Texas Heart Institute Newsletter: Heart Health Advances

Volume 11
Issue 1
www.texashear t.org
Hear t
A Message from Dr. James T. Willerson
President of the Texas Heart Institute
“Thank you – thank you for
giving me renewed life.”
Barbara Fish
rom her humble roots in New
England, she understood the
benefits of a good education and
the rewards of
hus began a heart-warming letter, accompanied by a contribution, received from a grateful patient not long ago. It’s the kind of letter
that lifts us up. Renews us. Reminds us that in
discovering the medical mysteries of the human
heart, we’re often touched by the humbling
humanity that lies within that same heart.
This patient’s gratitude was infectious and made us doubly thankful for her
support, and that of many others, some of whom you will read about elsewhere
in this publication.
In that spirit, I say to all our supporters: Thank you – thank you for giving
the Texas Heart Institute at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital renewed life – as well
as new energy and inspiration to continue this fight.
It is indeed a fight. Cardiovascular disease remains the most deadly disease
in existence for both men and women. (continued on page 4)
Helping build for the future in
In Memoriam
a strategic way...
he late Harold Farb was described as “the
bigger-than-life Houston developer who
transformed the city’s landscape with more than
30,000 apartments.”
Upon his death in 2006, Farb had amassed a fortune by
“developing reasonably priced complexes with the latest features.
He was landlord to more than 1 million people in a career spanning
(continued on page 36
With regard
to the Texas
Institute, the
late Barbara
Fish DanielHetherington not only understood
community service, she lived it.
Her father, Ray C. Fish established the
Ray C. Fish Foundation many years
ago and charged her with carrying
out its mission. This included the
founding grant for the Texas Heart
Institute. The exponential impact of
that grant is immeasurable. There
have been so many lives saved and
improved over the years, and Barbara
played a big part in it.
Both Barbara and her father served
on the THI board and have helped us
in so many ways. Barbara served from
1968 to 1986, a time of significant
growth and accomplishment for
THI. Since 1972 we have been
presenting the prestigious Ray C. Fish
Award for significant innovations in
(continued on page 32)
Fraternal Order of Eagles
he Fraternal Order of Eagles (FOE)is an international nonprofit
organization, whose mission statement says it “unites fraternally in
the spirit of liberty, truth, justice, and equality, to make human life more
desirable by lessening its ills, and by promoting peace, prosperity, gladness
and hope.”
The Texas FOE Aeries and Auxiliaries certainly
soared in that mission when they made the
Texas Heart Institute their 2009-2010 State
Project. Local Aeries around the state
held fish fries, barbeques and other
fund-raisers and during a ceremony
in San Antonio, presented the fruits
of those labors to THI’s CEO Marc
“The Eagles are hometown builders,”
says their website. “We support our police,
firefighters, and others who protect and serve.
We fund medical research ... we help raise money for our communities ... we are the Eagles ... we
are ‘People Helping People’.”
It is this kind of grass-roots support that looms large in helping THI carry out its own mission
helping people to prevent and better treat cardiovascular disease. Every gift counts and this kind
of support from community-minded Eagles throughout Texas is highly valued here.
Marking an anniversary with a gift from the heart . . .
“Today, June 20, 2010, marks the 25th Anniversary of our father’s heart surgery at the Texas
Heart Institute at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital in Houston.This $25 donation is to honor him
and the last 25 years of wonderful memories we have shared as a family because of the talents
and dedication of all those who are part of the Texas Heart Institute.
We thank you with all our hearts!”
–Adrienne Kopacsi Guido, Dallas, Texas
As you can see from the e-mail text above, gifts from the heart can carry a big emotional impact.
Not only do they allow us to continue the important research and education we need to improve so many
lives, they inspire us all. No matter the size of the gift.
Every donation makes a difference. We are appreciative of them all.
From the Heart
A Night to Remember
L to R: Bob and Janice McNair; James T. Willerson, MD; Mrs. Laura W. Bush; Denton A. Cooley, MD. Dr. Willerson is president and medical director of the Texas Heart Institute, Dr.
Cooley is Surgeon-in-Chief and President Emeritus of the Texas Heart Institute. Mrs. Bush is being honored as the 2011 recipient of the Denton A. Cooley Leadership Award.
ormer First Lady Laura W. Bush was presented with the Denton A. Cooley Leadership
Award during the annual Texas Heart Institute gala dinner on January 27, 2011. Mrs. Bush
spoke about her many years of effort to call attention to the fact that cardiovascular disease is
the No. 1 threat to women’s health. Among other accomplishments in this area, Mrs. Bush is
the founding ambassador for The Heart Truth and the Red Dress Campaign to give women a
personal wake-up call about their risk of heart disease. It was a highly enjoyable event and one of
the most successful in the history of this gala.
THI founder, Dr. Denton A. Cooley and THI
President Dr. James T. Willerson presented
the award before a capacity crowd at the
Westin Galleria Hotel Ballroom. THI Board
Chairman Meredith Long acted as MC for
the event, which was co-chaired by Janice
and Bob McNair, and underwritten by
Margaret Alkek Williams and the Alkek
and Williams Foundation, with support
from Merrill Lynch & Co.
The Denton A. Cooley Leadership
Award, presented by THI’s
National Advisory Council, was
established to recognize leadership
and meritorious contributions to the
advancement of society. Previous
p aw
honorees include Dr. C. Everett
Koop, former President George
the H
Bush, Walter Cronkite,
Charlton Heston, Larry King,
Betty Ford, Michel T. Halbouty,
The Honorable James A. Baker III,
Robert C. McNair, The Honorable
Rudolph W. Giuliani, Bob Newhart,
Tom Brokaw, The Honorable Robert A.
Mosbacher Sr., Dr. Michael E. DeBakey,
. Lau
W. B
and Jan and Dan Duncan.
a. c
(continued on page 30)
P r o
g r
a m
, 20
A message from Dr. James t. willerson (continued from cover)
With renewed thankfulness, I am very pleased to share with you some of the ongoing and recent
progress we have made in the battle. You can certainly learn much more about each of these topics on
our website texasheart.org.
You may have heard through widespread media coverage that on March 10, Drs. Bud Frazier and
Billy Cohn implanted 2 approved continuous-flow heart-assist devices into a desperately ill, 55-yearold Houstonian, Craig A. Lewis. It was a medical milestone. This is the first
successful placement of a continuous-flow total artificial heart in a human being.
Mr. Lewis had a rare condition called Amyloidosis, a disease in which the
heart, liver and kidney are infiltrated by an abnormal protein produced elsewhere
in the body. The devices were a last attempt to prolong his life, and make him
more comfortable. His own heart was totally removed, and because the implanted
pumps provided the blood flow that the sick heart could not, they served as a
total artificial heart.
Mr. Lewis and his family were very courageous and selfless. Unfortunately, he succumbed to his
underlying disease on April 13, but not before he had spent more than a month being kept alive by
this medical advancement.
For more than four decades doctors and others at THI have worked to perfect these devices which
have already helped an exponentially increasing number of patients first as a “bridge to transplant” and
now as a “destination” therapy. We are well on the way to developing this technology into a true total
artificial heart and are now collaborating with a team of engineers from energy giant, Cameron Corp.,
to perfect and advance the technology even further.
THI at St. Luke’s physicians and scientists continue to be on the cutting edge of technology in
many areas, including and advancing the trend in cardiac medicine toward less invasive procedures
which are generally less risky, less costly and reduce recovery times for patients. Consider these recent
• In late December, an 80-year-old patient form Lufkin in East Texas became the second in the
nation to be treated with a newly approved FDA device for an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA).
The condition, often called, “the silent killer,” is a dangerous bulge or ballooning in the main
artery of the body that typically causes no symptoms until it ruptures. An estimated 1.2 million
people in the U.S. have an AAA, which is the third leading cause of sudden death in men over
the age of 60. THI interventional cardiologist, Zvonimir Krajcer, MD, performed a minimally
invasive endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, using the Endurant AAA Stent Graft
System from Medtronic Inc. The Endurant device consists of a flexible wire frame—the stent—
sewn onto a specially woven fabric tube—the graft—that physicians use to create a new path for
blood flow to a patient’s aorta, thus reducing pressure on the aneurysm and the risk of rupture.
• Also beginning this past December, Dr. Emerson Perin, THI’s director of clinical
cardiovascular research, and a team of other THI at St. Luke’s cardiologists became
the first in Houston to implement a new imaging tool, known as Optical Coherence
Tomography (OCT). OCT shows unprecedented detail of arteries, allowing
interventional cardiologists to make more informed decisions when assessing and treating
heart arterial blockages. Perin, who says the enhanced precision should result in better
outcomes for patients, also researched the technology at THI prior to its approval by the
FDA last year.
• In January, THI at St. Luke’s became the first in Texas and one of only a few in the
nation to treat patients with a new catheter-based procedure that uses sutures to tie off
the left atrial appendage , which is known to be a major source of blood clots that may
lead to stroke in patients with atrial fibrillation (irregular heart rythms). This accounts
for as many as one-quarter of strokes in the elderly. The new procedure involves the
use of an FDA-approved instrument known as the LARIAT Suture Delivery Device. It
was invented by Dr. William E. “Billy” Cohn, Director of Minimally Invasive Surgical
Technology at THI at SLEH, who was looking for a method of closing the LAA without
the need for major surgery. The procedure is performed in the cardiac catheterization lab
under X-ray guidance and requires no incision. The procedure was used for the first time
at THI at SLEH in two patients who were considered at high risk and who had no other
options. The procedures, which each took only about one hour, were performed by Jie
Cheng, MD.
• Also in January, THI cardiac electrophysiologist J. Alberto Lopez, MD, was among the
first in the nation to to treat patients for an irregular heartbeat with a new, minimally
invasive cryoballoon technology that uses cold rather than heat to interrupt faulty
electrical circuits in the heart. The Arctic Front Cardiac CryoAblation Catheter System
(Arctic Front) was used to perform ablations on two women. The procedure is simpler
and presents less chance of blood clotting and unintended damage, points out Dr. Lopez.
Dr. Lopez has been a clinical investigator on cyroablation technology for the last five years
and has traveled internationally to train with other colleagues on the technology.
• In March, we announced that THI-affiliated cardiac electrophysiologist John J. Seger,
MD, was the first in a four-state region of Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Arizona
to implant a newly approved pacemaker technology to safely overcome barriers, which
previously blocked patients fitted with pacemakers from access to Magnetic Resonance
Imaging (MRI) machines for medical diagnosis. Many thousands of patients could be
helped by this technology.
• In early April, a team led by Dr. Joseph S. Coselli, as principal investigator, and Dr.
Biswajit Kar, as a co-investigator, began clinical trials on replacing worn-out aortic heart
valves without surgery. The procedure involves the replacement of the valve, which has
hardened and thus does not open fully, through a small incision in a patient’s leg via a
catheter known as the Medtronic CoreValve System. As many as 300,000 Americans have
this affliction known as aortic valvular stenosis.
(continued on page 6)
A message from Dr. James t. willerson (continued from page 5)
Speaking of heart valves, we were pleased to announce in March that Dr. Blase Carabello,
one of the world’s foremost experts in the field is joining THI as director of our new Center for
Heart Valve Disease and as Chief of Cardiology. The new Center will be co-directed by Dr. David
Fish, THI’s director of interventional cardiology research and education. Dr. Carabello who has
been serving as Chief of Medicine at the Michael E. DeBakey Veterans Administration Medical
Center, will also help THI keep a strong spirit of collaboration and will continue to work with
the VA on programs, research, and patient care. He is also Vice Chair at the Baylor College of
Medicine Department of Medicine and has served as an author of the 1998 and 2006 American
Heart Association/American College of Cardiology Guidelines for the Management of Patients
With Valvular Heart Disease. The Center will bring together cardiologists and surgeons, in close
collaboration, looking for new, more effective ways of treating and hopefully greatly lessening the
impact of valvular heart disease, a significant and growing problem in the US population.
THI is participating in two National Institutes of Health approved protocols in which we’ve
treated patients with acute heart attacks with their own human adult stem cells, taken from the
bone marrow in their hip and injected into the artery in the heart where
the blood clot had formed leading to the heart attack. This trial involves
some 90 patients. THI is also one of five NIH centers, chosen after a
nationwide competition, to be the centers for adult human stem cell
treatment of heart and vascular disease.
As part of this consortium of treatment centers, we have also just
completed another clinical trial treating patients with very severe heart
failure. In this protocol we inject the adult stem cells directly into the
heart muscle at sites which are reversibly injured.
In yet another NIH trial, we near the end of treating more than 80 patients following heart
attack and after the artery is opened with a balloon catheter and a stent.
Dr. Robert Schwartz and his team, working with other stem cell scientists, have shown that we
can take skin cells from the human hand and place those cells into a culture, treat them with the
genes that are critical to becoming a heart muscle cell. Within two weeks, these skin cells convert
to heart muscle cells, contracting rhythmically and expressing all the characteristics of heart muscle
We have also recruited to THI Dr. Jim Martin, from Texas A&M System Health Science
Center to join us in heart and blood vessel stem cell work, and to work at Texas Children’s Hospital
on his stem cell work that involves other organs. Dr. Martin is a PhD and MD who we believe will
add immeasureably to our team, helping to identify the pathway by which human heart muscles
shut off the ability to renew themselves after one week of life. He has provided great insights into that
pathway and this work should lead an ability to regulate that pathway and turn that ability back on to
help the heart repair itself.
The Kinder Outreach Program continues under the THI Center for Coronary Artery Anomalies
with a significant research project into the causes of sudden cardiac death in young people, particularly
in young athletes. THI followers will recall that the research includes the screening of 10,000 middle
school students in the Houston area. Since the project was launched late last year, our mobile imaging
unit has been stationed at two Houston middle schools, and we have screened more than 600
students. According to the Sudden Cardiac Arrest Association, young adults (ages 14-24) SUFFER
over 3,000 cardiovascular-related death per year. I am fortunate to be the principal investigator in
this program, along with CCAA medical director, Dr. Paolo Angelini, an acknowledged expert in this
The THI Center for Women’s Heart and Vascular Health, under the
direction of Dr. Stephanie Coulter, is now six months old and has launched into
its mission of more research, education and improved treatment for women with
heart and vascular disease. Almost 43 million women in the U.S. suffer from
some form of cardiovascular disease. Community outreach events, heart health
screenings in Houston area underserved communities, expanded research, and a
new digital women’s heart health newsletter from Dr. Coulter are all under way
and going strong.
Finally, Ask a Texas Heart Institute Doctor, something people can get nowhere else, continues to
be incredibly popular and is growing explosively. As you may know, people from all over the world
can submit a question to our website and, usually within 48 hours or so, one of almost three dozen of
the world’s top heart doctors will respond with an answer. Many of the answers are posted online as a
resource to all.
To date, we’ve had questions submitted from virtually every U.S. state and from 80 different
countries around the world. Through the first quarter of 2010, we had approximately 36,000 visits
to the website. In the same period this year, we’ve passed 57,000. That is remarkable growth and
illustrates the real need for, and interest in, this kind of information and access for patients.
