochondrial genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In A. nidulans the establishment of a genetic map has been hindered by a lack of genetic markers and a reliable way of identifying the independent events leading to segregation in a mitochondrial cross. To date four mitochondrially inherited phenotypes have been described: oligomycin resistance mapping at (oliA) and (oliB) (ROWLANDS and TURNER 1973; TURNER and WATSON 1976), chloramphenicol resistance mapping at (camA) and (camB) (GUNATILLEKE, SCAZZOCCHIO and ARST1975; LAZARUSand TURNER 1977), cold sensitivity mapping at (cs-67) (WALDRON and ROBERTS1973) and suppression of (CS-67) mapping at the (sumD) locus (WARING and SCAZZOCCHIO 1980). (oliA) and (oliB) Present address: Department of Biochemistry, University of Manchester, Instltute of Sclence and Technology, P 0 Box 88, Manchester, M60 IQD Unlted Kingdom. Genetics 103 409-428 March, 1983 410 R. B. W A R I N G AND C. SCAZZOCCHIO are difficult to separate by recombination and probably map in the same gene. 1977). The same is true for (camA) and (camB) (LAZARUSand TURNER Four different methods have been used to study the formal mitochondrial genetics of A. nidulans: (1)random spore analysis in which heterokaryons are set between strains carrying different mitochondrial markers and then haploid conidiospores are collected, plated out, grown up and scored for the markers segregating. Results obtained by this method are very inconsistent because in reality the hyphae of heterokaryons often contain a high proportion of homokaryotic sections. ROWLANDand TURNER (1975) partially reduced this variability by defining a modified recombination frequency, in which they included in their analysis only those colonies with a reassorted mitochondrial genotype, that is, with either a recombinant genotype or showing reassortment of nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. (2) cleistothecial analysis, whereby mitochondrial crosses are scored using the fruiting bodies, produced during the sexual cycle of A. nidulans. This method, however, did not give very consistent results (MASON and TURNER 1975). (3) heterokaryon sector analysis based on the observation that heterokaryons produce sectors which usually become rapidly homogeneous with respect to their mitochondrial genome (i.e., the phenotype of the conidia from a single sector is uniform and completely stable with respect to any mitochondrial markers). One can, therefore, treat each sector as representing the outcome of a single independent segregational event (ROWLANDS and TURNER 1973, 1974; GUNATILLEKE 1974). (4) ROWLANDSand TURNER (1975) analyzed mitochondrial crosses using a marker selection technique but found that selecting for different markers in the same conidial sample from a heterokaryon suggested dissimilar linkage maps. We considered that their method was possibly prone to biased sampling and so attempted to use this method with a number of modifications described later. In this paper four-point mitochondrial crosses have been conducted using heterokaryon sector analysis and a marker selection technique. These showed that (camAIlP), (cs-67) and (sumD26) are linked, probably mapping in the order given, and that all three are probably unlinked to (oliA1). Although the crosses were set for mapping purposes, the results obtained suggested some preliminary conclusions about the formal mitochondrial genetics of A. nidulans. Since this work was completed we have sequenced a considerable portion of the mitochondrial genome of A. nidulans. A number of genes have been sequenced and located on the physical map (DAVIESet al. 1982). Some of these have intervening sequences that are likely to require the expression of mitochondrial genes in order to be correctly spliced. We have also identified a number of unassigned open reading frames, some of which are probably bona fide genes. New mitochondrial mutations and the mapping techniques developed here will help to identify the function of the unknown genes and to investigate the mechanism of mRNA splicing. MATERIALS AND METHODS Strains: All strains used in this work are derived from the original Glasgow wild-type strain and are essentially isogenic except for the defined markers. To carry out mitochondrial crosses, MITOCHONDRIAL CROSSES IN ASPERGILLUS 411 extranuclear markers were kept in the following two nuclear backgrounds: biAl IuAi cnxH5 and yA2 pyroA4 cnxC3. biAl, luA1 and pyroA4 have nutritional requirements for biotin, leucine and pyridoxine, respectively; yA2 produces yellow conidial color; cnxC3 and cnxH5 are both unable to use either nitrate or hypoxanthine as a nitrogen source. On medium containing oligomycin, strains carrying luA1 or IuAl (oIiAl) grew much slower than strains carrying luA+ or IuA+ (oIiAl), respectively. This effect was partially alleviated by supplementing the media with twice the usual amount of leucine. To date, only strains carrying the aforementioned two nuclear backgrounds produced well-balanced heterokaryons without having to transfer the heterokaryons to fresh medium. In vivo techniques: These are described in WARING and SCAZZOCCHIO (1980). Chloramphenicol and oligomycin resistance were routinely scored on media containing, respectively, 2.5 mg/ml and 3.0 pg/ml of the appropriate inhibitor. The cold-sensitive and suppressed phenotypes, conferred respectively by the mitochondrial genotypes (cs-67) and (cs-67 sumDl6), were scored by their reduced growth at 20' on complete medium. A strain with the mitochondrial genotype (cs-67+ sumD16) was indistinguishable from the wild type when grown at 20'. The degree of growth at 20' on an arbitrary scale from 0-10 was 10 for the wild type, 3 for (cs-67), 8 for (cs-67 sumD16) and 10 for (sumD16). Heterokaryon formation: Strains carrying the markers biAl luAl cnxH5 and yA2 pyroA4 cnxC3 were inoculated at exactly the same point on minimal medium, containing sodium nitrate as the sole nitrogen source (REVER1965). After 3 days' growth at 37' a heterokaryon