PSYC 2301 – General Psychology SYLLABUS SPRING 2016 This course meets from January 19th through May 9th, 2016. Course Name/Section Number: PSYC 2301 section W2, CRN 20258 Instructor Name: Wendy Mills, M.A. Division/Dept: Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences/Psychology Instructor Email: Since this is an on-line course, I prefer students to contact me via email at the above address. If you send email, be sure to mention the course title in the subject line or it may be mistaken for junk mail. If you send the instructor an email, you should receive a reply within 24 hours unless it is over the weekend or a holiday. Keep a copy of the sent email in your outbox or sent box in case you need proof that you sent it. If you do not receive a reply within 24 hours, the email was not received by the instructor. In that case, be sure to re-send the email. Course Description (AMS) A survey of the theories, concepts and principles related to human behavior and mental processes. The course introduces the various areas of study and research included in the field of psychology. Prerequisite(s) (AMS): Texas Success Initiative complete in Reading and Writing Required Textbook(s), Supplies, and Materials: .Title: Introduction to Psychology Authors: Dennis Coon, John O. Mitterer Edition: 14th edition Publisher: Cengage Learning 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 1 WHAT DO I DO FIRST? Typically the first question students ask is: What do I do first? I have added a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) section to the syllabus to help you get started with the course. What should you do first? – print this syllabus. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for Psychology 2301 These questions are among the ones most frequently asked by online psychology students or should be asked and answered for successful participation in and completion of this course. Issues discussed in these questions relate to technological concerns as well as questions specific to the course itself. 1. Do I need to purchase a textbook? ANSWER: Yes. Test questions will come from both the textbook as well as the lecture notes. 2. How can I make sure I earn an 'A' in this course? ANSWER: Complete all assignments satisfactorily, follow all guidelines, observe all deadlines, get involved in the course. Also complete all required exams and other assignments with scores that give you the required number of course points for the coveted grade of A you desire. 3. Is it true that online courses are easier than Face-2-Face courses? ANSWER: I would say no, for some. However, if you are a mature student and an independent learner you will have no problems in the course. If you are self-motivated student you will do well. In order to be successful in this course, you will need to spend at least as much time and effort on a good online course as you would in a comparable on-campus course, or possibly more. 4. How much extra credit do you offer in this course? ANSWER: You will find the answer to that question in the syllabus and clearly stated. NONE! 5. Will I need to have a computer of my own to succeed in this course? ANSWER: Not necessarily, but it would help. If you rely on using a computer belonging to a friend, you may find that the equipment may not be available when you need or want to use it. However, be creative. The libraries have public computers and Kinko’s is probably not too far away. 6. How can I see the questions I miss on a test? ANSWER: You can't see missed questions. If this type of feedback is essential to your peace of mind or your educational philosophy, then this online course is not for you. Questions are pulled into an exam by a 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 2 Blackboard question generator and always in a constantly changing random order. No two exams are identical. 7. Can I e-mail or fax my assignments to you instead of going through the Blackboard system? ANSWER: NO! Next question :) 8. How can I get a copy of your lecture notes? ANSWER: You will find my lecture notes posted on the BB site under COURSE CONTENT. 9. Will you print a copy of your lecture notes and mail/fax them to me? ANSWER: No. 10. When are the assignments due? ANSWER: All deadlines are listed below in the syllabus and under the CLASS CALENDAR button in the course site. 11. What do I do when my computer crashes in the middle of an exam? ANSWER: As the Syllabus says, send me an e-mail immediately and then call your ISP to get the problem of being disconnected fixed. 12. Where can I get a copy of the syllabus for this course? ANSWER: There are links to the syllabus within the Blackboard course e-classroom. Look under guess what? Syllabus. 