Company Profile Pasta Zara 2013

The Bragagnolo family’s incentive that has lasted 115 years
asta ZARA is the leading Italian exporter of pasta and the second
largest Italian pasta manufacturer. The company which has always
been run by the Bragagnolo family and is today in the hands of the
fourth generation, has achieved a successful production escalation
which has lasted non-stop for 115 years. Everything began in 1898
when Emanuele Bragagnolo was one of the first men in Italy to realise
that a pasta factory was a marketing idea worth following. Umberto
Bragagnolo, Emanuele’s son, who ran “Pastificio Emanuele
Bragagnolo” from 1918 onwards, did not stop there. He decided that
the time had come to make investments and turn the factory from a
family business to an industrial reality and so he moved the premises
from Villarazzo to Castelfranco Veneto, in the same province of Treviso.
A new factory was opened in 1932 (Pastificio Adriatico) in the town of
Zara, the capital of Venetian Dalmatia, which at the time belonged to
Italy. It seemed like a marriage made to last. However, in 1943, the
centre of Zara was razed to the ground by bombings. At the end of the
Second World War, Umberto Bragagnolo left the town, taking painful
memories with him. In the post-war period, Mino Bragagnolo gave
new incentive to the business which culminated in 1965 with the
opening of the new factory built in Riese Pio X, again in the province
of Treviso. The factory was called “Pastificio di Riese Pio X”, only later
to take the name “Pasta ZARA” in memory of the experience in Zara.
During those years, Franco Bragagnolo, who had taken over the running of the business, had exactly the right idea of concentrating entirely on exports. The results were quick to follow. Over time, Pasta ZARA
with its quality products has spread across the world markets. Today,
Franco’s children Furio Bragagnolo (Chairman), Arianna, Umberto and
Franca hold tightly onto the reins of the company, having brought a further surge of determination, keenness and ambition to Pasta ZARA.
This in turn has allowed the company to develop even further, reaping
successes in terms of important targets and prestige. This escalation
has involved two fundamental stages. In 2002, the second new and
futuristic production facility was opened in Muggia (in 2012 it celebrated its tenth anniversary), joining the original factory in Riese Pio X in
the province of Treviso and enabling the company to double its production rate. Moreover, in 2010, the company took over the “Pastificio
Pagani” in Rovato (Brescia) which became Pasta ZARA’s third production facility and further increased its prestigious position. Behind this
growth, there has always been a continuous development involving
men, facilities, innovation and intuition, because tomorrow begins
today and this has always been true for Pasta ZARA.
1,500 tons of pasta a day and strengthening the Made in Italy label
ne thousand five hundred tons of pasta produced every
day with a continuous cycle and then sent throughout the
world. This is all possible at Pasta ZARA thanks to the total
operating efficiency of three production facilities: Riese Pio X
(Treviso), which is also the managerial heart of the company,
Muggia (Trieste) and Rovato (Brescia). Three great production
centres which, amongst other things, are strategically located
in the north of Italy, in order to allow fast transportation and
well-defined logistics. Everything has been designed to be able
to serve a pasta that is entirely “Made in Italy”, the result of
experience acquired in the pasta-manufacturing business over
more than a century. More specifically, in Riese Pio X the daily
production rate is 470 tons, thanks to 8 production lines for
long, short and nest type pasta and 38 packaging machines.
A new logistics area in Riese Pio X,
now it is Muggia’s turn
The new logistics area set up in the Pasta ZARA factory in Riese Pio X (in the photograph) combines automation with efficient performance. It is a jewel of modernisation, designed for a self-supporting warehouse with
25,000 pallet rack shelvings which has entailed an in-house reorganization and rationalization of the production process. The Pasta ZARA development plan foresees a similar project for the plant in Muggia, where a
record-breaking space for 66,000 pallet rack shelvings will even be achieved. These numbers, accomplishments and projects make Pasta ZARA a reference point for pasta companies around the world.
