Sustainable Growth Annual Report 2012 PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia,Tbk Profil Bank Pundi Informasi Bagi Investor Laporan Manajemen Tinjauan & Kondisi Usaha 2012 table of content 13 Event Highlights 84 103 Corporate Governance Corporate Social Responsibility 03 Sustainable Growth 92 Committees Under The Board of Commissioners 04 Financial Highlight 95 Directors 08 Bank Pundi at a Glance 11 Vision, Mission And Values 13 Event Highlights Investors Information 16 Stock Highlights 17 Stock Price Movement 18 Chronology of Bank Pundi Shares Listing 19 Composition of Shareholder 20 Brief Corporate Information 21 Name and Address of Supporting Professional Institutions 21 Information Access 101 The Transparency of Board of Commissioners, Directors and Other 101 Corporate Secretary 103 Corporate Social Responsibility 105 Audit Function Implementation 107 Implementation of Anti Money Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism (AML & CFT) 107 IT Governance Application 108 Customers Cares and Protection 108 Legal Issue 108 Whistleblowing System/Anti Fraud 110 Internal Fraud 110 Corporate Culture 110 Providing Fund for Related Party and Large Exposure 110 Fund Allocation for Social Purpose and Political Activity Management Report 24 The Board of Commissioners Report 30 Directors Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Corporate Information 114 Product and Services 116 Organization Structure 120 Board of Commissioners 40 General Review 122 Profile of Committees 42 Business Review 125 Board of Directors 47 Operational and Information Technology 127 Profile of Corporate Secretary 49 Business Support Overview 127 Profile of Skai Head 56 Human Capital 128 Senior Management List 131 Network Management Discussion and Analysis 69 Financial Review 134 Office Addresses Responsibility of Annual Report 76 Liabilities and Equity 78 Financial Ratio APPENDIX Corporate Governance Report 85 Corporate Governance Structure 85 General Meeting of Shareholders 88 Board of Commissioners REFERENCE OF FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Sustainable Growth Bank Pundi vision is to establish the bright future through implementation of the business transformation in end of a synergized partnership that facilitates the diverse 2010, Bank Pundi has sustainably give its commitment Indonesian dynamic society. To achieve this dream for MSME financing. In 2012, Bank Pundi continue to Bank Pundi decided to focus its business on Micro, perform a sustainable growth in becoming the Bank that Small and Middle Enterprise (MSME) segment. Since the fulfill the customers need. Bank Pundi Bank Pundi brand name is originally taken from Javanese, The brand Pundi recognized as “the only” brand with in- which means “wallet; bags, purse” it is a container to be depth understanding of the diverse, dynamic Indonesian used as a place to keep and save the money or valuable society, and their financial need oriented to the prosperity, things. bright future through as synergized partnerships.” This name symbolizes the presence of Bank Pundi as being a trusted bank and close to the society to be their “wallets” that may supports empowerment and prosperity of the MSM entrepreneurs for a continues growth. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 3 Laporan Tahunan 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHT (in million) FINANCIAL DATA 2008 2010 Total Assets 1,492,166 1,425,576 1,561,622 5,993,039 7,682,938 28.20% 939,276 1,036,060 612,751 3,554,336 5,654,001 59.07% Total Liabilities 1,403,990 1,472,270 1,305,059 5,529,798 7,028,754 27.11% Third Party Fund 1,322,718 1,308,017 1,159,818 5,322,511 6,756,642 26.94% 88,176 (46,694) 256,563 463,241 654,184 41.22% Total Loan - Gross Total Equity 2011 GROWTH 2011-2012 2009 2012 Interest Income 176,861 185,911 115,744 515,943 1.490,694 188.93% Interest Expenses 100,941 100,506 76,095 273,451 495,470 81.19% 75,920 85,405 39,649 242,492 995,224 310.42% 6,145 7,649 27,030 77,530 102,982 32.83% 91,310 100,525 118,792 520,005 854,040 64.24% Net Operating Income (Loss) (21,453) (170,562) (156,323) (169,612) 71,553 142.19% Income (Loss) Before Income Tax Expense (Benefit) (28,018) (112,691) (166,312) (171,575) 68,220 139.76% Net Income (Loss) (32,012) (134,870) (88,646) (147,253) 46,865 131.83% Number of Outstanding Shares 831.75 831.75 5,976.25 9,258.51 10,755.12 16.16% Basic Earning (Loss) Per Share (full amount) (38.55) (157.97) (25.96) (21.66) 4.80 122.16% NA NA (90,161) (117,991) 14,255 112.08% Net Interest Income Other Operating Income Other Operating Expenses Comprehensive Income (Loss) FINANCIAL RATIO (%) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 ROA (2.00) (7.88) (12.90) (4.75) 0.98 ROE (36.30) (135.69) (84.44) (50.55) 9.52 Loan to Deposits Ratio (LDR) 71.01 79.21 52.83 66.78 83.68 CAR-Including Credit Risk, Operation Risk and Market Risk 9.34 8.02 41.42 12.02 13.27 Non Performing Loan (NPL) - Gross 15.49 27.91 50.96 9.12 9.95 Non Performing Loan (NPL) - Nett 14.57 20.51 4.03 3.95 4.81 7.00 6.91 3.51 8.20 16.64 111.70 150.90 157.50 118.69 97.77 1,592.26 (3,153.02) 508.67 1,193.72 1,074.43 94.09 103.28 83.57 92.27 91.49 19 19 19 187 207 530 457 1,500 6,691 8,200 Net Interest Margin (NIM) Operating Expenses to Operating Income Liabilities to Equity Liabilities to Total Assets Total Branch Office Total Employee PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 4 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report (in billion Rupiah) (in billion Rupiah) 7,682.94 8,000.00 7,000.00 8,000.00 7,000.00 5,993.04 6,000.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,425.58 5,654.00 3,554.34 3,000.00 1,561.62 2,000.00 2009 2010 2011 1,036.06 939.28 1,000.00 1,000.00 2008 Management Responsibility for Annual Report Total Loan-Gross Total Asset 1,492.17 Corporate Information 2012 2008 Third Party Fund 2009 612.75 2010 2011 2012 Nett Income (Loss) (in billion Rupiah) (in billion Rupiah) 8,000.00 46.86 50,000 6,756.64 (32.01) 7,000.00 5,322.51 6,000.00 (134.87) (88.65) (147.25) 2010 2011 - 5,000.00 (50,000) 4,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,322.72 1,308.02 2008 2009 (100,000) 1,159.82 1,000.00 (150,000) 2010 2011 2012 2008 2009 2012 Non Performing Loan (NPL)-Nett 25.00 20.51 20.00 15.00 14.57 10.00 5.00 2008 2009 4.03 3.95 4.81 2010 2011 2012 Total Employee Total Branch Office 250 187 200 207 50 8,200 8,000 6,691 7,000 5,000 150 100 9,000 4,000 19 19 2008 2009 3,000 19 2,000 2010 2011 2012 PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 1,000 5 1.500 530 457 2008 2009 Annual Report 2012 2010 2011 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi “Since I became Bank Pundi customer, the Bank supports me in growing my business. The Bank really treats me as its partner and makes me comfort in communicating with the Bank” Raya Saputra Ginting (Medan Orange Trader Agency, East Jakarta) Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 BANK PUNDI AT A GLANCE PM/2001 regarding the Initial Public Offering towards its shares as much as 277,500,000 shares with a nominal value ofRp 100 per share to the public. The Bank then was listed in the Jakarta Capital Market on 13th July 2001 under BEKS as its shares’ code. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk (“Bank Pundi”), was established on 11th September 1992 in Jakarta under the name of PT. Executive International Bank (“Bank Eksekutif”) based on the deed approved by the Minister of Justice with No. C2-9246-HT.01.01 in 1992 and published in the state gazette of the Republic of Indonesia no. 103 dated December 26th, 1992, Supplement No. 6651. The 30th June 2010 EGMS had approved PT. Recapital Securities as the new ultimate shareholder, and also approved the identity changes from PT. Bank Eksekutif International, Tbk., became PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia,Tbk. Operational license was issued on August 09th 1993, as Public Bank in Jakarta referring to the approval of Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia No.673/KMK.017/1993 dated 23rd June 1993 regarding the Operational License to PT. Executive International Bank. The existence of PT. Recapital Securites as the ultimate shareholder had previously obtained approval from the Bank Indonesia through a letter No.12/84/GBI/DPIP/ Rahasia dated 29th Juni 2010. The identity changes into PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. had also obtained approval from the Minister of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia through letter No. AHU-3740. The name of PT. Executive International Bank was later changed into PT. Bank Eksekutif International, and later on 2001, became a Listed Company further to obtaining approval from the Chairman of the Capital Market Supervisory Agency (Bapepam) in his letter no. S-153/ PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 8 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Bank Pundi at a Glance The 30th June 2010 EGMS had approved the identity changes from PT. Bank Eksekutif International, Tbk., became PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia,Tbk. concept is raised by Recapital Group founders, namely Rosan P. Roeslani, Elvin Ramli and Sandiaga S.Uno. AH.01.02 Year 2010, dated July 28, 2010 regarding Approval of Amendment to Articles of Association. Bank Indonesia as the Central Bank also approved the identity changes through the Decree of the Governor of Bank Indonesia. 12/58/KEP.GBI/2010, dated 23rd September 2010 concerning Amendment to Use Business License of PT. Bank Eksekutif Internasional, Tbk into Business License of PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. The business transformation which was implemented since 2011 has resulted to the sustainable growth of the Bank. By the year end of 2012, the Bank has 207 branch offices spread all over Indonesia from Aceh until Abepura, Papua and supported by 8.200 employee to run the business. The branch network growth was significant compare to the previous year of 2011, whereas number of branch offices were 196 and 6.691 employees. The shareholder changes followed with the launching of the new business model in micro, small and medium entreprise financing from previously on corporate banking. To support the new business model, funding structure was also directed to retail funding. Bank Pundi also built another 68 ATMs attached to the branch offices for customer conveniences. In addition to that, for cash transaction, Bank Pundi is also accessible from more than 40,000 ATMs across the nation through the ATM network of ATM Prima and ATM Bersama. The new business strategy is in line with “equality”concept towards prosperity by prioritizing the empowerment of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). This PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 9 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Bank Pundi at a Glance MILESTONE: From Bank Eksekutif to Bank Pundi Established under the name of PT. Executive International Bank on September 11, 1992 with Deed no. 34 dated September 11, 1992 by Sugiri Kadarisman, SH, Public Notary in Jakarta. Published on the State Gazette of Republic Indonesia No. 103 dated December 26, 1992. Supplement No. 6651. Started the operational as Public Bank. Ministry of Finance, Republic of Indonesia, decree no. No.673/KMK.017/1993 dated June 23, 1993 on PT. Executive International Bank‘s Business License in Jakarta. 1992 1993 Brand changes from PT. Bank Eksekutif Internasional. Deed no.65 dated January 16, 1996 by Frans Elsius Muliawan, SH, Public Notary in Jakarta. Republic of Indonesia State Gazette No.78 dated September 27, 1996, Supplement No.8331. 1996 2001 Intial Public Offering PT. Bank Eksekutif International, marked the registration in Jakarta Stock Exchange and became the Listed Company (Tbk.) 2010 Changes in controlling shareholder, marked the presence of PT. Recapital Securities, and followed by Identity Changes into PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Approval obtained from: • The Minister of Justice and Human Rights Republic of Indonesia through letter No. AHU-3740.AH.01.02 Year 2010, dated July 28, 2010 regarding Approval of Amendment to Articles of Association. • Decree of the Governor of Bank Indonesia. 12/58/ KEP.GBI/2010, dated September 23, 2010 concerning Amendment to Use Business License of PT. Bank Eksekutif Internasional, Tbk into Business License of PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 10 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report VISION, MISSION AND VALUES VisiON Achieve bright future through synergistic partnership that brigde the diversity of Indonesian society dynamics. MisSiON Being a leading retail bank and trusted partner for the Indonesian people through: Partnership • Establish sustainable partnerships based on genuine caring, dedication and passion for growth. VALUES • Promoting synergy oriented to affordability, convenience and growth that will lead Bank Pundi as the bank of choice for Micro Enterprises, SMEs and individuals. Affordable Diversity • Provides a wide selection of Financial products and services that meet the needs of society in the midst of its dynamism and diversity. • Developed a competence and excellence infrastructure that continues support the affordability of society (customers). Prosperity Accessible, Convenience and Practical Accessible, assurance in providing a simple banking transaction for customers’ convenience has become the pillar of Bank Pundi existence. By serving an excellence service supported with modern technology and warm Branch Offices throughout Indonesia, Bank Pundi presence become a reflection of dedication and passion in building a prosperous community, Convenience, offered a convenience and simplicity banking transaction for the customers. Products and services are friendly users, and the Bank provides sufficient facilities to build secured and convenience experience for all Bank Pundi stakeholders. Practical, being focused on MSME’s growth in Indonesia, Bank Pundi is required to fully understand the culture and nature of partnership of its customers. Supported by experiences resources, Bank Pundi will enable to design products, services that will suit the market. The information technology should not be complicated but friendly users and simple, so all stakeholders may enjoy being part of Bank Pundi. • • • • Sharpen the potential, strive to increase the quality of life for individuals who are oriented to prosperity. • Promoting prosperity by building a foundation that supports the welfare of Micro, SME and also the Indonesian people as individuals. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 11 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Vision, Mission And Values Progressive Proffesional Focus on Customers, Innovative and Orientation for Growth. Integrity, Genuine Cares, Experts and Outstanding. • • • Customers Focus. Products and services should be oriented for the prosperity of the diversity and dynamic customers. Bank Pundi will also continuously be pro-active to understand the needs of the customers and partners. Bank Pundi provides products and services that will suite stakeholder expectation. Innovative. Carries a creative and innovative spirit that may lead Bank Pundi as a profitable bank and be a market leader in the Indonesia banking industry. The innovation may start by presenting brilliant and genuine idea for products and services development that may resulted to the customers and partners prosperity. Orientation for Growth. Bank Pundi always encourages with a strong commitment that may ensure the future welfare of Bank Pundi stakeholder by various aspects. Bank Pundi will also develop a bright future where everyone will achieve a triumphant and prosperous life. Through the innovative financial products and services, Bank Pundi is confidence to accomplish their dream. • • • Integrity. Being a financial institution, customers are the main element for the bank’s growth. In running the business, Bank Pundi always conduct prudential banking principles and Good Corporate Governance, whereas the business ethics, fairness and transparency are also the key factors in building the customers’ and partners’ trust. Genuine Cares. Bank Pundi is initiated to build partnership with all stakeholders for a social care in order to build bright future of the Indonesian community. To achieve the Vision and Mission, Bank Pundi will continuously provide opportunity for the society, neglecting the social status. Through this approach, Bank Pundi will improve the life quality and establish prosperity of the people as expected. Experts and Outstanding. Elements that contribute Bank Pundi business are all aspects that may unite the Bank. Resources, technology facilities as well as products and services are amongst elements, which are required in achieving the vision. Those components need to be sharpened continuously. Those elements will become a competitive advantage that may differ Bank Pundi from its competitors. Note: Approved through the decree of the Board of Directors of PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. No.: 014/SK-DIR/BPI/VI/11 dated June 13, 2011 regarding approval on the Guideline of corporate culture values and Ethics of Employee Behavior PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 12 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Event Highlights 11 30 JANUARY AUGUST Padang Branch Office was officially inaugurated by the City Vice-Major of Padang, Mr. Mahyeldi Ansarullah and attended by Bank Indonesia Head of Padang, Bank Pundi Director Mr. Ramono Sukadis, accompanied by Regional Lending Head of Northern Sumatera Mr. Sunaryo Salamun and Regional Funding Head of Sumatera Ms. Nita Ernawati. 17 JANUARY Inauguration of Bengkulu Branch by Bengkulu City Major, Mr. Achmad Kenedi and President Director Bank Pundi Mr. Gandhi Ganda Putra, also attended by Head of Bank Indonesia Bengkulu, Mr. Causa Iman Karana. 19 JANUARY The Extra Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (EGMS) for the approval on Right Issues III and changes of Article 16 paragraph 4 in Corporate Charter about roles and responsibility of Directors, also the appointment of Independent Commissioner, Mr. Paulus Wiranata. 08 OCtober Expand network with the opening of a new branch in Pematang Siantar in order to meet customers’ need in line with the bank vision to be a bank that focus on micro financing. The ceremony was attended by Second Assistant Pematang Siantar, Mr. Leo Simanjuntak, Head of Bank Indonesia, Pematang Siantar Mr. Agus Budiono and Director of Bank Pundi Mr. Ramono Sukadis. 14 mAY Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) for the approval on the Annual Report and Audited Financial Statements for yearended 31 December 2011 and other agenda items; Appointment of Public Accountant, Remuneration Determination for the Board of Commissioners and Directors. 21 Ladies Branch Makassar was officially launched and in addition to that a Gala Dinner was held to appreciate the customers in Makassar, under the theme of “Berbunga bunga / Flourish”. The event was attended among which by Governor of South Sulawesi Mr. Syahrul Yassin Limpo. November Bank Pundi signed an MOU with IWAPI (Indonesian Women Entrepreneur Committee) in Palembang to provide the micro financing for IWAPI’s members. The signing made between Mr. Gandhi Ganda Putra as President Director of Bank Pundi and Ms. Ir. Nita Yudi, MBA as IWAPI Chairperson with Ms. Moudy L. Lintuurun as a Secretary General. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 13 Annual Report 2012 Investors Information “I trust my financial solution on Bank Pundi because the Bank was able to provide me with services and advices that align with my needs. I do appreciate the professional touch and friendly approach applied by the Bank and keeps upholding their professionalism” Ibu Y. Erliani Onie (Paper Tole 3D Handicraft Entrepreneur, South Jakarta) Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 STOCK HIGHLIGHTS Period Highest Lowest Closing Total of Share Amount (Rp.) 2010 January - March 160 100 125 10,775,000 1,485,974,000 April - June 149 111 115 2,178,500 277,129,000 July - September 172 90 103 72,482,500 7,855,074,500 October - December 250 105 162 93,830,500 16,981,291,500 179,266,500 26,599,469,000 Total 2011 January - March 169 140 149 5,815,000 899,915,000 April - June 176 136 151 21,109,000 3,258,869,000 July - September 169 101 104 17,322,000 2,421,591,000 October - December 150 95 116 59,255,500 7,292,796,000 103,501,500 13,873,171,000 Total 2012 January - March 131 130 130 11,337,500 1,431,075,000 April - June 169 157 168 39,497,500 6,402,091,000 July - September 169 125 125 115,392,000 17,703,494,500 October - December 131 120 120 159,843,000 20,469,910,500 326,070,000 46,006,571,000 Total PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 16 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report STOCK PRICE MOVEMENT Stock Price Movement 2012 Total Shares Period Amount (Rp.) January 5,747,500 721,887,500 February 2,779,000 351,997,000 March 2,811,000 357,190,500 April 14,332,500 2,055,813,000 May 21,048,500 3,681,693,000 June 4,116,500 664,585,000 July 11,877,000 2,024,647,000 August 38,379,000 6,810,257,500 September 65,136,000 8,868,590,000 October 80,835,000 10,435,760,500 November 34,460,000 4,510,976,500 December 44,548,000 5,523,173,500 326,070,000 46,006,571,000 Total CLOSING PRICE 2012 169 180 160 140 157 169 168 153 131 130 130 125 131 126 120 120 100 80 60 40 200 0 Jan Feb Mar PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Apr May 17 Jun Jul Aug Sep Annual Report 2012 Oct Nov Dec Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 cHRONOLOGY OF BANK PUNDI SHARES LISTING 1 7 22 June 2001 Initial Public Offering of 277,500,000 shares at Rp. 100 per share and bid price at Rp. 140 per share. 2 Obtained effective notification from Bapepam-LK for additional capital through Rights Issue I with Pre-emptive Rights at 4,980,208,333 shares at Rp. 100 per share. 13 July 2001 8 20 July 2005 Increases the Issuance and Paid up Capital without Pre-emptive Rights of Rp. 77,500,000,000 became Rp. 81,375,000,000. 4 9 2 December 2008 10 5 September 2012 Share Listing Approval on Rights Issue III at Indonesia Stock Exchange by an issued letter of the PT Bursa Efek Indonesia no.: S-06138/BEI.PPJ/092012 30 June 2010 Obtained effective notification from Bapepam-LK for additional capital through Rights issue I with Pre-emptive rights of Rp. 5,122,500,000 shares at Rp. 100 per share. 6 30 August 2012 Increase capital through the Right Issue III totaling 2.499.798.302 shares with the offered share price at Rp. 120 per shares Paid In Capital fully paid capital without Pre-Emptive Rights Rp. 81,375,000,000 became Rp. 85,375,000,000 5 21 September 2011 Shares listing approval on Rights Issue II result with Pre-emptive Rights at PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia (Indonesia Stock Exchange) by an issued letter of the PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia No. S-06418/ BEI.PPJ/09-2011 Listed at PT. Bursa Efek Jakarta (Jakarta Stock Exchange) with shares code of BEKS. 3 15 September 2011 6 July 2010 Shares listing approval on Rights Issue I result with pre-emptive rights at PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia (Indonesia Stock Exchange) by an issued letter of the PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia No. S-04207/ BEI.PPJ/07-2010 PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 18 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report COMPOSITION OF SHAREHOLDER No, Total Share % Amount (Rp,) 1, PT, Recapital Securities 7,296,964,802 67.85 729,696,480,200 2, IF Services Netherland B,V 1,434,300,000 13.33 143,430,000,000 3, Pershing LLC 1,151,717,814 10.71 115,171,781,400 4, Public 872,134,537 8.11 87,213,453,700 10,755,117,153 100.00 1,075,511,715,300 Total Share No, 2012 Shareholder 2011 Shareholder Total Share % Amount (Rp,) 1, PT, Recapital Securities 6,463,631,468 69.81 646,363,146,800 2, IF Services Netherland B,V 1,434,300,000 15.49 143,430,000,000 3, Pershing LLC 1,236,903,000 13.36 123,690,300,000 4, Public 123,677,762 1.34 12,367,776,200 9,258,512,230 100.00 925,851,223,000 Total Share PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 19 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Brief Corporate Information Company Name: PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Head Office Address: Jl. RS. Fatmawati No.12, Jakarta Selatan 12140 Established: 11 September 1992 Industry: Banking Shares Code: BEKS BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS President Commissioner also as Independent Commissioner: Endriartono Sutarto Commissioner: Dedy Rifdy Ramsey Independent Commissioner: I Goesti Viraguna Bagoes Oka Independent Commissioner: Paulus Wiranata RISK OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE Chairman: I Goesti Viraguna Bagoes Oka Member: Lungguk Gultom Member: Taufik Hakim *) Chaired by Paulus Wiranata as of December 3rd, 2012 REMUNERATION & NOMINATION COMMITTEE Chairman: Endriartono Sutarto Member: Dedy Rifdy Ramsey Member: Lieke Roosdianti BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Director: Gandhi Ganda Putra Compliance Director & Human Capital Director: Teguh Wiyono Operations Director: Beni Nurtantijo Finance Director: Maximianus Puguh Djiwanto Business Director: Ramono Sukadis Corporate Secretary Christiana M. Damanik Notary Fathiah Helmi, SH Public Accountant KAP Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Tjahjo & Rekan (Anggota dari Crowe Horwart International) AUDIT COMMITTEE Chairman *): Endriartono Sutarto Member: Lungguk Gultom Member: Troy Trijono Share Registrar Bureau PT. Sirca Datapro Perdana Stock Listed at PT. Bursa Efek Indonesia *) Chaired by I Goesti Viraguna Bagoes Oka as of December 3rd, 2012 PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 20 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Name and Address of Supporting Professional Institutions PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT NOTARY KAP Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Tjahjo & Partner (Member of Crowe Horwarth International) Wisma 46 – Kota BNI, Lt.37, Suite 3708 Jl.Jenderal Sudirman Kav.1 Jakarta 10220 Fathiah Helmi, SH. Graha Irama, Lt.6C Jl.H.R.Rasuna Said Blok X-1, Kav.1-2 Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950 SHARE REGISTRAR BUREAU PT. Sirca Datapro Perdana Wisma SIRCA, Jl.Johar No.18, Menteng Jakarta 10340 Information Access Bank Pundi holds transparency and provided information For our customers and stakeholder, we also provide access to the public. Bank Pundi provide information on e-mail at: every corporate action hold through press release which was distributed to the national media and accessible through Bank Pundi web at: PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 21 Annual Report 2012 Management Report “I enjoy many benefits from Bank Pundi, starting a simple credit process until encouragement and motivation in growing my business.” Syamsudin (Clothing Traders, Cileduk Market, South Jakarta) Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 The Board of Commissioners Report Endriartono Sutarto President Commissioner concurrently Independent Commissioner In 2012, Board of Commissioners emphasized on monitoring function and ensured that it was consistently applied with extra attention and prudent which focused primarily on productive business. Monitoring function became very important due to the bank historical background as well as the rapid branch network expansion (207 branches) followed with extraordinary increased in number of employees (8,200 people). Emphasized on monitoring function would enable the bank to grow the business under measurable risk mitigation. The Board of Commissioners also underlined that the business transformation implementation should grow the bank naturally, healthy and aligned with the Bank conditions, potentials and capabilities PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 24 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report The Board of Commissioners Dear Stakeholders and Shareholders, Indonesia Statistic Body (BPS) stated that amidst ongoing global economic uncertainty, especially in Europe, Indonesia’s economy within 2012 continued to perform well with a growth rate of 6.23%. Domestic consumption became the major contribution to the growth aligned with the increased of consumer confident level and purchasing power preservation, followed by a boost investment which was driven by the high domestic market demand and business optimism. However, the condition was also supported by a windfall through the presence of foreign funds which was a non-productive short term profit oriented. Commissioners also underlined that the business transformation implementation should grow the Bank naturally, healthy and aligned with the conditions, potentials and capabilities of the Bank Domestic market and business optimism was more on the consumer goods, therefore, productive business prospects need to be encouraged despite the banking sector amid competition with the rapidly growing SMEs. Financial indicator exposed a positive result. Micro loans increased to 68.27% from Rp. 3.1 trillion became Rp. 5.2 trillion. Third party fund also increased 26.94% from Rp. 5.32 trillion to Rp. 6.76 trillion. Positive performance was also reflected on the financial highlight ratio such as CAR reached 13.27%, LDR at 83.68% and NPL net was also maintained at 4.81%. NIM increased from 8.20% to 16.64%. 2012 Performance 2012 was the second year of Bank Pundi business transformation and was meant full because at the yearend the Bank was able to book a profit of Rp. 46.86 billion. Asset increased to 28.20% becoming Rp. 7.68 trillion from Rp. 5.99 trillion. Banking intermediary function throughout 2012 was well managed as reflected by the increased in total credit up to 23% compared to the same period of the previous year and was driven by the investment loan and working capital. Banking competition from a larger scale of SME bank were measured and precisely managed. Although business target in 2012 was only partially achieved, yet, Board of Commissioners marks this positive growth as an accomplishment that should be appreciated considering the historical background experienced by the Bank. Nevertheless, Board of Commissioners urged the priority of risk control function application includes check and balances with compliance function considering that the bank is experiencing an extra ordinary growth. Every small leap shall be monitored prudently under proper mitigation risk. Therefore, through measurable risk mitigation any larger leap occurs in the coming future will be well secured. The Indonesian economic growth in 2012 has supported the banking business expansion followed by the asset increased, includes Bank Pundi income. Overall, the year 2012 became a positive year for Bank Pundi and has enabled the bank to close the year with a better condition compared to the previous year. These become a significant fundamental for the future growth process in 2013 and the coming years without neglecting any potential risk which may occur at any time. Throughout 2012, Board of Commissioners emphasized on monitoring function and ensured that it was consistently applied with extra attention and prudent which focused primarily on productive business. Monitoring function became very important due to the Bank historical background, whereas currently is experiencing a rapid branch network expansion (207 branches) and extraordinary increased in number of employees (8,200 people). Emphasized the monitoring function would enable the bank to grow the business under measurable risk mitigation. The Board of PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Efforts of Bank Pundi improvement were applied in all working units in order to ensure that the business transformation into a micro and retail banking is on track. The increased of ATM biller payment features became of the achievement, which has enabled the customers to enjoy more benefit in having their fund placement at the Bank. As a bank that is continuously growing, we are aware that the Bank needs to increase its capital. Furthermore, on October 2012, the bank completed the Rights Issue 25 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 The Board of Commissioners III raising total fresh funds of Rp. 176.69 billion. The additional capital was allocated for capital expenditures; rental cost, branch renovation, IT infrastructure and working capital to increase loan looking at those conditions, Board of Commissioners strongly urged the Directors to run the Bank professionally in order to put the Bank performance aligned with the 2010 – 2015 Long Term Plan program. Board of Commissioners felt confident with Bank Pundi commitment to focus on MSME financing and retail banking as its core business. Committee, Remuneration and Nomination Committee are expected to run more effective in accordance with the rapid and extra ordinary growth of the bank performance. Corporate Governance As explained earlier, throughout 2012, Board of Commissioners had urged an extra and prudent monitoring function aligned with the rapid growth in branch network and human resources. In addition to that, employee competency and corporate culture enhancement is still moving forward and on progress. By having strong employee competency and corporate culture, the Bank will be able to grow measurably aligned with the defined Business Plan. We also continuously apply the Good Corporate Governance (GCG) practices and strong risk management framework to comply with banking industry best practices. GCG implementation are continuously implemented starting from the level of Board of Commissioner, Committees; Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nomination and Risk Oversight Committee. We were also optimizing their function in order to uphold the principles of transparency, accountability, responsibility and fairness of the Bank. Since Bank Indonesia had issued the regulation on Bank Shares Ownership, Number 14/8/PBI/2012, Bank Pundi is then obliged to maintain the level of the bank soundness rating at the minimum composite score of 2 by the end of 2013 in order to preserve the existing share ownership structure. Bank will focus on the application of measurable risk management framework, compliance and prudential banking within all aspect and improved the rentability through a sustainable capital increased as required by the regulation. In Risk Management aspect, Bank continuously improved the application of risk management culture and system to comply with the Basel II requirement, qualified and credible risk management practices aligned with the business growth. Board of Commissioners is aware that being a relatively new in the micro banking industry, the bank must be vigilant towards the business competition. Therefore, Board of Commissioners had provided effective supervision through the optimization of committees function and other related devices, also enhance the intensive effective communication with Directors to ensure that the Bank was able to mitigate the strong business competition in the banking industry as well as anticipating the dynamic of Indonesian and global economic cycle. Moving forward, Board of Commissioners expects the Bank will be able to provide added value for the stakeholders and the national economy. Board of Commissioners supported by Committees had assisted the Directors by providing some advices on certain cases, in line with Board of Commissioners function, duties and responsibilities in accordance with the rapid growth of the bank. Through Board of Commissioners, the Audit Committee reported and offered suggestion on operational issues which required the attention of Directors. Risk Oversight Committee also had accomplished its duties as reflected in the implementation of business operation risk monitoring. In addition to that, Remuneration and Nomination Committee had performed the duties in providing recommendation of the prospective member of the Board of Commissioners and referred to Bank Indonesia regulation on Fit and Proper Test. Moving forward, all function of Audit Committee, Risk Oversight PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Business Prospect in 2013 The Indonesian economy in 2013 is predicted to have a potential significant growth driven by the Indonesian domestic market which becomes the main interest for investment, under the condition that the government shall emphasized on prime infrastructure quality and availability whereas inflation rate must also be maintained at low level. Board of Commissioners expects that Bank may leverage the conducive national economy in 2013, and generate a 26 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report The Board of Commissioners conclude the business transformation stages. I would also to thank the Stakholders, in particular, the majority shareholder, Recapital Group through PT Recapital Securities for their continuing support to Bank Pundi in 2012 and we are still looking forward for the continuous support in the coming years in growing the Bank to a qualified, credible, trusted Bank and to be the only Bank who concern on productive micro financing. performance to new heights supported by the improved working quality, qualified corporate culture followed with increased efficiency consistently at all area aligned with the Bank Business Plan. The effort to create a new heights performance in 2013 requires support from all stakeholders and is largely driven from the Bank Pundi employee across the nation. Designed strategies need to be implemented by all related working units, in particular to prepare the micro banking market competition. All levels of the Bank are encouraged to keep their commitment, competency and consistency. Enforce the Code of Conduct and corporate values in executing each task and function as an expert banker. Thus Bank Pundi will be established as a qualified, credible and trusted Bank. Board of Commissioners would also like to express the appreciation to all of Bank Pundi customers. Through your support we are able to move forward with confident in giving our contribution to the nation by providing productive micro and small business financing. Thank you, The management has decided the 2013 theme, “Growing with Quality”. This is also aligned with the Board of Commissioners attention related to the dynamic competitiveness in the banking industry. Building achievement is not merely concentrating on the business growth but also concern on the business quality. On behalf of the Board of Commissioners Appointment of New Commissioner in 2012 Through the Extra Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholder Meeting (EGM) hold on 30th August 2012, Mr. Paulus Wiranata was appointed as the Independent Commissioner and had been effective since 25th September 2012. His presence completed the number of Board of Commissioners becoming 4 (four) persons, where the 3 (three) persons are the Independent Commissioners. This reflects the spirit of governance application and aligned with the regulation. Endriartono Sutarto President Commissioner concurrently Independent Commissioner. I would like to welcome Mr. Paulus Wiranata, and I feel confident that his experts in the banking industry will strengthen and support the effort to grow Bank Pundi in the coming years. Appreciation On behalf of the Board of Commissioners, let me close this message by expressing our sincere thanks and appreciation to the Directors and all staff for their dedication, hard work throughout 2012 to the overall growth of the Bank compare to the previous years. The hard work and commitment has brought optimism in the coming years and we confident that we will be able to PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 27 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 28 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information 02 Management Responsibility for Annual Report 01 03 THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS 01 Endriartono Sutarto President Commissioner concurrently Independent Commissioner 02 Dedy Rifdy Ramsey Commissioner 03 I Goesti Viraguna Bagoes Oka Independent Commissioner 04 Paulus Wiranata Independent Commissioner PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 29 Annual Report 2012 04 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 DIRECTORS report GANDHI GANDA PUTRA President Director “Align with Long Term Business Plan of 2010 – 2015 in 2012 Bank Pundi performance continue to grow. Since the business transformation application, 2012 became a significant year as the bank recorded its first Net Profit After Tax of Rp. 46.86 billion comparing the losses experience on the previous years”. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 30 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report The Board of Directors Bank Pundi was able to close the year 2012 with a positive result, whereas the business strategy implementation continued from the previous year. Despite maintaining the growth momentum of the business transformation stages and survival in the midst of tight business competition, Bank Pundi also laid down business strategy foundation in order to achieve better performance in the coming years and going forward to be the leading retail bank and trusted partner for the Indonesian society as stated in the Bank tagline; partnership, diversity, prosperity. 2012 Performance: Sustainable Growth Throughout 2012, despite the conducive economic condition, the business competition in the banking industry was also become more challenging. However, we are confident that the growth in 2012 was still on the right track and sustained as the defined on business road map. We wish that the implemented strategic initiatives and the future application in 2013 will carry forward the bank’s growth aligned with the Long Term Plan of 2010 – 2015. We also commit to maintain and sustain its momentum of growth. Bank Pundi performance is continuously growing aligned with the Long Term Business Plan 2010 – 2015. This performance achievement was driven by the strong teamwork of Bank Pundi employee on implementing the strategic initiatives throughout 2012. The initiatives were to develop the Bank core business in micro financing and retail funding as well as completion the branch network expansion up to 207, service quality improvement, sound capital and Human Capital infrastructure enhancement. Bank Pundi strategy focused to support micro financing and retail funding. By having focused to those segments, total micro loan increased up to 68.27% from Rp. 3.1 trillion became Rp. 5.2 trillion with total debtors reaching approximately 99,000. Most of the loan was allocated for micro financing, meanwhile, the remaining commercial loan inherited from the past business model was left approximately around 2%. Total asset increased 28.20% becoming Rp. 7.6 trillion from Rp. 5.9 trillion. The strategic initiatives implementation resulted in profit achievement and mark 2012 as a significant year because it was the first Net Profit After Tax of Rp. 46.86 billion comparing the losses experience on the previous years. Asset was also continuously increased, reaching Rp. 7.6 trillion or an increased to 28.20%. Third Party Fund growth in 2012 resulted to the increaseof 26.94% from Rp. 5.3 trillion to Rp. 6.7 trillion which become a reflection that the Bank gain more trust from the customers. Our approach to grab the customers was by deepening relationshipwith our current customers as well as acquiring new customers, and provide qualified services. Throughout the year, we continued to leverage on time deposit program named Deposito Berbunga-bunga (Flourish Time Deposit). Our funding composition was still dominated by time deposit at approximately 91%. We will continue enhance the service quality and saving features to attract more customers in using our saving account. Thereby saving product may have larger portion in funding composition in the coming years. Bank Pundi Strategic Initiatives: • Micro & SME Lending • Retail Funding • Implementation of Good Corporate Governance Standard • Develop Risk Management Infrastructure Business Orientation • Manage profitability • Cost Efficiency Financial Objective Risk Manajemen & Corporate Governance Corporate Image Operasional & IT • Enlarge & optimize distribution channel & ATM • StrengthenCore Banking System Considering that Bank Pundi existence in the banking industry as a newly transformed bank, building awareness and branding program were conducted in 2012 and more aggressive compare the previous year. We conduct business gathering at 9 cities to appreciate our loyal customers. Human Capital • Maintain Corporate Reputation • Develop HC Infrastructure • HC Training Development PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 31 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 The Board of Directors will moving forward to reach the aim by enhancing and integrating the current IT application. Loan to Deposit Ratio as of 31 December 2012 was also improving became 83.68% from previously at 66.78% which reflected the strengthening of our commitment as intermediary role function focus on MSME industry in generating the society prosperity through partnership concept. Capital Condition To fulfill the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) as per December 31, 2012, the Bank capital increased 56.32% or the equivalent of Rp. 243,333 million became Rp. 675,133 million compare to the previous year due to the increased of core capital resulted from Right Issues III and retain earning. Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) for the year 2012 was 13.27% above the minimum requirement of Bank Indonesia at 9% - 10%. Financial ratio also recorded positive performance. CAR increased from 12.02% in 2011 became 13.27% in 2012. The increased was resulted from the Right Issue III conducted in 2012. Loan quality was slightly deteriorated. The NPL net became 4.81% from 3.95% in 2011, but it was still maintained under the maximum requirement of Bank Indonesia at 5%. The delayed in the settlement of ex-legacy of Bank Eksekutif non-performed accountsdue to the legal case became one of the obstacle to improve the NPL (Nett) ratio. In 2012 Bank Pundi conducted a Right Issues III on 29th September 2012 for strengthening the capital structure. The BAPEPAM issued the approval on 30th August 2012 through their letter no. S-10485/BL/2012. NIM improved from 8.20% became 16.64%. Operating Expense to Operating Revenue ratio declined to 97.77% compare to the previous year at 118.69% which reflected the effort of cost efficiency. Moving forward, management will gradually continue decrease the Operating Expense to Operating Revenue ratio up to below 90%. The completion of Rights Issue III resulted to the following shareholder composition at Bank Pundi: PT Recapital Securities, 67.85%; IF Services Netherland BV, 13.33%; Pershing LLC, 10.71% and the Public at 8.11%. After the deduction of shares issuance cost, Rights Issue III fund totaling Rp. 176.69 billion was 77% allocated for capital expenditure (capex) covering branch renovation, building rental cost, inventory (infrastructure, furniture and IT) and the remaining of 23% for working capital to increase the micro loan. In 2012, Bank Pundi completed the branch network expansion to 207 as defined on the business transformation roadmap, compare to the year of 2011 with total of 187 branches. Now, our branch network is spread all over the Indonesian provinces, from Aceh, northern part of Sumatra to Papua. We have also enhance our ATM machine features by adding more biller payment feature among which are telecomunication providers, insurance payment, water and electric bill in order to provide conveniences for the customers in completion of their billing payment. CAR will be continuously maintained above the minimum requirement of Bank Indonesia by adding the Core Capital and Supplementary Capital. The additional Core Capital will be taken through the earning capitalization, while increased in Supplementary Capital will be done by conducting the Sub Debt Loan and or loan with equity conversion option. The investment on information and technology infrastructure was gradually continue to generate a qualified, reliable and secured bank operational thereby the business will be supported. Bank Pundi service quality will be able to meet the standard expectation of the customers and increased bank productivity. We Challenges and Solution Since 2011, Bank Pundi strive for asset sale on the exlegacy Bank Eksekutif in reducing the Bank burden. Nevertheless, some of the settlement was postponed due to the legal process, and affected the NPL ratio and profit achievement below the Bank Business Plan of PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 32 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report The Board of Directors The enhancement of SAM Division at the head office was also followed with establishment of SAM unit at Branch Office level. By having SAM, non-performed micro loan will be monitored and will result in a maintained collectability level. Therefore, Bank Pundi will able to run a growing business and having good quality loan, and also performed in the midst of tough business competition. 2012. Considering this situation, Bank will work closely with related institution to push the asset sale at the earliest possible. Human resources became another issue in particular for meeting the resources completion as scheduled. Within 2012 the Bank experienced a significant human resources turn over at marketing function on Account Officer and Team Leader. We do aware that in micro financing industry the human resourcesis very dynamic in turn over. Therefore, in the coming future the Bank will apply an appropriate system in retaining employee as well as recruitment process considering that they are the business front-liners. To overcome this situation, Bank Pundi will continuously apply the program development and enhance employee loyalty engagement. Good Corporate Governance Application GCG system of the Bank has been well managed in 2012. The GCG was implemented consistently at all organization level and became the groundwork of the bank operational. In preparing the GCG policies and principles implementation process, we are strictly adhered to the prevailing regulations. In accordance with Bank Indonesia requirements, Bank Pundi conducts a regular self-assessment review of the adequacy of its Good Corporate Governance implementation and become one of the factor in rating the Level of Sound Bank evaluation. During 2012, the self-assessment resulted to composite score rate of 2 or equivalent of “Sound Condition”. Organization and Human Capital Strategy Professionalism and qualified Human Capital become the core element in boosting the sustainable growth of the Bank. Align with the business expansion plan, as of the year end of 2012, Bank Pundi employee has reached 8,200 people from previously 6,691 on 2011 whereas marketing function are the majority covering Account / Funding Officer, Team Leader, Branch Manager and Area Business Manager. Throughout 2012 we continued strengthening the application corporate culture on each function level and focus on the values of Reachable, Progressive and Professionalism. The evaluation result was reflected from the adequate number of Board of Commissioners members and Committees under the Board of Commissioners, as well as supported with the relevant documents. Aside from that, evaluation was also concern on the transparency aspect on Bank performance, number of meetings conducted by the Board of Commissioners, Directors and Committees under the Board of Commissioners as well as to ensure that the Bank internal control system within the operational activities has been properly implemented more adequate compare to the previous year. Anticipating the increasing growth of micro financing, we consider that span of control is necessary to be implemented by separating the function of business development and maintaining loan quality. Previously, Special Asset Management (SAM) Division function was concentrated on ex-legacy Bank Eksekutif non performed loansettlement, thereby in 2012 we redefine its function to micro loan NPL settlement. Comprehensive monitoring system should be applied following the growing of micro loan portfolio. Meanwhile, the solution for previous non performed loan issues has been localized and merely monitoring the settlement schedule. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Moving forward, Bank Pundi will maintain this condition and improve better to contribute the Bank performance as well as increasing the trust of customers, society and other stakeholders. 