CSCI 116: Business Use of Computers (3-4 Credits) Course Description Three Credits - An introductory course using microcomputers. This course is designed to teach the use of Microsoft Office in the business environment. Students in this course will learn the most important topics of Microsoft Office and will be able to utilize electronic communications to enhance both their personal and professional lives. No prior computer experience is assumed. Students will first be presented with an overview of computer concepts, followed by a quick introduction to Windows. When comfortable with the basics of computing and operating systems, students will briefly cover email basics and internet browsing skills. Next, students learn the Office programs, including four sets of tutorials that teach the basics of Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint. Students will also integrate these applications. (F, S, Su, O) Four Credits – The fourth credit portion of the class reflects on the role various forms of electronic and digital technology can play in the information age. Students will be introduced to additional technologies including sharing documents in the Skydrive. Students will be able to utilize electronic communications to enhance both their personal and professional lives. Prerequisite None. No prior computer experience is assumed. PLEASE NOTE: Students will only receive credit toward graduation for either CSCI 116 Business Use of Computers or CIS 101 Computer Literacy. If you have already taken CIS 101, you are advised not to take CSCI 116 as both will not count toward graduation. Textbook and Software Required (The textbook is bundled with a SAM assessment booklet.) Required Text: New Perspectives on MS Office 2010 First Course; ISBN #9781133150589 bundle including textbook AND SAM 2010 -ORDigital text (Mindtap reader) SAM 2010 ISBN#: 978-1-111-95850-3. Students need one or the other, not both. Used Book information: (Printed Textbook only: ISBN #9780538746533) NOTE: If you purchased a textbook separately and not the bundle listed above, you will need to order SAM 2010 ASSESSMENT, TRAINING AND PROJECTS, V7.0 PRINTED ACCESS CODE from the publisher’s website found at: Publisher: Course Technology, Cengage Learning 2011 Publisher/book Website: The NDSCS Bookstore carries both bundles. Contact Coleen at the NDSCS Bookstore for the most current textbook information (1-800-342-4325, ext. 2239 or You may also visit the Bookstore web site at and search for book information by class by clicking the "Textbook" tab. Required Software: Microsoft Office 2010 Professional (not student or starter package) including Word, Excel, PowerPoint AND Access. Refer to the course for details. Operating System Required: Windows 7 is required (effective Fall 2011). Along with the required text and software, please have a CD or disk available you may copy your work to in order to have a backup of your work (in the event of a computer crash). Course Objectives Learning Outcomes Students will be able to.... Windows 1.Use the Windows operating system to perform basic operating system tasks 2.Launch Microsoft Windows XP 3.Identify the objects on the desktop 4.Perform the basic mouse operations: point, click, right-click, double-click, drag, and right-drag 5.Display the Start menu and start an application program 6.Open, minimize, maximize, restore, move, size, scroll, and close a window 7.Display drive and folder contents 8.Create a folder in Windows Explorer and Microsoft Word 9.Download files from or a data cd 10.Copy, move, rename, and delete files 11.Search for files using a word or phrase in the file or by name 12.Use Help and Support Word 1.Use Word to Create Save and Print documents 2.Edit and Format a Document 3.Create a Multiple-Page Report 4.Create a Desktop Publishing Newsletter 5.Excel Learning Outcomes 6.Enter formulas and function 7.Improve the appearance of worksheet 8.Create large worksheets 9.Use Excel to Manage Financial Data 10.Develop professional looking charts 11.Integrate Office 2007: Word and Excel Excel 1.Enter formulas and functions 2.Improve the appearance of worksheet 3.Create large worksheets 4.Use Excel to manage financial data 5.Develop professional looking charts 6.Integrate Office 2007: Word and Excel Access Use Microsoft Access 2007 1.Add, Create and Maintain a Database 2.Query a Database 3.Create Forms and Reports 4.Integrate Word, Excel and Access PowerPoint 1.Use Power Point to create, save and print slide shows composed of single and multi-level bulleted lists. 