core appeared in which good cytoplasmic mixing had usually occurred. To analyze mitochondrial crosses in heterokaryons, good cytoplasmic mixing must be achieved by establishing well-balanced heterokaryons. However, this encourages the production of sectors, which are homogenous for their mitochondrial genome. When conidia are collected from a heterokaryon beginning to sector, a comparatively small number of independent segregational events are being analyzed. Each of these independent events will be represented by a different number of conidia, particularly as sectoring promotes rapid radial growth. Thus, a biased conidial sample will result. Because ROWLANDS and TURNER (1974, 1975) only sampled single young heterokaryons, we suspected that some of the variability they encountered, particularly with the marker selection technique, was due to biased sampling. During the course of this work it became clear to us that sampling from a number of heterokaryons gave more reproducible results, and we believe that a bias is present during the initiation of sectors before they are even visible. (1973) and GUNATILLEKE (1974) include a transfer stage in establishBoth ROWLANDSand TURNER ing heterokaryons. As we felt that this might produce a bias by promoting early sectoring, through growing out onto fresh medium, heterokaryons were set using strains carrying markers such that no transfer stage was required. (1974, Random spore analysis: This was a modification of the method of ROWLANDSand TURNER 1975). Heterokaryons were set as described and incubated at 37' until heterokaryotic cores had just begun to appear. Conidia were collected from 20 cores for each cross and plated out on two types of media which selected separately for the two parental nuclear backgrounds. The mitochondrial genotype of the resulting colonies was then deduced by replicating them onto appropriate test media, using a velvet replicating technique. The frequency of recombination between two extranuclear markers was expressed as: number of colonies with an extranuclear recombinant genotype/ number of colonies in which either of the two extranuclear markers being analyzed have reassorted with respect to the nuclear genomes, or more concisely: number of recombinants/number of reassorted. The number of reassorted/total number of colonies was known as the reassortment and indicated the degree of cytoplasmic mixing that had occurred. The two nuclear backgrounds were treated separately for the calculation of reassortment and recombination frequency values. (1974) and Heterokaryon sector analysis: The method is based on that of ROWLANDSand TURNER GUNATILLEKE 1974). The two parent strains were set in heterokaryons and incubated at 37O until sectors had grown out which were then velvet replicated onto appropriate test media. Individual sectors could only be identified after analysis of the test plates, as it was not possible to define these from the original heterokaryon plates. A sample of conidia from each sector, taken from the original heterokaryon plates, was streakedout on two different types of media, selecting for the two parental nuclear backgrounds. Master plates were made by taking up to five colonies per sector per nuclear background, and the extranuclear phenotype of each sector was identified on test 412 R. B. WARINC AND C. SCAZZOCCHIO FIGURE1.-Scoring mitochondrial crosses by heterokaryon sector analysis. In this example heterokaryons were set between the strains yA2 pyroA4 cnxC3 (oliA1) and biA1 luAl cnxH5 (comAII2 cs-67). The phenotypes of each sector were derived as described in MATERIALS AND MFTHODS by velvet replication onto the following media, incubated at 37' unless otherwise indicated: Top left, master plate: middle left, synthetic complete (S.C.) + chloramphenicol: middle right, complete medium (20'): bottom left, (S.C.) + oligomycin: bottom right, (S.C.). "Synthetic complete" indicates minimal medium (COVE1966) plus all the necessary supplements (pyridoxine, leucine and et al. (1953). Sectors are biotin). "Complete medium" is a rich medium described in PONTECORVO marked with their mitochondrial genotype (+ indicates wild-type allele, indicates mutant allele). the markers always being written in the following order: (camAI12 oliAl cs-67). hetpl = a heteroplasmic sector. - plates. If all of the colonies derived from a single sector did not have identical phenotypes this sector was considered heteroplasmic and discarded. An example of this technique is shown in Figure 1. Defining a sector in this manner means that two independent events producing juxtapositioned sectors with identical phenotypes will be scored as a single event. Conversely. a single event, producing two sectors, that are separated by another sector will be scored twice. These two sources of error make it impossible to identify independent events, but if it is assumed that these events act independently of the mitochondrial markers present in the cross and in opposite directions they should approximately compensate for one another. To define what constituted an MITOCHONDRIAL CROSSES IN ASPERGILLUS 413 independent sector, the following principle was adopted. If two sectors of similar phenotype were separated on both sides by a sector of a different phenotype, they were considered to be two independent sectors (e.g., sectors C and D, or E and F in Figure 1).If this was not the case, they were considered to represent only one segregational event (e.g., A and B in Figure 1). Double marker selection analysis: The two selected extranuclear markers were (camA112) and (oliA1) were set in the repulsion configuration in all crosses so that (camAI12 oliA1) recombinants could be selected for. For each cross, 20 heterokaryons of the two parents (nuclear backgrounds: yA2 pyroA4 cnxC3 and biA1 luA1 cnxH5) were set on minimal medium plus nitrate. After 3 days, conidia were collected from the center of all of the heterokaryon cores. (camAI12 oliA1) recombinants were isolated by plating out the conidia on two