Marathon Oil Corporation
he people of Houston-based Marathon Oil Corporation
certainly live by their code of “Working Together in Today’s Global
Economy.” Their corporate citizenship focuses on several areas
with education and health and human service issues, as well as
empowering socially or economically disadvantaged populations
among the Company’s top priorities.
That’s why their strong support of the “Ask a Texas Heart Institute
Doctor” website feature, www.texasheart.org/heartdoctor is such
a winning collaboration. This online forum makes more than
three dozen of the world’s top heart doctors available, through
the worldwide web, to virtually anyone around the globe in need
of detailed, knowledgeable, cutting-edge information about
cardiovascular disease. Our physician/scientists have answered
thousands of questions from across the United States and from
almost 80 different countries, usually within 48 hours, and the website makes many of the
answers available to all.
Marathon has global reach, which is why its employees understand the importance of making
such lifesaving information available to everyone, including those individuals in the far
corners of the world where such access is often limited or unavailable. And, as Marathon
points out on its website their people are interested in building relationships that accomplish
these goals.
Marathon is pleased to provide support for this vital program which benefits not only
the greater Houston community, but also the global community. The Ask a Texas Heart
Institute Doctor program is also highly complementary to other heart-health related initiatives that we support, such as those of the American Heart Association, which help
address the global issues of heart disease and stroke.
—Clarence P. Cazalot, Jr., Marathon president and CEO
That’s why we are so appreciative of our relationship with Marathon.
our gifts, from April 1,
2010 to March 31, 2011,
enabled us to take new initiatives
in research, to provide educational
opportunities for young heart
specialists, and to teach people
how to live healthier lives. We
salute your generosity and loyalty,
which allow us to achieve vital
margins of excellence and to
advance the programs against
cardiovascular disease.
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Vascular, Inc.
Amerita, Inc.
Comerica Bank
Mr. J. David Davenport
Mrs. Terri Dome
Expression Diagnostics, Inc.
The Ray C. Fish Foundation
Sheila Gold Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Hari S. Gupta
HeartWare, Inc.
Marathon Oil Corporation
Matthew T. Monroe, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Hershel M. Rich
Mr. Bo RonneLotz
SynCardia Systems, Inc.
Terumo Cardiovascular Systems Corporation
Thoratec Corporation
Dr. Angelo Miele
Dr. H. Albert and Elizabeth L. Napier
Neustadt Charitable Foundation No. S2
Mr. Robert R. Ogden
Mr. Jack R. Sandell
Mr. Pearce H. Shanks, Jr.
The Herbert A. Train and Anne Swiff
Train Endowment Fund
The Samuel L. Westerman Foundation
Mr. David D. Adams
Mr. George C. Adams
Mr. C. Mark Aderman
Ms. Martha A. Adger
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Alexander
The Alkek and Williams Foundation
Mrs. Lisbeth Alvis
Amsource Capital Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Anderson
M. D. Anderson Foundation
Mr. Richard H. Anderson and
Ms. Michelle Beale
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Angelo
Ronald and Joyce Antes
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ardell
Laura and John Arnold Foundation
Mr. Jorge Arredondo
Mrs. Dorothy W. Arthur
Mr. Arthur W. Ashford
Mr. Omar Al Askari
Dr. Abe Attrep
Mr. and Mrs. Gervais J. Authement
Dr. and Mrs. Michael G. Avedissian, Jr.
AXA Foundation
Ayrshire Corporation
Ms. Saundra Badon
Mr. Ibrahim Bagci
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baker, III
Dr. Mahmud Bangash
Bank of America
Barrett Foundation
Mr. George D. Bauersfeld
Mr. H. W. Bell
Mrs. Eugenia Bertetti
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bevans
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Biggs
Mr. Eugene Bigham, III
Alice & David Bintliff Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bird
Mr. Leonard Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Blott
Ms. Betty Lou Blumrosen
Mr. and Mrs. Jan K. Bogard
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Bond
Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Bordelon, III
Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Brand
Mr. James J. Breslin
Mr. James H. Brewster
Ms. Elaine Amacker Bridges
Ms. Janelle Bridges
Mr. John H. Broocks
Mr. Larry T. Broughton
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Jean W. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Burford
Mr. Lloyd Dean Burns
Dr. Rex and Vicki Bushong
Mr. John M. Byrnes
Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Cagle
Mr. Charles D. Cagle
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Cambio
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. Capozza
The Caring for Children Foundation
of Texas, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Casey
Ms. Loretta M. Castle
Ms. Aileen Chang
Mr. John Chargois
Mr. Raymond Chaufty
Chevron Products Company
Mr. and Mrs. John Penney Cogan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Cohen
Charles F. and Rita A. Collard
The Coneway Family Foundation
Mr. Preston W. Conley
Betty and Bill Conner
Mr. and Mrs. Hardtner L. Coon
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Cooper
Mr. Frank J. Cordera
Mr. Charles H. Corley
Mrs. Almeria T. Cottingham
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Couch
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Craddock, Sr.
Ms. Lydia Cruz
Rose and Harry Cullen
Dalio Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Damore
Mr. D. P. Dampf
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Darroh
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Daugherty
Ms. Diane Davidhizar
The Charles and Melissa Davis Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Hearell W. Davis
Joe E. Davis Foundation
Mr. Joel Davis
Mr. John F. Davis, Jr.
Mr. Richard C. Davis
Mr. Wallace P. Davis
Mr. Anthony DeFeo
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. DeNicola
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Denner
Mr. and Mrs. Peggy DeRuyter
Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson
Mrs. Lou Diekemper
Mrs. Kay Dillard
Ms. Jean C. Donnelly
Mr. and Mrs. F. Mario Donzelli
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Douglas
Nancy and Gene Dozier
Mr. Leonard L. Drury
Duke Energy Corporation
Mr. Charles Dullye
Mrs. Estelle Shepherd Dunn
Mr. John M. Dunsmoir
Duro Bag Mfg. Co.
Gary J. Eaton
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Edinger
Mr. Ramsay M. Elder
The Ellwood Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Erbs
Mr. and Mrs. Rickey J. Eudy
Mr. Thomas Everette
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fariss
Ms. Yolanda Farra
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Farrell
Mr. and Mr. David Felgere
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard R. Fellin
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Fertitta
(continued on page 10)
Texas Heart Contributors (continued from page 9)
Mr. Frederick G. Fischer
Dr. and Mrs. Stanton P. Fischer
Ms. Lynn Fisher
John C. Fitch Family Fund
Estate of Bessie L. Fitzpatrick
Ms. Berthica A. Fitzsimons
Ms. LaJoyce Flanagan
Mrs. Lila G. Flanz
Mr. Patrick D. Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Flores
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Foote
Mr. Ben J. Fortson, III
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Francisco, III
Mr. Michael Franks
Fraternal Order of Eagles - Grand Aerie
Reverend Walter V. French
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Froehle
Mr. Armando Gallardo, Sr.
Brad and Lance Gallien
Mr. J. A. Garcia
Ms. Myrna M. Gaspari
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gautschi
Mr. George B. Geary
Mr. and Mrs. David Gelperin
Gerber Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John Mark Gidley
Mrs. Clare A. Glassell
Mr. Michael L. Glaze
Mr. George Glover, Jr.
Ms. April Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Golian
Carol and Dr. Barry Goodfriend
Mr. James R. Gracey
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy C. Green
Mr. Dennis Grove
Mr. Robert D. Grover
Mr. and Ms. Jay C. Grubb
Mr. Frank Haberger, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Halbouty
Halliburton Company
Participating Employees
Henry Jazdzewski
Stephen Lane Kullerd
Christopher Sumers
Marcia Trimble
Glenda Wylie
Ms. Mary S. Hammons
Ms. Paula Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hanson
Natalie and Buddy Harris
Joann Hartzell
Dennis and Kathy Hayden
Mrs. Patricia J. Hayward
The Hazelwood Foundation
Dr. Heinz Hermann
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hevrdejs
Margaret Mellon Hitchcock Foundation
Ms. Margo Holguin
Marilyn and John Holstead
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Holstead
Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Homeyer
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Honaker
Mr. Caryl A. Hopmann
Mr. Thomas E. Horner
Mr. Robert Horowitz
Ms. Barbara Horwitz
Reverend and Mrs. William C. Houghton
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Hughes
Ms. Gloria J. Hunt
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hussey
Mr. and Mrs. William Tom Ingram
Admiral and Mrs. B. R. Inman
Mr. and Mrs. Scott James
Mr. Joseph T. Janica
Jastrow Foundation
Mr. Bernard Jebousek
Max & Rochelle Levit Family
Milton & Lee Levit Family
Mr. Allen Jogerst
Ms. Dorothy L. Johnson
Mr. James Johnson
Mr. James J. Johnson
Elva Johnston Foundation
Heyward and Ginny Johnston
Mr. Harold D. Jones
Mr. Lonnie Jones
Mr. James M. Jordan
Larry R. Kaiser, M.D.
Kansas Kiwanis Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Marjorie Cone Kastman
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Katz
Mr. Edward T. Kiernan
Ms. Katherine Kieu
Mr. Daniel T. Klebek
Ms. Martha R. Kleymeyer
Mr. Robert G. Knapp
Mr. John B. Knox
Mr. Roger Knudson
Mr. Burckel Kraus
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Kritz
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Langley
Mr. E. H. Lauten
Mr. Earl L. Lester, Jr.
Mrs. Cayward R. Lewis
Mr. Donald C. Linton
Mr. John E. Lionberger
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Livingston
Mrs. Virgie S. Locke
Mr. Joseph J. Lovoi, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lund
Mrs. Betty A. Lunsford
Mrs. Silvia MacRobert
Mr. Michael C. Mader
Ms. Reba Magids
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Maher
Mr. Alejandro Maldonado
Mr. William Mandell
Mr. Frank Manson
Herbert and Alice Marchand
Mr. Ben Marek
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney H. Margolis
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Marley
Mr. Guillermo Martinez
Ms. Mary L. Martinez
Mrs. Patricia Maunder
Mr. Pierre C. McCarble
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. McCary
Elnita McClain Women’s Center, Inc.
The Ralph H. and Ruth J.
McCullough Foundation
Ms. Jane S. McCutchen
Mr. Monty Lane McFarlane
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. McGee
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart McGinney
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund McIlhenny
Ms. Odell McMillian
Doug and Sarah McMurrey
Ms. Lily Lou McMurrey
The Robert and Janice McNair Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William T. McNair
Mrs. and Mr. Angie I. McNamar
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mehrens
Mr. Reinaldo Mendez
Dr. George J. Merriman
Alan and Sheila Merritt
Mr. Nicolo Messana
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michel
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel A. Miller
Mr. William L. Miller
The Walter M. Mischer and Mary A.
Mischer Foundation
Mr. Daniel J. Mohel
Roy and Norma Moon
Mr. Hilmar G. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Timmis J. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Cesar Morales
Ms. Celia Morgan
The Honorable Robert A. Mosbacher, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Mullen, Sr.
Ms. Sally M. Murray
Nabors Corporate Services, Inc.
Mrs. Betty A. Natalie
Dr. Viswa Nathan
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nelson
Network for Good
Mr. and Mrs. John Nichols
Mr. James M. Nicklos
Mrs. Lubov Eugenia Nikonoff
Mr. John C. O’Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil J. Olmstead, III
John M. O’Quinn Foundation
The Oshman Foundation
Mr. Ramesh Parikh
Mr. Scott F. Partridge
Ms. Diane Patterson
Ms. Carolyn W. Payne
Pearce Industries, Inc.
Mr. Hugh R. Pearson
Mr. Luis X. Pena
Mr. William Dickson Penhale
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Penn
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Perri
Mr. Ernie Pickett, III
Mrs. Marilyn M. Pirner
Mr. Jay H. Plotkin
Mr. Lloyd G. Posey, Jr.
Potsdam Foundation
Ms. Jean Pozin
Mr. Jerrel A. Price
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Price, Jr.
Ms. Ruby Prince
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Radvansky
Mythili and K. R. Ramakrishnan
Randall’s Food Markets, Inc.
Ms. Janet Rasmussen
Mr. Warren H. Raybon
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Reba
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Reynolds
Mr. Joseph F. Rice
Ms. Rebecca Y. Rice
Mr. and Mrs. Corbin J. Robertson, Jr.
Mr. Carlos Rodriguez
Leonard and Sandra Rogers
Mr. E. Jay Rosenstein
Mr. Franklin M. Roth
Estate of Dorothy H. Rothschild
The RR Family Foundation
Nelson Rusche Foundation
Mr. Edward Z. Safady
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Sampson
Mr. Robert J. Sandoz
Dr. Charles J. Schechter
Dr. Herman J. Schultz
Dr. Robert J. Schwartz
Mr. Robert Seamon
Ms. Martita Seeligson
Estate of Nelda Shepherd
Dr. Nora Jo Sherman and
Mr. James F. Sherman
Shield-Ayres Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Herman S. Shooster
Mr. Harbhajan Singh
Mr. Kanwal Jeet Singh
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Skorlich
Bob and Vivian Smith Foundation
Harold and Robbie Smith
Mr. John S. Smith
Mr. John T. Smith
Mr. Michael B. Smith
Dr. Reeves Smith
Mr. Charles V. Sorrels
Ms. Patricia Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Spaulding
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Spears
Spectra Energy
Mr. Richard Spencer
Mr. Robert W. Spencer, Jr.
Mr. Barry Spiers
Mr. James R. Steeg
Stewart & Stevenson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Stewart
Mr. Ronald Strahan
Strake Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. W. Darrell Willerson, Jr.
Mr. Eric Williams
Mr. George S. Wong
Mr. Grant C. Woodard
Mr. Andrew Wooley
Mrs. Barbara S. Young
Mr. Herbert Young
Mr. Michael Zealy
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Zimmermann
Surgical Associates of Texas, P.A.
Denton A. Cooley, M.D.
J. Michael Duncan, M.D.
O. H. Frazier, M.D.
Igor D. Gregoric, M.D.
Charles H. Hallman, M.D.
James J. Livesay, M.D.
David A. Ott, M.D.
George J. Reul, M.D.
Ross M. Reul, M.D.
Abiomed Cardiovascular, Inc.
Ms. Marie C. Adams
Mrs. Parvaneh Akhavan
Mrs. James Anderson, Jr.
Ms. Lydia M. Besteiro
Brand Institute, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Brown
Ms. Frances N. Burks
Cameron Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Ottavio M. Codispoti
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Cody
The Cullen Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Darville
Mr. Ramon Diez-Barroso
Mr. Gary J. Eaton
EOG Resources, Inc.
Mrs. Diane Lokey Farb
Ms. Deborah Lynn Fontalbert
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Graham
Ms. Lisa Kay Groten-Born
The George and Mary Josephine
Hamman Foundation
Dr. Lawrence and Madeleine Hanrahan
Mrs. Nancy N. Harrell
Heart Exchange Support Group, Inc.