13. Do you accept late assignments? ANSWER: In general I do not accept late assignments. I do not feel it is fair to make exceptions except in extenuating circumstances, which I review on a case-by-case basis. The best thing to do is, stay in touch. Let me know what is going on. I usually can work through any temporary problems students may find. 14. Can I take my tests with your on-campus classes? ANSWER: No. 15. Can I take an exam early if I have a good reason like, medical, business, vacation? ANSWER: Generally, I will work with individual situations. The most important thing is to let me know what is going on. Talk with me. 16. Is it possible to get an incomplete in this course? ANSWER: Short answer NO! Long answer - NO because it should never be necessary. However, I will listen and make this decision on a case-by-case basis. Learning Outcomes (AMS): This course is designed to introduce the student to the science of psychology. It identifies and defines the theories, terms, methods, and various fields of psychology. This course can be used as a foundation toward 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 3 continued education in more specific areas of psychology. Because many topics are covered in this course, the student should be prepared to devote ample time to each assignment. Upon completion of this course students are expected to know the major personalities important to the field of general psychology and the ideas, theories, and schools with which they are associated, the major terms and major concepts associated with the area of general psychology. Course Area Exemplary Educational Objectives/Learning Outcomes: 1. To employ the appropriate methods, technologies, and data that social and behavioral scientists use to investigate the human condition. Measured by a short Exit Exam (doesn’t count for a grade) 2. To use and critique alternative explanatory systems or theories. Measured by a short Exit Exam (doesn’t count for a grade) 3. To differentiate and analyze historical evidence (documentary and statistical) and differing points of view. Measured by a short Exit Exam (doesn’t count for a grade) Teaching Strategies: This course will be taught using lectures, slideshow presentations and other interactive learning aids. Course Requirements: READING Each student is expected to read the textbook. There is a set of lecture notes provided for each chapter of instruction. Read these as well. STUDY You must study the material in this class. Many students think that reading is studying. Nope, they are not the same thing. Do you know how to study on a collegiate level? If not, contact the academic tutoring center. They can help. MEET ALL DEADLINES Deadlines are firm. Write all the assignments and their due dates in your calendar. Don’t wait until the last minute to complete assignments. FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS CLOSELY Each assignment will have multiple steps to complete. Make sure to complete each and every step in order to receive full credit. SUBMIT QUALITY, COLLEGIATE LEVEL WORK Use proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 4 GRADING POLICIES All Assignments are graded on a percentage of 100 points Discussion Board assignment – 40% --You will have 5 discussion board assignments in this class. The first discussion assignment, STUDENT SIGN IN, is for attendance credit only. The remaining four discussion board assignments are worth 10% each. Discussion Board assignment, the Coffee Shop is based solely on participation. The more you participate, the higher your grade. The other discussion board assignments will be graded on accuracy and the ability to follow instructions. Click on the DISCUSSION BOARD button in the course site for more instructions. UNIT TESTS – 40% --You will have 4 unit tests. Tests are worth 10% each. Each unit contains multiple chapters. Study each and every chapter listed within a unit. Each test will have a 1 hour time limit. You get only one attempt per test. The unit tests will be conducted on-line at any computer and location of your choice. This means that you do not have to take the unit tests in the Testing Center. COMPREHENSIVE FINAL EXAM – 20% Final exam is worth 20%. The final exam is COMPREHENSIVE. There is a strict 2 hour time limit. You get only one attempt per test. 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 5 The comprehensive final exam will be taken on campus at the TESTING CENTER. The exam will be proctored by a Victoria College employee. Make sure to make arrangements to take the exam during my time frame and in adherence to the operating hours of the testing center. Call several weeks ahead and make an appointment to take the final exam. There is NO MAKE-UP WORK in this class. There is NO EXTRA-CREDIT WORK in this class. Grade Conversion 90 - 100 equals an A 80 - 89 equals a B 70 - 79 equals a C 60 - 69 equals a D 59 or below equals a F GRADE REVIEW POLICY All tests will be graded automatically by the Blackboard system…check your Blackboard grade book when you finish the test to see your grade. If you do not have a grade, email me immediately….that means we have a problem. You will have 48 HOURS to review each of your test grades and to dispute them Once the 48 HOURS has expired, grades will not changed! On the written assignments, I will grade these within 1 week of the stated deadline. Once I enter your grades, I will send out a class wide email. Once the grades are posted, you have 48 hours to dispute the grade. COURSE DEADLINES All assignments are due at 11:59pm on their respective deadline. 