types of media that selected separately for the two nuclear backgrounds but contained both chloramphenicol and oligomycin to select for the (camAll2 oliA1) recombinants. Some of these putative recombinants proved to be heteroplasmons (ROWLANDS and TURNER 1974, 1975). The only locus that was heteroplasmic at a significant frequency was (oliAl),probably because the selection of the (oliA1) allele by oligomycin was being counteracted by selection for [oliA+), due to the pleiotropic slow growth effect of (oliA1). Such heteroplasmons were detected by testing the putative (camA112 oliA1) colonies on nonselective medium at 37" and looking for sectoring which indicated the presence of a genome carrying the (oliA+)marker. All heteroplasmons were discarded. The (cs-67) and (sumD16) markers were scored by replicating the (camAI12 oliAI) recombinants onto two test plates: complete medium alone and complete medium containing chloramphenicol and oligomycin. These were incubated at 20" and scored for the three phenotypes: wild type, suppressed and cold-sensitive (the phenotype of strains with a (cs-67+ sumDI6) genotype is the same as that of the wild type). Occasionally, a colony was found to have a different phenotype on the two test media or to have a phenotype unlike any of the three expected phenotypes, indicating that the colony was heteroplasmic. Such colonies were also discarded. (comAll2 oliA1) recombinants in the yA2 pyroA4 cnxC3 background were scored very reliably using the velvet replication technique. However, a master plate/wire replicator technique was used for colonies having the biA1 luA1 cnxH5 background because strains carrying (oliA1) and luA1 grew particularly slowly on oligomycin, and the colonies had to be checked carefully to ensure that they were homoplasmic at the (oliA1) locus. RESULTS Transmission frequencies in heterokaryon sectors The frequency with which a mitochondrial marker is transmitted in the segregants of a mitochondrial cross is known as the transmission frequency (DUJON, SLONIMSKI and WEILL 1974). This can be best studied in A. nidulans using heterokaryon sector analysis. The transmission frequencies of (camAZZZ), (oliAZ) and (cs-67) in four four-point crosses are shown in Table 1. There was bias against (oliAl) in all four crosses, whereas the transmission frequencies for (camAZZ2) and (cs-67) were approximately 50%. The transmission frequencies for (sumDZ6) are not presented, as the mitochondrial genotype (sumDZ6) cannot be distinguished phenotypically from the wild type. In other crosses in which both parents carried the mutation (cs-67), (sumDl6) gave transmission frequencies varying between 45 and 55% (data not shown). There are three possible contributing causes to the low transmission frequency of (oliAZ). First, the mutation might act prior to cytoplasmic mixing by lowering the input ratio of its own mitochondrial genome. Second, the mutation SLONIMSKI and WEILL1974) such that it acts at could have a polar effect (DUJON, the level of recombination, affecting a process such as gene conversion. Third, the mutation might be selected against after cytoplasmic mixing during vegetative segregation. Given that (oliAl) is probably a point mutation similar to 414 R. B. WARING AND C. SCAZZOCCHIO TABLE 1 Frequency of transmission of the mitochondrial markers camA112, OliAl and cs-67 in four-point crosses using heterokoryon sector analysis TransTransmission No. of mission Total NO. of sectors fresectors freno. of - quency ____ quency sectors Corn+ corn(w) olj' o1j(W) + + + ) cs-67 sumD) sectors -~ Transmission fiequency CS+ CS- @I 86 41 45 52 61 25 29 37 49 57 59 30 29 49 37 22 37 31 28 47 + ) 67 sumD) 64 33 31 48 44 20 31 37 27 42 y (camA olla + + ) + cs-67 sumD) gr( 73 39 34 47 45 28 38 35 38 52 ( gr(camA oliA No. of + ( + + gr(camA oliA + y (camA + oliA gr( + + + + ) 67 sumD) y and gr represent the nuclear backgrounds yA2 pyroA4 cnxC3 and biA1 luAl cnxH5, respectively. oIi2 in S. cerevisiae (MACINO and TZAGOLOFF 1980), we consider a polar effect unlikely. Thus far, mutations causing polarity have been shown to be deletions or insertions (STRAUSBERG and BUTOW1981; DUJON1980). One can decide which of the other two possibilities are more likely by considering those sectors in which recombination has taken place between (camA) and (oliA). A decrease in the relative input of (oliA1) would only alter the frequency of recombination between (camA) and (&A) but not the ratio of the two possible recombinant genotypes (see also DUJON,SLONIMSKI and WEILL1974).In fact, the recombinant class containing (oliA2) was less frequent in all crosses than the one containing (oliA') (data not shown). This is what one would expect if (oJiAZ) acts after recombination has taken place and is consistent with the observation that strains carrying (oliAl) have a reduced growth rate. Heterokaryon sector analysis of recombination in four-point crosses The frequency of recombination between each pair of markers in each cross is presented in Table 2. Each pair of markers was in coupling in two crosses and in repulsion in two crosses except for (cs-67) and (sumDZ6) which were always in coupling. The four crosses gave reasonably comparable results and so average recombination frequencies were calculated. Equal weight was given to each cross because it could not be assumed that they were strictly equivalent. Although the recombinant genotype (cs-67+ sumDZ6) could not be identified phenotypically, its reciprocal recombinant class (cs-67 sumD+) clearly occurred rarely in each cross. As there is no phenotypic selection against the (cs-67 SumD') genotype, we have estimated the recombination frequency of (Cs-67) with (sumDzf-3) by assuming that reciprocal recombinant classes occur with equal frequency at the population level and doubling the frequency of the (CS67 sumD+) recombinant class. 415 MITOCHONDRIAL CROSSES IN ASPERGILLUS _ - U na z0 - - w > w m r h N '3g. N v z: V se h E TIE 2 m ?s sg :-g 9 h N m - Q gs U 5 c z m Jc $2 $4 v) .