HeartWare, Inc.
Hodges Fund at the Community
Foundation of North Texas
Houston Endowment, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. William Tom Ingram
Mr. Bernard Jebousek
Ms. Shirley Kinney
Robert J. Kleberg Jr. and Helen C.
Kleberg Foundation
Recie Kraemer
Levitronix LLC
Mrs. Caroline H. Lewis
Mr. Hugh A. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Linn
Mrs. Rosemary K. Lykos
M & M Research Consultants, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Meyer Marovitz
Mr. and Mrs. Selestino M. Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Emil J. Mateker, Jr.
The Ralph H. and Ruth J.
McCullough Foundation
The McElvenny Foundation
Ms. Kathryn McGinney
Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Tabor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Taylor, Jr.
Technip USA, Inc.
Texas Power, LP
Mr. and Mrs. Bill M. Thompson
Mr. Neil H. Tofsky
Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Townsend
Mr. Arthur Travis
Ms. Grace C. Trimm
Mr. J. Michael Trotter
Mr. and Mrs. Max W. Tubb
Mr. S. D. Turman
United Way of Central New Mexico
Mr. and Mrs. Roe Charles Vadas
Vanden Noort Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Vandeivere
Mrs. Mary S. Vasquez
Mr. Malcolm Wayne Veuleman
Mr. and Mrs. Olimpio A. Villacorta
Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Vincent
Mrs. Virginia Vittingl
Mrs. Velma L. Wallace
Ms. Jeanetta S. Walls
Molly and Wesley Ward
Bill and Katie Weaver Charitable Trust
Mr. David J. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Weaver
Mr. Thomas H. Weed
Mr. Robert S. Weirnick
Frederick M. Weissman Revocable Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Wells, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dorsel C. White
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie D. Whitley
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilcoxson
Mrs. Margaret Wiley
(continued on page 12)
Texas Heart Contributors (continued from page 11)
The MGive Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gus H. Miller, Jr.
Mr. Richard B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Alan D. Moore
Mr. Robert N. Murray
Mr. and Ms. Roger Norwood
On-X Life Technologies, Inc.
Mr. Earl B. Parker
Fred and Mabel R. Parks Foundation
Mrs. I. G. Radtke
Ms. Ana Riddel
Mr. E. Jay Rosenstein
Debra and Joel Ruby
Mr. Ronald W. Rucker
Mrs. Linda E. Sandler
Mr. A. C. Savoie
Mr. Robert Allen Schneider
Mr. Sidney Schwartz
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Smith
The Vivian L. Smith Foundation
The William A. and Madeline Welder
Smith Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Soileau
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
Ms. Marilyn R. Symmank
Terumo Cardiovascular
Systems Corporation
Mr. Donald F. Textor
Thoratec Corporation
Mr. Mario Trivellato
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Trotscher
Dr. Martha H. Tyson
Mr. Larry V. Young
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Zeiders
Hermés of Paris
In Memory Of
Paulette Abavf
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Linn
Frank Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Philip I. McConnell
Patrick Wylie Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Philip I. McConnell
Wylie Cup Memorial Golf Tournament
Florence Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Marek
Eugene Wesley Adcock, IV
Ms. Betty Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Decker
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Epler
Ms. Patricia Gamache
Ms. Cathy Guidetti
Mrs. Marjorie Hayes
Head Hunters Hair Studio, Inc.
Ms. and Mr. Susan T. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kangieser
Mr. and Mrs. Karl W. Kapp
Dr. and Mrs. David J. Kelly, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest T. Kinsey, Jr.
Ms. Dorothy M. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Phelps
Mr. Herbert M. Schiller
The Cooley Circle
he Cooley Circle is a volunteer organization established to help assure
the Texas Heart Institute’s role as the preeminent facility of its kind
through the active support of leading citizens who generously
contribute $5,000 annually and serve as effective ambassadors.
Gail and Louis Adler
Joan and Stanford Alexander
Nancy C. Allen
Mrs. James Anderson, Jr.
The Honorable and
Mrs. Hushang Ansary
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Arnold, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Atlas
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ballard
Mrs. Thomas Walter Blake
Elaine Amacker Bridges
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brock, III
Mrs. Jean William Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Rex D. Bushong
Mr. Charles C. Butt
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Carmichael
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cizik
Mr. and Mrs. Morton A. Cohn
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Craddock, Jr.
Julie and Markley Crosswell
Mr. and Mrs. Harry H. Cullen
Chuck and Melissa Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Davis
Linnet Deily
Jack and Sharleen Doherty
Mr. Richard B. Doss
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Duncan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Duncan, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Elias
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon R. Erikson
Patty and Larry Fallek
Mrs. Diane Lokey Farb
Mr. Tilman J. Fertitta
Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Fraser
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Mrs. Alfred C. Glassell, Jr.
Mr. Alfred C. Glassell, III
Meg Goodman and Mike Bonini
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Grimes II
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Hamman
Gaile and Danna Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Horne, Sr.
Doug and Dian Huddle
Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh W. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Don D. Jordan
Mr. and Mrs. Bill J. Kacal
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Kickerillo
Mrs. William S. Kilroy, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles King
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Klein
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kotts
Lucy and Michael Kuhn
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Berdon Lawrence
Mrs. John R. Less
Lee Levit
Rochelle and Max Levit
Mr. Irvin L. Levy and Mrs. Joan
Schnitzer Levy
Judith M. and Irwin L. Levy
Mrs. Bessie Liedtke
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lindsey
Carol and Michael Linn
Mr. and Mrs. Meredith J. Long
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lummis
Mrs. Jayne Miller Maginnis
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Margolis
Mrs. Ruth H. Silverman
Ms. Linda M. Tesh
Newell Baldwin
Ms. Totsy Noles
Carl Best
Mr. Thomas A. Best
Edmund J. Babovec
Mrs. Betty Babovec
Bernetta Kirn Beaman
Mr. Charles Beaman
Ms. Dorothy Kirn Grass
Ms. Patricia L. Hamilton
Ms. Edna A. Kirn
Mr. and Mrs. Francis E. Kirn
Mr. Thomas G. Kirn
Ms. Mary C. Russell
Kathryn Bigley
Mrs. Dena Houchin
Robert J. Becker
Ms. Judith Easterly
Tim Bodle
Ms. Totsy Noles
Joseph Beinstein, M.D.
Mrs. Phyllis Beinstein
James B. Bowers
Mr. Bruce Griffith
Justine L. Bennett
Gerald and Myra Marsh
Erin Michael Breen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. James
Kyle F. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Glossup
Gay Brinson
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Garner
Kenneth D. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Balser
Ms. Lesley J. Brennan
Ms. Anne Calbert
Mr. William Rea Horner
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Jack
Ms. Anna Messmer
Ms. Susan A. Speert
Mr. Steve Wisch
Gene Baker
Mr. and Mrs. J. Aubrey McDaniel
Ross Baker, Jr.
Mrs. Sammy W. Taylor
Jean Binder
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jacks
Viola Blahes
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Koenig
(continued on page 14)
The cooley circle (continued from page 12)
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney H. Margolis
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Marks
Mrs. John P. McGovern
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund McIlhenny
The McMahon Family
Bob and Janice McNair
Ms. Edna Meyer-Nelson
Mrs. Bryan C. Miller, Jr.
Beth and Charles Miller
Steve and Sheila Miller
Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed Morian
Mr. and Mrs. Lucian L. Morrison
Mrs. Robert A. Mosbacher, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Ogden Nutting
Mr. Ralph S. O’Connor
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Ott
Mr. Alvin Owsley
Mr. Louis M. Pearce, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Peterkin
Doug Pitcock
Mr. and Mrs. T. William Porter
Michael and Mary Kay Poulos
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Reckling, III
Mr. and Mrs. Hershel M. Rich
Mrs. John F. Riddell, Jr.
Mr. Fayez S. Sarofim
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Saunders
Bobby and Judy Shackouls
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Shapiro
Charles and Ellen Sheedy
Mr. Richard H. Skinner
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Tate
Jack and Catherine Threet
Mr. and Mrs. Christian H. Trask
Fred L. Turner
Kim and Dan Tutcher
Roswell and Blake Vaughan
Mr. and Mrs. J. Virgil Waggoner
Mr. and Mrs. Cy Wagner
Mrs. Velma Lunt Wallace
James T. Willerson, M.D.
Mrs. Margaret Alkek Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace S. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zilkha
New Members
The Cooley Connection
imilar to The Cooley Circle, The Cooley Connection was created to strengthen the
Texas Heart Institute’s progress against cardiovascular disease and to introduce
succeeding generations of leaders—those 45 years of age and younger—to the
Institute. Members of The Cooley Connection contribute $1,500 annually.
Mrs. Emily Embrey
Bridget and J. Mark Gidley
Mr. Alfred C. Glassell, III
Mr. and Mrs. Rand Holstead
Martha Long
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Mathis
Courtney and Christopher Sarofim
Molly and Wesley Ward
New Members
Texas Heart Contributors (continued from page 13)
James Robert “Bob” Bristow
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry D. Boyle
Ms. Chris Bristow
Mrs. Jodee M. Kruse
Ellen Brockstein
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
J. P. Brown, Jr.
Ms. Cynthia Crean
Gulf Coast Pathology Associates, P.A.
Ms. Karen James
Ms. Sandra Ratliff
Mr. Philip M. Spruell
Ms. Mary Zaldivar
Ms. Theresa Ann Zaldivar
Clara R. Brundage
Mrs. Eugenia Bertetti
Dr. John A. Burdine
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Katz
Sarah Demia Burge
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vallone
Marcia Burke
Mrs. Bernice Feld
Richard T. Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Couch
Michael N. Burr
Mr. Stephen S. Burr
Mrs. Alice B. Newman and
Mr. Mark L. Friedman
Mr. Bobby Grier
Horizon Beverage Company
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Israel
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Kelley, Jr.
Ms. Lisa Mancuso
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip M. Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Shuman
Mr. and Mrs. David Silva
Mr. and Mrs. Camillo A. Tascione
Harry Burrow
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Young
Connie Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lloyd
Dr. Douglas Bynum, Jr.
Mr. B. G. Barron
Ms. Pamela Boren
Mr. and Mrs. Pherl Brossman
The Denton A. Cooley Foundation
Cypress-Fairbanks Independent
School District
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DeYoung
Dr. Florence F. Eddins-Folensbee
Mr. and Mrs. David Wayne Fahle
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Fick
Mr. and Mrs. Steve R. Fine
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Gee
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Judd
Mr. Frank Lombardi
Ms. Laura S. McCulley
Mr. and Mrs. Brad McDonald
Ms. Jeanette McFarland
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Paine
Pride International, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Schriewer
Ms. Judy Leigh Srubar
Mr. and Mrs. E. Travis Stone, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Waymire
Irene Callaway
Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Brand
Abraham Cano
Dr. Rex and Vicki Bushong
Norean Cantu
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cantu
Mrs. Terri Dome
Richard and Sandra Dush
Donald Hoyt Carter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Beavers
Ms. Betty Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Evans
Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Hawkins
Ms. Irene Imbasciani
Mr. and Mrs. David Lindsay
Ms. Phyllis A. Neuman
Genevieve Casseb Cattan
Mrs. Eugenia Bertetti
Rosa Cavallaro
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cavallaro
Irene Ciranni
Mr. Joseph O. Ciranni
Jim Clawson, Sr.
Mr. Kenneth Clark
Stanley Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Margolis
Bobby Sue Cohn
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Mrs. Judy M. Gerry
Ms. Carolyn Hofker
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Lanier
Ms. Suzanne C. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vallone
The William A. and Madeline Welder
Smith Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Weinstein
Joe Cooper
Ms. Cheryle Roy
Linda R. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hymel
Walter Cooper
Mary Ann and Glenn Bocox
Zachary Scott Crispin
Ms. Sarah Crispin
Ms. Bonnie R. Marcey
Pat Cruikshank
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Lanier
Diane Crumbley
Mr. Scott Hallmark
Mr. and Mrs. Hector A. Leon
Mediterraneo Market and Cafe
Ann Armstrong Cunningham
Mr. James E. Cunningham
Joan Daily
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Simon
Barbara F. Daniel-Hetherington
Rose and Harry Cullen
Mrs. Eliza Lovett Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace S. Wilson
John Daughtery
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Chandler
Neville Delasbour
Dena and Don Houchin
Annette Patterson
Dolores Delpapa
Mr. James B. Del Papa
Ted DeRuyter
Mrs. Peggy DeRuyter
Professor Ben Di Blasi
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cavallaro
Brian C. Diehl
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. James
Lyle Dillmann
Mr. Paul D. Jacobs
James W. Doggett, Jr.
Mrs. James W. Doggett, Jr.
Dr. Donald Ford
Mrs. Betty T. Hellmann
Robert W. Guernsey
Mrs. Eleanor L. Guernsey
James Patrick Dooner, II
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bova
The Denton A. Cooley Foundation
LA Development/MTV Networks
Mr. Kevin Lamb
Ms. Arlene R. Lyons
Ms. Jacquelyn Rosati
Mr. Kenneth E. Rowley, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. James Ruskell, Jr.
Schalleur, Devine & Surgent, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Throckmorton
O. B. Freeman
Ms. Eunell Weissinger
Allan J. Haffner
Ken Margolis, M.D.
Gladys Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vallone
Dorothy Hall
Robert J. Hall, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Shin Sung
Richard F. Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Petty, Jr.
Dr. Irving L. Hammerschlag
Mrs. Mildred Hammerschlag
Robert Gelbort
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Markman
R. H. Harvey
Ms. Totsy Noles
Teresa A. Giancana
Mr. Vincent A. Giancana
Camille O. Haynes
Mrs. Nancy C. Allen
Ms. Susan Bell Boykin
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Callery
Mr. and Mrs. Lester E. Clark, Jr.
The Denton A. Cooley Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Couch
Mr. Robert O. Dowlen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Ford, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gerry, III
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Hamman
Mr. and Mrs. M. James Henderson
Ms. Patricia P. Hubbard
Mrs. William S. Kilroy, Sr.
Ms. June G. Napier
Alvin and Lucy Owsley Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Peterkin, Jr.
Mrs. Eliza Lovett Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Ruffing
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace S. Wilson
Dan L. Duncan
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vallone
William and Marie Wise Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Young
Theresa Edington
Mr. F. Baker Rudolph
Edwin L. and Jeanne C. Eilenstine
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred R. Bick
James Anderson Elkins, III
Mrs. Betty T. Hellmann
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Nelms
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Young
Gerrod Eppler
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lloyd
Gerald Epstein
Mrs. Eleanor Epstein
James W. Etienne
Mr. James Carol Etienne
Jane Goff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lacey
Maria Guadalupe Gonzales
Ms. Juanita Cavazos
Mr. and Mrs. Lupe Rojas
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Rueda
Tracy Gore
Mrs. Gertrude Kathleen Atchison
Vernon T. Gore
Mr. Walter Barton
Ms. Frances M. Gore
Ms. Gwyneth Gore
Mr. James Jarvis
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Jones
Ms. Cynthia R. Mitchell
Dewey William Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hollenberg
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Most
Mr. Gary Schwintz
Mr. F. J. Sweeney
Jacqueline E. Goss
The Denton A. Cooley Foundation
Mr. John Dagley
Ms. Jane G. Frost
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Hamman
Mrs. Camille O. Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lloyd
Mrs. Dixie C. McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Robinett
The Brown Thumb Garden Club
Mrs. Bert Tippit
Joseph C. Farrell
Mrs. Ella Farrell
Ken Grainger
Dr. and Mrs. Louis L. Leatherman
Tarrant Fendley
Mr. John A. Murray, Jr.