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 6 - Test#1 will be open Jan 19 – Feb 12. - Test #2 will be open Feb 13 – Mar 9. - Test #3 will be open Mar 10 – Apr 8. - Test #4 will be open Apr 9 – May 3. - Comprehensive Final Exam will be open May 6 – 9th. You must adhere to the operating hours of the Victoria College Testing Center. Call and make an appointment. - The Coffee Shop Discussion Board assignment will be open Jan 19 – Apr 29 at 11:59pm. -Media Examples Discussion Board assignment will be open Jan 19 – Feb 12 at 11:59pm. -Fears and Phobias Discussion Board assignment will be open Feb 13 – Apr 8 at 11:59pm. -Defense Mechanisms Discussion Board assignment will be open Apr 9 – May 3 at 11:59pm. Criteria for Grading: Assignment Total Points Percentage of Final Grade Unit One Exam 100 10 % Unit Two Exam 100 10 % Unit Three Exam 100 10 % Unit Four Exam 100 10 % Comprehensive Final Exam 100 20 % Media Examples DB assignment 100 10% Fears & Phobias DB assignment 100 10% Defense Mechanisms DB assignment 100 10% Coffee Shop DB assignment 100 10% 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 7 MINDTAP – optional study resource The textbook publishers have provided an online site to support students. On this site you will find practice tests, flashcards, PowerPoint slides, and other student resources. To register for this site, click the following link: If you need TECHNICAL SUPPORT while using the Mindtap site, click the following link: PARTICIPATION POLICY It would be important for you to understand my definition of Participation. In this course Participation is synonymous with student success. You must understand the how to in this course. There are multiple ways of earning participation points. Understand each way and you will succeed in the course. I expect you will want to login twice a week but when you work on this course is up to you. Remember, this is a 24/7 (available 24 hours per day; 7 days per week) electronic classroom. Successful students will establish a time schedule and adhere to that schedule. Check your e-mail frequently. Login to the BB system to check for new Announcements. This is another important means of communications with my students. If I have to be out of town or something else has come up, I will post it to the Announcements. So check them frequently. And, lastly participate in the Coffee Shop discussion forum. In general,attendance is defined as being physically present in a face-to-face class and/or the face-toface portion of a hybrid class at the time attendance is taken. For online classes, attendance is defined 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 8 as activity in the class a minimum of 1time per week. A student is considered as having attended an online class or the on-line portion of a hybrid class prior to the Official Reporting Date (ORD) if that student has logged into the class at least one time prior to the ORD. Attendance will be taken for every class meeting. The method by which attendance is taken will be determined by the faculty member and clearly outlined in the class syllabus. Attendance records will be submitted electronically to the appropriate division dean on the last day of the course. Regular and prompt class attendance is expected of every student. A student's absence means that the student is not able to participate in the class. Instructor-Initiated Withdrawals (Drops) While it is the final responsibility of the student to drop a class that she/he is no longer attending, instructors must drop a student who has not logged into an online class or physically attended a face-to-face or hybrid class prior to the ORD. Instructors must initiate ORD drops by the published deadlines. cannot drop a student with an average of D/UD or better. After following established division retention practices, may at their discretion drop a student who is not passing without consultation with the student when absences exceed 20% of the scheduled class meetings. For classes that include a separate laboratory,a student may be dropped when absences exceed 20% of the laboratory meetings or 20% of the lecture meetings. Must drop a student who is not passing when absences exceed 40% of the scheduled class meetings unless said excessive absences accrue after the 65% drop date. Cannot drop a student after 65% of class instruction has been completed. This practice applies to all modes of instruction. Pursuant to Section 51.9111of the Texas Education Code, active duty military personnel who provide copies of official orders verifying a call to active duty are exempt from the above practice. Refer to the Student Handbook for additional information. Under special circumstances, an instructor may drop a student sooner than outlined above if the special circumstances are clearly noted in the syllabus or program handbook and have been approved in advance by the appropriate division dean. Selective admission programs define their attendance and instructor-initiated withdrawal procedures in their syllabi and program handbooks. Instructors will initiate withdrawals by completing the electronic drop form and forwarding it to the Advising and Counseling Office. The electronic drop form can be found on the faculty tab of the VC portal. The grade at the time of the drop as well as the last day of attendance must be included on the electronic drop form. Instructors will set their own make-up policy as outlined in the course syllabus for work missed due to absence(s). The Vice President of Instruction can make exceptions to the above rules. 