July 20 - The Daily Iowan

No matter who wins the tIP. )'1111
can roDow It blow-b7-blow .~
The Dally Iowan. 8M .,..;.e_II_-,
lAwai Ihow", prvbably tud", .11'
TII.nod.,.: ••
In ....
port ...., 'J'h urajjay
Full ....... Wire Report,
Iowa City, Iowa, Wedntaday, July 20. 1927
of The Aaaoelatlltt Prell
Officers lake Car, English
PostpOnes Flight
40 Gallons Alcohol to United States
Where Vienna's Mobs Rioted
.lui,. fO (A')-(lapt.I" Courtney,
who __ to atart I( nlcht to New
York thll mornlna', poatponed
the trip ror the day when •
trial rJ4ht prOved that the ~re­
!toe_ IIIJINIfttu&
worklnr UIY
..Uarac:loril, •
Creek Bed Yields
Huge Skeleton of
Ancient Mastodon
m ~hanlc.
Nicaraguans Fail
to Pass Protest
Against Marines
of Discussion
Result in Decision
to Compromise
WASllIl'OTON. D. c.. July 19 (A')
-MtfOr hours ot hNted 4b!cullll1on
" ....,1 u lion ot protest to P reel4e.n t
oolldc. anl nlt Am rlcan marine
artlvlll In Nicaragua Inaplred by
Ih battle of Ma'rln. 8114 rotlowel'll
or 0 n.raIndlna at Ocala!. (ailed
to let
f1 nlte acUon today In t be
r.,lllUon committee of the tltth
1 "·Am rlcan labor conct'Ul.
"1, n the committee - ' on broke
UII lhe members ald a compromlee
~Iutlon wou14 be drw.rted and 0 ( '
t ''ed to the concret!a by a lubeom·
compOtI\!d or Matthew Wall,
Am rlMn 4 lqate. Lui. N. Moron.
at alf'xico, And_ n. ),()raI. of
Ouat mala, and til NIC8J'Il&1l8.ll del.
t • who offered tho orIgInal Goo'
um nl, Ikloll1on De La Selva and
TranqulUna Buna.
n. N I"II8UA reeolutlona lfoul4
hav prot.ted the "pr nee and
acUvltlw" or the marl nM In their
1'01Inlry and "any Interfennce on
lh.. IJIlrt of th' United Stat. goy.
rnnl nt In the alfalre of the Nlcarau n
"8, hInt M'enllon aa tho United
tats ov mmenl hIlS \)I'en carry·
InIon In NI~UA," the proteat
lutl n IItld, "relultJng In malt
eplorable Ineldent., cannot be ere·
llv of & ltat of mi nd among thle
SOUTHA MPTON, E ngla nd, J uly
18 ~"The gr a t adventu re wi ll
.tart at da.... n tomorrow." In these
ptaln E'. T. Courtn y. the
British aviator to nIg ht announced
that all W08 In r adlne88 for hIs
trana·Atlontlc (tight to _ w York
wIt h a crew or two In the flylnll
boat "Wbole."
Captain Courtney pllLnned to make
a fInal t at !light early tomorrow
morning. He w1ll then retue1 and
.tart' not later tha n 1 o'clock rrom
Southampton waten ror Valentia,
I reland.
Lunch at VaienUa
At Valenti.. Harbour lhe crow ot
h,,;oI('Qn.,I)~('I!:I~~ Ar~:~:hl~ha~~~ I ~:~U~I\~~A~e'~I:~~ s:~c~~:m~h~u":l~
wilt 10"-"'<1 th, United Stal.. ror Newto undland About a o'clock In
I,M ' lh AmerlClln people Who are
In 110 way r polll1bl ror luch In·
tid nl&."
t-\Iullned o"er hla dlllltroul derKt
,I Qeolal, O.n ral
ndl no, 1 ader
·Ic..... uan rebel. has Iso·
/ th
.. tNI hln. If In ...... mole and In·
" allli pOrt at th cou ntry.
moslng <I teMe by IL mere
banMul at American mnrlnes ILnd
rlcaraguan conltnbulary aIded by
nv bombln, ptana have llerved 10
All'r lh. reb4'ls.
Ddlno haa llHn able 10 a-alher
th r • Jarle number of Iympat h·
ra. HI hlmeelt hu fought under
n nll , Ion do command r or the
ral Corea.
Mount Pleuant
Approvea Bond
laaue, Celebrates
T PLEASANT. July 19 (A')
.•'In.1 ~tur n a tonliht revea led that
42 a vat... w~re CIUIt ror the bond
I.. u nnt! 14&5 agal not. The pro·
I In ked JUII elghl y· two votee or
~ rrylnl! rour 10 one.
In MOunt PI@AlIlnt 1784 "y 8"
volea 11'
cut to but 167 nglLl nlt,
\,;1 ven out of the elghll'l'lI p recinct.
or th count y al1lJroY~1 the lu ue.
WIth th a nnounc"ment of the re·
ult . n Impromtu c lebroUon was
.tAl"td htre. The be nd (Hayed IleY'
r, 1 lectlon. and rI recrnckera Ihot
Prohibition Arent.
Held on Bond for
Perjury Charrea
to..."". rrli' I
I PPI'Il Imal
I, •
. . AI
nl'rlnlC pi
Ilfn t~
Ared Graduate 01
Univenity Diea
IlOlICf! four
In ObtAInln"
hart DeWitt o..yl8,
II AII. ."""Ift lIy ......re
rhl,.. ..... "'Ith a. rln .. t th pur·
' I\ue ot
hl.ky (rllm a "Df.nny
"'H18" II hi. home.
AUlhorttl III\ld II oqullcl oe 1<111
a t
r .101.'nM> Itn,t thAl t~
... nts dId nul v n .how up. 'rhe
t~ 11' ... lItltl to th~ rand Jut)'
... bond
r h,
",... nt LlltI.. hlff of the lJOl·
b IIQ lIOt equad. Mid the annt.
• .., Collf
to hll "In, 'lOom
, ....., III rour oth". ('a"".,
lIa)'Ift<Jnd Nu(~k IlalII.ta nt nt.tr lcl
atlon . "I ....tl mlll I th ..t "about U~f n ­
tHin to lhl ri. I'll " In which
l1li.18 1",4 111111 ....~N! I'hI , wit_ I
....14 be nolle prollled without !le1\
HI l!I\ ... fI wlrft lind ('hlldr.n to
"'JIPOft," buvl• • aR qllUled A-'I hilt ·
hit . Id , " I h IIHn ' r)'/ .... to be
1III1JIlN!. Oon' l forn t I a nI, lOt
It,M rOf' Mch cUe Ind ...mellmN
& lOIII ..... to wOt'k .. Olle
'* ...
MEMPHIS, July 18 (A')-Jamel J .
n, 71 y raId Ia.wyer. polltklan . nd manutAclurer dIed at hi.
home here Ial today .Uer a Unger·
In, 111 _
.. _Ult of a J)II.I'alytlo
.troke, all', Ru _ 1I wal In 188.
a c ltu'~n of New York a Dd II lO, lIknown Tamma ny leAder Of that
dey, lie billerl, opl)Oletl WII·
Uall1 1, Bry.n tor tbe presJMncy
And publ~ & book "Why Wiltl \&m 1 . Orrall wu not elected prMIde nl."
A nallve at IIq Harbor. Lonl' r..
lend. Mr. Ru_1I received hll edu·
~atlo" In lh. etat. of Jowa ..-IY1"1f MIl law de,,," rrom the .Ia le
IInl ..ralt, tb_. H. ha4 liVed In
Memphll tor the \IUt HYenl..n
,.. ,a.
PORTIIWOIJ1'H, OhIo, .lui, 1. (,til
-C. W. CblptMU, 10, owner or •
Iar,. Itrl", ot race ho .... at Raceland, Xl' .. ,... III1Ied In a cooll lene
a t the tracJc here lat. tOlllltll .. he
attempted 10 atop a flIJllt b t t _
• H....., aD4 & nIle II1&II-
tho artel'lloon.
Th r was reverlsh last mi nute
[lcllYlty at calahot Camp where the
"Wbole" was beIng gone over. The
01 chIne wns talrly covered with
meehanlC8 and experts who were
maki ng a mlcroBCoplc Inspeotion to
see It she WM ln po rteet fi ghti ng trIm
(or th battle aga inst th Atlflntlc
elen.ents tomorrow.
captain Cour t ney made tile decl·
sIan to make Ihe flight tomorrow
atter studying weather conditio ns
all day.
Maitland Gets
Noisy Welcome
MlLWAUKEE. July 19 (,4»-A
home town's hom ll{l"e to Its utustrl·
OU8 native lIO n who gaIned renown
In a n epuchal flIght that epn nned
2.400 miles ot Ihll Pacifi c ocenn wna
pa id today when LIe ute na nt L ester
MlLltland revlllited the cIty or h l~
bayhood tor & da y.
n ecelvlng a noley welcome In t ho
city he lett In 1917 to embal'k upon
an aviation career In the nrmy. Lieu·
tenant Maitland, or "Les" to th e
home folk, entered heartily on nn
Intenl lve prollrum.