Tami Grasseler
Ms. Sharon Townsend
Mary Lula Fitch
Mr. William S. Powell, Sr.
Kimberly Novaes Gregg
Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Stewart
David Everhart
Ms. Jewell A. Dawson
William R. Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Arnold, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baker, III
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Beeson
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bowen
Ms. Carolyn B. Brady
Mr. Lewis E. Brazelton, III
Mrs. Jean W. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Lester E. Clark, Jr.
The Denton A. Cooley Foundation
Ms. Sarah A. Darneille
Mr. Robert O. Dowlen
Ms. Joanne Adler Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fitzhugh
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Ford, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Francisco, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gerry, III
Mrs. Clare A. Glassell
Ms. Marjorie Gradus
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Hamman
Mr. and Mrs. Brantly Harris
Mrs. Betty T. Hellmann
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Hoffman, Jr.
Mrs. Mary Louise Cocke Holbrook
(continued on page 16)
Texas Heart Contributors (continued from page 15)
Ms. Patricia P. Hubbard
Mr. Peter K. Jameson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Japhet
Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh W. Johnson, Jr.
Mrs. Ann Wier Jones
Mr. Jack G. Jones
Mr. Huey Keeney
Ms. Patricia Kennedy
Mrs. William S. Kilroy, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. William Kinney
Mr. E. W. Kirchheimer
Mr. Warren B. Leach, Jr.
Mr. John Thomas Malone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marvin Moreland, Jr.
Ms. June G. Napier
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Nelms
Peggy Neuhaus
Mr. Ron Nixon
Northern Trust, NA
Mr. and Mrs. Al Owings
Ms. Marcia S. Patrick
Ms. Carolyn W. Payne
Mrs. Rodman S. Peddie
Ms. Tammy Pizzitola
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Pullen
Mr. Parker S. Quillen
Mrs. Eliza Lovett Randall
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Reckling, III
Mrs. Barbara B. Riddell
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O. Roquemore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Ruffing
Mr. and Mrs. Lynch D. Smyth
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Underwood, Jr.
Ms. Helen T. Vietor
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Waltmon
Mrs. Betty D. Willson
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace S. Wilson
Evelyn Hoffman
Mr. Janos Botschner
Richard J.V. Johnson
Ralls Enterprises Investments
Joyce Hofland
Dr. Robert J. Card and Ms. Karol Kreymer
Clarence Jones
Mrs. Nigel S. Leach
Jack Henry Hooper
Mrs. Josephine Abercrombie
Don Jones
Mr. and Mrs. J. Aubrey McDaniel
Jorge Lee Chong Hu
Mr. Jorge Lee
Maurice Joseph
Ms. Suzanne C. Levin
Evelyn Huelsebusch
Mr. Alton H. Huelsebusch
Michael T. Judd
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Couch
Jennie Hurst
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Alford
Mr. Bruce Bourgeois
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cohen
Mr. Ronald F. Coote
Mr. Burton Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Egner, Jr.
Mr. Louis Fink
Mrs. Darlis Fuller
Ms. Barbara Harker
Mrs. Susan J. Harobin
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Hudkins
Mr. and Mrs. Okey B. Johnson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Latimer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Matchett
Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMoran
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Owen
James and Rosa Ozenne
Bill and Linda Paulson
Schwartz, Page & Harding, L.L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ray Sheley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Untermeyer
Jake Kamin
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Lanier
Joe Ann Hurst
Mr. William F. Traeger, Jr.
Carl Phillip Koch, III
Mr. Michael A. Koch
Dr. Amelia Kornfeld
Mrs. Dena Houchin
Lt. Joseph W. Hely
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Baucum
Kristy R. Hutto
Ms. Linda Gayle Abramson
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Birks
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O. Craft
Ms. Kie Hankins
Mr. and Mrs. Tobe Williams
Mary Jean Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Gaile M. Henry, Jr.
Pauline Jacintho
Mr. J. Vincent Jacintho
Gary B. Hester
Ms. Peggy Lenamon
Warren M. Jacobs, M.D.
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Lanier
Ms. Suzanne C. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vallone
Anne Hays
Mr. John A. Murray, Jr.
Alvirder Helmcamp
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Demel
Walter O. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Brand
Lawerence Hoff
Mr. Weldon A. Spies
Bernadette E. Janda
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rumore
Henry Kaplan
Mrs. Miriam Kaplan
Peggy Kasparian
Ms. Golda Miller
Paul Kauffman
Ms. Nancy Frimel Landa
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard L. Simon
Col. Alfred H. Kent
Mrs. Carolyn S. Kent
Warren C. Kingsbury
Mr. and Mrs. Bill S. Kingsbury
Ms. Jane C. Kingsbury
James J. Klobucar, M.D.
Mr. Peter J. Klobucar
Sadie Krakower
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vallone
Sidney Hershel Krakower
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Henry H. Lamell
Ms. Donna Zelko
Alva R. Lary
Ms. Joann Lary
Mark Lea
Ms. Barbara Agar
Ms. Pamuella Anderson
Ms. Rene M. Baricev
Ms. Melinda Boteler
Ms. Faye F. Bruhn
Mr. Kevin P. Bruhn
Mr. Lee Byrd
Mr. Richard Constans
Mr. and Mrs. M. Ed Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Sammy Fertitta
Mr. and Mrs. Eric D. Folse
Mr. and Mrs. Curt Franklin
Ms. Tessie Jones
Ms. Dorothy B. Lea
Ms. Lou Anne Lea
Ms. Ellen S. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Artie Liuzza
Mr. Patrick Mackin
Mr. and Mrs. Monte McAndrew
Ms. Lana Kay Merton
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Milford
Ms. Kathleen Parrill
Ms. Robin Scruggs
Slidell Junior High School
Mrs. Rhea K. Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Waldrup
Ms. C. Lillian Warner
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Weller
Ms. Gail N. Wells
Elizabeth Leachman
Mr. Frank Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bell
The Denton A. Cooley Foundation
Mr. Tom Edwards
Ms. Rosa A. Estrada
Mrs. and Mr. Gayle L. Fazzini
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Frank
Mr. Eddie Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Hellums
Leachman Cardiology Associates, P.A.
Mr. W. Darrell Leachman
Mr. and Mrs. Skip D. McBride
Ms. Lela L. McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Pizzitola
Provident Enterprises
Mr. and Mrs. Randall G. Schorre
William “Fats” Leger
Mrs. Dorothy O. Leger
Dr. David Levinson
Mrs. Bernice Feld
Doris Levinthal
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Michael Levy
Ms. Linda Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Skip Coerver
The Denton A. Cooley Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. David Craig
Mr. Treca Craig
IR Club Car Inc 620
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard F. Krack
Mr. Charles Levy
Mr. John R. Loesch
Ms. Carolyn Mayo
Ms. Janis Reed
Mr. Lloyd Riedling
Sunrise Company
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Vackar
Miriam Matthews
Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Bankston
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Katz
Bill McCauley
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Sidney S. McClendon, III
Mr. and Mrs. Angelo Prioli
Milton Levy
Mrs. Enid Robinson
Matt McGinney
Ms. Kathryn McGinney
Elizabeth Lewis
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Lanier
Your Parents
B. G. and Dean McKeown
Joe Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Jimmy C. Menefee
Mr. William S. Powell, Sr.
Joseph Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gugenheim
Leonard P. Messina, Sr.
R & T Controls LLC
Sulzer Pumps (US) Inc.
Vitol, Inc.
Zenaida M. Licon
Ms. Laura E. Orona
Frank and Marion Linn
Ms. Linda J. Allen
David Lobdell’s Father
Mr. Joe Grinstein
Michael and Jennie Lobosco
Ms. Robin Strom
Robert A. Luckey
Mr. Rasheed A. Clark
George MacRobert
Mrs. Silvia MacRobert
Cyril Maida
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Robinson
Herschel G. Maltz
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Ms. Suzanne C. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vallone
Terry Lou Mara
Mr. and Mrs. John Ed McCormick
Thomas Earl Marchbanks, IV
Mr. and Mrs. H. Markley Crosswell, III
Dorothy Martt
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toole
Peter C. Marzio
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vallone
Seth Ridgway Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Randall Henson
Edward Mills
Mrs. I. G. Radtke
Ralph Minchen
The Denton A. Cooley Foundation
Mrs. Bernice Feld
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Guefen
Joan and Marvin Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kotlen
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Lesser
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Mandell
Ms. Susan Canfield and Mr. Arnold Miller
Ms. Ina Perlman
Ms. Lila Rauch
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rubenstein
Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. Schlanger
Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Weycer
Ms. Johannah H. Wilkenfeld
Maria B. Montemayor
Mr. and Mrs. Hernan Montemayor
Raul Montez
Ms. Mary Louise Gaither
Nell Montgomery
Mrs. Sandra K. Jones
Frank X. Mooney
Ms. C. Danae Stephenson and
Mr. Martin Pike
(continued on page 24)
Texas Heart Institute Donors . . .
ach year, donors become members of gift categories based upon the size of their
financial contributions as listed below. Donors of $100 or more from April 1, 2010
through March 31, 2011, appear in this section of Texas Heart Institute Update. We
are grateful for these contributions and for all gifts to the Texas Heart institute.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira B. Brown
Mr. Lloyd Dean Burns
Mr. Stephen S. Burr
$100 - $499
Mr. John M. Byrnes
Mr. and Mrs. Ben J. Cagle
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Abdalla, Jr.
Mr. Charles D. Cagle
Abiding Baptist Church
Ms. Anne Calbert
Mr. Merrill T. Adamcik
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Cambio
Mr. David D. Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cantu
Mr. Frank Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent F. Capozza
Mr. C. Mark Aderman
Dr. Robert J. Card and
Ms. Martha A. Adger
Ms. Karol Kreymer
Ms. Barbara Agar
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Carson
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. George Casseb
Ms. Linda J. Allen
Ms. Loretta M. Castle
Mrs. Nancy C. Allen
Allied Mills C. H. Guenther & Son, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cavallaro
Ms. Christi Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Christiansen
James M. Anton, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Lester E. Clark, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Ardell
Mr. and Mrs. Ottavio M. Codispoti
Mrs. Dorothy W. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Cody
Ms. Stephanie Asher
Ms. Melvalene E. Cohen
Dr. Abe Attrep
C. David Collard, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Gervais J. Authement
Mr. Alan Compton
Mr. Shaun Babin
Betty and Bill Conner
Mrs. Betty Babovec
Mrs. Talbot Cooley
Mr. Ibrahim Bagci
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Balser
Mr. Frank J. Cordera
Mr. and Mrs. Gene C. Bankston
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse W. Couch
Eddie and Joyce Bayersdorfer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Cox
Mr. Charles Beaman
Mr. and Mrs. David Craig
Mrs. Phyllis Beinstein
Ms. Cynthia Crean
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bell
Mr. James E. Cunningham
Ms. Lydia M. Besteiro
Mr. John Dagley
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Bevans
Mr. D. P. Dampf
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bird
Mrs. Maxine G. Daniels
Mr. Leonard Bloom
Mr. and Mrs. Richard De Gregorio
Mr. Sanford H. Blum
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Decker
Ms. Betty Lou Blumrosen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Demel
Mr. Janos Botschner
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew S. DeNicola
Mr. Bruce Bourgeois
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen DeYoung
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Bova
Mrs. Lou Diekemper
Mr. Arthur W. Brand
Mr. Ramon Diez-Barroso
Brand Institute, Inc.
Mr. Donne Di Domani
Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Brand
Mr. and Mrs. F. Mario Donzelli
Mr. James H. Brewster
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G. Douglas
Ms. Chris Bristow
Mr. Robert O. Dowlen
Mr. John H. Broocks
Mr. Charles Dullye
Mrs. Estelle Shepherd Dunn
Richard and Sandra Dush
Ms. Judith Easterly
Mr. and Mrs. Danny Edwards
Mr. Tom Edwards
Mr. Gus K. Eifler
Mr. Ramsay M. Elder
Dr. and Mrs. Whitson B. Etheridge, II
Mr. James Carol Etienne
Mr. Thomas Everette
Mr. and Mrs. David Wayne Fahle
Aubrey and Sylvia Farb Family Fund
Mrs. Ella Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Fertitta
Mr. Frederick G. Fischer
Ms. Lynn Fisher
Ms. LaJoyce Flanagan
Mr. Patrick D. Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Ford, Sr.
Jill Fortney Productions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Francisco, III
Mr. and Mrs. Donald B. Froehle
Ms. Wendy M. Gaudette
David and Mary Helen George
Gerber Foundation
Mrs. Judy M. Gerry
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Glossup
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Gober
Ms. April Goldman
Ms. Sylvia Goldstein
Mr. Robert E. Goodfellow
Mr. Julius Gootzeit
Mr. James R. Gracey
Ms. Patricia P. Graham
Ms. Dorothy Kirn Grass
Mr. Eddie Gray
Mr. Bobby Grier
Mr. William V. Grisham
Mr. Robert D. Grover
Mrs. Eleanor L. Guernsey
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gugenheim
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hackett
Mr. and Mrs. Alwyn L. Hahn
Mr. Scott Hallmark
Mrs. Mildred Hammerschlag
Mr. Glenn C. Hannah
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Hanson
Natalie and Buddy Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hart
Ms. Mary A. Hart
Joann Hartzell
Dennis and Kathy Hayden
Mrs. Patricia J. Hayward
Mrs. Betty T. Hellmann
Mr. and Mrs. M. James Henderson
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hendricks
Hermés of Paris
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Hoffman, Jr.
Mr. Ken Hoge
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holcomb
Mr. W. Cole Holderman
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hollenberg
Marilyn and John Holstead
Mr. and Mrs. Howard C. Homeyer
Dr. and Mrs. Richard E. Honaker
Mr. Caryl A. Hopmann
Horizon Beverage Company
Mr. William Rea Horner
Mr. Robert Horowitz
Dena and Don Houchin
Reverend and Mrs. William
C. Houghton
Ms. Patricia P. Hubbard
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Hudkins
Hueco Valley Land and Cattle Co., Inc.
