Relationship Strategies: Respecting Preferences and Differences Think About: The roles you have at work: How does good and bad Presented by Judi Fischer MA, PCC-S Exercise: communication affect your success in these roles? Golden Rule: Write down one current situation or relationship that could be improved by improving communication with a person or persons. You are in the business of helping people ~ being able to understand and communicate effectively is a must! Platinum Rule: Do unto others as they would have you do unto them, Do unto others as you would have them do unto you, or Treat others the way you wish to be treated. Relationship Strategies: Behavioral Dimensions Relational Patterns Supporting or Controlling? or Relational Communication Treat others as they wish to be treated. Indirect or Direct? 1 Relational Patterns Supporting People are: The readiness and willingness with which a person outwardly shows emotions or feelings and develops interpersonal relationships. supporting controlling Relaxed Express feelings Warm Feeling oriented Responsive Flexible with time Informal Relationship oriented Personable “Spirit of the law” Relational Communication Controlling People are: Formal Hide feelings Proper Task oriented Guarded Disciplined with time Aloof Fact oriented Follow rules “Letter of the law” The amount of control and forcefulness a person attempts to exercise over situations or other people’s thoughts and emotions. indirect Indirect People are: direct Direct People are: Easygoing Avoids risks Impatient Takes risks Less assertive Meditative decisions Confronting Swift decisions Listens Keeps opinions to self Talks Expresses opinions readily Reserved Outgoing 2 Four Behavioral Styles Social Peacock Diplomatic Dove Wise Owl Behavioral Styles Dove: Supporting and indirect. Relatively Dominant Eagle Behavioral Styles Peacock: Direct and supporting. Animated, intuitiveness, lively. Can be seen as excitable, manipulative. Fast paced, spontaneous, seldom concerned about facts and details. May exaggerate and generalize. Primary strengths: enthusiasm, sociable, ideas and persuasiveness. May get involved in too many things, be impatient. Behavioral Styles unassertive, warm, reliable, compliant, soft hearted and accommodating. Primary strengths: giving, caring and a peacemaker. The most people oriented of the four. Dislikes interpersonal conflict. Behavioral Styles Owl: Indirect and controlling. Concerned with analytical processes, persistent and systematic problem solver. Can be seen as aloof, picky and critical. Primary strengths: accuracy, dependability, independence, follow-thru, and organization. Prefers the intellectual. Behavioral Styles Supporting Dove Eagles: Controlling and direct. Firmness in relationships with others, oriented toward productivity and goals, concerned with bottom line results. Accepts challenges, takes authority and goes head first into solving problems. Primary strengths: administration, independence and achieving goals. Peacock Indirect Direct Owl Eagle Controlling 3 Strengths and Weaknesses Dove Behavioral Style Strengths and Weaknesses Peacock Behavioral Style Strengths Weaknesses Strengths Weaknesses Supportive Compliant Invigorating Excitable Reliable Overly sensitive Optimistic Overly involved Pleasant Easily bullied Animated Impatience Loving Soft-hearted Sociable Short attention Strengths and Weaknesses Owl Behavioral Style Strengths and Weaknesses Eagle Behavioral Style Strengths Weaknesses Strengths Weaknesses Diligent Picky Firm Uncompromising Persevering Overly cautious Comprehensive Poor listening Creative Stiff Productive Competitive Independent Procrastination Leadership Impatient Behavioral Styles - Decisions Behavioral Styles - Workplace Supporting Consulting Supporting Spontaneous Indirect Direct Deliberate Decisive Controlling Personal and Relaxed Stimulating and Cluttered Indirect Direct Structured and Functional Busy and Efficient Controlling 4 Behavioral Styles – Irritations Supporting Insensitivity and Impatience Routine and Perfectionism Managing Relationship Stress PACE: A person’s natural rate of speed. Indirect Direct Disorganization and Unpredictability Inefficiency and Indecision PRIORITY: What a person sees as most important toward accomplishing a goal. Controlling Differences in Styles: Differences in Styles: Supporting – relationship priority Controlling – task priority Indirect – slower pace Direct – faster pace Behavioral Styles – Managing Stress Slow Pace Relationship Priority Indirect Dove and Owl Supporting Peacock and Dove Fast Pace Task Priority Direct Peacock and Eagle Controlling Eagle and Owl Behavioral Flexibility Supporting Submissive Sarcastic Behavioral Flexibility: A willingness Indirect Direct Withdraw Dictatorial to exercise behaviors not necessarily characteristic of your own for the benefit of the relationship. Controlling 5 Behavioral Flexibility Flexibility is adjusting your openness, directness, pace and priority, while maintaining your own identity. Raise your flexibility level – trust and credibility go up; Lower your flexibility level – trust and credibility go down. Increasing Behavioral Flexibility The Owl Openly show concern and appreciation for others. Occasionally try short cuts and time savers. Initiate new projects. Compromise with the opposition. Use policies as guidelines, not laws. Increasing Behavioral Flexibility The Eagle Practice “active” listening. Develop patience, humility, sensitivity and empathy. Verbalize the reason for conclusions. Identify with the group. Verbalize compliments to others. Increasing Behavioral Flexibility The Dove Become less sensitive to the feelings and actions of others. Take risks – move out of comfort zone. Delegate to others. Verbalize feelings and thoughts to the appropriate person. Increasing Behavioral Flexibility The Peacock Control time and emotions. Develop a more objective mindset. Spend more time checking, verifying and organizing. Follow through on agreements. Try to complete more of what you start. Think about it: Could behavioral flexibility help improve the current situation or relationship you identified? What is one way you could increase your behavioral flexibility so you are treating this person the way they want to be treated? Platinum Rule 6