In to the twenty.rour hou ra were
jorflmed receptlonit, dlnnen , a porado
a nd other runctloni 1ii which ho
pa rticIpated with hla pal of th o
tru n, ·Paclrlc tIlght, Lieutena nt AI·
bert J'legelloorger , at hla HIde.
The day', prollrom aaw th e dedi·
caUon ot the city'. alrvort on the
ahore of Lake Michigan 1\1 "M alt·
land Field," election ot the two avl·
ator. to honora ry membershlp& In
th e Mllwlukee Pre,s club. one ot tho
oldy l In the oountry, and particlp,,·
lion In a parade that waa foll owed
by • civic r eception attended by
about 50,000 people.
The create.t turnout came In the
.u:ternoon when the parade was h eld.
All the nolee·.mkln; parnphernallu.
of the cIty ,..... brought Into play ,
a n4 confetti was Ihowered upon the
&"Ia tol'll from high bulldln,..
Attlred In Mttle army unlforme
and with their pleaaure plainly evl·
dent by smltel the tlyon acknow·
ledged the "'lItatlon. &I they pro·
ceeded alonl the line or march.
It WlI a civic parade of handH,
pOlloe. rlremen, ciyle o....nlaatlonll.
I chool children and ' rour eompanlee
ot the WllICOnlln natiOnal iuard.
Ttl. nY8ra 11'111 lalll oU for Pay·
ton tomorrow mornlnl accompanied
by .n alCort and then ro to Wash·
In.ton, Their wlvel oontlnued ealt
toda,. Mrl, Ha.. nbe..... r rolng to
BeNlton and MN. Ka1ttand rolnl to
Thomas Heads Search
in Region Near
I High Amana
Vienna's general strike was called off after three days of terror, in which communists
and soldiers fought t hrough t he streets. The top picture shows the Vienna city hall, be.
fore which the worst of the- mob scenes were staged, while below is a view of a recent public meeting, one of several, which led to the final outbreak. Inset is Ignatz Seipel, the
Au strian prime minister who handled t he difficult situation with a strong hand.
Freeze Feet
Coolidge Receives BoY'
Byrd, Noville Get
While Impri.oned
Farm Committee on Narrow Ledge Award for Flight
E TES "PARK, 010,. July 11} (JP)
NEW YOR K, July J9 <.4'J-..CODl·
RAPfD CITY. S. D .• July 19 (JPl- -Thr e AlloO" , lawn, YOUtl18 to·
Figuretl purporting to show that It day arl' ~uffel' lng the unique experl' mnnd~r RIc hard E. Byrd and Lie u·
costs ~he farmer much more to prlr ~nce of froZ<'n tN't In July. Hugh tennnt Geol'go O. Noville were
duc hl8 crops than he I:etl for Monlson, 19 years old, MiltOn FIsh· awarded lhe DIsti ng uished FlyI ng
~ 18, lLod Burl' COil' 18, who are
them were presented to President .pendlng theh' vMallon bere were Cross ton Ight by Secretary Curtis
Coolidge to<1lLy In the course or two "escuM this morning by a search. B. WlIlll'" of t
navy. In the /lame
('Qnversatlons h~ld by hIm on the · Ing plLrty under the lea.dershlp of of Preslilent Coolidge for "co urage
ngl'!oulturo ~Itu<ltlon.
Robert Collier attN' ILn a.larm had fi nd extrao rdInar y Ilchlevemen t" In
been sounded following th':!lr dl8llp, flyIng the plane "AmerIca." to
The corn belt committee gave Mr. penrancQ Cram CIlmp last night.
Coolidge a tallle or .tatl lIcs show·
The boys, suf(erlllg Reverl'ly f"om
The awards were made at a ban .
Ing that It {'osts th rnrmer an 0'" frozen reel were round by their res· quet gIven to the member. or the
eru.ge or nboot 79 per cl'nt more to cuers on nn lS·lnch letlJ("" 400 feet crew of the "America" nnd to Clar.
prOJucl', than h reoelv 8 ror hIs down the Ride of Long's Peak whIch ence D. Chamberlin.
they had endeavored 10 scale yes·
At the end of the thirty mlnutc8 terda
The presentatio n of the cro"ses
was unex pected a nd bo th Cornman·
. •
conference, the committee 8 repr.
In making the descent they had d
B d
d LI t
t N 1tI
86ntatlve declared that the presl· slid down th 400 root face at the er
yr lin
eu ena n
ov e
dent "expre"sed hlm"elf ery tavor.
looked the surpr ise they {elt. The
n.nd hnd be n unI
B d' b
'ably" toward their suggestion that
cross was p nn
on yr s reas l
able lo r ltaee their ste\l9.
first As he pInned each medal to
fl broader oool"" ..... Uve marketing
'rhelr rescue wos
trected tb l I thel; white Nnvy uniforms Secr esystem must be flrronged. However mornIng by means of ropes whlchl t . \\' 111 • ald' "'I'h
·I'd t r
Ii' 'ede k 8 M
btl h'
• Q' Y
lur 8 .
I. pres en 0
• rc
urp 'Y, PU 8 er a were d"olmed dawn to the chusm th U It d St. t tak
I ed tl
' th
e n e
u. es
es p e88ure n
the Mlnlleapolls Tl"Ibune who stay· I I h 1
mpr son
Ie ~ ou 8.
presenting t he D Istingui sh ed Flying
ed Inst nIght at the summer whI te
ServIce CI'OSS fat' servi ces on the 00'
housl', exp"essed opposItion to the
McNary.tfQugen farm bi tt.
~aslon at,. the flight o~ lhe pla ne
Wa nt COQper8th'e Marketing
COmml"'l'On J~medca tra m Ne w ~ ork City to
The 8pokesman Of the oom belt
Is tor extraordlnlLry
committee. whloh repr sen ts thh"
tY'OII state fnrm orgnnlz,'1.tJons prln'
DES MOINES, July 10 (A')-Clar. achIevement In lLerl ol !\Ight In recog·
cl polly In til .. midd le west told the en D. Chambedl n , fo r mer DenIson. nlUo n ot oourlLge. resourcerulne..
pl'esldent that a remedy would be lowa boy, who first piloted a plane a nd skill.
provided In a system or coc perll · with a p[\.8scnger across the Atlantic.
l\I ayo r Wnlker. toast master of the
tlve marketlng bOiLrd ehough to In· w1ll be made a lieutena nt colonel on blLn' luct. followed th e presentation
the staff of John Hammill whe n he with the s uggestion whIch he saId
cludo all farm produ cts.
Those who l!Il.W th'e president were come. hcn, to recelvc the welcome co m() tram Commander Byrd that
FJ. E. K ennedy ot Pontiac. Ill .. Vv . his "home folks oC 10WIl" nre pre· Bert AcostlL and Bert Belchen shJp·
R . Crouse ot b es Molnel!, ILnd D . p[lI'l ng to glye him.
mates of Byrd and Novllle, and
D. Caillns of Bello Fourche, S. D .
Governor Hamm l\l Rllld. however, Clarence D . ChlLmberUn pilot of the
They made no mention of t he Mc- that thp commIssIon IIlI!:ht be co n· "Colum bia" In 118 flig ht to Germany,
Nary.Ha uge n bIll In t hcl r conter· fer' ed III the eMt In COse Cha mber· be Ind ucted Into the reserve oWcers
IIn'A plans would not permIt hIs 1m· earp ao th at they also could be
E stimate CoIls
medIate return hel·e.
a warded the cro...
E8tlmaUng th n t It ('OBts th e tarm·
er at the WE-8t $1.42 a bU8hei to pro'
duce corn. $2.44 ror wheat. 19c for
oa ts . $18.32 Il h undl'edwclgh t fo r
1I0g8 a nd 61c a (Iozen for eggs. l he
Nlmmltlee bas d its conclusions on
thll gTound that the farmer shoul\l
get fl ret urn of 6 per cent on h1s
"MI e" fLIP Investmt'n l. 7 per ceot
his B.A.. M .A.. and M.D. at that
on his Inveatment on personal prop"Ilc l'e'~ my bobby," o(fer~d Prot. U nl yersl ty, Ilnd hie Ph.D. at the Unl·
erty nnd equity and thlLt the tarm
ver slt y of Chlcngo.
operator .hould get 0. MIllry ot $1.' W. E. D1atz of lhe (\()partmen t oC
Aid Bat:kward Children
800 n year.
psychology, nnd handed me a IP'o uP
He thlnke thM lhe fi eld of child
The farm operat or. however wQuld or snnp-shols. 'rhey were all of a 1)8ychology oCrere many p088lblUtle8,
work 365 daY8 n yenl' ILnd from this chubby ch ild, In IL bath ing suIt. play· Ilna tha t research In It wilt do won·
",t1 Il"y would pay SSM nnnually tor Ing 0 11 a s(ln<ly beach ,
del'. not only tor the unuHually back·
house r ent and tor all produots
" It's my 2·yenr -old (1augl1 ter." ex· wat'll. or the unusually brUllant, but
r[ll8ed hut used by him.
pUlJlled the 1)l'OfessOt". "Jhe 18 m y also for the norm al chUd.
