St. Joseph Annual Calendar for Board

Annual Calendar: Board of Directors
Board Action
Committee Action
Nov. (new
Immediately following Annual Fall Meeting:
season: 11/16) Elect officers for new season
Identify committees and their membership.
Set Board meeting dates (and site for at least the December meeting)
Establish regular meeting site
Evaluate annual meeting
Committees receive committee records from previous year’s committees
Finance?: negotiate for Market site
Allocate key responsibilities (Market contact person, contract for site, tax oversight . . .)
Recruitment: if the January Board meeting
Treasurer: financial analysis of previous year with a view to determining budget.
is early, begin planning in December.
Set market season: dates, day, hours, spring mtg., fall mtg., HF (3rd week in Sept.)
Review/set rules and regulations for producers and producer-vendors. Include processed food
option on application form.
Identify committee or person to develop a budget
Contract for site—start negotiation. If with Resurrection Lutheran, ask to have a Market representative
present when the contract is under consideration (RL has requested this procedure).
Re-register with State as a nonprofit before 12/31 (loss of nonprofit status if this step not taken)
Secure site for membership meetings (with City office if Fire Hall is desired).
Finalize goals for the season.
Finalize contract for site if not completed earlier
Devise/approve application forms for producers and vendors
Finalize market application packet; set early-application deadline
Approve market budget this month or next
Identify market manager
Decide on focus/speaker for spring meeting. Make contacts.
Apply to MFMA (Minnesota Farmers’ Market Association): $60
Apply to MN Grown ($45); submit text for its directory at the same time
Identify who will go to MFVGA (Feb.) and the Marketing Conference (March)
By February 5: MN sales tax due
Report on MFVGA conference
First committee reports
Approve applications
Identify who will attend MFMA workshop
Identify committee to plan and make arrangements for spring meeting
By March 15: State taxes due (address at bottom of form)
Federal taxes due (Internal Revenue Service, Ogden, UT 84201-0012)
Report on annual Marketing Conference
Approve applications
Finalize spring meeting plans for April
Recruitment: planning
Recruitment with Advert: planning
Finance: planning: budget, taxes . . .
Education/Entertainment: planning
Advertising/Promotion: planning, budget
Recruitment: membership packets mailed to
2005 growers about Jan. 22
Advertising for recruitment begins
Finance: send 1099 to Market Manager before 1/31
Committee work continues, along
with monthly reports, as appropriate
(repeated each month)
Invite membership to spring meeting
Apply to MFMA: $60
Plan participation in parades and other appropriate events
Plan handling of market shed and insuring it
Pay liability insurance (do not let it lapse!)
Approve applications
Review/evaluate winter market
Resolve any last-minute details for spring meeting
Spring meeting
Evaluate spring meeting
Resolve any last-minute details for market opening
Approve any final early applications (last date: as set early in the year)
Determine whether consumer or producer surveys should be done (what, how, when)
Plan for Minnesota Farmers’ Market Week (usually first full week in August)
Begin planning for winter market, including its rules
Initial planning for Harvest Festival (HF)
July 15: end of application period
Review/finalize rules for winter market
Review of any survey(s)
Mid-season report from Market Manager
Finalize HF plans
Advertise the winter market to Market participants
File coop tax returns with the IRS (before September 15)
Recruitment: solicit new directors
Provide them with copies of Bylaws and Mission
Plan fall membership meeting
Finalize details of winter market (advertising, signs . . . )
Harvest Festival
Recruitment: finalize nominees; report to Board.
Finance: file IRS Form 990-C before 9/15
Evaluate HF; devise recommendations for next year
Finalize plans for fall meeting
Identify storage location for Market shed
Arrange for completion of the annual audit (see Bylaws)
Committees: prepare annual written reports
Market Manager: prepares annual report (overview;
details and analysis of weekly income and
expenses; recommendations . . .)
Each committee provides Board with its annual written report; added copies go to secretary and committee’s folder
Pay policy-holder’s insurance costs for Market shed if not already done
Treasurer’s annual report due; review of the fiscal year (ends Nov. 15)
Market Manager’s annual report due; review
Annual committee reports due; review of each
Review the season; make recommendations for next year
Annual membership meeting
Recruitment presents slate of nominees
St. Joseph Farmers’ Market
Education/Entertainment: first calendar
Advertising for Market opening