Nivel: R EDL: 40 Ciencias Estrategia: Preguntar LESSON 2 TEACHER’S GUIDE Número de palabras: 1,458 El transbordador espacial 5.1.2 Construir vocabulario El transbordador espacial by Kirsten Weir Fountas-Pinnell Level S Nonfiction HOUGHTON MIFFLIN Libritos nivelados en línea Selection Summary The space shuttle has been launching only since 1981, but it has made a significant contribution toward space exploration. This text introduces students to astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria, and weaves his impressions of life on the shuttle with facts about space. ISBN-13:978-0-547-04644-0 ISBN-10:0-547-04644-8 por Kirsten Weir 1034937 5_046440_VR1_2BL_SHUTTLE_CVR.ind1 1 H O U G H T O N MI F F L I N Number of Words: 1068 4/4/08 10:36:18 AM Characteristics of the Text Genre Text Structure Content Themes and Ideas Language and Literary Features Sentence Complexity Vocabulary Words Illustrations Book and Print Features • Nonfiction • Third-person narrative, with quotations, organized by sections • Underlying structures include description, compare/contrast, and cause/effect • The space shuttle, outer space, and space exploration • Living and working in space • Hubble Space Telescope, International Space Station • Adjustments are required in some careers, like space travel. • Astronauts cope with the effects of zero gravity. • Life on a space shuttle mission is very different from living on Earth. • Quotations from astronaut throughout text convey life on space shuttle. • Descriptions by astronaut include figurative language. • Some complex sentences • Nouns in series divided by commas • Quotations, exclamations • Unfamiliar vocabulary, some included in glossary: galaxia, satélite, gravedad cero • Some multisyllable words: atmósfera, continente, permanente, tripulación • Photographs; illustrations of the solar system • Twelve pages of text • Sidebar, headings, captions, glossary © 2006. Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H. Copyright © by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner unless such copying is expressly permitted by federal copyright law. Permission is hereby granted to individual teachers using the corresponding (discipline) Leveled Readers to photocopy student worksheets from this publication in classroom quantities for instructional use and not for resale. Requests for information on other matters regarding duplication of this work should be addressed to Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company, Attn: Contracts, Copyrights, and Licensing, 9400 SouthPark Center Loop, Orlando, Florida 32819. Printed in the U.S.A. 978-0-547-32692-4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0940 15 14 13 12 11 10 09 If you have received these materials as examination copies free of charge, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company retains title to the materials and they may not be resold. Resale of examination copies is strictly prohibited. Possession of this publication in print format does not entitle users to convert this publication, or any portion of it, into electronic format. 5_326924_BL_VRTG_L02_Shuttle_SPA.indd 1 1/22/10 5:37:26 AM El transbordador espacial by Kirsten Weir Build Background Help students use their knowledge of the space shuttle and outer space to visualize the selection. Build interest by asking a question such as the following: ¿Qué saben acerca de los viajes al espacio? Read the title and author and talk about the cover photograph. Tell students that this text is nonfiction so they will find facts and information about life on a space shuttle. Introduce the Text Guide students through the text, noting important ideas and nonfiction features. Help with unfamiliar language so they can read the text successfully. Give special treatment to target vocabulary. Here are some suggestions: Page 4: Tell students they will learn about life aboard the space shuttle from the perspective of Michael Lopez-Alegria, an astronaut. State that astronauts may live on the space shuttle for weeks at a time. Suggested language: Vayan a la página 4 del libro. Lean la leyenda. ¿Por qué las cuatro misiones de López Alegría pueden haber convertido a este astronauta en un experto en viajes espaciales? Page 5: Show students the photograph. Tell students that astronauts go through training experiences to practice what being in space will feel like. ¿Cómo ayudan a los astronautas los entrenamientos que simulan la sensación de gravedad cero? ¿Por qué puede ser difícil para ellos ajustarse a la gravedad cero? Page 8: Read the last two sentences on this page. Ask: ¿Qué clase de habilidades creen que un astronauta debería tener para reparar algún dispositivo defectuoso en el telescopio espacial Hubble. Page 10: Show the photograph on page 10 and read the caption. Tell students that the astronauts do science experiments and shuttle repairs. Ask: ¿De qué manera creen