School of Information Studies: Blackboard 101

School of Information Studies: Blackboard 101
Blackboard is the iSchool’s Learning Management System. All iSchool courses, both on-campus
and distance, are taught using Blackboard. This is where instructors will upload PowerPoints,
video or audio lectures and assignments. Some features of Blackboard include announcements,
online tests or quizzes and discussion boards. Each course will have different looks and
elements, depending how the instructor designs the Blackboard course.
Before you log in to Blackboard
Activate your SU NetID. Access to complete this step
Download Firefox (, as that is the most compatible browser
If you have a Mac, install Adobe PDF reader ( to your
computer. This will make it easier to download assignments or documents
Bookmark the Blackboard login ( to your computer toolbar
Install the Blackboard Mobile app on your iPad or mobile device
Things to Know
Navigate through Blackboard before the semester begins. Locate where the syllabus,
readings, assignments, grade center and etc. are located in your courses
Instructors will make courses available approximately one week before classes start
There are two servers for Blackboard: one for spring/fall courses and one for summer
courses. Make sure you log onto the correct server
Messages in Blackboard are meant for internal communication for the course, while the
Email function will send external messages to your SU email account
Recommended Practices
If you receive any errors in Blackboard, it is recommended you clear your cache,
complete an internal refresh, log out of Blackboard, restart your computer and re-log in
Click the Internal Refresh button if assignments or discussion posts do not appear
Use the Paste From Word tool to avoid formatting, spacing and font errors
Double-check grade center to ensure assignments submitted, and do not use special
characters in file names
o (Bad example: Name#Title-1) (Good example: Name_Title1)
Support & Contact Information
For additional information about Blackboard, visit the student wiki:
If you have a questions about Blackboard, send a tweet to @SUiSchooliLMS, or email
August 2012