U29 BIO 101 FALL 2009 GENERAL BIOLOGY I LABORATORY Lab Instructor: Wilhelm Cruz, Ph.D. cruzws@biology.wustl.edu 935-5436 Rebstock 130 Office Hour(s): WED 4-5 PM General information: If you are registered U29 BIO 101, you must be registered in a lab section (even if you have taken this course previously). Your registration should show your chosen lab section. Be sure that you can attend each lab section throughout the semester. The U29 BIO 101 Laboratory is designed to reinforce your understanding of specific topics covered in lecture. The selected lab experiments have been chosen and arranged to follow the topics covered that week in Tuesday's lecture. The new lab material for the week will be presented first to the Thursday lab section and, subsequently, to the Monday lab section with both lab sections working on the same topics and performing the same experiments. Lab Manual: This semester (Fall 2009), you will not use a published lab manual. Instead, a packet of lab hand-outs will be distributed to you 1-2 weeks prior to the week's experiment. You should read the reading assignments noted in the laboratory schedule on the next page prior to your lab section. Occasionally, you will have to turn-in lab reports. Grades: In total, lab will count for 25% of your course grade. This 25% is comprised of quizzes (18%) and lab reports (7%). Quizzes: There will be 3 (three) lab quizzes during the semester. Each lab quiz is worth 6% of your course grade and will only cover lab related material. The dates and labs covered in the quizzes are noted in the laboratory schedule on the next page. The lab quizzes will comprise both a written component and a "hands-on" (practical) component. Lab Reports: Lab reports are due at the beginning of the lab each week and are based on the experiments preformed the previous week. Late lab reports will not be accepted for credit. Lab reports should reflect your own work; in other words, DO NOT COPY LAB REPORTS FROM OTHER STUDENTS. Some lab reports may be difficult for you, so don’t leave them to the last minute, because you may want to see a TA or lab instructor during office hours for help. Participation/Attendance: For your safety, you must wear covered toe shoes (no sandals) and long pants (no shorts) at all times in lab. A majority of the laboratory exercises require that students work in groups (2-4 students per group). It is important that each student in the group must actively participate. Missing Lab: We understand that situations may arise during the semester that cause you to miss a lab session and these will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Typically, "make-up labs" are not permitted, with the exception for religious observations and severe illness/death. Missing two or more lab sections will result in an incomplete of the lab portion of the course and, thus, 0% out of the 25%. 1 Laboratory Schedule U29 BIO 101 - FALL 2009 Week Dates Laboratory Topic(s) 1 Sept. 3 Introduction to BIO 101 Laboratory Basic Biology Laboratory Techniques: Pipetting / Microscopes Microscopy Techniques ( computer lab) 2 Sept. 10 Benedict's and Biuret Test Protein Structure (computer lab) 3 Sept. 17 Diffusion and Osmosis 4 Sept. 24 Fermentation 5 Oct. 1 6 Oct. 8 Cell Organelles (computer lab) Photosynthesis ( computer lab) 7 Oct. 15 Mitosis and Meiosis 8 Oct. 22 Mendelian Genetics 9 Oct. 29 The lac Operon "DNA: The Secret of Life" (movie) 10 Nov. 5 11 Nov. 12 Polymerase Chain Reaction 12 Nov. 19 DNA Sequencing Laboratory Exam I (Week 1-4) Laboratory Exam II (Week 6-9) Nov. 26 2 13 Dec. 3 14 Dec. 10 FALL BREAK DNA Sequencing Results (computer lab) Evolve ( computer lab) Laboratory Exam III (Week 11-13)