- v) 5 v)h 3 E S E 26 h 4 Y % st 2 h m v V Em R X !! +2 c 01 .v) h ri m - h r( w v A!= 2.2 ,vJ N E N .m 25 0-0 52 & 24 ri h E Q'S2 5 $ N N 22 z '0 -c v) N 2s 'G CT % Y E 3 .5- ab 3 b ; .+ v E .,o 6 23 zz ri 0 C h h 9 ,v E ..-0 2 2 v) G d m m 5 $ 2 S- mE .O 5;;; CkU 5 .9 ,o 42 E E2 Y s c m U .&Q ,gl (0 -r 2 $E h - 9 E + 2 (0 h -- 0 Z E d o - h 9 E +:, 3- h g:: + 2 h (0 ac, 9 E + & + & +; %Z 7 +% p 7 E +z w v h & +7 4 0 -s + 0 7 5+ Y V A & 2: E 2 I W g : b z: m gz 0 9 gzcx :2 w := B Ti 416 R. B. WARING AND C. SCAZZOCCHIO (oJiA1) showed an average recombination frequency of 33% with (camA112) and 28% with (cs-67). (cs-67) showed an average recombination frequency of 14% with (camAZZ2) and approximately 8% with (sumD16). In preliminary three-point crosses involving (camA112), (cs-67) and (sumDZ6), including ones with (cs-67) and (sumDZ6) in repulsion, recombination frequencies were consistent with the four-point crosses presented here. The average of the estimated recombination frequencies for (cs-67) - (sumD16) was 12%.These crosses were not strictly comparable to the four-point crosses as the (oJiA1) marker was not included, nor were the nuclear backgrounds identical. Is (camAZ12) more closely linked to (cs-67) or (sumD26)? Of a total of 282 sectors analyzed in the four crosses, 11 could be identified as showing recombination between (cs-67) and (sumD16), and these belong to the (cs-67 sumD+) recombinant class. Five of these were also recombinants for the alleles of (camA) and (cs-67), whereas six were also recombinants for the alleles of (camA) and (sumD). This meant that we were not able to deduce the relative positions of (camA), (cs-67) and (sumDZ6) using heterokaryon sector analysis. Double marker selection analysis ROWLANDSand TURNER (1975) concluded that a double marker selection technique could not be used for mapping mitochondrial markers because of irreproducibility and the apparent presence of nonreciprocal recombination. We considered that both of these effects may have resulted from biased sampling due to the way in which the crosses were conducted and so made four modifications. First, we collected conidia from 20 identically set heterokaryons, rather than a single heterokaryon. Second, we used strains with nuclear backgrounds such that heterokaryons could be established directly on forcing medium because we thought transferring heterokaryons to fresh medium might promote early sectoring and, hence, biased samples. Third, we analyzed much larger sample sizes. Fourth, we analyzed each mitochondrial cross separately in the two types of conidia present, one type having one parental nuclear genotype and the second the other parental nuclear genotype. This was because we had observed that this was an important variable in the random spore analysis of heterokaryons, as is shown in Table 3 for two mitochondrial crosses. A x2 analysis showed that in both crosses the frequency of recombination between (cs-67) and (camAZZ2) was significantly different in the two nuclear backgrounds. To guard against any unidentified effect of the mitochondrial markers or their nuclear backgrounds, eight crosses were performed with the full permutations of the following three variables: coupled and repulsion configuration of (cs-67) with (sumD16); coupled and repulsion configuration of both (cs-67) and (sumDZ6) with both (camA112) and (oliA2); and interchanging the parental nuclear backgrounds for each mitochondrial cross. This method makes the assumption that reciprocal recombinational events will have the same number of representatives in the total sample analyzed. Work on yeast indicates that recombination is not reciprocal at the molecular level (VANWINKLE-SWIFT and BIRKY1978). However, except for polar crosses 417 MITOCHONDRIAL CROSSES IN ASPERGILLUS TABLE 3 Dissimilar frequency of recombination of mitochondrial markers in the two conidial nuclear types in heterokaryons Colonies reassorted for (comA) or (cs-67) Total colonies scored _ Cross A B ye _ _ gr 667 168 786 791 Total _ y ~ gr 134 43 280 111 _ Nonrecombinants _ _ y gr 121 28 220 70 Recombinants _ _ y gr 13 15 41 60 Reassort- Recombination frequency ment 70 _ y gr 0.20 0.26 0.36 0.14 y gr x2 Level of significance 10 21 35 37 13.49 9.19 0.001 0.01 Cross A was yA2 pyroA4 cnxC3 to biAl luA2 cnxH5 (camA112 cs-67); cross B was yA2 pyroA4 cnxC3 (cs-67 sumD16) to biA1 luAl cnxH5 (camA112). The frequency of recombination between (camA122) and (cs-67) was measured in bath crosses using random spare analysis (MATERIALS AND METHODS). This was done separately in the two nuclear backgrounds. x2 analysis consisted of comparing the number of recombinants and the number of nonrecombinant reassorted colonies in one nuclear background with those in the other, giving a 2 X 2 contingency table with one degree of freedom. ” y and gr, see Table 1. and crosses in which segregants are selected against at the phenotypic levels, reciprocal recombinant classes are produced with approximately equal frequencies at the population level. An exception to this has been noted for reciprocal recombinant genotypes of chloroplast loci of Chlamydomonas (HARRIS et al. 1977). Heterokaryon sector analysis showed that only (oJiA1) could possibly have a polar effect. It also showed that (oliAZ) is probably selected against at the phenotypic level. Neither of these should affect the assumption because (oliA1) was always one of the selected markers. Heterokaryons were set to carry out four-point mitochondrial crosses in which (camA112) and (oliAl) were always in repulsion. (camAI12 oliA1) recombinants were selected for and these then scored for the segregation of the two remaining markers, (cs-67) and (sumD16), with a view to establishing the linkage relationship of all four markers. As a strain with a (sumD16) genotype has the same phenotype as the wild type, one cannot determine the relative frequencies of the various types of crossover event in a single cross alone, and, therefore, all of the crosses must be analyzed as a unit. The validity