P la ns wero onn ouM Od today at IncentJ ve nnd 11mblllon. No. I don·t
The ohild with pre'fI()hool trainIng
the executive orrIco for a fi shing InWct any c l"u ~1 a nd Inhumnn ex· wlil have 11 grelLt advantage over the
excursion Snturd ay by th o president perlme nts In psychology on the 1J00r one without It, he believes. However ,
In RapId Creel( lUI th e /fucat of Sam child. N OI' u)lon othol' persons' c hll· he th Inks that the pre'Bchool will
McK elvie. former goverllor of Ne- dren. Yo u .~e. 1 don't h.lVtl nn)' never be u8ed by the mlLlorlty or
we lt'd Id raM abu ut how a ohlld should Children. The equlJ)ment 18 110 dlt·
btl t,·Mtcd.
1 just U,8e common t""ent rm m th ll t uoed In th e gmdes
nnd klnl'lergllrten. that the training
will l'emlLln tar t oo expensive tor lhe
Rear Child ... " at Home
"I th ink t hlLt the home 18 tho flverage purse .
proper plnco fOl' th t'car ln g of n
PI'ofe880r Blatz declarel that he
oh lld. and pnr en tB art) tho proper co ul d make mucb more money by
pel'so ns to I' IIr It. POI'c nl s cnn g'lln fo llowing th p,'ofe8810n of a phYII·
With the nddltlon of two wIng, n knowll'dgo ot child P8ycholo/:y clnn. tor which he Is qualified with
t o the WC8t1IlWn nur~. · hollle all th rough co nrel'onccH, Ruch ns th o an M.D .• but hae decided upon child
tho west ~lLmpuH . Ilccooonmod'ltlonA ono h old herll rece ntl y. at which psyohology as orterlni greuter poIIsI·
11'111 be provided for nil of Ihe nUl'BM nenrly 200 ra mllleB w~ rll repl'c8entcd. blllt1es. ami a gr\!ater need of reo
In th e tra inIng IIChool , Rooml for Then th ore a re chil d welfa l'e stu· t earch.
"No more teaohlntr thle lummer,"
160 more w1ll b~ Included In the two tlons. us th e uno here, and 8Imilo. ,'
OMS In TO·I·onto."
em phulled Profeuor BIlLts, and he
The W P8t wing , now three 8torieH ,Pro/e88o \' llt" tz WllS tn/kin g aOObt smiled like tbe *,ntleman In the ad·
high, witt be connected with the child psychOlogy. hl~ s pecial Ilelel of vertl8ement., "I'm I_vine tomOITOW
Immlll1lately 8tudy. Wh Ich he 18 proleBlor ot at for OeO~.n Lake, Canada, to _
Wetll by a tunnel. now almoat 00111 · thl! Univerllity of Toronto, durlna my amolUoD. lb.'. watUna for 1M
th e rerular .choal filar. lIe received th ..... "
Hammill Will Grant
"Home Is Proper Place for Child
Rearing" Professor Blatz Affirms
Third Storie. of
Weatlawn Willal .
Nearly Completed
Policy Discussion-I'
Heavy Sentence. Given as Reason
by Prime Minister
Vienna Rioter.
Face Examination,
VIENNA. July 19 (~"'m l nal
proceedings were Instituted this af·
ternoon oga ln"t se venty·flve of tbose
In vuvled In Frida y's riot. More than
200 per.uns a re stili a waIting exam·
Ina tlon as to lhelr complicity,
The oharges against thOse who
w1ll go on trial Incl ude pa.rtlclpaUon
In an upris ing resulllnr In t he death
at elgh ty·eeven persons a nd the
wounding of 400. Areon and dea·
tructlon ot prIvate and publlo pro·
perty -valued In millions at dolla rs.
All face heavy penal sentences.
Parliament w1ll convene next Mon·
Rain, Bad Weather
Fail to Dampen
FA WI. EY, Eng., July 20 CA'l-The
work ed th roug hollt the
n lrht r,nlehlng examInIng ILn(l test·
Ing every pa rt of the "'Vhll le" In
which CaptaIn F . T. Courtney hopeo
to l lart on hIs tranl·Atlantio rug!!t
bet w~ n 7 and 8 o'clock thlll W ed·
III'8day mornIn g. All has been pro·
nounClld perfec t. !)awn W'lII break·
plain Courtney arrived
Ing when
on tho scene.
About 4:30 Ibis mornIng a nd a l·
though there wal IL 8teady drlz7Je
h was rull or enth u8la8m and qui te
BUt/erled that weath er cond ltlo n.
would be tAvorable. li e based hi.
,pinion on weat her bulletins. The8e
,. por ts auld there WIl.8 raln In mId·
AtllLntlo but lLiter lelLvlng Valentia,
I reland. to whlcb place he was to
tl y t rom the Cals hot Aerdrome h
will accordln .. to present Indications
have a fo rty mile a n hour wind be·
hind h im. TIIIB II expected to lu.t
two or three daYI.
l'repare I'lanll
Royal a ir force men rllled the
ta nka wI th gasoline a nd all. 650 11'01·
Ions beI ng taken. this supply wI ll b<>
IncrelLHed at Valentia to 1.100 gal.
lonl. Three radio experts put the
fi nishing louch I on th e wlrele.. all'
Number 43
Powers Deny Growth:
of Enmity Within. j
Conference 4'
OENEVA, July 19 lA'lo-Out of •
mass at early conJecturea as to the
clluse at the return to London of W.
C. Bridgema n and Lord Cecil. the
chief Brlttsh deJegat\lll to .tbe naval
conference, emerge. the Iateet 1In·
derstandlng that they have merely
been Inylted by Premier Baldwin to
go to London In order to .permlt
nnal diSCUSSion at the conference
altuaUon before the Prime Mlnlater
em barks for Canada.
Among relponalble delelatee, tber. r
W88 not tbe IlIght.,.t aua.eatlon at
lhe collapae or the conrerence. It
I. pOinted out that lhe conyeraatlon
the lasl f ew days has been or the
moat rrlendly na t ll1'" ;,"d that all
the dslegates continue hopeful that ~
the negotiations will be auccealful
In rormulatlng a treaty.
Conrerence Not Adjourned
Hugh S. GlbfIon. chief of the Amer·
lea n delegation. Informed correspondents IhlLt the return of tlle Brit·
Ish delega tion can probably be eIpIal ned by the dealre ot PremIer
BaldwIn to revie w the 8ltuatlon. Mr.
GIbson requ ested that their departure be Interpreted In no llenae jUI an
adjournment of the conrerence but
only as a suspension at the work of
th ch lef delegates.
The British mlLde It clear today at
the meeting or the chler delegatee or
the three powers thnt It would be
Impo88Jble for the British to keep
withIn r e&.sonable low total tonnaa-e
Cigures unle.. the American and
Ja panese agr eed to keep the maxim um size or the second caterory of
cruIsers down 10 the low.,.t V08llble
themselves not to Install eight Inch
guns on any cruisei'll except those of
10,000 tons. SIx thouoand ton crull·
era whIch the Brltlsb prerer would
m ..ke thll Impossible and that 1I
why Americana 88Y tbey do not like
Bones that 15.000 years a go were
Ihe fra me of a mastadon , or great
elepha nt, have becn loosened trom
the mud botton. Of an unnamed
creek near HIgh AmanlL a nd are t o
be adde,l 10 the unIversIty geologlCflI
collection .
Prof. Abram O. Thomas returned
Monday a fternoon from th e Aman ..
where he bad examined the ribs
whi ch Charles F. Noe, ' 98 an d F red·
erIck W. 111 Iller. '00 h8(] ext rncted
trom the creek bed a week berore
a nd superIntended tbe dIscovery or
mor e specImens.
Find Teeth In Jawbone
T)le most unusual s peel ma n of the
collection. gathered only ntter the
geologIsts h ad donned bathIn g s uIts
a nd used ' Iron rod. 08 probes. Was
th e upper ja.w tound with Its teeth
In plnce. Other items t lehed ull wer e
a tusk eight Inches In diameter.
11mb bones. vertebrlLe. and r lb8. The It.
bones, P rofelaor Thomaa deacrlbes
as brIttle. da rk In color, but very
WASHINGTON. July It IA'J-Exwell prellerved.
I I.mlnotlon today by Secretarye Kel"I a m certa In ." saId Protessor 1011'11' and WIlbur and theIr ImmedlThomas. "tha t these bo nes all be· ate advllOl'II on the Geneva naval
long to one a nImal. "The teeth posl· conrerence question of the otflclal
lively enabled me to Identity the report from Ambaa~'\dor OIbeon not
a nimal a. a. maotodon common In only falled to dlsch' He anythlnr "PIo wa dur ing the Ice a~e. " III a ll. a . proxlmatlng an ag reement In prlnclsma ll truCk load of such material pIe on the stumblln;; block of tbe
was recovered. Professor Thoma. conference but also failed to gIve
regards the collecti on as the most any Indlcallon th at there was even
complete tound In the state.
' tenta llve understandIng between
BrItish and Japanese.
