International Conference on Trends in Electrical, Electronics and Power Engineering (ICTEEP'2012) July 15-16, 2012 Singapore Design and Simulation of Edge-coupled Stripline Band Pass Filter for Ka Band Application Hnin Yu Wai, Zaw Min Naing, Kyaw Soe Lwin and Hla Myo Tun II. METHODOLOGY Abstract— In this paper, band pass filter (BPF) development with the assistance of the Richards-Kuroda Transformation method, on the basis of the known Chebyshev-Lowpass Filter, is presented. This suggested filter consists of four edge-coupled striplines. The filter is operated at Ka-band downlink frequency segment of 19.7 GHz – 20.2 GHz for satellite application. The proposed circuit is simulated using Roger 5870 substrate with dielectric constant of 2.33, substrate height of 0.508 mm and thickness of 0.035 mm. The simulation results are excellent and the filter is suitable for integration within various microwave subsystems. The design specification of the filter is shown in Table I. The specification of dielectric material is obtained from Rogers Corporation. It is shown in Table II. The proposed filter is designed by following the five steps. First step: Determining the order and type of approximation functions to be used. Second step: Finding the corresponding low-pass prototype. Third step: Transforming the low-pass network into a bandpass configuration. Fourth step: Scaling the bandpass configuration in both impedance and frequency. Fifth step: Transforming the lumped circuit element into distributed realization. Keywords—Band Pass Filter, Chebyshev, Edge-coupled, Ka Band, Stripline I. INTRODUCTION TABLE I SPECIFICATIONS OF BAND PASS FILTER Upper cut-off frequency 19.7 GHz Lower cut-off frequency 20.2 GHz 3-dB Bandwidth 0.5 GHz Passband ripple 0.5 dB Attenuation at center frequency ≥ 30 dB Stripline filters play an important role in many RF applications. As technologies advances, more stringent requirements of filters are required. One of the requirements is the compactness of filters [1]–[2]. At very high frequencies, the practical inductors and capacitors loses their intrinsic characteristics. Also a limited range of component values are available from the manufacturer [3]. Therefore for microwave frequencies (>3GHz), passive filter is usually realized using distributed circuit elements such as transmission line sections [4]. Many works have been reported that use waveguides for transmission line filter. However, waveguides systems are bulky and expensive. Low-power and cheaper alternatives are stripline and microstrip. These transmission lines are compact [5]. Edge-coupled stripline is used instead of microstrip line as stripline does not suffer from dispersion and its propagation mode is pure TEM mode. Hence it is the preferred structured for coupled-line filters [4]. Therefore, a third order chebyshev edge-coupled stripline filter is designed in the research. The band pass filter is simulated by using Ansoft Designer software. TABLE II SPECIFICATIONS OF DIELECTRIC MATERIAL FROM ROGERS CORPORATION Dielectric Material Used Roger 5870 from Rogers Corporation Dielectric Constant 2.33 Loss tanget, tanδ 0.0012 Substrate Height, h 0.508 mm Copper Thickness, t 0.035mm Metal Roughness 2.4e-3 mm Hnin Yu Wai is with Department of Electronic Engineering, Mandalay Technological University, Ministry of Science and Technology, Myanmar (email: Zaw Min Naing is with Technological University (Maubin), Myanmar (email: Kyaw Soe Lwin is with Department of Electronic Engineering, Mandalay Technological University, Ministry of Science and Technology, Myanmar (email: Hla Myo Tun is with Department of Electronic Engineering Department, Mandalay Technological University, Ministry of Science and Technology, Myanmar (e-mail: Fig. 1 Characteristics for a chebyshev filter with 0.5dB ripple 97 International Conference on Trends in Electrical, Electronics and Power Engineering (ICTEEP'2012) July 15-16, 2012 Singapore Since Cyebysh hev filter has steeper initial descent into the her filter typess, this type of filter f is chosen n in stoopband than oth thiis research worrk. Order of fillter can be deteermined by using thee attenuation ch haracteristics shown s in Fig. 1 for a Chebysh hev filtter with 0.5dB B ripple. Based d on design speecification, thiirdordder filter is chosen using g the proposeed edge-coup pled struucture. TABL LE III LOW O