Name___________________________________ About Myths A myth is a dramatic story, often including extraordinary beings or creatures with superhuman powers, that is widely known and often repeated within a culture. Myths can have the following purposes: To explain how life began, how the world works (nature), or what happens after death. To instruct: myths confirm and reinforce the institutions, beliefs, and customs of the society that tells them. They teach people the attitudes and behavior needed to function successfully within their culture. For example, a myth might highlight the importance of honoring one’s parents or elders. Myths are universal because they deal with mysteries, passions and longings that all people feel. Knowing myths is important because many literary works – as well as movies, TV shows, etc. – make allusions to Greek mythology. Knowing the myths that are being alluded to deepens our understanding of the stories that refer to the myths. “Order Out of Chaos” Identify each of the following: Gaia – Uranus – Cronos – Zeus – Gaia gave birth to three different types of creatures. What were they? What was the punishment for Atlas, the Titan who led the rebellion against the gods? Stories of the Gods Directions: Describe the role of each character listed in the story, and answer each question. “The Trickery of Hermes” Hermes Apollo “The Loves of Apollo” Clytie Daphne “Phaethon” Phaethon What lesson does this story teach? “Athene’s City” Athene Poseidon “Arachne” Arachne How and why is Arachne punished? “Origin of the Seasons” Demeter Hades Persephone According to the story, why do the seasons occur? “The Mysteries of Dionysus” Dionysus Name__________________________________________________ The Loves of the Gods Directions: Describe the role of each character listed in the story. “Cupid & Psyche” Cupid Aphrodite Psyche “The Spring Flowers” Hyacinthus Echo Narcissus Adonis “Eternal Youth” Artemis Endymion Aurora Tithonus Name_________________________________________________ Early History of Mankind “The Creation of Man” Epimetheus Prometheus “The Coming of Evil” Pandora What was the one good thing left in Pandora’s Box? “The Great Flood” Deucalion Pyrrha What Biblical story is “The Great Flood” similar to? Name_______________________________________ Men’s Rivalry with Gods “Niobe” Niobe What character trait of Niobe’s is being punished in this story? “Daedalus” Daedalus Icarus Why is Icarus punished? “Midas” How and why is Midas rewarded? How and why is Midas punished (twice)? Name_____________________________________________ Love Stories of the Heroes “The Great Musician” Orpheus Eurydice “The Lover of Beauty” Pygmalion Galatea “The Fortunate King” Alcestis Admetus “Pyramus & Thisbe” Pyramus Thisbe What other piece of literature that we have read this year does “Pyramus and Thisbe” remind you of? “Baucis & Philemon” Baucis Philemon Name_____________________________________________ Adventure Stories “Atalanta’s Lovers” Althaea Meleager Atalanta Hippomenes “The Killing of the Chimera” Bellerophon Pegasus What is a chimera? How does Bellerophon die? Name_______________________________________ “Medusa’s Head” Acrisios Perseus Polydectes Medusa Andromeda Name_________________________________________________ “The Golden Fleece” Jason King Pelias Cheiron Athamas Nephele Ino Phrixus Helle Medea King Aeetes What warning does the oracle give to Pelias? Why does Pelias send Jason on the quest for the Golden Fleece? Describe some of the adventures that Jason and the Argonauts encounter on their journey to Colchis. What is the task that King Aeetes gives to Jason? How does Medea help Jason fulfill this task? How does Jason betray Medea? How does she get her revenge? Name______________________________________ “Theseus” 1. What does Theseus find under the rock? 2. Who is Theseus’ father? 3. Explain how Theseus defeats each of the following people: The Club Bearer – Sinis the Pine Bender – Sciron – Procrustes – 4. How does Medea try to kill Theseus? 5. How does Aegeus recognize his son? 6. What is the Minotaur and what “tribute” do the people of Athens have to pay to it? 7. How does Ariadne help Theseus defeat the Minotaur? 8. Why does Aegeus believe that Theseus is dead when he sees the returning ship? Name_________________________________________ “Heracles” 1. Why does Heracles have to perform the Twelve Labors? 2. Briefly summarize each of Heracles’ Twelve Labors. First Labor: The Nemean Lion Second Labor: The Hydra Third Labor: The Cerynean Hind Fourth Labor: The Erymanthian Boar Fifth Labor: Augean Stables Sixth Labor: Birds of Ares Seventh Labor: The Cretan Bull Eighth Labor: The Mares of Diomede Ninth Labor: The Girdle of Hippolyte Tenth Labor: The Cattle of Geryon Eleventh Labor: The Apples of the Hesperides Twelfth Labor: Cerberus