Mr. Alton H. Huelsebusch
Mr. and Mrs. James Huesman
Ms. Gloria J. Hunt
Mrs. Barbara Hurwitz
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hussey
Admiral and Mrs. B. R. Inman
Ms. Etta Insley
IR Club Car Inc 620
Mr. J. Vincent Jacintho
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jacks
Ross Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. James
Mr. Peter K. Jameson
Mr. Joseph T. Janica
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel R. Japhet
Ms. Mozelle Jeffrey
Mr. and Mrs. Jodie Lee Jiles
Mr. Allen Jogerst
Mr. and Mrs. Okey B. Johnson, III
Heyward and Ginny Johnston
Mrs. Ann Wier Jones
Mr. Harold D. Jones
Mrs. S. Melisa Jones
Ms. and Mr. Susan T. Jones
Kansas Kiwanis Foundation, Inc.
Ms. Molly Ann Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Katz
Mr. Russell Kegley
Ms. Patricia Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Bill S. Kingsbury
Ms. Jane C. Kingsbury
Ms. Shirley Kinney
Mrs. Sandra Kitchens
Mr. Daniel T. Klebek
Mr. Phillip Kligman
Mr. Robert G. Knapp
Mr. Michael A. Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kolupanowich
Recie Kraemer
Mr. Burckel Kraus
LA Development/MTV Networks
Ms. Mary Lambert
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Lanier
Ms. Suzy Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Latimer
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lawson, Jr.
Le Amiche Club
Ms. Lou Anne Lea
Mr. Warren B. Leach, Jr.
Mr. W. Darrell Leachman
Dr. and Mrs. Louis L. Leatherman
Ms. Diana LeBlanc
Mr. Charles Levy
Mrs. Caroline H. Lewis
Mrs. Cayward R. Lewis
Mr. Donald C. Linton
Mrs. Virgie S. Locke
Mr. John R. Loesch
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lollar
Ms. Lisa D. Longoria
Mr. and Mrs. Q. Joe Machac
Mr. Michael C. Mader
Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Maher
Ms. Marsha Amdur Malev
Mr. William Mandell
Herbert and Alice Marchand
Mr. Ben Marek
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G. Maricle
Gerald and Myra Marsh
Ms. Dorothy M. Martin
Mr. Guillermo Martinez
Mr. and Mrs. Selestino M. Martinez
Ms. Carolyn Mayo
Mr. James McAlister, Sr.
Mr. Pierre C. McCarble
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen P. McCary
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn F. McClaren
Mr. and Mrs. Brad McDonald
Ms. Jeanette McFarland
B. G. and Dean McKeown
Ms. Odell McMillian
Ms. Lily Lou McMurrey
Mr. and Mrs. William T. McNair
Mrs. and Mr. Angie I. McNamar
Mediterraneo Market and Cafe
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mehrens
Dr. George J. Merriman
Alan and Sheila Merritt
Midstate Mills Inc.
Dr. Angelo Miele
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Miller
The Arnold and Suzanne
Miller Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Gus H. Miller, Jr.
Ms. Joan Miller
Ms. Cynthia R. Mitchell
Matthew T. Monroe, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Montague
Roy and Norma Moon
Mr. Hilmar G. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Timmis J. Moore
Ms. Celia Morgan
Ms. Sally M. Murray
Dr. H. Albert and Elizabeth L. Napier
Ms. June G. Napier
Mrs. Betty A. Natalie
Dr. Viswa Nathan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Nelms
Network for Good
Mr. and Mrs. David Neuberger
Ms. Phyllis A. Neuman
Mr. James Newman
Mr. and Mrs. John Nichols
Mr. James M. Nicklos
Mr. Ron Nixon
Mr. Jesse V. Noland, Jr.
Northern Trust, NA
Mr. and Ms. Roger Norwood
Mrs. Audrey Jean Nuss
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Nutt
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Obanion, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil J. Olmstead, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Paddock
Mr. Steven Ryan Palmer
Mr. Ramesh Parikh
Mr. George H. Paris
Mr. Scott F. Partridge
Ms. Marcia S. Patrick
Ms. Barbara S. Patton
Bill and Linda Paulson
Mrs. Eugenia Peacock
Pearson Partners International, Inc.
Mrs. Rodman S. Peddie
(continued on page 20)
Texas Heart Donors (continued from page 19)
Mr. Luis X. Pena
Mr. William Dickson Penhale
Mrs. Marilyn M. Pirner
Ms. Tammy Pizzitola
Mr. Lloyd G. Posey, Jr.
Potsdam Foundation
Pride International, Inc.
Ms. Ruby Prince
R & T Controls LLC
Ralls Enterprises Investments
Mythili and K. R. Ramakrishnan
Mrs. Eliza Lovett Randall
Ms. Janet Rasmussen
Ms. Sandra Ratliff
Ms. Robin Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reeves
Ms. Ana Riddel
Mrs. Barbara B. Riddell
Mr. Carlos Rodriguez
Leonard and Sandra Rogers
Mrs. Nancy D. Romagnoli
Mrs. Mary Julia Ross
Mr. Kenneth E. Rowley, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Ruffing
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Day Russell
Mr. Jack R. Sandell
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Sasser
Schalleur, Devine & Surgent, LLC
Mr. Daniel Schamarock
Dr. Charles J. Schechter
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Schimpf
Mr. Robert Allen Schneider
Herman J. Schultz, M.D.
Mr. Gary Schwintz
Mr. Robert Seamon
Martita Seeligson
Mr. Tommy Shelton, Jr.
Dr. Nora Jo Sherman and
Mr. James F. Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Herman S. Shooster
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence D. Sikes, Jr.
Mr. Harbhajan Singh
Mr. Michael Skowronek
Ms. Dee Dee Smith
Harold and Robbie Smith
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Smith
Mr. John S. Smith
Mr. John T. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Smith
Dr. Reeves L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Lynch D. Smyth
Mr. D. L. Sorensen
Spectra Energy
Mr. Weldon A. Spies
Ms. Renee E. Spolane
Mr. Philip M. Spruell
Mr. James R. Steeg
Ms. C. Danae Stephenson and
Mr. Martin Pike
Mr. Jeff Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Stewart
Terrell and Carol Street
Mr. F. J. Sweeney
Mr. Stephen J. Szatmari
Dr. and Mrs. Heinrich Taegtmeyer
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Taylor, Jr.
Technip USA, Inc.
Texas Medical Center
Texas Power, LP
Mr. and Mrs. Bill M. Thompson
Mr. Neil H. Tofsky
Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Townsend
Mr. Arthur Travis
Ms. Grace C. Trimm
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Trippie
Mr. Mario Trivellato
TWDB Board Members & Leadership
United Way of Central New Mexico
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Untermeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Roe Charles Vadas
Vanden Noort Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Vandeivere
Ms. Helen T. Vietor
Mr. and Mrs. Louis D. Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Waldrup
Ms. Jeanetta S. Walls
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Waltmon
Mr. Gary D. Ward
Mrs. Virginia Seale Watt
Mr. and Mrs. Joe D. Weaver
Mr. Thomas H. Weed
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weingarten
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie D. Whitley
Mr. Eric Williams
Mrs. Betty D. Willson
Ms. Barbara W. Winston
Mrs. Jean A. Woellert
Mr. George S. Wong
Ms. Nancy Wood
Mr. Andrew Wooley
Mrs. Ann Wright
Wylie Cup Memorial Golf Tournament
Mrs. Barbara S. Young
Mr. Larry V. Young
Mr. Michael Zealy
Mr. and Mrs. John N. Zeiders
Ms. Donna Zelko
Mr. R. Eugene Zimmerman
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Zimmermann
Leonard Zwelling, M.D.
$500 - $999
Marie C. Adams
AXA Foundation
Ayrshire Corporation
Barrett Foundation
Mr. H. W. Bell
Mrs. B. A. Bentsen
The Caring for Children Foundation
of Texas, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund L. Cogburn
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence J. Cohen
Mrs. Almeria T. Cottingham
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Craddock, Sr.
Mr. Robert J. Cruikshank
Ms. Lydia Cruz
Dr. Michael Dancu
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Darroh
Reynolds M. Delgado, III, M.D.
Drs. Jose G. Diez and Ana-Maria Segura
Sharleen and Jack Doherty
Mrs. Terri Dome
Nancy and Gene Dozier
Duke Energy Corporation
Ms. Mary Duplantis
Duro Bag Mfg. Co.
Dr. and Mrs. MacArthur A. Elayda
Mr. John W. Elder
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie B. Ellison
Mr. and Mrs. Harold J. Erbs
Mrs. Bernice Feld
Mr. and Mr. David Felgere
Mr. and Mrs. Marvy Finger
Dr. and Mrs. Stanton P. Fischer
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gautschi
Mr. Bruce Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Halbouty
Mrs. Nancy N. Harrell
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Haun
Mr. John R. Hayworth
HCC Coleman College for
Health Sciences
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Hellums
Ms. Margo Holguin
Mr. and Mrs. William Tom Ingram
Mr. James Johnson
Mr. James M. Jordan
Larry R. Kaiser, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kaplan
Ms. Marjorie Cone Kastman
Mr. L. L. Kincade, Jr.
Drs. Tomas and Marcella Klima
Mr. Earl L. Lester, Jr.
Ms. Tammy K. Lobaugh
Mr. Frank Manson
Ms. Mary L. Martinez
Mrs. Patricia Maunder
Elnita McClain Women’s Center, Inc.
Ms. Mary Hale Lovett McLean
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Michel
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Miles
Mr. Sterling G. Miller
Ms. Meredith Montgomery
Ms. Dolly Morgan
Mrs. Dorothy Jo Nachlas
Mr. Hugh R. Pearson
Mr. Larry B. Phillips, III
Mr. Parker S. Quillen
Mr. Michael Raso
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Ratliff
Reliant Energy
Drs. Shirley Ann Riggs and
Ervin Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Harry M. Rosenthal
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Shannon, Jr.
Kamal S. Sheena, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Smith
Mr. Richard Spencer
Drs. Alexander N. Stadnyk and
Roma Ilkiw
Dr. and Mrs. Chung-Shin Sung
Symonds Foundation
Jacqueline Hamilton Taylor and
William S. Taylor III
Ms. Suzanne R. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Max W. Tubb
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vallone
Dr. and Mrs. Brian L. Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Whitt
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilder
Mr. John Wilmore
Cyvia and Melvyn Wolff
$1,000 - $4,999
The Abercrombie Foundation
Abiomed Cardiovascular, Inc.
Mrs. Parvaneh Akhavan
Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Alexander
Alpha Services LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Aron Amato
Amerita, Inc.
Amsource Capital Ltd.
Mr. Richard H. Anderson and
Ms. Michelle Beale
Ronald and Joyce Antes
Mr. and Mrs. Van Henry Archer, Jr.
Mr. Alan L. Aronson
Mr. Omar Al Askari
Safuh Attar, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baker, III
Dr. Mahmud Bangash
Bank of America
Bank of Houston
Elaine and Thomas Bauman
Mrs. Eugenia Bertetti
The Bileca Family
Alice & David Bintliff Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bloome
Dr. Meherwan Boyce
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
Mrs. Jean W. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Burford
Mr. Roberto Canavati
Cardiology Consultants of
Houston, LLP
Cardiology Specialists of Houston
CDW Healthcare
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Cernan
Chevron Products Company
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Choice
The Morton A. Cohn Family
Dr. and Mrs. William E. Cohn
Charles F. and Rita A. Collard
Mr. Charles H. Corley
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Coselli
Joe E. Davis Foundation
Mrs. Olive F. Davis
Mr. Wallace P. Davis
Mrs. Kay Dillard
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A.F. Dixon
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Duncan
Mr. John M. Dunsmoir
Mr. and Mrs. H. John Durrett, Sr.
Mrs. Emily Evans Embrey
EMC Corporation
Marvy Finger Family Foundation
John C. Fitch Family Fund
Dr. and Mrs. O. H. Bud Frazier
Layne O. Gentry, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gerry, III
Mr. and Mrs. John Mark Gidley
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Glickman
Igor D. Gregoric, MD
Ms. Lisa Kay Groten-Born
Robert J. Hall, M.D.
Halliburton Company
Participating Employees
Henry Jazdzewski
Stephen Lane Kullerd
Christopher Sumers
Marcia Trimble
Glenda Wylie
The Hazelwood Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Boyd Heath, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Hinds
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Hitchcock
Hodges Fund at the Community
Foundation of North Texas
Mr. and Mrs. Ned S. Holmes
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Hughes
Ann and Jim Hund
The JBD Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Jewell, Jr.
Ms. Dorothy L. Johnson
Elva Johnston Foundation
Mr. Jack G. Jones
Kelsey Seybold Clinic
Col. and Mrs. Alfred H. Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent D. Kickerillo
Ms. Martha R. Kleymeyer
Mr. Peter J. Klobucar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lacey
Leachman Cardiology Associates, P.A.
Mr. Gentry Lee
Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. LeMaire
Ms. Suzanne C. Levin
Levitronix LLC
Mrs. Joan Schnitzer Levy
Mr. John E. Lionberger
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Livesay
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lloyd, Jr.
Ms. Martha Katherine Long
Mrs. Betty A. Lunsford
Mrs. Rosemary K. Lykos
M & M Research Consultants, LLC
Mrs. Silvia MacRobert
Mr. John Thomas Malone
Mr. and Mrs. William N. Mathis
Barbara and Marc Mattsson
Mr. and Mrs. Scott McCool
Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. McGee
Ms. Kathryn McGinney
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart McGinney
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund McIlhenny
Medical Clinic of Houston L.L.P.
(continued on page 22)
Texas Heart Donors (continued from page 21)
Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Moran, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rob Neblett
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nelson
Neustadt Charitable Foundation No. S2
Mr. John F. O’Donohoe
The Oshman Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Ott
Alvin and Lucy Owsley Foundation
Ms. Carolyn W. Payne
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Penn
Ms. Louise E. Perlitz
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Petty, Jr.
Mrs. Joyce M. Pinkerton
Mr. James D. Pitcock, Jr.
Mr. Jay H. Plotkin
Ms. Jean Pozin
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Rapp
Mr. Roy E. Reed
Dr. and Mrs. George J. Reul
Dr. and Mrs. Ross M. Reul
Wilhelmina E. (Beth) Robertson Fund
Mrs. Hilary Jean Rochelle
Ms. Regina Rogers
Mr. E. Jay Rosenstein
Estate of Dorothy H. Rothschild
The RR Family Foundation
The Samuels Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher B. Sarofim
Mr. A. C. Savoie
Drs. Robert and Helene Schwartz
Mr. Robert A. Seale, Jr. and
Ms. Chalon Fontaine
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby S. Shackouls
Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Sledge
Bob and Vivian Smith Foundation
Mr. Robert W. Spencer, Jr.
Stewart & Stevenson
Dr. and Mrs. H. Keith Stonecipher
Ms. Marcia N. Strauss
Sunrise Company
Mr. John D. Swope and
Ms. Carolyn Orlando
SynCardia Systems, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Tabor, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Willard U. Taylor
Paul B. & Frances Lenora
Terry Jr. Family Foundation
Texas Children’s Hospital
The Herbert A. Train and Anne
Swiff Train Endowment Fund
The University of Texas Health
Science Center at Houston
Vitol, Inc.