Doll ' er), Heavy
Cruller and Destro,er Tonure
It Is seldom t ha t more tha n oev·
The only Brltlsh·Japanese agreeeral bones a re tound In one place, ment or which the Washlniton gov.
ex plains P I'oles80r Thomas. Usuall y er,oment has knowledge W&IJ merely
the skeletons at t he mas todons lire tha t th e British suggestion ot a
8cattel'ed by river cur re nts. Frag· combIned cruleer and de.troyer tonments of a. mastodon's t\l8k wer e nage at 600.000 tor the UnIted
found nell r Mason City In May and Sta tes and Gr eM Britain and 32ti,part at a. toot bone was unearth ed 000 for Jap. II would be taken up for
near Spence " and Bent to Prote88o r Into rmal <1 IH( us,;;on.
Thomas fOI' Identification.
The annOUIICI:tnent of the deparBecause th e bone. a r e heavy and ture tor Lo nliu n at the hcalla at the
waterl oged, th ey have been left a t British delegallon was taken .. IDta ph arm acy In HIgh Amana . owned !lelent Indication that thoee Informal
by Mr. Miller. They will remain at discussions failed to open a way for
this place ror a few week s to dry, an ng reement. It was clear that so
Ilnd wl\l t he n be brought to the tar a8 the dlacusslon concerning reUniversIty.
tentlon at twenty·rtve per cent or
AccompanyIng Proressor Thomas more In slxteen,year-old crulaeN or
on hIs trip Mo nday were Eou'l T. twelve·year·old destroyer" ou18lde the
Aprel, M. A . Sta inbrook and ~f..rlon total tonnage limIt, the propoaals
were wholly unsatl"ractory; to the
Washlng lon government.
Officers Search
for Sai.ing Ship
Condemned Killers
Near New York Still Refuse Food
NEW YORK, July 19 !A'l-<>W·
cel's or the coast gua rd today were
lookIng wl~h suspicIon at IJIlUing
. hlps as they search ed tor Amerl·
enn schooner "Klngsway" and were
wondering whlLt th ey would ~Ind
It they Sighted her.
Mes83.ges reachIng New York have
said that IL murderer of a woman Is
on board. probably at large. and
possibly In comma nd of the vessel.
The waters of Sandy Hook have
been vl.lted a nd two .lIlI.llIng vessels
overh a ulM by redeml .. uthorllle. bu t
each had IL cloo n bill or b ealth.
The "Klngsway " was 8uppoeed to
be nearing New York. She WIL8 Inst
sighted art BarbadOl July G, Among
the meS80.ges one r eceived by federal
nulhorltles In whIch ,<llPtaln F . E .
LlLwry, master ot the "chooner, IIIl.ld:
" P rl llOn~ r has broken out. Hnve no
Irons In which to held him. 'rills Is
0. desperate ma n."
New. of a crime at sea In whIch
the "1)rlllO ner" Ie IUPPQled to have
played a part came from Cllreord R.
Wharton . American consul In LI·
berla, he advleed the state depart·
ment tha t a crook murdered a
woman while the Klngsway WIUI on
hl,h seas otr the ",old coaat" or
Seaate Kin. Library BiD
MADISON, Wla., .Iuly II (,4»
-WIaco..1n I(!IIMe &oda¥ IdIIed
• biD whleh would ban .-vvlded
for tbe enetIon 01 • ta,OOI,toO
- - W Ubru7 •• tile ll&ate
u1venll, ia bailor at til. late
80IIert L. LaloUet... The..,...
lIB 01 ..... " .. 0111 ~ 11 to
BOSTON. July 19 (JI') - Nicola.
Sacco and Bartolomeo Vonzettl completed the third day or their Ielf
Imposed fast at the Charlestown
Slate prlaon tonight without touchIng tb'8lr lupper at comfJakIll anll
milk. and bread a f.4 tea. 8acoG
has now rerused aU food since IUPO
per Saturday night, while Van_ttl'.
only nourishment has been an _
slonaj cup or cotfee.
In the abaence at any dlrect It&t..
ment from the two condemned mea
:lOnc","nln" the 4urntlon - 1LIId
at the hunrer etrlk ~. tbe Sacco Vau.
zettl detenae committee and prlIoll
~((Icera are the "O UI 'C~ . of conructo
Ing Information on the subject.
The committee s tated Saturday
night that Vanzettl was plannlnl' ..
hunger strike a8 a. protelt arat_
the manner In which Go"rnor Fulle r 18 conductlni lite InveetIPUoa
~ t their cue _Ince they were _t.mced to death (or murder. PrlIon
ottlcla'" until the watber moderato
ed today, have attributed their reo
fuoal of food to the week 10... bo\
Warden William Hen4ry baa "...
,Iven full autborlty by Sanford.
.BatH, .tata eommlalloner oC ool'l'WOo
lion. to relOrt to forelble feed1il.
whenever he deem. It n~ bUt
the pr\llOll phyalelana Itate4 tllM
neither prilODer mowed
Ul ef•
fect. from the three day
(lotfNII r.eee- ,
"lIa1ad~uat rn.nta In '~,'I . .
lb. aubJ'et of • \ect~ '" Prof.
LoullN Cottrell, of tbe _I~
e,xtmIIon CUvMloD, 1ft tIIa olt~
~tDrl_11 • p, Ill. ~,
, TIt off rin contain!! Wa I
all 11,M col r , att d irabl f
I'll hi b '19.76. Very III
.eek only ......................... _.....
Our rerular PhoenL~ and
Chiffon, ml-ChUroli and:
:I Pain 14
,eiWay,rl}uJy 20, 1'921. ' 7
Sororities 1m Fraternities II Women's Clubs 1m Social EventsI'
Pi Lambda Theta
Gives Dinner for
1~11i" 1M" GIve
flernlOl'lI OrId&'ft
AI mlK'r8 of th~ Elks' l Adle. enter·
tnlnN] 8,t no afternoon bl'lag party
y,. !l'I'llllY lit Ih. clu h room 8. fo "VOl'"
wllrdffi for "COreH, ond rl)'
r,' hn1l'llt, W\)I' • I'V d ut t/lfl co n·
The Wom e n' ~ Rellet CO I'PH will pic.
du.lvn of lh~ gum •.
• nlc at th e city pllrk tomol'row lifter·
Tho commltle
Includ d ?dr• . noon Ilnd ev nlng. All Civil Will' vet·
011 nn I, nil, M:r•. !lay CuI'lSOn, and ern na of Johnson county , th eir wives
1'01 ...., ~'rt'l l)t'BIl.ltl~.
and wliloW8 will be the guest. or
• +
l .I'nl\ T, IUnr C'I"'le
RU I)pCr will be 8erved at 5:30 p. m .
I;;PI Wllb M... Thom.~
neal' the log cabi n. Following tho
AI 1'8. 1,;, II. 'l'ho"'8N, 90G J(1I'kwood " upJl(> r Ihere will be 0 cn mp tire,
av,·nu,', wil l I", hool" • In nwml.le l·8 lind il. SlIort pl'ogrum .
or til 1..' 1\11. 'I'. lUn g ~h't' l /> l h I'
t .. t
htlllw IIIIlIOI'I'OW. 'I'IHI Ilwl'tlng wi ll Thflma KI.. ln Weda
~1It1t t ~:30 II. Ill. The unllu a! r ll'c, Ur. JOIIH, .lui" 14
U<J1l or urrl"'!'. will l/llen Ilill ·r.
'l'h ~ lllla KleIn, (laughter at Mr.
nnd MI·8. Jacob K leIn of Kllduft, and
Dr. J . David Jones at M.artln8burll'
W re marl'led Thursday, July H, at
10 :3() a .m . The ceremony took place
at the Pre. byterlan PIll'8Onap, the
Rev. W. R . Moore oftlclatlnll', tiling
the single ring service.
The attendantl were Mr. and Mn.
Forest 1'erpstra. of Klldute, and
Elolso Douglass of Iowa City.
r.. dlf 'Guild ~IHIA
M,'s. Jone8 was grad uated from
Wil li I,... Jlurae
tho uni versity In 1921,
She wns
I n. A,Jellll~9 Durllf'l a n() hrr el ctea lo Phi Bela Kappa , national
l/1ull"·r. I ra. Julin J..uflll Pck, nnd honol'ul'y lICholllstlc trlltel'llily.
. I r • . II . W, N.' unlunn, wll b h09'
II , .•, III th" I J.dlrl" Oul ld of the
DI·. Jones was graduated trom the
1,'1t.1 1:IIII U"h l.\llI.('rn n ~h''''t'h III coll ege oe dentistry a t th e unJverHlty
Ih,' hUIll' of MrM. RlIl'gt' III Mnnville In J927. 11 0 was a member of '''AI
1l,lllhlA Ihb, afternoo n al 2:30 Om 'ga, natlonnl dental fraternity.
,,'c·I, 11:. AU mNnberH lire Invited.
DI·. and Mrs. J ones Intend tq 10·
+ + +
cal In New Melllco, where Dr. JOneH
IlI'ld,., ":c",b,... I'.rt,
will PI' cllce denLlstry.
t ·",Ipr th UUNllk ~ of Circle No.
+ + +
• or RI . I'>'trlrk'. church a calo(J
Mr. a nd Mrs, S. M, McBroom of
I",rty will b.. hpl<1 frnm 2 La G Jl . m. Savannllh, 00." are visiting aL th e
. f· t"ma/'t'uw. HaUl brldg, and eu~III't' hom e ot Mr, and Mra, T. P. Dre nnan ,
I will be play .