The factory in Muggia, on the other hand, produces 610 tons
of pasta on 5 production lines and 26 packaging machines.
Finally, in Rovato, where the factory is working to full capacity
after the take-over in 2010, 420 tons of pasta are produced each
day thanks to 9 production lines and 19 packaging machines.
The three factories employ a total of 400 members of staff, a
number which is destined to increase over the next few years.
Work, production, development, investments: a continual escalation
he figures speak volumes. In 2000, Pasta ZARA sold 110 thousand
tons of pasta a year. In 2012, it sold 226 thousand tons, in other
words more than double the amount. The company’s escalation is a
never-ending one which shows no signs of slowing down. The development plan approved by the company actually aims to double the
production rate once again by 2015, reaching a production output of
445 thousand tons a year. This obviously also has positive conse-
The production capacity of the three Pasta ZARA facilities up to 2015
quences on the employment front. All the firm’s ambitions aim at total
quality which is fitting for a company that has confirmed its position as
leading Italian exporter of pasta and second largest pasta manufacturer in the world. This growth will also have interesting effects on the
Italian market where the company intends to place 10% of its production by the year 2015 thanks to new agreements with the most successful labels. This development involves many private labels (the
company’s target market), but also the Pasta ZARA trademark which
is increasing its presence on the shelves of the large-scale retail stores
worldwide and also PAGANI. Pasta ZARA’s strategy remains unmistakably that of expansion, pinpointing further margins both abroad and in
Italy. This expansion project involves production facilities, staff, products, production processes and the increasingly widespread cooperation of the main dealers in international retailing and distribution.
The forecast increase in the number of employees in the three facilities up to 2015
Control of the production chain, a mill in Italy that works solely for Pasta ZARA
he Pasta ZARA development plan includes a strategy that is
of increasing importance for anyone who concentrates on
quality: control of the production chain. In this respect, in 2012, a
piece was added that had been missing from Pasta ZARA’s huge
mosaic: a flour mill working only for the company. As a result, an
agreement was signed with the Tesa S.r.l. mill in Santa Maria
Nuova (Ancona), which today works exclusively for Pasta ZARA.
This initiative has allowed the company to come into direct
contact with the producers of durum wheat, in a production
area of national importance, acquiring know-how and new mar-
A new packaging for a pasta that is beautiful
to see and delicious to taste
The new packaging of the Pasta ZARA products now covers all the pasta varieties offered to
consumers. Inside the packaging (where red remains the distinguishing colour), a more and
more highly selected product can be found, while on the outside our pasta is presented in all its
splendour. Greater product visibility and practicality of use make the new packaging more attractive and easy to see on the shelves of points of sale as if it were saying this pasta is not only
good to look at, but also delicious to taste.
ket opportunities. Obviously, the mill described cannot satisfy
all the daily requirements of the three production facilities
alone so Pasta ZARA uses semolina from both the mill in the
Marche region and from the most important and reliable
groups of flour mills.
Continually expanding exports, we are present in 101 countries
asta ZARA is the flagship of the Made in Italy label and the
Mediterranean Diet throughout the world. This sales policy was
started by Franco Bragagnolo forty years ago and is still encouraged by his children who are at the helm of the company today.
The Pasta ZARA products are now present in 101 countries (both
under the Pasta ZARA and PAGANI labels, and under the private
labels of large scale international retail): 51% of the exports involve
the countries of the European Union, 14% the rest of Europe, 12%
Scandinavia, 10% the Middle East, 5% the Far East, 4% Africa, 3%
America, 1% Australia and Oceania. Over the last few years, Pasta
ZARA has increased its presence in East European countries such
as Russia, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Hungary and Croatia in addition
to China, the Middle East and Africa as well as embarking in new
countries such as the United States, Japan, Iran and Iraq. The marketing success of Pasta ZARA has been achieved thanks to the
quality of the products, a constant offer of innovative ranges, synergies arranged with importers and distributors, but also the quality of the company’s services. One of the company’s strong points
is that it is always at its customers’ disposal and on hand physically as a guarantee of safety and reliability.