Mr. Eric D. Wade
Mr. and Mrs. J. Virgil Waggoner
Wall Street Journal
Mrs. Velma L. Wallace
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Walmsley
Molly and Wesley Ward
Bill and Katie Weaver Charitable Trust
William and Marie Wise
Family Foundation
John L. Wortham & Son, L.P.
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Ziomek
Dr. and Mrs. Leopoldo Zorrilla
$5,000 - $9,999
The Adler Foundation
Joan and Stanford Alexander Foundation
Mrs. James Anderson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Arnold, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Atlas
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ballard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beamon
David and Judith Beck Foundation
Mrs. Mary C. Blake
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Brock, III
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cizik
Mr. and Mrs. John Penney Cogan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Markley Crosswell, III
Dalio Family Foundation, Inc.
The Charles & Melissa Davis
Davis-Lynch, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Myron B. Deily
Mr. Samuel R. Dodson, III
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon R. Erikson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry David Fallek
Ms. Berthica A. Fitzsimons
Mr. Michael Franks
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Frost Bank
Mr. George B. Geary
The Greentree Fund
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Grimes, II
Hall-Garcia Cardiology Associates, P.A.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Hamman
Mr. and Mrs. Gaile M. Henry, Jr.
The Hildebrand Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Holstead
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Don D. Jordan
The Joan and Marvin
Kaplan Foundation
Mrs. William S. Kilroy, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Kotts
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kuhn
Mr. R. Bruce LaBoon
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berdon Lawrence
Mrs. John R. Less
Rochelle and Max Levit
Mr. Irvin L. Levy and Mrs. Joan
Schnitzer Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin L. Levy
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Lindsey
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Linn
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lummis
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mach
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C. Margolis
The Rodney H. and Judy E.
Margolis Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Julius Stephen Marks, III
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller
Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed Morian
Mr. and Mrs. Lucian L. Morrison
Mr. Robert N. Murray
The Nutting Foundation
Mr. Ralph S. O’Connor
On-X Life Technologies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Opalka
Mr. and Mrs. S. Wayne Peacock
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Peterkin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pilmer
Porter & Hedges, L.L.P.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Poulos
Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep
Medicine Consultants, LLP
The Edward and Ellen
Randall Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Reckling, III
Renal Specialists of Houston, PA
Mr. Franklin M. Roth
Debra and Joel Ruby
Mr. Edward Z. Safady
Dr. and Mrs. Michele Sartori
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Sheedy
Silver Eagle Distribution
Singleton Associates, P.A.
Mr. Richard H. Skinner
Southwest Cardiovascular
Consultants, P.A.
Strake Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Tate
Mr. and Mrs. Dean E. Taylor
Texas Capital Bank
Jack and Catherine Threet
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Heide Trask
Mr. Fred L. Turner
Kim and Dan Tutcher
Dr. Martha H. Tyson
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vallone
Mr. and Mrs. Roswell F. Vaughan, III
Estate of Herbert C. Wells
The Samuel L. Westerman Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace S. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zilkha
$10,000 - $24,999
Abbott Laboratories
Abbott Vascular, Inc.
Aqueduct Capital Group, LLC
Ms. Elaine Amacker Bridges
Burguieres Family Foundation
Dr. Rex and Vicki Bushong
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Carmichael
Chicony Electronics Company Ltd
Comerica Bank
The Denton A. Cooley Foundation
Mrs. Jan Ellis Duncan
Enterprise Products Partners LP
Tilman & Paige Fertitta Foundation
William & Martha Ford Fund
Mr. Ben J. Fortson, III
Friedman Foundation
Mr. Alfred C. Glassell, III
Mrs. Clare A. Glassell
Gulf Coast Pathology Associates, P.A.
Heart Exchange Support Group, Inc.
HeartWare, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Hevrdejs
Margaret Mellon Hitchcock Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Howard W. Horne, Sr.
Hurwitz Family Fund
Max & Rochelle Levit Family
Milton & Lee Levit Family
The McElvenny Foundation
John P. McGovern Foundation
Landry’s Foundation
Mrs. Martha H. Miller
Mr. Richard B. Miller
Nabors Corporate Services, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. T. William Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Corbin J. Robertson, Jr.
Mr. Fayez S. Sarofim
Mr. and Mrs. Marc Shapiro
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
Steven and Sheila Miller Foundation
Terumo Cardiovascular
Systems Corporation
The William A. and Madeline
Welder Smith Foundation
Mrs. Sue Trammell Whitfield
Mr. and Mrs. Perrin W. White
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Young
$25,000 - $99,999
The Alkek and Williams Foundation
M. D. Anderson Foundation
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Texas, Inc.
The Robert and Jane Cizik Foundation
The Coneway Family Foundation
Rose and Harry Cullen
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Duncan, Sr.
The Lillian H. and C.W.
Duncan Foundation
The Ellwood Foundation
Ray C. Fish Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Flores
Fraternal Order of Eagles - Grand Aerie
Sheila Gold Foundation
Ms. Meg L. Goodman and
Mr. Mike Bonini
Jastrow Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Klein
Linn Energy LLC
Marathon Oil Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney H. Margolis
The Ralph H. and Ruth J.
McCullough Foundation
The Robert and Janice
McNair Foundation
John M. O’Quinn Foundation
Pearce Industries, Inc.
Petrello Family Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Hershel M. Rich
Shackouls Family Foundation
Estate of Nelda Shepherd
Shield-Ayres Foundation
The Virginia & L.E. Simmons Foundation
Mr. Donald F. Textor
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
Cameron Corporation
Dr. and Mrs. Denton A. Cooley
The Cullen Foundation
Mr. J. David Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. James Dickson
John S. Dunn Research Foundation
EOG Resources, Inc.
Mrs. Diane Lokey Farb
William Stamps Farish Fund
Estate of Bessie L. Fitzpatrick
The Fondren Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Graham
The George and Mary Josephine
Hamman Foundation
Houston Endowment Inc.
Kinder Foundation
Robert J. Kleberg Jr. and Helen C.
Kleberg Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Meredith J. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McNair
The Walter M. Mischer and Mary A.
Mischer Foundation
The Honorable Robert A. Mosbacher, Sr.
Fred and Mabel R. Parks Foundation
Nelson Rusche Foundation
The Vivian L. Smith Foundation
St. Luke’s Episcopal Health System
Surgical Associates of Texas, P.A.
Denton A. Cooley, M.D.
J. Michael Duncan, M.D.
O. H. Frazier, M.D.
Igor D. Gregoric, M.D.
Charles H. Hallman, M.D.
James J. Livesay, M.D.
David A. Ott, M.D.
George J. Reul, M.D.
Ross M. Reul, M.D.
Thoratec Corporation
Topfer Family Foundation
Frederick M. Weissman Revocable Trust
Matching Gift
$100,000 AND ABOVE
Mrs. Josephine Abercrombie
Albert and Margaret Alkek Foundation
Laura and John Arnold Foundation
Texas Heart Contributors (continued from page 17)
Bill Morgan
Mrs. Enid Robinson
Robert Racusin
Mrs. Bernice Feld
Hartford Mowry
Mr. and Mrs. Q. Joe Machac
Margaret Raso
Ms. Tamara Hoffritz
Mr. Michael Raso
Annie Naivar
Mr. David Swank
Nolan Naquin
Mr. and Mrs. James G. Hymel
Charlotte Newbern
Dr. and Mrs. Louis L. Leatherman
James D. Nuss
Mrs. Audrey Jean Nuss
Roger Oakley
Ms. Virginia M. Shanklin
Brad O’Banion
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Primm
Bill and Jim O’Leary
Ms. Beatrice Flynn
Albin E. Omillian
Mr. and Mrs. John Sigmon
Jane Blaffer Owen
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Lanier
Muriel Paris
Mr. George H. Paris
Robbin Parish
Mrs. Betty T. Hellmann
Bill Passmore
Mr. and Mrs. Guinn M. Scarborough
George Paterson
Ms. Patricia P. Graham
Joseph R. Peacock
Mrs. Eugenia Peacock
Floyd C. Redmond
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Redmond
Robert L. Reed
Mr. Gary Farr
Robert E. Reidenauer
Mrs. Betty L. Reidenauer
Peggy Reinke
Mrs. June Earlywine
Pierre Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Juan Gonzalez
Susan Roberts
Ms. Suzanne C. Levin
Lorraine Romagna
Mr. John B. Romagna
Charles Kingsland Ross
Mrs. Mary Julia Ross
Anna Rota
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Cavallaro
Anthony Saginario
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Maniscalco
Brooke N. Sanders
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weber
Adolph Sankey
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald B. Sankey
Irving Schecter
Ms. Leslie Otis
Evelyn C. Pearce
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Lanier
Ms. Suzanne C. Levin
H. Dale Schimpf
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Schimpf
Opal Virginia Pilmer
The Denton A. Cooley Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Marvy Finger
Janette E. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert H. Meier
Seidel, Schroeder and Company
John H. Pinkerton
Mrs. Joyce M. Pinkerton
James Lowery Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Chaffee
Mr. and Mrs. Richard De Gregorio
Allied Mills C. H. Guenther & Son, Inc.
Ms. Suzanne L. Joyce
Midstate Mills Inc.
Stanley Plettman
Mrs. Enid Robinson
Dorothy Rebenstorf
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Cox
Pearson Partners International, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Petty, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Leon R. Smith
Mr. D. L. Sorensen
Ms. Christine E. Spencer
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Wiesner
Frank Shawaker
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Christiansen
Tom Shelton, Sr.
Mr. Tommy Shelton, Jr.
James C. Shindler
Mr. James McAlister, Sr.
Bluma Silverstein
Ms. Leslie Otis
Daniel Simington
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy L. Herr
Matthew Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Young
Miriam Mandel Sklar
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vallone
Dahlia Laverne Whittle Smith
Dena and Don Houchin
Joan Miller
Annette Patterson
Kathleen Smith
Mr. Robert J. Cruikshank
Harlan Stein
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
William K. Stephenson
Mr. John R. Hayworth
Peter M. Strohmer
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vallone
Adolph Susholtz
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph D. Cohen
Kenneth T. Swor
Christine and Ron Perris
Williston Brandreth Symonds
Symonds Foundation
Bernie Szeinbach
Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Hoffman
Pauletta Wilson Talkington
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gallup
Mary Talloder
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Dr. Kenneth G.Watterston
Ms. Wendy Barnhill
Jack Wise
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Young
Paul Tanner
Mrs. Thelda Tanner
Lucy Wegner
Mrs. Sammy W. Taylor
Peter M.Wisneski
Mrs. Luvola H. Wisneski
Leola M. Taylor
Abiding Baptist Church
Herbert C.Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Carmichael
The Denton A. Cooley Foundation
Mrs. Cynthia de B Colt
Mrs. Estelle Shepherd Dunn
Mr. John W. Elder
Dr. and Mrs. Whitson B. Etheridge, II
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Gerry, III
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Hamman
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herzog
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Lanier
Ms. Suzanne C. Levin
Ms. Audrey Moody Ley
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Ott
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Sasser
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence D. Sikes, Jr.
Mrs. Virginia Seale Watt
Ms. Barbara W. Winston
Gene M.Woodfin
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Cook
Vera Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lloyd
Dorothy Townsend
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Lesser
James L. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Taylor, Jr.
L. E. Tyler
Mr. Finus Tyler
Robert J. Tynan
Mr. Robert E. Goodfellow
Vernon Vestal
Mr. and Mrs. Mark T. Cox
Emmanuel J.Vetrano, Sr.
Ms. MaryAnn Billings
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Bilsky
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Bonno
Mrs. Carlo Cangelosi
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Dale
Ms. Penny S. Griffis
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Haun
Mr. and Mrs. George Hilburn
Mrs. Sandra Kitchens
Ms. Rosalie Lanuke
Le Amiche Club
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn F. McClaren
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Montalbano
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Noel
Mrs. and Mr. Rosalie Ann Scalise
Mr. Michael Skowronek
Mr. and Mrs. Gary W. Trippie
Mrs. Jean A. Woellert
Ms. Totsy Noles
Arnold Walkow
Joan and Marvin Kaplan
Lucy Wallace
Ms. Carla Wallace
Bennett Watson
Mr. Russell Kegley
Eugene Wesley
Mr. Russell Miller
Finis Wright
Mrs. Ann Wright
Farrille “Sunny”Young
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Montague
In Honor Of
Linda Addison
Mr. Alan L. Aronson
W. H. Appling
Mr. Christopher Sumers
Alan D. Asher
Ms. Stephanie Asher
Gerard Bascle, Sr.
Ms. Betty B. Bascle
Mary Wessels
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lacey
Jerry Bass’s Recovery
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Joan and Marvin Kaplan
Modine West
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Lacey
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Baucum
Mr. and Mrs. George Casseb
Michael Andrew White
Mr. and Mrs. Q. Joe Machac
Mr. and Mrs. M. Stephen Beard
David and Mary Helen George
Danniel J.Wieland
Ms. Patricia A. Applegate
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas C. Binyon
Ms. Irene J. Branson
Mr. and Ms. Ted Frye
Mr. W. Cole Holderman
Hueco Valley Land and Cattle Co., Inc.
Ms. Marian R. Kerr
Mrs. Lawrence A. Bertetti & Miss Linda
Mr. and Mrs. George Casseb
Franklin U.Williams
Mrs. Thelma Williams
Robert L. Willis
Mr. Robert J. Cruikshank
Sam F.Willson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Vallone
Roberta Bogaev, M.D.
Donne Di Domani
Ms. Mary Duplantis
David and Mary Helen George
Dr. Patricia Ellison Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie B. Ellison
Anne Bunting
Ms. Helen Bunting
Fred and Pat Burns
Susan Falgout
Thomas Frank Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Darden R. Curtis
(continued on page 26)
Texas Heart Contributors (continued from page 25)
Linda Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Obanion, Jr.
Bill Dahlberg
Ms. Leslie Otis
Monetta Frenza
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W. Mooney
Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman
Mr. and Mrs. Philip I. McConnell
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Davis
David and Mary Helen George
Carl W. Cohen
Ms. Melvalene E. Cohen
Bobby Deutser’s 70th Birthday
Joan and Marvin Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark Abbott
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gugenheim
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley C. Weinstein
Phil Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Robert Deutser’s Recovery
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cohen’s 40th Wedding
Mrs. Bernice Feld
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dietz
David and Mary Helen George
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cook
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Patrick J. Cook, M.D.
Mrs. Maxine G. Daniels
Denton A. Cooley, M.D.
Aubrey and Sylvia Farb Family Fund
Mr. Glenn C. Hannah
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hendricks
Ann and Jim Hund
The JBD Foundation
Drs. Tomas and Marcella Klima
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund P. Kubeskie
Ms. Tammy K. Lobaugh
The Edward and Ellen Randall Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Rapp
Mr. Roy E. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Willard U. Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Ziomek
Dr. Denton A. Cooley’s Birthday
Mrs. Dorothy Jo Nachlas
Dr. Denton A. Cooley and Staff
Mr. and Mrs. H. John Durrett, Sr.