Weill Sid.
Women' a Relief
C~P8 Picnic at
Park Tomorrow
Six New Initiates
,P ror. li'l'ed J. LazeH lett yesterday
aflernoo n on a buslne"8 trip to Des
Dorothy W ilson at Greene vIsited
hote yesterday.
lrred Schneller of the advertising
department of tho Mason City Globe
OU'.otte visited 111 lowil CJty yester '
Mra, Oeorgo Ed Isteln and daugh·
ter, Norma, aro visiting relatives In
Colorado Springs and ManlLou, Col·
Mr. tlnd Mr,s. Charle. F ranklin,
5]0 S'outh Gilbert street, ha ve I'e·
tUI'n ed Crom a. visit with relatives at
N cbo, Ill.
Mrs. Ida Seeley and da ughter,
Marlnn of Maquoketa ure g uests of
Mrs. Seeley's Sister, Mrs. L . R.
Spencer ot Howery street.
Mrs. Don Mahle or Denver, Colo.,
Is visiting h oI' pnrents, MI', nnd MI'S,
J . J. ZcJthum el, 322 South upltol
Mrs, L~e Nagle n nd daughter,
.. +
+ + +
- "-.
Sioux City will take place at the
home of the bride's parenta at 12
o'clock today.
""_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...:
The R ev. Thoma8 Lutman, ))IL8tor
Gwell, anlJ flo n , l A?13nd. Ilcco JnJ)t1n lcd
by I,'ranle llroope, leavo thIs TIIo,·n·
Ing tor th e Nagle cottnge nt Lako
OkoboJI. Mrs, Nug le and q wpn 01'0
plunnlng on slllying a t th e cot tage
for th e remainder of th() s umm er.
Rulh Little
To Wecl Today
The man'lage at Ruth Little,
da ughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Little
oC Humboldt a nd Everett Waller ot
or the Cong regational church,
perform the cel'emony before an 1m·
provlse(1 n ltar or pink and white ,
tlow el'8 and rerM.
1'he bride will wear a while satin
guwn und will be nttended by Euge n.
10. Little and Cleo Waller.
Miss Little was gl'llduated from
the State Teachers college at Cedar
Mr. W aller was grrulunted from
Lhe law department of the unlver·
s lty, a nd completed his education nt
Columbia unlvel'llity.
Following a weddIng trip to th e
Inkes In Minnesota. the couple will
reside a t Sioux City, where Mr. Wo.l·
ler Is un ntlol'l\ey.
From The
PariR Cleaners
Phone 68
Cak, and Hot Bread
Mad. with Rumford are real bealth fooda. The ~ou .. ad.
01 houaewive. who use Rumford are ita best advertisers fot
they bow b,. that .ureat of all tesb-uperience
-that ita ___ speU. SUCCFSS-liabt, tender,
appetWq and liest of aU, wholesome, DUtritive
foocls-every time.
Th. Whol.aom.
Second Floor
Second Floor
Take the Elevator
Take the Elevator
All This Week
Miss Matilda Houghton, daughter of the United States
ambassador to Great Britain, W4S married at St, Margaret's,
Westminister, London, to Chandler Parsons of New Ywk.
This picture of t he bride and groom was taken as t heY' left
the church.
Clearing Sale
Don't Mila Out on These Splendid July
Clearance Prices
- MoneT
)OYlA ,C'lTY~l:OYlA
Extra Special!
For the Remainder of This Week
All Summer
• The otl ring contain Wa b Silks, Prints and Crepes,
all U,ht 01 r all d irabl {rocks, Many Bold formerI
!:ee*: ~~ ~~~9:~~:..~~!..~~~~~~.~~~. ~~.i.~..... ·S7 .95
Hosiery Special
Our rerular Ph nix Rnd Ka)"Ser full length Silk
ehmon, mi· hlfton and Service Hose. AU shades,
Stage Daughters Will Become........?;
Stage Mothers Answer Question
Ina of n usala, Then she spoke, 1'1"
flectlvely. 'Let·s see, what was the
nam e of that otflcer on the .Maure·
tanla who was so crazy nbout me?
lie @cnt me lhls souvenir.'
"[ listened and Lrembled.
spoke wlt~ a. stage Imuglnatlon. We
make good plans Cor our dllugbterswe stage mothers. And otten they
brusque,ly upset OUI' plu n8. I SUil'
pose, like good philosoph ers , we must
not play too Interfering a. port. All
w cn.n hope for our dnughters Is
lhat life-a nd the Mtngo-w lll tl'~at
or 80 mnny F:nglilih )>3.rtR, and O t.'r trude Lawrence, undoubted ly the out· them UA gene rously as Ilte nnd lhe
hM treated us."
standing English comedlenn now sLage
(I~xcluslve Dispatch,
opyright, 1927)
doing her work In th ~c United
Miss Barrymore ha d her
mInd nil made prl.
""'e ," Says 'Miss I1arrymore
"My little daughter will C rtnlnJy
go on the stage," she said, "when
the time comes. Already she has
shown remarkable toJ ent. This last
Several hundred persons, Includ·
Easter, nt h er convent 8chool, lhey
gave a BlbUcal play, and she had a ing members from surrounding chal)'
good part. I went to see her ncland, tel's, were present nt the a.nnual
truly, 1 was Impressed . I WM also picnic of the local lasonle a I\(j East·
amused, tor o.bout every wig 1 ever el"l1 Sial' lodges held yesterday at
owned [fgur d on tho heuda of the the city )lark. Charles A. Beckman
dlrferent little girls In the plilY. was chalrmn n of the a[tel'noon pro·
When 1 was my daughte.·'s agp-- gram, which conslsLed of sports and
tOUrLeen-I was already playing In stunts.
my grandmother's compnny.
At G p. m. @uppcr was served by
WtlS Georgie Drew, as somo peolllc Mrs. Ch(lrles Paine chairman oC the
remember. I am pleo.sed lhat 1 havC' refreshment committee.
tultllled Lhe tradftlons uf my fantlly
EvenIng houl's were s)lont In
-tho trad ition of acting o.nil mother· dancing nt the pal'k )la.vlllon . Guy
h ood. 1 think I could ha.rdly wIsh Ogle's orcbestra. played. Clarence
greater happiness tor my own dllugh· l"alT was chairman of the enlertatn.
ment commfltee.
The general committee Included
So said the much·beloved MIss Bar·
R. T. Lee, chalr1"o.n, ' V. C. Foster,
The little EngHsh comcd lenno has Mrs. Nom Vnn lIorn, W. J. Weeber,
and Wilt Uuyek.
another Idea entlrely.
"I have been on the stuge since I
+ + +
was a tiny little girl In England," Donning.Ferrls
she began. "I relllemb"r tlrst 11Jay· Wedding Tuesday
Alice HennIng, dnughter of M,'.
log as a mi te at B,'lxlon, 0. SUburb
outside London . My family was a lind Mrs. W. G. Henning or Cedar
stage family-stage tradilions were Rapids, a nd Wuyne ~'e l'rls , son of
our dully bread. Bul U8 for me, my Mr, and Mrs. Earl Ferris of Hamp·
ambition Is to mo.ke enough moncr ton, were mart·J ed '!'uesda.y noon at
80 my IIltle doughL~r, Pamela Ba,·· the Henning bomo In Cednr Rap ·
bara May, wUl b quito indcllC nd ont Ids.
of the stage. I'd Hke to be ablo to
Genevieve Davia oC Iowa. City lind
arrange things for h er 80 t hat she Robert Sinclair of ilampton wero
coulil IIfford to tallow a woman '. t he attendllnts. - The Rev. E. J,
destiny, whatever th at mig ht b e, Lockwood of llampton read the CeI·e·
wh erever It mig ht take hcr, quite m®~
Mrs. F erris Is a. tormer student
forgettlng a world of roles and call
boys and curlaln up. I never I t my of the unlv relly.
little gir l come to lhe theater, unl 88
1 mus t play t he part of cru el Pili' nt
to refu.so. And yet, so I huvo heard,
we moth ers plan, while our daugh·
ters decide.
"No," SaYs Gertrude Lawrence
"My IIlUe ~ Irl thU8 8(}o n has devel·
oped a keen love tor lho slllge an(l
for clothes and;-I am am used to ca n·
reali-for IIttlo girl coqu lry. Com ing
over last trip on tho Mllurelanla.
there was a nice engineer nttmed
Johnson who took a. funcy to h er.
He Introduced her to th e engine
room and other remote PUl'tB of th o
ahlp. Tho other duy Pam oame In
with a ~deou8 Imitation dlarnontl
ring on h er flngrr, tho s tono about !J!l!!I!IImnlll!jgIlll!!llJ!!I!IIIIII!!I!IIU!!!U!!!
iTiIililiiflll liIiliiTiliili11tr.Tilfi1'iiTiTiiTiliiTi1i
as big as a thimble,
" 'Where did YOU get thot r ing?' I
asked her, sovol'ely,
"She raised her [Inger. Sh e r egard·
ad her 'Je wel' mu ch as a NeWPort
belle might r ega rd a genuine pleco
trom the collecllon ot lho lnte Cl'./lr·
July Clearance Sale
Entire Stock of Sunnmer Dresses
Many Hundreds for Your Choosing
By J1J\ZEI, Ci\:-'~ INO
NEW YORK, July 19 (EFS).Probably ever si nce the tlrst barn·
storming actress plnyc(l al th ~ dOli'
ble role at nctl'('ss and moth~I', n
stock question has been put to great
a nd successful mothers of lhe stnge.