PASS PROTOTYP PE ELEMENT VALU UES go g1 g2 0.6 6986 1.0000 1.4 4029 0.7071 1.9841 1.5 5963 1.0967 1.5963 Order 1st 2nd 3rd B 2f o2Cn R R RLn L 2B C 1.5963H H g3 1.096 67F f = 0.159Hz 1.000 L3 0.002251pF pF 0.00251p 225.41nH C1 C2 0.00912nH L2 25.41nH 6.982pF C3 50 f = 199.95 GHz Fig. 4 BPF F prototype for ddesigned frequenncy 1.5963H C2 L1 50 To source network L3 L1 (5) The frequency annd impedancee scaling off third-order bandpasss filter with a cut-off freqquency of 19.995GHz with 3dB baandwidth of 500MHz and 550Ω impedancce rating for both poorts is presentedd in Fig. 4 [6]. The element values v for the th hird-order are taken from Taable III of normalized values off 0.5dB equall ripple lowp pass proototype. The lo owpass prototy ype is presented d in Fig. 2. 1 (4) 1 J1 J2 J3 J4 -90 degree -90 degree -90 degree -90 deggree Fig. 2 Third-ord der low pass prottotype λoo/4 A After getting a lowpass filter prototyp pe values, it is traansformed into a bandpass design. d Althoug gh, lowpass fillter is transformed into i bandpass filter design,, the attenuation banndwidth ratios remain the sam me such that: f B BW BWc fc Secction 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 (1) Whhere, BW = baandwidth at the required valuee of attenuation n BW Wc = 3dB bandwith of bandpaass filter t pass The actual transformation from lowpaass to bandp connfiguration is accomplished d by resonatin ng each lowp pass eleement with an element of th he opposite ty ype and the saame vallue. All shunt elements e of low wpass prototyp pe circuit beco ome parrallel-resonant circuits, and d all series elements e beco ome serries-resonant circuit. c The co orresponding transformation t n of low wpass network k into bandpasss configuratio on for third-order Chhevbyshev filteer is shown in Fig. F 3. 1 1.5963H1.5963F F L1 C1 1.0967H f = 0.159Hz 0 Ricchard’s transfo formatioand Kuuroda’s identitties are used to accom mplish the connversion from tthe lumped annd distributed circuit designs. The eexplanation off Richard’s traansformation An equivalent and Kuuroda’s identitiies are in [2], [4] and [5]. A circuit model for 3rdd order edge-ccoupled transm mission lines with oppen circuit att 2 ends and each section of coupled striplinee are shown in Fig. 5. Eaach section of coupled stripline conntains three parametters: S, W, andd d. Two stripllines of width W are in the parallell- or edge-couupled configurration with a separation S and d iss the diameterr or height of tthe substrate. The coupled line struucture supportts two quasi-T TEM modes, i.e., the even mode annd the odd moode. The three parameters aree determined from thhe odd and eveen mode impeddance (Zoo & Z Zoe) of each coupledd line. Zoo andd Zoe are in tuurn depends onn the gain of the corrresponding adm mittance invertter J. 1.5963H 1.5963F L3 L2 Fig. 5 3rd order edge-couppled stripline filtter 1.0967F C2 C3 1 Fig g. 3 Low pass to band pass transfformation med filter iss then frequency-scaled and a The transform im mpedance-scaled d using the following formu ulas. For paralllelressonant branchees, Cn 2RB RB L 2f o2 Ln C (2) (3) J1 1 Z Zo 2 g1 (6) Jn 1 2Zo g n1 g n (7) J N 1 andd, for the seriees-resonant braanches, 98 1 Zo 2 g N g N 1 (8) International Conference on Trends in Electrical, Electronics and Power Engineering (ICTEEP'2012) July 15-16, 2012 Singapore f 2 f1 fo Z o (1 JZ J o ( JZ o ) 2 ) 10) (1 Z ooo Z o (1 JZ J o ( JZ o ) ) (11) Z ooe 2 Retuurn loss measuurement is usedd to evaluate thhe impedance match oof a filter. A As the match bbetween the ccharacteristic impedannce of the ttransmission lline and the terminating impedannce improves,, the reflectedd wave becom mes smaller. Therefoore, the reflectiion coefficientt in “(8)” decrreases. When a perfeect match exissts, there is nno reflected w wave and the reflectioon coefficient is zero. If thhe reflection ccoefficient is equal too 1, a perfect m mismatch exissts. Thus, the nnormal range of valuues for the maagnitude of thhe reflection ccoefficient is betweenn zero and one. Inserrtion loss (S21) is the differeence in dB pow wer between the signnals at the filterr input and outtput [7]. (9) III. SIMULATION RESULTS The B BPF circuit is simulated withh Ansoft Desiggner Student Versionn 2.2 software iin order to preddict the perform mance of the filter. F Few parameterrs in the circuiit are analyzedd and have a good