que el astronauta está atado al transbordador? Ahora, vuelvan al comienzo del texto para descubrir cómo se viaja al espacio en un transbordador espacial. Target Vocabulary ajustar – cambiar y mejorar algo, p. 5 eje – una línea recta real o imaginaria que atraviesa el centro de un objeto que gira, p. 11 atar – unir una cosa a algo, p. 10 funcionar – trabajar u operar, p. 8 defectuoso – que tiene errores, p.8 operador – persona que usa o controla una máquina o vehículo, p. 9 agudo – muy afilado o puntiagudo, p. 8 delicado – frágil, p.10 Grade 5 2 simular – imitar algo de manera que se parezca mucho a la cosa real, p. 5 versión – una forma de algo que es distinta de las otras formas de la misma cosa, p. 10 Lesson 2: El transbordador espacial © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5_326924_BL_VRTG_L02_Shuttle_SPA.indd 2 2/27/10 1:06:32 PM Read Have students read silently while you listen to individual students read aloud. Support their understanding of the text as needed. Remind students to use the Question Strategy before, during, and after they read. and to ask questions Discuss and Revisit the Text Personal Response Invite students to share their personal responses to the selection. Suggested language: ¿Es la vida en el espacio como la imaginaban antes de leer este texto? ¿Por qué? Ways of Thinking As you discuss the text, help students understand these points: Thinking Within the Text Thinking Beyond the Text Thinking About the Text • As explained by astronaut Michael Lopez-Alegria, life aboard the space shuttle is very different than life on Earth. • Life on the space shuttle requires astronauts to be flexible in how they eat, move, and even sleep. • Captions help to explain the photographs and illustrations. • During space missions, astronauts adjust to zero gravity and dried foods while performing important experiments and repairs. • Astronauts do space walks as part of their space shuttle mission. • Astronauts work on important ongoing projects. • Call-outs provide additional information about the space shuttle and space travel. • Working on the space shuttle is demanding, but its rewards include seeing Earth from a unique perspective. • A glossary is provided as a reference for readers to understand difficult terms or ideas. © 2006. Fountas, I.C. & Pinnell, G.S. Teaching for Comprehending and Fluency, Heinemann, Portsmouth, N.H. Choices for Further Support • Fluency Invite students to choose a passage from the text to use for a readers’ theater. Remind them to pay attention to their phrasing as they read. For example, they should read each bullet on the call-outs formally, to convey that each is a separate idea. • Comprehension Based on your observations of the students’ reading and discussion, revisit parts of the text to clarify or extend comprehension. Remind students to go back to the text to support their ideas. • Phonics/Word Work Provide practice as needed with words and word parts, using examples from the text. Explain that some words derive from Greek or Latin. For example, ejercicio is derived from the Latin word exercitium, meaning entrenar. Grade 5 3 Lesson 2: El transbordador espacial © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5_326924_BL_VRTG_L02_Shuttle_SPA.indd 3 1/22/10 5:37:27 AM Writing about Reading Vocabulary Practice Have students complete the Vocabulario questions on Hoja reproducible 2.1. Responding Have students use their Cuaderno del lector to complete the vocabulary activities on page 15. Remind them to answer the Word Teaser on page 16. (Answer: defectuosa) Reading Nonfiction Nonfiction Features: Sidebars Remind students that nonfiction has many features to help readers find and understand important information. Sidebars are one of these features. Tell students that sidebars are common in informational texts. They can appear in shaded sections, as bulleted lists (as on pages 12–13 of this text), or as numbered lists. These types of design considerations make the information distinct from the main part of the text. Authors use these sidebars to provide additional information about the topic that might not flow with the main part of the text. Have students turn to pages 12–13 in the text. Have them identify the heading of the sidebar section (Datos curiosos del transbordador). Explain that the italicized terms in the sidebar on page 12 refer to the names of space shuttles. Have students review the information on each page. Ask volunteers to explain how the information is organized on each page (la página 12 incluye información general acerca de la historia y los nombres de transbordadores, y la página 13 presenta información relacionada con el vuelo del transbordador). Have students research to find a fun fact to add to either page. Have them explain why their fun fact fits the other facts on that page. Writing Prompt: Thinking Beyond the Text Have students write a response to