Chapter 6

Chapter 06: Atmospheric and Oceanic
Wind Essentials
Driving Forces
Atmospheric Patterns of Motion
Global Wind Patterns
Local Winds
Oceanic Currents
‰ Weather patterns
‰ Winds spread the natural and
anthropological pollutions worldwide
‰ Winds as a driving mechanism for
ocean currents
Air Pressure and Its Measurement
• Air Pressure:
- the force exerted by the weight of air
(air molecules are invisible, they have weight
and take up space)
• Barometers are used to measure the air pressure
Air Pressure and Its Measurement
Evangelista Torricelli’s observation
Aneroid barometer
Figure 6.2
Air Pressure and Its Measurement
• Pressure Units:
- Millibar (mb)
- Kilopascal (kPa)
- mm (height of mercury)
• Atmospheric Pressure at sea level:
• 1013.2 mb { 101.32 kPa; 760 mm; 29.92 in;
~1.0 kg/cm2 ; 14.7 lb/inch2 }
Winds and Its Measurement
• Winds:
- the horizontal motion of the air across the
earth’s surface.
• Anemometers are used to measure the wind
measure the
speed of winds
Wind Vane:
measure the
direction of
10 m (33 ft)
above ground to
reduce local
Figure 6.4
Figure 6.5
• Winds are named for the direction from
which they originate.
Westerly: a wind from west
Southerly: blows northward
Figure 6.4
Driving Forces
• Circulation of Winds Across Earth
• caused by driving forces within the atmosphere
‰ Pressure gradient
‰ Coriolis force
‰ Friction force
‰ Gravity
• These forces determine both speed and direction of winds.
Pressure Gradient
• The earth surface is unequally heated
• Cold, dense air at poles Æ higher pressure
• Warm, less dense air at equator Æ lower pressure
• Air flows from high pressure to low pressure
Pressure Gradient Force
Figure 6.7
• Isobars: lines connecting points of equal pressure
• Isobar spacing shows steepness of pressure gradient
• Closer isobars denote higher pressure gradient
• Wider isobars indicate more gradual pressure gradient
• Wind speed depends on “steepness” of pressure
Coriolis Force
Coriolis force: a deflective force;
due to earth’s rotation.
In northern hemisphere, wind is
deflected to the right.
In southern hemisphere, wind is
deflected to the left.
Effect is greater with greater wind
Figure 6.9
Coriolis Force
Geostrophic Wind
• The combination of
pressure gradient
force and Coriolis
• They produce
winds that flow
parallel to isobars.
Friction Force
‰ Surface winds experience
friction force
‰ Friction force decreases
wind speed and reduces
Coriolis force
Friction force depends on
• Earth’s gravitational force on the atmosphere
• Without gravity, there would be no atmospheric
• Gravity equally compresses the atmosphere worldwide
Atmospheric Patterns of Motion
Primary High-Pressure and Low-Pressure Areas
Equatorial low-pressure trough (ITCZ-intertropical convergence zone)
Polar high-pressure cells (around 90°N and 90°S, not shown)
Subtropical high-pressure cells (20°-35° N and 20°-35° S)
Subpolar low-pressure cells (around 60°N and 60°S)
Figure 6.11
Atmospheric Circulation and Wind Patterns
General Atmospheric Circulation and Wind patterns
Now you should be able to understand this diagram!
Figure 6.13
Upper Atmospheric Circulation
• Constant Isobaric Surface
• Where an air pressure of 500 mb occurs.
• A reference in the upper atmosphere
Figure 6.16
‰ There are
“Ridges” and
“Troughs” at the
middle to upper
‰ These troughs
and ridges are
important for the
cyclones and
anticyclones at
the surface
Figure 6.16
Cyclones, Storms, and Hurricanes
Upper Atmospheric Circulation
Jet stream at collison zone between cold and warm air masses.
( the best known one is the polar jet stream)
Local Winds
Land-sea breezes
Mountain-valley breezes
Figure 6.19
Figure 6.20
Regional Scale Winds -- Monsoonal Winds
Monsoon means wind that changes direction with season;
A typical example is the monsoon of Asia:
Wet Monsoon season: During summer, land heats up fast, warm and
moisture-laden air from the Indian ocean flows toward central Asia Æ
rains in coast and mountain areas
Dry Monsoon season: During winter, drier, colder air of the continent
blows offshore Æ dry conditions coast and mountain areas
Also found in east-central Africa, and southwest desert of U.S.
Oceanic Currents
Surface Currents
Deep Currents
‰ Important driving force: frictional drag of the winds
‰ Other factors:
ƒ Coriolis force
ƒ Density differences cause by temperature
and salinity
ƒ Configuration of continents and ocean floor
ƒ Astronomical forces (e.g., tides)
Major Ocean Currents
Figure 6.22
Upwelling and Downwelling Oceanic Currents
Upwelling current: surface water is swept away from
the coast (by Coriolis force or offshore winds)
Downwelling current: water gravitates downward
(where there is accumulation of water)
Thermohaline circulation—Deep Ocean Currents
Different temperature and salinity cause density variation
Traveling in lower speed than surface currents, but can transfer a
larger volumes of water
May take 1,000 years for a full cycle from downwelling to
Figure 6.23
End of Chapter 6
• Wind Essentials
• Driving Forces
• Atmospheric Patterns of Motion
•Global Wind Patterns
• Local Winds
• Oceanic Currents