reelationship to the microwavve theory. An optimization process has been intrroduced alongg the simulatioon procedure focusingg on the filteer dimension in order to iimprove the responsse of the filter. The configurationss of the softtware for Ka--band edgecoupledd stripline filterr are shown in Fig.8. The sofftware results of odd and even m mode impedannces for each section are presenteed in Fig.9. T The software rresults are neaarly identical with thee calculated ressults. The simuulated responsee of insertion loss (S221) and return looss (S11) is shoown in Fig.10. F Fig. 6 Characteristic curve of od dd and even mod de design data fo or edge-coupleed striplines Fig. 7 Ph hotograph of edg ge-coupled stripline BPF From the charracteristic curv ve in Fig.6, thee parameters W, W S andd d for each section are obtained. o For section s 1 and 4; S/bb=0.2, W/b=0.7. Therefore, b=d=h=0.508m b mm, W=0.355m mm andd s=0.1mm. For F Section 2 and a 3; S/b = 0.8, W/b = 0.75. Thherefore, s= 0.4 4064mm and W = 0.381mm. The photograaph of edge-coupled stripline band pass p filter is sh hown in Fig.7. The two paraameters (inserttion loss and return loss) are mance of filter.. A cruucial to analyzze to obtain a good perform good filter will be high return n loss and sm mall insertion loss nd. Return loss (S11) is a ratio r of refleccted rippple in passban pow wer to inciden nt power at th he test port of o a filter and d is exppressed in deciibels (dB). Pr S11 10 log reflected Pincident Fig. 8 Connfiguration for ffilter specificatioons (1 12) The ratio of the reflected wave to the incident wavee is known as the refflection coefficcient and is sim mply a measuree of thee quality of thee match betweeen the transmisssion line and the terrminating impeedances. Vreflected Vincident S111 10 log (13) (14) Fig. 9 Softwaree results of odd aand even impedaances 99 International Conference on Trends in Electrical, Electronics and Power Engineering (ICTEEP'2012) July 15-16, 2012 Singapore frequencies, lumped element filter is converted into distributed stripline filter by using Richard’s transformation and Kuroda’s identities. The filter is simulated with Ansoft Designer software to predict the performance of filter. The simulated insertion loss is less than 0.01dB in the desired passband and the simulated return loss is greater than 50 dB at center frequency. All simulated results are nearly identical with the calculated results and also they are good agreement to the design specifications. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author is greatly indebted to her parents and all of her teachers who have taught her during the whole life. The author also would like to thank Dr. Chaw Myat Nwe, Associate Professor at Electronic Engineering Department, Mandalay Technological University, for her suggestions and comments in doing this research. Fig. 10 Simulated insertion loss and return loss REFERENCES The simulated insertion loss is less than 0.01 dB in passband. Also the response is flat and uniform over the entire pass-band. In addition, the simulated response has the attenuation of more than 50 dB at 19.95 GHz. For S11 of 50 dB, reflection coefficient is 0.00001 which is nearly equal to 0 and a perfect match exists. Therefore, all simulated results are nearly identical to the design specifications. The simulated group delay for the designed filter is depicted in Fig.11. It is clear from the result that the group delay reaches a peak value close to the cut-off point. Moreover, the simulated group delay has a very low peak-to-peak variation of less than 3ns across the passband of the filter. Therefore, the designed filter shows attractive characteristics for BPF applications. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Fig. 11 Simulated group delay result IV. CONCLUSION This paper describes a procedure for designing edgecoupled stripline band pass filter. It also rejects image signal appearing at the frequency range between 19.7GHz to 20.2GHz. Third-order edge-coupled stripline filter is used in order to realize these objectives. Since the practical inductors and capacitors loses their intrinsic characteristics at high 100 Y. M. Yan, Y. T. Chang, H. Wang, R. B. Wu, a nd C. H. Chen, "Highly selective microstrip bandpass filters in Ka- band, " in 32th Eur. Microwave Conf. 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