the prompt on page 6. Remind them that when they think beyond the text, they use their personal knowledge to reach new understandings. Assessment Prompts • What can the reader conclude about life aboard the space shuttle? • Which sentence on page 5 supports the idea that during the training flight, the effects of zero gravity last for only a short period of time? • What is the meaning of delicadas on page 10? Grade 5 4 Lesson 2: El transbordador espacial © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5_326924_BL_VRTG_L02_Shuttle_SPA.indd 4 1/22/10 5:37:27 AM Responder VOCABULARIO CLAVE Formar palabras ¿Qué cosas conoces que sean delicadas? Copia esta tabla y anota las cosas. Cosas delicadas anteojos ¡A escribir! El texto y el mundo Escribe un párrafo corto sobre un objeto delicado. Usa palabras de la tabla. Lección 2 Nombre Vocabulario clave 15 5_046440_VR1_2BL_SPACES_L02.indd15 15 HOJA REPRODUCIBLE 2.1 Fecha El transbordador espacial Vocabulario clave Completa la siguiente tabla con las definiciones y tus ideas sobre las palabras de Vocabulario clave. Se muestran respuestas posibles. Vocabulario 10/29/09 10:55:50 AM funcionar operador atar versión eje simular agudo Palabra y definición delicado: sensible atar: sujetar o amarrar algo a otra cosa ajustar: defectuoso delicado ajustar Esta palabra me hace pensar en… las vajillas de porcelana de mi abuela un perro con una correa Esta palabra puede usarse para hablar sobre… copas, flores un bote atado a un muelle, un globo aerostático atado fijar o arreglar prender el acondicionador de aire cuando hace calor aflojar un cinturón que está apretado, subir unas medias caídas defectuoso: imperfecto un reloj que se atrasa un mecanismo que no funciona bien Vocabulario clave 3 Grado 5, Unidad 1: ¡Espíritu escolar! © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. 5_352930RTXSAN_L02_2R.indd 3 Grade 5 5 8/24/09 10:18:24 PM Lesson 2: El transbordador espacial © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5_326924_BL_VRTG_L02_Shuttle_SPA.indd 5 1/22/10 5:37:29 AM Nombre Fecha El transbordador espacial Pensar más allá del texto Piensa en las siguientes preguntas. Después, escribe tu respuesta en uno o dos párrafos. Recuerda que cuando piensas más allá del texto, usas tu conocimiento personal para comprender las cosas de un modo nuevo. En este texto, aprendiste acerca de cómo es la vida a bordo de un transbordador espacial. ¿Qué habilidades crees que tiene que tener un astronauta para hacer bien su trabajo y disfrutar de la vida y el trabajo en el transbordador? Usa ejemplos del texto para fundamentar tu respuesta. Grade 5 6 Lesson 2: El transbordador espacial © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5_326924_BL_VRTG_L02_Shuttle_SPA.indd 6 1/22/10 5:37:31 AM Lección 2 Nombre HOJA REPRODUCIBLE 2.1 Fecha Vocabulario clave El transbordador espacial Vocabulario clave Completa la siguiente tabla con las definiciones y tus ideas sobre las palabras de Vocabulario clave. Vocabulario funcionar operador atar versión eje simular agudo Palabra y definición delicado: sensible atar: sujetar o amarrar algo a otra cosa ajustar: Grade 5 defectuoso delicado ajustar Esta palabra me hace pensar en… las vajillas de porcelana de mi abuela Esta palabra puede usarse para hablar sobre… copas, un bote atado a un muelle, un globo aerostático atado prender el acondicionador de aire cuando hace calor 7 aflojar un cinturón que está apretado, subir unas medias caídas Lesson 2: El transbordador espacial © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5_326924_BL_VRTG_L02_Shuttle_SPA.indd 7 1/22/10 5:37:32 AM Lección 2 Estudiante Hoja reproducible Fecha El transbordador espacial • nivel s page 2 El transbordador espacial Registro de lectura Selection Text Errors Self-Corrections Accuracy Rate Self-Correction Rate El astronauta estaba listo para hacer el viaje de su vida. Estaba sujetado a su asiento a bordo del transbordador espacial. Los cohetes del transbordador comenzaron a retumbar y a sacudirse. De pronto, el transbordador despegó. El astronauta, Michael López-Alegría, estaba alejándose de la Tierra. “Se siente mucha emoción y un poco de nervios. Sientes que vas muy rápido, como en un carro de carreras”, dijo López-Alegría. Después de muchos meses de entrenamiento de astronauta, estaba elevándose en el espacio. ¿Cómo sería vivir tan lejos de la superficie terrestre? Apenas podía esperar para averiguarlo. Comments: (# words read correctly/94 × 100) (# errors + # Self-Corrections/ Self-Corrections) % 1: Read word correctly Code ✓ lobo Repeated word, sentence, or phrase ® Omission lobo lobo Grade 5 Behavior Error 0 0 1 8 Substitution Code lodo lobo 1 Self-corrects lodo sc lobo 0 Insertion el 1 Word told T lobo lobo ˆ Error 1416600 Behavior 1 Lesson 2: El transbordador espacial © Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company 5_326924_BL_VRTG_L02_Shuttle_SPA.indd 8 1/23/10 7:12:12 AM