of such a procedure will now be considered. The mitochondrial crosses fell into two groups on the basis of whether (cs67) and (oliA2) were originally in repulsion or in coupling (Table 4). At first sight, the latter group appeared to give reasonably consistent results. In the four crosses in which (oliA1) and (cs-67) were in repulsion there was significant heterogeneity, particularly in the biAl luA1 cnxH5 nuclear background. A reason for some of the variability could be seen by calculating the ratio of the (cs-67) allele to the (cs-67+) allele in the (camA122 oliA1) recombinants (Table 4). The allele that appeared to be present in relative excess in the colonies with a biAl luA1 cnxH5 background was also the allele that originated from the biA2 luAZ cnxH5 parent. A consideration of all of the data in Table 4 revealed that 418 R. B. WARING AND C. SCAZZOCCHIO A - a??" 6% mmt- 2- cc99 *-* 0 t . N "0 9 5 E$ 4qh " . t &G$$ 2.e s D 'Z gm m m m h.t;m ** U y?fi LD?? C O N h 22% Fm h e cm! ? ? 4 "?@! 3" g;'$zfb Il-y""Yj "3g 2 z.c2 g c s?-v W N zc my my my 33 - 1 ;%e" g 2 8.E 2sm13us Z-?? t . k &?+ 2:; t.N i?Zh ?3l 3 a63 z0gs;zg N 0 2.2 N ;I :: p5 Eo3*'C g * m a D m h a? E(DN N col? 4 9 h *-m ? J =? p ? ? x; m m m h ( D ( D Y C C " C W N .e 8 g@+ ' D & m " m 1z",.; "m :se3 55 m 00 ;. 2 I w-n I 2 $ s$qg g s ?e"! L z$?* .e 3 2o 23 2m n cCasm: z+t 0 y1 i l gm$j p? a &gz.aa, 2 ;ggs,, 2,zmU ¶ U 0 pa= a 2 -2 -c 5':c h25 .E g*;lE z ? z ? ? ? 3 c" G2J ym 5m 10 2 3 222 ; 2 2 2 2 2gc:33m Pe'-,2,eg .- g q $ Ez'gav.M t.N t- h 3 3 33%- I 3 11 2 .e .E 3 s D $74212 MhEZ 22; 222 m - 3 m 3 v t (ON?. . .- u aZ--Yo. gg2 z ' s ; 22: & " 3 N 4 3 23 ha?? w23 22: L? ri N t.- h c! n ?ai? X"r; 3 a ,cx a a2 2 $ $gzlz 6 E =ti I + % x z 0 s * r $?$!Cqg 2 22: 3 c??? 22% O N 3 C O m - - + 2 h +I I + U -HI I $ 8- 5 2 - ;y z W N h (D ti I + U (D tl I + U U .. * I I ., ., : s 2 x c 9a;.ca' c! i l e ;gas:$ +E 3.E c: D a ah g O $ .3 4 0 - -ng&$3 &zz: (D + h '0 z g c $ q 2 . a -Za%J,,:o 0 Bm , -.-2- i e ~" , mY m s m 9 j.I v * I ' I 3 e?Ja+&c + p\ 0 * I I .. + - W ' Z G 3 0 5.2 a $Zsz:3gs 5 ~ 2 $ ; U a D ~0 &:$ 9 2 a $;z 4 E +z PI g +; .5+ 0 ? E +z v- F;' Z 0 a zz: F;' Z 2 a z;z -- -- aE 2+ 4 6 .t +; 4+ T E +e vv :+ (0 h i+ -s + 0 T E +z U- ,.l v ,-..- U m '.E U3A623 v 6% z v - E mi+* . U 'CzCm. 2c "e-g & " Cz" c 2 N -3 I L3 n % z s / z $z51$ a%?ls v : U $,sWmQC g g $c !$mso 32 0" h 2.-3 :go$::? 2E3;.$; szglg ~r, 2 : a G 3:;ig.g N sm-,cw <2a E2 G6 z g 2 1 2 $ 5x $ :7%3zg v?z L?N? m - o w a SgEm -c:g;2 3 3 a ??? n x U '3 n o . 2 w z g ; ;2 2 ; : gs U h. k.*IZ g551g e p ' m5 m +m m s e 2 .-s h?? ggW m g * .z 2 L? % ? I 3 gsz :U x - o qilh a m 5 02 2 5 2 - i : .E 3 2 '1°C $ a : V > R m 3 -3 ; $ q p ? ? ;g !? 6% -2 j % ; C " Z @ $ h & a 0 $ z g (D h -aE +z h+ (0 h z ?+ ? E +E v- 0 .C-zELk%5k - (D E p wmo ,. -,-ac ,4 z Ia 2 2 uC Zx.s0 g e 3 x g g ::y;t-& .: I &o $:sgii"$zps :2 2 2 m aS 0 mmsw-* 2 2; m w - k % b g.;X;$ c c 1 3 5s g % < s & . g 3 a- c z = 3 c 4s 8 w z $ 4 mAm-4 a o.> S.Z+E gz0x,. c m m U" P Zccc E 419 MITOCHONDRIAL CROSSES IN ASPERGILLUS this had happened in all of the crosses except one: yA2 pyroA4 cnxC3 (camAZ22 CS-67sumDZ6) to biAZ luAZ cnxH5 (oliAl). The variation in the ratio of the (cs-67) alleles was analyzed statistically in those crosses in which (cs-67) and (oliA1) were in coupling. The nuclear background in which the cross was analyzed was treated as an independent variable. A analysis (with seven degrees of freedom) showed no overall heterogeneity at a 0.05 level of significance (x2= 10.44). However, a analysis of a 2 X 2 contingency table, designed to test the interaction of the nuclear background in which the (cs-67) alleles originated and the nuclear background in which their ratio was scored, was significant at the 0.01 level (2= 8.65, with one degree of freedom. We believe the higher than expected frequency of appearance of the (cs-67) marker in the background in which it originated reflects a genuine feature of the genetic system. However, further experimentation is required to substantiate this view. As the major source of heterogeneity, identified before, could be partially overcome by averaging the relative frequencies over the two nuclear backgrounds in which they were obtained, we considered that it was valid to analyze the crosses as a unit. In Table 5, we have considered six possible orders for the four markers. (oliAZ) is always shown as an outside marker since heterokaryon sector analysis showed that the other three were loosely linked. The first four orders show (cs67) and (sumDZ6) as neighbours, whereas the last two show (camAZZ2) in between them. As the genotype (cs-67+ sumD16) has the wild-type phenotype, only the relative frequencies of the (cs-67 sumD+)and (cs-67 sumDZ6) genotypes could be ascertained in any cross. The crossover events producing these genotypes will depend on the cross involved and the order of the markers. Table 5 shows schematically the types of crossover events that would have been required to produce these two genotypes in the four main mitochondrial crosses for each order postulated and the mean relative frequency with which they would have occurred in practice as derived from the data in Table 4. Each mean relative frequency figure was the average relative frequency of two crosses set with interchanged parental backgrounds, each already averaged over the two nuclear backgrounds in which it was scored (see Table 4). On the assumption that a double crossover event occurs less frequently than a single crossover event, the marker order that fits the experimental data best can be identified. Order 5, (oliA1 cs-67 camAZZ2 sumD16) is probably wrong because a double crossover event would have occurred more frequently than a single crossover event, Order 6 is probably wrong because the two single crossover events indicate that (oliAZ) and (sumD16) recombine much more frequently than (sumDZ6) and (camAllZ), whereas the two double crossover events, which both include a crossover between (camAZZ2) and (cs-67),indicate that