"How are you bringIng up your
daughter-to be an actress or just a
This Question was put to two eml·
nent actressel Illtely-Eth I Burry.
more, the beloved American player
Masons, Eastern
Stars i\ssennble
at Annual Picnic
25 %off
Try a Bottle
; Today
y ou'll Want to
Order A Case
Use the Daily
Iowan Want Ads ,
No Exceptions! E'Y~ry Dress at a 25% Discount , 'w :_
Deduct 25% Prom Original Price
Entire stock of High Type, Exclusive, Better Dresses
Dresses to be found in this sale include: Printed crepeS
-Wash Silks--Printed Chifions--Georgette&--Satins
-Canton Crepes
=:-- -_.
3 Pain for ,5.25
Jetrel'lOll Hotel Bid,.
&pld. r~ lo,,~ Cltr I'Mldence of alnlliar valUe!. Wrftft t_
To ex ..hftnle hllh r.148S eut RJcJe resldellce properly In
R. L. Urban
11411 Seventh Avenue Eaa&
in this July' Clearance Sale-Values to $69.00
---b'- R
,. _ IAo."l.*,pe$a~,
Pak; F~
Agricultur Drop
Since La t Y ar
Trainint~ ~
July 20. 1927
Ck;k on --.:=~
and It Hud to ~ Off Mound in
!:rin~ Eighth Inning
Forees Idlen
Cant ting
19 I
••."., Dime Doa"'ehtlder
Wi~ Red Sol, 4.Z, 6,5
'NO More
l ctrlc
All ,.,., ,..,. 10 • III
A Real Hot Westher
Special for S ~
Jul~ Da~..•
pt • I M mori41
8uick Roadster
Pldtt Lam h
Call 2708.J
• no bumInc. And
\den brown III
dclJdoul 1M pi
.. .......... .. _....
a Typewriter
lIJedaJ Rat.. to Student.
Memorial Union Grill
Iowa Suppl,
eflnton street
- -1fT! 'lie 5
The Daily low. , Iowa air
July 20. 1927
ubs Regain Lead In Pennant Race;· Defeat Giants, 8 to
Clark on r'
"Go We~i "Y:ung •Man, Go West;;'
fWe~r Retains
Off Mound 10 ----~------------.--........._ _---J. Mldwest A. A. U.
Eighth Inning
Backstroke Title
Forees Idlene88
N'JfQlnl11 III" Null"nn! I
MO INI·:I:l.
1" tICR,
I1HlI' l (s illltn ~ ldJJ ('(IIltt'Ht fo l' I owa ViH'·
1I11nleH I1nl\ ~ 1"'I ' l r I'K III wh" 'h Il clvl·
111111 I'lfll' nn<1 \'IHipl IClln, will h~ HI"
I ct' t~~ to r o p" ~st, "t the Rtlllo a t t ho
Imtlont\ 1 Inut<'ll('~ at ('ump :I'crl'l',
held Itt ).o'Ol't OCII Moltwa on
J~l y 29 IInrl illt, 0Iln O\II\('('8 J" l'll llk
Wal'nt'r. ~{'(' rttlll'Y '/flh • lowu J ~allk·
Contestants T r a v e l
Width of Pool
88 Time~
,V.·lJe l·, or Iown. Cltu.
(' Illlnty. ('nt1 tN~I fl, ln W I"u 'n \ ' I'" II' tn· I 'I'h o In,,t mile 0"[ th o 22·mlIp "chlln·
holdel' In tho 220 batk slt'pke lind t~" t!n<,\ hll1111 P;,IP lo)'P!\ 1I 1'P dlgllJle to ' ",01" H\\'lm will he r ov.rcel h)' fiv e
('"'", ~r Iflwl\ ho ck:\It'ilko c);lImplon. I'lImpolo. \\'111 IJ~ hoJd to ~ol~rt tea mll l mlvl' l·.lI y of 10\1'" " UIllIll.r ~eij"l(ln
",chlln dills tI(lo by {it kin'/: fh'st ' In (0 compett. 111 the "Ilito ~hoot.
I HtlHlo nt" In III " f1eU houlle pool
lhOl e'''~nt nt Ihl' MI,lwQht A . A. U.
Cont,," l" In pls tlll 'lhooUn!: wi ll hi' Thllt'''']II Y "ttol'lloon.
)u tllo<1l' ",vllntnlng- IU c~t he l,l al ('q ndul'\ ('1\ on J.l rll1o :" .Jul y ~O. " 1111
Contost",'t" who huvo 11I'opellerl
OIl1:1h .. Jul y 17.
,.Wo In a l'I< Slllfln HI'l ll 0 11 Jul y r. 0, ('a Kh . Ih r","pl vP" ~I milo" hy \,lIl'lou s
]1, ,),<1 .I,J,ldl<' . of lJavol1llo l·!. ..ctuln· Jll'l zQS llnrl me"" I. will b!' "ff('l'pd for ,dll!ir~ of .11.t"no,," and who will
"(I 11 1M 1111 In the 4~O .\'11 I'd fr ee th o In<1lvld ual antI t('nm wltlnel'~.
, l'Ht th o final mile tOA'<'lhN' lir e:
ql.yl(, lint! 10011 f1rHl "llIce In thu .100
In 192 1. JOWR ol'A'Unl1.NI the fh' Ht (1oo l'~r ~chncld el'. J acksolll'lIl • It!. ;
mete r mo'.
vlgll:' ncr c" ml11l 11{'~. to ""lJprc"~ nl ~h:II'11 11 ~l t ~mlth . BII<II[1l't. Ind .;
Llddlo wo ': 111'0 tltleho!dol' In tlte bRnl{ 1'01)1><:1'8. Hille", th rn Hl n,llll r 01" "'~n(h'1I TUll, Drs Moln 3; Dcan
... gh bonl,1 dlvlnt{ last ye:tl" but gonlzlLtion. hitv" lK'r ll rOl'nl ~t1 In Jl r mslt'"n;;, Urllt; [I1l~ Carl J\~geson.
wn, rorcerl 10 t:Lko ~econd In (h18 1 olhol' Htlll,·•• Imull orrt rlll !.i 8ilY. 1" lvo B ritt.
even! thlft ycar. Jle ~\\I!Ull th o 440 ycal's rts::o the fi rs t stato .hoot Wat!
ACI'O RH thr wlelth or the 1)001, the
In G,3. H e Is co ntemp la llns:; on en· Ol'ga nl zcd In 10wl.\.
1l\\'lmmcl'" will l l'avr l 8 times li nd t h
tN'lng th e university nellt fa ll us lL 1 ,\Vlnncl'" In tho contes t \\'111 r;o t() firM IIth lQtr to fini sh wins til
- ('nmll !'PITY ot Ih e 1(",·rl·tl l11l'lIt'. I'X' "~ hnnn r l " sw llll anti a go ld mellnl.
t.:1"s ler O. J[ou!:en. or McColIs· 11tnSc to compele as" eivilllln t Nil" S!lve l' u nc1 IJronz lI1e,11l18 \\'111 bo
'111 "!;. (\ m eml)el' of IMt yeal"S val" =--"=''::; -~==--'='-~--=.-:-~
~ Ity fl wlmmln,; t4q und f:l\V1I m in the
• " .......·,.h •• I
Divide DoUlehtader
With Rtd So., 4.2, 6-5
110 LOll Notional lrague natural bam hitter. li nd catchcs to
lilt' lIub'" M\\ hero. Jl~ Is Bult the most tlnlcky pitcher. In a
nl •• 1 1I)' man)' II~ th!' out,toM· I' rnt gnm~ with the Olants. Hogan
EddIe Roush otr second ,
t~hrr or \h~ N(\tlonal Ir gu~. Illcked
Il l! throw. fRat lind /tccuml Iy 10 ~"m!'t hlng t hOt Eddie hasn't expe rl.
Waller Manages
Riverside Team
VanAntwerp Team
Win. Quad Tennis
Tourney Doubles
rceanl r. C. Wnller. or th~
unly r It), mlUlnry d~P3rlmont, and
In oldlhne b.,,,,,bIllI man has taken
0" r th~ mftnlls!'ment Of the Rl' ~r·
"- ,"-" Il'II m. RrrJ;ellnt "'.lIel·
In the flno l mat ch ot th e Qu n(l·
l'nnJ;lc tennl~ tourn~y, J ames O. Va n
AnlW rl' o( Monmouth , III., and
('Lwe nec O. Van Antwerj) oC Frtlnk·
lin. Ind.. won the doubles section
t1t:\tlllllonshlp yesterday by de! at·
Ing Hay mond F. KllIlln or ,,'I nn('.