Our Pagani pasta, re-launching the brand
and branching out sales
When Pasta ZARA took over the “Pastificio Pagani” in Rovato (Brescia) in 2010, turning it into the company’s third production unit, it also came into possession of the Giulio Pagani trademark. Marketing of the
brand began from that moment on both in Italy and abroad by means of specific operations involving large
scale retail stores as well as restaurant and catering businesses. This plan has led to excellent results:
the brand has been relaunched and now our Pagani pasta is ready to tackle more demanding challenges
Quality is also food safety: guaranteed by certifications
The safety of Pasta ZARA products is guaranteed in-house
by the quality analysis laboratories present in each of our
three factories where highly qualified staff carry out tests,
inspections and monitor the various stages of production
(starting from the in-coming semolina) so that the chemical,
physical, hygiene and quality characteristics can be defined in
detail according to the parameters laid down by law.
At Pasta ZARA the safety of the system and the product is
guaranteed by the most important international certifications
which prove and acknowledge the efforts and resources dedicated to reaching the highest standards of quality.
The SGS certification body, for example, has issued a certificate stating that the Company Quality System of the Pasta
ZARA group complies with the Standard UNI EN ISO 9001:08
applied to the field of “Research, development and production of dry pasta”. Furthermore, following a rigorous inspection carried out by representatives of a hygiene and quality
commission of the CSQA certification body, Pasta ZARA was
awarded declarations of conformity with the highest level of
merit to the following standards: B.R.C. (British Retail
Consortium) with “Grade A” level and I.F.S. (International
Food Standard) with the “Higher” level, a set of strict standards that regulate the running of the production processes
and the environmental conditions in which they take place
from the point of health and hygiene. Pasta ZARA can also
count on the ISO 22005:08 product certificate in compliance
with the requirement for “Intra-company traceability of the
pasta product”. This certificate examines the whole of the
Pasta ZARA production chain, from the moment of arrival of
the raw ingredients to the dispatch of the finished product to
customers. Finally, Pasta ZARA’s environment management
system has been certified by the SGS body, according to
Standard ISO 14001 which awards the efficient way in which
the company handles the various aspects and impacts of the
activities, products and services, in the aim of continually
improving and safeguarding the environment from possible
sources of pollution.
1-2 portions
> 2 portions FISH,
Pasta? Not only delicious, but also healthy: the Mediterranean Diet says so
The basic nutriment of the Mediterranean Diet (which belongs to the Unesco world heritage programme) is carbohydrates and, therefore, especially pasta. A dish of pasta served with an appropriate sauce is tasty, nutritious and healthy.
In fact, it has an energy value that is increased by the slight protein content. There are about 350 Kcal in 100 grams
and the fat content is low (1%). The modern Mediterranean Diet is represented by a food pyramid put forward by
Inran (the National Institute for Research into Food and Nutrition), which has recently been reviewed in the light of
modern trends and well-being. The pyramid shows the foods to be included in main meals and, further up the pyramid the foods that should be eaten every day, but not necessarily at every meal. Obviously pasta features amongst
the foods to be eaten at main meals, it could not have been otherwise.
< 2 portions
< 1 portion
1-2 portions
2-3 portions >
1-2 portions
2-4 portions
> 2 portions
3-4 portions
> 2 portions
1-2 portions
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An ever more “environmentally friendly” company: solar panels and transport by rail
usiness systems that encourage “sustainability”, with this
entrepreneurial philosophy Pasta ZARA has launched the
“Green” project in order to study, further and implement all
the measures possible so that the company production safeguards the environment, the territory and work opportunities.