33 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 The Board of Directors to moving forward for the growth momentum. We will grow the business and undertake more risk mitigation by having quality improvement through a stronger monitoring system and control on overall loan portfolio. Therefore, the future business growth will always be followed with an improved loan quality. Committees under Directors continuously evaluated the internal control system implementation of Bank Pundi. In addition to that, Internal Audit and External Audit findings has been followed up and monitored to ensure that the compliance principles has been applied. The effort to increase the Bank risk management aspect was conducted by the implementation of Basel III framework in accordance to the define Bank Indonesia road map. In addition to that, Bank Pundi always do the corporate policies socialization to all employee as the effort to increase employee knowledge on internal and external regulation such as Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI), Tax Regulation and others. Our funding market penetration was aimed for broadening number of account concentrated on retail customer acquisition, thereby Bank stability will be maintained. Being a Bank that is experiencing stages of business transformation, time deposit still become the main target of the bank funding strategy, although, its composition will gradually be decreased. Bank Pundi will sustain the enhancement and development of its information technology system to improve the service quality for the Bank customers. In addition to that, the Bank will be able to enhance the product benefit like adding more features such as biller payment. Service quality will also be improved by providing trainings for front-liners with Marketing Research Indonesia (MRI) standardization approach. Business Projections and Priorities in 2013 The business prospect in banking industry on MSME financing will be conducive as predicted by Bank Indonesia which stated that MSME loan on 2013 will continue to grow at least on the same level as 2012. The prediction is supported with the national economy growth projection in 2013 at 6.8% and loan growth above 25%. Research institution stated that the trend of MSME financing will continue to grow and driven by the increase of domestic consumption and investment. The agribusiness sector is also predicted to underpin MSME industry in 2013. The positive economic growth will become a promising stimulate for MSME sector. Providing qualified human resources is other strategic issue to ensure the sustainable business growth. In 2013, Bank Pundi will continue the enhancement of Organization Structure align with the business development, career development, assessment center as well as reward and punishment system to avoid the fraudulent. We will also encourage the employee productivity in accordance to manpower regulation, market condition and the Bank financial capacity. Selected recruitment will be conducted on priority basis to fulfill the need of business and supervisory function. Align with the above condition and business road map, in the coming five years, Bank Pundi has decided to continue its business focus on MSME financing whereas the implementation will be gradually conducted starting from the micro financing which currently is already in the market. Bank Pundi will also do the market penetration by optimizing the current product. Furthermore the new business concept will be reviewed on 2013 and will be launched on 2014. Appreciation To conclude my remarks, on behalf of all Directors, I would like to convey our appreciation for the employee dedication. Through our togetherness and the hard working, Bank Pundi succeeded to close the year of 2012 with a growth performance. I would also like to express our appreciation to the Board of Commissioners, The year 2013 will be define as the year of “Growing with Quality” considering the above conditions mentioned. The conducive business prospect rise an optimism PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 34 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report The Board of Directors partnership with us will generate a prosperity society in the midst of dynamic and diverse MSME entrepreneurship. Having support from our stakeholders and the customers in particular becomes an encouragement for us in completing all business transformation stages. PT. Recapital Securities as the ultimate shareholder and other shareholders, partners as well as our loyal customers. Without your support and trust we will not be able to reach this stage. We are optimist that with the hard working, discipline and strong team work, Bank Pundi will be moving forward to 2013 in full confident. The customers trust in building a On behalf of Directors GANDHI GANDA PUTRA President Director PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 35 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 36 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information 05 02 01 Management Responsibility for Annual Report 04 03 THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 02 TEGUH WIYONO Compliance & Human Capital Director 01 GANDHI GANDA PUTRA President Director 03 MAXIMIANUS P. DJIWANTO Finance Director 04 BENI NURTANTIJO Operations Director 05 RAMONO SUKADIS Business Director PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 37 Annual Report 2012 Review of Business Condition in 2012 “The credit application process is not difficult. Bank Pundi has assisted me in growing by business.” Mohammad Ziadin (Owner of Off-Road Cars Service Station, Pejompongan, Center Jakarta) Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 General Review The implementation of transformation agenda was focused in aiming an increased in productivity, portfolio development, increased the service quality continuously The Economy and Banking Industry in 2012 The Indonesian banking industry in 2012 was stable and that the intermediary function was well, although the global economy was not fully recovered due to financial crisis in Europe and United States of America. In 2012 the Indonesian economy grew to 6.23% whereas the major contribution was driven by the domestic consumption in line with the rise of consumer trust and purchasing power as well as investment encouragement affected by the high domestic market demand and the entrepreneurs optimism. The Indonesian economic growth which was driven by the domestic consumption had enable the small and micro industries, who produced the need of domestic market, to run the business properly. Therefore, the industries could also maintain the national banking asset quality whereas banking industry mostly support this industry. Total loan in the national banking industry throughout 2012 was also increased. Based on Bank Indonesia data as of end December 2012, loan grew 22.9% or reached Rp. 2.725 trillion, while total loan in December 2011 was at the level of Rp. 2.216 trillion. Majority of the total loan was utilized for working capital or the equivalent of 48%. Meanwhile, investment loan contributed 21.8% and consumer loan at approximately of 29.5%. Third party fund grew 15% and reached Rp. 3.225 trillion by the year end 2012 compare to the position in December 2011 at Rp. 2.784 trillion. Meanwhile profit of the national banking industry grew 23.6% became Rp. 92.830 trillion on December 2012 compare to 2011 at Rp. 75.077 trillion. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 40 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report General Review The performance indicator above had proven that the Bank Indonesia data stated that by the end of the fourth economy growth contributed positive impact towards the quarter in 2012, MSME reached Rp. 552.2 trillion out of national banking industry. the total loan in the industry of Rp. 2.738 trillion. Trading sector hold the largest portion at 47.7%, followed with The uncertainty of the global economy became the manufacturing at 10,9% and agribusiness, and forestry challenges in the future, although as of today no at 8.1%. significant impact for the industry. However, the tight business competition both on lending and funding would As the economic condition evolves, there is an optimism tend to decrease the loan interest rate and pressure the that domestic market will be maintained as the primary funding cost, thereby will fasten the decline in margin. contributor to support the Indonesian economy. Bank Some banks will continue to adjust the asset composition Pundi as the bank that focus on MSME will leverage the in order to gain more margin by shifting the business potential business. with more returned to overcome the increased in liquidity cost. Referring to the Indonesian macro economy condition, Bank Pundi strategy in having micro financing as its core Meanwhile, in the few years back, MSME performed a strength is appropriate and potential for a sustainable moderate growth which was contributed by the Indonesian growth, especially on asset, liabilities, equity and profit. economy with core strength in domestic market and had enables the business segment on domestic market The year of 2012 became the second year of the orientation in attracting the future business prospect. business transformation implementation on Bank Pundi For the coming years, the condition will be continue and in accordance with the Bank Business Plan of 2010- condusive considering that the purchasing power of the 2015, the performance has consistently improved, and Indonesian society is also increasing which was reflected the growth momentum was marked by the ability to book in the rise of per capita income, the decline in poverty a profit in the end of 2012. and increase of productive resources. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 41 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Business Review The Bank commitment towards the micro financing In the midst of a tight interest rate competition, Bank was delivered through the partnership concept with the Pundi was able to decrease the time deposit interest diverse entrepreneurs in enabling the establishment of rate significantly compare to the previous years without the Indonesian prosperity. The transformation agenda having significant impact toward the numbers of account since the end of 2010 had succeed in bringing the and total third party fund. Bank for a sustainable growth, through productivity enhancement, product portfolio development, service Business & Regional Lending Network quality improvement in covering the customers’ need. Bank Pundi has set the community banking concept as These meant that the Bank has successfully implemented the strategy to grow the micro business segment. Micro its strategy to increase the quality of service, expand Community coverage are: its network that increases the customers and business 1. Develop the branch network to ensure that the portfolio. business will be able to grab all area including In 2012, Bank Pundi continued with the business remote places. The bank provide a simple and transformation by focusing on MSME financing and retail secure micro loan product. funding. During this period Bank Pundi concentrated 2. Enhance the product quality followed with an on business penetration and optimized the existing excellence service quality in micro business and infrastructure, also completing the branch network establish a sustainable partnership concept to expansion into 207 offices across the nation. The market develop a sustainable business growth. penetration was operated through the branch network Debtors Community across the nation, by offering the product of micro financing and retail funding. Mikro Community Much of our lending is extended for working and investment capital. As the compliment to the performed debtors, the Bank has expanded the loan plafond up to the maximum of Rp. 350 million from previously Rp. 200 million. The bank policy also reflects its contribution for Package composed of: the MSME growth in the nation. Loan + Saving + Insurance -- Easy and fast Process -- Plafond up to Rp. 350 million -- Life insurance for micro loan Meanwhile, for the Bank funding structure is still concentrated on Time Deposit due to the limitation in saving features. In addition, being the Bank who is still experiencing business transformation stages, liquidity Credit Product Pundi Perak Loan plafond Rp. 100 million – Rp. 350 million Pundi Perunggu Loan plafond Rp. 5 million – Rp. 100 million Pundi KRK Loan plafond Rp. 25 million – Rp. 100 million Pundi Pundi Loan plafond Rp. 5 million– Rp. 50 million Bank Pundi also offered loan for agribusiness, Loan plafon Rp. 5 million – Rp. 200 million become priority to support the micro financing. Services based on technology are continuously improved to Bank Pundi loan product comprises into 3 categories attract the saving customers such as the additional of based on the plafond size, starting from Rp. 5 million up biller payment feature. In 2012 all telecommunication to Rp. 350 million and much of our lending is extended providers and electricity billing payment were included in to personal entrepreneur who meet the requirement and the payment feature. All the third party fund was allocated served by all Bank Pundi lending branches. The loan is for the micro financing, as stated in the corporate a working or investment capital deliver from the product campaign that by being a customer of Bank Pundi, he or namely, Pundi Perak with a plafond size of Rp. 100 she involved in the contribution for the Indonesian micro million to Rp. 350 million, Pundi Perunggu at Rp. 5 million entrepreneurs development. to Rp. 50 million), Pundi KRK at Rp. 25 million to Rp. 200 PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 42 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Business Review million, Pundi-Pundi at Rp. 5 million to Rp. 50 million is a Within 2012, the core activities of Bank Pundi in non-secured loan. developing and maintaining the micro business comprises of 4 (four) main activities as follow: In 2010, Bank Pundi launched the product named Pundi Emas, which has plafond ranging from Rp. 200 I. Continue the branch network development up to million to Rp. 1 billion which was defined to increase 207 branches. In 2012 Bank Pundi has launched 20 the loan portfolio in the early stage of the business additional offices consisted of 3 new full branch and transformation. By 2011, this product was temporarily 17 sub branches. These conclude the total number suspended in order to provide more opportunity to more of branches become 207 by the end of 2012 from micro entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, the Pundi Perak which previously 199 branches. was earlier designed for the plafond range up to only Rp. 100 million, in 2012 the plafond was expanded to II. Lending Sales Force Recruitment Rp. 350 million. The business model on micro financing that has been applied by Bank Pundi as its business focus requires the availability of marketing skill with specific knowledge on the culture and nature of Credit Composition the local business not neglecting the integrity. The 1.32% 100% dynamic in the turned-over of human resources on 20.19% 27.89% micro business is high, therefore, in 2012 Bank Pundi 3.75% 90% focus on recruitment of Account Officers and Team 38.96% 80% Leaders to fulfill the vacancies and to fit the new position due to the opening of the new branches. 70% By the end of 2012, there were 3399 Account 40.20% 26.86% 60% Officers, 539 Team Leaders as the frontline of micro 55.98% 50% business. Although the numbers sounds very large, however, the total sales force was not adequate with 40% 17.44% 30% 20% the needs. The turn-over and recruitment issue were 31.66% then became very important because it affected the business in reaching the business target. 27.69% 10% 7.82% 2010 Pundi-pundi 2011 Perunggu III. Enhanced Monitoring Function 2012 Perak The continuous business growth which was implemented since 2010 has resulted to a Emas sustainable growth. The extraordinary growth must then be supported with a strong monitoring function. In 2012, the management decided to separate the Credit Product Year 2010 - Year 2011 Account Officer, Credit Review and Special Asset Pundi 5 - 50 million 5 - 50 million Perunggu 5 -100 million 5 -100 million >100 million - 350 million >350 million Perak Emas >100 - 200 million >200 million - 1 billion Management (to handle the non-performing loan) Year 2012 function. Non-performing assets are to be managed independently from the Business. If previously Special Asset Management (SAM) was in charge for handling the non-performing loan of the previous ex legacy (Bank Eksekutif) portfolio, now the responsibility will be for maintaining the lquality PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 43 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Business Review of micro loan. While the portfolio settlement of the The economy growth, enhance infrastructure and ex-legacy Bank Eksekutif has been identified. The several initiatives that has been conducted for micro redefining of Special Asset Management function business development had enabled the bank to capture at Head Office also followed with the establishment the performance and booked an increase in micro credit of SAM at the regional offices and branch offices. at 68.27% compare to the previous year or became Moving forward, the level of loan collectability on Rp. 5.23 trillion at the end of 2012. Majority of the micro micro loan will be improved. financing was extended to trading sector. In addition to maintain the loan quality and comply Micro Customers Development with the prudential banking principles, Bank Pundi The branch network expansion also resulted in the also implemented some policies such as the flow increase of micro loan customers (debtors). Total micro process enhancement by redefining the existing loan debtors increased from 46,462 in 2011 to 98,469 credit policies. debtors. Number of Debtors IV Business Development In 2012, Bank Pundi applied some initiatives strategy 98,649 100,000 to expand its market penetration. Among which was enlarging the plafond size on Pundi Perak, from previously at the maximum of Rp. 200 million 49,462 50,000 becomes Rp. 350 million. By having a new plafond, 365 the Bank will be able to grap the new market target (>Rp. 200 million up to Rp. 350 million), and maintain 2010 the debtors with outstanding up to Rp. 350 million. 2011 2012 Prospect for 2013 In addition to that, Bank Pundi also implemented a The micro business growth looks to 2013 as the year pilot project on new program namely Pundi Pertanian of growth with quality, which mean that the Bank will (Agribusiness financing). This program is extended continuously grow but loan quality should be also for the farmers covering rice mile owner, rice traders maintained. To reach the aim, span of control become the and kiosk on agribusiness product with a plafond strategic initiatives implemented within the organization. size from Rp. 5 million up to Rp. 200 million. The Span of control is applied from the head office to branch following are the branches assigned for the pilot offices to enable the working unit concentrate on their project: respective function. On January 2013, there are 3 (three) 1 Belitang – Southern Sumatra 7 Purworejo – Central Java 2 Cilamaya, Kerawang 8 Brawijaya Kediri – East Jatim 3 Pandeglang – West Java 9 Banyuwangi Genteng – East Java 4 Pamanukan – West Java 10 Pare Kediri – East Java 5 Cianjur – West Java 11 Pancor - Lombok 6 Boyolali – Central Java 12 Tabanan - Bali 44 Annual Report 2012 PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Business Review newly appointed Group Head on Lending who will be Third Party Fund (Trillion Rupiah) in charge for the business growth, meanwhile, there are also new appointment of additional Regional Head who will be in charge for loan process and quality. The 32.55 7,000.00 additional Regional function was created from the spinoff of the previous Regional functions in order to grab 6,000.00 more business potential in the respective regions. 5,000.00 62.16 345.55 4,000.00 4,917.02 In 2013, Bank Pundi will continue expand its business 552.15 6,172.49 3,000.00 volume on MSME. Several initiatives will be implemented 2,000.00 such as the launching of Pundi Pertanian , the financing 167.24 177.92 515.55 1,000.00 extended for agribusiness, and also the improvement of working process. 2010 By having the strategic initiatives and consistently serve Current Account 2011 Saving Account 2012 Deposito the micro customers the Bank is optimist to grow with quality and become the partner for the Indonesian micro Bank Pundi initiatives implemented in 2012 for promotion and small entrepreneurs. activities were related to its business focus on individual segment who concerns on micro business development. RETAIL FUNDING AND REGIONAL To build customer loyalty toward the Bank, in 2012, FUNDING the Bank hold Appreciation Night program dedicated NETWORK to selected customers as an appreciation for their Customers Deposit loyalty with Bank Pundi. The Appreciation Night was in Third party fund of the Bank indicates a significant growth form of business gathering held on 9 cities (Bandung, or 28%, from Rp. 5.3 trillion by the end of 2011 becomes Palembang, Surabaya, Medan, Jakarta, Semarang, Rp. 6.8 trillion by the end of 2012. This meant that after Denpasar, Jogyakarta, and Makassar). During the the business transformation implementation, the market event, Bank Pundi took the opportunity to announce the trust toward Bank Pundi continuously increased. latest performance to ensure the customers in having accurate information about the Bank and become part of transparency action. Based on the funding structure of Bank Pundi, currently, it is still dominated by Time Deposit product. This because the Bank was still within the transformation stages which Program Deposito Berbunga-bunga (Flourish Time requires a strong liquidity to support the credit expansion Deposit) became the leading product in the previous program. Although time-deposit became the largest years in fund raising. The funding structure still portion of the funding structure, the saving product concentrated on time deposit, however, the significant growth 58% in 2012 became Rp. 552.16 billion compare decreased of time deposit interest rate in 2012 compare 2011 at Rp. 346.38 billion. to the previous year was able to decline the total interest cost without any negative impact on the total third party fund. To increase the low cost fund, Bank Pundi PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 45 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Business Review Feature Biller Payment: Prepaid dan Postpaid Esia, etc). Water bills payment is also now available in Bank Pundi ATM feature. By having these facilities, a customer will only make a one-time visit to Bank Pundi ATM machine and settle numbers of transaction whereas it becomes a practical solution for the customer financial transaction needs. increase saving account features, benefit and services. In addition, administration fee of saving product was LADIES BRANCH also decreased. The initiatives were welcome by the Beside the conventional branch, Bank Pundi provide a customers that enable the bank to acquire significant special service for funding customers through Ladies new customers and expansion in funding as reflected on Branch. The Ladies Branch is the main strategy that the above graph. the Bank has been relied on as part to penetrate the individual customers market. The Ladies Branch is Bank Pundi strive to be excellent in serving the customers specifically designed to provide conveniences for the by providing 68 ATMs at the Branch Office and Sub customers in making their banking transaction. The Branch Office. Bank Pundi also engaged with 2 largest environment provide a personal touch which reflects the ATM network in the nation, ATM Bersama and ATM Prima customers as part of Bank Pundi family. that enable Bank Pundi to be access from 40 thousands ATM machine across the nation connected to the In 2012, there was one additional Ladies Branch in above networks for cash or transfers transactions. The Makassar which concludes total number of Ladies customers may enjoy the free of charge administration Branch into 7 spread in 6 big cities in Indonesia (Jakarta, fee for cash transaction in ATM machine connected Bandung, Sumatera, Medan, Palembang and Surabaya). to the ATM Bersama and ATM PRIMA network. The The unique value proposition owned by the Ladies administration fee is carried by Bank Pundi. Branch will enable the Bank to increase the customer loyalty with Bank Pundi. In addition, Bank Pundi ATM card is also functioned as a debit card for payment transactions at merchants Prospect in 2013 displaying EDC PRIMA & DEBIT PRIMA to make the Moving ahead to 2013, funding strategy to increase the customers daily transaction become more convenience. retail funding penetration is by repackaging the Time The ATM machine of Bank Pundi also provide biller Deposit and Saving Account, additional ATM features, payment feature. In 2012 additional features had develop SMS Banking to attract the customers in having been added on the biller payment that best meet the Saving Account product. Therefore, customers may enjoy needs of Bank Pundi customers in payment for all various benefit in making their financial transactions at telecommunication provider (Telkomsel, XL, Indosat, Bank Pundi. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 46 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Operational and Information Technology 4. To aim the best service for the customers, Bank Operational & Information Technology Review Pundi held a monthly competition namely “Bank The Information Technology, Operational, Human Capital, Pundi Service Champion” which was started on Risk Management are the integral part with the bank July 2012. This program was able to create the operational, whereas, they have an important role in competition spirit among the staff and encourage ensuring a reliable and qualified service application to them to establish an excellent service to the be able to meet the high standards expectation of the customers. customers. Profitability maintenance was driven from every aspects Operational to support the business expansion. The effort to increase The Bank made a primary attention on the technology the fee based income and cost control on general development by applying the continuous improvement expense were also became the main attention within the principles in order to support the business transformation organization, among which are by: achievement. 1. General expense limitation without neglecting the In aiming for a strong operational platform, the Bank 2. service quality to the customers. continuously improves the customer service qualification Operating Expense and Capital Expense substitution to create a competitiveness and reasonable cost. by process enhancement to support the business 3. Conduct periodic renegotiation with numbers of main growth. During 2012, Bank Pundi had made a significant vendors of the Bank to enable the bank in having a investment on the operational system development. proper pricing by using the offered business volume assumption. The following are activities implemented in 2012 for enhancing the human resources quality: In 2012, Bank Pundi has established the customer 1. SOP socialization was conducted from December care unit as the reflection of the Bank concern on the 2011 until early March 2012 which was attended by customer satisfaction. This unit will be in charge in all operational staff of the branch office in Indonesia handling various customer complaints and facilitating for strengthening the operational system knowledge the problems experienced by the customer. and standardization of the daily operations. Information & Technology 2. Conduct the on line e-learning and competency The banking industry development has created an test to assess the awareness on working procedure extraordinary impact on how the customers applied their in the branch. By this approach, on the periodical banking transaction. The Indonesian banking industry basis the management will be able to detect the has offered an added value to its customers covering a staff competency level of each branch. In addition, convenience services, secured transactions supported any data requested by the management will be with the best product and service quality. These values made available at the earliest without any cost. The are achieved by having an integrated and dynamic online test was also implemented as the model by banking system application thus it may covers various other division in measuring the staff competency. business requirement. The online banking services and branch network expansion was able to be conducted in 3. Aligned with Bank Pundi commitment to fight against an effective manner, whereas by the end all transaction all types of fraud, a workshop on Quality Assurance with the customers would be more convenience, was held in September 2012. This is important flexible and easy. because the Quality Assurance function is in the first services for the customers, it is necessary to have an line to meet such potential fraud indication. integrated information system for cross functional such To provide the technology based as management, auditor and banking regulatory in conducting their daily operational transaction. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 47 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Operational and Information Technology Riview The Information Technology development is continuously • Portal Desk is also continuously enhanced to support conducted to support the productivity and efficiency the business especially in monitoring the loan program and to improve the operational governance. disbursement and national loan quality. Through this portal, every working unit will be able to monitor the The success in launching the Core Banking System in loan movement as well as the AO productivity on the 2011 provided much strategic benefit for Bank Pundi. daily basis. Core Banking System had resulted to a stable, flexible and sustainable IT platform, therefore the Bank was able Capital Expenditure in 2012 to take advantage of the system in offering an accurate The Right Issue II fund has been utilized for the activities service on their transaction process whereas by the end that support the improvement of IT infrastructures, office would contribute to the increase of its market share. building renovation, etc. These make the total amount In 2012, the New Core Banking System coverage was utilized in 2012 at Rp.136.05 billion. The fund allocation expanded in line with the additional of 20 offices. for IT development was Rp. 107.78 billion, while, the rest was used for building renovation, office leasing, and During 2012, Bank Pundi also has completed several other office equipment. As mentioned, that within 2012, initiatives to support the business and operational such Bank Pundi launched 20 new branches which conclude as: the total number of branches into 207 offices across the • Additional biller payment feature in ATM machine to nation. provide more choices for the payment channel to • • the customers and increased fee base income for IT Development Plan and Operational System the bank. Enhancement in the Coming Years Implementation of Opics Treasury System since Bank Pundi is confident that the adequate IT system November 2012 for an automatic process and application will be able to achieve the Bank target in provide an accurate, fast process on the money becoming a transactional banking in 2015. Therefore, market portfolio management. Bank Pundi committed to enhance the IT system Migration and implementation on the new switching sustainable. to increase and support the delivery channel growth • as well as to create a better system integration in the To establish a strong operational system, in the early future and a convenience interface speed. 2013, the Bank has redefined the organizational structure Disaster Recovery Center trial was held on of the Operational Directorate by spinning off the Quality September 2012. As regulated by Bank Indonesia, Assurance function from Operational Division. Moreover, the Bank is required to conduct a trial on Disaster the Quality Assurance has been determined as the new Recovery Center at least once a year. The trial has division under the Operational Directorate. This initiative been successfully conducted which indicated that that has been determined by the management will make the Bank operational system including the service the internal control implementation become more focus. to customers will not be affected in experiencing an uncertain condition which result in the transfer of System and Technology management to Backup Data Center. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 48 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Business Support Overview Bank Pundi continuously improve the current risk management process and infrastructure to support the business growth and ensure risk management practices have been aligned with applicable regulation Treasury Ratio, Legal Lending Limit, Public Accountant Firm One of the main function of Treasury Division in Bank (KAP), Allowancefor impairment losses (CKPN) & Pundi is to manage the daily liquidity by leveraging the Bank Indonesia requirements on minimum reserve excess fund to be placed on financial instruments that requirements (GWM). may provide an optimal returned. 4. Prevent the occurance of any risks by socializing several internal regulation and/or external regulation While on the operational aspect, Treasury Division to all working units. function covers the liquidity management by initiating 5. the money market instrument placement and Bank Ensure the implementation of Anti-Money Laundering and Terorism Financing Prevention Program (APU Indonesia instrument. In addition, the Treasury division -PPT) according to applicable regulation. also made numbers of placement at the capital market 6. Ensure the Banks commitment in following up on government bonds to gain an optimal returned. Internal Audit (SKAI) and external audit (Bank Indonesia) finding results and reports to external From the dealing room transaction, 84% were contributed parties (Bank Indonesia, Bapepam-LK, etc). from the BI instrument placement while the remaining 7. Ensure the implementation of Good Corporate 14% from interbank and 2% from the bonds activities. Governance and report to external parties according to applicable regulation. The significant growth of third party fund in 2012 8. Submit a regular report on Compliance function to drove the Treasury division to increase the liquidity Bank Indonesia and other internal units within the management and avoid of having a negative spread. In Bank. line with the business development plan for 2013, the treasury division had applied the Opics Treasury System The functions were conducted properly. There were no and has been implemented since November 2012. By violation towards the governing regulation occurred and having this system, portfolio management performance the Bank has been submitting the required reports to the in money market and capital market will be increase external bodies in a timely manner. Compliance Function Implementation Good Corporate Governance (GCG) Self-Assessment The Bank’s compliance function implementation is Bank Pundi has formulated a GCG report which reflect coordinated by Compliance Director assisted by the real condition of the Bank based on the self- Compliance Division which is an independent task force assessment as required by Bank Indonesia and stated for Bank operational activity. The Bank has Compliance on BI regulation (PBI) No.8/4/PBI/2006 dated 20 January Guidelines that governs the main tasks of Compliance 2006 on the Implementation of GCG for Commercial Function to ensure alloperational activity has been done Bank according to current regulation in banking industry. dated 5 October 2006. which was amended by PBI No.8/14/PBI/2006 Implementation of compliance function are as follows: Based on the facts and supporting documents, Bank 1. Application and socialization of the Compliance Pundi self-assessment composite score for 2012 was Guidelines and Compliance Review/Test. 1.52 (Sound Condition), slightly improved compare to 2. Review the internal regulations to ensure the 2011 with a composite score of 1.65. The continuous compliance towards underlying external regulation. improvement was aligned with the Bank commitment to 3. Ensure the implementation of a prudent and sound comply with GCG principles in all banking operational banking principles covering Capital Adequacy PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. activities. 49 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Business Support Overview The following is the summary of Bank Pundi GCG self assessment calculation in 2012: NO FACTORS Weight Rating Score DESCRIPTION Numbers and composition of Board of Commisioners are at adequate size with the Bank business complexity. 1 Performance of duties and responsibilities of Board of Commissioners 10% 1 0.13 Board of Commisioners have sufficient guidelines and working procedures. Board of Commisioners conducted independent and effective meetings as well as in monitoring function. In addition to that, no violation was found toward governing regulation. Numbers, composition, integrity and competency of the Directors are at adequate size with the Bank business complexity. 2 Performance of duties and responsibilities of Directors 20% 1 0.28 Directors are independent in conducting their duties. Directors also refer to the Bank Article of Associations and other external regulations in running the Bank. Directors have sufficient guidelines and working procedures. All findings by both internal and external audit have been followed up. 3 Adequacy and Performance of Duties by the Committees 10% 2 0.17 Numbers, composition, and competency of Committee members are adequate. Committee meetings and supporting documents includes recommendation to Board of Commissioners are also adequate. The Committees have sufficient guidelines and working procedures. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 50 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Business Support Overview NO 4 5 FACTORS Management of Transactions with Conflict of Interest Implementation of Bank Compliance Function Weight 10% Rating 1 Score DESCRIPTION 0.14 The Bank has provided policies regarding the subject matter of conflict of interests for the members of Board of Commissioners, Directors and all employees of the Bank. In addition, no conflict of interest are found within the Bank operational activities. 5% 2 0.08 The implementation of compliance function has been carried out effectively. Compliance procedures and principles are being enhanced periodically to adjust with the Bank condition. Guidelines, systems and working procedures of all units has been provided by the Bank and is periodically reviewed in accordance with the Bank condition. The internal audit function has been implemented independently. Audit Internal Unit (SKAI) reports the findings to Board of Commissioners, Directors and coordinating with Audit Committee. 6 Implementation of Internal Audit Function 5% 2 0.08 Internal Audit Charter has complied with Standards of Internal Audit Function Implementation (SPFAIB). Some audit guidelines was improved within 2012 to align with the Bank condition. The implementation of audit function by Internal Audit Unit is independent and periodically reported to Bank Indonesia. The auditor qualification is continuously enhanced. 7 8 Implementation of External Audit Function Implementation of Risk Management and Internal Control Functions 5% 1 0.07 The appointment of Public Accountant Firm is by the approval of General Meeting of Shareholders and Audit Committee recommendation. The implementation independent. of audit function is The risk management implementation is complied with Bank Indonesia regulation and adequate with the size and business complexity of the Bank. 7.5% 2 PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 0.13 51 The Internal Control Function of Bank Pundi is also adequate whereas the role of Board of Commissioners, Directors, Senior Managers and employees are involved and refer to Risk and Compliance principles. Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Business Support Overview NO 9 10 11 FACTORS Provision of Funds to Related Party and Large Exposures Transparency of Bank’s Financial and Non- Financial Conditions, GCG Implementation Report and Internal Report Bank Strategic Plan Weight 7.5% 15% Rating Score DESCRIPTION 0.12 There were no violations or breaches of the Legal Lending Limit (LLL) or funds for related parties considering since 2010 Bank Pundi focused on Micro and Small segment with a relatively small plafond. However, Bank has a provision of funds system and procedure for related parties and large debtors. 1 2 0.24 Bank Pundi has transparently reported its financial and non-financial conditions, including GCG implementation report through Published Financial Statements at national coverage newspaper, Annual Report, and Corporate Action reports to related authorities. In addition, information is readily available at the corporate website The internal report system enable the Bank to provide data and information in a timely and accurate manner and is adequate with the size and business complexity of the Bank. 5% 2 0.08 Bank Business Plan for 2013 has been formulated in accordance with Bank Indonesia regulation, also by considering the external and internal factors, prudential principles as well as comply with the sound banking guidelines. The Business Plan for 2013 has been approved by the Board of Commissioners and submitted to Bank Indonesia in an accurate timely manner. Board of Commissioners has implemented its supervisory function on the Bank Business Plan within 2012, and reported to Bank Indonesia as required. Composit Score 1.52 Moving forward, the Bank will maintain this achievement • Sound Provide Risk Awareness Training to relevant working and establish a sustainable improvement to achieve units on the importance of risk awareness culture. better performance which become a benefit in supporting The related units are expected to comply with the bank’s growth and increase customer confidence, as prudential banking principles in conducting their well as the public, investors and other stakeholders. duties and reaching its business objectives. • Risk Management Implementation Early risk identification within the bank through the As part of Risk Management application, Board of establishment of comprehensive policies in order to Commissioners has evaluated the Directors report on avoid any potential loss experienced by the bank risk management by conducting regular meetings with whereby it also become the periodic review of the the Directors, and issued decision which requires the bank soundness rating. approval from the Board of Commissioners. The approval is complied with the applicable statutes. • Measure the inherent risks which attached to the bank operations, which will enable the bank to The coverage of overall risk management implementation mitigate, and reduce the potential risks from banking since 2012 is as follow: activities. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 52 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Business Support Overview • Monitor the products performance and business - Focus on the Micro Small Medium activities through the dashboard application and Enterprise (MSME) sector, which will made a regular report to the Risk Management reduce the level of Credit Inherent Committee. Risk through secured loan products namely Pundi Perunggu, Pundi Perak, • Support the business and operations activities by Pundi Emas, and Pundi Rekening monitoring and updating all policies which was Koran, as well as the unsecured loan supposed to be improved in anticipating to any risks which is Pundi Pundi. that may occur in the future. • • Establish Task Force Team to handle non- The bank has formulated the tool Soundness Rating performing loan and risk mitigation. The of the Bank on the early of 1 quarter 2012 which Task Force Team has been effective in duty refer to BI Circular Letter No.13/24/DPNPdated since August to September 2012 which 25 October 2011about the Rating System for focused on Jakarta and East Java area, Commercial Banks. while on October to December 2012 the st focus was on all regional branches of the • In the 1st semester 2012, the Bank has compiled Bank. Anti-Fraud Strategy Policy refers to the BI circular letter No.13/28/DPNP dated 2011, concerning • In handling the non-performing loans, the the Application of Anti-Fraud Strategy, as apart of Bank also enhanced its Special Asset strengthening the fourth pillar of the risk management Management system, which is the internal control. whereas it is now shifted to focus on Micro (SAM) division function non-performing loan from previously only From the implemented stages mention above, the focused on the existing commercial loans, Bank is expected to achieve the objectives of the risk management policy that aims to reach the effective and • efficient capital by understanding the Banks’s risk profile. Monitor the credit risk tightly through Bank Pundi dashboard (portal) for the whole micro lending exposure whereby the bank a. Risk Factors will be enable to take immediate action upon facing a decline in loan quality. According to the 8 (eight) risks coverage as defined by Bank Indonesia, Bank Pundi’s risk factors are as follows: 2) Market Risks The Bank is not exposed to securities market 1. Credit Risks risk since the stock exposure is grouped as Credit risk is still become a very dominant risk Available for Sales (AFS). Moreover, securities for the Bank, due to the logical consequence of owned are mostly in the form of Bank Indonesia the Bank’s loan portfolio size. To reduce credit Certificate (Sertifikat Bank Indonesia/SBI) and risk, the following are action that have been and Government Bond (Surat Utang Negara/SUN). will be carried: Similar to the condition experienced by every • Improve Credit Committee effectiveness bank in Indonesia, Bank Pundi is exposed to through presentation methodology in credit interest rate risk in banking book. The risk is approval process. a result of repricing gap between interest rate on assets and liabilities which mapped into • Credit portfolios diversification, with certain buckets. Most of the interest rates of improved credit distribution as follows: customer deposits with a floating interest rate - Discontinue credit disbursement for which is directly related to market interest rates corporation (existing portfolio) and the or interest rate is announced periodically, while remaining existing credit in the phase loans had fixed interest rates. To mitigate this out program. risk, the Bank continuesly change the funding PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 53 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Business Support Overview and credit interest rate in accordance with internet banking will also be attached with the market conditions. security system and has undergone the User Acceptance Test (UAT). 3. Liquidity Risks Bank Pundi continuously maintain the liquidity In addition to that, Bank also improve the human in order to meet regulation on liabilities, LDR, resources quality which support the operational maintain minimum reserve requirement (GWM) processes through skill development training for adequacy, and adequate liquidity besides the resources in the front office and marketing GWM, or Confidential Level of Liquidity. by providing Quality Service training and other relevant skills. Risk management is also The bank must be alerted to maturity gap issue applied on the new products and activities by considering that most of depositors’ funds are conducting risk assessments with its supporting in short term funds, while the Bank disburse the system and procedures. loan in a relatively long term period. 5. Legal Risks To reduce the dependency on institutional Legal risks are inherent in the offered products depositors or core depositors, Bank Pundi and concentrated funding strategy on individual products and services had been conducted depositors and increase the portion of savings in accordance with the applicable laws and and current accounts. While to mitigate the regulations to ensure the fulfillment of consumer maturity gap, Bank Pundi continuously maintain and the bank protection. services. Therefore assessments of the customers trust and build awareness by providing some programs that will attract the 6. Reputation Risks customers to place their funding with the Bank Reputation risk is believed to bring impact and extend their deposit placement upon on other risk that may burden the bank maturity date. existence. Therefore, the Bank proactively communicate the recent performance, both 4. Operational Risks through publications or regular meetings with Asan effort to provide service excellence to its stakeholders such as customers and the media. customers, Bank Pundi continuously improve These include making clarification on the and enhance its infrastructure systems as well negative news. Bank also conducted Corporate as the procedures which will enable to support Social Responsibility (CSR) as one of the bank’s all customers transaction both in banking concern to its community. hall or through online. The improvements are conducted in reference to the prudential 7. Strategic Risks principles within Prudential Banking Framework. The more tight competition within the banking industry which covers products, promotions, In term of additional in infrastructure system, services has encouraged the market to be more it refers to Bank Pundi plan to launch internet innovative. The condition urged the Bank to banking by 2013. The internet banking will consolidate its resources and capabilities. In make the customer more convenience in doing accuracy in determining the target market and their transaction without having presence the strategies may cause loss to bank both in the banking hall. Customers may do their financially and non-financially. transaction securely because the system will be equipped with supporting procedures. The PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 54 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Business Support Overview A precise strategic plan is required to avoid any To comply with the appropriate regulations and losses or negative impact resulted from a wrong banking practices according to GCGconcept, decision making that may impact to the long Compliance Director monitor all the reports and term plan of the organization. policies whereas he hold responsibility toward the existence of system and procedure that may 8. Compliance Risks support the GCG implementation. Bank will always comply with the regulation from Bank Indonesia such as the Risk Management b. Risk Profile Implementation, Anti Money Laundering and The Bank risk profile, through self- assessment has Combating Financing of Terrorism (AML & CFT) been conducted on the 4th quarter of December program, LLL and other regulation on listed 2012, with a result of“Low to Moderate”. The result company. In conclusion, the compliance risk of inherent risk level is “Low to Moderate”,while risk management of the bank has been properly management quality level is “Satisfactory”. The implemented. report in this period is based on 5 risk level. In summary risk profile per December 31, 2012 and December 31, 2011 are as follows: Risk Type 31 December 2012 31 December 2011 Risk Level Risk Level Moderate • Credit Low to Moderate • Market Low to Moderate Low to Moderate • Liquidity Low to Moderate Low to Moderate • Operational Low to Moderate Low to Moderate • Legal Low Low to Moderate • Reputation Low • Strategic • Compliance Low Bank Risk Predicate Low to Moderate Low to Moderate Low Low to Moderate Low Low to Moderate Overall risk in the 4th quarter of 2012 is Low to Moderate. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 55 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 HUMAN CAPITAL The empowerment of human resources and corporate Total Lending Employee culture are the main component during the bank strategic December 2012 December 2011 ABLM (Area Business Lending Manager) 53 42 BM (Branch Manager) 166 151 employee and building their behavior in accordance TL (Team Leader) 539 476 with the core values of affordable, progressive, and AO (Account Officer) 3.399 3.205 professionalism. The strategies defined are: CR (Credit Review) 818 737 1. Conduct a timely employee recruitment to enable CA (Credit Administration) 338 299 OPERATION LENDING 1.745 1.057 TOTAL 7.058 5.967 Position implementation, and to aim the business target, and to fulfill the commitment to the stakeholder. Bank Pundi had defined a long term strategy in human resources empowerment to enable the establishment of qualified in building a direct contribution to the Bank performance and followed by maintaining program for long term plan. Total Funding Employee 2. Establish a superior performance culture to enable December 2012 December 2011 ABFM (Area Business Funding Manager) 21 16 TL (Team Leader) 42 38 205 195 70 53 338 302 Position a continuous business profitability by providing rewards based on the highest achievement. 3. Conduct continuous trainings and related workshop to all employee. FO (Funding Officer) OPERATION FUNDING 4. Employee appointment on the precise function and TOTAL build competency development continuously. 5. Establish the remuneration and health facility Total Special Asset Management (SAM) Micro Employee concept for the employee. Position December 2012 December 2011 6 - Employee Recruitment Process ABLM - SAM As of 2012, total employee of Bank Pundi is 8.200 BM - SAM 20 - TL - SAM 66 - AO - SAM 236 - COLLECTION 7 - SAM SUPPORT 1 - 336 - compare to the previous year in 2011 at 6.691. Within 2012 the Bank has recruited 1509 new employees in line with business growth and expansion. Bank Pundi also recruited the fresh graduate which was then trained into the Bank Pundi Management Trainee TOTAL program (PMT) to prepare the future bankers. Since the PMT establishment in 2011 as of end 2012 the Bank has conducted 15 PMT batch. The PMT graduates will be assigned as Account Officer. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 56 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Human Capital Head Office 2. Increase the employee competency mainly related to business by providing credit marketing trainings, December 2012 December 2011 9 8 9 9 1 1 Division Head 16 15 Regional Head 11 10 courier, security which are assigned in all branches. The Department Head 49 48 appointed outsourcing companies are strictly required Staff & Specialist 287 287 as an Indonesian company and licensed and comply TOTAL 468 420 Position Commissioners & Directors Committee & Experts Staff Group Head funding and asset management, operations and leadership competency of the leaders. In line with the branch network expansion, Bank Pundi had signed an agreement with the outsourcing company in fulfilling the needs in human resources for supporting unit, mainly for the non-clerical level such as office boy, with the prevailing labor law. The remuneration development policies were focused on: Total Employee by Education 1. Maintain a policy on a competitive wages with peer December 2012 December 2011 58 50 S1 (Undergraduate degree) 6.287 5.505 D3 (Diploma) 1.546 960 309 176 insurance covering their spouse and the maximum 8.200 6.691 of 3 children. The scheme will be in accordance with Position S2 (Graduate degree) Non Degree TOTAL bank, whereas the bank will be able to recruit and maintain qualified professionals and fresh graduates to fulfill the human resources needs in the long term. 2. Increased the employee and their family welfare as employee retaining program by providing the health the Bank financial condition. Human Resources Empowerment In 2012 the strategies of human resources development 3. Provide employee loan as one of the employee and remuneration policies were conducted with the benefit in having housing loan, car loan and multi- purpose of: purpose loan. In addition the Bank also provide 1. To support the business network expansion and an emergency loan with 0% interest allocated for to strengthen the supporting working unit in Head employee having an emergency condition such Office by providing the human resources required as natural disaster. Other benefits are education by the branch offices especially on credit marketing allowance, and funding staff as well as the specialist in Head allowance, emergency aid which to be given on Office. case by case basis referring to the management evaluation. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 57 Annual Report 2012 marriage allowance, condolence Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Human Capital 4. Prepare the pension plan program for the employee Training Program as part of long term plan wherein the implementation Compared to 2011, total trainings organized by the Bank is expected to be launched in the fiscal year of 2013. in 2012 increased significantly, both technical skills The policies will rely on the financial capacity of the and soft skills training. In 2011 the Bank conducted 28 Bank. technical skills trainings and 9 soft skills trainings, while in 2012 the Bank carried out 58 technical skills training Organization development in 2012 was conducted by activities and 16 soft skills training activities. increasing the office network which cover the area and branches within the 8 (eight) regional business area that To comply with Bank Indonesia regulation, the Bank also has been established in 2011. The region organization conducted Risk Management training and certification structure was redefine in order to be more focus on for the Bank executives. This was proven by the market penetration in each area. completion of Risk Management certification of all Bank PundiDirectors at level 4. While at the Head Office, organization was also restructured to support the function of loan quality by There are 7.182 employees participated in the training handling the micro non-performed loan settlement. in 2012, composing of 6.243 persons who attended the Previously, SAM (Special Asset Management) division technical skills and 939 persons attended the soft skill was concentrated on the settlement of the ex-legacy training. commercial non-performed loan. To build the employee working motivation, the Bank facilitates a variety of employee activities such as arts and sports activities as well as religious programs. Pundi Club was established in accommodating the employee aspirations and to be implemented on various event related to cultural, sport and religious program as well as social activities. The Pundi Club was established at Head Office and regional offices, and branch offices. Learning Development/Training In 2012, Bank Pundi’s management has conducted series of training activities, both technical skills and soft One of Pundi Club activity is to develop the employee talents in cultural and sports. The picture shown, Sigid P. Kusumowidagdo, Pundi Club Chairman together with other employee participated in the music performcne during the celebration of Bank Pundi 20th Anniversary, in Senayan, Jakarta. skills whereas those were conducted either in-house or public trainings. Although all training is available for all employees, but the implementation was still on the priority basis. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 58 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Human Capital The following is the types of training conducted in 2012: NO. TYPES OF TRAININGS / APPRENTICESHIP / SCHOLARSHIP TECHNICAL SKILL TOTAL (Person) 6243 1 AO ACCELERATIONS TRAINING PROGRAM 210 2 BRANCH OFFICE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 228 3 CREDIT ADMINISTRATIONS ACCELERATIONS TRAINING PROGRAM 201 4 CLEARING EVALUATION BY BANK INDONESIA 1 5 GATHERING FORUM: CLEARING – MALANG BANKING COMMUNITY 1 6 CASHIER GATHERING 1 7 NATIONAL CONFERENCE OF IAIB 2012 1 8 OPERATION MANAGER (OM) MEETING 52 9 COA (COST OF ACCOUNT) TRAINING 1 10 TRAIINING AND TEST OF RISK MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATION FOR LEVEL 1 11 CASH OPERATIONAL TRAININGS 1 12 TAX WORKSHOP: PELATIHAN PAJAK : STRATEGY AND TIPS IN AVOIDING THE WHT ISSUES 1 13 PLANNING & COST CONTROL TRAINING 2 14 BUSINESS CONTINUITY PLAN WORKSHOP - BI SOLO 1 15 PUNDI MANAGEMENT TRAINING (PMT) 16 REFRESHMENT BSMR - MICRO BANKING "STRATEGY AND BEST PRACTICE" 2 17 MICROBANKING SEMINAR FOR CREDIT OFFICER 3 18 SEMINAR ON OUTSOURCING ON BANK INDONESIA REGULATION OF PBI NO.13/25/PBI/2011 2 19 SEMINAR ON THE STATISTIC METHODOLOGY ON MARKET RISK MODEL 1 20 SEMINAR ON PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT 2 21 SEMINAR ON LAND AND BUILDING 1 22 CREDIT REVIEW CERTIFICATION 23 CERTIFICATION ON PUNDI AGRICULTURE AGRIBUSINESS 24 CLEARING WORKSHOP, PEKANBARU, NORTHERN SUMATRA 25 ACCOUNTANT SOCIALIZATION 26 ANTI FRAUD –INTERNAL AUDIT WORKING UNIT 1 27 BANK INDONESIA REGULATION WORKSHOP MEDAN 1 28 KNOW THE OFFICIAL RUPIAH CURRENCY SOSICALIZATION (SPEAKER FROM BANK INDONESIA) 1 29 DHN WORKSHOP 1 PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 27 145 384 65 1 248 59 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Human Capital NO. TYPES OF TRAININGS / APPRENTICESHIP / SCHOLARSHIP TOTAL (Person) 30 CASHIER SOCIALIZATION BY BANKERS ASSOCIATION, BALI WITH BANK INDONESIA DENPASAR AND PERURI DENPASAR. 31 CREDIT POLICY WORKSHOP 32 CLEARING SOCIALIZATION 1 33 LOS SOCIALIZATION 1 34 QA SOCIALIZATION 61 35 SKNBI SOCIALIZATION: BALIKPAPAN 1 36 SKNBI SOCIALIZATION: BANDUNG 1 37 SKNBI SOCIALIZATION: BOGOR 1 38 SKNBI SOCIALIZATION: JAMBI 1 39 SKNBI SOCIALIZATION: LAMPUNG 1 40 SKNBI SOCIALIZATION: MAKASSAR 1 41 SKNBI SOCIALIZATION: MATARAM 1 42 SKNBI SOCIALIZATION: MEDAN 2 43 SKNBI SOCIALIZATION: PADANG 1 44 SKNBI SOCIALIZATION: SEMARANG 1 45 SKNBI SOCIALIZATION: SOLO 1 46 SKNBI SOCIALIZATION: SUKABUMI 47 SOP OPERATION SOCIALIZATION 48 TRAINING ON ACCOUNTANT, FINANCE AND LEGAL 49 TRAINING ON AS400 50 TRAINING ON COMPREHENSIVE OF BANK CREDIT RISK PROFILE 51 TRAINING AND MEETING KOORDINASI SKAI 52 TRAINING ON DROPSHOT ACTIVITY BY BANK INDONESIA 53 TRAINING ON PALM OIL CREDIT PROGRAM 54 TRAINING MANAGING QUALITY ASSURANCE FOR BUSINESS EXCELLENCE TRAINING ON QUALITY CONTROL AND EXPERTISE FOR CLEARING MEMBER BY BANK INDONESIA 2 56 WORKSHOP INVESTIGATION AUDIT 1 57 WORKSHOP ON BANK BUSINESS PLAN 9 58 WORKSHOP ON FAIR VALUE CALCULATION 1 55 PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 1 255 1 821 3399 15 60 2 13 1 60 Annual Report 2012 1 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Human Capital In addition there were 939 employees attended the soft skills training with the following description: NO. TYPE OF TRAINING/INTERNSHIP/SCHOLARSHIP SOFT SKILL AMOUNT (person) 939 1 BANK PUNDI LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP 500 2 FUNDING OFFICER TRAINING PROGRAM FOR JUNIOR FO 28 3 FUNDING OFFICER TRAINING PROGRAM FOR MIDDLE FO 28 4 FUNDING OFFICER TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SENIOR FO 53 5 LEADER AS COACH 6 LEADERSHIP 7 SECURITY GUARD TRAINING 1 8 SECURITY GUARD TRAINING (WITH BI) SOLO 1 9 SECURITY GUARD TRAINING – MANADO BRANCH 1 10 PRESENTATION SKILL FOR OPERATION (TOT) 28 11 PUNDI BUSINESS WORKSHOP - RH & ABLM (L & F) 75 12 SERVICE STANDARDIZATION 13 TEAM BUILDING FOR DIVISION HEAD 14 THINK ON YOUR FEET WORKSHOP 3 15 TRAINING NEED ANALYSIS 1 16 TRAINING SERVCE STANDARDIZATION FOR OPERATION MANAGER AND BUSINESS SUPPORT MANAGER 1 127 1 32 59 • TRAINING EXPENSES (BM) with the objection to increase Bank Pundi’s The total training cost spend by Bank Pundi branch leadership competency. The objectives were for 2012 was Rp. 17,406,850,695 whereas the therefore not only in developing the managerial skill Rp. 15,627,770,983 spent for the technical of the branch managers but also in building their skills training and for soft skill training was Rp. capacity for the branch management as well as 1,779,079,712. in perception building of the banking operational knowledge in aiming the maximum achievement. • Training Materials & Target Audience Training materials conducted in 2012 were in line Bank Pundi also conducted training for Funding with Bank Pundi needs. Therefore, both the technical Officer, which included Junior, Middle, and Senior skills and soft skills training materials are in various Funding Officer. This is a comprehensive training types. program on Bank Pundi general information and to educate the knowledge related to their daily For example, Bank Pundi held “Branch Office activities, as well as to expand the mindset of the Management Program” (BOMP) for Area Business funding officer on market penetration. Lending Managers (ABLM) and Branch Managers PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 61 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Human Capital • Partnership Bank Pundi cooperates with numbers of parties Pundi needs and training related to the jobs of the in providing the training, either as individual or employee, such as: institutional party that competency and capacities in - Team Leader Development Program their respective expertise. Through this cooperation - Train The Trainers for Credit Reviewer in all New training programs, in accordance with Bank the employee knowledge and competence will branches increase upon the training completion. - • Training Program for 2013 - QA Training – Internal Audit Working Unit Trainings plan to be conducted in 2013 are as follow: - Leadership for Division Head Train The Trainers for Bank Pundi’s internal instructors. To continue to previous trainings in 2012, such as: - Pundi Management Training Program CODE OF CONDUCT - Leadership Training Code of Conduct is a guide for Bank Pundi’s employees - Funding Officer Training Program in of values, business ethic, working ethic, commitment, - Credit Review & Appraisal Certification and enforcement to company’s regulation for in running - Risk Management Certification the business, as well as in interaction with stakeholders. - Account Officer Acceleration Training Program Corporate culture and Code of Conduct is applied in - Branch Office Management Program running the business as the guide for the management - Credit Administration Training Program and employees in correspondence with the behavior, PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 62 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Human Capital act on business operation includes interaction with the Bank stakeholders. d. To share and transfer knowledge, skills to the With the existence of corporate subordinates, peers and building a spirit of values and code of conduct, the employees’ behavior is team work spirit, also to avoid unfair competition expected to support and to stand out the Bank identity amongst the team. as corporation through the ethical behaviors performed by the employees. e. To be proactive in handling issues by having an indepth thinking and prior to any decission The implementation of the corporate values and code of taken, conduct an analysis on the impact on conduct are followed with the employee committment in a certain action, driving the Bank’s performance and to be leading aligned corporate values guidelines. and to respond within the with the vission and mission which might resulted to build an added value for the Bank also to be comply with the f. To work on the scale of priorities scale, to Good Corporate Governance management principles. consider the cost and benefit of every activity and always start with a business plan. The guidelines of corporate culture and code of conduct become the main guidance to behave and act by all g. To personally appreciate and respect the employee. The moral principles underlined in the code existence of peers, co-workers based on of conduct applies to all employee and are the main the mutual interest without any distinction of elements of the Bank culture which consists of: family background, and issues of tribe, race or religion. 1. WORKING AT BANK PUNDI ENVIRONMENT. Behavior and attitudes which have to be shown by h. To respect the privacy of fellow employees, and every employee to be a professional in Bank Pundi on their political views. Will not interfere with as describe below: family issues or reading private letters of other a. To develop the knowledge, skills, and all employees. competencies required in their respective job and open for new ideas. i. To recognize all aspects of the job, master the data and information related to the issues within b. To comply with the corporate governance the respective assignment, and always strive system and procedures also policies which to give the best solution. guided the daily tasks. j. To collect the accurate data, before making a c. To be pro-active in providing inputs, ideas, and decision, and to consider the views given by new ways to build a more qualified, productive all related party either it is an against or pro and efficient result and also efficient in cost. opinion and place the corporate interest above the personal interests upon decisions making. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 63 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Human Capital 2. SERVE BANK PUNDI CUSTOMERS. a. Strictly prohibited in being compromised by The following are attitudes and behaviors that must gifts and entertainment be performed whileserving customers: business opportunities) from the customer, a. Understand the needs of the customers and service providers for a personal interest in the prospect customers by relationship building, transaction between the company and the and listen to their expectation and complain. customer and service provider. b. Shares the skills and knowledge with debtors and potential goods, b. Avoid taking any advantage in dealing with the Micro, Small and Medium customers. Conduct a direct transactions with Enterprises (SMEs) debtors to enhance their customers without engaging any intermediaries business and avoid business failure. in order to know and identify the customer and c. Respond to complaints and inputs from in avoiding such fictitious transaction. customers at the earliest by performing a c. Reject any personal interest in using the position positive attitude. Listen in an empathic manner, to diseminate the Bank information to other clarify the problem and provide proper solutions. party and by selling confidential documents to d. To immediately give response to any request the external party. from the customers and partners that may d. Reject any external interference (vendors or addressed to the bank by correspondence, prospect vendors) on the decission making that telephone, fax, e-mail and internet. potentially provide the interest of the external e. To avoid the customers or prospect customers and personal interest which against the internal experience a late response in having the Bank rule of Bank Pundi. service. f. (money, e. Reject offerring, providing or receiving the To avoid any strong argument with the customers unreasonable entertainment to or from third g. To prioritize the customers added value for on parties (customers, vendors). every offered products and services offered. f. Prohibited in using the company facilities h. To prioritize quality service, manage the wiithout permit and doing the personal business cleanliness of customer service area. i. To provide accurate prices within the official working hours. information, and avoid a misrepresentation or misseling 4. RUNNING POLITICAL RIGHTS AS CITIZENS AND information regarding the benefits of bank RESPONSIBILITIES AS A BANK PUNDI EMPLOYEE products and services for customers. a. Prohibited to conduct any political activities j. To prioritize mutual benefit in customers within the official working hours. transactions. b. Prohibited to use Bank Pundi’s facilities, attributes, symbols or other matter relating 3. AVOID THE CONFLICT OF INTEREST BETWEEN to Bank Pundi identity for political activities PERSONAL INTEREST AND BANK PUNDI (marches, campaigns, speeches) Attitudes and behaviors that must be posed by the c. Prohibited to take the position or authority employee in to avoid any conflict of interest between in influencing or enforcing other employee employees and Bank Pundi. to participate in any activities related to the interests of his / her political activities. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 64 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Human Capital 5. COMPANY AND DATA INFORMATION 6. MALPRACTICES OR FRAUD PREVENTION IN Behaviors and actions in making and keeping the BANK PUNDI. Bank data and information is as follow: a. To comply with all the provisions contained in a. To record and report all information and customer the Company Regulations. data appropriately, and not to put the customer b. To comply with Bank Pundi Internal Rules, Bank records in places that allow unauthorized Indonesia Regulation, Center for Financial people overlook, record or replicate it. Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (INTRAC) or PPATK and other legislation. b. To report to the competent supervisor upon c. To report suspicious activity. Employees must having pressure from any parties which against immediately report to the Compliance / KYC the recording procedures or any contrary Unit, on suspicion of money laundering. matters related with Bank Pundi internal d. To know your customers and their activity policies, Bank Indonesia Regulation and other / business in order to identify transactions applicable Laws. that are inconsistent or illegal transactions or activities that are different from their normal c.To maintain confidentiality of customer pattern. information and data at any times, not to discuss the matter on public places (e.g. in elevators, 7. STATEMENT OF CORPORATE CULTURE OF THE rest rooms, corridors, etc.) and not to provide MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES. information both verbally and in writing about As the evidence of compliance and the integrity customers and prospect customers to any other of each personal within the Bank as well as the parties including friends, relatives,members of commitment implementation towards the corporate his / her own family that could harm customers. values and code of conduct application, it is therefore requires every employee to sign the evidence and d. Prohibit to directly or indirectly disseminate the compliance on Statement of Corporate Culture. The employee salary information, loans, and other employees must have overall understanding of the information that is personal and confidential to values in details and accept all the rules as written employees and to the Bank external party. in the hand book provided by the Bank to each employee. e. Prohibit to bring home or place in the un-proper place the customers document that enable any external party took advantage of the situation and have the documents. f. Responsible to maintain the confidential data and information and never take advantage of the data and information for personal interest in making transaction with external (insider trading). PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 65 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion and Analysis “I appreciate the services provide by Bank Pundi and their concern on micro industry” Sabarno (Herbal Trader, Pondok Labu Market, South Jakarta) Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 The following analysis and discussion should be read in Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution conjunction with annual financial statements for the year (Bapepam-LK) principles no. VIII.G.7 on “Financial ending 31st December 2012 and 2011 included in this Report Guidance”. This report has been audited by an Annual Report. The financial statements were prepared independent auditor (KAP) Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Tjahjo in accordance with the Accounting and Reporting & Partners, member of Crowe Horwath International. Guidelines in Indonesia and Indonesian Capital PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 68 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Financial Review The growth strategy in 2012 marked the Bank’s first profit In general, the Bank performance achievement was after experiencing losses on the previous years since still align with the applied roadmap of the business the acquisition from Bank Eksekutif and micro financing transformation. business transformation application. Net Profit After Tax although, some indicator was still below the Bank (NPAT) was Rp. 46.86 billion, increased 131.83% from Business Plan of 2012, indeed, the trend was improving. Business was sustainable growth, Net Loss of Rp. 147.25 billion in the previous year. (in million rupiah) RBB 2012 2012 2011 TREND Asset 8,180,902 7,682,938 5,993,039 Improved Loan 6,562,315 5,654,001 3,554,336 Improved Third Party Fund 7,132,951 6,756,642 5,322,511 Improved 205,448 46,865 -147,253 Improved 3.54% 9.95% 9.12% Declined Net Profit After Tax NPL Gross NPL Net 3.54% 4.81% 3.95% Declined ROA 4.12% 0.98% -4.75% Improved ROE 37.93% 9.52% -50.55% Improved NIM Operating Expense to Operating Income LDR 17.84% 16.64% 8.20% Improved 84.04% 97.77% 118.69% Improved 92.00% 83.68% 66,78% Improved KPMM (CAR) 11.83% 13.27% 12,02% Improved Some of its financial ratio like CAR, LDR, ROA, ROE and In 2012, Bank Pundi succeeded to book an improved Operating Expense to Operating Income ratio were also financial performance as indicated on the loan improved. The NPL net was slightly deteriorated, yet, It outstanding and third party fund growth, an improved was still maintained below the maximum requirement operational efficiency. NPAT was booked at Rp. 46.86 by Bank Indonesia. Although the Bank Business Plan billion, increased of 131.83% compare to 2011 whereas of 2102 was not fully achieved, the growth was still on the Bank booked a loss of Rp. 147.25 billion. track and align with the Bank business transformation roadmap. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 69 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Financial Review (in million rupiah) Statement of Income 31 DECEMBER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) OPERATING REVENUE AND EXEPENSES Interest Income and Expenses Interest Income Interest Expenses Interest Income - net Other Operating Income Administrative Gain on Sale of securities Others - net Total Other Operating Income - net TOTAL OPERATING INCOME 2012 2011 (Audited) (Audited) 1,490,694 515,943 495,470 273,451 995,224 242,492 65,140 22,730 32,541 54,590 5,301 210 102,982 77,530 1,098,206 320,022 (Provision) reversal of impairment Losses on financial assets - net (171,833) 24,364 (Provision) reversal of impairment losses (780) 6,007 General and Administrative 247,541 161,703 Personnel 606,499 358,302 854,040 520,005 NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) 71,553 (169,612) NON-OPERATING EXPENSES - NET (3,333) (1,963) 68,220 (171,575) on non-financial assets - net Other Operating Expenses Total Other Operating Expenses INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAX (EXPENSE) BENEFIT INCOME TAX (EXPENSE) BENEFIT Deferred NET INCOME (LOSS) Other comprehensive income (loss) Net gain (loss) from changes in fair value of Available for sale securities TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) BASIC EARNING (LOSS) PER SHARE (Full Amount) PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 70 Annual Report 2012 (21,355) 24,322 46,865 (147,253) (32,610) 29,262 14,255 (117,991) 4.90 (21.66) Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Financial Review Interest Income In 2012 Bank Pundi booked the interest income of Rp. the rise of third party fund in 2012. This also reflects the 1.49 trillion or an increase of 188.93% compare to the trust towards the bank is continuously increasing. previous year at Rp. 515.49 billion. The increase was driven by the rise of interest loan income due to the Thereby Net Interest Income increased by Rp. 752.73 significant loan increase. billion or 310.42% compare to 2011. However, the increased in interest income was slightly compensated Meanwhile, interest expense as of 31 December 2012 by the increased of interest expense following the was Rp. 495.47 billion, an increase of 81.19% compare increased in saving. to 2011 at Rp. 273.45 billion. The increase was driven by (in million rupiah) 31 DECEMBER 2012 2011 (AUDITED) (AUDITED) DESCRIPTION Interest Income Credit Securities Placement with Bank Indonesia and other banks AMOUNT PERCENTAGE 1,441,059 24,125 455,057 29,557 986,002 (5,432) 216.68% -18.38% 20,180 31,110 (10,930) -35.13% Current accounts with Bank Indonesia and other banks 3,230 44 3,186 7,240.91% Reverse Repo 2,100 175 1,925 1,100.00% 1,490,694 515,943 974,751 188.93% INTEREST EXPENSES Deposits From Customers Time Deposit Savings Demand Deposits Inter-bank call money Premium of Deposits Insurance Institution NET INTEREST INCOME PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 460,800 19,208 1,051 99 243,180 9,738 1,219 - 217,620 9,470 (168) 99 89.49% 97.25% 13.78% 100.00% - 15,168 (15,168) -100.00% 14,312 4,146 10,166 245.20% 495,470 273,451 222,019 81.19% 995,224 242,492 752,732 310.42% Amortization of Premium on security INCREASE/DECREASE 71 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Financial Review Other Operating Income Other Operating Expense Other operating income increased Rp. 25.45 billion Other operating Expense increase Rp. 334.03 billion or or 32.83% which was driven by loan administration 64.24% because of increased in salaries benefit expense income following to the increased in total throughout as well as the general and administration expense. 2012. However, the increased was compensated by the declining of gain on sale of securities bond in the treasury Salaries and benefit expense rise because the Bank total portfolio due to the unfavorable market condition. business expansion in 2012 requires the completion of 207 branches across the nation. In addition to that, the enhancement of Special Asset Management (SAM) Division also drove the salaries and benefit increased. (in million rupiah) 31 DECEMBER 2012 2011 (AUDITED) (AUDITED) DESCRIPTION Other Operating Income Administration Income INCREASE/DECREASE Saving 397 267 130 48.69% 1,267 2,222 (955) -42.98% 56 42 14 33.33% Time Deposit ATM PERCENTAGE Current Account AMOUNT 1,868 1,382 486 35.17% Credit 60,085 18,035 42,050 233.16% Others 1,467 782 685 87.60% 65,140 22,730 42,410 186.58% Other Operating Income Gain on Sale of Securities PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 5,301 210 5,091 2,424.29% 32,541 54,590 (22,049) -40.39% 102,982 77,530 25,452 32.83% 72 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Financial Review Due to this condition, total employee increased from The establishment of additional new branches operated 6,691 to 8,200. The Bank also increased the salary and in 2012 also impact to the increase in general expense benefit of the existing employee. and administration. Depreciation of premises in 2012 also increased the general expense like office leasing, vehicles and inventory rental. (in million rupiah) 31 DECEMBER DESCRIPTION INCREASE/DECREASE 2012 2011 (AUDITED) (AUDITED) AMOUNT PERCENTAGE OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES General And Administrative Depreciation 57,862 22,963 34,899 151.98% Leases 44,252 25,505 18,747 73.50% Man power outsourcing 33,635 16,179 17,456 107.89% Telecommunications 25,675 13,345 12,330 92.39% Advertising, Promotion and Marketing 24,965 24,802 163 0.66% Transportation dan travelling 15,483 10,275 5,208 50.69% Electricity, water, and gas 10,527 6,649 3,878 58.32% Office supplies 7,103 8,437 (1,334) -15.81% Contribution and Administration 2,830 1,726 1,104 63.96% Tax and dan Licenses 2,230 3,010 (780) -25.91% Amortization of software 1,941 604 1,337 221.36% Repair and maintenance 1,766 2,293 (527) -22.98% Loan Collection 1,382 12,988 (11,606) -89.36% Professional fees 1,334 1,969 (635) -32.25% Insurance 1,304 498 806 161.85% 15,252 10,460 4,792 45.81% 247,541 161,703 85,838 53.08% Salaries and wages 365,143 237,692 127.451 53,62% Social security cost Others Personnel Expenses 200,919 83,767 117.152 139,85% Others/Post-Employment benefits 23,211 21,180 2.031 9,59% Trainings 17,226 15,663 1.563 9,98% 606,499 358,302 248.197 69,27% 854,040 520,005 334.035 64,24% OTHER OPERATING EXPENSES PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 73 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Financial Review Operational Income and Profit before Tax Total Asset The overall operational income boosted Bank Pundi (in billion Rupiah) profit in 2012 of 142.19% or became Rp. 71.55 billion from previously, loss at Rp. 169.61 billion in 2011. 7,682.94 8,000.00 Profit before tax was achieved at Rp. 68.22 billion, an 7,000.00 increase of 139.76% from a loss of Rp. 171.57 billion in 6,000.00 2011. 5,000.00 5,993.04 4,000.00 Net Profit After Tax (NPAT) 3,000.00 After the deduction of income tax, the Bank NPAT for 2,000.00 the year 2012 reached Rp. 46.86 billion increased 1,492.17 1,425.58 1,561.62 1,000.00 131.83% from 2011 which was a loss of Rp. 147.25 billion. However, the Allowance for Impairment Loss still affected the profit achievement. Micro loan expansion 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 and the remaining non-performing loan of the ex-legacy Bank Eksekutif which was postponed due to the legal issue drove a higher Allowance for Impairment Loss. Current Account with Bank Indonesia Current account with Bank Indonesia increased 12% in Earnings Per Share conjunction with increased of the Bank third party fund. In 2012 Bank Pundi booked the earnings per share of Current account with Bank Indonesia are provided to Rp. 4.80, improved from the previous year of 2011 at a fulfill Bank Indonesia requirements on minimum reserve loss of Rp. 21.66 per share. requirements (GWM). Total Asset Current Account with Other Bank Total asset increased Rp. 1.69 trillion or 28.20% compare Current account with other bank increased Rp. 40.29 to the previous year. This was driven by loan (net) billion for cash management in order to minimize the increased of Rp. 2,020.39 billion or 60.53%, current Bank in keeping the cash money. account with Bank Indonesia of Rp. 56.18 billion or 12.09%, receivable interest income of Rp. 45.38 billion Total Loan or 88.13%, current account with other bank of Rp. In 2012, total loan (gross) reached Rp. 5.65 trillion or 40.29 billion or 409.16%. However, the increased was an increase of 59.07% from 2011 at Rp. 30.55 trillion. compensated by the significant decline on securities at Out of the total loan, micro loan hold Rp. 5.23 trillion Rp. 295.89 billion or 59.25%, reverse repo of Rp. 125.39 and was consisted of approximately 99 thousand micro billion or 100%, book value of fixed asset at Rp. 24.39 entrepreneur. The remaining was the commercial loan billion or 7.01% and asset deferred tax of Rp. 21.35% or which was the previous portfolio of the ex-legacy Bank 20.51%. Eksekutif. Increased on micro loan was Rp. 2.12 trillion PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 74 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Financial Review or 68.27%. In the 2012, the Bank expanded the loan Pundi Perunggu and Pundi Perak turned out as a maximum plafond to Rp. 350 million from previously Rp. superior product in lending throughout 2012, those 200 million as an effort to grab more market penetration. are loan facilities ranging from Rp. 5 million to Rp. By having the new plafond size, Bank is expected to 350 million. In 2012, Bank Pundi also launched the seize the new market ranging (>Rp. 200 million up to Rp. Agribusiness 350 million) and maintain the customers with maximum for agribusiness related which offers the plafond outstanding of Rp. 350 million thereby more micro range of Rp. 5 million up to Rp. 200 million. Business entrepreneurs enjoy the micro financing from the Bank. implementation are strictly adhered to the prudential The loan increases will also contributed to the increased business in the business implementation. Loan (Kredit Pertanian) dedicated of interest income. Total Loan-Gross (in billion Rupiah) 8,000.00 7,000.00 5,654.00 6,000.00 5,000.00 3,554.34 4,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,000.00 939.28 2008 1,036.06 612.75 2009 2010 2011 2012 (in million rupiah) 31 December LOAN COLLECTION Current INCREASE/DECREASE 2012 2011 (Audited) (Audited) AMOUNT PERCENTAGE 4,636,141 3,132,574 1,503,567 48.00% Special Mention 455,106 97,663 357,443 366.00% Sub Standard 160,771 11,641 149,130 1281.08% Doubt full 43,259 15,795 27,464 173.88% Loss 358,724 296,663 62,061 20.92% Total 5,654,001 3,554,336 2,099,665 59.07% PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 75 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 liabilities and equity Liabilities allocated for micro loan which was aligned with corporate Total liabilities increased Rp. 1,489.95 billion or 27.11% message in the communication material that by being compare to the previous year which was due to the Bank Pundi customers, they will bring contribution to the increase in third party fund of Rp. 1,434.13 billion in welfare of the Indonesian micro entrepreneurs. particular contributed by the increased in deposit of Rp. 1,264.80 billion. Promotions programs provided for the In the midst of a tight interest rate competition, Bank customers had succeeded in improving the Bank effort Pundi was able to decrease a significant Deposit interest to gain third party fund. rate compare to the previous years. Surprisingly, no significant decline in the Bank third party fund following the decline of deposit interest rate. As an effort to increase Total Liabilities (in billion rupiah) the composition of low cost funding, Bank Pundi had 8,000.00 added more product feature on saving, and enhanced 7,028.75 services as well as declining the administration fee on 7,000.00 Pundi Saving. The customers welcome these initiatives 5,529.80 6,000.00 and affected to the significant growth of both numbers of 5,000.00 funding customers and third party fund as reflected in the 4,000.00 following graphic. 1,472.72 3,000.00 2,000.00 1,404.00 Third Party Fund 1,305.06 1,000.00 (in billion Rupiah) 2008 2009 2010 2011 8,000.00 2012 6,756.64 7,000.00 Third Party Fund 6,000.00 As of 31 December 2012, the third party fund which was 5,000.00 composed of Current Account, Saving and Time Deposit 4,000.00 reached Rp. 6.75 trillion or a growth of 26.94% from the 5,322.51 3,000.00 previous year of Rp. 5.32 trillion. This achievement also 2,000.00 reflected the growth of customer trust toward the Bank 1,322.72 1,308.02 2008 2009 1,159.82 1,000.00 was getting better. The Third Party Fund structure was indeed still dominated by the Time Deposit, considering that Bank Pundi was still on the business transformation 2010 2011 2012 stages whereas liquidity maintenance becomes priority. Moving forward, saving product feature will be redesign with additional features to attract the customers, and as Equity the effort to improve the funding structure. Below is the In 2012, Bank Pundi total equity increased 41.22% higher Bank funding structure: than the 2011 position at Rp. 463.24 billion which in particular was driven by the increased of issued and fully Time Deposit Rp. 6.17 Trillion (91.34%) paid-up capital resulted from the Rights Issue III. Thus, Saving Rp. 552.65 Billion (8.18%) total equity became Rp. 654.18 billion in 2012. Additional (0.48%) of equity resulted from Rights Issue III was Rp. 176.69 Current Account Rp. 32.40 Billion billion consisted of an increased Paid Up Capital totaling Deposito Berbunga-bunga, became the Rp. 149.66 billion and Additional Paid in Capital at Rp. superior 27.03 billion. program for funding and has given major contribution on the third party fund increased. The Third Party Fund was PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 76 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Liabilities and Equity Capital Structure The Bank Capital Adequacy Ratio as per 31 December As the effort to maintain the Bank Capital Adequacy Ratio 2012 increased 56.32% or equivalent of Rp. 243,233 above the minimum requirement of Bank Indonesia, Bank million becoming Rp. 675,133 million compare to the Pundi increased its Core Capital and Supplementary previous year. The increased was also due to the Capital. The earning capitalization become the bank increased of Core Capital through Rights Issue III result initiative to increase the Core Capital while sub-debt and and Retain Earnings. or loan with equity conversion option for increasing the Supplementary Capital. Since 2010, the Bank has conducted 3 Rights Issue to strengthen the capital structure, as describe below: (in million rupiah) CORPORATE ACTION EFFECTIVE IPO TOTAL SHARES TOTAL AMOUNT June 2001 853,750,000 85,375,000,000 Rights Issue I July 2010 5,122,500,000 512,250,000,000 Rights Issue II September 2011 3,282,262,230 328,226,223,000 Rights Issue III September 2012 TOTAL 1,496,604,923 149,660,492,300*) 10,755,117,153 1,075,511,715,300 *) the offered share price on Rights Issue III was Rp. 120,- per shares which resulted to the total fund gain from Rights Issue III (after the deduction of shares issuance cost) became Rp. 176.69 billion. The amount of Rp. 27.03 billion was allocated for Additional Paid in Capital. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 77 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Financial Ratio (in million rupiah) Financial Ratio (%) 2008 CAR-including Credit Risk, Operation Risk and Market Risk 2009 2010 2011 2012 9.34 8.02 41.42 12.02 13.27 Loan to Deposits Ratio 71.01 79.21 52.83 66.78 83.68 ROA (2.00) (7.88) (12.90) (4.75) 0.98 ROE (36.30) (135.69) (84.44) (50.55) 9.52 Non Performing Loan - Bruto 15.49 27.91 50.96 9.12 9.95 Non Performing Loan - Net 14.57 20.51 4.03 3.95 4.81 7.00 6.91 3.51 8.20 16.64 111.70 150.90 157.50 118.69 97.77 Net Interest Margin Operating expenses to Operating Income Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) Bank Indonesia provides the requirement on Capital contributed from the operational income in 2012 whereas Adequacy Ratio. By the year end of 2012, the Bank’s in 2012 the Bank still experience a loss. CAR was 13.27% compare to the year of 2011 at 12.02%. To enable the growth of productive asset as Return on Equity well as establishing a sound capital structure, the Bank ROE at 31 December 2012 was 9.52% while last 2011 conducted the Rights Issue III on September 2012. was -50.55%. The improved ROE was due to the increased in net profit. Bank Indonesia requires the Bank Capital Adequacy Ratio in between 9% - 10%. By having CAR at 13.27%, Non-Performing Loan (NPL) enabling the Bank capital structure in anticipating the The NPL-net ratio was slightly deteriorated, however, it market risk, credit risk and operational risk because was still maintained below the maximum requirement CAR level was above the minimum requirement of Bank of Bank Indonesia at 5%. The NPL-net became 4.81% Indonesia. Bank Pundi is adhered to build a sound by the end of 2012 from previously at 3.95% in 2011. capital in order to build investor, customers and market Meanwhile the NPL-gross became 9.95% in 2012 from confident, as well as to support the future business previously at 9.12% in 2012. The decline in loan quality development. was driven among which by the legal issues which became the obstacle in the settlement process of non- Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) performing loan (ex-legacy Bank Eksekutif). Some micro LDR rose 16.9% became 83.68% compare to the loan account was also slightly deteriorated. previous year at 66.78% due to the loan growth. This also reflect the improving intermediary function of the Bank. Moving forward, Bank will drive the function of Special This ratio level was also above the average LDR ratio Asset Management to focus on micro loan non- determined by Bank Indonesia at 78.0%. performing loan settlement. Therefore, in the coming future, the loan quality will be maintained. Return on Asset (ROA) As per 31 December 2012, ROA was 0.98% compare to the previous year at -4.75%. The improvement was PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 78 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Financial Ratio Net Interest Margin (NIM) Throughout 2012, there was 20 additional new branches NIM was also improved in 2012, where the ratio was consisted of: 16.64% compare to the year of 2011 at 8.20%. The 3 Branch Offices (KC): improvement was driven by the increase in micro loan. In addition, the Bank was capable in adjusting the saving NO. and deposit interest rate. BRANCH OFFICE (KC) DATE 1 KC Banjarmasin Ratio of Operating Expense towards Operating 2 KC Samarinda 6 January 2012 1 March 2012 Income 3 KC Cirebon 1 August 2012 The Operating Expense Operating Income ratio became 97.77%, improved, compare to the previous year at Sub-Branch Offices: 118.69%. This reflected the management effort to gradually decrease the ratio although it was still above NO. 90%. However, the ratio trend was continuously declining SUB-BRANCH OFFICE (KCP) DATE 1 KCP Banjarnegara 2 January 2012 2 KCP Muarobungo 3 January 2012 3 KCP Sorolangun 4 January 2012 4 KCP Batang 9 January 2012 below 90%. 5 KCP Pekalongan 9 January 2012 6 KCP Bumiayu 9 January 2012 Manpower expense hold the largest portion of the 7 KCP Brebes 9 January 2012 8 KCP Pemalang 9 January 2012 employee in 2012. 9 KCP Lubuk Linggau 25 January 2012 10 KCP Cianjur 1 February 2012 Allowance for Impairment of Financial Assets to Total 11 KCP Garut 1 February 2012 Productive Assets (CKPN) 12 KCP Cibadak 10 February 2012 Allowance for impairment of financial assets to total 13 KCP Ciranjang 12 June 2012 productive assets in 2012 increased to Rp. 79.27 billion 14 KCP Kroya 18 June 2012 following the significant loan increased and NPL. NPL- 15 KCP Ketahun 1 August 2012 gross increased compared to the previous year. 16 KCP Patrol 1 October 2012 17 Ladies Branch Makassar 8 October 2012 compare the previous years. The business expansion stages drove the high ratio of the Bank Operating Expense towards Operating Income, yet, it is expected that within few years ahead this ratio will be decline up Operating Expense because the increase of Bank Material Ties for the Investment of Capital Goods There was only 1 (one) investment of capital goods In addition to branch opening, the Bank also invested transaction using foreign currencies in 2012. Treasury 37 units ATM attached to the branch office and making module was bought for IT investment under total total number of ATM as per 31 December 2012 became transaction of US$ 374,728. 68 units. Capital Expenditures and Material Commitments Conflict of Interest Transaction Related to Capital Expenditure Bank Pundi did not make any transactions that contained Capital expenditures was allocated for branch network a conflict of interest during the fiscal year of 2012 as development and IT infrastructure in order to support the stated in the BAPEPAM-LK No. IX.E.1 regulation on Bank business expansion through opening new branch “Conflict of Interest Transaction”. office and ATM. By having wide branch network, the Bank will be more accessible by the customers. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 79 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Financial Ratio Currency of Denomination portion. While percentage of saving account Rupiah becomes the major currency of denomination from related parties was 0.35% and time-deposit at the Bank because most capital goods were provided at 0.44% where mostly were the time-deposit of by domestic market. However, there was also few PT. Asuransi Jiwa Recapital, PT. Aetra Air Jakarta transaction used US Dollar currency in providing IT and PT. Recapital Asset Management. infrastructure both hardware and software but the value was not significant. Other Material Information In 2012 no other material informations Material Information and Facts that Occurred after the date of the Accountant’s Report Impact of interest rate changes to Bank’s performance No material information and facts that occurred after the In 2012, the Bank loan interest rate was relatively stable, date of the Accountant’s report. meanwhile, Bank Pundi also decreased the funding interest rate to improve the performance as reflected on the profit gained. Material information on Transactions with Related Parties Bank Pundi ensure that the transaction with related Last Updated of Statement of Financial Accounting parties were conducted based on transparency and Standards and the Impact of the Changes fairness. All the transaction with related parties had been In 2013, the implementation of Statement of Financial conducted according to the requirement and procedures Accountant Standard (SFAS) No.55 (Revision 2011) on applied in the Bank, and refer to the transparency and Financial Instrument Recognition and Measurement, fairness principles. and SFAS no.50 (Revision 2010) on Financial Instrument Presentation were still in the final stages. To support The following are the transaction occurred in 2011 the implementation, Bank provided the appropriate between Bank Pundi and its related parties and in detail technology system that covers the Accountant Policies is stated in the Audited Report on notes 33: and other Accountant Standards. The Accountant Policies and Accountant Standards were defined for the • PT. Asuransi Jiwa Recapital (Relife) provided Bank reference during its application. services on Employee Health Insurance to cover the health insurance of the employee. Employee health The Financial Accounting Standard Body (DSAK) had insurance expenses as per 31 December 2012 was issued new accountant standards in 2012 however Rp. 63.3 billion. as of this point no financial accounting standardshas significant impact towards the corporate financial • PT. Restyle Concept made an agreement for office report. Details on accountant standards changes was building renovation in 2012 at Rp. 1.95 billion, also discussed on the Notes 2 of the audited financial report lease agreement of office space for Adityawarman of Bank Pundi. sub-branch for a period of 12 months from February 2012 to February 2013 for Rp. 1.21 billion and head Dividend office for a period of 12 months from September Bank Pundi ultimate shareholders has committed not to 2011 to August 2012 was Rp. 651 million. distribute any dividends for the fiscal year of 2102 in order to enable Bank Pundi strengthen its capital structure for • The percentage of current account from related the future growth. The net profit would also be allocated parties was 29.52% where PT. Berau Coal and for supporting the future business growth. PT. Recapital Asset Management was the largest PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 80 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Financial Ratio Realization of Rights Issue III Fund Allocation Business Prospect in 2013 Rights Issue III was conducted on 29 September 2012 Business segment related to domestic market has a further to the approval of BAPEPAM LK as stated in the promising prospect in the coming years because the letter no.S-10485/BL/2012 dated 30th August 2012 on the Indonesian economy was driven mostly by the domestic Announcement of the Effective Registration Statement. market. For the coming years, this condition is predicted The Rights Issue III raised the total fund of Rp. 179.59 to be sustained as reflected by the increase in per capita billion. After the deduction of shares issuance cost, the income of middle class, the decline of poverty and the Rp. 176.69 fund was allocated by the Bank for: rise of productive human resources. 1. Approximately 77% for capital expenditure (capex) Branch Office and Sub Branch Office, covering: Bank Pundi will take the advantage of this momentum, a. Approximately 15% (fifteen percent) for office because the Bank focus on micro financing whereas building renovation majority is related to the domestic market. Bank business b. Approximately 1% (one percent) for office prospect in Micro, Small and Medium Entrepreneurs is leasing then very promising in line with Bank Indonesia prediction c. Approximately 61% (sixty one percent) for inventory (infrastructure, furniture, that the MSME loan growth by the end of 2013 will grow office significantly or at least the same with in 2012 at 34%. The equipment and IT framework). projection is supported by the national economy growth 2. The remaining 23% for working capital to increase projection in 2013 at 6.8% and loan growth of banking the micro loan. industry above 25%. The Rights Issue III fund had been fully utilized as planned. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 81 Annual Report 2012 Corporate Governance Report “Bank Pundi is neighboring with my store, and they really support me with my intention to grow the business and establish the partnership approach” Ong A Long (Nissan Spare Part Traders, Cipete Market, Kebayoran, South Jakarta) Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Being a bank that continuously grow, Bank Pundi ensure Bank Pundi is aware that a consistent implementation of that corporate governance has been implemented GCG will strengthen the Bank competitiveness, maximize accordingly. Therefore, Bank Pundi is fully committed to the Bank value, managing an efficient, effective risk implement Good Corporate Governance (GCG) within all and resources. GCG implementation is also believed levels in the organization and conduct it in accordance to strengthen the stakeholders trust toward the Bank to numbers of policies and regulations. therefore, the Bank may operate and grow sustainably over the long term. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 84 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Corporate Governance Structure 5.Delegated GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS authority to the Board of During 2012, Bank Pundi held 2 (two) General Meeting of Commissioners to determine the salary and Shareholders consisting of: other benefit to the Directors for the year 2012. I. Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS), 6. Approval for the discharge of all the current convened on May 14, 2012 with the following resolutions: Directors 1. Approved and ratified the Bank’s Annual Report immediately after the meeting was closed. and Board of Commissioners for the financial year ended on December 31, 2011, including the Board of Directors Furthermore, the meeting proposed to assign: report and supervisory report from Board of - Mr. Endriartono Sutarto as the President Commissioner concurrently as Independent Commissioners. Commissioner - 2. Approved and ratified the Financial Report Mr. Dedy Rifdy Ramsey as Commissioner - Mr. of the Bank for the financial year ended on I Goesti Viraguna Bagoes Oka as Independent Commissioner December 31, 2011 which has been audited by the Public Accountant Firm of Kosasih, - Mr. Gandhi Ganda Putra as President Director Nurdiyaman, Tjahjo & Rekan as stated in - Mr. Teguh Wiyono as Director its report No. KNT & R-C/0010/12 dated 19 - Mr. Beni Nurtantijo as Director March 2012 with the opinion of “fairly without - Mr. M. Puguh Djiwanto as Director any objection supported with explanation - Mr. Ramono Sukadis as Director paragraph” which therefore grants full release and discharge (acquit et de charge) to all The assignments are to be effective immediately members of the Board of Directors and the after the meeting was closed. The appointment is for Board of Commissioners for their management 4 (four) years tenure or by the time when the Annual and supervisory actions in 2011. General Meeting of Shareholders in 2016 is closed. 3. Delegated authority to the Directors, with Therefore, soon after the closing of the meeting, the subject to the approval from the Board of composition of the Board of Commissioners and Commissioners, to appoint a Public Accounting Directors for the duration of 4 (four) years’ tenure, Firm listed in BAPEPAM – LK to audit the Bank’s which therefore, will be due by the time when the Financial Statement for the fiscal year ended Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in 2016 is on December 31, 2012, and delegating the closed, are as follows: Directors to determine the audit fees and other related requirements on the appointment process. - President Commissioner: Bapak Endriartono Sutarto (Concurrently as the Independent Commissioner) -Commissioner: 4. Delegated authority to the Ultimate Shareholder in determining the salary or honorarium and Mr. Dedy Rifdy Ramsey other benefit for the Board of Commissioners - Independent Commissioner: for the year of 2012. Mr. I Goesti Viraguna Bagoes Oka PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 85 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Corporate Governance Structure - President Director: Mr. Gandhi Ganda Putra verse 2 and 3. b. The issuance of new shares will be -Director: conducted through Right Issues IIIby offering pre-emptive right for the existing Mr. Teguh Wiyono -Director: shareholders. Each registered shareholder who hold 100 (one hundred) shares with a Mr. Beni Nurtantijo -Director: nominal value of Rp. 100,- (one hundred rupiah) whose names are listed in the Mr. M. Puguh Djiwanto -Director: Bank Shareholders Register List by 11 September 2012 up to 16.00 hours, was Mr. Ramono Sukadis entitled to 27 pre-emptive rights, where 1 II. Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders pre-emptive right entitled to acquire 1 new (EGMS): shares with a nominal value of Rp. 100 per Convened on August 30, 2012 with the following share for an offering price of Rp. 120 resolutions: 1. Approved to conduct the Right Issue III with c. Pre-emptive right certificate will be traded Pre-Emptive Rights (HMETD) by increasing the in Indonesia Stock Exchange and outside issued and paid up capital with the following the Stock Exchange in accordance to terms and conditions: Bapepam Regulation No.IX.D.1 within a a. Maximum of 2,499,798,302 (two billion period of not more than thirty trading days four hundred ninety nine million seven starting on 13 September 2012 until 24 hundred ninety eight thousand three September 2012. New shares recording hundred and two) common shares with date was 13 September 2012. a nominal value of Rp. 100 (one hundred rupiah) per share, with the offered price of d. After the deduction of shares issuance cost, the Rp. 120 (one hundred and twenty rupiah) per fund raised from Right Issue III was fully utilized share, thereby, increased the issued and fully according to Right Issue III Prospectus as follow: paid capital from 9,258,512,230 (nine billion 1. Approximately 77% utilized for capital two million two hundred fifty eight million five expenditure in branch offices and sub- hundred twelve thousand and two hundred branch offices, comprises of: thirty) shares or Rp. 925,851,223,000,- (nine - Approximately 15% for branch hundred twenty five billion eight hundred fifty renovation one million and two hundred twenty three - Approximately 1% for branch thousand rupiah) to become 11,758,310,532 (office) leasing (eleven billion seven hundred fifty eight million - Approximately 61% for inventory three hundred ten thousand and five hundred (infrastructure, thirty two) shares or Rp. 1,175,831,053,200,- supplies, and IT hardware) 2. (one trillion one hundred seventy five billion 2. Approximately 23% utilized eight hundred thirty one million and fifty three for working capital to increase the thousand two hundred rupiah) thus amend MSME’s loan. the Bank’s Article of Association article 4 PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 86 Annual Report 2012 furniture, office Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Corporate Governance Structure e. Other requirements related to the Right Issue III Furthermore, the Bank will submit the realization could be read on the published Prospectus. report of the Right Issue III fund allocation to all shareholders through the Annual General Meeting f. Regulations on Capital Market, the government of Shareholders and Bapepam-LK. In addition, of Republic of Indonesia, the Bank’s Article of the Bank will also provide a periodic report in Association and Indonesia Stock Exchange were accordance with Bapepam regulation No. X.K.4 applied in the Right Issue III. included in the Appendix of the Bapepam-LK No: Kep-27/PM/2003 dated July 17, 2003 regarding g. The Bank has filed a Registration Statement and Realization Report and Right Issue Fund Allocation. Amendment and or additional information on the Registration Statement to the Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial 2. Approved to amend Article 16 verse 6 of the Bank‘s Institution Article of Association regarding Directors authority. (Bapepam-LK), respectively through Letter No. 333/DIR-BPI/VII/12 -07-2012 dated July 27 2012 To conclude, the Article 16 verse 4, Bank’s Article of and letter No. 381/DIR-BPI/VIII/12 dated August Association will be as follows: 23, 2012 and the Bank has received approval letter from Bapepam-LK No.S-10485/BL/2012 2012 dated Duties and Responsibilities of Directors are: August 30, 2012 regarding Notice of Approval of the The following Directors actions must obtain Registration Statement. written approval from the Board of Commissioner and oblige to the regulations: By having of Right Issue III implementation, the Meeting a. Provide loan facilities or other banking approves the following: facilities on behalf of the Bank: a. Delegated authority to the Directors to conduct the 1. To related parties as stipulated in Bank Right Issue III Indonesia Regulation on commercial b. Delegated authority to the Directors to state under banks legal lending limit regulation, or the independent notary act regardingthe increased 2. exceed the amount determined by the of issued and paid up capital following the new Board of Commissioners; issued shares. Upon the registration of the new shareholders, whose shares was resulted from Rights b. Bind the Bank as a guarantor or underwriter Issue III, therefore, the Bank Article of Association of a loan (borgtocht), or to responsible for of Article 4 verse 2 and 3 were changed including the loan payments of other party: the notification submission to Ministry of Justice and 1. related parties as stipulated in Bank Human Rights as stipulated on the EGMSc. Indonesia Regulation on commercial banks legal lending limit regulation, or c. Delegated authority to the Directors to perform all 2. exceed the amount determined by the necessary actions to: - Register the Bank’s share in Collective Custody in - Board of Commissioners; accordance with Indonesian Central c. Sell or transfer or dispose any fixed Securities Depository’s Regulation assets including land rights (exclude the Record the Bank’s share which were issued and foreclosed collaterals) in an amount that fully paid up to the Indonesian stock exchange exceeds the amount determined by the and Board of Commissioners; complying with the Capital Market regulations PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 87 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 receivable the Corporate Governance Structure d.Write-off accounts of Therefore the composition of the Board of the Bank, that deviate from the provisions Commissioners which will be due until the closing and have been approved by the Board of of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in Commissioners; 2015, that will be held in 2016 are as follows: e.Write-off of the bank non-collective - President Commissioner: Mr. Endriartono Sutarto (Concurrently as Independent Commissioner) receivables; -Commissioner: f. Take part or participate, in discharging some Mr. Dedy Rifdy Ramsey or all of the Bank investment / other entity or - Independent Commissioner: setting up a new company/business entity Mr. I Goesti Viraguna Bagoes Oka that is not related in loans recovery program in accordance with the prevailing law; The composition of the Board of Commissioners after the appointment of Mr. Drs. Paulus Wiranata g. Borrow money (exclude fund raising as obtain approval from Bank Indonesia through the fit regulated in article 3 verse 2a of the Bank’s and proper test, which will be due upon the closing articles of association) or obtain bank of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders in loan facilities or other bank facilities that 2015, that will be held in 2016, is as follow: resemble or resulting in borrowing money - President Commissioner: from other parties that exceeds the amount Mr. Endriartono Sutarto (Concurrently as Independent Commissioner) determined by the Board of Commissioners; -Commissioner: Mr. Dedy Rifdy Ramsey guarantee the Bank’s net assets, either - Independent Commissioner: in one transaction or several transactions Mr. I Goesti Viraguna Bagoes Oka cumulatively, stand alone or associated - Independent Commissioner: h. Sell or transfer or dispose the rights or Mr. Drs. Paulus Wiranata with one another in one financial year, that exceeds the amount determined by the Board of Commissioners; Furthermore, delegation of authority to the Board of Directors to state the changes of the composition of the Furthermore, delegate of authority to the Board of Commissioner in a separate notarial deed, Board of Directors to state on a separate after the appointment of Mr. Drs. Paulus Wiranata as notarial deed on the amendments of the Independent Commissioner and subject to the Bank Article of Association as well as to provide Indonesia approval through fit and proper test and notification to the Ministry of Justice and also to provide notification to the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia. 3. Approved the appointment of Mr. Drs. Paul Wiranata BOARD OF COMMISIONERS as the Independent Commissioner of the Bank, for The Board of Commissioner Independency the period of the remaining tenure of the other Board The Board of Commissioner has complied with Bank of Commissioners members. The appointment of Indonesia Regulation, among others, include: Mr. Drs. Paulus Wiranata became effective upon the a. Board of Commissioners chaired by the President approval from Bank Indonesia on the fit and proper test. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 88 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Corporate Governance Structure Commissioner and everyone is domiciled Commissioners are not holding any positions in other in institutions. In addition, all members of the Board of Indonesia. b. 75% (seventy five percent) of the Board of Commissioners does not have a family ties up to the Commissioners are Independent Commissioner second degree with a fellow member of the Board of c.The changes and/or the appointment Commissioners and the Directors of Bank Pundi. of Commissioners were being recommended by the Remuneration Committee after gaining approval Duties and Responsibilities from the AGMS. a. Carry out an independent duties and responsibilities independently. d. The Bank Board of Commissioners members did not have any other concurrent position at any institution b. Ensure the implementation of good corporate that is prohibited by Bank Indonesia regulation on governance on every operational of the Bank by all Good Corporate Governance. levels within the organization. e. All members of the Board of Commissioners have c. Supervise the implementation of the Directors duties no family ties to the second degree with fellow and responsibilities by directing, supervising, and members of the Board of Commissioners and/or evaluating the implementation of the strategic policy Board of Directors. of the Bank, as well as providing advice to the f. Directors. All Commissioners had passed the Fit and Proper d. Ensure that the Directors has followed up the reports test of Bank Indonesia. provided by the external and internal audit findings. e. Ensure that the Directors has followed up the audit Composition The numbers and composition of the Board of findings and recommendations provided by the Commissioner has been in accordance to Bank Pundi’s Internal Audit Unit, the external auditors, and the monitoring result by Bank Indonesia and Bapepam. Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders dated f. Provide approval for a several agreed matters by August 30, 2012 as follows: the Directors as long as it is not against with the No. Name Position 1 Endriartono Sutarto President Commissioners concurrently as the Independent Commissioner 2 Dedy Rifdy Ramsey Commissioner 3 I Goesti Viraguna Bagoes Oka Independent Commissioner 4 Paulus Wiranata Independent Commissioner To avoid any conflicts of interest, the Independent PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 89 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Corporate Governance Structure Bank’s Articles of Association and the prevailing newspaper, as well as the Right Issue III Prospectus regulations. Issue in 2012. g. Report to Bank Indonesia by the latest of 7 (seven) c. Reviewed and approved the 2013 Bank Business days after the findings (if any) on the violation of Plan, to be submitted to Bank Indonesia. prevailing laws on finance and banking regulation; d. Supervised the Bank Business Plan realization and and submit the Business Plan supervision report to Bank h. Conditions or circumstances that may hazard the Indonesia. Bank business existence. i. e. Conducted periodic meetings with all Committees Establish at least Audit Committee, Risk Management under Commissioners to discuss Bank Pundi Committee, and Remuneration and Nomination performance and strategic plans. Committee. f. - The Board of Commissioners must ensure and Risk Management Committee (related to the that the committees performed their duties presence of additional Commissioner). effectively. - j. Reorganized the membership of the Audit Committee g. Supervised the implementation of Directors duties Committees are responsible to the Board of and responsibilities through regular meeting with Commissioners. the respective Director on the execution of the Bank Provide a report on the supervision task that has strategies. been carried out during the previous financial year h. Ensured that Directors had followed up the Internal to the General Meeting of Shareholders. and External Auditors (Bank Indonesia) findings. i. Approved the appointment of public accountant firm Duties Implementation in 2012 to audit the annual financial statements (audited) for Throughout 2012, the Board of Commissioners had the fiscal year 2011. performed their duties, among others, include: a. Supervised the implementation of the principles of Submitted the report on supervision accountability for Good Corporate Governance (GCG) at Bank Pundi. the period of fiscal year 2011 to the General Meeting of b. Reviewed the Annual Financial Statements and Shareholder Quarterly Financial Statements published in the PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 90 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Corporate Governance Structure The Frequency of Meetings and Attendance Rate of the Board of Commissioners in 2012 No Name Numbers Meeting Attendance Position Attendance Percentage 1. Endriartono Sutarto President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner 10 8 80 % 2. Dedy Rifdy Ramsey Commissioner 10 10 100 % 3. I Goesti V. Bagoes Oka Independent Commissioner 10 9 90 % 4. Paulus Wiranata *) Independent Commissioner 10 1 10 % *) Effective on 25 September 2012 th Remuneration and Other Facilities Policies for the and long term strategy projection. The remuneration Board of Commissioners covers salaries and other benefits. The committee Remuneration and other facilities package for the Board also calculates the total remuneration for the Board of Commissioner is determined in accordance to the of Commissioners. shareholders’ approval at the Annual General Meeting b. The committee submits the Board of Commissioners of Shareholders which was held in 2011 and referred remuneration calculation and to be reviewed by the to the recommendation provided by Remuneration Board of Commissioners. and Nomination Committee. Remuneration and other c. Board of Commissioners submits the remuneration facilities package within 2012 are: package for Board of Commissioners to General Meeting of Shareholder. Remuneration Procedure for the Board of Commissioners: d. General Meeting of Shareholder determine the a. Remuneration and Nomination Committee provide remuneration for the Board of Commissioners and calculation for the remuneration of each Board will be applied by Human Capital Division. of Commissioners members based on the Bank financial condition, benchmarking on peer group Amounts Received in 2012 No 1. 2. Remuneration and Other Facilities Board of Commissioners Persons Rp. million 4 3.704 Remuneration (salaries, routine allowance and other facilities received in cash) Other facilities in form of in-kind: - Can be owned - Cannot be owned - TOTAL 4 PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 91 Annual Report 2012 3.704 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information COMMITTEES UNDER Management Report THE BOARD Review of Business Condition in 2012 b. Audit Committee Chairman supported by 2 (two) OF COMMISIONER committee members both from independent The Board of Commissioners is supported with party who is the finance or accounting experts Audit Committee, Risk Oversight Committee, and and the other one is law and banking expert. Remuneration and Nomination Committee. c. All Audit Committee members have fulfilled the requirements on independency, expertise, integrity and good moral as stipulated on the a. Audit Committee Good Corporate Governance implementation. Independency of Audit Committee a. Bank Pundi Audit Committee consisted of 3 (three) members, where one of the member is Independent Commissioner concurrently as Composition the Chairman of Audit Committee Audit Committee members were established based on Decree No. 001/SK-KOM/BPI/XII/12 dated 3rd December 2012, consisted of: No. Name Position Description 1 I.G. Viraguna Bagoes Oka Chairman Independent Commissioner 2 Lungguk Gultom Member Independent party, financial and banking expert. 3 Troy Trijono Member Independent party, financial and audit expert public accounting firm that has to be in Duties and Responsibilities accordance with the auditing standards The Audit Committee provides recommendations principles; to the Board of Commissioners on the Directors - report submitted to the Board of Commissioner, The financial report is in accordance with the prevailing accountant standards; that includes, issues identification which require - The progress of follow-up actions on the attention from the Board of Commissioners, and findings of internal and external audits perform other tasks related to the duties of the Board (Bank Indonesia and Public Accountant of Commissioners, such as: Firm) by the Directors in order to provide a. Examine the Bank’s financial information on recommendations financial statement, projections and others. to the Board of Commissioners b. Review the Bank’s compliance with prevailing d. Provide recommendations to the Board of capital market laws and regulations and other Commissioner on the appointment of Public regulations related to the Bank’s business Accountant which to be submitted to the AGMS. activities. e. Report to the Board of Commissioners on the c. Assess the adequacy of internal control, risks exposed by the Bank and risk management including the adequacy of the financial reporting implementation by the Board of Directors. process, at least to monitor and evaluate on: f. Review and report to the Board of Commissioners on complaints relate to the Bank. - The implementation of the Internal Audit Unit; - g. Maintain confidentiality of documents, data and The application of the audit process by PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Bank information bank. 92 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Duties Implementation in 2012 - NPL settlement During 2012, the Audit Committee assisted the Board - Performance improvement of the Bank of Commissioners with the following coverage: - Fraud cases handling - Article of Association amendment a.Monitored and evaluated the policies implementation oninternal audit in 2012. b.Provided recommendation to Board c. Visited branch / Regional Surabaya in order of to evaluate the implementation of the loan Commissioners on: restructuring. - The appointment of Public Accountant d. Discussion with Bank Pundi Directorson the Firm to audit the 2011 annual financial 2012 Bank Business Plan achievement. statements. - Changes of e. Conducted periodic meetings with the Board the Bank organizational of Commissioners to discuss performance structure. and strategic plans of Bank Pundi. The Frequency of Meetings and Attendance Rate of the Audit Committee in 2012 No Name Position Numbers of Meetings Attendance Percentage 1 Endriartono Sutarto Chairman*) 9 8 89 % 2 I.G. Viraguna Bagoes Oka Chairman**) 9 - - 3 Lungguk Gultom Member 9 8 89 % 4 Troy Trijono Member 9 4 45 % *) Effective for the period of 9 September 2011 - 2 December 2012 **) Effective became the Chairman since 3 December 2012 (within January - November 2012, Mr I.G. Viraguna Bagoes Oka was neither the Chairman nor the Member of Audit Committee) c.The b. Risk Oversight Committee entire Risk Oversight Committee Risk Oversight Committee Independency members has met the requirements which a. Risk Oversight Committee consists of 3 (three) cover the aspect of the independence, integrity, persons, where one of whom is an independent expertise, and good morals, also as required in commissioner who become the Chairman of the accordance to the Good Corporate Governance Risk Oversight Committee. implementation principles. b. Chairman of the Risk Oversight Committee is assisted by two (2) committee members Composition who are independent parties with expertise in Risk Oversight Committee membership composition finance and risk management. based on SK No. 002/SK-KOM/BPI/XII/12 date 3 December 2012, consists of: No. Name Position 1 Paulus Wiranata Chairman Independent Commissioner 2 Lungguk Gultom Member Independent party, finance and banking expert. 3 Taufik Hakim Member Independent party, risk management expert. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 93 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Corporate Governance Structure - Duties and Responsibilities Bank organization structure changes (additional Risk Monitoring Committee provides opinion to the divisions). Board of Commissioners regarding the report or - Amendments of Article of Association (related concerns submitted by the Directors to the Boardof to Director’s authority) Commissioners, also making identification toward any - Human capital (recruitment and job description) matter that need to be taken attention by the Board of - Improved the internal bank monitoring function. Commissioners, such as: - Evaluated the calculation of Impairment Losses a.Evaluation on the suitability between Risk (CKPN). Management policies and the actual implementation. - Fraud cases handling b. Discussion with Risk Management Division regarding b.Monitoring duties the coordination between Risk Management Division implementation of Risk Oversight Committee and and evaluation on the and other related divisions in evaluating the overall Risk Management Unit (SKMR) to enable in providing Bank Pundi’s risk. recommendations to the Board of Commissioners. c. Advised the Risk Management Team to enhance the Risk Management Framework with the involvement of related Divisions. Duties Implementation in 2012 During 2012, the Risk Monitoring Committee assists the d. Organized periodic meetings with the Board Board of Commissioners, which covers the following: a. Provided recommendation to Board of Commissioners to discuss performance and of strategic plans of Bank Pundi in 2012. Commissioners on the: The Frequency of Meetings and Attendance of the Risk Oversight Committee Meetings in 2012 No Name Numbers of Position Meetings Attendance Percentage 1 I Goesti Viraguna Bagoes Oka Chairman*) 9 8 89 % 2 Paulus Wiranata Chairman**) 9 - - 3 Lungguk Gultom Member 9 7 78 % 4 Taufik Hakim Member 9 7 78 % *) Became the Chairman for the period of 11 November 2011 - 2 December 2012 **) Effective since 3 December 2012 (within January - November 2012 Mr. Paulus Wiranata was neither the Chairman nor the Member of the Risk Oversight Committee. b. Remuneration and Nomination Committee has c. Remuneration and Nomination Committee Remuneration and Nomination met the criteria of independency, expertise, Committee integrity and good morals as required on the the Independency a.Remuneration and Nomination good corporate governance implementation. Committee consists of 3 (three) persons, which one of them is an independent commissioner who Composition become the Chairman of the Remuneration and Remuneration and Nomination Committee membership Nomination, and assisted by 1 (one) member composition based on the decree No. 009/SK-KOM/BPI/ of the committee who is the non-independent XII/11 dated 1st November 2012, consists of: commissioner and 1 (one) person who is the bank’s executive on human resources. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 94 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Corporate Governance Structure No. Name Position Description 1 Endriartono Sutarto Chairman Independent Commissioner 2 Dedy Rifdy Ramsey Member Commissioner 3 Lieke Roosdianti Member Human Capital Management Head Duties and Responsibilities Nomination Policy To assist the Board of Commissioners on reviewing the a. Assist the Board of Commissioners in selection reports submitted by the Directors, which consists of: process of Board of Commissioner or Directors Remuneration Policy nomination that need to be submitted to the General a. Evaluate the remuneration policy Meeting of Shareholders. b. Provide recommendation on: -Remuneration policy b. Assist the Board of Commissioners in selection for Board of process of Audit and Risk Oversight Committee Commissioners and Directors to be submitted member from the independent party. to General Meeting of Shareholders. - Remuneration policy for executive officers and Duties Implementation in 2012 employees which to be submitted to the Board During of Directors. Committee succeeded in implementing the following c. Ensure that the remuneration policy is at least in Bank’s the a. Submission financial performance and Individual working performance; - Fairness with the peer group, and - Bank’s target and long-term strategy and Nomination of Commissioners candidate recommendation 2012. prevailing provision coverage; - Remuneration matters: accordance with: - The 2012, b. Procedure of new commissioners’ appointment for 2012. c. Evaluations and recommendations for the Board of Commissioners and Directors. The Frequency of Meetings and Attendance of the Remunerations and Nominations Committee in 2012 No Name Position Numbers of Meetings Attendance Percentage 1 Endriartono Sutarto Chairman 2 2 100 % 2 Dedy Rifdy Ramsey Member 2 2 100 % 3 Lieke Roosdianti Member 2 2 100 % DIRECTORS and Nomination Committee whose gained GMS Directors Independency approval. Directors of Bank Pundi has complied with the regulation e. All Directors do not hold any concurrent position of Bank Indonesia, among others are as follows: which is against the prevailing Bank Indonesia a. Directors consists of more than 3 (three) persons. regulation b. All Directors domicile in Indonesia. implementation. c. All Directors must has at least 5 (five) years f. experiences in the banking operations and hold on Good Corporate Governance All Directors have no family ties to the second degree with fellow members of the Board of Commissioners executive position. and/or Board of Directors d. Replacement and/or the assignment of Directors g. All Directors have passed the Fit and Proper Test of referred to the recommendation from Remuneration PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Bank Indonesia. 95 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Corporate Governance Structure Composition Based on the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) held in May 14th 2012, the following is the Bank Pundi Directors composition: No. Name Position 1 Gandhi Ganda Putra President Director 2 Teguh Wiyono Compliance & HR Director 3 Beni Nurtantijo Operations Director 4 Maximianus Puguh Djiwanto Finance Director 5 Ramono Sukadis Business Director Duties and Responsibilities j. To carry both individual and joint responsibilities for a. To manage the Bank in accordance with their duties any losses experienced by other party which was and responsibilities complying with the Articles of due to the purposed negligence on the prevailing Association, and prevailing Regulation. regulations and laws. b. To implement the Good Corporate Governance k. To be responsible on the implementation of the tasks principles in all business activities of the Bank within and duties to shareholders through General Meeting all levels of the organization. of Shareholders. c. To follow-up on the internal and external audit recommendations. Duties Implementation In 2012 d. To establish at least: Audit Internal Working Unit During 2012, Board of Directors has carried out their (SKAI), Risk Management Work Unit (SKMR), duties and responsibilities as follows: Compliance Unit, Risk Management Committee, ALCO and Information Technology Steering a. Managed Committee. e. To expose the human capital strategic policies to all Bank as part of the duties Article of Association, and prevailing regulations. employee. f. the implementation in accordance with the authority, b. Implemented the Good Corporate Governance To provide data and information that are accurate, principles on the Bank business activities within relevant and timely to the Board of Commissioners. all levels of the organization by complying with g. To disclose the material facts about the Bank latest prevailing regulations of Bank Indonesia and other performance to avoid mislead information about the related institutions. current Bank condition. c. Determined the strategy policies for 2012 in order to h. To encourage the implementation of the compliance increase Bank Pundi performance and discuss the culture and behavior as well as code of conduct and policies with Committees under Directors, Division ethics to all levels within the organization. Head and Regional Heads. i. To avoid the engagement of any personal advisor d. Defined the Bank Business Plan for 2013 which was and/or consultant services unless it fulfill the submitted to Bank Indonesia upon the approval following condition: from the Board of Commissioners. - Specific projects; - Based on a clear contract of employment, and - Being the independent consultants and have e. Enhanced Bank Pundi organizational structure for 2012 f. Renew the Credit Policy Committee and ALCO relevant qualifications to handle the specific membership. project. g. Define the strategic Human Capital policies for 2012, such as Discipline Committee Policy, Policies and Procedures on Outsourcing Resources, Policies PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 96 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Corporate Governance Structure on Proposal Formation Procedures, Organization k. Encouraged the compliance culture, code of Structure Changes on each Working Unit, Policies conduct and ethics implementation to all levels on Human Capital Information System (HCIS), within the organization, as well as the Anti-Fraud Manual book for Security Guards on the working Strategy and Know Your Employee Guidelines. guidelines, Policies and Procedure for Human l. Reports to the shareholders through the 2012 Resources Planning, Recruitment Process and Annual General Meeting of Shareholders on the on Employee Assignment. the duties implementation. h. Provided the Bank financial data and information of the 2012 fiscal year and hold discussion with the Other Remuneration and Facilities Policy for Board of Board of Commissioners and Committees under Directors Board of Commissioners. Determination of remuneration and other facilities for i. Followed-up on the recommendations from the j. Board of Directors refers to the approval of shareholders internal and external audit in 2012. as defined in the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Submitted the reports to Bank Indonesia and other held in 2011 by referring to the Remuneration and related institutions for the within 2012. Nomination Committee recommendation. Remuneration package and other facilities for the Board of Directors for the year 2012 are: Amount Received in 2012 No 1. 2. Directors Remuneration and Other facilities Remuneration (salaries, routine allowance and other facilities received in cash) Rp.million 5 8.147 5 8.147 Other facilities in form of in-kind: - Can be owned - Cannot be owned TOTAL b. The committee submits the Directors remuneration Remuneration Procedure for the Directors: a. Persons Remuneration and Nomination calculation to Board of Commissioners for their Committee review. provide calculation for the remuneration of each Director based on the Bank financial condition, benchmarking c. Board of Commissioners submits the remuneration on peer group and long term strategy projection. The package for Directors to General Meeting of Shareholder (GMS). remuneration covers salaries and other benefits. The d. General Meeting of Shareholder determine the committee also calculates the total remuneration for the remuneration for the Directors and wll be applied by Board of Commissioners. Human Capital Division. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 97 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Corporate Governance Structure The Frequency of Meeting and Attendance of Directors in 2012 No Name Position Numbers of Percentage Meetings Attendance President Director 10 10 100 % 1 Gandhi Ganda Putra 2 Teguh Wiyono Director 10 10 100 % 4 Beni Nurtantijo Director 10 8 80 % 5 Maximianus Puguh Djiwanto Director 10 7 70 % 6 Ramono Sukadis Director 10 9 90 % Joint Meetings of Board of Commissioners and Directors during 2012 Joint meeting between the Board of Commissioners and January to December 2012 and the attendance of each Directors were held for 5 (five) times within the period of members in each meeting are as follows: No Name Numbers of Position Meetings Attendance Percentage 1 Endriartono Sutarto President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner 5 5 100 % 2 Dedy Rifdy Ramsey Commissioner 5 5 100 % 3 I Goesti V. Bagoes Oka Independent Commissioner 5 4 80 % 4 Paulus Wiranata *) Independent Commissioner 5 1 20 % 1 Gandhi Ganda Putra President Director 5 5 100 % 2 Teguh Wiyono Director 5 5 100 % 4 Beni Nurtantijo Director 5 4 80 % 5 Maximianus Puguh Djiwanto Director 5 3 60 % 6 Ramono Sukadis Director 5 5 100 % *) Effective on 25th September 2012 Training Program for Directors The Directors had taken the risk management competency test with the following level for each respective Director: No Name Position Level President Director 4 1 Gandhi Ganda Putra 2 Teguh Wiyono Director 4 3 Beni Nurtantijo Director 4 4 Maximianus Puguh Djiwanto Director 4 5 Ramono Sukadis Director 4 PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 98 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Corporate Governance Structure Comittees Under Board Of Directors 2. Asset & Liability Committee (ALCO) In performing the duties, Directors are assisted by ALCO was established based on Bank Pundi’s Committees below: Directors’ decree Number:200/DIR-BPI/V/12 date 1 Mei 2012 which was the replacement of Decree Number: SKEP 110/DIR-BPI/V/11 date 10 Mei 2011. 1. Risk Management Committee Established based on the Bank Pundi Directors ALCO members consisted of: Decree No.428/SK-DIR/BPI/XI/11 date 30 November - Chairman: President Director 2011. - Secretary (concurrently as the member): Risk Management Committee consisted of: Treasury Head - - Members : Directors - - Chairman (concurrently as the member): Compliance Director Group Head Funding Secretary (concurrently as the member): Risk Management Head Risk Management Head Corporate Budget & Control Head Permanent Members : Directors Compliance Head Internal Audit Head Corporate Secretary Head Compliance Head - Non-Permanent Members : Funding Group Head Duties and Responsibilities Business Group Head ALCO meeting shall be conducted at least once in Treasury Head a month and act responsibilities in accordance to Finance Head Bank Indonesia Regulation Number: 11/25/PBI/2009 Corplan & Budget Control on the changes of Bank Indonesia Regulation Head Number 5/8/PBI/2003 on the Implementation of Operations Head Risk Management for Commercial Banks and Circulation Letter of Bank Indonesia Number Duties and Responsibilities 5/21/DPNP/03 dated 29th September 2003, on The core duties of Risk Management Committee is the company’s asset and liquidity management to ensure that Bank Pundi has had a complete and such as the policies determination on funding and effective risk management framework which has disbursement, monitor the bank liquidity covered the prudential principle for the protection of to ensure that it is on the optimal level, as well as both the shareholders and customers interest. investments and bank earnings. Duties Implementation and Frequency level Bank Pundi ALCO main duty is to review, analyze of Meetings and determine strategic policies on funding and its The Risk Management Committee has held 3 (three) allocation, pricing and risk control therefore the asset meetings throughout 2012 on the following topics: and liabilities management is focused and optimal. - The Soundness Rating of the Bank Thus, the main duty of ALCO is to determine the - Risk Profile policies related to liquidity management, gapping - Liquidity & Market Review for 1st Quarter of management and investment management. 2012 - Inter Branch Interest Rate Calculation Formula Duties - Credit Portfolio and the latest BI regulation review Meetings regarding the PBI No.4/8/2012 (Commercial During 2012, ALCO held 9 meetings with the Bank Ownership) impacted by GCG report and following discussions: Soundness Rating of the Bank. - Base lending rate calculation for inter-bank - Treasury Portfolio - Funding Structure - Maturity Profile Report PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 99 Implementation Annual Report 2012 and Frequency of Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Corporate Governance Structure 3. Credit Policy Committee 4. Information Technology Steering Bank has established a Credit Policy Committee Committee through Directors’ decree No.264/DIR-BPI/IX/11 Information Technology Steering Committee was dated 16 September 2011 on the establishment established based on the Director’ decree Number of Credit Policy Committee and then redefined SK.193/DIR-BPI/VII/11 date 19 July 2011 on the through a Decree No.050/DIR- BPI/II/12 dated 3 changes February 2012 on the Enhancement of Credit Policy Committee. Committee. Information of Information Technology Technology Steering Steering Committee consisted of: Credit Policies Committee consisted of: - Chairman : Operations Director - Chairman: - Secretary : IT Head President Director - Members : Compliance Director - - Secretary (concurrently as the member) : Business Director Credit Policy & Support Head Risk Management Head Member: Business Director, Operations Head Risk Management Head Compliance Head SKAI Head SKAI Head Compliance Head Duties and Responsibilities Duties and Responsibilities 1. The Information Technology Steering 1. To formulate, review and improve the Bank Committee is accountable in monitoring the Credit Policies framework, especially on the development and management of IT strategic matters that relates with the application of plan whereas the Senior Management and prudential principles. primary users in the organization are involved. 2. To formulate the direction, strategy, setting and The Internal Audit Unit provides advices improvement of the credit target market. on the development phase and during the 3. To recommend the authority for credit approval implementation of User Acceptance Test and determine the criteria of Credit Committee stage. members. 4. To monitor and evaluate the progress, process 2. The Committee is entitled in reviewing the and quality of the credit portfolio. fairness of information management from 5. To monitor the Loan Loss Provision. various working unitsfor the ability to coordinate 6. To monitor and evaluate the non-performing and oversee the IT resources in an effective loans solutions. manner as well as in ensuring the fairness of a 7. To deliver a written report on the Credit business plan. The official minutes of meetings Policies Committee activities to the Board of should Commissioners as well as to respective working documentation of any activities and decision unit for further actions. made by the committee. The Directors are to 8. Other matters that considered necessary for be registered which covers the be advised on all important decision made. the credit activities implementation. The committee requirement and references should be formulated as the guidance for all committee members in implementing their Duties Implementation and Frequency of role, such as: Meetings - 1. Within 2012, the Credit Policy Committee held meetings for 3 times with the following - discussions: - Micro P3K Review -Guidelines for Non-performing Loan - Management - Periodic review on the Bank Credit Policy To formulate the short term of IT plans including the budget allocation; To ensure the IT strategic plan (short term and long term) can support the overall organization’s strategic business plan. To set priorities and monitor the status of IT projects. (KPB). PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 100 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Corporate Governance Structure a. All members of the Board of Commissioners - To formulate main IT policies and procedures, such as IT security policies and IT risk management framework. - To monitor the effectiveness of the main IT policies implementation such as IT security policy. - To oversee the overall efficiency, IT usage performance and effectiveness within the bank. - Becomes the liaison communication between the IT Unit and user unit. - To review and approve the usage of allocated capital expenditures for the important IT needs, as long as it is still within the Directors approved; - To review the adequacy of resources and time resources allocation, staff, training and equipment. - To provide IT architecture guidelines and ensure that information architecture design has supported the business strategy also complying with the business continuity, the rules and requirements and Board of Directors (except the President Director) do not have Bank Pundi shares, other banks and other companies, both domestic and overseas. b. President Director (Gandhi Ganda Putra) owns Bank Pundi shares at 3.27 million shares or 0.03%. c. All members of the Board of Commissioners and Directors do not have financial or family ties with other members of the Board of Commissioners, Directors and Ultimate Shareholders of Bank Pundi. 2. Share Options During 2012, there is no share option policy and activity for Board of Commissioners, Directors, and Executive Officer of Bank Pundi. CORPORATE SECRETARY In accordance with the Bapepam regulation No. IX.I.4 in 1996, Bank Pundi has appointed the Corporate Secretary, Christiana Maria Damanik (brief biography available in Corporate Data segment in this annual report). Function 3. The Committee shall oversee the performance and responsibility of Corporate Secretary are as follows: and define the required actions in achieving the 1. Monitor the capital market movement especially on desired end result. In addition, the committee the prevailing capital market regulation. must conduct meetings on a regular basis and 2. Provide service to the public who required report to senior management. information regarding the current Bank Pundi condition. 4. The official IT Steering Committee minutes of 3. Provide advice to Bank Pundi Directors in complying meeting result should be registered and every the Capital Market regulation and its implementation activity and established decision must be rules. documented. Duties 4. Become the liaison of Bank Pundi with Bapepam Implementation and Frequency and public. of Meetings Duties Implementation of Corporate Secretary During 2012, Information Technology Steering Committee held meetings for 2 times During 2012, Corporate Secretary had implemented its with duties, such as: discussions as follows: - OPICS System Implementation a. Provided any information on Bank Pundi required Report by Shareholder and the public, such as Annual (completed). - Report request, Right Issue and the Annual General Project Development Up-date (ITM Replacing Meeting of Shareholder schedule. Xlink). THE TRANSPARENCY OF BOARD b. Conducted periodic publication on Bank Pundi OF Quarterly Financial Report in some print-media with COMMISSIONERS, DIRECTORS AND OTHER national circulation and report it to Bank Indonesia, 1. Share Ownership and Financial Relations and family Bapepam-LK and PT Bursa Efek Indonesia : ties amongst the members of Commissioners and Directors: PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 101 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Corporate Governance Structure No. Periodic Report Publication 1 31 March 2012 Media Indonesia and Bisnis Indonesia dated 30 April 2012 2 30 June 2012 Media Indonesia and Bisnis Indonesia dated 31 July 2012 3 30 September 2012 Media Indonesia and Bisnis Indonesia dated 31 October 2012 4 31 December 2012 (audited) Media Indonesia and Bisnis Indonesia dated 28 March 2013. c. Submitted periodic and incidental report to f. Conducted Corporate Social Responsibility activity. Bapepam-LK and PT Bursa Efek Indonesia, included g. Prepared Special Register of Shares, which is the the report on corporate actions such as the Right list of Bank Pundi Directors, Board of Commissioner Issue III. share ownership includes their relatives, also shares d. Coordinated the implementation of General Meeting ownership at other institution beside Bank Pundi. of Shareholders (AGMS and EGMS) and Public h. Provided information to Shareholder and public Expose. regarding Bank Pundi performance and activities. e. Attended every Directors Meeting and provides Press Release had been issued by Bank Pundi minutes of meeting. during 2012 were as follows: PRESS RELEASES FOR NATIONAL DISTRIBUTION DURING 2012 NO DATED TITLE 1. 14 May Bank Pundi booked a Profit of Rp. 31,04 billion by end of March 2012 (unaudited) 2. July 25 Bank Pundi Fast Breaking with 3100 Orphanage Children 3. September 12 Appreciation Night for Yogyakarta customers 4. September 24 The Micro Credit of Bank Pundi Central Java reaches Rp. 593 billion. 5. October 08 Bank Pundi officially launched its 207th branch, Ladies Branch Makassar – Ratulangi 6. November 01 Bank Pundi generates Net Profit Rp. 41,2 billion and LDR 87,07% (period 30 September 2012) 7. November 21 MOU: IWAPI – Bank Pundi for Banking & Micro credit services. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 102 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Corporate Governance Structure CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY Donation for Natural Disaster Victims The Bank has allocated its budget for Corporate Social In March 2012, Bank Pundi grants donation for flood Responsibility Program by prioritizing the urgency and victims in Sumbawa. The donation was handed over financial capability of the bank. directly to the flood victims in Sumbawa. Public Health Care Bank Pundi had established a partnership with Indonesian Red-Cross (PMI) for the blood donor program 17 by the employees on a regular basis. During 2012, Bank march Pundi had conducted the blood donor program for twice, in March and July. For 2013, Bank Pundi plans to organize blood donor program for four times. 04 JANUARy Donation for flood victim in Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). The donation was handed by Account Officer Sumbawa Branch Office Wiwit Apriyawan to Bank Pundi’s customer, Abdul Hamid. As one of the Corporate Social Responsibility, Bank Pundi is continuously conducting blood donor program joined by the Directors and employees. Shown in the picture above, the President Director of Bank Pundi, Mr. Gandhi Ganda Putra being examined before donoring his blood. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 103 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Corporate Governance Structure Religious Activities 5 The year of 2012 became the second year of the april business transformation implementation, therefore, Bank Pundi organized the fast event breaking event during Ramadhan 2012 with orphanage children in several cities across Indonesia. During the event, Bank Pundi also gave donation in form of cash and the Holy Book of Al Qur’an to each child. Bank Pundi also gave the Holy Book of Al Qur’an to some Bank Pundi neighborhoods mosques nationwide. In celebrating the Christmas, in December 2012, Bank also organized Christmas event with orphans and provided donation in term of cash and Holly Bibles which Donating chairs and desks to Yayasan Darussalam, Gandaria Utara, South Jakarta. were given to every orphanage children attending the event. 25 22 July Donating Holy Bible to orphans during Christmas with Bank Pundi employees. Shown in the picture, Bank Pundi’s Commissioner, Mr. Paulus Wiranata joined by Corporate Secretary Head, Ms. Christiana M. Damanik handing the Holy Bible to representatives of Panti Asuhan Bersinar. Bank Pundi fastbreaking with 3,100 orphans held simultaneously in all branch office in Indonesia. Shown in the picture, Bank Pundi Finance Director. Mr. Maximianus P. Djiwanto handing donation of the Holy Book of Koran to an orphan. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. December 104 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Corporate Governance Structure AUDIT FUNCTION IMPLEMENTATION I. - Internal Audit Conduct the Continuous Professional Education to entire auditor team for a sustainable auditor The Internal Audit Working Unit function (SKAI) is an competency improvement. independent unit from the Bank’s operational activities, . and during its implementation refer to Bank Indonesia c. Maintain the independency of the internal audit Regulation, PBI No. 1/6/PBI/1999 dated 20 September activities through the following action: 1999 on the Assignment of Compliance Director and the - Implementation of Standard Operating Procedure for Report the audit finding to President Director and Board of Commissioners with notification to Internal Audit Function in Commercial Bank (SPFAIB). Compliance Director and Audit Committee. Internal Audit Working Unit (SKAI) assist the President - Report the primary implementation of internal to Director and Board of Commissioners in conducting a Bank Indonesia every 6 months in accordance supervisory activities to reach the organization goal. with the prevailing SPFAIB. - Report to Bank Indonesia at the latest 7 (seven) The Internal Audit Working Unit Head is Hariyadi (brief working days after the audit finding result with biography is available in Corporate Data segment in a potential prediction of having negative impact this annual report). The appointment and dismissal of towards Bank Pundi business continuity. an Internal Audit Working Unit based on the President - Ensure that the implementation of internal audit Director decision and subject to the approval from Board has been complied with SPFAIB, and conducted of Commissioners. Every appointment and dismissal of at the minimum of every three 3 years. The the Internal Audit Working Unit head should be reported Internal Audit Working Unit is to be examined by to Bank Indonesia and Bapepam-LK. The Internal Audit external auditor /Public Accountant Firm (KAP) Working Unit head reports to President Director and which has been registered in Bank Indonesia Board of Commissioners with notification to Compliance and to be appointed by the approval of AGM. Director. Total employees of Internal Audit Working Unit in 2012 is 19 persons. The Internal Audit Working Unit take the inspection on Branch Offices (KC), Sub-branch Offices (KCP) and The Audit Internal Working Unit provide assistance in other working unit align with the annual working plan. reaching the organization goal by having a systematic All internal audit findings is followed up by KC/KCP and and regular approach in the evaluation and improvement related working unit. The findings are summarized into of risk management effectiveness, internal control and key audit findings and communicate it to entire related governance process through the following strategies: division in Head Office for the reference of the future a.Explanation bank wide improvement. To assure that the findings has on the operational plan and implementation as well as audit monitoring result. been improved accordingly with agreed target date on b. Conduct the assurance and consulting activities exit meeting, the Audit Internal Working Unit will do the by using the audit risk based approach on site and monitoring by Automate Audit Findings Tracking System remote audit : methodology. - Recruit competent human capital with a - - background on banking experience and related The following are The Internal Audit Working Unit certification to their function. activities during 2012: Provide Internal Audit Guidance and Internal 1. Conducted the internal audit examinations on Bank Audit Charter as guideline and legal protection Pundi with the following coverage: in audit assignment implementation. a. Head Office: Human Capital Development Utilize the Computer Assisted Audit Techniques (HCD), (CAATs) General Affairs Division (GA), Finance and for efficient & effective audit implementation PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 105 Annual Report 2012 Operation (ATM Settlement Unit), Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Corporate Governance Structure Accounting Division Management (FA), (SAM), Special Asset Anti-Fraud Strategy, Asset Recovery (ACFE), Ethics Information and Management & Theory, Fraud Risk Management, Technology Division (IT). B. Branch Office: Pekanbaru, Fatmawati Leadership Program, Investigative Audit (Bareskrim). Tasikmalaya, Karawang, Adityawarman Bandung, Serang, Sangaji, Internal Control System Effectiveness (LB), Malang, Audit implementation in 2012 was conducted based Surabaya, Medan, S. Parman (LB), Manado, on Bank Pundi Internal Audit Policy and Internal Audit Solo, Semarang, Palu, Jambi, Yogyakarta, Guidance, as well as comply with the Standard Operating Makassar, Procedure for Internal Audit Function in Commercial Lampung, Jember, Palembang, Gresik, Kediri, Bogor, Bekasi and Tegal. Bank (SPFAIB), as determined by Bank Indonesia. C. Other Activities: SKNBI & RTGS, Security IT SKNBI & RTGS and Credit Review Policy. Based on the result of audit assignment activities, the conclusion is described as follows: 2. Prepare the audit guidelines with the following 1. During 2012, the trend of Bank Pundi financial coverage: performance is improving. A. Internal Audit Charter and Audit Code of Ethics 2. In overall, the effectiveness of Internal control on (658/DIR-BPI/XII/2012 dated 21 December Bank Pundi operational activities are considered 2012). fair, although there are still some issues that need to B. Internal Audit Guidance (SK. 659/DIR-BPI/XII/12 be improved and enhanced. dated 21 December 2012) including Remote Audit Manual. II. External Audit C. Special Audit Manual, Rating of Branch Audit Bank Pundi Annual General Meeting of Shareholder result (SK. 660/DIR-BPI/XII/2012 dated 21 held on 14 May 2012 had approved the delegation of December 2012). authority to Bank Pundi Directors, and subject to the approval of Board of Commissioners for the appointment 3. Prepare other guidelines on: of Public Accountant Firm for financial year 2012, A. Audit Working Plan 2012. and referred to the recommendation from the Audit B. Internal Audit Working Unit Budget 2012. Committee. The delegation of authority also covers the C. Audit Highlights as per December 2012. fees determination and other requirements that need to be fulfill in the Public Accountant Firm appointment 4. Provide training on “Internal Control System” and for making an independent audit on Financial Report “Fraud Awareness Sharing Program” in Pundi (audited) for the fiscal year of 2012. External Auditor Management Trainee (PMT) program and to the is responsible to audit financial report comply with Bank officers and also to related Working Unit. prevailed Public Accountant Professional Standard in Indonesia and giving opinion regarding fairness in entire 5. Monitor the NPL, AYDA, and Loan Provision. financial aspect presentation. 6. Monitor Bank Pundi financial performance. Based on the above condition, Board of Commissioners made the apoointment to Public Accountant Firm of The number and competency of Internal Audit Working Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Tjahjo & Partners, for the third term Unit resources had already met the competencies in conducting the audited financial report examination for and continuously are improved by attending periodic the fiscal year of 2012 and issued the Agreement Letter trainings on Banking Internal Audit Challenges, Audit No. KNT&R-C/0006/01/2013 dated 9 January 2013 for Function Alliance, Internal Audit as the Business Partner, the third period. Previously, Public Accountant Kosasih, PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 106 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Corporate Governance Structure 2. Training AML and CFT program Nurdiyaman, Tjahjo & Rekan had audited the Financial - Report for 2 (two) consecutive period, that is the period Conduct the training and socialization to related ended on 31 December 2010 and period ended on 31 working unit to all Branch and Sub Branch December 2011. Office, Funding officers and Branch Office Management Program. - Training for new employees through Pundi In addition to conduct the audit process for the fiscal Management Training. year of 2012, the Public Accountant also provided assistancy for Right Issue (PUT) III process and Agreed 3. Monitor the implementation of compliance activities upon Procedure regarding interest income and interest on AML-CFT in Branch & Sub Branch office such expense calculation. as: acquiring new customers that has to be based The Public Accountant received some fees during 2012 on risk based approach (RBA), cash financial with the following description: transaction, transaction done by WIC, renewal a. Audit fee for the period 31 March 2012 customer data and correction on multiple CIF. Rp. 350,000,000 4. Customer Data Renewal b. Right Issue III Accompany fee - Rp. 240,000,000 Monitor customer data renewal activities and submit the realization of customer data renewal c. Agreed upon Procedure fee in 2012 which as reached target to 99.86% Rp. 175,000,000 (11.175 CIF from target 11.191 CIF). d. Audit service for the period 31 December 2012 - Prepare Customer Data Renewal Rp. 490,000,000 Plan for period 2013 amounted 15.558 CIF IMPLEMENTATION OF ANTI MONEY LAUNDERING 5. Report AML and CFT program AND COMBATING FINANCING OF TERRORISM (AML & CFT) During 2012, Bank had reported to PPATK The AML and CFT implementation activities during 2012 (Indonesian Financial Transaction Reports and were as follows: Analysis Center) on Cash Financial Transaction 1. Prepared & submitted the internal regulation to Report (TKT) totaling to 261 reports and no entire Branch Office and Sub-branch Office on: suspicious financial transaction indicated during - Anti-Money 2012. Laundering and Combating Financing of Terrorism Policies - Anti-Money Laundering and Combating IT GOVERNANCE APPLICATION IT Governance application is implemented through the Financing of Terrorism procedure - - Appointment of Person in Charge and KYC alignment of Information Technology Strategic Plan with Officer and Bank Strategic Business, optimized human resources supervisory function AML & CFT program on management, leverage the Information Technology value the Branch Offices and Sub Branch Offices. delivery, performance measurement and effective risk Distributed the Terrorism Name List as published management application. The success of IT Governance by the United Nation as per 29 August 2012 implementation depends on the commitment from Board - Cash related Financial with implementation Transaction Report of Commissioners, Directors and all employees of Bank and Pundi, organizer and as well as the users. Customer Cash Transaction Form (for amount Rp. 500 million or above) in accordance to GRIPS report to PPATK (Indonesian Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center) PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 107 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Corporate Governance Structure The IT Governance coverage is: a. Strategic alignment, technology Customer Service in the Branch and Sub Branch Office direction, as well as by having direct complain, customers may information architecture, charge back and transfer convey their complain through the website of the link pricing, strategic and tactical plan, also budget and of or corporate its realization. email. Thus, both written b. Organization structure and job description as and direct complain addressed by the customer will be well as clear job separation based on matrix handled in a proper and systematic procedure such as control assignment. The policy also define the registration of complaints, create complain indexes, in bank to manage the human resources based on order to have an ease follow up action. Root problem standardization, expertise and competency. analysis is daily monitored to prevent the same complain c. Aspects of Hardware and software request list which occur in the future. are the Budget and Cost control including the cost for training, infrastructure, and other supporting LEGAL ISSUE cost. During 2012, the Bank has 21 legal issues in civil or d. Aspects on quality management system, quality criminal case, consisted of 17 civil cases and 6 criminal planning, quality requirement and sustainable cases with legal verdict (inkracht van gewjisde) while 11 quality improvement. cicil cases are still in legal process. Most of the civil cases e. IT risk management framework, IT risk assessment, were due to default action or unlawfull act. While criminal IT risk mitigation strategy, IT risk acceptance cases consisted of 4 cases where 2 cases were already behavior and follow up action on IT risk control. closed or legal verdict (inkracht van gewjisde) while 2 f. Project management framework, project human cases are in investigation process. The detail of the resources allocation, project plan and initiation, above legal issues were explained in the Independent project quality assurance, project measurement, Auditor Report attached in this Annual Report. However, supervision and reporting. the legal process does not affect Bank Pundi financial g. The official process to identify, measure, supervise condition. and control the outsourced technology as well as to assess the scope of work and the importance of WHISTLEBLOWING SYSTEM / ANTI FRAUD being outsourced and also to predict the risk that Within the routine funding activities every Bank is may occur from the outsourcing work. challenged to any fraud potentials by either the internal resources or external party which may impact to hazard Customers Cares and Protection the Bank reputation as well as the customer trust. Service and customer protection become the priority for Strengthening the internal control system may become Bank Pundi. Customer complain settlement reflects one one of the strategy to avoid fraud. of the commitment to improve the customer protection in order to guarantee the customers right in engaging Anti-Fraud Strategy is Bank strategy to avoid the fraud. It with the bank. This is in accordance with the Letter of is designed by referring to the process of potential fraud Directors Decision Number SK: 115/SK-DIR/BPI/III/12 occurrence also towards its characteristics and fraud dated 20 March 2012 regarding Customer Complain coverage which was comprehensively composed and Solution Policy. will be implemented as fraud control system. To support the above matter and to speed up the Early detection on fraud indication will facilitate the Bank process of customer complain report received by to take immediate action in mitigating the potential risk. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 108 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Corporate Governance Structure To minimize such violation and potential fraud indication Whistleblowing mechanism: which becomes an operational risk, the Bank is entitled 1. Record a proper registration on every report. to create several preventive actions in reducing 2. Maintain and ensure the confidentiality of the any negative impact among which is by issuing the individual reporting including its supporting fraud whistleblowing approach as part of the violation report documents and any party support the investigation system. process. Assuring follow up process based on evidence or objective information. Through whistleblowing approach, the employees will be able to inform directly any matters related to improvement Process and investigation result are to be immediately and or violation as well as the indication on anti- money reported by investigator to Anti-Fraud function and share laundering activities. the report to President Director with notification to Board of Commissioners. The employees and other external party are encouraged to address a report or disclose any fraud indication To maintain independency on fraud disclosure and to within a working unit by having whistleblowing approach. prevent conflict of interest, therefore, every employee, To support whistleblowing application, the Bank provide Director and Commissioner involved in fraud is not communication channel in form of: hotline telephone allowed to participate in the fraud solution process. number, email, correspondence, and direct report to Board of Commissioners and Directors. Objective: Strengthening internal audit to minimize the Bank loss in order to protect the stakeholders interest (Customer, Employee, Regulator, Shareholder and Public) Socialization and Communication Pillar 1 PREVENTION Policy of Anti-Fraud Strategy Anti fraud awareness: •Corporate values and code of conduct Pillar 3 iNVESTIGATION, REPORT AND SANCTION Pillar 2 DETECTION Remote Audit (Surveilance) Sanction implementation in accordance with internal provision and regulating laws Reporting Whistle Blowing Investigation Know your Employee Identifikasi kerawanan Fraud Risk Assesment Risk / Fraud tollerance Surprice Audit Pillar 4 oversight, evaluation and follow up Oversight on fraud settlement Evaluation on fraud event, identification on the weakness and the cause of fraud Follow up: •Control & system improvement •Implementation of control & system improvement Database Active oversight from the Management (Directors and Board of Commissioners) Role: Anti fraud function, the entire Work Unit and Employees Good Corporate Governance PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 109 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Corporate Governance Structure INTERNAL FRAUD between the Bank and employee in bringing the bank Within semester I and II of 2012, there were 9 cases of to a sustainable growth and to be a superior in line with internal fraud with the amount above Rp. 100 million, vision and mission whereby at the end it becomes the out of the total 17 cases. This matter has been reported added value for the bank as well as in complying with the to Bank Indonesia, as part of the report on anti-fraud Good Corporate Governance principles. application on 10 July 2012 and 8 January 2013. th th PROVIDING FUND FOR RELATED PARTY AND LARGE CORPORATE CULTURE EXPOSURE Bank Pundi has provided the corporate culture as During 2012 Bank Pundi maintain its focus micro behavior reference for all employees in operational business sector. Bank has provided a Credit Policy that activities and interacting with all Bank Pundi official. The regulates providing funds to Related Parties and Large following are the company values: Exposure as stated in the Directors decree No. 017/SK- 1. Affordable, easy to access, convenience and DIR/BPI/IX/10 dated 30 September 2010). practice 2. Progressive, focus on customer, innovative, FUND ALLOCATION FOR SOCIAL PURPOSE AND orientation on improvement 3. Professional, integrity, POLITICAL ACTIVITY sincere concern and Bank Pundi does not provide any funding for political excellence. activities and does not involved in any political activity, however Bank Pundi concern on social activities. The implementation of the corporate culture and code Description on Bank Pundi social activities are described of conductis attached with the mutual commitment in Corporate Social Responsibilities above. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 110 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Corporate Governance Structure 533/DIR-BPI/XI/12 dated 30 November 2012. The Bank Business Plan The Bank Business Plan (RBB) for 2013 was established Directors had reported the 2013 Bank Business Plan based comprehensive, to the ultimate shareholder and all levels within Bank responsive toward the internal and external changes Pundi organization, and to implement the Business Plan which was adapted with the Bank mission and vision. in an effective manner. Board of Commissioners has The Bank Business Plan of 2013 has been submitted conducted the supervision function toward the 2012 to Bank Indonesia after having the approval from the Business Plan achievement and submit the supervisory Board of Commissioners based on the letter no. No. report in a timely manner on every semester. on realistic assumptions, PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 111 Annual Report 2012 Corporate Information “I am delighted being the customer of Bank Pundi because the Bank reflects a true meaning of a customer by providing an excellence service. Bank Pundi has performed well being the partner of their customer and succeeds in building convenient at every transaction made by the customers” Ibu Roro (Cosmetic Entrepreneur) Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 PRODUCT AND SERVICES PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 114 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Product and Services DEMAND DEPOSIT LOANS Bank Pundi Demand Deposit dedicated for individual or corporate customer offers attractive interest rate, payable monthly with a minimum initial deposit amount of Rp. 1,000,000. for individual and Rp. 1,500,000. for corporate. Pundi Perak Working capital and investment loan with plafond starting from more than Rp. 100 million – Rp. 350 million, tenor range of 6 months – 60 months. Pundi Perunggu Working capital and investment loan with plafond starting Rp. 5 million – Rp. 100 million. Tenor is range from 6 months to 60 months. SAVING DEPOSIT Bank Pundi Saving Deposit offers attractive interest rate with a minimum initial deposit amount of Rp. 10,000. Cash withdrawal is available at anytime through 68 Bank Pundi ATM network, and more than 40,000 ATM Bersama ATM Prima network span all over Indonesia. Pundi KRK Working capital loan with plafond starting from Rp. 25 million – Rp. 100 million, maximum tenor range of 12 months. TIME DEPOSIT Time Deposit Bank Pundi offers a variety tenor of 1,3, 6 and 12 months. Withdrawal is only allowed on due date based on the agreement between bank and customer. Minimum deposit amount for Time Deposit is Rp. 8,000,000. with attractive interest and program. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Pundi Pundi Working capital and investment loan with plafond starting Rp. 5 million – Rp. 50 million, tenor range of 6 months 24 months. 115 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Organization structure PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Organization Structure General Meetings of Shareholders Risk Over sight Committee Board of Commissioners Risk Management Committee President Director Remuneration & Nomination Committee Audit Committee ALCO Internal Audit Head Credit Poilcy Committee IT Steering Commitee Compliance Director Funding Business Group Head Compliance Head Risk Management Head Operations Head Information & Technology Head Finance Director Business Director Operations Director Corporate Secretary Head Regional Lending Heads Business Planning & Development Head Funding Business Support Head General Affairs Head Head Special Asset Management Head Human Capital Dervelopment Head Quality Assurance Head Treasury Head Regional Funding Heads Business Development Head Business Support Head SME & Early Warning Head Corporate Planning & Investor Relations Head PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Finance Head Credit Policy & Support Head Legal Head Human Capital Management Head Lending Business Group Heads 116 Annual Report 2012 Corporate Budget & Control Head Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Organization Structure Regional Lending Organization Structure President Director Business Director Compliance Director Operations Director Lending Business Group Heads Credit Policy & Support Head Business Credit Review Manager Business Development Manager Regional Lending Heads SME & Early Warning Head Business Support Manager Early Warning Manager Credit Review Regional Product Development & Market Research People Development & Service Quality Team Leader Credit Review MISPerformance Management Regional Sales Channel Regional Sales Management Regional Operations Manager SAM Head Area Business Lending Manager (ABLM) Business SAM Regional Manager Legal Head Internal Audit Head Quality Assurance Head Human Capital Head Operations Head ABLM-SAM BM-SAM Legal Regional Early Warning Officer Internal Audit Regional Human Capital Regional Quality Assurance Regional Early Warning Officer Area Regional Funding Organization Structure President President Director Director Operations Director Funding Business Group Head Regional Funding Head Funding Business Support Head Business Planning & Development Head Funding Support Manager Public Sector Relationship Sales Manager Performance Public Sector Management Sales Management & Product Development IT / MIS Budget Control & Transaction Support Funding Support Development Budgeting Process, Procedure & Transaction Support Funding Support Management Funding People Development People Management Sales Improvement Branch Network & Services PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Area Business Funding Manager Ladies Branch & Full Branch Team Leader Funding Branch Support 117 Annual Report 2012 Operation Manager Ladies Branch Internal Audit Head Quality Assurance Head Internal Audit Regional Quality Assurance Regional Operations Head Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Organization Structure Area Business Lending Organization Structure Business Director President Director Operations Director Lending Business Group Heads SME & Early Warning Head Regional Lending Head Regional Business Funding Head Area Business Funding Manager Business Credit Review Manager Business Development Manager Business Support Manager Area Business Lending Manager (ABLM) Early Warning Manger Branch Manager Area Team Leader Funding Branch Manager Funding Officers Head Sundries Operations & IT Team Leader Lending Area Section Head Teller & CS Accounting & GA ABLM-SAM Business SAM Regional Manager Legal Head Legal Regional Internal Audit Head Quality Assurance Head Internal audit Regional Quality Assurance Regional BM-SAM Operations Manager Section Head Sundries SAM Head Teller Team Leader Credit Review Area Credit Review Area Account Officer Area Customer Service Relationship Officer (RO) PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 118 Credit Administration Area Early Warning Officer Area Team Leader SAM Early Warning Officer Account Officer SAM Intergrated Support Unit (ISU) Annual Report 2012 Internal Auditor Quality Assurance Area Operations Head Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Organization Structure Ladies Branch Organization Structure President Director Operations Director Funding Business Group Head Quality Assurance Head Quality Assurance Regional Operations Head Internal Audit Head Regional Funding Heads Internal Audit Regional Area Business Funding Manager Ladies Branch Quality Assurance Area Operations Manager Team Leader Funding Section Head Sundries Operation Officer PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Section Head Teller & CS Accounting 119 Teller Annual Report 2012 Funding Officer Customer Service Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Board of comissioners Endriartono Sutarto President Commissioner (Independent Commissioner) 2000 until 2002, and his highest position was the Commander in Chief of Indonesian National Army from 2002 to 2006. Other significant position aside of the military assignment was as the President Commissioner of PT Pertamina from 2006 to 2009. He became the President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner of Bank Pundi since March 2012, where as, he is also become the Chairman of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee. Indonesian citizen, 66 years old. He began his career in the military since he graduated from Military Academy on 1971 and was assigned as Platoon Commander up to Army Strategic Command (KOSTRAD) on 1972to 1979. He was the Commander at KOREM 173/KODAM VII/TRIKORA on 1995, he also concluded his education at Royal College of Defense Studies, UK, England within the same year. Further to that he continued his education to a Military College on 2001. Later He was appointed as Chief of Armed Forces from Dedy Rifdy Ramsey Commissioner Secruties from 2008 to June 2011 as Director. He was then engaged with PT. Capital inc Investment Corporation since 2009 up to the present. He was then appointed as Bank Pundi Commissioner on March 2010, and became member of the Remuneration and Nomination Committee On October 2010. He is now concurrently assigned at PT. Recapital Asset Management since February 2011 until present. Indonesian citizen, 46 years old. Graduated from Faculty of Economics in Financial Management, University of Indonesiain 1997. His banking career began as the Corporate Banking Group at PT. Bank Dutain 1989 until 1993, and later he had his assignment at capital market companies such as PT. Bumi Bapindo Securities, from 1994 to 1996; PT. Trimegah Securities Tbk; PT. BNI Life on2006, PT. Republic Securities on 2007, and PT. Andalan Artha Advisindo Securities on 2007to 2008. He started his service with PT. Recapital PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 120 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Board of comissioners I Goesti Viraguna Bagoes Oka Independent Commissioner Bank Supervisors (1995-1998), Executive Bank Supervisor (1998-2001), and Deputy Director serves as the Task Force Coordinator on Site Supervisory Present Important for Systemic Bank / SIB (2002-2007). His last position at Bank Indonesia is the Regional Director of Bank Indonesia - Bali, Southeast Nusa (NTT) from 2007 to 2009. He was appointed as an Independent Commissioner of Bank Pundi since August 2011. He also chaired the Risk Oversight Committee from November 11, 2011 up to December 2, 2012 and later became the Chairman of Audit Committee since December 3, 2012 until present. Indonesian citizen, 61 years old. Graduated from the University of Indonesia on 1978, in Business Administration, within the same year he began his career as an Assistant Manager at PT. Meiji Indonesia. He began his career at Bank Indonesia as an Internal Research and Development at Bank Indonesia on 1980. In 1985 he had the opportunity to continue his education and obtained a Master Degree in Development Banking from American University, Washington DC, United States on 1987. Upon returning to Indonesia on 1988, he was reassigned at Bank Indonesia and held various positions until 2009, among others Internal Affairs Bureau and Banking Examination Senior Paulus Wiranata Independent Commissioner (2006-2008) and Bank Andara (2008 – 2011) both as the President Director. From June 2011 to January 2012 he became the CEO of Austindo Nusantara Jaya Rent and as the independent Financial Consultant from February 2012. He was appointed as the Independent Commissioner of Bank Pundi on August 2012, and also became the Chairman of Oversight Risk Committee since December 3, 2012. Indonesian citizen, 57 years old. Graduated from the University of Indonesia on 1981, majoring in Accounting. He began his banking career at Bank Niaga and hold various positions. He was the Director of Bank Niaga from 1994 up to 2002. Later, he joint Rimba Group in November 2002 to 2004 as the Vice President. He was then engaged with Bank of New York as Country Manager – Chief Representative for the period of 2005 t0 2006. Other Banking services was with Bank BTPN PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 121 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 profile of committees Profile of Non Commissioners Audit Committee Member 1. I Goesti Viraguna Bagoes Oka Chairman 2. LUNGGUK GULTOM Member of Audit Committee 3. TROY TRIJONO Member of Audit Committee 2. 1. 3. LUNGGUK GULTOM Member of Audit Committee TROY TRIJONO Member of Audit Committee Indonesian citizen, 58 years old. Graduated from Chatolic University of Parahyangan, Bandung, Faculty of Economy in 1979. He attended the Credit Analyst course of Management Institute of Faculty of Economy, University of Indonesia, and concluded the course in 1981. He began his career at Bank Niaga in 1982 to 1999 with last position as Corporate Banking Group Head. His next assignment was at IBRA (Indonesian Banking Restructuring Agency) from 1999 to 2001 as Asset Mangement Investment. Since 2001 to 2010, he was engaged with Bank Danamon and appointed among which was as the Compliance Division Head and Advisor to Directors. He was appointed as member of Oversight Risk Committe at Bank Pundi in January 2011. Indonesian Citizen, 36 years old. He graduated from Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia in 1998 and hold Bachelor of Business. He became the member of Audit Committe of Bank Pundi since July 2011. Currently he is also as the Principal of PT. Finansa Arta Persada and Specialist to Public Accountant office of Ishak, Saleh, Soewondo & Parners who recorded and handling prestigious clients. Prior to this engagment, he was at FINH Ltd, Asia Pacific Divion since March 1997 to October 2001, and later he joined the FINH & VHG Joint Venture (Indonesia-Australia) up to 2003 where his last position was as the Country Manager. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 122 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Profile of Non Commissioners Risk Oversight Committe Member 1. Paulus Wiranata Chairman 2. LUNGGUK GULTOM Member of Oversight Risk Committee (Profile has been presented in the Audit Committe Section) 3. TAUFIK HAKIM Member of Oversight Risk Committee 3. 1. 2. TAUFIK HAKIM Member of Oversight Risk Committee Team Leader, Bank Restructuring Group in August 2000 and following to that he became the Vice President of Banking and Management Compliance and System Procedure Group (SPK) until 2004. IBRA which was later replaced to PT. PPA (Asset Management Company). The he was appointed as the Vice President of Shares Asset and Credit Risk Management Shares Asset. In 2005, he was appointed as the Director to Bank BTPN where his tenure ended April 2010. During his tenure in Bank BTPN, he hold numbers of position such as Finance Director, Compliance and Risk Management Director, and later became the Senior Advisor. Indonesian Citizen, 47 years old. He was appointed as the Risk Oversight Committee on January 2011. He began his career in the education, as the Lecturer Assistant in Faculty of Agriculture Institute of Bogor in 1987 to 1988 and as the Research Assistant at Faculty of Economy, University of Indonesia from 1989 to 1990. He joined PT. UPPINDO/IDFC as Account Officer on June 1990 and later he was appointed as Section Head of Research and Planning. His next assignment was at Bank Nusa Internasional whereas his last position was Strategic Plan Division Head until August 2000. Further to that, he joined the Indonesian Banking Restructuring Agency (IBRA) as the Assitant Vice President. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 123 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Profile of Committees Profile of Non Commissioners Remuneration and Nominition Members 1. Endriartono Sutarto Chairman 2. Dedy Rifdy Ramsey Member of Remuneration and Nomination 3. LIEKE ROOSDIANTI Member of Remuneration and Nomination 2. 1. 3. LIEKE ROOSDIANTI Member of Remuneration and Nomination Her next assignment in 2005 was at PT. Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional (BTPN) as staff to Director of Human Resources Development, and her last position at BTPN was as the Senior Human Capital Relationship Manager until 2010. Indonesian citizen, 52 years old. She joined Bank Pundi since September 2010 as the Human Capital Management Head, and was appointed as the member of Remuneration and Nomination Committee since October 2010. She has numbers of banking experince since 1988 where she began her career as the Account Officer at Bank International Indonesia (BII). Her last position at BII was as the Assistant Vice President, Head of Education and Training in 2001. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. She graduated from the Faculty of Political Science, University of Indonesia in 1986 and proceed her education to Master Program Specific Administration at the same university in 2004. 124 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Board of Directors GANDHI GANDA PUTRA President Director Indonesian citizen, 53 years old. Graduated from the University of Sriwijaya, Faculty of Economics Department of Management, Palembang in 1984. He began his career in PT. Bank Niaga Tbk., on March 1986 by attending the Executive Education Program until 1987. During his tenure in Bank Niaga he got numbers of assignment such as Marketing Officer Manager, Cirebon Branch; Assistant Manager for the Division Head Corporate Banking. In 1997 he joined PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk as the Deputy General Manager of Corporate Banking and other numbers of assignment since that such as Small Medium Enterprise Division Head, Commercial & Trade Finance Division Head; Medium Small Enterprise Head. He was then joined PT. Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional,Tbk on 2005 as Director of Business. He became the Business Director for PT. Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia on 2008 until 2009. On March 2010 he was appointed as the President Director of PT. Bank Eksekutif Internasional, Tbk soon to be Bank Pundi up to present. TEGUH WIYONO Compliance & Human Capital Director Indonesian citizen, 59 years old. Graduated from Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia in 1985 and began his banking career at PT. Bank Niaga, Tbk. by attending the Executive Education Program on 1983 to 1984. Since that time he got numbers of assignment in Bank Niaga such as Sub Manager, Credit Administration Department Head; Assistant Regional Credit Manager for Head of Compliance & Support; and as a Senior Manager on 1993 to 1995. His next career was at PT. Bank Bumiputera Indonesia, Tbk. as Assistant Vice President for Credit Policy & Administration Group Head in 1995 and his last position as Vice President for Compliance Group Head pad in2005 until 2009 upon his retirement. Later he was appointed as a Member of Risk Monitoring Committee on the PT. Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi from 2009 until 2010. He joined Bank Pundi as Compliance Director since March 2010 to the present. MAXIMIANUS P. DJIWANTO Finance Director Indonesian citizen,45 years old. Graduated from the University of Trisakti, Faculty of Economy – Accounting on 1995. He began his banking career at PT Bank Ficorinvest, Tbk as Senior Assistant Manager Corporate Finance Division from 1996 – 1999, and Deputy Senior Manager Loan Workout Division, IBRA (Indonesian Banking Restructuring Agency ) from 1999 to 2002, while as Deputy Senior Manager Asset Disposal Division from 2002 to 2004. On June – August 2004 assigned as Vice President of PT. Capitalinc Investment, Tbk and as President Director from August 2004 to May 2008. Before his assignment at Bank Pundi, PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. he hold numbers of position from 2008 to 2010 such as the President Director of PT. Lupita Amanda (Losari Resort & Spa), Director PT. Kemang Jaya Raya (Hotel Grand Kemang), President Director of PT. Restyle Concept. He joined Bank Pundi since 2010 as the Advisor to the Directors, and Group Head on Finance, Corporate Planning and Budget Control before he was appointed as Director of Finance,Corporate Planning & Budget Control in 2011 up to the present. 125 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Profile of Directors BENI NURTANTIJO Operations Director Indonesian citizen, 47 years old. Graduated from Catholic University of Parahyangan, Bandung, Faculty of Social and Political Science on 1989. Began his career in Banking as Commercial Credit Reviewer at PT. Bank Central Asia in 1989to 1990 and as the Credit Analyst at PT. Bank Umum Nasional from 1990 to 1992. Attended the Manager Program Development at PT. Bank Umum Nasional, further to that he became the Account Officer and Senior Account Officer up to 1995. From 1995 he joined PT. Bank Tabungan Penisunan Nasional and hold various position until 2007 such as Research Manager, Treasury Division Head, Advisors to Directors on Business Task Force and FinanceDivision Head (Executive Officials). In 2009 he joined PT. Bank Syariah Mega Indonesia as Pension Financing Division Head and following to that he became the Consultant at HS & Partner Consulting. He joined Bank Pundi (previously Bank Eksekutif) on March 2010 as Advisor to Directors and later he was the Group Head Task Force and appointed as Director of Operational and Information Technology in 2011. RAMONO SUKADIS Business Director Indonesian citizen, 53 years old. Graduated from University of Indonesia, Faculty of Economy on 1984. Began his banking career as Marketing Officer at Bank Niaga – Medan branch in 1987. Since that he held various positions at Bank Niaga such as Marketing Department Head of Cirebon Branch, Branch Managers among which is at Jakarta, Kyai Tapa, Gambir and last position in Bank Niaga as the AVP, Credit Reviewer. On 2000 to 2006 he joined Bank Danamon and the positions he held during PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 126 his tenure in Bank Danamon were as VP-Deputy Chief Credit Officer , VP-Head Regional SME Surabaya, SVP-Head Regional SME Jakarta. His next journey was in PT. Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional from 2006 to 2010 as EVP-Pension Business Development Head. He joined Bank Pundi on September 2010 as Group Head Business and appointed as Business Director since 2011. Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Profile of Corporate Secretary & SKAI Head Profile of Corporate Secretary CHRISTIANA MARIA DAMANIK Corporate Secretary (2004-2007) and AVP, Corporate Communication Head at PT Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk (1996 – 2004). She was also posted as the Corporate Secretary at PT Benua Birunusa (a real estate holding company) in 1990 - 1996, and started her career as the Supervisor at PT Astrindo Satrya Kharisma (Conference Organizer) on 1988-1990. Received a Bachelor Degree in Political Science from the University of the Philippines, Quezon City, Metro Manila in 1987. Indonesia Citizen, 51 years. Became the Corporate Secretary of PT Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk since 2012 and joint the Bank since 2010, after previously working as an independent consultant who provides consultancy in Corporate Communication to number of industries including the banking industry (2007 – 2010). Other posts in banking industry include VP, Corporate Communication Department Head at PT Bank Mandiri (persero) Tbk PROFILe of skai head HARIYADI Internal Audit Working Unit (SKAI) Head Operational Audit such as Audit Division Head at PT. Bank Lippo and senior assistant Vice President, Remote Audit Division Head at PT. Bank CIMB Niaga. He hold his bachelor degree and Master of Management from Faculty of Economy, Gajah Mada Universitas respectively in 1989 and 1996. Indonesian Citizen, 50 years. Haryadi was appointed as the Internal Audit Unit Head since November 2010. He was before as the Remote & Special Audit of PT. Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional (BPTN). His banking career began in 1989 as Regional Auditor of PT. Bank International Indonesia (BII) - Yogyakarta and further to that he had numbers of position in Audit such as PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 127 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Senior Management List*) *)As per January 2013 Division Head 5 11 4 17 14 16 3 2 9 10 7 13 NO 1 6 12 8 15 NAME POSITION 1. Eko Harmanto Business Development Head 2. Agus Rusdiono Legal Head 3. Rudi Hendrawan Quality Assurance Head 4. Hariyadi SKAI Head 5. Yudhi Herdiyanto General Affairs Head 6. Evy I. Gondomulio Corporate Planning & Investor Relations Head 7. Yenni Susilawati Business Support Head 8. Lieke Roosdianti Human Capital Management Head 9. Christiana Maria Damanik Corporate Secretary Head 10. Ratna Melati Financial Head 11. Totok Wibisono Risk Management Head 12. Nunung Waskito Corporate Budget Control Head 13. Priyo Tri Utomo Compliance Head 14. Peter Benyamin Tanod Information Technology Head 15. Lalu Didit Winardi Credit Policy and Support Head 16. Abas Ahmad Special Asset Management Head 17. R. Harlan Maulana Operasional Head PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 128 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Group Head 3 NO NAME 2 1 4 POSITION 1. Rica Djoenaedi Group Head Funding 2. Jack Mulyadi Group Head - Regional Lending Head – West Java 3. Nugroho Tjondrojono Group Head - Regional Lending Head – Central Java 4. Ida Bagus Dwi Kencana Group Head - Regional Lending Head – Bali Nusa Tenggara PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 129 Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 List of Executive Officer Regional Head 5 2 4 10 7 8 1 9 3 NO 6 11 NAME POSITION 1. Muhammad Haikal Regional Lending Head – Jakarta I 2. Dzul Badri Regional Lending Head – Jakarta II 3. Angelique M.S. Tulong Regional Funding Head – Jakarta 4. Herwan Jefri Regional Lending Head – East Java I 5. Sucipto Regional Lending Head – East Java II 6. Nita Ernawati Regional Funding Head – Sumatera 7. Sunaryo Salamun Regional Lending Head – Central Sumatera 8. Budi Sasongko Regional Lending Head – North Sumatera 9. Slamet Riyadi Regional Lending Head – South Sumatera 10. Liana Sastalisar Regional Lending Head – East Indonesia 11. Diana Djajasasana Regional Funding Head – East Indonesia PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 130 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Corporate Governance Report 131 Annual Report 2012 Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 network Banda Aceh Medan Gorontalo Pekanbaru Palu Manado Jambi Palembang Balikpapan Padang Bandar Lampung Bengkulu Banjarmasin Jakarta Semarang Bali Makassar Serang Yogyakarta Lombok Bandung Surabaya PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 132 Annual Report 2012 Kupang Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Abepura PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 133 Annual Report 2012 Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 office addresses NO Area (branch) TELEPHONE FAX ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE 021 723–4666 021 723–5212 Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 12, Jakarta Selatan, 12140 1 Regional Jakarta & KC Fatmawati 021-7260123 021-7267966 Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 12, Jakarta Selatan, 12140 2 KCP Pasar Minggu 021-79199575 021-79193110 Jl. Warung Buncit Raya No. 4A, Pancoran, Jakarta Selatan 3 KCP Mayestik 021-7222278 021-7268969 Jl. Kyai Maja No. 37 Mayestik, Jakarta Selatan 4 KCP Ciledug 021-7331472 021-7331431 Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No.8A, Karang Tengah Kota Tangerang 5 KCP Ciputat 021-7412211 021-7402424 Jl. Dewi Sartika No. 12A-B, Ciputat Tangerang Selatan 6 KCP Depok 021-77219063 021-77219062 Jl. Margonda Raya No. 1F, Pancoran Mas, Depok 7 KC 021-63862448 021-63862631 Jl. AM Sangaji No. 1A, Petojo Utara, Gambir, Jakarta Pusat 8 KCP Muarakarang 021-6697775 021-6683435 Jl. Muara Karang Raya No. 269, Muara Karang, Jakarta Utara 9 KCP Glodok 021-62304452 021-62304449 Jl.Mangga Dua Raya No.31/2, Taman Sari Jakarta Barat 10 KCP Ps. Senen 021-42881110 021-42881119 JL. Letjen Suprapto No. 8C, Kemayoran, Jakarta Pusat 11 KCP Cengkareng 021-54360133 021-54360137 Komplek Tol Boulevard Blok F No. 20-21, Jl. Lingkar Luar Barat Blok E No. 01, Cengkareng Timur, Jakarta Barat 12 KCP Jatinegara 021-85918067 021-85916130 Jl. Raya Matraman Blok A2, Kaveling No. 10, Matraman, Jakarta Timur 13 KCP Kelapa Gading 021-45850085 021-45850487 Jl. Raya Gading Indah M4C/12, Kompleks Ruko Pasar Mandiri, Kelapa Gading, Jakarta Utara 14 KC 021-88856063 021-88856569 Jl. Ahmad Yani,Bekasi Selatan 15 KCP Cibitung 021-88333117 021-88330391 Jl. Inspeksi Kalimalang Ruko sentra Niaga kalimas B-28, Cibitung 16 KCP Pondok Gede 021-84991516 021-84970939 Jl. Jatiwaringin No. 186, Jatiwaringin, Pondok Gede 17 KCP Harapan Indah 021-88866307 021-88866067 Ruko Sentra Niaga Jl. Sentra Niaga Boulevard Hijau II Blok SN No. 15, Harapan Indah 18 KC Karawang 0267-8453825 0267-8453788 Jl. Kertabumi No. 77, Kel Nagasari, kec. Karawang Barat 19 KCP Cikampek 0264-8388583 0264-8387287 Ruko Cluster Primadona No. B-3, Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani Cikampek 20 KCP Cikarang 021-89845852 021-89845855 Komp. Ruko Golden Boulevard Jl. Niaga Raya CC5 No. 5 , Cikarang Selatan Kab. Bekasi 21 KCP Cilamaya 0264-8380071 0267-8380070 Jl. Raya Cilamaya No. 14, Cilamaya Wetan, Kab. Karawang 22 KCP Rengasdengklok 0267-482465 0267-4846511 Jl Raya Rengasdengklok No. 8, Rengasdengklok Selatan, Kab Karawang AM Sangaji Bekasi PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 134 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Office Address NO Area (branch) TELEPHONE 18 KC Karawang 0267-8453825 0267-8453788 Jl. Kertabumi No. 77 Kel Nagasari, kec. Karawang Barat 19 KCP Cikampek 0264-8388583 0264-8387287 Ruko Cluster Primadona No. B-3, Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani Cikampek 20 KCP Cikarang 021-89845852 021-89845855 Komp. Ruko Golden Boulevard Jl. Niaga Raya CC5 No. 5, Cikarang Selatan Kab. Bekasi 21 KCP Cilamaya 0264-8380071 0267-8380070 Jl. Raya Cilamaya No. 14, Cilamaya Wetan, Kab. Karawang 22 KCP Rengasdengklok 0267-482465 0267-4846511 Jl Raya Rengasdengklok No. 8, Rengasdengklok Selatan, Kab. Karawang 23 KC Bogor 0251-8363053 0251-8363052 Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 12, Bogor 24 KCP Ciawi 0251-8330409 0251-8330409 Jl. Raya Tajur No. 110 Bogor 25 KCP Cibinong 021-8794977 0251-8790581 Jl. Raya Jakarta Bogor KM. 42 No. 1, Cibinong 26 KCP Parung 0251-8610014 0251-8610051 Jl Raya Gunung Sindur Parung Bogor 27 KC Serang 0254-229400 0254-229422 Jl. Juhdi 28,Serang-Banten 28 KCP Cilegon 0254-374751 0254-374866 Jl. A. Yani No. 135 D, Sukmajaya Cilegon-Banten 29 KCP Pandeglang 0253-205315 0253-206099 Jl. Raya Serang KM 1 No. 15C, Pandeglang, Banten 30 KCP Rangkasbitung 0252-5283561 0252-5283565 Jl. Sunan Kalijaga No. 126, Rangkasbitung, Banten 31 KC 021-53121178 021-53120953 Komplek pertokoan Sutera Niaga II, Alam Sutera No.29/30, Serpong, Kab. Tangerang 32 KCP Cimone 021-55795281/74 021-55795267 Jl. Imam Bonjol No.6, Karawaci, Tangerang 33 KCP Kotabumi 021-55650486 21-55650503 Ruko Sastra Plaza B No. 53, Jl. Gatot Subroto KM 5,4 Jatiuwung, Tangerang. 34 KCP Balaraja 021-33152622 021-55795267 KO Citra Raya CUBIC L 15/20, Kab. Tangerang 35 Regional Jawa Barat & KC Astana Anyar 022-6030776 022-6030746 Jl. Astana Anyar No. 42-44, Bandung 36 KCP BKR (022) 5211415 (022) 5200420 JL. BKR No. 154 C,Cigereleng-Regol, Bandung 37 KCP Kopo (022) 85871059 (022) 85870976 Jl. Kyai Haji Wahid Hasyim No. 62 ,Ketapang-Kopo, Bandung 38 KCP Ujung Berung (022) 7832434 (022) 7816296 Jl. Abdul Haris Nasution No. 198B, Ujung Berung, Bandung 39 KCP Setiabudi 022-2034651 (022) 2037374 Jl. Dr. Setiabudi No. 188A, Bandung 40 KCP Cimahi (022) 6646144 022-6646603 Jl. Amir Mahmud No. 815, Cimahi, Jawa Barat 41 KC 0265-312714 0265-312126 Jl. KH. Z Mustofa No. 218, Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat 42 KCP Indihiang 0265-2352310 0265-327489 Jl. Letjen Haji Ibrahim Adjie No.118, Indihiang, Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat 43 KCP Banjar 0265-745816 0265-745858 Jl. Letjen Suwanto No.133, Banjar Ciamis 44 KCP Garut 0262-239551 0262-239566 Jl. Ciledug No. 193, Garut, Jawa Barat Tangerang Tasikmalaya FAX PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 135 ADDRESS Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Office Address NO Area (branch) 45 KC 46 TELEPHONE Purwakarta FAX ADDRESS 0264-8223716 0264-8223814 Jl. RE. Martadinata RT.29, RW.05, sekarang Jl. RE. Martadinata No. 29 C, Jawa Barat KCP Pamanukan 0260-540067 0260-540064 Jl. Ion Martasasmita No. 283, A Kab. Subang 47 KCP Subang 0260- 417523 0260- 417520 Jl. Darmo Diharjo No. 18 A2, Subang 48 KC 0266-6252702 0266-6248811 Jl. Bhayangkara 21A, Kota Sukabumi, Kel. Gunung Puyuh 49 KCP Cianjur 0263.2292156 0266.2291813 Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No. 136A, Cianjur 50 KCP Cibadak 0266 -535702 0266 - 535654 Jl. Surya Kencana No. 4, Cibadak 51 KCP Ciranjang 0263 - 325870 0263 - 325875 Jl. Hegarmanah No. 140, Ciranjang, Cianjur 52 KC 0231-225491 s/d 97, 0231-205835 0231-225490 Jl. Siliwangi No. 189, Cirebon 53 KCP Patrol 0234-612419 0234 - 612323 Jl. Raya Patrol No. 16, Patrol 54 Regional Jawa Tengah & KC Sudirman 024-7616869 024-7616870 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 301, Semarang 55 KCP Bubakan 024-3550777 024-3556777 Jl. MT. Haryono Komp. Bubakan Blok A/1, Semarang 56 KCP Kendal 0294-644679 0294-644670 Jl. Utama Tengah No.298, Weleri, Kendal 57 KCP Peterongan 024-8456350 024-8456352 Jl. Mataram No.719 Blok A-2, Wonodri, Semarang Selatan 58 KCP Ungaran 024-6924506 024-76910991 Jl. Gatot Subroto No.168, Ungaran, Kabupaten Semarang 59 KCP Kudus 0291-444864 0291-445694 Ruko Sudirman No. 7, Jl. Jend Sudirman No. 7, Kudus 60 KCP Pati 0295-384851 0295-385116 Jl. Dokter Susanto No. 33 B, Pati 61 KC 0271-635060 0271-633757 Jl. Sutan Syahrir No. 213, Solo 62 KCP Kartasura 0271-731899 0271-732299 Jl. A. Yani No.296 A1, Pabelan, Kartosuro 63 KCP Klaten 0272-3351126 0272-3351125 Jl. Raya Veteran No.131, Klaten 64 KCP Sragen 0271-8821130 0271-8821132 Jl. Raya Sukowati No.285, Sragen 65 KCP Palur 0271-8203520 0271-8203523 Jl. Raya Palur No.307, Sukoharjo 66 KCP Wonogiri 0273-323345 0273-322389 Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 39 C, Wonogiri 67 KCP Simo - Boyolali 0276-324525/ 579 0276-325514 Jl. Pandanaran No. 179A, Boyolali 68 KC 0274-554543 0274-558032 Jl. Laksda Adi Sucipto No. 32-34, Yogyakarta 69 KCP Bringharjo 0274-552885 0274-514312 Jl. Mayor Suryotomo No.13, Gondomanan Yogyakarta 70 KCP Parangtritis 0274-370020 0274-389211 Jl. Parangtritis No.209, Kabupaten Bantul 71 KCP Sleman 0274-540446 0274-540806 Jl. Magelang KM.4 No.210, Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta 72 KCP Purworejo 0275-325553 0275-325554 Jl. Kyai Haji Achmad Dahlan No. 7 C, Purworejo 73 KCP Magelang 0293-367703 0293-367058 Ruko Top Square, Jl. Tentara Pelajar Kav. D No.4, Magelang 74 KCP Wonosobo 0286-323200, 324599, 325088 0286-323217 Jl. Sumbing No.20 C, Wonosobo 75 KC 0283-342999 0283-343737 Jl. Ahmad Yani No.58, Tegal Sukabumi Cirebon S. Syahrir - Solo Adisucipto - Yogya Tegal PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 136 Annual Report 2012 Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Office Address NO Area (branch) 76 KCP Batang 0285 - 391718 0285 - 392685 Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 252, Batang 77 KCP Pekalongan 0285-413611 0285-413622 Jl. Sultan Agung No. 30, Pekalongan 78 KCP Pemalang 0284-324150 0284-321314 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 243, Pemalang 79 KCP Brebes 0283-671500 0283-672378 Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 51, Brebes 80 KCP Bumi Ayu 0289-430766 0289-430866 Jl. Diponegoro No. 9, Bumiayu, Kab. Brebes 81 KC 0281-625299 0281-626099 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.626, Purwokerto 82 KCP Purbalingga 0281 - 892226 0281 - 891806 Jl. Achmad Yani No.39, Purbalingga 83 KCP Cilacap 0282 - 5253022 0282 - 5253048 Jl. Suprapto No.11 A, Cilacap 84 KCP Kebumen 0287 383233 0287 - 383 451 Jl. Sutoyo No. 49, Kebumen 85 KCP Banjarnegara 0286-5986081 0286-5986083 Jl. S Parman No. 43-45 E, Banjarnegara 86 KCP Kroya 0282 - 492333 0282 - 494515 Jln. A. Yani No. 24, Kroya 87 Regional Jawa Timur & KC Basra Surabaya 031-5472000 031-5473000 Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 17-19, Surabaya 88 KCP Pamekasan 0324-331111 0324-334103 Jl. Trunojoyo No. 79-80, Pamekasan 89 KCP Waru 031 - 8551814 031 - 8551712 Jl. Raya waru, Ruko Gateway Blok B-6, Sidoarjo 90 KCP Wonokromo 031-5623918 031-562319 Jl. Mayjen Sungkono 65 C, Surabaya 91 KCP Pasar Turi 031 - 5452471 031 - 5452470 Ruko Mutiara Dupak No. 65/A-18, Jl. Raya Dupak, Surabaya 92 KCP Kertajaya 031 - 5051308 031 - 5051309 Ngagel Jaya Selatan 169, Gubeng, Surabaya 93 KC 0341-341000 0341-343000 Jl. Basuki Rahmad No. 76, Malang 94 KCP Pandaan 0343-638202 0343-638227 Ruko Sentral Niaga Blok D1 Jl. Raya Surabaya 95 KCP Singosari 0341-452666 0341-453158 Jl. Raya Mondoroko Banjararum Singosari, Kab Malang 96 KCP Blitar 0342-809787 0342-809669 Jl. Veteran No. 109, Blitar 97 KCP Gresik 031-3991842 031-3991844 Jl. RA Kartini No. 106 A, Gresik 98 KCP Jombang 0321-877787 0321-877723 Jl. Merdeka No. 17 A, Jombang 99 KCP Mojokerto 0321-383881 0321-383880 Jl. PB Sudirman A/62 Mojokerto 100 KCP Lamongan 0322-311254 0322-311255 Jl. Lamongrejo No.124, Lamongan 101 KCP Bojonegoro 0353-3410086 0353-3410048 Jl. Veteran Ruko No.2, Bojonegoro 102 KC 0354-692323 0354-692544 Jl. Brawijaya No. 29, Pakelan, Kediri 103 KCP Madiun 0351-472247 0351-472298 Jl. Kol. Mahardi No. 15, Madiun 104 KCP Tulung Agung 0355-322799 0355-325499 Jl. Pangeran Diponegoro 100, Tamanan Tulung Agung 105 KCP Nganjuk 0358-329540 0358-329543 Jl. Dermojoyo No.34, Nganjuk 106 KCP Pare 0354-393838 0354-391499 Jl. Pahlawan Kusuma Bangsa no. 5A, Pare Kediri 107 KC 0331-421000 0331- 429637 Ruko Gajah Mada Square Blok A2 - A3, Jl. Gajah Mada 108 KCP Genteng 0333-842999 0333-842607 Jl. Kyai Haji Wahid Hasyim, Ruko Jinggo No. 1, Banyuwangi 109 KCP Situbondo 0338-673000 0338-673760 Jl. Jawa 11A, Mimbaan-Panji Stubondo 110 KCP Lumajang 0334-892938 0334-892966 Jl. Slamet Riyadi No. 135, Lumajang 111 KCP Probolinggo 0335-427666 0335-420600 Jl. Soetomo 157, Mangunharjo, Mayangan, Probolinggo Purwokerto Malang Kediri Jember TELEPHONE FAX PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 137 ADDRESS Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Office Address NO Area (branch) TELEPHONE 112 Regional Sumbagsel & KC Palembang 0711 - 317191 0711-358856 Jl. Kol Atmo No. 425-427, Kel.17 Ilir Kec Ilir Timur I, Palembang 113 KCP Km 5 0711-4325171 0711-418467 Jl. Kolonel H. Burlian No. 133/C-D, Suka-rami, Palembang 114 KCP Km 12 0711 - 430567 0711-432433 Jl. Raya Palembang Sehayu No. 7/Jl. Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II, Sukarami, Palembang 115 KCP Seberang Ulu 0711 - 510066 0711-515566 Jl Jend. A Yani Lr. Kenari Seberang Ulu Palembang 116 KCP Betung 0711 - 893128 /0711 -893562 0711-893383 Jl. Raya Palembang Betung Banyuasin, Palembang 117 KCP Prabumulih 0713-3884003 0713-321770 Jl. Jend Sudirman No. 17, Muara Dua Prabumulih Timur 118 KCP Kenten 0711-36555 0711-311583 Jl. R Sukamto No. 81, Ilir Timur II Palembang 119 KC Lampung 0721-487799 0721-487788 Jl. Laksmana Malahayati No. 230, Teluk Betung Selatan - Bandar Lampung 120 KCP Tanjung Karang 0721 - 257365 0721 - 268552 Jl. Kartini No. 2 Bandar Lampung, Lampung 121 KCP Metro 0725 - 477727 0725 - 44414 Komplek Pertokoan Sumur Bandung Blok C No. 9-10, Metro Raya Kota Metro Lampung 122 KCP Bandar Jaya 0725-528340 0725-528338 Jl. Proklamator No. 58, Terbanggi Besar, Kab. Lampung Tengah 123 KCP Pringsewu 0729-23051 0729-23056 Jl. A. Yani No. 1004, Pringsewu Utara 124 KCP Tulang Bawang 0726-750940 0726-750222 Jl. Lintas Timur Sumatera No. 28-29, Komplek Ruko Simpang Lima Tulang Bawang Lampung 125 KC 0741-7837339 0741-7837345 Jl Sultan Thaha Komplek Pertokoan Ruko WTC Blok A No. 17-18, Jambi 36111 126 KCP Sipin 0741 669 908 0741-669842 Jl. A Bakarudin No. 44 c-d, Kotabaru, Jambi 36126 127 KCP Jelutung 0741-7555240 0741-7551500 Jl Hayam Wuruk No. 128H, Jelutung, Jambi 36134 128 KCP Bangko 0746-21908 0746-21927 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Pematang Kandis Merangin, Jambi 129 KCP Muara Bungo 0747-7324064 0747-7324065 Komplek Pertokoan WTC Blok A No. 2, Jl. Sudirman Muara Bungo, Jambi 130 KCP Sarolangun 0745-91600 0745-91608 Jl. Lintas Sumatera Sarolangun Jambi 131 KC 0735 -322727 0735- 321121 Jl. Sutan Syahrir No. 052. C, Baturaja 132 KCP Belitang 0735 450100 0735 450084 Jl. Charitas Pasar Baru No.157, Belitang, OKU, Sumatera Selatan 133 KCP Tugumulyo 0712-331073 0712-331052 Jl. Lintas Timur KM 125, Lempuing, OKI, Sumatera Selatan 134 KCP Lubuk Linggau 0733-323230 0733-323230 Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 51, Lubuk Linggau, Sumatera Selatan 135 KC 0736-25438 0736-25415 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.45, Bengkulu 136 KCP Ketahun 0737 - 7524002 0737-7524004 Jl. Flamboyan No. 219, Ketahun 137 Regional Sumbagut & KC Medan 061-4560111 061-4563111 Jl. Pemuda No. 13, Medan 138 KCP Petisah 061- 4514120 061-4558279 Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 311, Medan Angso Duo - Jambi Baturaja Bengkulu PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 138 FAX Annual Report 2012 ADDRESS Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Office Address NO Area (branch) 139 KCP Medan Deli 061-6622312 061-6612035 Jl. Kom. Laut Yos Sudarso Komplek Gesit Agung Blok A No. 7A Pasar Palapa-Pulo Brayan Medan 140 KCP Sei Sikambing 061-8447230 061- 8469387 Komplek Tomang Elok Jl. Gatot Subroto Blok A8 No. 71 Medan 141 KCP Deli Tua 061-7880575 061- 7874817 Jl. Brigjen Zein Hamid No. 09C Medan 142 KCP Binjai 061-8822723 061- 8829461 Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 77 Binjai 143 KC 0761-856628 0761-856644 Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 14 Marpoyan Damai, Pekanbaru 144 KCP Teluk Kuantan 0760-561656 0760-561657 Jl. Imam Munandar No. 18 Teluk Kuantan 145 KCP Duri 0765-94664 0765-91012 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.888,Mandau, Kab. Bengkalis, Riau 146 KCP Arengka 0761-563632 0761-563642 Jl. HR.Soebrantas No.71 A, Kel. Tuah Karya, Kec. TampanPekanbaru 147 KCP Pangkalan Kerinci 0761-95653 0761-95659 Jl. Lintas Timur No.8 Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan, Riau 148 KCP Air Molek 0769-7443015 0769-7443013 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.06, Air Molek, Pasir Penyu, Kab. Indragiri Hulu 149 KC 0622-24114 0622-25211 Jl. Sutomo No.5 G -H, Siantar Barat,Pematang Siantar 150 KCP Kisaran 0623-41266 0623-41677 Jl. Cokroaminoto No.26, Kota Kisaran Barat, Kab. Asahan 151 KCP Rantau Prapat 0624-351155 0624-327879 Jl. Gatot Subroto No.2 C-D, Kel. Cendana, Kec. Rantau Utara. 152 KCP Kota Pinang 0624 – 95404 0624 – 95406 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.68 B, Kel. Kota Pinang. 153 KCP Padang Sidempuan 0634-26099 0634-26299 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.62A, Padang Sidempuan. 154 KCP Tebing Tinggi 0621-24001 0621-24029 Jl. Thamrin No. 125 J Tebingtinggi 155 KC 0751-894120 0751-894115 Jl. Belakang Olo No. 54 B-C Kota Padang 156 KCP Bukit Tinggi 0752-624031 0752 - 624061 Jl. Sutan Syahrir No. 4B, Tarok Dipo Guguk Panjang, Kota Bukit Tinggi 157 KCP Payakumbuh 0752-90036-39 0752-90040 Jl. Veteran No. 25 Payakumbuh Barat, Payakumbuh 158 KCP Koto Baru 0754 – 71545 0754 -71539 Jl. Lintas Sumatera No. 99B KotobaruKab. Dharmasraya 159 KC 0651-23111 0651-29311 Jl. Teuku Hasan Dek No.126 A-B,Kuta Alam, Banda Aceh 160 KCP Sigli 0653-23111 0653-23180 Jl. Profesor Abdul Majid Ibrahim No.32, Gampong Asan, Sigli 161 KCP Langsa 0641-22111, 22723 0641-23688 Rumah Toko No.7 Blok A, Jl. Teuku Umar, Paya Bujuk Blang Pase, Kota Langsa 162 KC Lhoksumawe 0645 – 46111 0645 - 46119 Jl. Samudera No.7, Kampung Jawa, Banda Sakti, Kota Lhokseumawe. 163 Regional Bali Nusra & KC Denpasar 0361-254298 0361-254222 Jl. Diponegoro No. 105, Denpasar 164 KCP Gianyar 0361-8958220 0361-8958308 Jl. Dharma Giri No. 21B, Gianyar 165 KCP Buluh Indah 0361-422115 0361-419973 Jln. Buluh Indah No 198 e-f 166 KCP Tohpati 0361-462564 0361-462390 Jl. WR. Supratman No.311 X Denpasar Pekanbaru Pematang Siantar Padang Banda Aceh TELEPHONE FAX PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 139 ADDRESS Annual Report 2012 Profile of Bank Pundi Investors Information Management Report Review of Business Condition in 2012 Office Address NO Area (branch) TELEPHONE 167 KCP Sunset Road 0361-8947317 0361-8947189 Jl. Sunset Road Ruko 101, Blok D Abianbase Badung, Bali 168 KC 0362-29069 0362-28495 Jl. A Yani No. 102, Singaraja 169 KCP Negara 0365-44250 0365-44250 Jl. Ngurah Rai No. 99 X, Kel. Dauhwaru, Kec. Jembrana, Kab. Jembrana 170 KCP Klungkung 0366-024780 0366-5596076 Jl. Anyelir No. 99X-Klungkung 171 KCP Tabanan 0361-8941618 0361-8941620 Jl. By Pass Kediri No. 99X, Desa/Kel. Banjar Anyar Kec. Kediri, Tabanan 172 KC 0370-634639 0370-634952 Jl. Pejanggik No. 65 B, Mataram 173 KCP Bima 0374 – 44234 0374 – 44234 Jl. Tongkol No.21, Kel. Paruga, Kec. Rasanae Barat, Kota Bima 174 KCP Pancor 0376-21849 0376-622289 Jl. Tuan Guru Haji Zainudin Abdul Majid No. 46C, Ling. Muhajirin Kel. Pancor, Kec. Selong, Lombok Timur 175 KCP Praya 0370-655426 0370-654440 Jl. Sudirman No. 10 A, Praya, Kel. Praya, Kec. Praya, Lombok Tengah, NTB 176 KCP Sumbawa 0371-625333 0371-625334 Jl. Hasanudin No. 68 Sumbawa 177 KC 0380-829666 0380-823750 Jl. A Yani No. 69X, Merdeka Kelapa Lima Kupang 178 KCP Atambua 0389-22436 0389-22416 Jl. I.J. Kasimo No. 99X, Kel. Beirafu, Kec. Atambua Barat, Kabupaten Belu 179 KCP Soe 0388-21074/73 0388-21522 Jl. Diponegoro No.50, Kel. Taubneno, Kec. Molo Selatan, Kab. Timor Tengah Selatan. 180 Regional IBT & KC Makassar 0411-3630033 0411-329512 Jl. Sulawesi No. 59-61, Makassar 181 KCP Rantepao 0423-2810388 0423-25157 Jl.Pongtiku Karassik Rantepao 182 KCP Daya 0411-583860 0411-583441 Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan Km 8, Tamalanrea, Makassar 183 KCP Sengkang 0485-324379 0485-324014 Jl. Bau Mahmud No.4, Sengkang 184 KCP Ambon/KC 0911-343633 0911-343280 Jl. A. Y. Patty No.68, Sarimau 185 KC 0431-8880777 0431-8880676 Jl. Sam Ratulangi No. 214, Manado 186 KCP Tomohon 0431-3157241 0431-3157253 Jl. Raya Kolongan No.198 A, Tomohon 95442 187 KCP Bitung 0438-31118 0438-31119 Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No.10 A, Kec. Girian, Bitung 95543 188 KC Gorontalo 0435-826606 0435-826595 Jl. Kartini No.2, Gorontalo. 189 KC Palu 0451-487777 0451-486215 Jl. Emmy Saelan No. 65, Kel Taura, Palu 190 KCP Kendari 0401-3190031 0401-3196295 Jl.MT.Haryono Blok 142 L-K, Kendari 191 KCP Kolaka 0405-2321108 0405-2321636 Jl.Khairil Anwar No. 47, Kolaka 192 KCP Bau Bau 0402 – 2824466 0402-2824343 Jl.Murhum No. 61A Murhum, Bau-bau 193 KC 0967-585680 0967-575575 Jl. Ayapo No.1, Abepura, Papua 194 KCP Sorong 0951 - 325912 0951 - 325902 Gedung Mega Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 1 195 KCP Timika 0901 - 3126906 0901 - 3126903 Jl. Budi Utomo No. 88A, Timika - Papua 196 KCP Manokwari 0986 - 214529 0986 - 214750 Jl.Trikora Wosi, Manokwari, Papua Barat 197 KC Balikpapan 0542-411776 0542-736856 Jl. Jend. Achmad Yani No.74, Balikpapan 198 KCP Samarinda 0541-200080 0541-200070 Jl. Pahlawan, Komp. Ruko Segiri No. 12A, Samarinda 199 KC 0511-3251701 0511-3251682 Jl. A. Yani Km. 1 No. 45, Banjarmasin Singaraja Mataram Kupang Menado Abepura Banjarmasin PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 140 FAX Annual Report 2012 ADDRESS Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report Office Address NO Area (branch) TELEPHONE FAX ADDRESS Address of Funding Branch 1 LB Adityawarman 021-7225393 021-72791448 Jl. Adhityawarman Kav. 55, Jakarta Selatan 2 LB Kelapa Gading 021-4535888 021-7268969 Jl. Boulevard Raya FY 1 No. 16-17, Kelapa Gading 3 LB Bandung - Dago 022- 2506292 (022) 2507056 Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No. 171, Bandung 4 LB Gajah Mada 024-3547777 024-3547927 Jl. Gajah Mada No. 148, Semarang 5 LB Jaksa Agung 031-5350626 031-5345948 Jl. Jaksa Agung Suprapto No. 32, Surabaya 6 LB Medan 061-4526888 061-45269595 Jl. Mayjen S. Parman No. 302, Medan 7 LB Palembang - Veteran 0711-358989 0711-322227 Jl. Veteran No. 282, Palembang 8 LB Makassar 0411-8111279 0411-8111256 Jl. Dr Ratulangi No.7, C3 - C4, Makassar PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. 