the converse is true. Order 1, (oliAl cs-67 sumDZ6 camAZ12) appears to be wrong because a triple crossover event would have occurred more frequently than a single. Order 3 (oliAl camAI12 sumDZ6 cs-67) appears to be wrong because a triple crossover event would have occurred more frequently than a double. Orders 2 and 4 which both have the order (camAZ12 cs-67 sumDZ6) in 2 2 420 R. B. WARING AND C. SCAZZOCCHIO TABLE 5 Determination of map order by correlation of the observed relative frequencies or recombinants with types of crossover event Type of cross-over event Map order with four mitochondrial crosses 1.oliA cs-67 sumD camA + + oli + cs + cam + oli cs sum + + + cam + + oli cs + + sum cam oli + . ! L . X X ! a ! J X K + + cs + sum sum 53.8 10.5 42.0 17.8 cam 7.7 23.5 5.9 22.5 2. oliA sumD cs-67 camA oli + + sum oli sum + + oli sum + + + + + cs cam cs cs cam + + + + 10.5 42.0 17.8 + + 23.5 7.7 22.5 5.9 cam cs sum + cam 3. oliA camA sumD cs-67 + + + oli + cam sum cs + sum + oli + cam + cs + sum cs oli + cam + + oli + + cs + cam sum + 4. oliA camA cs-67 sumD + + + oli + cam cs sum + + sum oli + cam cs + oli + cs sum + cam + + oli + cs + + cam + sum 5. oliA cs-67 camA sum D + + + oli + cs cam sum + + sum oli + cs cam + oli cs + sum + + cam + oli cs + + + + cam sum oli 53.8 53.8 10.5 42.0 17.8 7.7 23.5 5.9 22.5 53.8 10.5 42.0 17.8 7.7 23.5 5.9 22.5 53.8 10.5 42.0 17.8 7.7 23.5 5.9 22.5 42 1 MITOCHONDRIAL CROSSES IN ASPERGILLUS TABLE 5-continued Type of cross-over event Map order with four mitochondrial crosses s l X ~ ! X s % X K 6. oliA sumD camA cs-67 ob + + + sum cam oli sum + + + cam oli sum + + + cam oli + + + sum cam + + 53.8 10.5 42.0 17.8 cs cs cs 7.7 23.5 cs 5.9 22.5 + + The data of Table 4 are considered under six possible map orders. The four mitochondrial crosses (each was repeated with interchanged parental nuclear background) are considered under each map order. The figures given are mean relative frequencies from the crosses in Table 4 of either the (oliAI camAI12 cs-67 sumDI6) genotype having the suppressed phenotype or the (oliAl camAI12 CS-67 sumD+) genotype having the cold-sensitive phenotype. The figures are the mean relative frequencies of two crosses, having interchanged parental nuclear backgrounds, each averaged over the two nuclear backgrounds in which the cross was scored (these figures are found in the farthest right column of Table 4). The mean relative frequencies are placed under the type of crossover event, schematically represented, that would be required to produce the genotype that occurs with that mean relative frequency in the appropriate cross. The four types of mitochondrial cross are listed in the same order as Table 4. common fit the data. However, do they do this significantly better than orders 1and 3 which have the order (camA112 sumD16 cs-67) in common? Eight independent crosses have been performed. The mean frequencies (derived from the average of the two nuclear backgrounds) of the triple crossover event under orders 2 or 4 were 10.3, 5.1, 5.6 and 6.4% (see Table 4). The mean frequencies of the single crossover event under order 2 or the double crossover event under order 4 were 14.2, 6.8, 19.7 and 16.0%(see in Table 4). We made the hypothesis that the frequencies of the triple crossover events were significantly less than those of the single (order 2) or double (order 4) crossover events. The data were then tested against the null hypothesis that there was no difference between the two classes of frequencies. A one-tailed Mann-Whitney U test (MANNand WHITNEY 1947) was conducted with n l = n2 = 4, which gives U = 1. The probability of U being this low was 0.029. This indicated that the order camA112 cs-67 sumD16 (orders 2 and 4) was considerably more likely than the order camA112 sumD26 cs-67 (orders 1and 3). Two qualifying points must be made concerning the frequencies of any two types of crossover event that we compared. First, they were never obtained from the same cross, and second, the frequency of one crossover event was also derived from crosses in which (oliAl) and (cs-67) were in coupling, whereas the frequency of the other crossover event was always derived in crosses with these two markers in repulsion. Despite this we consider that the most likely map order is (camA112 cs-67 sumDl6). It was not possible to distinguish between order 2, oliA1 sumD16 CS-67 camA112, and order 4, oliA1 camAI22 cs-67 sumD16. This essentially indicated 422 R. B. WARING AND C. SCAZZOCCHIO that (oIiA1) showed little linkage to any of the other three markers. When order 2 (or order 4 by a similar argument) was used the frequencies of recombination between (camAZ12) and (cs-67) and between (cs-67) and (sumD16) could be compared using the data in Table 5. The relative frequency of the former was estimated as the average of 23.5 and 22.5% which equals 23.0% and of the latter as the average of 10.5 and 17.8% which equals 14.2%.This indicated that (cs-67) recombined with (camA112) about 1.5 times more frequently than with (sumD16). This compared favorably with the results obtained in heterokaryon sector analysis. DISCUSSION To clarify the analysis of our results, the methods used to investigate mitochondrial recombination in A. nidulans will be discussed, with comparisons being made with S. cerevisiae. A mitochondrial cross conducted using heterokaryons can be envisaged as producing three classes of “segregants” on the basis of the degree of cytoplasmic mixing undergone by the segregant’s markers. The first involves segregants whose markers never underwent cytoplasmic mixing but that were derived from homokaryotic sections of the heterokaryon. This is not strictly a true segregant class. A close but not complete analogy to this class in S. cerevisiae is found in the occasional end bud segregant that buds off distal to the point of cell fusion shortly after fusion and appears to contain exclusively the mitochondria of the parent that formed that end (STRAUSBERG and PERLMAN 1978). The second class consists of