In this respect, the measures have concentrated firstly on
reducing the amount of energy used and making a more rational use of the same. The sectors concerned have been global
energy saving, lighting, the rationalization and the management of thermal flows and the company’s own production of
energy. Furthermore, Pasta ZARA makes wide use of renewable forms of energy, thanks to photovoltaic installations fitted
on the roofs of the production units.
It should also be remembered that for some years, the company has been using rail transportation to bring the durum wheat
semolina from the south of Italy to its three production units in
Riese Pio X, Muggia and Rovato. It has been calculated that for
the journey alone from Giovinazzo (Bari) to Muggia, by train in
one year there is an energy saving of 71% and a 66% reduction in the CO2 in the atmosphere.
The route from Bari to the
three production units for the
trains loaded with semolina
Visit Pasta ZARA and discover the amount
of C02 emissions that have been cut
At the entrance to each Pasta ZARA production unit, luminous panels have been set up (in
the photograph on the left) that attract visitors’ attention. What are they for? Quite simply,
the instruments show the work done by the photovoltaic installations on the roof. In other
words, the energy being used in that moment, the energy produced and, above all, the C02
emissions that have been cut by making wide use of this process. In this way, guests entering Pasta ZARA realise that they have come to a place where nothing is left to chance.
Pasta ZARA working for social concerns: from Tanzania to humanitarian aid
oth the company and the Bragagnolo family are deeply convinced that every business must direct some of its attention to the community, in other words it should have a social
commitment. Pasta ZARA is committed towards helping the
areas in which it works by dedicating time and resources to
support activities and organizations with particular regard for
young people. Then as pasta is a food that is appreciated and
essential all over the world, the company does all it can to help
non-profit and charity organizations. In particular, we would like
to mention two projects that Pasta ZARA is supporting. The
first concerns the work of Father Camillo Calliari, known to
everyone as Baba Camillo, a missionary priest in Tanzania and
more precisely in Njombe, in one of the poorest South African
countries in the world. Amongst the many other good works
that he has carried out (building dams, the first running water in
the history of those areas, the first electricity, teaching new
farming methods, the artificial insemination of the zebu cows
that today guarantee up to 25 litres of milk a day), Baba Camillo
has built and runs homes for children of parents who have died
as a result of the two most common causes of death in that
area: malaria and AIDS. Working in collaboration with the mayor
of Riese Pio X, Gianluigi Contarin, Pasta ZARA sends pasta and
much needed funds to these homes because the emergency is
a never-ending one. Even at the last edition of the “Palio dei
Mussi” in Riese, the entire takings of the Pasta ZARA Party
were donated to Baba Camillo’s work in Tanzania. Another worthy undertaking has raised the interest of the “Radicchio
d’Oro”, the event in Castelfranco Veneto (where Pasta ZARA is
A lorry load of pasta for the evacuees of the earthquake in Emilia
In 2012 Italy was struck by another earthquake. This time it hit Emilia Romagna and in particular the areas of
Modena, Ferrara, Reggio Emilia and Bologna and the consequences, to say the least, were dramatic: 27 victims, 59% of the buildings were not fit for use, the damage caused to companies amounted to 2.7 billion
euros. In the days following the earthquake, Pasta ZARA, in collaboration with the Municipality of Riese Pio
X, sent 5,000 kilos of pasta to the Civil Protection that was working in the affected area. The pasta was used
to alleviate the suffering of the evacuees living in the emergency camps. The initiative was repeated a second time. The photograph shows the mayor of Riese, Gianluigi Contarin, and the chairman of Pasta Zara, Furio
Bragagnolo, when the lorry left for Emilia.
the main sponsor) and which highlights the accomplishments
of the Treviso region and the personalities involved in culture,
sport, show business, television, art and cuisine. As from 2012,
on the initiative of the Bragagnolo family, a new award has
been added to the existing ones: the Solidarity Prize. The first
edition was awarded to the “Marca Trevigiana” section of the
Italian Down Syndrome Association which received 1,000 kilos
of pasta to be distributed amongst the people it assists.