2.Add clip art and animation to the Power Point slide show 3.Integrate Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint Additional 4th credit option - Netiquette 1.Reflect on the role various forms of electronic and digital technology can play in the business industry 2.Become skilled in some of the many digital tools used online in the business arena 3.Learn basic theories of communication, selection, evaluation and research 4.Determine appropriate applications of these theories and techniques in business settings After successful completion of this course, the student should be prepared to become certified in the Microsoft Office User Specialist at the Core level. Optional tests would be required for the certifications to be granted. General Policies Each student will spend at least 6 hours per week preparing for class. If you need special assistance in order to participate in this class, please consult with the instructor as soon as possible. I expect assignments will be submitted on or before due dates, tests will be taken when scheduled and any difficulties will be communicated to me in a timely manner. Since our communication will be written, I expect you will write with courtesy. All your assignments must be done independently. General advice and interaction are encouraged. You may request suggestions from others on how to complete an assignment when the instructions are vague but you are not to copy others' work. Be advised I cannot give you credit for work not submitted. Grading Policy: Late assignments may not be accepted. Point deductions will be taken on accepted late work. Tests missed and not communicated to the instructor prior to the deadline will be deducted one letter grade per week late. Each test and assignment is assigned a specified number of points. The points achieved by you are totaled and divided by the total points possible to calculate your percentage. The percentage is converted into a letter grade based upon the following scale: 100%-94%=A 93%-86%=B 85%-78%=C 77%-70%=D Below 70%=F Some exams will be utilizing a feature called Exam Guard. ExamGuard is a browser add-on providing an extra secure environment for online test-taking. Students must download and install the ExamGuard software from QuestionMark Secure. Exams using ExamGuard must be taken on a PC; ExamGuard is not compatible with Macintosh computers. ExamGuard works best with Internet Explorer. If using Netscape, see the Technical Help link for instructions on how to configure your computer for the Exam Guard settings. Grading Criteria Evaluation will be done by using grades from all or a combination of the following: 3 Credits: Textbook Assignments/Projects= 250 points Quizzes= 230 points Application Final Examinations=335 points Discussions= 80 points 4 Credits: Textbook Assignments/Projects=330 points Quizzes=250 points Application Final Examinations=435 points Discussions=110 points (subject to revision) Final grades will be determined from, textbook assignments, exercises, projects and/or final examinations(s) for all applications. The final examinations (assessments) for Word, Excel and integration of Word, Excel and Access will consist of hands-on projects. These exams will need to be proctored (see Proctor Form link). The total number of points you receive is divided into the total points possible, giving a percentage. The percentage is then converted into a letter grade based upon the following scale: 90% - 100% = A 80% - 89% = B 70% - 79% = C 60% - 69% = D Below 60% = F Late assignments may not be accepted. Late assignments that are accepted may not receive feedback from the instructor. Point deductions will be taken on accepted late work. Tests missed and not communicated to the instructor prior to the deadline will be deducted 1 letter grade per week late and no feedback given. Discussion Grading Criteria Correct grammar and spelling is essential; including punctuation and capitalization. It is the intent of NDSCS to develop employable skills in students, and to prepare them for the workplace. Written communication is one of those skills. If this isn't your strength, develop a habit of performing a spell check in MS Word before submitting your work, or posting to a threaded discussion. Points will be earned in the Gradebook for your participation in the assigned discussions. Points will be assigned using the following method and may be computed on a combination of columns 1 and 2: Each week is worth 10-20 points, depending on the topic. Good You respond with an opinion or information that is pertinent to the topic but in only one sentence = 10 points max You not only post your thoughts, but also post reaction to another student as described above = 5 points max Limited to 2-3 spelling or grammar errors = 5 points max Total Possible Points for GOOD= 20 points max Minimum You respond with an opinion or information not pertinent to the topic/and or not complete. = 7 points max No response to another student = 0 points 4 or more spelling or grammar errors = 3 points max Total Possible Points for MINIMUM = 10 points max Some exams will be utilizing a feature called Exam Guard. ExamGuard is a browser add-on providing an extra secure environment for online test-taking. Students must download and install the ExamGuard software from QuestionMark Secure Exams