TABLE 3 LEADING EMPLOYERS BY ALL SECTORS & INDIVIDUAL SECTORS Sector All Sectors Manufacturing Distribution FIRE Company Location City Product/Service Function1 NAICS Code Employment State 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Rhode Island State Government Lifespan US Government Roman Catholic Diosese of Providence Care New England CVS Corporation Citicens Financial Group Inc. Brown University Stop and Shop Supermarket Bank of America Fidelity Investments Rhode Island ARC Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. General Dynamics Corp. University of Rhode Island Wal-Mart The Jan Companies Shaw's Supermarkets St. Joseph Health Service of RI The Home Depot, Inc. Hasboro, Inc. Memorial Hospital of RI Roger Williams Medical Center Roger Williams University Raytheon Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Providence Smithfield Cranston Warwick North Kingstown South Kingstown Providence Cranston East Providence North Providence Providence Pawtucket Pawtucket Providence Bristol Portsmouth RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI Government Health Government Religion Health Pharma Finance Education Retail Finance Finance Health Insurance Defense Education Retail Food Service Retail Health Retail Manufacturing Health Health Education Defense Headquarters 921140 Headquarters 622110 Regional Office 921140 Regional Office 813110 Regional Office 622110 Headquarters 446110 Headquarters 522110 Headquarters 611310 Regional Office 445110 Regional Office 522110 Regional Office 523920 Headquarters 623210 Regional Office 524113 Branch Manufacturing 336611 Plant Headquarters 611310 Regional Office 452910 Headquarters 722513 Regional Office 445110 Headquarters 622110 Regional Office 444110 Headquarters 339932 Headquarters 622110 Headquarters 622110 Headquarters 611310 Branch Manufacturing 334511 Plant 14,904 11,869 11,581 6,200 5,953 5,800 4,991 4,800 3,632 3,500 2,934 2,851 2,604 2,243 2,155 2,078 2,050 1,900 1,865 1,780 1,750 1,488 1,470 1,452 1,430 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 General Dynamics Corp. Hasboro, Inc. Raytheon Hexagon Metrology APC Schneider Electric GTECH Corporation Semiconductor Components Industries of Rhode Island Amgen Mars 2000 Plastics Honeywell The Matlet Group International Packaging Corp. Toray Plastics, Inc. Stanley Bostich Herff Jones, Inc. Amtrol Kenney Manufacturing Taco, Inc. A&H Manufacturing Co Tiffany & Co. FGX International Holdings North Kingstown Pawtucket Portsmouth North Kingstown South Kingstown Providence East Greenwich West Greenwich Providence Cranston Pawtucket Pawtucket North Kingstown East Greenwich Warwick West Warwick Pawtucket Cranston Johnston Cumberland Smithfield RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI Defense Manufacturing Toy Manufacturing Defense Manufacturing Specialty Manufacturing Computer Peripheral Manufacturing Gaming Systems Manufacturing Semiconductor Manufacturing Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Plastics Manufacturing HVAC Manufacturing Packaging Manufacturing Packaging Manufacturing Plastics Manufacturing Fastener Manufacturing Jewlery Manufacturing Water System Manufacturing Blind and Shade Manufacturing HVAC Manufacturing Packaging Manufacturing Jewlery Manufacturing Glasses Manufacturing Branch Manufacturing 336611 Plant Headquarters 339932 Branch Manufacturing 334511 Plant Branch Manufacturing 334519 Plant Headquarters 335911 Headquarters 334113 Headquarters 334413 Branch Manufacturing 541711 Plant Headquarters 326199 Branch Manufacturing 423730 Plant Headquarters 323110 Headquarters 561910 Branch Manufacturing 325211 Plant Headquarters 339993 Branch Manufacturing 339910 Plant Headquarters 221310 Headquarters 314121 Headquarters 333414 Headquarters 322211 Branch Manufacturing 339910 Plant Headquarters 339115 2,243 1,750 1,430 1,311 1,200 1,103 968 900 850 660 640 603 589 565 550 525 500 500 450 438 385 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 United Parcel Service First Group America Arpin Van Lines National Railroad Passenger Corporation North Atlantic Distribution (NORAD) Ikon Business Soultions (divison of Ricoh) K&M Associates (divison of American Biltrite) Mclaughlin & Moran Wayne Distribution Company RI Recycled Metals Warwick Providence West Warwick Providence North Kingstown Providence Providence Cranston Cranston Providence RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI RI Couriers Passenger Transit Home and Office Goods Moving Passenger Transit Auto Importer Office Goods Distribution Jewlery Distribution Beer & Wine Distribution and Imports Beer & Wine Distribution and Imports Scrap Metal Distribution and Exports Headquarters Regional Office Headquarters Regional Office Headquarters Regional Office Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters 492110 485210 492110 926120 423110 423420 339914 424810 424810 423930 1,000 810 475 280 248 175 150 135 110 100 Headquarters Regional Office Regional Office Regional Office Headquarters Headquarters Headquarters Regional Office Headquarters Headquarters 522110 522110 523920 524113 524113 524114 524113 524114 522220 524114 4,991 3,500 2,934 2,604 1410 1050 800 400 163 120 1 Citicens Financial Group Inc. Providence RI Finance 2 Bank of America Providence RI Finance 3 Fidelity Investments Smithfield RI Finance 4 Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. Warwick RI Insurance 5 Amica Life Insurance Lincoln RI Insurance 6 Blue Cross Blue Shield of RI Providence RI Insurance 7 FM Global Johnston RI Insurance 8 United Healthcare of New England Warwick RI Insurance 9 Textron Financial Corporation Providence RI Finance 10 Neighborhood Health Plan of Rhode Island Providence RI Insurance You may want to include hospitals, county, city, telephone company, school, city, government, county government, large hospital & largest university. 1 Headquarters, regional office, back office, distribution center, branch manufacturing plant, branch assembly plant and R & D center 2 Two digit SIC Code Source: RI Economic Development Corporation: RI Top Employers in Providence 2011 Source: RI Economic Development Corporation: RI Top Employers by County 2011 Source: RI Economic Development Corporation: RI Top Employers 2011 Source: NAICS 2012 NAICS to SIC Crosswalk