Sial in Paris, Pasta ZARA plays a leading role both inside and… out
eing there to strengthen, consolidate and start new projects, Pasta ZARA’s all red stand is always present at the
most important international food fairs. These events continue
to be of strategic importance as far as communication and public relations are concerned and represent the ideal occasions for
meeting buyers, decision makers and customers. In 2012 the
company focused its attention on one of the biggest food
events worldwide: Sial in Paris. Pasta ZARA’s presence was evident as soon as visitors stepped foot inside the packed Parc des
Expositions. In fact, hoardings and banners advertised Pasta
ZARA products and invited people to visit the company’s stand
which, thanks to its attractive red colour was easy to recognise.
This very clear presence was necessary due to the important
role played by our products in spreading the Made in Italy label
and good food throughout the world. This presence also reinforced the image of Pasta ZARA and enabled buyers and distributors to see for themselves what our company is doing in terms
of promotion, image and expansion of sales markets.
Venice airport, a work of art linking the past and the present. We have a finger in the pie…
Whoever arrives or leaves Marco Polo airport in Venice, which is one of the busiest in the world, cannot help but notice a wonderful modern
sculpture representing the Metropolitan Life Tower in New York and St. Mark’s bell tower in Venice. The work is by the Venetian artist Giorgio
Bortoli and is on show thanks to a donation made by Pasta ZARA. The master sculptor’s creation represents the historical connection linking
two towers (the Metropolitan Life Tower in New York, the tallest tower in the world), and St. Mark’s bell tower in Venice, one inside the other
(the bell tower is inside the tower). It shows the greatness of the past which is surpassed; the boundless development of all things that leads
from the first multi-racial city to today’s multi-cultural metropolis; the progress in techniques and materials which goes from an economy based
on the supremacy of Murano glass to another in which steel has the upper hand. This history is shared by Pasta ZARA.
When our pasta becomes a culinary culture in various countries
ccording to the figures of Aidepi (Italian Association of
Confectionery and Pasta Industries), 53% of the pasta
produced in Italy is destined for foreign markets. To give a
clearer idea, we can say that one dish of pasta out of 4 (26%)
eaten in the world is produced in Italy. Pasta ZARA obviously
holds a prime position in all this, being the leading Italian
exporter of pasta. Apart from being present in 101 countries
with its pasta, Pasta ZARA is also the flagship of the Made in
Italy label and of good Italian pasta-based food. Often in fact
sales operations abroad are accompanied by tasting events
where our products are served. These tasting events are prepared by qualified chefs who also explain how to prepare an
excellent pasta dish. All of this is backed in the various countries by promotional and advertising operations designed by
our distributors with the “artistic” assistance of the company’s
managerial headquarters. As a result you may come across
messages and images of Pasta ZARA in the most important
food magazines. These messages, however, always aim to
convey our company history, the culinary traditions of our
country merged with the customs and habits of other cultures
and other countries, the nutritional values of Pasta ZARA products, as well as the expressive art represented by a masterly
drawn pasta shape or a recipe capable of expressing a feeling
A new hospitality area in the Riese branch with a view to… the kitchen
The head offices of Pasta ZARA in Riese Pio X have been widely extended over the last few years. This
extension work has included a new feature that we have been working on for some time: a hospitality area
right next to the reception. This area has been fitted with a very modern and practical kitchen (see photograph) in which our chefs can express the best of their art for the benefit of guests who can sit at the tables
nearby. The kitchen is separated from the tasting room by just a large window. This interior design was chosen on purpose because before our guests judge the dishes prepared by our chefs by tasting them, they
can actually see with their own eyes how a pasta based recipe using the various shapes of our products,
is actually prepared and cooked step by step.
or the very soul of well cooked pasta accompanied by the perfect sauce. These expressions of culture use cuisine as the
stage and pasta as the stars of the show.