141 Annual Report 2012 Responsibility of Annual Report Management Discussion & Analysis Corporate Governance Report Corporate Information Management Responsibility for Annual Report This Annual Report including the Financial Statements and others related information are the responsibility of the Management of PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. and signed by the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors. PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Board of Commissioners, Endriartono Sutarto President Commissioner concurrently independent Commissioner Dedy Rifdy Ramsey Commissioner I Goesti Viraguna Bagoes Oka Independent Commissioner Paulus Wiranata Independent Commissioner Board of Directors, GANDHI GANDA PUTRA President Director TEGUH WIYONO Compliance Director BENI NURTANTIJO Operations Director MAXIMIANUS P. DJIWANTO Finance Director RAMONO SUKADIS Business Director PT. Bank Pundi Indonesia, Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2012 Appendix PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk LAPORAN KEUANGAN DAN LAPORAN AUDITOR INDEPENDEN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (MATA UANG RUPIAH) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (INDONESIAN CURRENCY) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk LAPORAN KEUANGAN DAN LAPORAN AUDITOR INDEPENDEN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 Daftar Isi/Table of Contents Halaman/Pages Surat Pernyataan Direksi Board of Directors’ Statement Laporan Auditor Independen Independent Auditors’ Report Laporan Posisi Keuangan 1-2 Statements of Financial Position Laporan Laba Rugi Komprehensif 3 Statements of Comprehensive Income Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas 4 Statements of Changes in Equity Laporan Arus Kas 5 Statements of Cash Flows Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan 6 - 96 Notes to Financial Statements PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk LAPORAN POSISI KEUANGAN 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) Catatan/ Notes 2012 2011 ASSETS ASET Kas 2,3,36,37 78.101 85.547 Cash Giro pada Bank Indonesia 2,4,36,37 520.795 464.607 Current accounts with Bank Indonesia Giro pada bank lain 2,5,36,37 50.142 9.848 Current accounts with other banks Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain Pihak ketiga - setelah dikurangi cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai sebesar Rp 100 pada tahun 2011 2,6,36,37 776.200 770.321 Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks Third parties - net of allowance for impairment loss of Rp 100 in 2011 Efek-efek 2,7,36,37 203.466 499.360 Securities Surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali 2,8,36,37 - 125.394 Marketable securities purchased with agreement to resell 5.358.287 3.337.893 Loans Third parties - net allowance for impairment loss of Rp 295,714 in 2012 and Rp 216,443 in 2011 2,10,36,37 96.868 51.489 Accrued interest receivable 2,11 115.593 109.910 Prepaid expenses 348.095 Fixed assets net of accumulated depreciation of Rp 118,719 in 2012 and Rp 62,172 in 2011 Kredit Pihak ketiga - setelah dikurangi cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai sebesar Rp 295.714 pada tahun 2012 dan Rp 216.443 pada tahun 2011 Pendapatan bunga yang masih akan diterima Biaya dibayar dimuka Aset tetap setelah dikurangi akumulasi penyusutan sebesar Rp 118.719 pada tahun 2012 dan Rp 62.172 pada tahun 2011 Agunan yang diambil alih setelah dikurangi cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai sebesar Rp 6.843 pada tahun 2012 dan Rp 37.891 pada tahun 2011 Aset pajak tangguhan Aset lain-lain 2,9,26,36,37 2,12 323.701 2,13,26 31.143 39.044 Foreclosed assets net allowance for impairment loss of Rp 6,843 in 2012 and Rp 37,891 in 2011 2,30 82.777 104.132 Deferred tax assets 2,14,26,36,37 JUMLAH ASET 45.865 47.399 Other assets 7.682.938 5.993.039 TOTAL ASSETS - Lihat Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan yang merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan. - See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements which are an integral part of the financial statements. 1 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk LAPORAN POSISI KEUANGAN 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) Catatan/ Notes PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL POSITION DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2012 2011 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY LIABILITAS DAN EKUITAS LIABILITAS LIABILITIES Liabilitas segera 2,15,36,37 26.083 22.498 Liabilities due immediately Simpanan dari nasabah Pihak berelasi Pihak ketiga 2,16,36,37 33 28.859 6.727.783 83.647 5.238.864 Deposit from customers Related parties Third parties 6.756.642 5.322.511 2,17,36,37 31.101 11.168 Deposits from other banks - third parties 2,18 16.993 10.985 Taxes payable 2,19,33 129.638 129.638 Loan from affiliates 2,31 48.383 25.259 Post-employment benefits liability 2,20,36,37 19.914 7.739 Other liabilities 7.028.754 5.529.798 Total Liabilities Jumlah simpanan dari nasabah Simpanan dari bank lain - pihak ketiga Utang pajak Pinjaman dari pihak berelasi Liabilitas imbalan pasca-kerja Liabilitas lain-lain Jumlah Liabilitas EKUITAS Modal saham - nilai nominal Rp 100 (nilai penuh) per saham Modal dasar - saham Modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh 10.755.117.153 saham pada tahun 2012 dan 9.258.512.230 saham pada tahun 2011 Tambahan modal disetor Laba (rugi) belum direalisasi atas efek tersedia untuk dijual Defisit 21 22 1.075.512 24.025 2 Jumlah Ekuitas JUMLAH LIABILITAS DAN EKUITAS Lihat Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan yang merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan. 925.851 (3.002) Total deposit from customers EQUITY Share capital - Rp 100 (full amount) par value per share Authorized - 20,000,000,000 shares Issued and fully paid 10,755,117,153 shares in 2012 and 9,258,512,230 shares in 2011 Additional paid-in capital Unrealized gain (loss) on available for sale securities Deficit (4.863) (440.490) 27.747 (487.355) 654.184 463.241 Total Equity 7.682.938 5.993.039 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements which are an integral part of the financial statements. 2 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk LAPORAN LABA RUGI KOMPREHENSIF UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) Catatan/ Notes PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk STATEMENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2012 2011 PENDAPATAN DAN BEBAN OPERASIONAL Pendapatan dan Beban Bunga Pendapatan bunga Beban bunga OPERATING REVENUES AND EXPENSES 2,23 2,24 Pendapatan Bunga - bersih Pendapatan Operasional Lainnya Administrasi Keuntungan penjualan efek Lain-lain - bersih JUMLAH PENDAPATAN OPERASIONAL (Penyisihan) pemulihan kerugian penurunan nilai aset non keuangan - bersih Beban Operasional Lainnya Umum dan administrasi Tenaga kerja dan tunjangan 515.943 273.451 Interest Income and Expense Interest income Interest expense 995.224 242.492 Interest Income - net 65.140 32.541 5.301 22.730 54.590 210 Other Operating Income Administrative Gain on sale of securities Others - net 102.982 77.530 Total Other Operating Income - net 1.098.206 320.022 TOTAL OPERATING INCOME (171.833) 24.364 (Provision) reversal of impairment losses on financial assets - net (780) 6.007 (Provision) reversal of impairment losses on non-financial assets - net 161.703 358.302 Other Operating Expenses General and administrative Personnel 25 2 Jumlah Pendapatan Operasional Lainnya - bersih (Penyisihan) pemulihan kerugian penurunan nilai atas aset keuangan - bersih 1.490.694 495.470 2,9,14,26 2,13,26 27 28 Jumlah Beban Operasional Lainnya 247.541 606.499 BEBAN NON OPERASIONAL - BERSIH 520.005 71.553 (169.612) NET OPERATING INCOME (LOSS) (1.963) NON-OPERATING EXPENSE - NET 68.220 (171.575) INCOME (LOSS) BEFORE INCOME TAX (EXPENSE) BENEFIT (21.355) 24.322 INCOME TAX (EXPENSE) BENEFIT Deferred 46.865 (147.253) 29 (3.333) LABA (RUGI) SEBELUM (BEBAN) MANFAAT PAJAK PENGHASILAN (BEBAN) MANFAAT PAJAK PENGHASILAN Tangguhan 2,30 LABA (RUGI) BERSIH Laba (rugi) komprehensif lain Keuntungan (kerugian) atas perubahan nilai wajar dari efek-efek dalam kelompok tersedia untuk dijual - bersih 2 NET INCOME (LOSS) (32.610) 29.262 Other comprehensive income (loss) Net gain (loss) from changes in fair value of available for sale securities 14.255 (117.991) TOTAL COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) 4,80 (21,66) BASIC EARNING (LOSS) PER SHARE (Full Amount) JUMLAH LABA (RUGI) KOMPREHENSIF LABA (RUGI) PER SAHAM DASAR (Rupiah Penuh) Total Other Operating Expenses 854.040 LABA (RUGI) OPERASIONAL BERSIH 2,32 Lihat Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan yang merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan. See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements which are an integral part of the financial statements. 3 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk LAPORAN PERUBAHAN EKUITAS UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) Laba (Rugi) Belum Catatan/ Notes Saldo per 1 Januari 2011 Penerbitan saham baru 328.226 - Rugi bersih tahun berjalan - Saldo per 31 Desember 2011 21,22 Kerugian atas perubahan nilai wajar dari efek-efek dalam kelompok tersedia untuk dijual - bersih Laba bersih tahun berjalan Saldo per 31 Desember 2012 Direalisasi atas Efek Tersedia untuk Dijual/ Unrealized Gain (Loss) on Available for Sale Securities Tambahan Modal Disetor/ Additional Paid-in Capital 597.625 21,22 Keuntungan atas perubahan nilai wajar dari efek-efek dalam kelompok tersedia untuk dijual - bersih Penerbitan saham baru - bersih Modal Ditempatkan dan Disetor Penuh/ Issued and Fully Paid Share Capital 555 (1.515) (3.557) - 925.851 (3.002) 149.661 27.027 - - - - 1.075.512 24.025 Jumlah Ekuitas/ Total Equity 256.563 Balance as of January 1, 2011 - - 324.669 Issuance of new shares 29.262 - 29.262 Net gain from changes in fair value of available for sale securities (340.102) - (147.253) (147.253) 27.747 (487.355) 463.241 Balance as of December 31, 2011 - 176.688 Issuance of new shares - net - (32.610) - (32.610) (4.863) Lihat Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan yang merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan. Defisit/ Deficit Net loss for the year Net loss from changes in fair fair value of available for sale securities 46.865 46.865 Net income for the year (440.490) 654.184 Balance as of December 31, 2012 See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements which are an integral part of the financial statements. 4 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk LAPORAN ARUS KAS UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) Catatan/ Notes ARUS KAS DARI AKTIVITAS OPERASI Penerimaan bunga, provisi dan komisi Pembayaran bunga, provisi dan komisi Penghasilan operasional lainnya - bersih Pembayaran beban umum dan administrasi Pembayaran beban tenaga kerja dan tunjangan Pendapatan (beban) non operasional - bersih Arus Kas Sebelum Perubahan Aset dan Liabilitas Operasi (Kenaikan) penurunan aset operasi: Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain Efek-efek Surat-surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali Kredit Biaya dibayar dimuka Aset lain-lain Kenaikan (penurunan) liabilitas operasi: Liabilitas segera Simpanan dari nasabah Simpanan dari bank lain Utang pajak Liabilitas lain-lain PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2012 2011 1.428.775 (493.209) 70.441 (189.679) (583.375) (2.548) 476.036 (257.248) 22.941 (138.740) (337.981) 8.386 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Receipts of interest, fees and commissions Payment of interest, fees and commissions Receipts of other operating income - net Payment of general and administrative expenses Payment of personnel expenses and benefit Non-operating income (expenses) - net 230.405 (226.606) Cash Flows Before Changes in Operating Assets and Liabilities 118.895 295.825 (118.895) (170.512) 125.394 (2.175.687) (5.683) 1.534 (125.394) (2.950.443) (40.150) (53.418) 1.324 1.434.131 19.933 6.008 12.172 (859) 4.162.693 9.747 7.867 8.871 Kas Bersih Diperoleh dari Aktivitas Operasi (Increase) decrease in operating assets: Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks Securities Marketable securities purchased with agreement to resell Loans Prepaid expenses Other assets Increase (decrease) in operating liabilities: Liabilities due immediately Deposit from customer Deposits from other banks Taxes payable Other liabilities 64.251 502.901 24 4.123 (31.276) 2.055 31.864 (242.675) CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of fixed assets Sales of foreclosed assets Acquisition of fixed assets (27.129) (208.756) Net Cash Used in Investing Activities 179.593 (2.905) 328.226 (3.557) CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Net proceeds from issuance of new shares - net Share issuance costs Kas Bersih Diperoleh dari Aktivitas Pendanaan 176.688 324.669 Net Cash Provided by Financing Activities KENAIKAN BERSIH KAS DAN SETARA KAS 213.810 618.814 NET INCREASE IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS KAS DAN SETARA KAS AWAL TAHUN 1.211.428 592.614 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEARS KAS DAN SETARA KAS AKHIR TAHUN 1.425.238 1.211.428 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEARS 78.101 520.795 50.142 776.200 85.547 464.607 9.848 651.426 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the years consist of: Cash Current account with Bank Indonesia Current account with other banks Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks 1.425.238 1.211.428 ARUS KAS DARI AKTIVITAS INVESTASI Hasil penjualan aset tetap Penjualan agunan yang diambil alih Perolehan aset tetap 12 13 12 Kas Bersih Digunakan untuk Aktivitas Investasi ARUS KAS BERSIH DARI AKTIVITAS PENDANAAN Penerbitan saham baru - bersih Biaya emisi saham Kas dan setara kas akhir tahun terdiri dari: Kas Giro pada Bank Indonesia Giro pada bank lain Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain Jumlah 21,22 21,22 3 4 5 6 Lihat Catatan atas Laporan Keuangan yang merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari laporan keuangan. Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities Total See accompanying Notes to Financial Statements which are an integral part of the financial statements. 5 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 1. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) UMUM a. 1. GENERAL Pendirian dan Informasi Umum a. Establishment and General Information PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk (“Bank”), didirikan pada tanggal 11 September 1992. Akta pendirian telah disahkan oleh Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia tanggal 10 Nopember 1992 dan diumumkan dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia No. 103, Tambahan No. 6651 tanggal 26 Desember 1992. PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk (“the Bank”) was established on September 11, 1992. The Deed of Establishment was approved by the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia on November 10, 1992 and published in Supplement No. 6651 of the State Gazette of Republic Indonesia No. 103 dated December 26, 1992. Bank memulai aktivitas operasi di bidang perbankan pada tanggal 9 Agustus 1993. The Bank started its commercial operations on August 9, 1993. Anggaran Dasar Bank telah mengalami beberapa kali perubahan, terakhir dengan Akta No. 58 tanggal 28 Nopember 2012 dari Fathiah Helmi, S.H., Notaris di Jakarta, mengenai kewenangan Direksi dan peningkatan modal disetor. Perubahan Anggaran Dasar ini telah disetujui oleh Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia dengan Surat No. AHU-AH.01.10-45067 tahun 2012 dan Surat No. AHU-AH.01.10-45068 tahun 2012 tanggal 20 Desember 2012. The Bank’s Articles of Association has been amended several times, most recently by Deed No. 58 dated November 28, 2012 of Fathiah Helmi, S.H., Notary in Jakarta, concerning powers of directors and increase of paid in capital. These amendments were approved by the Minister of Law and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in his Decision Letter No. AHU-AH.01.10-45067 Year 2012 and Decision Letter No. AHU-AH.01.10-45068 Year 2012 dated December 20, 2012. Berdasarkan pasal 3 Anggaran Dasar Bank, ruang lingkup kegiatan Bank bergerak dalam bidang keuangan dan pembiayaan sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku di Negara Republik Indonesia. Saat ini Bank berstatus Bank non devisa yang fokus pada pembiayaan Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah. Based on Article 3 of the Bank’s Articles of Association, the scope of its activities is in finance business and all other financing in accordance with the Laws prevailing in Indonesia. Currently the Bank is a non-foreign exchange bank focusing on financing Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. Bank memperoleh izin usaha sebagai bank umum berdasarkan surat keputusan Menteri Keuangan No. 673/KMK.017/1993 tanggal 23 Juni 1993. The Bank obtained a license as a commercial bank based on the decision letter No. 673/KMK.017/1993 of the Minister of Finance dated June 23, 1993. PT Recapital Securities dan PT Recapital Advisors, didirikan di Republik Indonesia, masing-masing adalah entitas induk dan entitas induk terakhir Bank. PT Recapital Securities and PT Recapital Advisors, incorporated in the Republic of Indonesia, are the parent company and ultimate parent company of the Bank, respectively. Kantor Pusat Bank berlokasi di Jl. Fatmawati No. 12 Jakarta. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, jumlah jaringan cabang-cabang dan kantor-kantor pembantu Bank adalah sebagai berikut: The Bank’s head office is located in Jl. Fatmawati No. 12 Jakarta. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the number of the Bank’s branches and representative offices were as follows: Kantor Pusat Kantor Cabang Kantor Cabang Pembantu 2012 2011 1 48 159 1 45 142 6 banking Head Office Branch Office Supporting Branch Office PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 1. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) UMUM (lanjutan) a. 1. Pendirian dan Informasi Umum (lanjutan) GENERAL (continued) a. Establishment (continued) General Information As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the Bank owns 68 and 31 Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), respectively. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, Bank memiliki masing-masing 68 dan 31 Anjungan Tunai Mandiri (ATM). b. and Penawaran Umum b. Public Offering Pada tanggal 22 Juni 2001, Bank memperoleh pernyataan efektif dari Ketua Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal (Bapepam) dengan suratnya No. S-1531/PM/2001 untuk melakukan penawaran umum saham kepada masyarakat sebanyak 277.500.000 saham dengan nilai nominal Rp 100 (nilai penuh) per saham dan harga penawaran Rp 140 (nilai penuh) per saham. Secara bersamaan diterbitkan 55.500.000 Waran Seri I yang menyertai seluruh saham yang ditawarkan dalam rangka Penawaran Umum tersebut secara cuma-cuma. Waran tersebut memberikan hak kepada pemegangnya untuk melakukan pembelian saham baru yang dikeluarkan dari portepel dengan nilai nominal Rp 100 (nilai penuh) per saham dengan harga Rp 175 (nilai penuh) per saham mulai tanggal 13 Januari 2003 sampai dengan tanggal 12 Juli 2004. Pada tanggal 13 Juli 2001, saham tersebut telah dicatatkan pada Bursa Efek Indonesia (dahulu Bursa Efek Jakarta). Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2004, tidak ada waran yang dikonversi menjadi saham dan semua hak untuk membeli saham sudah berakhir. On June 22, 2001, the Bank obtained approval from the Chairman of the Capital Market Supervisory Board (Bapepam) in his letter No. S-1531/PM/2001 to offer its shares to the public at a maximum of 277,500,000 shares with a nominal value of Rp 100 (full amount) per share for an offering price of Rp 140 (full amount) per share. Simultaneously, the Bank issued 55,500,000 Series I Warrants accompanying the shares offered in the Public Offering. The warrants entitle the holder to purchase newly issued shares of the portfolio with a nominal value of Rp 100 (full amount) per share at a price of Rp 175 (full amount) per share from January 13, 2003 until July 12, 2004. On July 13, 2001, these shares were listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (formerly Jakarta Stock Exchange). As of December 31, 2004, no conversion of warrants is made and all the rights to purchase through warrants has expired. Pada tanggal 30 Juni 2010, Bank memperoleh pernyataan efektif dari Ketua Badan Pengawas Pasar Modal dan Lembaga Keuangan (Bapepam-LK) dengan suratnya No. S-5949/BL/2010 untuk melakukan penawaran umum terbatas I dalam rangka penerbitan Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu kepada para pemegang saham sejumlah 5.122.500.000 saham biasa. Setiap pemegang saham yang memiliki 1 saham lama berhak membeli 6 saham baru dengan nilai nominal Rp 100 (nilai penuh) per saham dengan harga penawaran sebesar Rp 100 (nilai penuh) per saham. On June 30, 2010, the Bank obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory in his Letter Board (Bapepam-LK) No. S-5949/BL/2010 related to its approval of the limited public offering I for the issuance of pre-emptive rights for existing shareholders at 5,122,500,000 common shares. The holder can exercise the right to purchase 6 new shares for every 1 share held with a nominal value of Rp 100 (full amount) per share at Rp 100 (full amount) per share. Pada tanggal 15 September 2011, Bank memperoleh pernyataan efektif dari Ketua Bapepam-LK dengan suratnya No. 10116/BL/2011 untuk melakukan penawaran umum terbatas II dalam rangka penerbitan Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu kepada para pemegang saham berjumlah saham biasa. Setiap pemegang saham yang memiliki 6 saham lama berhak membeli 5 saham baru dengan nilai nominal Rp 100 (nilai penuh) per saham dengan harga penawaran sebesar Rp 100 (nilai penuh) per saham. On September 15, 2011, the Bank obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of the Bapepam-LK in his Letter No. 10116/BL/2011 related to its approval of the limited public offering II for the issuance of pre-emptive rights for existing shareholders amounted to 3,282,262,230 common shares. The holder can exercise the right to purchase 5 new shares for every 6 shares held with a nominal value of Rp 100 (full amount) per share at Rp 100 (full amount) per share. 7 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 1. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) UMUM (lanjutan) b. c. 1. Penawaran Umum (lanjutan) GENERAL (continued) b. Public Offering (continued) Pada tanggal 30 Agustus 2012, Bank memperoleh pernyataan efektif dari Ketua Bapepam-LK dengan suratnya No. 10485/BL/2012 untuk melakukan penawaran umum terbatas III dalam rangka penerbitan Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu kepada para pemegang saham berjumlah 1.496.604.923 saham biasa. Setiap pemegang saham yang memiliki 100 saham lama berhak membeli 27 saham baru dengan nilai nominal Rp 100 (nilai penuh) per saham dengan harga penawaran sebesar Rp 120 (nilai penuh) per saham. On August 30, 2012, the Bank obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of the Bapepam-LK in his Letter No. 10485/BL/2012 related to its approval of the limited public offering III for the issuance of pre-emptive rights for existing shareholders amounted to 1,496,604,923 common shares. The holder can exercise the right to purchase 27 new shares for every 100 shares held with a nominal value of Rp 100 (full amount) per share at Rp 120 (full amount) per share. Jumlah saham Bank yang tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia sebanyak 10.755.117.153 lembar saham pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012. Total of Bank's shares listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange as of December 31, 2012 are 10,755,117,153 shares. Susunan Pengurus Bank c. Composition of the Bank’s Management As of December 31, 2012, the members of the Bank’s Boards of Commissioners and Directors based on Notarial dated No. 45 dated August 30, 2012 of Fathiah Helmi, S.H., Notary in Jakarta, are as follow: Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012, susunan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi berdasarkan Akta No. 45 tanggal 30 Agustus 2012 dari Fathiah Helmi, S.H., Notaris di Jakarta, adalah sebagai berikut: Dewan Komisaris Komisaris Utama (Independen) Komisaris Komisaris (Independen) Komisaris (Independen) Board of Commissioners Endriartono Sutarto Dedy Rifdy Ramsey I Goesti V. Bagoes Oka Paulus Wiranata *) Direksi Direktur Utama Direktur Kepatuhan Direktur Operasional Direktur Keuangan Direktur Bisnis President Commissioner (Independent) Commissioner Commissioner (Independent) Commissioner (Independent) Board of Directors Gandhi Ganda Putra Teguh Wiyono Beni Nurtantijo Maximianus Puguh Djiwanto Ramono Sukadis *) *) Telah lulus uji kemampuan dan kepatuhan berdasarkan Surat Gubernur Bank Indonesia No. 14/114/GBI/DPIP/Rahasia tanggal 25 September 2012. 8 President Director Compliance Director Operational Director Finance Director Business Director Complied the fit and proper test from Bank Indonesia through letter from Bank Indonesia No. 14/114/GBI/DPIP/Rahasia dated September 25, 2012. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 1. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) UMUM (lanjutan) c. 2. Susunan Pengurus Bank (lanjutan) GENERAL (continued) c. Composition of the Bank’s Management (continued) As of December 31, 2011, the members of the Bank’s Boards of Commissioners and Directors based on Notarial dated No. 37 dated November 22, 2011 of Fathiah Helmi, S.H., Notary in Jakarta, are as follow: Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2011, susunan Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi berdasarkan Akta No. 37 tanggal 22 Nopember 2011 dari Fathiah Helmi, S.H., Notaris di Jakarta, adalah sebagai berikut: Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners Komisaris Utama (Independen) Komisaris Komisaris (Independen) President Commissioner (Independent) Commissioner Commissioner (Independent) Endriartono Sutarto Dedy Rifdy Ramsey I Goesti V. Bagoes Oka *) Direksi Board of Directors Direktur Utama Direktur Kepatuhan Direktur Operasional Direktur Keuangan Direktur Bisnis Gandhi Ganda Putra Teguh Wiyono Beni Nurtantijo **) Maximianus Puguh Djiwanto **) Ramono Sukadis **) *) Telah lulus uji kemampuan dan kepatuhan berdasarkan Surat Gubernur Bank Indonesia No. 13/118/GBI/DPIP/Rahasia tanggal 28 Oktober 2011. *) **) Telah lulus uji kemampuan dan kepatuhan berdasarkan Surat Gubernur Bank Indonesia No. 13/83/GBI/DPIP/Rahasia tanggal 1 Agustus 2011. **) Complied the fit and proper test from Bank Indonesia through letter from Bank Indonesia No. 13/83/GBI/DPIP/Rahasia dated August 1, 2011. Susunan Komite Audit Bank pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 adalah sebagai berikut: The Bank’s Audit Committee as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 are as follows: 2012 Complied the fit and proper test from Bank Indonesia through letter from Bank Indonesia No. 13/118/GBI/DPIP/Rahasia dated October 28, 2011. 2011 Komite Audit Ketua, merangkap anggota Anggota Audit Committee I Goesti V. Bagoes Oka Lungguk Goeltom Troy Trijono Susunan Corporate Secretary dan Ketua Satuan Kerja Audit Internal pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 adalah sebagai berikut: Corporate Secretary Endriartono Sutarto Lungguk Goeltom Troy Trijono Chairman, concurrent member Members The Bank’s Corporate Secretary and Head of Internal Audit as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 are as follows: 2012 2011 Christiana M. Damanik Hery Hartawan Haryadi Haryadi Ketua Satuan Kerja Audit Internal Corporate Secretary Head of Internal Audit As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the Bank has a total of 8,200 and 6,691 employees, respectively. Jumlah karyawan Bank pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 masing-masing adalah 8.200 dan 6.691 karyawan. d. President Director Compliance Director Operational Director Finance Director Business Director Persetujuan Laporan Keuangan d. Approval of Financial Statements The financial statements were approved and authorized for issue by the Directors on March 18, 2013. Laporan keuangan telah disetujui Direksi untuk diterbitkan tanggal 18 Maret 2013. 9 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR PENTING a. KEBIJAKAN AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Dasar Penyusunan dan Pengukuran Laporan Keuangan dan Pernyataan Kepatuhan untuk Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 SUMMARY POLICIES a. OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING Basis of Financial Statements Preparation and Measurement and Statement of Years Ended Compliance for the December 31, 2012 and 2011 Laporan keuangan disusun sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia, Pedoman Akuntansi Perbankan Indonesia (PAPI) 2008 dan Peraturan No. VIII.G.7 tentang “Penyajian dan Pengungkapan Laporan Keuangan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik” yang terdapat dalam Lampiran Keputusan Ketua Bapepam-LK No. KEP-347/BL/2012 tanggal 25 Juni 2012. Seperti diungkapkan dalam Catatan 2b, beberapa Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia yang telah direvisi dan diterbitkan, diterapkan efektif tanggal 1 Januari 2012. The financial statements were prepared in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards in Indonesia, the Accounting Guidelines for Banking Industry (PAPI) 2008 and Regulation No. VIII.G.7 regarding “Financial Statements Presentation and Disclosures of Listed or Public Company” included in the Appendix of the Bapepam-LK No. KEP-347/BL/2012 dated June 25, 2012. As discussed further in Note 2b, several amended and published report Financial Accounting Standards in Indonesia were adopted effective January 1, 2012. Berdasarkan Peraturan No. VIII.G.7 tentang “Penyajian dan Pengungkapan Laporan Keuangan Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik” yang terdapat dalam Lampiran Keputusan Ketua Bapepam-LK No. KEP-347/BL/2012 tanggal 25 Juni 2012, hal-hal mengenai struktur, isi dan persyaratan dalam penyajian dan pengungkapan laporan keuangan yang tidak diatur dalam peraturan ini, harus mengikuti Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (“PSAK”) dan dalam hal terdapat perubahan dalam PSAK setelah berlakunya peraturan ini, maka penyusunan dan penyajian laporan keuangan wajib mengacu pada PSAK tersebut. Based on Regulation No. VIII.G.7 regarding “Financial Statements Presentation and Disclosures of Listed or Public Company” included in the Appendix of the Bapepam-LK No. KEP-347/BL/2012 dated June 25, 2012, matters concerning the structure, content and requirements in presentation and disclosures of financial statements that are not regulated in this Regulation, must comply with Statement of Financial Accounting Standard ("SFAS") and in the event of a change in SFAS after this regulation adopted, therefore the financial statements are presented based on those SFAS. Laporan keuangan disusun berdasarkan konsep nilai historis, kecuali dinyatakan secara khusus. Laporan keuangan disusun dengan menggunakan metode akrual, kecuali laporan arus kas dan beberapa akun yang diukur berdasarkan penjelasan kebijakan akuntansi dari akun yang bersangkutan. The financial statements have been prepared using the historical cost basis, unless otherwise stated. The preparation of these financial statements was based on accrual method, except for cash flows and certain accounts which are measured on the basis explained in the related accounting policies. Laporan arus kas disusun dengan menggunakan metode langsung yang dimodifikasi dengan mengelompokkan arus kas dalam aktivitas operasi, investasi dan pendanaan. Untuk tujuan laporan arus kas, kas dan setara kas mencakup kas, giro pada Bank Indonesia, giro pada bank lain dan penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain yang jatuh tempo dalam waktu 3 (tiga) bulan sejak tanggal perolehan, sepanjang tidak digunakan sebagai jaminan atas pinjaman yang diterima serta tidak dibatasi penggunaannya. The statements of cash flows are prepared using modified direct method, with classifications of cash flows into operating, investing and financing activities. For the purpose of statements of cash flows, cash and cash equivalents include cash, current accounts with Bank Indonesia, current accounts with other banks and placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks that mature within 3 (three) months from acquisition date, as long as they are not being pledged as collateral for borrowings nor restricted. Mata uang pelaporan yang digunakan untuk penyusunan laporan keuangan adalah mata uang Rupiah, yang juga merupakan mata uang fungsional Bank. Seluruh angka dalam laporan keuangan ini, kecuali dinyatakan lain khusus, dibulatkan menjadi dan disajikan dalam jutaan Rupiah yang terdekat. The reporting currency used in the preparation of the financial statements is Indonesian Rupiah, which also represent the Bank fungsional currency. All figures in the financial statements are rounded to and stated in millions of Rupiah, unless otherwise stated. 10 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) b. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Penerapan Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) Revisi SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) b. ACCOUNTING Adoption of Revised Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (SFASs) Efektif tanggal 1 Januari 2012, Bank telah menerapkan PSAK revisi sebagai berikut: The Bank has adopted the following revised SFASs effective January 1, 2012: a. PSAK No. 24 (Revisi 2010), “Imbalan Kerja”, mengatur akuntansi dan pengungkapan imbalan kerja. a. SFAS No. 24 (Revised 2010), “Employee Benefits”, establishes the accounting and disclosures for employee benefits. b. PSAK No. 46 (Revisi 2010), “Akuntansi Pajak Penghasilan”, mengatur perlakukan akuntansi untuk pajak penghasilan dalam menghitung konsekuensi pajak kini dan masa depan untuk pemulihan (penyelesaian) jumlah tercatat aset (liabilitas) di masa depan yang diakui pada laporan posisi keuangan; serta transaksitransaksi dan kejadian-kejadian lain pada periode kini yang diakui pada laporan keuangan. b. SFAS No. 46 (Revised 2010), “Accounting for Income Taxes”, prescribes the accounting treatment for income taxes to account for the current and future tax consequences of the future recovery (settlement) of the carrying amount of assets (liabilities) that are recognized in the statement of financial position; and transactions and other events of the current period that are recognized in the financial statements. c. PSAK No. 50 (Revisi 2010), “Instrumen Keuangan: Penyajian”, menetapkan prinsip penyajian instrumen keuangan sebagai liabilitas atau ekuitas dan saling hapus aset keuangan dan liabilitas keuangan. c. SFAS No. 50 (Revised 2010), “Financial Instruments: Presentation”, establishes the principle for presenting financial instruments as liabilities or equity and for offsetting financial assets and financial liabilities. d. PSAK No. 55 (Revisi 2011), “Istrumen Keuangan: Pengakuan dan Pengukuran”, menetapkan prinsip untuk pengakuan dan pengukuran aset keuangan, kewajiban keuangan dan kontrak pembelian atau penjualan item-item non-keuangan. PSAK ini memberikan definisi dan karakteristik derivatif, kategori-kategori dari masingmasing instrumen keuangan, pengakuan dan pengukuran, akuntansi lindung nilai dan penetapan dari hubungan lindung nilai. d. SFAS No. 55 (Revised 2011), “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement”, establishes the principles for recognizing and measuring financial assets, financial liabilities and some contracts to buy and sell non-financial items. This SFAS provided the definitions and characteristics of derivatives, the categories of financial instruments, recognition and measurement, hedge accounting and determination of hedging relationships. e. PSAK No. 60, “Instrumen Keuangan: Pengungkapan”, mensyaratkan pengungkapan dalam laporan keuangan yang memungkinkan para pengguna untuk mengevaluasi signifikansi instrumen keuangan atas posisi dan kinerja keuangan; dan jenis dan besarnya risiko yang timbul dari instrumen keuangan yang mana entitas terekspos selama periode dan pada akhir periode pelaporan dan bagaimana entitas mengelola risiko-risiko tersebut. e. SFAS No. 60, “Financial Instruments: Disclosures”, requires disclosures in financial statements that enable users to evaluate the significance of financial instruments for financial position and performance; and the nature and extent of risks arising from financial instruments to which the entity is exposed during the period and at the end of the reporting period and how the entity manages those risks. 11 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) b. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Penerapan Pernyataan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan (PSAK) Revisi (lanjutan) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) b. ACCOUNTING Adoption of Revised Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (SFASs) (continued) Selain standar akuntansi revisi yang telah disebutkan sebelumnya, Bank juga telah menerapkan standar akuntansi berikut pada tanggal 1 Januari 2012 yang dianggap relevan terhadap laporan keuangan namun tidak menimbulkan dampak yang signifikan: Other than the revised accounting standards previously mentioned, the Bank also adopted the following revised accounting standards on January 1, 2012, which are considered relevant to the financial statements but did not have significant impact: a. PSAK No. 16 (Revisi 2011), “Aset Tetap”. a. SFAS No. Assets”. b. PSAK No. 18 (Revisi 2010), “Akuntansi dan Pelaporan Program Manfaat Purnakarya”. b. SFAS No. 18 (Revised 2010), “Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit Plans”. c. PSAK No. 30 (Revisi 2011), “Sewa”. c. SFAS No. 30 (Revised 2011), “Leases”. d. PSAK No. 53 (Revisi 2010), “Pembayaran Berbasis Saham”. d. SFAS No. 53 (Revised 2010), “Share-based Payment”. e. PSAK No. 56 (Revisi 2011), “Laba per Saham”. e. SFAS No. 56 (Revised 2011), “Earnings per Share”. f. ISAK No. 15, “PSAK No. 24 - Batas Aset Imbalan Pasti, Persyaratan Pendanaan Minimum dan Interaksinya”. f. Interpretation No. 15, “SFAS No. 24 - The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding Requirements and their Interaction”. g. ISAK No. 20, “Pajak Penghasilan Perubahan Dalam Status Pajak Entitas atau Para Pemegang Saham”. g. Interpretation No. 20, “Income Taxes Changes in the Tax Status of an Entity or its Shareholders”. h. ISAK No. 25, “Hak atas Tanah”. h. Interpretation Rights”. Penerapan kebijakan akuntansi. ï‚· Nilai aset dan liabilitas yang dilaporkan, pengungkapan atas aset dan liabilitas kontinjensi pada tanggal laporan posisi keuangan. ï‚· Jumlah pendapatan dan beban yang dilaporkan selama periode pelaporan. of (Revised SFAS 2011), No. 25, “Fixed “Land The preparation of financial statements in conformity with Financial Accounting Standards in Indonesia, requires the use of judgements, estimates and assumptions that affects: Dalam penyusunan laporan keuangan sesuai dengan Standar Akuntansi Keuangan di Indonesia, dibutuhkan estimasi dan asumsi yang mempengaruhi: ï‚· 16 12 ï‚· The application of accounting policies. ï‚· The reported amounts of assets and liabilities, and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements. ï‚· The reported amounts of revenues and expenses reported during reporting period. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) c. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) c. Penggunaan Pertimbangan, Estimasi dan Asumsi Use of Judgements, Assumptions ACCOUNTING Estimates and Pertimbangan Judgements Klasifikasi aset dan liabilitas keuangan Classification liabilities Bank menetapkan klasifikasi atas aset dan liabilitas tertentu sebagai aset keuangan dan liabilitas keuangan dengan mempertimbangkan apakah definisi yang ditetapkan PSAK No. 55 (Revisi 2011) dipenuhi. Dengan demikian, aset keuangan dan liabilitas keuangan diakui sesuai dengan kebijakan akuntansi Bank seperti diungkapkan pada Catatan 2e. The Bank determines the classifications of certain assets and liabilities as financial assets and financial liabilities by considering if they meet the definition set forth in SFAS No. 55 (Revised 2011). Accordingly, the financial assets and financial liabilities are recognized for in accordance with the Bank’s accounting policies disclosed in Note 2e. Estimasi dan Asumsi Estimates and Assumptions Asumsi utama masa depan dan sumber utama estimasi ketidakpastian lain pada tanggal pelaporan yang memiliki risiko signifikan bagi penyesuaian yang material terhadap nilai tercatat aset dan liabilitas untuk tahun/periode berikutnya, diungkapkan di bawah ini. Bank mendasarkan asumsi dan estimasi pada parameter yang tersedia pada saat laporan keuangan disusun. Asumsi dan situasi mengenai perkembangan masa depan, mungkin berubah akibat perubahan pasar atau situasi diluar kendali Bank. Perubahan tersebut dicerminkan dalam asumsi terkait pada saat terjadinya. The key assumptions concerning the future and other key sources of estimation uncertainty at the reporting date that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next financial year/period are disclosed below. The Bank based its assumptions and estimates on parameters available when the financial statements were prepared. Existing circumstances and assumptions about future developments, may change due to market changes or circumstances arising beyond the control of the Bank. Such changes are reflected in the assumptions as they occur. Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai atas kredit Allowance for impairment losses on loans Bank melakukan review atas kredit pada setiap tanggal laporan untuk melakukan penilaian atas cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai yang telah dicatat. Justifikasi manajemen diperlukan untuk melakukan estimasi atas jumlah dan waktu arus kas dalam menentukan tingkat cadangan yang dibutuhkan. Provisi spesifik ini dievaluasi kembali dan disesuaikan jika tambahan informasi yang diterima mempengaruhi jumlah cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai. Nilai tercatat dari kredit Bank sebelum cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 masing-masing sebesar Rp 5.654.001 dan Rp 3.554.336. Penjelasan lebih lanjut diungkapkan dalam Catatan 9. Bank reviews its loans at reporting date to evaluate the allowance for impairment losses. Management’s judgment is applied in the estimation of the amount and timing of future cash flows when determining the level of allowance required. These specific provisions are re-evaluated and adjusted as additional information received affects the amounts of allowance for impairment loss. The carrying amount of the Bank’s loans before allowance for impairment loss as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 amounted to Rp 5,654,001 and Rp 3,554,336, respectively. Further details are shown in Note 9. 13 of financial assets and PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) c. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Penggunaan Pertimbangan, Estimasi dan Asumsi (lanjutan) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) c. Use of Judgements, Assumptions (continued) ACCOUNTING Estimates and Aset pajak tangguhan Deferred tax assets Aset pajak tangguhan diakui atas jumlah pajak penghasilan terpulihkan (recoverable) pada periode mendatang sebagai akibat perbedaan temporer yang dapat dikurangkan. Justifikasi manajemen diperlukan untuk menentukan jumlah aset pajak tangguhan yang dapat diakui, sesuai dengan waktu dan tingkat laba fiskal di masa mendatang sejalan dengan strategi rencana perpajakan ke depan. Deferred tax assets are recognized for the recoverable taxable income for the future from temporary difference. Management judgement is required to determine the amount of deferred tax assets that can be recognized, based on timing and level of future taxable profits inline with future tax planning strategies. Liabilitas imbalan pasca-kerja Post-employment benefit liability Liabilitas imbalan pasca-kerja ditentukan berdasarkan perhitungan dari aktuarial. Perhitungan aktuaria mengunakan asumsiasumsi seperti tingkat diskonto, tingkat pengembalian investasi, tingkat kenaikan gaji, tingkat kematian, tingkat pengunduran diri dan lain-lain. Nilai tercatat atas estimasi liabilitas imbalan pasca-kerja Bank pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 masing-masing sebesar Rp 48.383 dan Rp 25.259. Penjelasan lebih rinci diungkapkan dalam Catatan 31. Post-employment benefit obligation is determined based on actuarial valuation. The actuarial valuation involves making assumptions about discount rate, expected rate of return on investments, future salary increases, mortality rate, resignation rate and others. The carrying amount of the Bank’s estimated liabilities for post-employment benefits as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 amounted to Rp 48,383 and Rp 25,259, respectively. Further details are discussed in Note 31. Penyusutan aset tetap Depreciation of fixed assets Biaya perolehan aset tetap disusutkan dengan menggunakan metode garis lurus berdasarkan taksiran masa manfaat ekonomisnya. Perubahan tingkat pemakaian dan perkembangan teknologi dapat mempengaruhi masa manfaat ekonomis dan nilai sisa aset, dan karenanya beban penyusutan masa depan mungkin direvisi. Nilai tercatat bersih atas aset tetap Bank pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 masing-masing sebesar Rp 323.701 dan Rp 348.095. Penjelasan lebih rinci diungkapkan dalam Catatan 12. The costs of fixed assets are depreciated on a straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives. Changes in the expected level of usage and technological development could impact the economic useful lives and the residual values of these assets, and therefore future depreciation charges could be revised. The net carrying amount of the Bank’s fixed assets as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 amounted to Rp 323,701 and Rp 348,095, respectively. Further details are disclosed in Note 12. 14 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) d. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Transaksi dengan Pihak-pihak Berelasi SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) d. ACCOUNTING Transactions with Related Parties Suatu pihak dianggap berelasi dengan Bank jika: A party is considered to relate to the Bank if: 1) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) langsung, atau tidak langsung yang melalui satu atau lebih perantara, suatu pihak (i) mengendalikan, atau dikendalikan oleh, atau berada di bawah pengendalian bersama, dengan Bank; (ii) memiliki kepentingan dalam Bank yang memberikan pengaruh signifikan atas Bank; atau (iii) memiliki pengendalian bersama atas Bank; suatu pihak yang berelasi dengan Bank; suatu pihak adalah ventura bersama dimana Bank sebagai venture; suatu pihak adalah anggota dari personil manajemen kunci Bank atau induk; suatu pihak adalah anggota keluarga dekat dari individu yang diuraikan dalam butir (1) atau (4); suatu pihak adalah entitas yang dikendalikan, dikendalikan bersama atau dipengaruhi signifikan oleh atau untuk dimana hak suara signifikan pada beberapa entitas, langsung maupun tidak langsung, individu seperti diuraikan dalam butir (4) atau (5); dan suatu pihak adalah suatu program imbalan pasca kerja untuk imbalan kerja dari Bank dan Entitas Anak atau entitas yang terkait dengan Bank. directly, or indirectly through one or more intermediaries, the party (i) controlling, or controlled by, or under common control with, the Bank; (ii) have an interest in the Bank that gives significant influence over the Bank; or (iii) have joint control over the Bank; 2) 3) 4) 5) a party which relate to the Bank; a party is a joint venture in which the Bank as a venturer; a party is a member of key management personnel of the Bank or the parent; a party is a close family member of an individual described in clause (1) or (4); 6) a party is an entity that is controlled, controlled together or significantly influenced by or for which significant voting rights in some entity, directly or indirectly, individually, as described in clause (4) or (5); and 7) a party is a post-employment benefit plans for employee benefit from the Bank and the subsidiary or entity related to the Bank. This transaction is based on the terms agreed by both parties, where such requirements may not be the same as other transactions undertaken with related parties that do not relate. Transaksi ini dilakukan berdasarkan persyaratan yang disetujui oleh kedua belah pihak, dimana persyaratan tersebut mungkin tidak sama dengan transaksi lain yang dilakukan dengan pihak-pihak yang tidak berelasi. The entire material transactions and balances with related parties are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements and the relevant details have been presented in Note 33 to the financial statements. Seluruh transaksi dan saldo yang material dengan pihak-pihak berelasi diungkapkan dalam catatan atas laporan keuangan yang relevan dan rinciannya telah disajikan dalam Catatan 33 atas laporan keuangan. 15 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) e. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Instrumen Keuangan SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) e. ACCOUNTING Financial Instruments Instrumen keuangan pada pengakuan awal diukur pada nilai wajarnya, yang merupakan nilai wajar kas yang diserahkan (dalam hal aset keuangan) atau yang diterima (dalam hal liabilitas keuangan). Nilai wajar kas yang diserahkan atau diterima ditentukan dengan mengacu pada harga transaksi atau harga pasar yang berlaku. Jika harga pasar tidak dapat ditentukan dengan andal, maka nilai wajar kas yang diserahkan atau diterima dihitung berdasarkan estimasi jumlah seluruh pembayaran atau penerimaan kas masa depan, yang didiskontokan menggunakan suku bunga pasar yang berlaku untuk instrumen sejenis dengan jatuh tempo yang sama atau hampir sama. Financial instruments are recognized initially at fair value, which is the fair value of the consideration given (in case of an asset) or received (in case of a liability). The fair value of cash delivered or received is determined by reference to the transaction price or other market prices. If such market prices are not reliably determinable, the fair value of cash delivered or received is estimated as the sum of all future cash payments or receipts, discounted using the prevailing market rates of interest for similar instruments with similar maturities. Pengukuran awal instrumen keuangan, kecuali untuk instrumen keuangan yang diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi, termasuk biaya transaksi. The initial measurement of financial instruments, except for financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss (FVPL), includes transaction costs. Biaya transaksi adalah biaya-biaya yang dapat diatribusikan secara langsung pada perolehan atau penerbitan aset keuangan atau liabilitas keuangan, dimana biaya tersebut adalah biaya yang tidak akan terjadi apabila entitas tidak memperoleh atau menerbitkan instrumen keuangan. Biaya transaksi tersebut diamortisasi sepanjang umur instrumen menggunakan metode suku bunga efektif. Transaction costs include only those costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition of a financial asset or issuance of financial liability and they are incremental costs that would not have been incurred if the instrument had not been acquired or issued. Such transaction costs are amortized over the terms of the instruments based on the effective interest rate method. Metode suku bunga efektif (“EIR”) adalah metode yang digunakan untuk menghitung biaya perolehan diamortisasi dari aset keuangan atau liabilitas keuangan dan metode untuk mengalokasikan pendapatan bunga atau beban bunga selama periode yang relevan, menggunakan suku bunga yang secara tepat mendiskontokan estimasi pembayaran atau penerimaan kas di masa depan selama perkiraan umur instrumen keuangan, atau jika lebih tepat, digunakan periode yang lebih singkat untuk memperoleh nilai tercatat bersih dari instrumen keuangan. Pada saat menghitung suku bunga efektif, Bank mengestimasi arus kas dengan mempertimbangkan seluruh persyaratan kontraktual dalam instrumen keuangan tersebut, tanpa mempertimbangkan kerugian kredit di masa depan, namun termasuk seluruh komisi dan bentuk lain yang dibayarkan atau diterima, yang merupakan bagian tidak terpisahkan dari EIR. Effective interest rate (“EIR”) method is a method of calculating the amortized cost of a financial asset or a financial liability and allocating the interest income or expense over the relevant period by using an interest rate that exactly discounts estimated future cash payments or receipts through the expected life of the instrument, or if more appropriate, a shorter period to the net carrying amount of the financial instruments. When calculating the effective interest, the Bank estimates future cash flows considering all contractual terms of the financial instruments excluding future credit losses and includes all commission and other form paid or received that are an integral part of the EIR. 16 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. e. Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) e. A. Aset Keuangan (1) ACCOUNTING Financial Instruments (continued) A. Financial Assets Aset keuangan yang diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi (1) Financial Assets at Fair Value through Profit and Loss (FVPL) Aset keuangan yang diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi diklasifikasikan kedalam dua subkategori sebagai berikut: Financial assets at FVPL are classified into two sub-categories as follows: - (2) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) - Aset keuangan dimiliki untuk diperdagangkan apabila aset keuangan tersebut diperoleh terutama untuk tujuan dijual kembali dalam waktu dekat. - Financial assets are classified as held for trading if they are acquired for the purpose of selling in the near term. Aset keuangan yang ditetapkan untuk diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi pada saat pengakuan awal jika telah memenuhi kriteria tertentu. - Financial assets are designated at initial recognition at FVPL if certain criteria are met. Aset keuangan yang diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi dicatat pada laporan posisi keuangan pada nilai wajarnya. Perubahan nilai wajar langsung diakui dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif. Bunga yang diperoleh dicatat sebagai pendapatan bunga. Financial assets at FVPL are recorded in the statements of financial position at fair value. Changes in fair value are recognized directly in the statements of comprehensive income. Interest earned is recorded as interest income. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, Bank tidak memiliki aset keuangan dalam kategori ini. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the Bank has no financial assets classified under this category. (2) Loans and receivables Pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang Loans and receivables are nonderivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market. They are not intended to sale in the near term immediate or short-term resale and are not classified as financial assets at FVPL, held to maturity (HTM) financial assets or AFS financial assets. Pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang adalah aset keuangan non-derivatif dengan pembayaran tetap atau telah ditentukan dan tidak mempunyai kuotasi di pasar aktif. Aset keuangan tersebut tidak dimaksudkan untuk dijual dalam waktu dekat dan tidak diklasifikasikan sebagai aset keuangan yang diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi, investasi dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo atau aset tersedia untuk dijual. 17 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) e. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) A. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) e. Aset Keuangan (lanjutan) ACCOUNTING Financial Instruments (continued) A. Financial Assets (continued) (2) Loans and receivables (continued) (2) Pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang (lanjutan) Setelah pengukuran awal, pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang diukur pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi menggunakan metode suku bunga efektif, dikurangi cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai. Biaya perolehan diamortisasi tersebut memperhitungkan premi atau diskonto yang timbul pada saat perolehan serta imbalan dan biaya yang merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari suku bunga efektif. Amortisasi dicatat sebagai bagian dari pendapatan bunga dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif. Kerugian yang timbul akibat penurunan nilai diakui dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif. After initial measurement, loans and receivables are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method, less allowance for impairment loss. Amortized cost is calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on acquisition and fees and costs that are an integral part of the effective interest rate. The amortization is recorded as part of interest income in the statements of comprehensive income. The losses arising from impairment are recognized in the statements of comprehensive income. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, Bank mengklasifikasikan kas, giro pada Bank Indonesia, giro pada bank lain, penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain, surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji jual kembali, kredit, pendapatan bunga yang masih akan diterima dan tagihan kepada pihak ketiga di dalam aset lainlain sebagai pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the Bank classifies its cash, current accounts with Bank Indonesia, current accounts with other banks, placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks, marketable securities purchased with agreements to resell, loans, accrued interest receivable and third party receivables under other assets as loans and receivables. (3) Held to maturity (HTM) financial assets (3) Aset keuangan dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo HTM financial assets are quoted nonderivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturities for which the Bank’s management has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. When the Bank sells more than an insignificant amount of HTM financial assets, the entire category would be tainted and reclassified as AFS financial assets. Aset keuangan dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo adalah aset keuangan nonderivatif dengan pembayaran tetap atau telah ditentukan dan jatuh temponya telah ditetapkan, dan manajemen Bank memiliki intensi positif dan kemampuan untuk memiliki aset keuangan tersebut hingga jatuh tempo. Apabila Bank menjual atau mereklasifikasi aset keuangan dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo dalam jumlah yang lebih dari jumlah yang tidak signifikan sebelum jatuh tempo, maka seluruh aset keuangan dalam kategori tersebut harus direklasifikasi menjadi aset keuangan dalam kelompok tersedia untuk dijual (tainting rule). 18 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) e. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) A. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) e. Aset Keuangan (lanjutan) ACCOUNTING Financial Instruments (continued) A. Financial Assets (continued) (3) Aset keuangan dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo (lanjutan) (3) Held to maturity (HTM) financial assets (continued) Setelah pengukuran awal, aset keuangan ini diukur pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi menggunakan metode bunga efektif, setelah dikurangi cadangan penurunan nilai. Biaya perolehan diamortisasi tersebut memperhitungkan premi atau diskonto yang timbul pada saat perolehan serta imbalan dan biaya yang merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari suku bunga efektif. Amortisasi dicatat sebagai bagian dari pendapatan bunga dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif. After initial measurement, these financial assets are subsequently measured at amortized cost using the effective interest rate method, less allowance for impairment loss. Amortized cost is calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on acquisition and fees that are an integral part of the effective interest rate. The amortization is recorded as part of interest income in the statements of comprehensive income. The losses arising from impairment are recognized in the statements of comprehensive income. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, Bank tidak memiliki aset keuangan yang diklasifikasikan dalam kategori ini. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the Bank has no financial asset classified under this category. (4) Available-for-sale (AFS) financial assets (4) Aset keuangan tersedia untuk dijual Aset keuangan tersedia untuk dijual merupakan aset keuangan nonderivatif yang ditetapkan sebagai tersedia untuk dijual atau yang tidak diklasifikasikan dalam kategori instrumen keuangan yang lain. Aset keuangan ini diperoleh dan dimiliki untuk jangka waktu yang tidak ditentukan dan dapat dijual sewaktuwaktu untuk memenuhi kebutuhan likuiditas atau karena perubahan kondisi pasar. AFS financial assets are non-derivative financial assets which are designated as available-for-sale or not classified in any of the other categories. They are purchased and held indefinitely and may be sold to meet the liquidity requirements or changes in market conditions. Setelah pengukuran awal, aset keuangan tersedia untuk dijual diukur pada nilai wajar. Komponen hasil (yield) efektif dari surat berharga utang tersedia untuk dijual diakui dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif. Laba atau rugi yang belum direalisasi yang timbul dari penilaian pada nilai wajar atas aset keuangan tersedia untuk dijual tidak diakui dalam laporan laba rugi, melainkan dilaporkan sebagai laba atau rugi komprehensif yang belum direalisasi pada bagian ekuitas dalam laporan posisi keuangan dan laporan perubahan ekuitas. After initial measurement, AFS financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. The effective yield component of AFS debt securities is reported in the statements of comprehensive income. The unrealized gains and losses arising from the fair valuation of AFS financial assets are excluded from the income statements and are reported as net unrealized statements of comprehensive income on AFS financial assets in the equity section of the statements of financial position and in the statements of changes in equity. 19 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) e. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) A. B. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) e. Aset Keuangan (lanjutan) ACCOUNTING Financial Instruments (continued) A. Financial Assets (continued) (4) Aset keuangan tersedia untuk dijual (lanjutan) (4) Available-for-sale (AFS) financial assets (continued) Apabila aset keuangan dilepaskan, atau dihentikan pengakuannya, maka laba atau rugi kumulatif yang sebelumnya diakui dalam ekuitas langsung diakui dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif. Jika Bank memiliki lebih dari satu jenis surat berharga yang sama, maka diterapkan dasar metode identifikasi khusus. Bunga yang diperoleh dari aset keuangan tersedia untuk dijual diakui sebagai pendapatan bunga yang dihitung berdasarkan suku bunga efektif. Kerugian yang timbul akibat penurunan nilai aset keuangan juga diakui dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif. When the financial asset is disposed of or derecognized, the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in equity is recognized in the statements of comprehensive income. When the Bank holds more than one investment in the same security, a specific identification basis is applied. Interest earned on holding AFS financial assets are reported as interest income using the effective interest rate. Losses arising from impairment of such financial assets are also recognized in the statements of comprehensive income. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, Bank mengklasifikasikan efekefek sebagai aset keuangan tersedia untuk dijual. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the Bank classifies its securities as AFS financial asset. Liabilitas Keuangan B. Financial Liabilities (1) Financial Liabilities at Fair through Profit and Loss (FVPL) (1) Liabilitas keuangan yang diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi Value Liabilitas keuangan diklasifikasikan dalam kategori ini apabila liabilitas tersebut diklasifikasikan dalam kelompok diperdagangkan, atau jika Bank memilih untuk menetapkan liabilitas keuangan tersebut dalam kategori ini. Perubahan dalam nilai wajar langsung diakui dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif. Financial liabilities are classified in this category if the liabilities are classified from trading activities or when the Bank elects to designate a financial liability under this category. Changes in fair value are recognized directly in the statements of comprehensive income. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, Bank tidak memiliki liabilitas keuangan yang ditetapkan untuk diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the Bank has no financial liabilities classified under this category. 20 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) e. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) B. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) e. Liabilitas Keuangan (lanjutan) Financial Instruments (continued) B. Financial Liabilities (continued) (2) Financial Liabilities Amortized Cost (2) Liabilitas Keuangan yang Diukur Pada Biaya Perolehan Diamortisasi ACCOUNTING Measured at Kategori ini merupakan liabilitas keuangan yang tidak dimiliki untuk diperdagangkan atau pada saat pengakuan awal tidak ditetapkan untuk diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi. Other financial liabilities represent financial liabilities that are not held for trading or not designated at FVPL in initial recognition. Instrumen keuangan yang diterbitkan atau komponen dari instrumen keuangan tersebut, yang tidak diklasifikasikan sebagai liabilitas keuangan yang diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi, diklasifikasikan sebagai liabilitas keuangan yang diukur pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi, jika substansi perjanjian kontraktual mengharuskan Bank untuk menyerahkan kas atau aset keuangan lain kepada pemegang instrumen keuangan, atau jika liabilitas tersebut tidak diselesaikan melalui penukaran kas atau aset keuangan lain melainkan dengan saham sendiri yang jumlahnya tetap atau telah ditetapkan. Issued financial instruments or their components, which are not classified as financial liabilities at FVPL are classified as financial liabilities measured at amortized cost, where the substance of the contractual arrangement required the Bank to deliver cash or another financial asset to the holder, or to satisfy the obligation other than by the exchange of a fixed amount of cash or another financial asset for a fixed number of own equity shares. Liabilitas keuangan yang diukur pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi pada pengakuan awal diukur pada nilai wajar dan sesudah pengakuan awal diukur pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi, dengan memperhitungkan dampak amortisasi (atau akresi) berdasarkan suku bunga efektif atas premi, diskonto dan biaya transaksi yang dapat diatribusikan secara langsung. Financial liabilities measured at amortized cost are recognized initially at fair value and are subsequently carried at amortized cost, taking into account the impact of amortization (or accretion) based on EIR method for any related premium, discount and any directly attributable transaction costs. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, Bank mengklasifikasikan liabilitas segera, simpanan dari nasabah, simpanan dari bank lain dan liabilitas lainnya sebagai liabilitas keuangan yang diukur pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the Bank classifies its liabilities due immediately, deposits from customer, deposits from other banks and other liabilities are financial liabilities measured at amortized cost. 21 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) e. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) e. ACCOUNTING Financial Instruments (continued) Penentuan Nilai Wajar Determination of Fair Value Nilai wajar instrumen keuangan yang diperdagangkan di pasar aktif pada tanggal laporan posisi keuangan adalah berdasarkan kuotasi harga pasar atau harga kuotasi penjual/dealer (bid price untuk posisi beli dan ask price untuk posisi jual), tanpa memperhitungkan biaya transaksi. Apabila bid price dan ask price yang terkini tidak tersedia, maka harga transaksi terakhir yang digunakan untuk mencerminkan bukti nilai wajar terkini, sepanjang tidak terdapat perubahan signifikan dalam perekonomian sejak terjadinya transaksi. Untuk seluruh instrumen keuangan yang tidak terdaftar pada suatu pasar aktif, kecuali investasi pada instrumen ekuitas yang tidak memiliki kuotasi harga, maka nilai wajar ditentukan menggunakan teknik penilaian. Teknik penilaian meliputi teknik nilai kini (net present value) dan perbandingan terhadap instrumen sejenis yang memiliki harga pasar yang dapat diobservasi. The fair value of financial instruments traded in active markets at the statement of financial position date is based on their quoted market price or dealer price quotations (bid price for long positions and ask price for short positions), without any deduction for transaction costs. When current bid and asking prices are not available, the last price is used since it provides evidence of the current fair value as long as there has not been a significant change in economic circumstances since the transaction occurs. For all other financial instruments not listed in an active market, except investment in unquoted equity securities, the fair value is determined by using appropriate valuation techniques. Valuation techniques include net present value techniques and comparison to similar instruments that have observable market prices. Saling Hapus Aset dan Liabilitas Keuangan Offsetting of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities Aset keuangan dan liabilitas keuangan saling hapus dan nilai bersihnya disajikan dalam laporan posisi keuangan jika, dan hanya jika, Bank memiliki hak yang berkekuatan hukum untuk melakukan saling hapus atas jumlah yang telah diakui tersebut dan berniat untuk menyelesaikan secara neto atau untuk merealisasikan aset dan menyelesaikan liabilitasnya secara simultan. Kesepakatan induk untuk menyelesaikan secara neto (master netting agreements) tidak dapat dijadikan dasar untuk menyajikan saling hapus antara aset dan liabilitas yang terkait dalam laporan posisi keuangan. Financial assets and financial liabilities are offset and the net amount reported in the statements of financial position if, and only if, there is a currently enforceable right to offset the recognized amounts and there is intention to settle on a net basis, or to realize the asset and settle the liability simultaneously. The master netting agreement can not be based for presenting offset between assets and liabilities related in the statement of financial position. Penghentian Pengakuan Aset dan Liabilitas Keuangan Derecognition of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities Aset keuangan (atau bagian dari kelompok aset keuangan serupa) dihentikan pengakuannya jika: Financial asset (or, where applicable, a part of a financial asset or part of a group of similar financial assets) is derecognized when: a. a. Hak kontraktual atas arus kas yang berasal dari aset keuangan tersebut berakhir; 22 The rights to receive cash flows from the asset have expired; PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) e. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) e. ACCOUNTING Financial Instruments (continued) Penghentian Pengakuan Aset dan Liabilitas Keuangan (lanjutan) Derecognition of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities (continued) b. Bank tetap memiliki hak untuk menerima arus kas dari aset keuangan tersebut, namun juga menanggung kewajiban kontraktual untuk membayar kepada pihak ketiga atas arus kas yang diterima tersebut secara penuh tanpa adanya penundaan yang signifikan berdasarkan suatu kesepakatan; atau b. The Bank retains the right to receive cash flows from the asset, but has assumed an obligation to pay them in full without material delay to a third party under a “pass-through” arrangement; or c. Bank telah mentransfer haknya untuk menerima arus kas dari aset keuangan dan (i) telah mentransfer secara substansial seluruh risiko dan manfaat atas aset keuangan, atau (ii) secara substansial tidak mentransfer atau tidak memiliki seluruh risiko dan manfaat atas aset keuangan, namun telah mentransfer pengendalian atas aset keuangan tersebut. c. The Bank has transferred their rights to receive cash flows from the asset and either (i) has transferred substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, or (ii) has neither transferred nor retained substantially all the risks and rewards of the asset, but have transferred control of the asset. Liabilitas keuangan dihentikan pengakuannya jika liabilitas keuangan tersebut berakhir, dibatalkan atau telah kadaluarsa. A financial liability is derecognized when the contractual obligation under the liability is discharged, cancelled or has expired. Reklasifikasi Instrumen Keuangan Reclassification of Financial Instrument Bank tidak diperkenankan untuk mereklasifikasi instrumen keuangan dari atau ke klasifikasi yang diukur pada nilai wajar melalui laporan laba rugi selama instrumen keuangan tersebut dimiliki atau diterbitkan. The Bank shall not reclassify any financial instrument out and into the fair value through profit and loss classification while it is held or issued. Bank tidak diperkenankan untuk mereklasifikasikan aset keuangan dari kategori dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo. Jika terjadi penjualan atau reklasifikasi aset keuangan dari kelompok dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo dalam jumlah yang lebih dari jumlah yang tidak signifikan sebelum jatuh tempo (selain dari kondisi spesifik tententu), maka seluruh aset keuangan yang dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo harus direklasifikasi menjadi aset keuangan yang tersedia untuk dijual. Selanjutnya, Bank tidak diperkenankan mengklasifikasi aset keuangan sebagai aset keuangan yang dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo selama dua tahun. The Bank shall not reclassify any financial assets under the category of HTM. If there is a sale or reclassification of HTM financial asset for more than an insignificant amount before maturity (other than in certain specific circumstances), the entire HTM financial assets will have to be reclassified as AFS financial assets. Subsequently, the Bank shall not classify the financial assets as HTM during the following two years. 23 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. e. Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) e. ACCOUNTING Financial Instruments (continued) Reklasifikasi Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) Reclassification (continued) Reklasifikasi aset keuangan dari kelompok yang dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo ke kelompok tersedia untuk dijual dicatat sebesar nilai wajar. Keuntungan atau kerugian yang belum direalisasi diakui dalam ekuitas sampai aset keuangan tersebut dihentikan pengakuannya dan pada saat itu keuntungan atau kerugian kumulatif yang sebelumnya diakui dalam ekuitas diakui pada laporan laba rugi komprehensif. Reclassifications of financial assets from HTM to AFS are recorded at fair value. The unrealized gain or loss is recognized in equity until that financial asset is derecognized and at the time the cumulative gain or loss previously recognized in equity shall be recognized on the statements of comprehensive income. Reklasifikasi aset keuangan dari kelompok tersedia untuk dijual ke kelompok yang dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo dicatat pada nilai tercatat. Keuntungan atau kerugian yang belum direalisasi harus diamortisasi menggunakan metode suku bunga efektif sampai dengan jatuh tempo aset tersebut. Reclassification of financial asset from available for sale to held to maturity is recorded at book value. Unrealized gains or losses have to be amortized using the effective interest rate method until the maturity of the asset. Penurunan Nilai Aset Keuangan Impairment of Financial Assets Pada setiap tanggal pelaporan, Bank menelaah apakah suatu aset keuangan atau kelompok aset keuangan telah mengalami penurunan nilai. Aset keuangan yang dievaluasi penurunan nilainya dihitung secara individual dan kolektif serta cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai yang dibentuk masing-masing untuk kelompok individual dan kolektif tersebut. The Bank assesses, at each reporting date, whether there is any objective evidence that a financial asset or a group of financial assets is impaired. Impairments for financial assets that are being evaluated are assessed individually and collectively, along with the allowance for impairment loss incurred for both individually and collectively assessment. Suatu aset keuangan atau kelompok aset keuangan mengalami penurunan nilai, aset keuangan yang dievaluasi penurunan nilainya dihitung secara individual dan kolektif serta cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai yang dibentuk untuk masing-masing kelompok individual dan kolektif tersebut, jika dan hanya jika, terdapat bukti obyektif mengenai penurunan nilai sebagai akibat dari satu atau lebih peristiwa yang terjadi setelah pengakuan awal dari suatu aset (suatu kejadian yang merugikan) dan peristiwa yang merugikan tersebut berdampak pada estimasi arus kas masa depan dari aset keuangan atau kelompok aset keuangan yang dapat diestimasi dengan andal. Bukti mengenai penurunan nilai meliputi indikasi bahwa peminjam atau kelompok peminjam mengalami kesulitan keuangan secara signifikan, gagal dalam melakukan pembayaran bunga atau pokok, kemungkinan akan mengalami kebangkrutan atau reorganisasi keuangan lainnya dan terdapat hasil observasi data yang mengindikasikan terdapat penurunan nilai pada estimasi arus kas masa depan, seperti perubahan kondisi ekonomi yang berhubungan dengan gagal bayar. A financial asset or a group of financial assets is deemed to be impaired if, impairments for financial assets that are being evaluated are assessed individually and collectively, along with the allowance for impairment loss incurred for both individually and collectively assessment, if and only, there is objective evidence of impairment as a result of one or more events that occurred after the initial recognition of the asset (an “incurred loss event”) and that loss event (or events) has an impact on the estimated future cash flows of the financial asset or the group of financial assets that can be reliably estimated. Evidence of impairment may include indications that the borrower or a group of borrowers is experiencing significant financial difficulty, default or delinquency in interest or principal payments, the probability that they will enter bankruptcy or other financial reorganization and where observable data indicate that there is a measurable decrease in the estimated future cash flows, such as changes in arrears or economic conditions that correlate with defaults. 24 of Financial Instrument PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) e. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) e. ACCOUNTING Financial Instruments (continued) Penurunan Nilai Aset Keuangan (lanjutan) Impairment of Financial Assets (continued) (1) Aset Keuangan pada Biaya Perolehan Diamortisasi (1) Financial Assets Carried at Amortized Cost Bank pertama-tama menentukan apakah terdapat bukti obyektif mengenai penurunan nilai secara individual atas aset keuangan yang signifikan secara individual, atau secara kolektif untuk aset keuangan yang jumlahnya tidak signifikan secara individual. Jika Bank menentukan tidak terdapat bukti obyektif mengenai penurunan nilai atas aset keuangan yang dinilai secara individual, baik aset keuangan tersebut signifikan atau tidak signifikan, maka aset tersebut dimasukkan ke dalam kelompok aset keuangan yang memiliki karakteristik risiko kredit yang sejenis dan menilai penurunan nilai kelompok tersebut secara kolektif. Aset yang penurunan nilainya dinilai secara individual dan kerugian penurunan nilai tersebut tetap diakui, tidak termasuk dalam penilaian penurunan nilai secara kolektif. The Bank first assesses whether objective evidence of impairment exists individually for financial assets that are individually significant, or collectively for financial assets that are not individually significant. If the Bank determines that no objective evidence of impairment exists for an individually assessed financial asset, whether significant or not, it includes the asset in a group of financial assets with similar credit risk characteristics and collectively assesses them for impairment. Assets that the impairment are individually assessed and for which an impairment loss is or continues to be recognized are not included in a collective assessment for impairment. Jika terdapat bukti obyektif bahwa penurunan nilai telah terjadi atas aset dalam kategori pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang atau investasi dimiliki hingga jatuh tempo yang dilaporkan pada biaya amortisasi, maka jumlah kerugian tersebut diukur sebagai selisih antara nilai tercatat aset dengan nilai kini estimasi arus kas masa depan (tidak termasuk kerugian kredit di masa depan yang belum terjadi) yang didiskonto menggunakan suku bunga efektif awal dari aset tersebut (yang merupakan suku bunga efektif yang dihitung pada saat pengakuan awal). Penurunan nilai diakui secara terpisah dengan nilai bruto aset dan jumlah kerugian yang terjadi diakui di laporan laba rugi. If there is objective evidence that an impairment loss on loans and receivables or held to maturity financial assets that carried at amortized cost for individually assessed has been incurred, the amount of the loss is measured as the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred) discounted at the financial asset’s original effective interest rate (i.e., the effective interest rate computed at initial recognition). Loss is recognized separately from the gross value of assets and losses are recognized in the statement of income. 25 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. e. Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) e. ACCOUNTING Financial Instruments (continued) Penurunan Nilai Aset Keuangan (lanjutan) Impairment of Financial Assets (continued) (1) Aset Keuangan pada Diamortisasi (lanjutan) Perolehan (1) Financial Assets Carried at Amortized Cost (continued) Untuk tujuan evaluasi penurunan nilai kolektif atas kredit, Bank telah menerapkan Surat Edaran No. 11/33/DPNP tanggal 8 Desember 2009 yang dikeluarkan oleh Bank Indonesia yang mengatur mengenai estimasi penurunan nilai kolektif kredit dengan keterbatasan pengalaman kerugian spesifik. Dalam surat ini, bank yang belum memiliki data kerugian historis yang memadai, untuk menentukan besarnya penurunan nilai atas kredit secara kolektif sesuai dengan persyaratan dalam PSAK No. 55 (Revisi 2006) dan PAPI, maka pembentukan cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai dapat menggunakan ketentuan Bank Indonesia yang berlaku mengenai “Penilaian Kualitas Aset Bank Umum”. Jika dalam periode selanjutnya, nilai dari kerugian menurun karena adanya suatu kejadian setelah kerugian diakui, pengakuan kerugian yang sebelumnya harus dipulihkan. Pemulihan ini diakui dalam laporan laba rugi, dengan syarat nilai tercatat aset pada tanggal pemulihan tidak melebihi biaya perolehan diamortisasinya. Sejak tanggal 1 Januari 2012, Bank memakai data kerugian historis untuk menentukan besarnya penurunan nilai atas kredit secara kolektif sesuai dengan PSAK. Data historis yang digunakan adalah data kerugian historis yang ada dalam Bank sesuai kelompok kredit yang mempunyai tingkat risiko kredit yang sama. For the purposes of collective impairment evaluation of loans, the Bank has adopted Circular Letter No. 11/33/DPNP as of December 8, 2009 issued by Bank Indonesia (Letter) which regulates the estimation of collective allowance for impairment loss of loans with limited experience of specific losses. Under this Letter, banks that have not been able to make reasonable estimates and do not have sufficient historical loss data to determine the amount of impairment losses for loans that are collectively evaluated in accordance with the requirements of SFAS No. 55 (Revised 2006) and PAPI, the allowance for impairment losses is calculated using the estimates based on the applicable Bank Indonesia regulations regarding “Asset Quality Ratings for Commercial Banks”. If, in a subsequent period, the amount of the impairment loss decreases because of an event occurring after the impairment was recognized, the previously recognized impairment loss is reversed. Any subsequent reversal of an impairment loss is recognized in the statement of income, to the extent that the carrying value of the asset does not exceed its amortized cost at the reversal date. Since January 1, 2012, the Bank used historical data to determine the impairment on loans collectively in accordance with the requirements of the SFAS. The historical data used is the existing data in accordance with the Bank’s credit groups having the same level of credit risk. Biaya 26 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) e. AKUNTANSI YANG PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 2. Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) e. ACCOUNTING Financial Instruments (continued) Penurunan Nilai Aset Keuangan (lanjutan) Impairment of Financial Assets (continued) (2) Aset Keuangan yang Dikelompokan dalam Tersedia untuk Dijual (2) Financial Assets Available-for Sale Classified as Dalam hal instrumen ekuitas dikelompokkan dalam kelompok tersedia untuk dijual, penelaahan penurunan nilai ditandai dengan penurunan nilai wajar yang signifikan dan berkelanjutan dibawah biaya perolehannya. Jika terdapat bukti obyektif penurunan nilai, maka kerugian penurunan nilai kumulatif yang dihitung dari selisih antara biaya perolehan dengan nilai wajar kini, dikurangi kerugian penurunan nilai yang sebelumnya telah diakui dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif, dikeluarkan dari ekuitas dan diakui dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif. Kerugian penurunan nilai instrumen ekuitas tidak boleh dipulihkan melalui laporan laba rugi. Kenaikan nilai wajar setelah terjadinya penurunan nilai diakui pada ekuitas. In case of equity investments classified as AFS, assessment of any impairment would include a significant or prolonged decline in the fair value of the investments below its cost. Where there is objective evidence of impairment, the cumulative loss measured as the difference between the acquisition cost and the current fair value, less any impairment loss on that financial asset previously recognized in the statements of comprehensive income then removed from equity and recognized in the statements of comprehensive income. Impairment losses on equity investments are not reversed through the statements of comprehensive income. Increases in fair value after impairment are recognized directly in equity. Dalam hal instrumen utang dalam kelompok tersedia untuk dijual, penurunan nilai ditelaah berdasarkan kriteria yang sama dengan aset keuangan yang dicatat pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi. Bunga tetap diakru berdasarkan suku bunga efektif asal yang diterapkan pada nilai tercatat aset yang telah diturunkan nilainya dan dicatat sebagai bagian dari pendapatan bunga dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif. Jika pada periode berikutnya, nilai wajar instrumen utang meningkat dan peningkatan nilai wajar tersebut karena suatu peristiwa yang terjadi setelah penurunan nilai tersebut diakui, maka penurunan nilai yang sebelumnya diakui harus dipulihkan melalui laporan laba rugi komprehensif. In the case of debt instruments classified as AFS, impairment is assessed based on the same criteria as financial assets carried at amortized cost. Interest continues to be accrued at the original effective interest rate on the reduced carrying amount of the asset and is recorded as part of interest income in the statements of comprehensive income. If, in subsequent period, the fair value of a debt instrument increased and the increase can be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss then it recognized in the statements of comprehensive income, the impairment loss is reversed through the statements of comprehensive income. Dalam penentuan cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai dan penilaian kualitas aset secara kolektif sebelum 1 Januari 2012, Bank menerapkan Peraturan Bank Indonesia (PBI) No. 7/2/PBI/2005 tanggal 20 Januari 2005, sebagaimana telah diubah dengan PBI No. 8/2/PBI/2006 tanggal 30 Januari 2006, PBI No. 9/6/PBI/2007 tanggal 30 Maret 2007, PBI No. 11/2/PBI/2009 tanggal 29 Januari 2009 dan Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 11/33/DPN tanggal 8 Desember 2009. In determining the allowance for impairment losses and asset quality rating before January 1, 2012, the Bank applied Bank Indonesia Regulation (PBI) No. 7/2/PBI/2005 on January 20, 2005, as amended by PBI No. 8/2/PBI/2006 dated January 30, 2006, PBI No. 9/6/PBI/2007 dated March 30, 2007, PBI No. 11/2/PBI/2009 dated January 29, 2009 and Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 11/33/DPN dated December 8, 2009. 27 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) e. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Instrumen Keuangan (lanjutan) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) e. ACCOUNTING Financial Instruments (continued) Penurunan Nilai Aset Keuangan (lanjutan) Impairment of Financial Assets (continued) Berdasarkan peraturan tersebut, aset produktif terdiri dari giro pada bank lain, penempatan pada bank lain dan Bank Indonesia, efek-efek, surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali, kredit yang diberikan, tagihan akseptasi, serta komitmen dan kontinjensi dari transaksi laporan posisi keuangan (Off-Statement of financial position) yang mempunyai risiko kredit. Based on the above regulations, earning assets include current accounts with other banks, placements with other banks and Bank Indonesia, securities, securities purchased with agreement to resell, loans, acceptances receivables, and commitments and contingencies arising from Off-Statement of financial position transactions which carry credit risk. Berdasarkan peraturan tersebut, aset produktif diklasifikasikan dalam 5 (lima) kategori masingmasing dengan tarif persentase cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai atas aset sebagai berikut: Based on those regulations, earning assets are classified into 5 (five) categories with the related percentages of allowance for impairment losses on earning assets as follows: Kategori Minimum Persentase/ Minimum Percentage Lancar Dalam perhatian khusus Kurang lancar Diragukan Macet 1% 5% 15% 50% 100% Category Current Special Mention Sub-standard Doubtful Loss Persentase cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai di atas diterapkan terhadap saldo aset produktif setelah dikurangi dengan nilai agunan sesuai dengan peraturan Bank Indonesia, kecuali atas aset produktif yang diklasifikasikan lancar dan tidak dijamin atau yang dijamin dengan agunan non-tunai, dimana persentase cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai diterapkan terhadap saldo aset produktif yang bersangkutan. The above percentages are applied to the earning assets after deducting collateral value in accordance with Bank Indonesia regulation, except for earning assets classified as current and not guaranteed with collateral or guaranteed with non-cash collaterals, whereby the percentage of allowance for impairment losses is directly applied to its related outstanding balance of earning assets. Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai tidak dibentuk atas aset produktif berupa Sertifikat Bank Indonesia (SBI), penempatan pada Bank Indonesia, efek-efek dan instrumen hutang lainnya yang diterbitkan oleh Pemerintah Republik Indonesia dan aset produktif yang dijamin dengan agunan tunai berupa giro, deposito, tabungan, setoran jaminan, emas, Sertifikat Bank Indonesia atau Surat Utang Negara, Jaminan Pemerintah Indonesia sesuai dengan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, standby Letters of Credit dari prime bank yang diterbitkan sesuai dengan Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit (UCP) atau Internasional Standard Practice (ISP) yang berlaku. No allowance for impairment losses should be provided for Certificates of Bank Indonesia (SBI), placements with Bank Indonesia, securities and other debt instruments which issued by the Government of Republic of Indonesia and earning assets that are guaranteed by cash collateral such as current accounts, time deposits, savings accounts, margin deposits, gold, Certificates of Bank Indonesia or Surat Utang Negara, Government of Republic of Indonesia’s Guarantee, and stand-by LC from prime bank which is issued in accordance with the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credit (UCP) or International Standard Practices (ISP). 28 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) f. g. h. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Giro pada Bank Indonesia dan Bank Lain SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) f. Current accounts Other Banks ACCOUNTING with Bank Indonesia and Giro pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain dinyatakan sebesar biaya perolehan diamortisasi menggunakan metode suku bunga efektif dikurangi cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai dan diklasifikasikan sebagai aset keuangan dalam kategori pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang. Kebijakan akuntansi untuk pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang diungkapkan pada Catatan 2e. Current accounts with Bank Indonesia and other bank are stated at amortized cost using the effective interest method less allowance for impairment loss and classified as loans and receivables. The specific accounting policy for loans and receivables is disclosed in Note 2e. Giro Wajib Minimum Statutory Reserves Requirement Sesuai dengan peraturan Bank Indonesia mengenai Giro Wajib Minimum Bank Umum pada Bank Indonesia dalam Rupiah dan Valuta Asing, Bank diwajibkan untuk menempatkan sejumlah persentase tertentu atas simpanan nasabah pada Bank Indonesia. In accordance with prevailing Bank Indonesia regulation concerning Statutory Reserves Requirement at Bank Indonesia for Commercial Banks in Rupiah and Foreign Currencies, Bank is required to place certain percentage of deposits from customers with Bank Indonesia. Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan Bank Lain g. Placements with Bank Indonesia and Other Banks Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain merupakan penempatan dalam bentuk Fasilitas Simpanan Bank Indonesia, call money, deposito berjangka dan tabungan. Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks represent placements in Bank Indonesia Deposit Facility, call money, time deposit and saving. Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain diklasifikasikan sebagai aset keuangan dalam kategori pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang dan disajikan sebesar biaya perolehan diamortisasi dengan menggunakan EIR dikurangi dengan cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai. Kebijakan akuntansi untuk pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang diungkapkan pada Catatan 2e. Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks are classified as loans and receivables and are stated at amortized cost using EIR less any allowance for impairment losses. The specific accounting policy for loans and receivables is disclosed in Note 2e. Efek-efek h. Securities Securities represent investments in Certificates of Bank Indonesia (SBI), government bonds and corporate bonds are considered as debt securities and classified as AFS financial assets. The accounting policy for these securities is disclosed in Note 2e. Efek-efek terdiri dari Sertifikat Bank Indonesia (SBI), obligasi pemerintah dan obligasi korporasi yang dikategorikan sebagai efek utang dan diklasifikasikan sebagai aset keuangan yang tersedia untuk dijual. Kebijakan akuntansi untuk efek-efek diungkapkan dalam Catatan 2e. 29 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) i. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Surat Berharga yang Dibeli dengan Janji Dijual Kembali SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) i. Purchased with Marketable securities purchased with agreements to resell are presented at their agreed resale price less unamortized interest income. Unamortized interest income is the difference between the purchase price and the agreed resale price which is recognized as interest income and amortized during the period from the purchase of marketable securities to the date of resale. Marketable securities purchased are not recorded as assets on statement of financial position since in substance the ownership of marketable securities remains with the seller. The interest income is amortized using EIR method. Surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali disajikan sebesar harga jual kembali yang disepakati surat berharga yang bersangkutan dikurangi pendapatan bunga yang belum diamortisasi. Pendapatan bunga yang belum diamortisasi merupakan selisih antara harga beli dan harga jual kembali yang disepakati surat berharga yang diakui sebagai pendapatan bunga dan diamortisasi selama jangka waktu sejak surat berharga dibeli hingga dijual kembali. Surat-surat berharga yang dibeli tidak dicatat sebagai aset dalam laporan posisi keuangan karena secara substansi kepemilikan surat-surat berharga tetap berada pada pihak penjual. Pendapatan bunga diamortisasi dengan menggunakan metode EIR. j. Marketable Securities Agreement to Resell ACCOUNTING Kredit j. Loans Kredit yang diberikan diklasifikasikan sebagai aset keuangan dalam kategori pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang dan dinyatakan sebesar biaya perolehan diamortisasi dikurangi cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai. Kebijakan akuntansi untuk pinjaman yang diberikan dan piutang dijelaskan pada Catatan 2e. Loans are classified as loans and receivables and are stated at amortized cost less allowance for impairment losses. The specific accounting policy for loans and receivables is described in Note 2e. Kredit dalam rangka perjanjian sindikasi, dinyatakan sebesar porsi kredit yang risikonya ditanggung oleh Bank. Syndicated loans are stated at the principal amount in accordance with the risk portion borne by the Bank. Restrukturisasi kredit meliputi adanya perpanjangan jangka waktu pembayaran dan ketentuan kredit yang baru. Setelah syarat dan ketentuan telah dinegosiasi ulang, penurunan nilai yang ada sebelumnya akan diukur dengan menggunakan suku bunga efektif awal sebelum ketentuan kredit dimodifikasi dan kredit tersebut tidak lagi dalam kategori “past due”. Manajemen akan melakukan kaji ulang kredit yang direstrukturisasi secara berkelanjutan untuk memastikan bahwa seluruh syarat terpenuhi dan pembayaran dimasa datang akan terjadi. Kredit tersebut akan dimasukkan dalam perhitungan penurunan nilai secara individual atau kolektif, yang dihitung dengan menggunakan suku bunga efektif awal dan mengikuti perlakuan atas perhitungan penurunan nilai kreditnya. Loan restructuring may involve extending the payment arrangements and the agreement of new loan conditions. Once the terms have been renegotiated, any previous impairment is measured using the original EIR as calculated before the modification of the terms and the loan is no longer considered past due. Management continuously reviews renegotiated loans to ensure that all criteria are met and that the future payments are likely to occur. The loans continue to be subject to an individual or collective impairment assesment, which calculated using the loan’s original EIR and follow the impairment assessment of loans. Penerimaan kembali atas kredit yang telah dihapusbukukan, disajikan sebagai pendapatan operasional lainnya. The recoveries of loans written-off presented as other operational income. 30 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) k. l. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Biaya Dibayar Dimuka SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) k. ACCOUNTING Prepaid Expenses Biaya dibayar dimuka adalah biaya yang telah dikeluarkan tetapi belum diakui sebagai beban pada periode terjadinya. Prepaid expenses are expenses which have been incurred but have not been recognized as expenses in the related period. Biaya dibayar dimuka akan diakui sebagai beban pada laporan laba rugi komprehensif pada saat diamortisasi sesuai dengan masa manfaatnya. Prepaid expenses are recognized as expenses in the statements of comprehensive income during amortization in accordance with the expected beneficial period. Aset Tetap l. Fixed Assets Sesuai dengan PSAK No. 16 (Revisi 2011) mengenai Aset Tetap, Bank memilih model biaya untuk pengukuran aset tetapnya. In accordance with SFAS No. 16 (Revised 2011) regarding Fixed Assets, the Bank has decided to use the cost model for fixed asset measurement. Aset tetap (kecuali tanah tidak disusutkan) dinyatakan sebesar biaya perolehan dikurangi akumulasi penyusutan dan akumulasi rugi penurunan nilai, jika ada. Biaya perolehan termasuk biaya penggantian bagian aset tetap saat biaya tersebut terjadi, jika memenuhi kriteria pengakuan. Dalam setiap inspeksi yang signifikan, biaya inspeksi diakui dalam jumlah tercatat aset tetap sebagai suatu penggantian apabila memenuhi kriteria pengakuan. Biaya inspeksi signifikan yang dikapitalisasi tersebut diamortisasi selama periode sampai dengan saat inspeksi signifikan berikutnya. Semua biaya pemeliharaan dan perbaikan yang tidak memenuhi kriteria pengakuan diakui dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif pada saat terjadinya. Fixed assets (except land that is not depreciated) are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses, if any. Such costs include the cost of replacing part of the fixed assets when that cost is incurred, if the recognition criteria are met. When each major inspection is performed, its cost is recognized in the carrying amount of the item of fixed assets as a replacement if the recognition criteria are satisfied. Such major inspection is capitalized and amortized over the next major inspection activity. All other repairs and maintenance costs that do not meet the recognition criteria are recognized in statement of comprehensive income when incurred. Penyusutan dihitung dengan metode garis lurus (straight-line method) berdasarkan taksiran masa manfaat ekonomis aset tetap sebagai berikut: Depreciation are computed using straight-line method, based on the estimated useful lives of the fixed assets as follows: Tahun/Years Bangunan dan prasarana Renovasi bangunan yang disewa Kendaraan Perlengkapan dan peralatan kantor Mesin kantor 20 3-5 5 5 5 Building and improvement Leasehold improvement Vehicles Fixtures and office equipment Office machinery The estimated residual values, useful lives and depreciation methods are reviewed at each reporting date to ensure that such residual values, useful lives and depreciation methods are consistent with the expected pattern of economic benefits from those assets. Nilai residu, umur manfaat dan metode penyusutan ditelaah setiap akhir tahun buku untuk memastikan bahwa nilai residu, umur manfaat dan metode penyusutan telah diterapkan secara konsisten sesuai dengan ekspektasi pola manfaat ekonomis dari aset tersebut. 31 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) l. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Aset Tetap (lanjutan) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) l. ACCOUNTING Fixed Assets (continued) Ketika suatu aset dilepaskan atau tidak ada manfaat ekonomis masa depan yang diharapkan dari penggunaan atau pelepasannya, biaya perolehan dan akumulasi penyusutan dan akumulasi rugi penurunan nilai, jika ada, dikeluarkan dari akun tersebut. Laba atau rugi yang timbul dari penghentian pengakuan aset tetap dibukukan dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif. When an asset is disposed or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal, the cost and accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses, if any, are removed from the accounts. Any resulting gain or loss from derecognition of an item of fixed assets is included in the statement of comprehensive income. Efektif tanggal 1 Januari 2012, Bank menerapkan ISAK No. 25 “Hak atas Tanah”. Semua biaya dan beban yang terjadi sehubungan dengan perolehan hak atas tanah, diakui sebagai biaya perolehan hak atas tanah. Biaya pengurusan legal hak atas tanah ketika tanah diperoleh pertama kali diakui sebagai bagian dari biaya perolehan aset tanah. Biaya pengurusan perpanjangan atau pembaruan legal hak atas tanah diakui sebagai aset tak berwujud dan diamortisasi sepanjang umur hukum hak atau umur ekonomis tanah, mana yang lebih pendek. Effective January 1, 2012, Bank applied Interpretation of SFAS No. 25 “Land Rights”. All costs and expenses incurred in connection with the acquisition of land right, recognized as the acquisition cost of land right. The legal cost occurred when the land was first acquired is recognized as part of the acquisition cost of land right. Extension or renewal of the maintenance cost of legal rights over land recognized as an intangible asset and amortized over the life of legal rights or economic life of the land, whichever is shorter. Aset dalam penyelesaian merupakan aset yang masih dalam proses penyelesaian dan belum siap untuk digunakan, serta dimaksudkan untuk dipergunakan dalam kegiatan usaha. Aset ini dicatat sebesar biaya yang telah dikeluarkan. Construction in progress consist of assets that are still in progress of construction and not yet ready for use and are intended to be used in business activity. This account is recorded based on the amount paid. Estimasi umur ekonomis, metode penyusutan dan nilai residu telah ditelaah setiap akhir tahun pelaporan. Estimation of economic life, depreciation method, and residual value are reviewed at each financial year-end. m. Agunan yang Diambil Alih dan Properti Terbengkalai m. Foreclosed Properties Assets and Abandoned Agunan yang diambil alih sehubungan dengan penyelesaian kredit dicatat berdasarkan nilai bersih yang dapat direalisasi, yaitu nilai wajar agunan setelah dikurangi estimasi biaya pelepasan atau nilai outstanding kredit mana yang lebih rendah. Selisih lebih antara saldo kredit yang tidak dapat ditagih dengan nilai agunan yang diambil alih tersebut dibebankan pada cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai aset non keuangan. Laba atau rugi yang diperoleh atau berasal dari penjualan agunan yang diambil alih dibebankan pada laporan laba rugi periode berjalan. Foreclosed assets acquired through loan foreclosures are stated at net realizable value, which is the fair value of the foreclosed asset, net of estimated cost to sell or stated as loan outstanding amount, whichever is lower. The excess of the uncollectible loan balance over the value of the collateral is charged to allowance for impairment losses on non financial asset. Gain or losses earned or incurred from the sale of foreclosed assets are credited or charged to statements of comprehensive income for the current period. Properti terbengkalai adalah aset tetap dalam bentuk properti yang dimiliki Bank tetapi tidak digunakan untuk kegiatan usaha operasional Bank. Properti terbengkalai ini dicatat berdasarkan nilai bersih yang dapat direalisasi. Biaya-biaya pemeliharaan dan perbaikan periode berjalan dibebankan pada saat terjadinya. Abandoned properties represent Bank’s fixed assets in from of property which was not used for the Bank’s business operational activity. These properties are stated at net realizable value. Repairs and maintenance expenses for the current period are charge to expense as incurred. 32 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. m. Agunan yang Diambil Alih dan Properti Terbengkalai (lanjutan) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) m. Foreclosed Assets Properties (continued) o. p. Abandoned Foreclosed assets and abandoned properties are provided with allowance for impairment losses in accordance with the regulation of SFAS (Note 2r). Atas agunan yang diambil alih dan properti terbengkalai, dibentuk cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai sesuai dengan ketentuan PSAK yang berlaku yang berlaku (Catatan 2r). n. and ACCOUNTING Aset Tak Berwujud n. Intangible Assets Aset tak berwujud Bank berupa perangkat lunak dan hak paten. Aset tak berwujud dicatat sebesar biaya perolehan dikurangi akumulasi amortisasi dan akumulasi rugi penurunan nilai, jika ada. Bank’s Intangible assets in the form of software and patent. Intangible assets are stated at cost less accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment loss, if any. Amortisasi diakui dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif dengan menggunakan metode garis lurus berdasarkan taksiran masa manfaat ekonomis selama 5 tahun untuk perangkat lunak dan 10 tahun untuk hak paten. Amortization is recognized in statements of comprehensive income using the straight line method based on its estimated useful lives of 5 years for software and 10 years for patent. Masa manfaat ekonomis, nilai residu dan metode amortisasi ditelaah setiap akhir tahun The estimated useful lives, residual values and amortization method are reviewed at each financial year end. Liabilitas Segera o. Liabilities Due Immediately Liabilitas segera dicatat pada saat timbulnya liabilitas atau diterima perintah dari pemberi amanat, baik dari masyarakat maupun dari bank lain. Liabilities due immediately are recognized at the time of the obligations occurred or receipt of transfer order from customers or other banks. Liabilitas segera disajikan sebesar jumlah liabilitas bank dan diklasifikasikan sebagai liabilitas keuangan yang diukur pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi. Kebijakan akuntansi untuk liabilitas keuangan yang diukur pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi dijelaskan pada Catatan 2e. Liabilities due immediately payable are stated at the liability amount and classified as financial liabilities measured at amortized cost. The specific accounting policy for financial liabilities measured at amortized cost is explained in Note 2e. Simpanan dari Nasabah p. Deposits from Customers Giro merupakan dana nasabah yang dapat digunakan sebagai alat pembayaran dan penarikannya dapat dilakukan setiap saat melalui cek, atau dengan cara pemindahbukuan dengan bilyet giro atau sarana perintah pembayaran lainnya. Demand deposits represent deposits from customers that can be used as instruments of payment and can be withdrawn at any time through cheques or transfer of funds with clearing account or other forms. Tabungan merupakan dana nasabah yang bisa ditarik setiap saat berdasarkan persyaratan tertentu yang disepakati bersama. Savings accounts represent deposits from customers that can be withdrawn at anytime based on certain conditions agreed by both parties. Deposito berjangka merupakan simpanan nasabah yang dapat ditarik dalam jangka waktu tertentu berdasarkan kesepakatan antara nasabah dengan Bank. Time deposits represent deposits from customers that can be withdrawn after a certain time in accordance with the agreement between the customers and the Bank. Simpanan dari nasabah diklasifikasikan sebagai liabilitas keuangan yang diukur pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi. Kebijakan akuntansi untuk liabilitas keuangan yang diukur pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi dijelaskan pada Catatan 2e. Deposits from customers are classified as financial liabilities at amortized cost. The specific accounting policy for financial liabilities at amortized cost is explained in Note 2e. 33 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) q. r. