The Culinary Professional Chapter 48 Nutrition

The Culinary Professional
Chapter 48 Nutrition
● Printer (color optional)
● 5 sheets of 8.5” x 11” paper
● Scissors
1. Print
2. Fold paper in half vertically
3. Cut along dashed lines
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The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
The unit used to measure the amount
of energy contained in foods.
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The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
The nutrient that is the body’s chief
energy source.
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The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
A lipid that is a white, pasty
substance found in the bloodstream
and cells that is essential for many
body functions.
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complete proteins
The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
Proteins that contain all nine
indispensable amino acids in the
correct proportions needed to support
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The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
A set of recommended values for
nutrient intakes for healthy individuals
and groups.
dietary reference intakes (DRI)
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The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
The nutrients the body cannot make
and must be supplied by diet.
essential nutrients
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The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
The chemical process that changes a
liquid oil to a solid fat.
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incomplete proteins
The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
Proteins that are missing one or more
of the indispensable amino acids.
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The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
The most energy-dense nutrient that
humans consume, commonly referred
to as a fat.
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The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
A food guidance system that helps
you select the right foods in the right
amounts to meet your individual
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The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
Foods that have high nutritional value
compared with the amount of calories
they supply.
nutrient-dense foods
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The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
The substances in food that nourish
the body.
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The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
The way our body takes in and utilizes
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The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
A chain of various amino acids
connected to form a molecule.
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The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
A type of lipid that is created when an
unsaturated oil is chemically changed
to resemble a saturated fat.
trans fat
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The Culinary Professional ● Chapter 48 Nutrition
A lipid composed of three fatty acids
that are linked together by a glycerol
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