Pasta ZARA Party. You, us and our pasta: enjoying each other’s company
hat is the best way to spread the word about the goodness and wholesomeness of our pasta? Without a shadow of a doubt, the most effective method is to taste it and eat it.
There is no better way of convincing or persuading people, or at
least this is what we think. To bring out the quality of the pasta
we produce we first cook it and then offer it to others. In front of
a plate of steaming pasta cooked to perfection and served with
a delicious sauce, all other words are unnecessary. Only the opinion of those savouring the pasta matters. And we count on
always being able to satisfy expectations. For this reason, Pasta
ZARA parties were started. Our pasta prepared by important
chefs is served, often free of charge, by catering services that
guarantee reliability and impeccable service on important occasions and at public events of various types. From sport to shows
The 10 year anniversary of the Muggia plant, an open day with 3,000 visitors
Three thousand people. Entire families, senior citizens and youngsters: everybody was there. A continuous flow, from the afternoon
to well on into the evening. The open day at our plant in Muggia (October 2012) was an event, the success of which went far beyond
our greatest expectations. The territory took a keen part in the celebrations organized by the company on the occasion of the tenth
anniversary of the opening of the production unit in the province of Trieste (which started in the morning with a talk show presented by Enrico Cisnetto, followed by a private lunch party). As we said, three thousand people who first toured the factory and were
curious to find out about the machinery and the production from the machine operators (all employees of the pasta factory). Then on
to a large hall where an enormous buffet awaited them offering a wide range of dishes to taste. 600 kilos of various shapes of Pasta
ZARA were eaten, served with about fifteen different sauces and prepared by qualified chefs. It was a great party, a beautiful party.
and entertainment. And it is always a success, the reason
being that pasta has another characteristic and this time it is a
social one: it unites people and is a reason for spending time
together. It is not just by chance that the new food pyramid of
the Mediterranean Diet recommends eating with others.
Nutritionists say, “Eating meals with others helps us to digest
our food better and share a positive moment during the day”.
Sports people have a reliable partner to counter exertion: Pasta ZARA
hoever does sport must follow a diet based on the
model of the so-called food pyramid”. This is the recommendation of sports doctors. And as pasta, the main source
of complex carbohydrates is at the base of the pyramid, Pasta
ZARA realised that sport would be the ideal endorsement for
conveying these ideas confirmed by the medical world. In particular, Pasta ZARA concentrated its attention on those sports
where fatigue and resistance are customary and whoever practises the sport must eat properly to sustain the great efforts that
must be made. Pasta ZARA’s commitment towards sport follows
two directions: the partnership with sports events (where Pasta
ZARA parties are often set up) and the sponsorship of sports
teams, in particular cycling, 5-a-side football and fencing.
Amongst the most important teams sponsored are Pasta ZARA
(the leading team in women’s cycling), Zalf-Euromobil-Fior-Pasta
ZARA (a reference team in amateur men’s cycling), Marca Futsal,
Italian champion of 5-a-side football and Arte Scherma, a fencing
team which concentrates on its prolific junior sector. As far as the
sports events are concerned, the Pasta ZARA logo appears in the
women’s Giro d’Italia cycling tour, in the Venice Marathon, in the
Pinarello Cycling Marathon, in the Prosecco Cycling Classic, in
the Gran Premio sportivi di Poggiana, in the Straverona.
Script • EAB
Pasta ZARA SpA
- Riese Pio X Via Castellana, 34
31039 Riese Pio X (TV)
tel. +39 0423 7541
fax +39 0423 454043
Pasta ZARA SpA
- Muggia Strada delle Saline Z.I.
34015 Muggia (TS)
tel. +39 040 2396816
fax +39 040 2396834
Pasta ZARA 3 Srl
- Rovato Via XXV Aprile, 10/12
25038 Rovato (BS)
tel. +39 030 7243402
fax +39 030 7243629