using ExamGuard must be taken on a PC; ExamGuard is not compatible with Macintosh computers ExamGuard works best with Internet Explorer If using Netscape, see the Technical Help link for instructions on how to configure your computer for the Exam Guard settings. Online Student Participation and Conduct Guidelines The practices of courtesy and respect that apply in the traditional classroom also apply online. However, the expectations and practice differ in the online classroom to greater extent. Print and review the Online Student Participation and Conduct Guidelines (Appendix B) for future reference. Failure to abide by such codes of conduct and etiquette may result in my asking you to withdraw from the class and the assignment of a failing grade. NDSCS online students should be aware of various policies and procedures such as those listed below. Attendance - Students are expected to log into their online classes frequently during each week of the semester and to submit course work on time to meet due dates set by the instructors. Attendance and class participation is monitored and students not submitting work in their online classes may be dropped from the class. Review the Attendance Policy for further details. Computer Access - It is the student's responsibility to maintain access to a working computer and Internet connection to keep up in online class assignments. Because computer problems do occur, students should have a plan for alternative computer access in case of computer problems. Students will be able to access their online classes from any computer with an Internet connection. Refund Policy/Withdrawal Refund Schedule Academic Calendar - Online classes follow the same calendar as regular on-campus classes. They begin with the semester begins and students do not need to log in at specific days/times but instructors do set due dates for assignments and exams to be submitted so there is structure to the classes. Online classes are not self-paced but do provide flexibility in that they are accessible 24/7 to allow students to work around other commitments when doing their course work. Academic Integrity Integrity is an NDSCS core value and there is an expectation that all students, as members of the college community, adhere to the highest levels of academic integrity. Dishonesty in class, laboratory, shop work or tests is regarded as a serious offense and is subject to disciplinary action by the instructor and dean of the respective division. For more information, refer to the NDSCS Student Planner or College Catalog under College Policies and Basic Regulations of Conduct. Types of Misconduct Cheating: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. Fabrication: Intentionally and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise. Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty. Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise. Disabilities and Special Needs If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and the Disability Support Services Office, 225 Mildred Johnson Library (phone 701-671-2623, 800-342-4325, ext. 32623) as early as possible in the term. Other College Policies can be found in the Catalog. Student-Instructor Communications While an online class is available 24 hours a day and offers greater flexibility for the student and instructor, keep in mind that your instructor will not be available 24 hours a day. I will check my email, voicemail, and online Office messages on a regular basis, but there may be times when I am unavailable due to other commitments and job responsibilities. I will respond to email, voicemail, or online Office messages as time allows. As a general rule, you can expect your direct question to be answered within 24 hours during week days. Since our communication will be written, I expect you will write with courtesy. When sending an email, please include your full name so I know to whom I'm responding. Often, the email addresses do not indicate who is sending the message. HOTMAIL USERS: From past history of teaching online, HOTMAIL does not always recognize e-mail from NDSCS as valid e-mail and may block receipt; if you have a HOTMAIL e-mail account, first check the mail in the junkbox. If that doesn't solve the problems, I would strongly suggest you set up another e-mail account through NDSCS at: If you do set up an NDSCS email account, be sure to change your e-mail address for this course by changing your profile information on your online personal home page, to ensure you receive instructor communications. If you have difficulty setting up your new e-mail account, please contact the Help Desk at or call 701-671-2523. Tuition and Fees See tuition and fee information, Refund Policy and Withdrawal Schedule information in the NDSCS Online site under Financial Information. Tuition and fee costs do not include books, software, supplies and other program or course fees which may vary by program.