IllIlCca. Nev .. and Ramon n. lIan7.('1
rot I'cotl~. Nellr. The set scor~s were
mcmber or th e wlnnlns t eam
tcc('lvl'll a /:old mcdul. while silve r
nlNla were awul'iled to tho second
plpl'c players. The match \\'0$
plu)'cil on the Quadrangle courts at
4 P. m. yesterday with Fredel'lc S.
Hc!'hee of Iowa. City officiating.
l'lilr~n el' O. \ 'an Antwerp won tho
QlIn JI'R n!:le
sllll;1 8 champlon"hlt)
MOlllllty arternoon wh n he took 1\
hal,l match from A. n. Ollbcl't or
l.amonl. lIe won his second gold
mednl ye9terday. JlOlred up with his
1orother In Ihe doubles.
J-;a ~ h
Banu Oue Behind His
Mack Gets Lebourveau
192. Two·BalJer Record
(' I,Iln:I •.\SD. 0 .• •hlh· IU IIf'Ir: <'rll" U1Irn' . '1 VI·ltln,1 Allwl'knn
1'1 II r' t I",(·m.n I. only """
'''' "",e hit 1.' hln<1 11111 lotul at IhlS
limo ~I.t )('111' \ltll'lnll: \\hlch "<'a on
hi' .d II 11" all time I('('or" (or
1M 1111111""1' IIf two 1>[1 IIrr. hll hy
I 1,111,. r durln~ It IIIII)'lnl;
I I 'rllr III Ihl. IIO).· J:un" hllrl
hll lhlrl) ' lih l 1\\0 hall '~r. whll~
al l"~ pt<. '111 tlm~ h ha. ~<llh('l'e(l
thlrl)··-e\l'Il. Til. 1l1I!'.'t 'I I" In Il
"yaln,t thO !Joston Ht'\I Hox
htr l'~tul~la)'.
in Trade With M.dlaena
'J' LEDO. 0 .. July 19 (IP)-"Uevo"
l,rboul'" au. Tol do Am rlean asso·
diltlon out/l J(\ rand Icadlnl\' hitler
or tbo lellS:; uc In 1920. hu~ ~Cl1
tra<lc<l to th o Phlla<lelphla J\lhlctlc~
In "xdmllgo tOI' two 1)laycrs n nd 1\
co, h con~ ldcruti() n . It Wa" a nnounced
h~r~ to nh;ht hy 1'1'pCCSliOI' )I ealle oC
tht' Toledo clu b.
'r h!' Irode will becoOlo efCectlvo
nt lh clo"" or this .easo n. Mcudo
"'t'I. Nclthcl' the nil me" ot UtI'
111" yel'" 1\01' th(l nmo unt or th e c on·
IMrs lIo'n wel'o rllvll lgell.
Gotham Joins in
Tribute to MGraw
NEVI' YORK . Ju ly ]~ (1P)-13ase·
balldOm joll,ed hands wIth New
101'k In honorIng John McGraw vet·
el-an ",,,nager ot tim New YOI'k
Glunts who won ten National league
pennants and t hree wOl'ld 8el'le6
champIOnships for the nlltlon's met'
rO)loIts Ilnd wh o In twenty·flve sea·
ons at the hetm has finished In the
seco nd division only twIce.
It wns tw('nty.flve years abo tor1j1'y that ]'l cGI~tw came to New
Yorl{ as GIant managcr durlns he
hllt('1' day or II ba_cooll war.
McGrllw at tli(Lt time left the Am·
cl'lenn L e"S' ue to t etul'll to his {lrst
lOve bUl American lehg ue mo.gna tes
turned out on hi s j ubilee to )lay
\I'lbute to his l'~mal'kable career.
Despite showers 30.000 turned out
at the Polo Grounds w l~re a l)U·
mdc was hold in :l.tcOmw's honor
with many notables III Une. Mayo\'
W(Llke(' ot New YO"k and the TI·un s·
Atla ntic a ll' hel·oes,
olllman tler
HJchlll'd E. BYI'd and ClarenCe D.
('hambal'lIn , headed the march .
lI1ayor W ..lker pl' sented ]'ICGrltlV
with a large sliver lOvin g cup on
beh,,!! or his fl'lon(15 In New York.
'rho New Yor k 1'1ayCl's pl'cse nled
their pilot with Il SIlVC1' sel' vlcc, n nd
(\ """ er plnttcl' WU8 a gIft of the
Lambs dUI). a nd u silver h eaded
ca ne " I'em mbran ce from the P ark
us l.'ercrs.
,\ domInating Jl~ I' Bonullty l,1as
muM him Cellred and respected. A
fi,'c bl'nnd In hi s cadleI' 'lays, lho
No\\' 101'k mnntl/te l' has demanded
th e flghtlnA' qunltLies Crom his men
an,l 1I,c combinatio n has glvcn bMc,
l.,lIl n colorful epoch In th e Inst
2ti yenrs.
Prank T I'orh of Vllncouv~l'. Bl'ltlsh
Columbia, bl'ok 198 out of 200 tar·
gets to win fh'st plnce In th o a ma·
teur sectio n at th o state tra p m eet
h I'e yeste"dny with a n ngg l'egato
score of 58 7.
Professiona l 110nOI'S went to E arl
Donohoe of Dcs Moln s who scored
198 yesterdny for an aggl'ega to oC
Other high scor!r! In the ama·
teul' class were: J. 1<·18hol'. Tllonka.
586; Steve T yler. Dlrmln/ttam. 587;
E . W. Varn er. Adams, Neb., 677.
PI·ofes.lonnls ranking below Dona·
hoe \\'el'e D. Flanagan. Minneapolis,
;iiG; H. n. Rlnkel, MlnneaIlOlIs, 575;
J. E . H arker, MInneapolis, 571: Burt
Gr08s. Klln.as City, 670.
L.cosle May Qu:t Actin
Tennis Career in October
I'AHIR, Ju ly 10 (IP)- R enc La cu" t".
nnis champion or Vrunce lind th l'
S tat!'H.
to "Iotlllllul1
Int end ~
an IIctlve tennl" COI'CN' nox t Oduhrl'.
It Is announced by f"' end s closc to
hi 111 .
Buick Roadster
Can 2708.J
~ EW
a Typewriter
8tedaI Rat. to Student.
The Daily Iowan.
Classified Advertising
One or two days . .. _.... 100 line
T hree to five days . ... 'c per li ne
Blx daY8 or longer _... 5c per Une
jdlnlmum charge...._ ...... .. 30c
Baseban Standings
. , \ TJO \v
" .
• ...
Chicag-o ..............................54 32
Pittsburgh ........................50 30
S,t. Loul~ ........................... .49 35
New YOI k ......................... .47 43
Drool"yn ............................ 39 46
Phtlade)phla ...................... 34 60
Cl nclnnuU .......................... 34 51
Doston ............. .. ...............30 49
Vester(lay'fl R estllt8
C'hlclIl\'o ' New YOI'k 6
CI ncinnati 8; Boston 2
Phlladel llhla·I'lttsburgh . ra in.
St. Louls·Brooklyn. rain
GRlnes Toda)'
St. Louis at Brooklyn
Incl nnaU at Boston
Pltl~bul'gh at l'hlladelphlo.
Chlc.1bO at New York
urN-1M Wilil lile NewlI"
C1lU11tlfle4 dlapla,. .. 50c per' Incb
On e Inch carda per m onth . •• ~ .OO
Claasltled adve rtisin g III by 6
p. m. wUl be publisHed the fo1·
lowing mor ni ng.
Count tlVIl word8 to the llJI• •
Each word In t he edvertlaem eDt
mullt btl counted.
FOR m~NT - 'ro MEN. COOL
rooms In new hom.,.
lose In . 430
East Jeff('l·son . Call 2004·W.
for men.
.400 buque.
la lnlng seveml keys. Fountl on
Flnkbln field Sunday. Owner ,nay
have sa me by payi ng for Ihls nd.
Phone 3626. .30 N. Du·
L Pet,.
25 .700
35 .587
38 .563
41 .534
4 ~ .522
[)O .412
63 .411
6a .261
leather case: 2 mustcr I<oys; a ut,\.
mobt\o key; case key. Owner mu,
call at Iowan office and get keys
UjlOn pllylng [or this ad.
10 Find
Lost Articles
for s umm el' student. lOll E ast
.683 ,P rentiss.
.522 FOn--RE-'-N-T--F-U-RN--IS-l-JE-"-D- R-O-O-M
~e'" York ........................ 64
'\\"wshlngton ......... ............. 50
Detroit ................................ 47
Phlladelphl'l ........ ,............ .47
C/t1~ogo ............................. .4 7
SL LoulH ........................ ...3;;
Clevela nd ...... . .................. 37
Doston ................................ 23
l'eslerday's Jl e!! ul\s
TJosto n 2·6 : levela nd 4·&
Phllu\lclphla 9: Detroit 10
, Yashlngton 4; ChIcago 3
N ew York G: St. Louis i
Games T OIla,),
No gamcs scheduled
two block6 {rom cnmp us.
with oooll.ll1s prlvllegcs. Pbone
Phone 290
Ing rooms. 2Jfi·J .