segregants whose markers were located in mitochondria that underwent cytoplasmic mixing but did not fuse with mitochondria of a different genotype. The third class contains segregants whose markers were located in mitochondria that fused with mitochondria of different genotype. The ratio of the three classes is not the same in different heterokaryons of A. nidulans, and recombination frequencies expressed as a ratio of the total conidia in the heterokaryon are very variable (ROWLANDS and TURNER 1974, 1975; WARING1978). ROWLANDS and TURNER (1974,1975) attempted to circumvent this by calculating recombination frequencies as the ratio of the number of recombinants to the number of colonies in which either of the extranuclear markers have reassorted with respect to their nuclear genotype. The basis of this approach was to exclude the contribution of class one segregants from the cross. However, it also meant excluding the segregants from classes 2 and 3 in which the two parental mitochondrial genotypes had segregated in their original parental nuclear background. This modification did not sufficiently reduce the variation in recombination frequencies (ROWLANDSand TURNER 1975; WARING 1978). Recombination frequencies calculated as the ratio of reassorted types are often dissimilar in the two nuclear backgrounds in which the cross is scored. If the input of the two parental mitochondrial genomes is not equal, the two conidia types may not receive the same ratio of recombinant to reassorted types, the critical factor probably being the relative proportion of mitochondria that exchange nuclear backgrounds without undergoing fusion with mitochondria of a different genotype. MITOCHONDRIAL CROSSES IN ASPERGILLUS 423 DUJON,SLONIMSKI and WEILL(1974) have shown that in S. cerevisiae the frequency of recombination of mitochondrial markers depends upon the relative input of the two parental mitochondrial genomes. In A. nidulans each hyphal fusion event is likely to have a different mitochondrial genome input ratio resulting in a different frequency of recombination. The input ratios might take any value from 0:lto 1:0,the recombination frequency being maximal when the input ratio is 1:l (DUJON, SLONIMSKI and WEILL 1974). An extreme input ratio of mitochondrial genome may often be correlated with an extreme input ratio of the two nuclei and a corresponding extreme output ratio of the two types of nuclei in conidia. In such individual hyphal fusion events, the mitochondrial segregants would be more frequently distributed with the more frequent nuclear type. Summed over the entire heterokaryon the frequency of mitochondrial recombinant classes would not be the same in the two types of conidia except when the overall mean mitochondrial genome input ratio was 1:1. In seven of the eight crosses conducted using double marker selection, the (cs-67) allele segregated more frequently in the nuclear background from which it originated. We suggest that multiple rounds of recombination may be responsible for the following reason. If there is a bias in the input ratio of mitochondrial genomes, multiple rounds of recombination will result in a bias in the output ratio of the two (cs-67) alleles among the selected (camA112 oliA1) recombinants. As the number of rounds of recombination increase, the segregation of the (cs-67) marker will depend less on linkage and more on the actual ratio of the (cs-67) alleles in the panmictic pool. The core of a heterokaryon is probably made up of many hyphal fusion events having a range of mitochondrial genome input ratios. The input ratio of the two nuclei into the heterokaryotic hyphae probably correlates with the input ratio of the mitochondrial genomes. Thus, a bias toward one (cs-67) allele as a result of a biased input ratio will be more frequently expressed in the conidia of the nuclear type from which that particular (cs-67) allele originated. In a heterokaryon one can never identify those conidia whose cytoplasms have been derived from a mixture of the parental cytoplasms from those conidia which have not. The formation of a heterokaryotic sector by necessity involves cytoplasmic mixing. Heterokaryon sector analysis, therefore, enables one to study exclusively segregants that have derived from a mixed cytoplasm, that is, it excludes class one segregants as defined earlier. As one is analyzing sectors rather than conidia, the mitochondrial cross does not have to be analyzed in both nuclear backgrounds. Heterokaryon sector analysis is comparable to random diploid analysis in S . cerevisiae. In double marker selection analysis, cytoplasmic mixing and recombination of markers will have taken place in all segregants analyzed. This selects against both class 1and 2 segregants as defined earlier. As one selects against segregants in which cytoplasmic mixing has occurred without recombination taking place, absolute recombination frequencies cannot be obtained. However, in principle it provides a powerful method for establishing the relative order of markers, particularly as many segregants can be analyzed for each cross. The cross does, however, have to be analyzed in both nuclear backgrounds. 