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 9 8 Week Classes #of class meetings per week 4 3 2 1 Number of class meetings to 7 exceed 20% 5 4 2 Number of class meetings to exceed 13 40% 10 7 4 Number of class meetings to 13 exceed 20% 10 7 4 Number of class meetings 26 exceed 40% to 20 13 7 Number of class meetings to exceed 20% 9 6 3 Number of class meetings to exceed 17 40% 12 6 Number of class meetings to exceed 20% 4 Number of class meetings to exceed 8 40% 16 Week Classes #of class meetings per week 4 3 2 1 14 Week Classes #of class meetings per week 3 2 1 5 Week Classes #of class meetings per week 4 Online Classes Number of weeks in the class 16 14 8 5 Number of weeks to exceed 20% 4 3 2 1 Number of weeks to exceed 40% 7 6 4 2 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 1 0 Important Note: Never just stop work on any course. Always go through the standard drop process. Failing to do so may lead to a grade of "F" rather than a "W". The student must protect his or her own academic record by completing the drop procedure in order to avoid a possible failing grade at the semester's end. Students with disabilities: The college will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. These students must notify Counseling Services, Administration Building, before accommodations can be provided. BLACKBOARD GRADEBOOK You can check your grades and your current course average by clicking the CHECK MY GRADES button located on the left side of the Blackboard course site. TECH SUPPORT I am NOT a computer person, so if you need some type of technical assistance, I would recommend that you contact the HELP DESK at 361-582-2509. CORRESPONDING BY E-MAIL Some students have found it very helpful to know what my personal schedule is like as far as responding to student e-mails. I receive anywhere from 30 to 50 emails a day and cannot provide a 24/7 response schedule. Generally, I will respond to student e-mails within 24 hours on a daily basis - worse-case scenario. If you contact me and do not receive a response within 24 hours, 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 1 1 please resend your e-mail. On Friday, Saturday and Sunday I shall attempt to check my e-mail late morning and late afternoon. My philosophy towards e-mail communication is that if you need to get in touch with me I want to be available to you. Understand that I do have other things going on…..mainly, my family time! So while I shall make a commitment to my students to follow this schedule, it may or may not be possible all the time. But the 24 hour reply schedule, should, for the most part, be possible. There are some exceptions to the 24 hour rule – should I go out of town for a conference or illness. Otherwise, you send ‘em and I will reply to ‘em. Just ask some of my past students. A few pointers on e-mails. Please use the subject line to help me organize your e-mails. I teach PSYC 2301 and PSYC 2314 online. Tell me you are in PSYC2301 as the FIRST thing in your Subject Line. Please give me a clue in the subject line so I can make some effort to catalog your e-mails. I must find more efficient methods in managing e-mails in this course. I need your help in doing this. Sometimes, if your e-mail address is a ‘dot com’ – or – for whatever reason, I get some of them back as undeliverable and yet the next time they go through with no problem. That is why if you send me an e-mail and I don’t reply in 24 hours, send it again. If you still don’t receive a reply, call me at the college and leave a voice mail message. If you use AOL (maybe others) I need your help. When I reply to your e-mail, I return your original e-mail in my reply. I had to set my e-mail options to do this. I need you to bug AOL – you know that ISP with such great Customer Service – and ask them to help you set your e-mail account so that you can return my email with your reply – if there is one. Sometimes, this is no big deal. If you ask me for a question and I respond to you, I need all our e-mail traffic on that topic - whatever the topic. It is a very big deal when you ask me a question on say, 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 1 2 Monday, I reply on Monday, and you reply on say, Thursday with a simple “YES – that would be fine.” I have received 150 e-mails since Monday