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Marks / Rubrics / Grading form Overview
This guide gives an overview of the options available for returning marks to Grade Centre
and different rubric/grading form options available for feedback.
Refer to the Practical guidelines for designing rubrics guide for pedagogical information on
designing rubrics.
Note: TurnItIn rubrics are different to Blackboard rubrics. It is not possible to use a
Blackboard rubric in TurnItIn.
When you setup your TurnItIn assignment you need to determine the Points value, what the
mark returned to Grade Centre will be out of. If you are using a Standard or Custom rubric
the mark will be converted so it is out of the Points value. i.e. If the rubric is out of 20 and the
Points value is 40 the Rubric score will be doubled so a mark out of 40 is returned.
Note: TurnItIn will only return whole numbers to the Grade Centre and that the total mark is
Note: Entering a Points value is optional and you could decide to use TurnItIn for feedback
only. A column will still be created in Grade Centre for the assignment, even if you do not
enter a Points value.
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Points value options:
UQ Grade - 7
When marking: Enter a mark yourself OR click the
(Apply rubric percentage to grade) button so the rubric (Standard and Custom)
mark is converted to a mark out of 7 and rounded.
Weighted value – 30 if the item is worth 30% of the final mark.
When marking: Enter a mark yourself OR click the
(Apply rubric percentage to grade) button so the rubric (Standard and Custom)
mark is converted to a mark out of 30 and rounded.
Percentage – 100
When marking: Enter the mark as a percentage yourself OR click the
(Apply rubric percentage to grade) button so the
rubric (Standard and Custom) mark is converted to a mark out of 100 and rounded.
Rubric out of mark The mark the rubric (Standard and Custom) is out of.
When marking: If a Custom rubric with no half marks is used the “raw” mark is
returned to Grade Centre. The weighted mark could then be calculated by
downloading the marks in a spreadsheet from Grade Centre, calculating the
weighted mark and uploading the marks back to Grade Centre.
Rubric / Form option overview
Standard: Criteria are weighted using percentages.
Custom: A score is allocated to each criterion – standard “cell”.
Qualitative: No scoring is included in the rubric, though an overall mark can still be entered.
Form: Criteria with a description for each can be listed. Staff can give a mark and comment
for each criterion.
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Standard rubric
Criteria (rows) is weighted using percentages.
Mark ranges are not possible.
A mark is allocated for each standard (columns).
Marking using a Standard rubric
Rubric score: is calculated out of the mark for the
highest standard. i.e. in the example a rubric score
out of 4 would be calculated.
RUBRIC PERCENTAGE: the score for the rubric is
also calculated as a percentage.
OUT OF: mark (this is the Points value you entered
for the assignment when you set it up)
Click the
rubric percentage to grade) button and the
rubric mark will be converted so it is out of the
Points value). OR
Enter the mark yourself.
Note: This mark is rounded i.e. .1, .2, .3, .4
round down, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9 round up.
Note: This view of the rubric is only displayed to staff for
marking. The rubric students’ view to receive feedback is
similar to the first version above but with the standard they
have achieved for each criterion highlighted.
Refer to the Ask I.T. TurnItIn: View your marked assignment
guide for students.
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Custom rubric
A mark is allocated to each Criterion/Standard (cell).
Criteria can be weighted by multiplying a base scale i.e. x1 (4, 3, 2, 1) x2 (8, 6, 4,
2) x0.5 (2, 1.5, 1, 0.5)
Each criteria can be set to a different number of standards by setting extra “cells”
to zero.
Marking using a Custom rubric
Rubric score: is automatically calculated out of
the total marks in the rubric. i.e. in the example a
rubric score out of 16 would be calculated.
RUBRIC PERCENTAGE: the score for the rubric
is also calculated as a percentage.
OUT OF: mark (this is the Point value you
entered for the assignment when you set it up)
Click the
(Apply rubric percentage to grade) button
and the rubric mark will be converted so it is
out of the Points value). OR
Enter the mark yourself.
Note: This mark is rounded i.e. .1, .2, .3, .4
round down, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9 round up.
Note: This view of the rubric is only displayed to staff for
marking. The rubric students’ view to receive feedback is
similar to the first version above but with the standard they
have achieved for each criterion highlighted.
Refer to the Ask I.T. TurnItIn: View your marked
assignment guide for students.
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Qualitative rubric
No scoring is included in the rubric.
Each criteria can be set to a different number of standards by leaving the extra
“cells” empty.
Marking using a Qualitative rubric
The standards are only numbered for staff.
Only standard titles and descriptions are displayed to
OUT OF: mark (this is the Point value you entered
for the assignment when you set it up).
Enter the mark yourself (it must be a whole
This mark is optional, you could choose to only
give students feedback only by not entering a
Points value when you set up the assignment.
Note: This view of the rubric is only displayed to staff for
marking. The rubric students view to receive feedback is
similar to the first version above but with the standard they
have achieved for each criterion highlighted.
Refer to the Ask I.T. TurnItIn: View your marked assignment
guide for students.
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Grading form
Criteria with a description for each can be listed.
Enabling scoring is optional.
Marking using a Form
Feedback can be entered for each criterion.
If scoring has been enabled a mark can be entered
for each criterion.
Note: It is not possible to indicate what each criterion
is “out of”.
Total Score: The marks from each criterion are
automatically totalled.
OUT OF: mark (this is the Point value you entered
for the assignment when you set it up)
Click the
score to grade) button and the Total Score will
be entered at the top of the page and returned
to Grade Centre (note this mark will be
rounded) OR
Enter the mark yourself.
Prepared by: [Ailsa Dickie]
Last modified: [15 March 2014]
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