RE ~ T-A
COO l,
ttVf' three l oom ap ..u't m£"n l nice ly
DI ~hcs
nntl cooki ng
utensils In c lud"d. 11(·nsonalJle. Phono
2i2·J Ot' cull «(layLimc. 8 to 5 Il. m.) at
628 N. LInn St.
notebooks. Notes on mor phology,
g eneti 8. re~o rd of blooming of
trees, lists or plnnls. Can 2460.
PHC 'P l?<-NOT
jeweled. Name M. L. nicher on
hack. Lost bet\l'een naturul sclenc',
a nd Market street. Phone 1924,
ot keys. July S or 4. Finder call
3488'1'1'. [lnd received r eward.
L() ..ir-BLAOK LEA'rH I·a~ KE'l
case with lwo Y,lle kClYS and two
lOCket· Mys. Culi 2764.
110 motRls. Ownol' may ha ve same
stered r eed SUI1 parlor sct. Llbral'y by paying [or this ad .
lump [md teo. 8et ; 5 tube radio COm·
FOn. RENT-DURING SUMAiER plete. Ca ll between 7 & 9 p . m . 21 LOST-PI BETA pllI ARROW.
8chool. ]o'urnlshed or un furnished Norlh Gllbett.
Nome an(l dn./e engrb.vM 01/ back.
apartments. InquIre at Iowa apartReturn to Iowan.
ment ottlca one·hall block IOUth DC
I n good co ndition. Call H a ruld LOS'!'-BLACK HIDY CASID WITI{
I"fncll, 323.
on IIey.' Can 270S·J,
tlvo apt.. completely furnis hed. Sum·
mer scs"lon spcclal ra te. CUll 2D 64 ·W.
Phone 288TW.
'WANTED T() ' RENT - iIM"'U..
ern apart ment to rent. Avulluble
apUl·tment with JH'lvnte buth. Oc·
(<II' rest of summer. Phono 3648·\ V.
cuparlcy Aug. 1 or n. N(If over fa5.
Phone 626J.
PhOne 195.'
lahell upal'tme"t. Close In. Phone WANTED - WAsmNO. PHONE
'04·\V. noons or evenings.
HchOol. 2 grade. Write tOday; J. R.
AIll,n, M(11Itl'oSb Hotel, Da v enpo~t,
m ont. Close in. call 714·.1 or
vllcllnclcs-wl'lte Teachers Em· WAN1'ED-COOKING ,·]fOR I"nA
l"On RENtT - NEW MODERN plOYlllent Department. Clu l'k's Com·
tel'nlty. A·l· r eferenc es. ,-i\ldl'UMS
a par t ments. Phono 436 o r 2592J. merclal College. Kansas City, Kn n. ]0'. E . The Dally Iowan
ES_S_D_IR_E_CT~.,O.. . .:R
. . - _Y~. 1
8P~A L
_DIeDe Steam PeruaaDeII&
W aV/!I
811c!ik. lfe beautt BboIJDl
u S' So. DUbU1:e
Ptlnlle iilt ...
. reel. 7110
Wheo' You think of
(Au.. frem En,Jert)
Ul ....... Work -
Save the Difference
~uit. Cle,a~ and
. ........
DIIeIIM " W. . .
a....ta'. IItdIt
, 0IDfda IJCiIM
311 E., 1l1oQti~ton
t it calfl
, lhqne, 91
~NT~r. .
Barry Tr.f:.fer Co.
' 0
/ THE ,Avm IJ!N.
S9m,ttt! Movtd
French Ill')' ('lea nln.
M"n>hant Ta ilor
. . 1141..... ClJatan
Always Ready te at
Mileage Bull
When YGIl Want
Car Storaie 45.00 Per •
and eliV'ete
Tel. 24211
i': xpcr t s lire lit your 8ervlce h oi• •
LOLA c4 B1 iltdillLL, II.D:
The Daily
'~ --J
wns won
Dempsey came out of his cornel' fast, but
was short with a r ight to t he head. They
clinched. Sharkey seflt a hard left to the
body and r ight to the chin .. . .
This may Qr muy not be. the way t he f i ~ht
goes, but which ever wa.;' t he tide turns next
Thursday night, readers of The Daily Iowan
may be as~ u red of knowilllr t he result as soon
a it happens. A special leased wire of the
Associated Press will r un direct from ring·
side to The Daily Iowan office. As t he blow·
by·bIQW account cames in it will be an·
nounced, practically as soon as it happens in
the Yankee Stadium.
In New York th e latgest crowd that has
ever nttended a bout in which a championship
was not involved will watch t he "Manassa
Maulel' U and "Boston Strong Boy" trade
I n Iowa City f igh t fa ns will get ever yth ing
except t he sight of t he heavyweigh ts in ac·
tion by coming to i'he Daill" Iowan office
at ,7: 30.
by Miss Mal'le Kuut1.ky. Fort Dodbe.
R--r--round Three Coming Up
AT 7 :30 P. M.
And Enjoy This Interesting and Instructive Lecture.
women'tJ lUvislon
Wednesday Njght, July 20th
SPI~~~K:r~: :h:~ I
Mr. Gallagher of the tech nical division of t he Standar d Oil Company of
Indiana, who was scheduled to hold an afternoon and evening lecture and
demonstration of Red Crown Eth yl Gasbline and High Compression Motors,
will be unable to reach Towa City for t he afternoon meeting.
The evening lecture and demonstration will be held, however, as planned.
Come to the old K. p, 'hall, over Karl's Paint Store, 6Y:! South Dubuqu{l
Street .
We.temer Lead. in
eneed In yeah of hase steali ng. In
hi s Oi1C O'lp west thia year with th e
BrnveH as n. rookie h e came back
os the lCam 's best catehel·. Photo
shows a close· ull ot lIognn. a lso
catchi ng a nd batting.
DETn01T. July In (!I')- Ty ('ohb.
, tUI' outfield I' or the Athletics.
udder] a. new I'ceol'd 1\I ondllY to his
to nJ: ,·trinl\' when Iw o1ouhJed ill tho
rh'st In nin g u/tul nHl th(' TIJ:cr~. Mon·
'uy '" hit was Cohb'" 4.000th. [l "' n~
the fil'st time III the hl. tOl·y (If 01'·
Il'u niz('" 1),,"~ IHlI1 thllt one mnn had
mudo 4.000 hits.
Red Cr()wn Ethyl G~soline
Hit for Record
T. I'rancla lIognn. youth/ul catch· I he ba!l'. he hits well, In fuet, Is
m an
J!1:Ih consl. It
~;re~:~:~b~~~ place.
cuc h
(II,",·tf'1' ot U llill(' cneh lI oy until h o
fl nl s lw d th e fll' s t tll'O mll e~. Th u'
n('''\ flftc.' n mil es "' ~ I 'r rOY('I'cll at'
t ho I'(ltc of n I,ltlr mil e drt ll y Ilntl th"
Il('xl fOUl' by ijwlmmln g 0110 IIch
~I o" t of the ten s wlmme" ~ who
fn l1ctl to complote th o ev~n t SWU lll
{a t· ~ Il oul;h to s:;1\'o Ih em Il\ nil' o~
I'xI'I'('1 8 (', l'ilyH Con ch Al'Il1bl'us1.f'J'.
1 ~ lIt onO m ll ll. uft cr 'la bol' llll; tllrou","
pC I'eml mlieM Of \\'ut I'. ul'OPIlCd out
an ti l'ccol'llcd thi s com ment nfle,. hl3
Mille on th e w('I,~ ht shee t."DL·O ll'l1 ctl .
.J Il ly 7. eighteen mllos of[ til o Ens,
.Iu ly 1:1 (11')-.1
(,1'~1 liS~4Il 1'l.LUon .
- 'rhe
Win. ~40 ({arp
Free Style in 6.3
Five Swimmers
Conte~t ~lil, 29·30 Compete in Final
of Channel SwiriI
Cont sting
Ill'escnt c1 to lhe Recont! anrl thll'lI
whlll el'S by Coacll 1)o1vld A. AI'OI'
bl'us ter.
]r lrtcon swlmml)l's Kl:1l'torI th o
Ill'l ntl J UII(' 2 1. To cOllfol'm 10 the
Mark,men of Iowa
y,mpete in State
~~N. .. I71
ud Wire Newt Reporta
Tel-L.--.. I( ... n. . . . ..
' -...., ....
Paving 'of Roads
Moves Rapidly in
..0It" tlo....' 'I'll• •, ... FrII
wllh prublllie hower. 1M)
than'fI III t.lII.......are
80het CriticU..
Automobile Catc""
Fire; Dama.. SIi.ht
EntUah JoumaIa
Befon KiWut'aN
County, Preston
You'll have to a¢1 quickly
to get one of the e great
Twenty Additions Are
Mad to Liberal
Art!) College
suit values
3 values
v' •
th m£
next faU, t
AU the World Swims in JantteflS
Colleg e, ,
Wool balhln,
at II.
rhlJdnn ,I'"
081CALoOtlA . Jul,. II (All- Arnot!
For Results, Ulle
Iowan Want Ada
~IIC(>I·. brothl'r DC tho IAt HarrY
IlJfllCf'r .nd tor many ,etln! .udltot
hd I.,. ~urtr ot Ihe WelIlI'm Oro'
~r, mmlM'"Y. dl~ ~nl, &t the
, ... ~ ,k, hOf!pUIII '-If
lory 1