and I don’t have a clue what you meant by ‘Yes, that would be fine’. Now another e-mail back to you to ask for clarification. Help me help you. Please value my time as you do your own time. Return my e-mails when you reply. One final word on e-mails, please sign your enrolled name to your e-mails. You can set this up automatically, but someone else will have to tell you how. LECTURES To access the Lectures, click on the Course Content button on the left side of the screen. Click on the current unit of study. Then, you must click on the Chapter you are studying. The lecture notes are located inside each individual chapter folder. SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY I expect you to do your own work always! A grade of ZERO (0) will be given for any test or assignment on which cheating occurs or suspected. A student who cheats on an assignment, test or plagiarizes a paper may be administratively withdrawn or failed in the course. You are responsible for knowing and understanding the information contained in the VICTORIA COLLEGE Student Handbook and the Student Code of Conduct. Do not attempt to download, print or save as copies of the exams. Don't write down your answers -- every student receives a randomized test with randomized answers. (In other words, two students taking the same test, at the identical time, will each have a different question number one. And should the same question come up, the answers will be in a different sequence, as well.) Think about that -- don't put yourself at risk of losing this course. You will find me to be a very forgiving and patient instructor EXCEPT in the area of cheating. All testing for this course is usually completed online. However, I reserve 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 1 3 the option to require students to take an exam under monitored conditions. TESTING INFORMATION You may NOT use your notes and/or textbook on the quizzes. This is cheating! Each test will have an “open” and a “close” time. You cannot take the test until it is open to you and you must complete it before it is closed to you. Be careful that you check your schedule and don’t miss a quiz opportunity. No make-up tests!!! All regular unit tests for this course are taken online at any location of your choice. The final exam must be taken at the TESTING CENTER on campus. The testing for this course is electronic; it is online. This means you do not get to see a copy of your test. If you are uncomfortable with this concept then you might want to take this course in the classroom. Understand that this means you will not get to see which question you missed on a quiz or a test. Many students know when they see their grade which area of the material they missed and need to review. Keep in mind; you are taking this Internet course because you are an independent learner. TESTING SCHEDULE Test#1 is worth 10% points and covers UNIT ONE. Test #2 is worth 10% points and covers UNIT TWO. Test #3 is worth 10% points and covers UNIT THREE. Test #4 is worth 10% points and covers UNIT FOUR Final Exam is worth 20% points and covers ALL UNITS OF INFORMATION. 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 1 4 Victoria College Student Services Admissions and Records & Welcome Center Admissions Applications, Transcripts, Grade Submission Student Services Building, Suite 107 361.485.6841 Advising and Counseling Academic Advising, Career & Personal Counseling, Disability Support Services, and Veterans Services Student Services Building Suite 105 361.582.2400 Financial Aid Childcare Assistance, PELL, Student Loans, Scholarships, & Work Study Student Services Building Suite 108 361.572.6415 KEY Center ** Johnson Hall, Suite 101 361.582.2414 The KEY Center is a federally funded program providing support services for eligible students. ** Pre-College Programs/Dual Credit and Recruitment Recruitment and TexPREP (summer program) Student Services Building, Suite 105 361.485.6823 Student Activities Office Student Government Association, Student Clubs, Activities, Halloween Carnival, Welcome Information Booths Student Center 361.485.6838 Student Testing Services TSI, GED, ACT, Online Testing Continuing Education Center, Room 202/Testing Room 201 Main Tutor & Study Center Johnson Hall 106 & 108 Science Tutoring Center Health Science Center 121C Gonzales Center Tutoring Room 361.582.2589 Tutoring Services Individual and Group Tutoring 361.572.6473 361.573.3291 ext. 3282 830.672.6251 Vice President of Student Services Student Handbook, Student Code of Conduct, Discipline Issues, Financial Aid Appeals Student Services Building 361-582-2516 8/4/2011Final Final Attendance (2).doc 1 5 Additional information on Student Support Services can found in The Victoria College Student Handbook. A link to the Handbook is in the Publications & Dates folder in the Pirate Portal. A hardcopy of The Handbook can be obtained by contacting any Student Services office. Disclaimer: The instructor reserves the right to change this syllabus as deemed necessary and appropriate.