Mr. Stephen J. Szatmari
Mrs. Talbot Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Hendricks
Joseph Coselli, M.D.
Ms. Christi Chandler
Mr. Alan Compton
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Egan
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Gober
Verle J. Herman
Mr. James Newman
Ms. Nancy Wood
Stephanie Coulter, M.D.
Ross Jackson
Mrs. Terri Dome
Mr. and Mrs. Roland Cantu
Richard and Sandra Dush
Mr. and Mrs. James Huesman
Alfred Friedlander’s Recovery
Dr. Coleman D. Caplovitz
Ms. Eileen Cersonsky
Mrs. Bernice Feld
Ms. Molly Ann Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Katz
Ms. Renee E. Spolane
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dover’s 59th Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Katz
Paula and Alfred Friedlander’s 55th Wedding
Dr. and Mrs. Gene Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Katz
The Arnold and Suzanne Miller Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Roberts
Cyvia and Melvyn Wolff
Frank Duke, Jr.
Mr. Jeff Stevens
Fulbright & Jaworski
Mr. Alan L. Aronson
J. Michael Duncan, M.D.
Ms. Mary Lambert
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Ziomek
Mary J. Garrett
Ms. Mary J. Garrett
Mary Duplantis
Mr. Shaun Babin
Doug Duwe
Ms. Suzy Lanier
Rick Ellis
Ms. Dolly Morgan
Marvin Gerber
Joan and Marvin Kaplan
Jeanne Gilbert’s 80th Birthday
Mrs. Dorothy Jo Nachlas
Morris Glesby’s Birthday
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Whitson B. Etheridge II, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Glesby’s Wedding
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Sayed Feghali, M.D.
Mr. L. L. Kincade, Jr.
Harry Gootzeit
Mr. Julius Gootzeit
R. David Fish, M.D.
Eddie and Joyce Bayersdorfer
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Greene
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Lisa and Ben Fortson III
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hart
Robert J. Hall, M.D.
Mr. Daniel Schamarock
Eric Franks
Mr. and Mrs. Max W. Tubb
Fred Harlan
Mr. and Mrs. Joe B. Foster
O. H. Frazier, M.D.
Ms. Mary Duplantis
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Obanion, Jr.
The Samuels Foundation
Dan and Marianna Hendricks
Ms. Linda M. Haney
Patrick J. Hogan, M.D.
Mr. Phillip Kligman
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Opalka
Ms. Glenda Wylie
Mr. and Mrs. Carson Hoge
Mr. Ken Hoge
Dena Houchin, R.N.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Rapp
Lauren Hund
Ann and Jim Hund
Jack Hunt’s Speedy Recovery
TWDB Board Members & Leadership
Louise Jacobs
Mrs. Bernice Feld
Mrs. Herbert Jacobson
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Dr. Louis Janowski
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Margolis
Lord Jesus Christ
Mr. Wallace P. Davis
Johnie Jones
Mrs. S. Melisa Jones
Biswajit Kar, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reeves
Bobby Maricle
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby G. Maricle
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lapin’s Anniversary
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Ali Massumi, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Phillip K. Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Lawson, Jr.
Bill McCauley
Joan and Marvin Kaplan
Joel M. Levy’s Speedy Recovery
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herzog
Joan and Marvin Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Joe McClendon
Mr. and Mrs. Philip I. McConnell
Kay Levy’s Birthday
Mrs. Bernice Feld
Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Hoffman
Ms. Susan Canfield and Mr. Arnold Miller
Nancy Morrison’s Birthday
Cyvia and Melvyn Wolff
James J. Livesay, M.D.
Mr. William V. Grisham
Ms. Etta Insley
Mr. L. L. Kincade, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Ziomek
Meredith J. Long
Elaine and Thomas Bauman
Jessie Longoria
Ms. Lisa D. Longoria
Pablo Lozano, M.D.
Ms. Tammy K. Lobaugh
Charles (Bob) Kline
Ms. Dee Dee Smith
Roberto Lufschanowski, M.D.
Mr. Sanford H. Blum
Mr. and Mrs. Alwyn L. Hahn
Mr. Sterling G. Miller
Sadie Krakower
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
The Honorable and Mrs. Bob Lanier
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Grimes, II
Dr. Herman Lapin’s Recovery
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Pvt. Albert Hage Kia,World War I
Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Abdalla, Jr.
Zvonimir Krajcer, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Aron Amato
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert A. Lesser
Mr. and Mrs. David Neuberger
Pranav Loyalka, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund L. Cogburn
Demo Kouzounis’ 39th Birthday
Mrs. Bernice Feld
Elyse B. Lanier’s Birthday
Ms. Sylvia Goldstein
Ms. Robin Reed
Doris & Jerry Katz’s 60th Wedding
Mrs. Bernice Feld
Thomas Charles Kopacsi
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Guido
Q. Joe Machac
Michael A. Mowry Family
Terry J. Machac Family
Misty D. Schwartz
Mrs. Corky Malz’s 75th Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Katz
Judy and Rodney Margolis’ 50th
Wedding Anniversary
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Hackett
Ms. Molly Ann Kaplan
Lasker Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Gugenheim
Dr. Elias Murciano
Dr. David Sufian
Freddie Nutt’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Nutt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dixon Orr, III
David and Mary Helen George
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dixon Orr, IV and
David and Mary Helen George
Rochelle Oster’s Birthday
Cyvia and Melvyn Wolff
David A. Ott, M.D.
Mr. Merrill T. Adamcik
Ms. Mozelle Jeffrey
Mr. and Mrs. Dan J. Moran, Jr.
Mr. Jesse V. Noland, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Opalka
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Paddock
Mr. and Mrs. John B. Riley
Dr. and Mrs. H. Keith Stonecipher
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilder
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Ziomek
Leonard Zwelling, M.D.
George and Ann Palmer
Mr. Steven Ryan Palmer
Mrs. Eugenia Peacock
Mr. and Mrs. S. Wayne Peacock
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Perry
David and Mary Helen George
(continued on page 28)
Texas Heart Contributors (continued from page 27)
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin D. Peyton
Mr. James R. McLemore
Marcia N. Strauss
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kuhn
Landon Woodruff
Mr. Gary D. Ward
Jay Plotkin’s Recovery
Joan and Marvin Kaplan
Chung-Shin Sung, M.D.
Leonard Zwelling, M.D.
David M.Wright
Mr. Jason Fernandes
Mrs. Gloria Reader
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Mae Thomas R.N.
Ms. Suzy Lanier
George J. Reul, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley Ziomek
Mr. and Mrs. C. Heide Trask
Ms. Jean T. Poole
Your Friends During the Holiday Season
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Carmichael
The Joan and Marvin Kaplan Foundation
Ms. Marcia N. Strauss
Enid Robinson’s Birthday
Ms. Betty Lou Blumrosen
Mrs. Bernice Feld
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L. Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kotlen
Ms. Suzanne Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Hershel M. Rich
Ms. Shirley Toomim
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Weingarten
Mr. and Mrs.Walter Umphrey
Ms. Suzy Lanier
Lesley & Pete Schlumberger
Mrs. Lois Rauch Frankel
Mark J. M. Schnee, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lloyd, Jr.
Mr. Larry B. Phillips, III
Dr. and Mrs. H. Keith Stonecipher
Naida Shinn’s and Michael
Schwark’s Marriage
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bond
Scott Silverman’s Recovery
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Caroline and Stacy Smith
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Smith
Pam Sticksel and Family
Ms. Suzy Lanier
Dr. Annie Varughese
Terrell and Carol Street
Barbara A.Weinstein
Mrs. Rita Blumenfeld
Ms. Barbara Eskowitz
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Friedlander
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kaplan
Joan and Marvin Kaplan
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Whitlock
Ms. Suzy Lanier
James T.Willerson, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Van Henry Archer, Jr.
Mr. Alan L. Aronson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beamon
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Bloome
Dr. Meherwan Boyce
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Choice
Mrs. Olive F. Davis
Mr. Samuel R. Dodson, III
Jill Fortney Productions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Friedlander
Ms. Mary A. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Holcomb
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Klein
Drs. Tomas and Marcella Klima
Ms. Marsha Amdur Malev
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Marks
Mr. and Mrs. S. Wayne Peacock
Petrello Family Foundation
The Edward and Ellen Randall Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Shannon Ratliff
Mr. and Mrs. Perrin W. White
Dr. James T.Willerson’s Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Penny
Mr. John F. O’Donohoe
Vincent Zaccario
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Kolupanowich
Naciela Zaraleta
Mrs. Graciela Zabaleta
Erla G. Zuber’s Birthday
Cyvia and Melvyn Wolff
Our goal is to express our gratitude to all
those named in this issue of Texas Heart
Institute Update and to list each of our
valued contributors accurately. Despite
our best efforts, however, errors sometimes
occur. In that event, we would appreciate
being notified at (832) 355-3792.
Matching Gift
Partners in Helping Young People
Rich and Nancy Kinder
From left, THI President Dr. James T. Willerson, boxing great George Foreman, Nancy Kinder of the Kinder Foundation, Houston Independent School
District Superintendent Terry Grier and Dr. Paolo Angelini were all on hand for the rollout of the Mobile Imaging Unit at Welch Middle School,
where students were among the first to be screened for heart abnormalities.
ouston philanthropists Rich and Nancy Kinder, through their Kinder
Foundation, have the hearts of many young people on their minds. That’s
why they have thrown their whole-hearted support behind a new Texas
Heart Institute effort to prevent Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) in youths.
Mrs. Kinder brought along the star power
of famous athletes, including former boxing
champ George Foreman, when the program
was launched last fall.
Through the Kinder Outreach Program,
THI’s Center for Coronary Artery Anomalies
(CCAA) is taking its Mobile Imaging Unit on
the road to Houston area schools as part of a
groundbreaking research program that involves
voluntary screenings of 10,000 middle school
students for certain difficult-to-detect, congenital heart abnormalities.
These conditions are thought to predispose
young people to SCD (Sudden Cardiac Death),
and the Kinders recognize that too often tragedy grabs headlines, especially when young athletes are stricken without warning during sports
competitions or training.
To date, we’ve screened more than 500
students and it is a partnership of which we are
extremely proud.
“Rich and I are delighted to support a great
organization like the Texas Heart Institute in
tackling a serious medical problem that exists in
our community and throughout America,” said
Mrs. Kinder at the launch of the program. “We
hope this effort will pay long-term dividends in
improving the health of our students over the
coming years.”
As George Foreman said, the Kinders are
the kind of supporters we want in our corner.
You can learn more about the program itself
and see a short video with basketball great
Hakeem Olajuwon participating in the program at www.texasheart.org/Research/CCAA/
A Night to Remember (continued from page 3)
$50,000 Lead Underwriter
Margaret Alkek Williams
The Alkek and Williams Foundation
$25,000 Leadership
Tilman and Paige Fertitta
Palmetto Partners, Ltd./The Robert &
Janice McNair Foundation
$25,000 Co-Leadership
Mr. and Mrs. Meredith J. Long
Mr. Fayez Sarofim
$15,000 Humanitarian
Jan E. Duncan
Alfred C. Glassell, III
Martha H. Miller
$10,000 Benefactor
Aqueduct Capital Group
Burguieres Family Foundation
Enterprise Products Partners L.P.
Pearce Industries, Inc.
Shackouls Family Foundation
Mrs. Sue Trammell Whitfield
$10,000 Co-Benefactor
Nona and David Carmichael
Carolyn and John Young
Rosanette and Harry Cullen
Jeanie Kilroy
Suzanne Levin
Gulf Coast Pathology Associates, PA
Paul M. Allison, M
Lizmarie Andino, MD
Arthur W. Bracey, MD
Alice J. Chen, MD, PhD
John H. Connelly, MD
Diego E. Fiorito, MD
Polly K. Gauthier, MD
Daniel L. Grimmer, MD
Kent A. Heck, MD
Laurie S. Holley, MD
Todd R. Lester, MD
Barbara A. Lines, MD
Cristina Montalvo, MD
Meredith A. Reyes, MD
Sara Sant’Ambrogio, MD
Rhonda L. Shannon, MD
Laura E. Sulak, MD
Vilmos A. Thomazy, MD, PhD
Lindsay and Rand Holstead
Kirby and Scott McCool
Martha Long
Courtney and Christopher Sarofim
David C. Wells, M.D.
Vivek C. Yagnik, M.D.
Barbara and Charles Hurwitz
Elyse and Bob Lanier
Kelli Kickerillo and Todd Forester
Mary and Vincent Kickerillo
Southwest Cardiovascular Consultants, PA
Patrick J. Hogan, MD
R. David Fish, MD
Emerson Perin, MD
Jorge Guttin, MD
Guilherme V. Silva, MD
$5,000 Sponsor
$3,500 Patron
David J. and Judith Beck Foundation
Bud Light/Silver Eagle Distributors
Lois and Carl Davis
Frost Bank
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney H. Margolis
Steven and Sheila Miller Foundation
Debbie and Gordon Pilmer
Porter Hedges LLP
Pulmonary, Critical Care & Sleep
Medicine Consultants, LLP
Renal Specialists of Houston PA
Michele P. Sartori, MD, FACC
Marc and Jeri Shapiro
St. Jude Medical, Inc.
St. Luke’s Episcopal Health System
Texas Capital Bank
Dr. and Mrs. Billy Cohn
The Denton A. Cooley Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Coselli
Dr. and Mrs. O. Howard Frazier
Igor D. Gregoric, MD
Kay and Ned Holmes
$5,000 Co-Sponsor
Dr. and Mrs. J. Michael Duncan
Dr. and Mrs. James J. Livesay
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Ott
Dr. and Mrs. George J. Reul
Dr. and Mrs. Ross M. Reul
EMC Healthcare/CDW Healthcare
Singleton Associates, P.A.
Brian Burke, M.D.
Andrew Chang, M.D.
W. Daniel Fang, M.D.
John H. Fischer II, M.D.
Magda Ghobashy, M.D.
Monica L. Huang, M.D.
Phan T. Huynh, M.D.
James M. Jing, M.D.
Michel E. Mawad, M.D.
Hesham Morsi, M.D.
Sagar Naik, M.D.
John J. Nisbet, M.D.
Elan E. Omessi, M.D.
Seth Roberts, M.D.
Mary E. Round, M.D.
Achal Sarna, M.D.
Edward B. Singleton, M.D.
Mark D. Skolkin, M.D.
Nir Stanietzky, M.D.
Barry D. Toombs, M.D.
Larry R. Kaiser, MD
The University of Texas Health
Science Center at Houston
Kelsey Seybold Clinic
Leachman Cardiology Associates
Texas Children’s Hospital
The Wall Street Journal
James T. Willerson, MD
John L. Wortham & Son, L.P.