424 R. B. WARING AND C. SCAZZOCCHIO Four-point crosses were performed using heterokaryon sector analysis and double marker selection analysis with a view to mapping the four markers, especially (sumD16). Certain assumptions were made based on what is known about organelle genetics in S. cerevisiae. These included the assumption that in nonpolar crosses, reciprocal recombinant classes occurred with equal frequency at the population level. Although this is generally true in S. cerevisiae, exceptions have been noted for chloroplast loci in Chlamydomonas (HARRIS et al. 1977) whose organelle genetics share common features with S. cerevisiae (reviewed in BIRKY 1978).We were not able to test the validity of this assumption in our work, first, because (sumD16) could not be scored in a (cs-67+) genetic background and, second, because (oliAZ) had a low transmission frequency. LAZARUS and TURNER (1977) have identified another oligomycin-resistant marker that does not result in slow growth. G. TURNER (personal communication) has also identified a mitochondrial mucidin resistance marker. These two markers will allow some of the assumptions made in this work to be tested. (camAI12), (cs-67) and (sumD16) all recombined with (oliA1) at a frequency of about 30%. As recombination frequencies in nonpolar mitochondrial crosses in yeast have an upper limit of 20-25’70 (DUJON, SLONIMSKI and WEILL1974), it is likely that 30-35% is the upper limit in A. nidulans and that (oliAZ) is unlinked to the other loci. The upper limit of 25% in yeast probably results from two factors. First, the absence of any obvious mechanism to maximize mixing of unlike mitochondria and unlike DNA strands will decrease recombination frequencies. Second, the presence of multiple rounds of recombination as observed in bacteriophage crosses (VISCONTI and DELBRUCK 1953; DUJON,SLONIMSKI and WEILL1974) will increase recombination frequencies. The two achieve a balance at about 25%. We suggest that the same factors are operating in A. nidulans but achieve a balance at the higher level of 30-35%, possibly because well-balanced heterokaryotic sectors only appear in regions where good cytoplasmic mixing has occurred, thus increasing opportunity for recombination. Heterokaryon sector analysis showed that (camA112) recombined at a frequency of 14% with (cs-67) and (sumDZ6) and that (cs-67) and (sumD16) recombined at an approximate frequency of 8%. Double marker selection analysis indicated that (cs-67) and (sumD16) were more closely linked to each other than (camAIZZ), and a similar picture was seen in preliminary random spore analysis work done to identify suppressors of (cs-67) (WARING1978; WARING and SCAZZOCCHIO 1980). LAZARUSand TURNER (1977) showed that the frequency of the wild-type recombinant class in crosses involving either (camAZZ2) and (camB52) or (oliA1) and (oliB322) was about 0.2-0.7% of the reassorted colonies, using random spore analysis. Although it is very likely that intragenic recombination was occurring in their case, the considerably higher frequency of recombination between (cs-67) and (sumD16) (probably a third that of two unlinked mitochondrial markers) might suggest that these two mutations map in different genes. However, in yeast, mutations in the same gene can be loosely linked or even unlinked due to the presence of introns (reviewed in BORSTand GRIVELL 1978; MITOCHONDRIAL CROSSES IN ASPERGILLUS 425 SLONIMSKI et al. 1978). Indeed, in S . cerevisiae it has been estimated using the chloramphenicol- and erythromycin-resistant markers (KNIGHT1980), oIi2 and oIi4 (MACINOand TZAGOLOFF 1980) and olil and oli3 (SEBALD, WACHTER and TZAGOLOFF 1979), that 1% recombination frequency represents 50-300 base pairs. If recombination is as active in the mitochondrial genome of A. nidulans (cs-67) and (sumDZ6)and even (camAZl2) could map in the same or neighboring genes. The map order of (camAlZ2) (cs-67) and (sumDZ6) could not be determined by heterokaryon sector analysis. This was partly due to the small number of segregants that could be analyzed in a single cross. In principle the use of markers to select only for segregants that have undergone DNA exchange, as in the double marker selection analysis, should have solved this problem. However, the approach depended on the assumption that reciprocal recombinant classes occur with equal frequency at the population level. In these particular crosses the analysis was confused by the fact that a strain carrying (sumDl6) has a wild-type phenotype. Despite this, on the basis of a statistical analysis, we consider the most likely order of the three markers to be (camAll2 cs-67 sumD26). It is known that the physical map of the mitochondrial DNA of A. nidulans is circular (STEPIEN et al. 1978; LAZARUSet al. 1980). However, this does not imply that the genetic map is circular. Our data are consistent with both a linear and circular map (Figure 2). Recombination of the mitochondrial genome has been demonstrated in the fungi P. anserina, where it has been used to test loci for allelism (BELCOUR and BEGEL1977) and N. crassa by analyzing restriction enzyme patterns (MANNELLA oli A1 =30 \ sumD16 -cs-67 8 camA112 14 FIGURE2.-Mapping of four mitochondrial loci in A. nidulons. The two maps show the two possible map orders of the four loci-data presented here suggest that the top one is the more likely order. The figures given are recombination frequencies expressed as a percentage derived from heterokaryon sector analysis. The parenthesis are included to show (oIiAl) as probably not being linked in the genetic sense to the other three loci, 30% being the probable maximum value of recombination (see text). Given that the physical map is circular (LAZARUSet 01. 1980) the genetic map may also be circular. 426 R. B. WARING AND C. SCAZZOCCHIO and LAMBOWITZ1978, 1979). Recombination has also been shown in the petitenegative yeasts K. lactis (BRUNNER, DE COBOSand GRIFFITHS 1977) and S. pombe (SEITZ-MAYR, WOLFand KAUDEWITZ 1978; WOLF,SEITZ-MAYR and KAUDEWITZ 1978). Extensive genetic mapping is possible in S. cerevisiae because petite mutants can be isolated having large deletions of the mitochondrial genome. In A. nidulans, N. crassa, P. anserina, K. lactis and S. pombe this is not possible. This coupled with the possible high frequency of recombination may make it difficult to map loci in these five organisms. However, their genomes are smaller than S. cerevisiae and certainly in the case of A. nidulans there is much less intergene spacer region and there are more genes (DAVIES et al. 1982). In both N. crassa and S. cerevisiae a portion of the mitochondrial genome (about 30%) appears to be concerned primarily with mitochondrial protein synthesis (KROONet al. 1976; MARTIN,RABINOWITZ and FUKUHARA 1977; reviewed in BORSTand GRIVELL 1978). 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