$3,500 Co-Patron
Cardiology Consultants of Houston
Edward K. Massin, MD
Jorge A. Garcia-Gregory, MD
Mark J. Schnee, MD
Jaime Benrey, MD
Michael J. Mihalick, MD
Cardiology Specialists of Houston
Bernardo Treistman, MD
Robert J. Card, MD
Carlos R. Jessurun, MD
Andres Mesa, MD
Juan Carlos Rozo, MD
Windi and David Grimes
Kay and Fred Zeidman
Hall-Garcia Cardiology Associates, PA (2)
Ali Massumi, M.D.
Virendra Mathur, M.D.
Neil E. Strickman, M.D.
Raymond Stainback, M.D.
James M. Wilson, M.D.
Abdi Rasekh, M.D.
Joseph Navarijo, M.D.
Sheila Heinle, M.D.
Mehdi Razavi, M.D.
Mohammad Saeed, M.D.
Medical Clinic of Houston
Arup Achari, MD
Patrick J. Cook, MD
Arthur J. Springer, MD
$2,500 Leadership
Ms. Muffet Blake (2)
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Duncan, Sr.
Mrs. Diane Lokey Farb
Cora Sue and Harry Mach
Regina Rogers
Mrs. Joan Schnitzer Levy
$1,000 Benefactor
Joan and Stanford Alexander Foundation
Barbara and Don D. Jordan
Judith M. and Irwin L. Levy
Mr. Doug Pitcock
Barbara and Corbin J. Robertson, Jr.
Mr. Roland Sledge
Dr. and Mrs. Leopoldo Zorrilla
$500 Sponsor
Alpha Services, LLC
Susan and Ron Meyer (4)
Rita and Morris Atlas
Jan and Gene Cernan
Richard Dixon and Nancy Grason
Jesse and Hetta Heath
Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. LeMaire
Ms. Mary Hale Lovett McLean
Barbara and Stuart McGinney
Meredith Montgomery
Ms. Louise E. Perlitz (2)
Mrs. Hilary Rochelle (2)
Pete Seale and Chalon Fontaine
John Swope and Carolyn Orlando
June and Virgil Waggoner
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Walmsley
$350 Patron
James M. Anton, MD
Mr. Arthur W. Brand
Dr. and Mrs. Rex D. Bushong
Dr. and Mrs. Juan-Pablo Caiero
C. David Collard, MD
Dr. Michael Dancu (2)
Reynolds M. Delgado, III, MD (2)
Sharleen and Jack Doherty
Dr. and Mrs. MacArthur Elayda
Dr. and Mrs. Stanton P. Fischer
Layne O. Gentry, MD
HCC Coleman College for Health
Services (2)
Janis and Ethan Hinds (6)
Michael and Joan McGee
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Miles
Drs. Shirley Ann Riggs and Ervin Brown
Ms. Nancy Romagnoli
Dr. and Mrs. Harry M. Rosenthal
Drs. Robert and Helene Schwartz
Drs. Ana Maria Segura and Jose Diez
Cecille and George Shannon
Kamal S. Sheena, MD (2)
Drs. Alexander N. Stadnyk and Roma Ilkiw
Jacqueline Hamilton Taylor and
William S. Taylor III
Suzanne Taylor and Tom Laucius
Texas Medical Center
Dr. Richard Wainerdi
Martha H. Tyson and Linda Hughes
Dr. and Mrs. Brian L. Walton
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Whitt
Mr. John Wilmore (2)
The Virginia and L.E. Simmons Foundation
William and Martha Ford Fund
Ray C. Fish Foundation
John P. McGovern Foundation
Debra and Joel Ruby
Merrill Lynch & Co.
Mrs. Clare A. Glassell
The Hildebrand Fund
Mr. R. Bruce LaBoon
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Arnold, Jr.
Barbara and Marc Mattsson
Suzan and Julius Glickman
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace S. Wilson
The Abercrombie Foundation
Safuh Attar, MD
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Baker, III
Robert J. Hall, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Hamman
Mr. George Jewell
Mr. Gentry Lee
Wilhelmina E. (Beth) Robertson Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Bobby S. Shackouls
Ms. Marcia N. Strauss
William and Marie Wise Family Foundation
Elaine Amacker Bridges
Michael and Joan McGee
Cyvia and Melvyn Wolff
In Honor of Dr. James T.Willerson
Ms. Hendrika Banning
Mr. H. Talbot Cooley
Ms. Almeria T. Cottingham
Mr. Jesse W. Couch
Mr. and Mrs. Gus K. Eifler
Ms. Bernice R. Feld
Dena and Don Houchin
Mr. and Mrs. Jodie Lee Jiles
Klinka and John Lollar
Ms. Barbara S. Patton
Mrs. Kathy Rudy
Dr. and Mrs. Heinrich Taegtmeyer
Dr. R Eugene Zimmerman
Matching Gift
Bank of America
Doug Pitcock
A special thanks to Mr. Doug Pitcock
for his extraordinary assistance with
Mrs. Bush’s travel to Houston.
The Brown Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Roberto Canavati
William M. Hitchcock
Pembroke Capital, LLC
Texas Heart® Institute at St. Luke’s Episcopal Hospital
Board of Trustees
Isaac Arnold, Jr.
Chairman Emeritus
Meredith J. Long
Bobby S. Shackouls
Vice Chairman
James T. Willerson, MD
President & Medical Director
Denton A. Cooley, MD
President Emeritus &
Charles Butt
David M. Carmichael
Robert Cizik
Morton A. Cohn
Peter Coneway
James L. Daniel, Jr.
Jan E. Duncan
John H. Duncan
Donald L. Evans
Tilman J. Fertitta
Alfred C. Glassell III
Julius Glickman
David M. Grimes
Henry R. Hamman
Frank J. Hevrdejs
William M. Hitchcock
Kay Holmes
Lindsay Holstead
Barbara R. Hurwitz
Joseph D. Jamail
Jodie Lee Jiles
Kelli Kickerillo
R. Bruce LaBoon
Elyse Lanier
Michael C. Linn
Rodney H. Margolis
Frances Marzio
Steven L. Miller
S. Reed Morian
T. William Porter
Thomas A. Roupe
Christopher Sarofim
Fayez Sarofim
L. E. Simmons
Edward B. Singleton, MD
Roland Sledge
Mort Topfer
Dan C. Tutcher
Tony Vallone
Margaret Alkek Williams
Wallace S. Wilson
John H. Young
Fred Zeidman
Josephine Abercrombie
The Honorable James A. Baker, III
Phillip Burguiéres
Eugene A. Cernan
Robert Cizik
William Clay Ford
Clare Glassell
Lee A. Iacocca
Don D. Jordan
James L. Ketelsen
Larry King
C. Everett Koop, M.D.
George P. Mitchell
John T. Montford
Frederick R. Nederlander
Greg Norman
Darrell Royal
Nolan Ryan
The Honorable James A. Baker, III
Sheldon R. Erikson
William Farish
Jack Hunt
Drayton McLane
Robert C. McNair
John L. Nau, III
Hakeem Olajuwon
Anthony G. Petrello
Howard W. Horne, Sr.
David J. Fine
President & CEO
St. Luke’s Episcopal Health System
Randa S. Safady, PhD
Vice Chancellor for External Relations
In Memoriam (continued from cover)
cardiovascular medicine.
Churchill famously said,
“We make a living by what
we get, we make a life by
what we give.”
By that standard it is evident
Barbara Fish DanielHetherington made a
magnificent life. It is one that
will live on in this special
place to which she gave so
much of herself. We will miss
her as we continue to build
on her legacy here.
logo for this years fun run. Colorful and fun.
The GreatMain
Fun Run 2011
Main logo for this years fun run. Colorful and fun.
Main logo for this years fun run. Colorful and fun.
logo forand
years fun run. Colorful and fun.
Main logo for this years fun run.
he Great Pumpkin Fun Run
returns again this year on
Saturday morning,
October 29, in downtown Houston.
The Great Pumpkin
hopes to hear from you.
Please help us make the
16th Great Pumpkin Fun Run
the spookiest and most successful
of all by joining us. The easiest
way to register is online at
www.texasheart.org where
Presented by Blue Cross
the new registration form will
and Blue Shield of Texas, the
be posted soon. There you will
fun run, designed to promote carfind information about registering
diovascular health through exercise,
in person; dates, times and locawill again feature the 5K Great Pumptions of packet pickup; and more. You
kin Dash, the 5K Goblin Gait, and
16th Annual
may also call the Great Pumpkin Fun
the 1K Witches Walk. The postRun Hotline at 832-355-9584
to leave
16th Annual
16th Annual
race party will include a live band,
your name and address as race applicagreat food and beverages, and what has become a
tions will be available for distribution in the near future.
seasonal favorite, the Children’s Costume Contest. Partici Speaking of participating, it is also our pleasure to
pants also enjoy exciting door prizes and runners’ awards,
all those who supported the 2010 Great Pumpkin
as well as wonderful long-sleeve T-shirts.
Fun Run as sponsors and by donating awards and door
prizes. They are listed below.
Fun spot illustrations to use on the different race items to support the main logo.
Blue Cross & Blue Shield
of Texas, Inc.
16th Annual
Bank of Houston
Cici’s Pizza
The Morton A. Cohn Family
Continental Airlines
Jack 103.7
104.1 KRBE
Newmark Knight Frank
Porter & Hedges, L.L.P.
Reliant Energy
Chili’s Restaurants
Ideal Printer’s, Inc.
Fun spot illustrations to use on the different race items to support the mainFun
illustrations to use on
The Sports Authority
James Coney
Islandrace items to support the main log
St. Luke’s Episcopal Health System
El Tiempo Cantina
The Kolache Factory
Mahatma Rice
97.5 The Ticket
Goode Company Restaurants
Diana LeBlanc th
Minute Rice th
16 AnnualRiviana 16
Tony’s Restaurant
Gulf Greyhound Park
Lone Star Flight Museum
Foods, Inc.
Watermill Express
Mary Susan Hammons
Mark’s American Cuisine
Shipley Do-Nuts
Houston Aeros Charities
Prima Pasta
Success Rice
Houston Astros
Raia’s Italian Market
The Sport’s Authority
Houston Ballet - Wortham Center
Reliant Energy
Alley Theatre
Houston Grand Opera
Ruggles Café Bakery
Barry’s Pizza & Italian Diner
Houston Museum of
Spanish Flower Mexican Restaurant
Danae Stephenson
Bistro des Amis
Natural Science
Taste of Texas Restaurant
Kristen Matthews
Bistro Le Cep
Houston Zoo, Inc.
The Children’s Museum of Houston
The Houstonian Hotel
The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
to usetoonsupport
the different
items to support the
Fun spot illustrations to use on
race items
the main
e on the different race items to support the main logo.
The Heart Car Rolling for Heart Health
John McCutchen
Karen Garrett
Dr. James T. Willerson, John McCutcheon, Karen Garrett and Dr. Denton A. Cooley are decked out for the race against heart disease.
odstone Ranch Motorsports, a nonprofit corporation, is raising funds
for the Texas Heart Institute as a result of its desire to see motorsports
contribute more to daily lives and be more than just a sport.
The group, with Godstone
principal and race driver John
McCutchen and founder and
artist Karen Garrett as the
driving forces, uses the allure
of professional motorsports
racing as a means to support
and promote awareness of a
charitable concern. In this case,
it’s the Texas Heart Institute
and 100% of all net proceeds
are donated to THI.
In addition, the Godstone crew
has co-branded with THI and promotes fundraising in many creative ways, giving the lifesaving
THI work new reach and international exposure.
Godstone Ranch was created from artist Karen’s
Garrett’s vision of a God-centered place for
artistic expression. Karen’s
gifts of teaching and caring
are expressed through
many charitable endeavors.
Karen Garrett is a nationally
acclaimed sculptor.
The Heart Car has made
appearances on several
racetracks in 2009 and 2010.
The racing team is hard at
work on the lineup for 2011
and 2012.
For details on the racing
team’s efforts benefitting THI, see www.
godstoneranchmotorsports.com This unique
and exciting form of support helps THI run its
own race to prevent and better treat
cardiovascular disease.
Beta Chi Theta Helping Beat Heart Disease
Beta Chi Theta fraternity brothers at their UT-Austin campus blood drive.
ix a college fraternity, a dance contest and good food, and you have
a recipe for traditional Spring Break. But throw in a blood drive,
a rally with a regional blood and tissue center, an on-campus food
cart fund-raiser, a Wear Red day, cardio kickboxing and education on
how to live a heart healthy lifestyle and you have something altogether
different, exciting and literally life-saving.
It was all part of a week long
“Beating Heart Disease” philanthropy
week during March this year, planned
and hosted by the brothers of the Eta
Chapter of the Beta Chi Theta Fraternity
at the University of Texas at Austin.
And proceeds from the events benefitted
THI. A check for $3,000 was presented.
They also helped collect almost 40 units
of blood and register 60 people with the
Central Texas Blood and Tissue Center.
“Cardiac disease awareness is a cause
of dear importance to the fraternity,
especially due to its prevalence in the
South Asian population,” said the
announcement by the Fraternity, which
had earlier lost one of its brothers to
cardiovascular disease.
Living up to its charter principal of
community service has been a hallmark
of the Fraternity.
The Fraternity has established its
own Beating Heart Disease Foundation
and this was its eighth annual event. The
2011 partnership with THI has been a
warm and much welcomed one and, like
the fraternity brothers, we look forward
to continuing the partnership.
Texas Medical Center
MC 3-117
Post Office Box 20345
Houston, Texas 77225-0345
Address Service Requested
u p D a t e
Update is published
for friends, physicians
and staff of the Texas
Heart Institute.
Frank Michel
Casey Ferrell
Printed completely on
recyclable paper.
Please recycle.
Helping build for the future (continued from the cover)
more than 50 years,” said a Houston Chronicle obituary.
Former Texas Gov. Mark White, a close friend, said,
“He was someone who built—I guess in Texas it’s OK to
use the word—an ‘empire’ and he did it the old-fashioned
way, with hard work.”
Farb’s hard work improved Houston’s landscape
in more ways than one, including as a philanthropist
and supporter of important medical research and
Diane Lokey Farb is carrying on that legacy for her
late husband, building for the future in a strategic way.
The Farbs have been among the most generous and
most thoughtful supporters of the Texas Heart Institute.
As Mrs. Farb has pointed out, she and her late husband
have been very interested in advancing THI’s groundbreaking adult stem-cell work.
Our pioneering physician-scientists have discovered
and developed new ways to use a patient’s own bone
marrow-derived stem cells to regenerate damaged heart
muscle and vascular tissue without need for anti-rejection
drugs. They are almost daily advancing this research
which also holds potential for use in repairing other
organs in the body.
Researchers are also at work on the use of certain
skin cells to grow new heart muscle, science which may
eventually lead to our ability to grow a replacement for
the human heart. This visionary science is also being
done the old-fashioned way, with hard work. In turn, it
requires the support of visionary thinkers like the Farbs,
who recognize the promise in this field and have taken
the opportunity to orient their support toward that
Diane Lokey Farb is a real partner with the Texas
Heart Institute, and we like it that way. Our life-saving,
life-changing accomplishments are truly shared, and the
medical landscape is brighter for it.