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Simpanan dari Bank Lain SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) q. ACCOUNTING Deposits from Other Banks Simpanan dari bank lain terdiri dari kewajiban terhadap bank lain, dalam bentuk giro, deposito berjangka, tabungan dan interbank call money. Deposits from other banks represent liabilities to other banks in the form of demand deposits, time deposits, saving and interbank call money. Simpanan dari bank lain diklasifikasikan sebagai liabilitas keuangan pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi. Kebijakan akuntansi untuk kewajiban keuangan diukur pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi dijelaskan pada Catatan 2r. Deposits from other banks are classified as financial liabilities at amortized cost. The specific accounting policy for financial liabilities at amortized cost is explained in Note 2r. Cadangan Kerugian Penurunan Nilai atas Aset Non Keuangan dan Estimasi Kerugian Komitmen dan Kontinjensi r. Allowance for Impairment Losses on Non-financial Assets and Estimated Losses on Commitments and Contingencies Sejak tanggal 1 Januari 2011, Bank menentukan cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai aset non keuangan sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 13/658/DPNP/IDnP tanggal 23 Desember 2011. Bank tidak diwajibkan lagi untuk membentuk penyisihan kerugian atas aset non produktif dan estimasi kerugian komitmen dan kontinjensi. Namun, Bank tetap harus menghitung cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai mengacu kepada Standar Akuntansi Keuangan yang berlaku. Starting January 1, 2011, the Bank determines losses from allowance for impairment non-financial assets, based on Bank Indonesia Letter No.13/658/DPNP/IDPnP dated December 23, 2011. The Bank no longer required to provide the provision for possible losses on non-earning assets and estimated losses on commitments and contingencies. However, the Bank still need to calculate the allowance for impairment losses accordance with applicable Financial Accounting Standards. PSAK No. 48 mengenai “Penurunan Nilai Aset” mensyaratkan manajemen Bank untuk menelaah nilai aset untuk setiap penurunan dan penghapusan ke nilai wajar jika keadaan menunjukkan bahwa nilai tercatat tidak bisa diperoleh kembali. Di lain pihak, pemulihan kerugian penurunan nilai diakui apabila terdapat indikasi bahwa penurunan nilai tersebut tidak lagi terjadi. Penurunan (pemulihan) nilai aset diakui sebagai beban (pendapatan) pada laba rugi komprehensif periode berjalan. In compliance with SFAS No. 48, “Impairment in Asset Value”, asset values are reviewed for any impairment and possible write-down to their fair values whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may not be fully recovered. On the other hand, a reversal of an impairment loss is recognized whenever there is indication that the asset is not impaired anymore. The amount of impairment loss (reversal of impairment loss) is recognized in the current period’s statement of comprehensive income. Nilai tercatat aset ditelaah kembali dan dilakukan penurunan nilai apabila terdapat peristiwa atau perubahan kondisi tertentu yang mengindikasikan nilai tercatat tersebut tidak dapat dipulihkan sepenuhnya. Setiap rugi penurunan atau pemulihan nilai diakui pada laporan laba rugi komprehensif periode berjalan. The carrying values of assets are reviewed for impairment when events or changes in circumstances indicate that the carrying values may not be recoverable. Any impairment loss is recognized in the statements of comprehensive income in the current period. 34 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) s. t. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Pendapatan dan Beban Bunga SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) s. ACCOUNTING Interest Income and Expense Instrumen keuangan yang diukur pada biaya perolehan diamortisasi, aset dan liabilitas keuangan yang diklasifikasikan sebagai tersedia untuk dijual, pendapatan maupun beban bunganya diakui dengan menggunakan metode EIR, yaitu suku bunga yang akan mendiskonto secara tepat estimasi pembayaran atau penerimaan kas di masa datang sepanjang perkiraan umur instrumen keuangan tersebut atau, masa yang terpendek, mana yang lebih sesuai sebagai nilai bersih aset atau liabilitas keuangan. Perhitungan dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan seluruh syarat dan ketentuan kontraktual instrumen keuangan termasuk fee/biaya tambahan yang terkait secara langsung dengan instrumen tersebut yang merupakan bagian tidak terpisahkan dari EIR. Financial instruments measured at amortized cost, financial assets and liabilities classified as AFS is recorded using the EIR method, which is the rate that exactly discounts of estimated future cash payments or receipts through the expected life of the financial instrument or a shorter period, where appropriate, to the net carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability. The calculation takes into account all contractual terms of the financial instrument and includes any fees or incremental costs that are directly attributable to the instrument and as an integral part of the EIR. Nilai tercatat aset atau liabilitas keuangan disesuaikan jika Bank merevisi estimasi pembayaran maupun penerimaan. Nilai tercatat yang disesuaikan tersebut dihitung dengan menggunakan EIR awal dan perubahan nilai tercatat dicatat di laporan laba rugi komprehensif. Tetapi untuk aset keuangan yang telah direklasifikasi, dimana pada tahun berikutnya Bank meningkatkan estimasi penerimaan kas sebagai hasil dari peningkatan pengembalian penerimaan kas, dampak peningkatan pemulihan tersebut diakui sebagai penyesuaian EIR sejak tanggal perubahan estimasi. The carrying amount of the financial asset or financial liability is adjusted if the Bank revises its estimates of payments or receipts. The adjusted carrying amount is calculated based on the original EIR and the change in carrying amount is recorded in the statements of comprehensive income. However, for a reclassified financial asset for which the Bank subsequently increases its estimates of future cash receipts as a result of increased recoverability of those cash receipts, the effect of that increase is recognized as an adjustment to the EIR from the date of the change in estimate. Pada saat nilai tercatat aset keuangan atau kelompok aset keuangan yang serupa telah diturunkan akibat adanya kerugian penurunan nilai, penghasilan bunga tetap diakui dengan menggunakan tingkat suku bunga yang digunakan untuk mendiskontokan arus kas masa mendatang dalam pengukuran kerugian penurunan nilai. Once the recorded value of a financial asset or a group of similar financial assets has been reduced due to an impairment loss, interest income continues to be recognized using the rate of interest used to discount the future cash flows for the purpose of measuring the impairment loss. Penerimaan dari kredit yang “diragukan” dan “macet” diakui terlebih dahulu sebagai pengurang pokok kredit. Kelebihan penerimaan dari pokok kredit diakui sebagai penghasilan bunga. Collection from loans classified as “doubtful” and “loss” is recognized as a deduction of loans outstanding. The excess payment from loans outstanding is recognized as interest income. Pendapatan dan Biaya Lain-lain t. Other Income and Expenses Provisi yang dapat diatribusikan secara langsung terhadap aset keuangan diakui sebagai penyesuaian atas EIR aset keuangan tersebut. Fees that are directly attributable to the financial asset are recognized as adjustments to the EIR on such asset. Seluruh penghasilan dan beban lain-lain yang terjadi dibebankan pada laporan laba rugi komprehensif pada saat terjadinya. All of these other income and expenses are recorded in the statement of comprehensive income when incurred. 35 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) u. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Sewa SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) u. ACCOUNTING Lease Penentuan apakah suatu kontrak merupakan, atau mengandung unsur sewa adalah berdasarkan substansi kontrak pada tanggal awal sewa, yakni apakah pemenuhan syarat kontrak tergantung pada penggunaan aset tertentu dan kontrak tersebut berisi hak untuk menggunakan aset tersebut sesuai dengan PSAK No. 30 (Revisi 2011), “Sewa”. The determination of whether an arrangement is, or contains a lease is based on the substance of the arrangement at inception date of whether the fulfillment of the arrangement is dependent on the use of a specific asset or assets and the arrangement conveys a right to use the asset in accordance with SFAS No. 30 (Revised 2011), “Leases”. Evaluasi ulang atas perjanjian sewa dilakukan setelah tanggal awal sewa hanya jika salah satu kondisi berikut terpenuhi: A reassessment is made after inception of the lease only if one of the following applies: a. Terdapat perubahan dalam persyaratan perjanjian kontraktual, kecuali jika perubahan tersebut hanya memperbarui atau memperpanjang perjanjian yang ada; a. There is a change in contractual terms, other than a renewal or extension of the agreement; b. Opsi pembaruan dilakukan atau perpanjangan disetujui oleh pihak-pihak yang terkait dalam perjanjian, kecuali ketentuan pembaruan atau perpanjangan pada awalnya telah termasuk dalam masa sewa; b. A renewal option is exercised or extension granted, unless the term of the renewal or extension was initially included in the lease term; c. Terdapat perubahan dalam penentuan apakah pemenuhan perjanjian tergantung pada suatu aset tertentu; atau c. There is a change in the determination of whether the fulfillment is dependent on a specified asset; or d. Terdapat perubahan subtansial atas aset yang disewa. d. There is a substantial change to the asset. Apabila evaluasi ulang telah dilakukan, maka akuntansi sewa harus diterapkan atau dihentikan penerapannya pada tanggal dimana terjadi perubahan kondisi pada skenario a, c atau d dan pada tanggal pembaharuan atau perpanjangan sewa pada skenario b. Where a reassessment is made, lease accounting shall commence or cease from the date when the change in circumstances gave rise to the reassessment for scenarios a, c or d and the date of renewal or extension period for scenario b. Dalam perlakuan akuntansi sewa oleh lessee, sewa pembiayaan, dimana terdapat pengalihan secara substansial seluruh risiko dan manfaat yang terkait dengan kepemilikan suatu aset kepada Bank, dikapitalisasi pada awal sewa sebesar nilai wajar aset sewaan atau sebesar nilai kini dari pembayaran sewa minimum, jika nilai kini lebih rendah dari nilai wajar. Pembayaran sewa dipisahkan antara bagian yang merupakan beban keuangan dan bagian yang merupakan pelunasan liabilitas sehingga menghasilkan suatu tingkat suku bunga periodik yang konstan atas saldo liabilitas. Beban keuangan dibebankan ke laba rugi komprehensif periode berjalan. Under the lessee accounting, finance leases, which transfer to the Bank substantially all the risks and benefits incidental to ownership of the leased item, are capitalized at the inception of the lease at the fair value of the leased property or, if lower, at the present value of the minimum lease payments. Lease payments are apportioned between the finance charges and reduction of the lease liability so as to achieve a constant rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Finance charges are charged directly against statement of comprehensive income. 36 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) u. AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. Sewa (lanjutan) SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) u. ACCOUNTING Lease (continued) Aset sewaan disusutkan secara penuh selama jangka waktu yang lebih pendek antara periode masa sewa dan umur manfaatnya, jika tidak ada kepastian yang memadai bahwa Bank akan mendapatkan hak kepemilikan pada akhir masa sewa. Capitalized leased assets are depreciated over the shorter of the estimated useful life of the asset and the lease term, if there is no reasonable certainty that the Bank will obtain ownership by the end of the lease term. Pembayaran sewa dalam sewa operasi diakui sebagai beban dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif dengan dasar garis lurus (straight-line basis) selama masa sewa. Operating lease payments are recognized as an expense in the statements of comprehensive income on a straight-line basis over the lease term. v. Pajak Penghasilan v. Income Tax Beban pajak kini ditentukan berdasarkan laba kena pajak dalam periode yang bersangkutan yang dihitung berdasarkan tarif pajak yang berlaku atau yang secara substansial telah berlaku pada tanggal pelaporan. Current tax expense is determined based on the taxable income for the year computed using the prevailing tax rates or substantively enacted at the reporting date. Aset dan liabilitas pajak tangguhan diakui atas konsekuensi pajak periode mendatang yang timbul dari perbedaan jumlah tercatat aset dan liabilitas menurut laporan keuangan dengan dasar pengenaan pajak aset dan liabilitas. Liabilitas pajak tangguhan diakui untuk semua perbedaan temporer kena pajak dan aset pajak tangguhan diakui untuk perbedaan temporer yang boleh dikurangkan dan rugi fiskal yang belum dikompensasikan, sepanjang besar kemungkinan dapat dimanfaatkan untuk mengurangi laba kena pajak pada masa datang. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax consequences attributable to the differences between the financial statement carrying amounts of existing assets and liabilities and their respective tax bases. Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are recognized for deductible temporary differences and carryforward tax benefit of unused fiscal losses as long as the probable taxable income will be available in future periods against the deductible and carryforward tax benefit. Pajak tangguhan diukur dengan menggunakan tarif pajak yang berlaku atau secara substansial telah berlaku pada tanggal laporan posisi keuangan. Pajak tangguhan dibebankan atau dikreditkan dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif kecuali pajak tangguhan yang dibebankan atau dikreditkan langsung ke ekuitas. Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at statement of financial position date. Deferred tax is charged to or credited in the statements of comprehensive income, except when it relates to items charged to or credited directly in equity, the deferred tax is also charged to or credited directly in equity. Aset dan liabilitas pajak tangguhan disajikan di laporan posisi keuangan, atas dasar kompensasi sesuai dengan penyajian aset dan liabilitas pajak kini. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are presented in the statements of financial position in the same manner the current tax assets and liabilities are presented. Perubahan dicatat ketika surat ketetapan diterima atau, jika Bank mengajukan banding, ketika hasil banding telah ditetapkan. Amendments to tax obligations are recorded when an assessment is received or, if appealed against by the Bank, when the result of the appeal is determined. 37 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. w. Imbalan Pasca-kerja SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) ACCOUNTING w. Post-employment Benefits Effective on January 1, 2012, the Bank have adopted SFAS No. 24 (Revised 2010) “Employee Benefits”. The Bank calculates and recognizes post-employment benefit obligation for severance pay, gratuity and compensation in accordance with Labor Law No. 13 dated March 25, 2003 (UU No. 13/2003). Post-employment benefits are unfunded which amounts are determined based on years of service and salaries of the employees at the time of pension. The actuarial valuation method used to determine the present value of defined-benefit obligation, related current service costs and past service costs is the Projected Unit Credit. Current service costs, interest costs, past service costs which are already vested, and effects of curtailments and settlements (if any) are charged directly to statement of comprehensive income. Past service costs which are not yet vested and actuarial gains or losses for working (active) employees are amortized during the employees’ average remaining years of service, until the benefits become vested. Efektif sejak 1 Januari 2012, Bank menerapkan PSAK No. 24 (Revisi 2010) “Imbalan Kerja”. Bank menghitung dan mencatat imbalan pascakerja atas uang pesangon, uang penghargaan masa kerja dan uang penggantian hak sesuai dengan Undang-undang Ketenagakerjaan No. 13 Tahun 2003 tanggal 25 Maret 2003 (UU No. 13/2003). Imbalan pasca-kerja merupakan manfaat pasti yang dibentuk tanpa pendanaan khusus dan didasarkan pada masa kerja dan jumlah penghasilan karyawan pada saat pensiun. Metode penilaian aktuarial yang digunakan untuk menentukan nilai kini cadangan imbalan pasti, beban jasa kini yang terkait dan beban jasa lalu adalah metode Projected Unit Credit. Beban jasa kini, beban bunga, beban jasa lalu yang telah menjadi hak karyawan dan dampak kurtailmen atau penyelesaian (jika ada) diakui pada laporan laba rugi komprehensif periode berjalan. Beban jasa lalu yang belum menjadi hak karyawan dan keuntungan atau kerugian aktuarial diamortisasi selama jangka waktu rata-rata sisa masa kerja karyawan. x. Laba Bersih per Saham (LPS) x. Earnings per Share (EPS) Sesuai dengan PSAK No. 56, “Laba Per Saham”, laba per saham dihitung berdasarkan rata-rata tertimbang jumlah saham yang beredar selama periode yang bersangkutan (dikurangi perolehan kembali saham beredar). In accordance with SFAS No. 56, “Earnings per Share”, earnings per share is computed based on the weighted-average number of issued and fully paid shares during the period (less treasury stock). LPS dasar dihitung dengan membagi laba bersih periode berjalan dengan jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham yang beredar pada periode yang bersangkutan, yaitu sejumlah 9.757.380.538 lembar saham dan 6.796.815.558 lembar saham untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. Basic EPS is computed by dividing the net income for the period with the weighted average number of shares outstanding during the period, which is 9,757,380,538 shares and 6,796,815,558 shares for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively. Bank tidak mempunyai efek berpotensi saham biasa yang bersifat dilutif pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 dan oleh karenanya, laba per saham dilusian tidak dihitung dan disajikan pada laporan laba rugi komprehensif. The Bank has no outstanding dilutive potential ordinary shares as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, and accordingly, no diluted earnings per share is calculated and presented in the statements of comprehensive income. y. Informasi Segmen y. Segment Information The Bank applied SFAS No. 5 (Revised 2009), “Operating Segments”. The revised SFAS requires disclosures that will enable users of financial statements to evaluate the nature and financial effects of the business activities in which the entity engages and the economic environments in which it operates. There is no significant impact on the adoption of the revised accounting standard on the financial statements. Bank menerapkan PSAK No. 5 (Revisi 2009), “Segmen Operasi”. PSAK revisi ini mengatur pengungkapan yang memungkinkan pengguna laporan keuangan untuk mengevaluasi sifat dan dampak keuangan dari aktivitas bisnis yang mana entitas terlibat dan lingkungan ekonomi dimana entitas beroperasi. Tidak terdapat dampak signifikan atas penerapan standar akuntansi yang direvisi tersebut terhadap laporan keuangan. 38 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 2. IKHTISAR KEBIJAKAN PENTING (lanjutan) AKUNTANSI PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) YANG 2. y. Informasi Segmen (lanjutan) y. ACCOUNTING Segment Information (continued) Segmen adalah bagian khusus dari Bank yang terlibat baik dalam menyediakan produk dan jasa (segmen usaha), maupun dalam menyediakan produk dan jasa untuk lingkungan ekonomi tertentu (segmen geografis), yang memiliki risiko dan imbalan yang berbeda dari segmen lainnya. A segment is a distinguishable component of the Bank that is engaged either in providing certain products and services (business segment), or in providing products and services within a particular economic environment (geographical segment), which is subject to risks and rewards that are different from those of other segments. Jumlah setiap unsur segmen dilaporkan merupakan ukuran yang dilaporkan kepada manajemen untuk tujuan mengalokasikan sumber daya dalam satu segmen dan menilai kinerjanya. The amount of each segment item reported shall be the measure reported to the management for the purposes of allocating resources to the segment and assessing its performance. Pendapatan, beban, laba rugi bersih, aset dan liabilitas segmen termasuk item-item yang dapat diatribusikan langsung kepada suatu segmen serta hal-hal yang dapat dialokasikan dengan dasar yang sesuai kepada segmen tersebut. Segmen ditentukan sebelum saldo transaksi antar kelompok usaha dieliminasi. Segment revenue, expenses, net income, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to a segment as well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis to that segment. Segments are determined before intra-group balances and intragroup transactions are eliminated. z. Provisi 3. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT POLICIES (continued) z. Provisions Bank menerapkan PSAK No. 57 (Revisi 2009), “Provisi, Liabilitas Kontinjensi, dan Aset Kontinjensi”. The Bank adopted SFAS No. 57 (Revised 2009), “Provisions, Contingent Liabilities, and Contingent Assets”. Provisi diakui jika Bank memiliki liabilitas kini (baik bersifat hukum maupun bersifat konstruktif) yang akibat peristiwa masa lalu besar kemungkinannya penyelesaian liabilitas tersebut mengakibatkan arus keluar sumber daya yang mengandung manfaat ekonomi dan estimasi yang andal mengenai jumlah liabilitas tersebut dapat dibuat. Provisions are recognized when the Bank has a present obligation (legal or constructive) where, as a result of a past event, it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation and a reliable estimate can be made of the amount of the obligation. Provisi ditelaah pada setiap tanggal laporan posisi keuangan dan disesuaikan untuk mencerminkan estimasi kini terbaik. Jika tidak terdapat kemungkinan arus keluar sumber daya yang mengandung manfaat ekonomi untuk menyelesaikan liabilitas tersebut, provisi tidak diakui. Provisions are reviewed at each statement of financial position date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate. If it is no longer probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, the provision is reversed. KAS 3. CASH As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, cash balance includes cash at ATM amounting to Rp 2,710 and Rp 1,624, respectively. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, dalam saldo kas termasuk uang pada mesin ATM masingmasing sebesar Rp 2.710 dan Rp 1.624. 39 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 4. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) GIRO PADA BANK INDONESIA 4. CURRENT ACCOUNTS WITH BANK INDONESIA Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, saldo giro pada Bank Indonesia masing-masing sebesar Rp 520.795 dan Rp 464.607, seluruhnya didominasi dalam mata uang rupiah. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the current accounts with Bank Indonesia amounting to Rp 520,795 and Rp 464,607, respectively, all the current accounts are denominated in Rupiah.. Pada tanggal 23 Oktober 2008, BI mengeluarkan peraturan No. 10/25/PBI/2008 tentang perubahan atas PBI No. 10/19/PBI/2008 tentang Giro Wajib Minimum (GWM) Bank Umum pada Bank Indonesia dalam Rupiah dan Valuta Asing yang kemudian diperbaharui dengan PBI No. 12/19/PBI/2010 tanggal 4 Oktober 2010 dan terakhir dengan PBI No. 13/10/PBI/2011 tanggal 9 Pebruari 2011. Berdasarkan peraturan tersebut, GWM dalam Rupiah terdiri dari GWM Primer, GWM Sekunder dan GWM LDR. GWM Primer dalam Rupiah ditetapkan sebesar 8% dari Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) dalam Rupiah dan GWM Sekunder dalam Rupiah ditetapkan sebesar 2,5% dari Dana Pihak Ketiga (DPK) dalam Rupiah. GWM LDR dalam Rupiah sebesar perhitungan antara Parameter Disinsentif bawah sebesar 0,1 (nol koma satu) atau Parameter Disinsentif atas sebesar 0,2 (nol koma dua) dengan selisih antara LDR Bank dan LDR Target dengan memperhatikan selisih antara KPMM Bank dan KPMM Insentif. GWM dalam valuta asing ditetapkan sebesar 8% dari DPK dalam valuta asing. Peraturan ini berlaku efektif 9 Pebruari 2011. Pemenuhan GWM Utama dan GWM LDR wajib menggunakan saldo Rekening Giro Rupiah pada Bank Indonesia, sedangkan GWM Sekunder dapat berupa Sertifikat Bank Indonesia (SBI), Surat Utang Negara, dan/atau kelebihan dari GWM utama. On October 23, 2008, BI issued a regulation No. 10/25/PBI/2008 concerning amendment of PBI No. 10/19/PBI/2008 regarding Statutory Reserves at Bank Indonesia for Commercial Banks in Rupiah and Foreign Currencies which update with PBI No. 12/19/PBI/2010 dated October 4, 2010 and the latest with PBI No. 13/10/PBI/2011 dated February 9, 2011. In accordance with the regulation, statutory reserves in Rupiah consists of primary reserve, secondary reserve and LDR reserve. The minimum primary reserve is designated at 8% of third party funds (TPF) in Rupiah and minimum secondary reserve is designated at 2.5% of third party funds (TPF) in Rupiah. The minimum LDR reserve in Rupiah is designated at the amount of computation between under Disincentive Parameter of 0.1 (zero point one) or over Disincentive Parameter of 0.2 (zero point two) with the difference between Bank’s LDR and LDR Target by taking into account the difference between the Bank’s Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and CAR incentive. Reserves requirement in foreign country is set at 8% from TPF in foreign currency. This regulation was effective as of February 9, 2011. The primary and LDR reserve is to be maintained in the form of current accounts with Bank Indonesia in Rupiah currency while the additional reserve should be maintained in the form of SBI, Surat Utang Negara, and/or excess of primary reserve. Giro wajib minimum pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 and 2011 adalah sebagai berikut: As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the statutory reserves are as follows: Rasio Kredit yang diberikan terhadap Dana Pihak Ketiga (LDR) Rasio GWM Primer Rasio GWM LDR Rasio GWM Sekunder 2012 2011 83,68% 8,25% 0,00% 3,51% 66,78% 8,27% 1,03% 12,59% 40 Ratio of loans to Third Parties Funds (LDR) Primary reserve ratio LDR reserve ratio Secondary reserve ratio PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 5. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) GIRO PADA BANK LAIN 5. This account consists of: Akun ini terdiri dari: 2012 6. CURRENT ACCOUNTS WITH OTHER BANKS 2011 Pihak ketiga Rupiah PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk PT Bank Central Asia Tbk PT BPD Nusa Tenggara Barat PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk PT Bank Permata Tbk 42.809 4.829 1.568 830 104 2 5.839 1 2.545 1.461 2 Third parties Rupiah PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk PT Bank Central Asia Tbk PT BPD Nusa Tenggara Barat PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk PT Bank Permata Tbk Jumlah 50.142 9.848 Total Kisaran suku bunga untuk giro pada bank lain dalam mata uang rupiah disajikan dalam Catatan 37. The average interest rates for current accounts with other banks in Rupiah are disclosed in Note 37. Klasifikasi kolektibilitas giro pada bank lain pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 adalah Lancar dan tidak ada giro pada bank lain yang diblokir dan digunakan sebagai jaminan. All the above current accounts with other banks are classified as Current and are not blocked nor used as collateral as of December 31, 2012 and 2011. Manajemen berpendapat bahwa seluruh giro pada bank lain dapat ditagih sehingga tidak perlu dibentuk cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai. No allowance for impairment loss, were provided as management believes that all current accounts with other banks are collectible. PENEMPATAN PADA BANK INDONESIA DAN BANK LAIN 6. This account consists of: Akun ini terdiri dari: 2012 Pihak ketiga Fasilitas Simpanan Bank Indonesia Diskonto PLACEMENTS WITH BANK INDONESIA AND OTHER BANKS 2011 Third parties Bank Indonesia Deposit Facility Discounted 736.300 (123) 772.000 (1.773) 736.177 770.227 Sub-total Call Money PT Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Bank Asiatic 40.000 - 100 Call Money PT Bank Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Bank Asiatic Sub-jumlah 40.000 100 Sub-total Deposito berjangka BPR Karyajatnika Sadaya - 74 Time deposit BPR Karyajatnika Sadaya Tabungan BPR Karyajatnika Sadaya 23 20 Saving deposit BPR Karyajatnika Sadaya Sub-jumlah Jumlah Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai 776.200 - 770.421 (100) Bersih 776.200 770.321 Total Allowance for impairment losses Net The average interest rates for placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks in Rupiah are disclosed in Note 37. Kisaran suku bunga untuk penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain dalam mata uang rupiah diungkapkan dalam Catatan 37. 41 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 6. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) PENEMPATAN PADA BANK INDONESIA DAN BANK LAIN (lanjutan) 6. PLACEMENTS WITH BANK INDONESIA AND OTHER BANKS (continued) Klasifikasi kolektibilitas penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 adalah Lancar, kecuali untuk penempatan call money pada Bank Asiatic yang berkolektibilitas macet sejak tahun 2005 dan telah dicadangkan seluruhnya di 2011, serta dihapuskan di tahun 2012. Bank Asiatic saat ini telah dilikuidasi. Tidak ada penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain yang diblokir dan digunakan sebagai jaminan. All the above placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks are classified as Current as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 except for call money placement to Bank Asiatic which is classified as loss since 2005 and was fully impaired in 2011 and write off in 2012. Currently, Bank Asiatic has been liqiudated. These placements are not blocked nor used as collaterals. Jangka waktu penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain dari tanggal penempatannya adalah sebagai berikut: Clasification of placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks from the dates of placements as follows: 2012 2011 Kurang dari atau sama dengan 1 bulan Lebih dari 1 sampai 3 bulan Lebih dari 3 sampai 6 bulan 776.200 - 502.131 149.395 118.895 Jumlah Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai 776.200 - 770.421 (100) Bersih 776.200 770.321 Total Allowance for impairment losses Net Changes of allowance for impairment losses are as follows: Mutasi cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai adalah sebagai berikut: 2012 Saldo awal tahun Penghapusan 1 month or less More than 1 month until 3 months More than 3 months until 6 months 2011 100 (100) Saldo akhir tahun - 100 - Balance at beginning of the year Write-off 100 Balance at end of the year Management believes that allowance for impairment losses for placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks is adequate. Manajemen berpendapat bahwa jumlah cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai untuk penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain adalah memadai. 42 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 7. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) EFEK-EFEK 7. This account represents government bonds and corporate bonds classified as available-for-sale as follows: Akun ini terdiri dari obligasi pemerintah dan obligasi korporasi yang dikelompokkan sebagai tersedia untuk dijual sebagai berikut: 2012 Tersedia untuk dijual Obligasi pemerintah Obligasi Pemerintah Republik Indonesia FR0062 FR0064 FR0059 FR0058 FR0061 ORI008 FR0045 FR0047 SECURITIES 2011 Available-for-sale Government bonds Government bonds of Republic Indonesia FR0062 FR0064 FR0059 FR0058 FR0061 ORI008 FR0045 FR0047 121.505 41.500 - 168.566 113.831 107.000 42.743 25.800 25.750 163.005 483.690 Sub-total Obligasi Pemerintah Syariah PBS003 SR03 40.461 - 5.225 Sharia Government bonds PBS003 SR03 Sub-jumlah 40.461 5.225 Sub-total Sub-jumlah Obligasi korporasi PT Aetra Air Jakarta (TPJ) Seri C Jumlah - 10.445 Corporate bonds PT Aetra Air Jakarta (TPJ) Seri C 203.466 499.360 Total The fair value of securities based on maturity as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 are as follows: Nilai wajar dari efek-efek pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 berdasarkan sisa umur jatuh tempo perjanjian adalah sebagai berikut: Lebih dari 1 bulan sampai 5 tahun Lebih dari 5 tahun Jumlah 2012 2011 203.466 58.413 440.947 More than 1 month until 5 years More than 5 years 203.466 499.360 Total 43 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 7. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) EFEK-EFEK (lanjutan) 7. The maturity periods and interest payment dates of the securities are as follows: Jatuh tempo dan tanggal pembayaran bunga dari efek-efek adalah sebagai berikut: Obligasi Pemerintah Republik Indonesia FR0045 FR0047 FR0058 FR0059 FR0061 FR0062 FR0064 ORI008 Obligasi Pemerintah Syariah PBS003 SR03 SECURITIES (continued) Jatuh Tempo/ Maturity Period Tanggal Pembayaran Bunga/ Interest Payment Date 15 Mei 2037/ May 15, 2037 15 Mei dan 15 Nopember/ May 15 and November 15 15 Pebruari 2028/ February 15, 2028 15 Juni 2032/ June 15, 2032 15 Pebruari dan 15 Agustus/ February 15 and August 15 15 Juni dan 15 Desember/ June 15 and December 15 15 Mei 2027/ May 15, 2027 15 Mei 2022/ May 15, 2022 15 April 2042/ April 15, 2042 15 Mei dan 15 Nopember/ May 15 and November 15 15 Mei dan 15 Nopember/ May 15 and November 15 15 April dan 15 Oktober/ April 15 and October 15 15 Mei 2028/ May 15, 2028 15 Oktober 2014/ October 15, 2014 15 Mei dan 15 Nopember/ May 15 and November 15 Tanggal 15 setiap bulannya/ th Every 15 of each month 15 Januari 2027/ January 15, 2027 23 Pebruari 2014/ February 23, 2014 15 Januari dan 15 Juli/ January 15 and July 15 Tanggal 23 setiap bulannya/ th Every 23 of each month 13 Maret 2015/ March 13, 2015 15 Maret, 15 Juni, 15 September, dan 15 Desember/ March 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15 Obligasi Korporasi PT Aetra Air Jakarta (TPJ) Seri C Government Bonds of Republic Indonesia FR0045 FR0047 FR0058 FR0059 FR0061 FR0062 FR0064 ORI008 Sharia Government Bonds PBS003 SR03 Corporate Bonds PT Aetra Air Jakarta (TPJ) Seri C Kisaran suku bunga untuk efek-efek diungkapkan dalam Catatan 37. The average interest rates for securities are disclosed in Note 37. Klasifikasi kolektibilitas efek-efek pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 adalah lancar. The collectibility classifications of securities as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 are current. Manajemen berpendapat bahwa tidak terdapat efekefek yang mengalami penurunan nilai. The management believes that there were no impairment loss on securities. Peringkat obligasi korporasi PT Aetra Air Jakarta Seri C berdasarkan PT Fitch Ratings Indonesia pada tanggal 31 Desember 2011 adalah A(idn). The ratings of PT Aetra Air Jakarta bonds Seri C by PT Fitch Ratings Indonesia as of December 31, 2011 are A(idn). 44 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 8. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) SURAT BERHARGA YANG DIBELI DENGAN JANJI DIJUAL KEMBALI 8. MARKETABLE SECURITIES PURCHASED WITH AGREEMENT TO RESELL Marketable securities purchased with agreement to resell as of December 31, 2011 are as follows: Surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali pada tanggal 31 Desember 2011 terdiri dari: 2011 Counterparty/ Counterparty Bank Indonesia 9. Jenis Efek/ Type of Securities Surat Utang Negara/ Treasury Bonds Jumlah Nominal/ Nominal Amount 100.000 Tanggal Dimulai/ Start Date Jatuh Tempo/ Maturity Date 20 Desember/ December 20, 2011 12 Januari/ January 12, 2012 Liabilitas Penjualan Kembali/ Resale Liabilities 125.585 Bunga yang Belum Direalisasi/ Unrealized Interest 191 Nilai Tercatat/ Carrying Value 125.394 Tidak terdapat surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012. There is no marketable securities purchased with agreement to resell as of December 31, 2012. Kisaran suku bunga untuk surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali diungkapkan dalam Catatan 37. The average interest rates for securities purchased with agreement to resell are disclosed in Note 37. Klasifikasi kolektibilitas surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali pada tanggal 31 Desember 2011 adalah lancar. The collectibility classification of securities purchased with agreement to resell as of December 31, 2011 is current. KREDIT a. 9. a. Jenis Kredit Pihak ketiga Investasi Modal kerja Konsumsi Jumlah Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai Jumlah LOANS Type of Loans 2012 2011 2.827.062 2.616.418 210.521 1.821.281 1.572.201 160.854 5.654.001 (295.714) 3.554.336 (216.443) 5.358.287 3.337.893 45 Third parties Investment Working capital Consumer Total Allowance for impairment loss Total PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 9. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) KREDIT (lanjutan) b. 9. Perdagangan, perhotelan dan restoran Jasa dunia usaha Industri Pembiayaan rumah Pengangkutan, pergudangan dan komunikasi Konstruksi Pembiayaan kendaraan bermotor Jasa pelayanan sosial By Economic Sector Bank Indonesia. Kurang Lancar/ Substandard Macet/ Loss Diragukan/ Doubtful 116.053 27.077 15.179 - 29.494 9.164 3.806 - 98.701 123.740 11.678 294 3.748.576 1.099.089 493.543 84.433 70.291 13.045 8.770 1.657 6.191 670 168 2.218 244 - 763 17 15 - 4.703 79.224 40.341 43 84.166 93.200 49.126 1.868 Jumlah Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai 4.636.141 (531) 455.106 (4.484) 160.771 (9.097) 43.259 (7.360) 358.724 (274.242) Jumlah 4.635.610 450.622 151.674 35.899 84.482 Perdagangan, perhotelan dan restoran Jasa dunia usaha Industri Pembiayaan rumah Pengangkutan, pergudangan dan komunikasi Konstruksi Pembiayaan kendaraan bermotor Jasa pelayanan sosial Collectibility of Jumlah/ Total 306.957 102.941 38.133 46 Dalam Perhatian Khusus/ Special Mention and 2012 Dalam Perhatian Khusus/ Special Mention 3.197.371 836.167 424.747 84.093 Lancar/ Current c. b. Berdasarkan Sektor Ekonomi dan Kolektibilitas Bank Indonesia. Lancar/ Current LOANS (continued) Trading, hotel and restaurant Business services Manufacturing Housing loan Transportation, warehousing and communication Construction Car loan Social services 5.654.001 Sub-total (295.714) Allowance for impairment losses 5.358.287 Total 2011 Kurang Lancar/ Substandard Diragukan/ Doubtful Macet/ Loss Jumlah/ Total 2.149.332 573.448 282.928 51.155 59.029 23.592 12.098 292 8.508 2.285 753 62 8.244 6.024 1.393 - 47.112 94.936 3.167 14.238 2.272.225 700.285 300.339 65.747 50.740 14.139 9.235 1.597 1.352 700 600 - 24 9 - 82 52 - 21.120 69.315 46.775 - 73.318 84.154 56.671 1.597 Jumlah Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai 3.132.574 (31.721) 97.663 (1.518) 11.641 (574) 15.795 (2.309) 296.663 (180.321) Jumlah 3.100.853 96.145 11.067 13.486 116.342 c. Menurut Jenis Konsumen 2012 Trading, hotel and restaurant Business services Manufacturing Housing loan Transportation, warehousing and communication Construction Car loan Social services 3.554.336 Sub-total (216.443) Allowance for impairment losses 3.337.893 Total By Type of Customers 2011 Individu Korporat 5.471.865 182.136 97% 3% 3.380.789 173.547 95% 5% Individual Corporate Jumlah Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai 5.654.001 (295.714) 100% 3.554.336 (216.443) 100% Total Allowance for impairment loss Bersih 5.358.287 3.337.893 46 Net PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 9. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) KREDIT (lanjutan) d. e. 9. d. Berikut ini adalah saldo kredit pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 berdasarkan klasifikasi kolektibilitas: Jumlah kredit/ Total loans 2012 Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai/ Allowance for impairment losses Lancar Dalam perhatian khusus Kurang lancar Diragukan Macet 4.636.141 455.106 160.771 43.259 358.724 (531) (4.484) (9.097) (7.360) (274.242) Jumlah 5.654.001 (295.714) LOANS (continued) The collectibility classification of loans as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 is as follows: Jumlah kredit/ Total loans 2011 Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai/ Allowance for impairment losses 4.635.610 450.622 151.674 35.899 84.482 3.132.574 97.663 11.641 15.795 296.663 (31.721) (1.518) (574) (2.309) (180.321) 3.100.853 96.145 11.067 13.486 116.342 Current Special mention Sub-standard Doubtful Loss 5.358.287 3.554.336 (216.443) 3.337.893 Total Bersih/ Net e. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, rincian kredit bermasalah menurut sektor ekonomi adalah sebagai berikut: Bersih/ Net The details of non-performing loans as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 based on economic sector, is as follows: 2012 2011 Cadangan Kerugian Cadangan Kerugian Penurunan Nilai/ Penurunan Nilai/ Jumlah kredit/ Allowance for Jumlah kredit/ Allowance for Total loans Impairment Losses Total loans Impairment Losses Perdagangan, perhotelan dan restoran Jasa dunia usaha Konstruksi Pembiayaan kendaraan bermotor Industri Pengangkutan, pergudangan dan komunikasi Pembiayaan perumahan Jasa pelayanan sosial Jumlah 244.248 159.981 79.485 99.481 89.925 50.981 63.864 103.245 69.315 40.356 30.663 33.834 11.898 46.836 5.313 45.239 399 7.684 294 43 4.371 168 41 21.226 14.300 - 6.366 2.706 - Car loan Manufacturing Transportation, warehousing and communication Housing loan Social services 562.754 290.699 324.099 183.204 Total 47 30.061 Trading, hotel and restaurant 53.925 Business services 44.508 Construction PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 9. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) KREDIT (lanjutan) f. 9. LOANS (continued) f. Jangka Waktu By Maturity Jangka waktu kredit diklasifikasikan berdasarkan periode kredit sebagaimana yang tercantum dalam perjanjian kredit dan waktu yang tersisa sampai dengan saat jatuh temponya sebagai berikut: Classification of loans by maturity based on the term of the loans as stated in the loan agreements and the remaining period until its maturity as follows: Berdasarkan Periode Perjanjian By Period of Contract 2012 2011 Kurang dari atau sama dengan 1 tahun Lebih dari 1 sampai 2 tahun Lebih dari 2 sampai 5 tahun Lebih dari 5 tahun 202.956 1.223.556 3.988.953 238.536 180.875 735.965 2.514.268 123.228 1 year or less More than 1 year until 2 years More than 2 years until 5 years More than 5 years Jumlah Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai 5.654.001 (295.714) 3.554.336 (216.443) Total Allowance for impairment losses Bersih 5.358.287 3.337.893 Net By Remaining Period to Maturity Berdasarkan Sisa Umur Jatuh Tempo 2012 2011 Kurang dari atau sama dengan 1 tahun Lebih dari 1 sampai 2 tahun Lebih dari 2 sampai 5 tahun Lebih dari 5 tahun 747.138 1.537.931 3.234.996 133.936 404.402 758.595 2.302.156 89.183 1 year or less More than 1 year until 2 years More than 2 years until 5 years More than 5 years Jumlah Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai 5.654.001 (295.714) 3.554.336 (216.443) Total Allowance for impairment losses Bersih 5.358.287 3.337.893 Net g. Kisaran suku bunga untuk kredit yang diberikan diungkapkan dalam Catatan 37. g. The average interest disclosed in Note 37. h. Kredit dijamin dengan deposito berjangka, agunan yang diikat dengan hak tanggungan atau surat kuasa untuk menjual dan jaminan lain yang umumnya diterima oleh Bank. h. Loans are secured time deposits, registered mortgages over collateral or power of attorney to sell and by other guarantees generally acceptable to the Bank. i. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, saldo kredit yang direstrukturisasi Bank masingmasing adalah sebesar Rp 422.301 dan Rp 5.693 dengan cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai sebesar Rp 11.834 dan Rp 32 pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. Kredit yang direstrukturisasi dilakukan dengan mengubah persyaratan pokok dan bunga serta perpanjangan waktu kredit. i. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the balance of restructured loans amounted to Rp 422,301 and Rp 5,693, respectively, with related allowance for impairment loss of Rp 11,834 and Rp 32 as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively. Restructured loans represent change of principal and interest terms and extension in loan terms. 48 rates for loans are PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 9. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) KREDIT (lanjutan) 9. LOANS (continued) The collectibility classification of restructured loans as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 is as follows: Berikut ini adalah saldo kredit yang direstrukturisasi pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 berdasarkan klasifikasi kolektibilitas: 2012 2011 Lancar Dalam perhatian khusus Kurang lancar Diragukan Macet 140.184 137.808 135.281 5.297 3.731 5.279 405 9 Jumlah Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai 422.301 (11.834) 5.693 (32) Bersih 410.467 5.661 j. Mutasi cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai kredit adalah sebagai berikut: 2012 2011 216.443 171.833 291.408 - (16.540) (76.022) (5.876) (66.108) (2.981) Saldo akhir 295.714 216.443 Beginning balance Impairment during the year Interest income on individually impaired loan Reversals Write-off of loans Ending balance As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the gross loan balances and allowance for impairment losses that are assessed from individual and collective impairment, are as follows: Berikut ini adalah saldo kredit bruto dan cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai yang dievaluasi secara individual dan kolektif pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011: Sub jumlah - bersih Net Changes in allowances for impairment losses on loans are as follows: Saldo awal Penurunan nilai tahun berjalan Penghasilan bunga atas kredit yang mengalami penurunan nilai secara individual Pemulihan Penghapusan kredit Kredit yang dievaluasi secara individual Penurunan nilai individual Total Allowance for impairment loss There were no gain or loss on restructured loans as of December 31, 2012 and 2011. Tidak ada laba atau rugi atas kredit yang direstrukturisasi pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. j. Current Special mention Sub-standard Doubtful Loss 2012 2011 177.677 (114.122) 213.557 (120.841) 63.555 92.716 Loan assessed by individual impairment Individual impairment Sub total - net Kredit yang dievaluasi secara kolektif Penurunan nilai kolektif 5.476.324 (181.592) 3.340.779 (95.602) Sub jumlah - bersih 5.294.732 3.245.177 Sub total - net Bersih 5.358.287 3.337.893 Net Nilai bruto kredit yang dievaluasi secara individual yang mengalami penurunan nilai sebelum dikurangi cadangan penurunan nilai secara individual 171.472 49 Loan assessed by collectively impairment Collective impairment Gross amount of individually assessed loans determined to be impaired before deducting the individually assessed impairment 202.686 allowance PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 9. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) KREDIT (lanjutan) 9. LOANS (continued) Tingkat Pemenuhan Penurunan Nilai Compliance of Impairment 2012 Penurunan nilai sesuai dengan pemenuhan ketentuan Bank Indonesia Tingkat pemenuhan 2011 278.204 106% 197.654 110% The management believes that the allowance for impairment loss is adequate to cover impairment loss on uncollectible loan. Manajemen berpendapat bahwa cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai yang dibentuk cukup untuk menutup kemungkinan kerugian akibat tidak tertagihnya kredit. k. k. Mutasi kredit yang dihapus buku untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 adalah sebagai berikut: 2012 Saldo awal Penambahan Hapus tagih Penerimaan kembali Saldo akhir l. Compliance of impairment in accordance with Bank Indonesia regulation The level of compliance The movement of loans written-off for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011 are as follows: 2011 89.186 76.022 (3.252) (5.139) 87.481 2.244 (539) 156.817 89.186 l. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, tidak terdapat penyediaan dana kepada pihak berelasi dan pihak ketiga yang melampaui Batas Maksimum Pemberian Kredit (BMPK). Beginning balance Additions Write-off of claim Recovery Ending balance As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, there is no loan granted to related and third parties which has exceeded the Bank’s Legal Lending Limit (LLL). m. Rasio Non-performing Loan (NPL) Bank sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 12/11/DPNP tanggal 31 Maret 2010. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 rasio NPL secara bruto masing-masing sebesar 9,95% dan 9,12%, sedangkan rasio NPL secara neto masing-masing sebesar 4,81% dan 3,95%. m. The ratio of Non-performing Loans (NPL) in accordance with Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 12/11/DPNP dated March 31, 2010. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011 gross of allowance for impairment losses is 9.95% and 9.12%, respectively, while the ratio of NPL (net of allowance for impairment losses) is 4.81% and 3.95%, respectively. n. Kredit konsumsi terdiri dari kredit kendaraan bermotor, kredit pemilikan rumah dan kredit perorangan lainnya. n. Consumer loans consist of motor vehicle loans, mortgage loans and other personal loans. o. Kredit modal kerja terdiri dari kredit berjangka, kredit rekening koran, kredit akseptasi dan cerukan yang diberikan kepada debitur untuk keperluan modal kerja. o. Working capital loans consist of term loans, overdraft loans, acceptances loan and overdrafts granted to borrowers for working capital purposes. p. Kredit investasi merupakan kredit jangka menengah atau panjang yang diberikan kepada debitur untuk pembelian barang modal. p. Investment credit is a medium or long-term loans granted to debtor for the purchase of capital assets. 50 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 9. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) KREDIT (lanjutan) q. 9. LOANS (continued) q. Kredit sindikasi merupakan kredit kepada nasabah berdasarkan perjanjian pembiayaan bersama (sindikasi) dengan bank-bank lain. Jumlah kredit sindikasi yang diberikan oleh Bank pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 adalah sebesar Rp nihil dan Rp 3.000. Bank's percentage of participation as a member of the syndicated loan is 25%, of the syndicated credit facility for the years ended December 31, 2011. Persentase keikutsertaan Bank sebagai anggota dalam kredit sindikasi sebesar 25%, dari fasilitas kredit sindikasi untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2011. 10. Syndicated loans are loans granted to customers under joint financing agreements (syndicated) with other banks. The syndicated loans of the Bank as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 amounted to Rp nil and Rp 3,000, respectively. r. Tidak ada kredit yang diberikan kepada pihak berelasi per tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. r. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, there were no loans to related parties. s. Kredit yang diberikan kepada karyawan Bank dibebani bunga 6% per tahun untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 dengan jangka waktu pelunasan berkisar antara 1 sampai dengan 15 tahun dan dibayar melalui pemotongan gaji bulanan. s. The Bank charged interest for loans granted to employees for 6% per annum for the year ended December 31, 2012 with repayment periods ranging from 1 to 15 years and paid through monthly payroll deductions. t. Rasio kredit usaha mikro kecil terhadap jumlah kredit sesuai dengan Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 12/11/DPNP tanggal 31 Maret 2010 adalah sebesar 92,02% dan 88,03% masing-masing pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. t. The ratio of micro business loans to total loans in accordance with Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 12/11/DPNP dated March 31, 2010 is 92.02% and 88.03% on December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively. u. Jumlah kredit yang dijamin dengan agunan tunai masing-masing sebesar Rp 1.044 dan Rp 7.894 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. u. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, total loans with cash collateral amounted to Rp 1,044 and Rp 7,894, respectively. v. Seluruh saldo kredit dalam mata uang Rupiah. v. All loans are denominated in Rupiah. w. Jumlah biaya transaksi (provisi) yang menjadi bagian dari kredit adalah Rp 43.515 dan Rp 28.559 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. w. Total of transaction costs (fees), which became part of the loan is Rp 43,515 and Rp 28,559 on December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively. PENDAPATAN BUNGA YANG MASIH AKAN DITERIMA 10. 2012 ACCRUED INTEREST RECEIVABLE 2011 Kredit Efek-efek Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain 93.625 3.187 47.803 3.686 56 - Loans Securities Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks Jumlah 96.868 51.489 Total 51 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 11. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) BIAYA DIBAYAR DIMUKA 11. 2012 Sewa Asuransi Promosi dan hadiah Lain-lain Jumlah 12. 2011 61.871 30.930 21.797 995 70.921 16.848 21.345 796 Lease Insurance Promotions and gifts Others 115.593 109.910 Total ASET TETAP 12. Saldo awal/ Beginning balance Jumlah FIXED ASSETS This account consists of: Akun ini terdiri dari: Biaya perolehan Tanah Bangunan dan prasarana Renovasi bangunan yang disewa Kendaraan Perlengkapan, mesin dan peralatan kantor Aset dalam penyelesaian PREPAID EXPENSES 2012 Perubahan selama periode berjalan/Changes during the period Penambahan/ Pengurangan/ Reklasifikasi/ Additions Deductions Reclassifications Saldo akhir/ Ending balance *) 43.016 79.956 Cost Land Building and improvements 40.732 79.211 742 10 2.284 13 96.643 787 8.357 - 230 11.515 - 116.515 557 147.644 45.250 20.110 2.067 1.167 - 31.087 (42.615) 197.674 4.702 410.267 31.276 1.407 2.284 442.420 Total 19.485 3.569 10 - 23.044 Accumulated depreciation Building and improvements 36.767 525 Leasehold improvement Vehicles Office equipment, machine and furnitures Constructions in progress Akumulasi penyusutan Bangunan dan prasarana Renovasi bangunan yang disewa Kendaraan Perlengkapan, mesin dan peralatan kantor 11.110 690 25.657 19 184 - 30.887 28.617 1.121 - 58.383 Jumlah 62.172 57.862 1.315 - 118.719 Total 323.701 Net Carrying Value Nilai tercatat 348.095 *) Reclassification of land rights - net on January 1, 2012 in accordance with interpretation of SFAS No. 25 (Notes 2l and 14). *) Merupakan reklasifikasi dari hak atas tanah bersih pada tanggal 1 Januari 2012 sesuai dengan ISAK No. 25 (Catatan 2l dan 14). Saldo awal/ Beginning balance Biaya perolehan Tanah Bangunan dan prasarana Renovasi bangunan yang disewa Kendaraan Perlengkapan, mesin dan peralatan kantor Aset dalam penyelesaian Jumlah 2011 Perubahan selama tahun berjalan/Changes during the year Penambahan/ Pengurangan/ Reklasifikasi/ Additions Deductions Reclassifications Saldo akhir/ Ending balance Cost Land Building and improvements 40.732 41.998 3.024 - 34.189 40.732 79.211 6.333 1.529 23 5.569 95.114 - 96.643 787 34.707 55.765 114.969 123.130 6.374 - 4.342 (133.645) 179.535 242.675 11.943 - 410.267 Total 16.184 3.301 - - 19.485 Accumulated depreciation Building and improvements 5.265 11.110 749 5.324 - 11.110 690 Akumulasi penyusutan Bangunan dan prasarana Renovasi bangunan yang disewa Kendaraan Perlengkapan, mesin dan peralatan kantor 28.933 7.803 5.849 - Jumlah 50.382 22.963 11.173 - Nilai tercatat Leasehold improvement Vehicles Office equipment, machine and furnitures 129.153 52 Leasehold improvement Vehicles Office equipment, machine and 147.644 furniture 45.250 Constructions in progress Leasehold improvement Vehicles Office equipment, machine and 30.887 furniture 62.172 Total 348.095 Net Carrying Value PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 12. ASET TETAP (lanjutan) 12. FIXED ASSETS (continued) Beban penyusutan yang dibebankan pada laba rugi untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 masing-masing adalah sebesar Rp 57.862 dan Rp 22.963 (Catatan 27). Depreciation charged to profit and loss amounted to Rp 57,862 and Rp 22,963 for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively (Note 27). Rincian penjualan aset tetap sebagai berikut: The detail disposal of fixed asset as follow: 2012 Kendaraan Biaya perolehan Akumulasi penyusutan Nilai buku Harga jual Laba penjualan kendaraan Mesin Biaya perolehan Akumulasi penyusutan Nilai buku Harga jual 2011 77 (76) 1 11 5.569 (5.324) 245 2.055 Vehicles Cost Accumulated depreciation Net book value Proceeds from sale 10 1.810 Gain on sale of vehicles 21 (4) 17 13 - Machine Cost Accumulated depreciation Net book value Proceeds from sale Rugi penjualan mesin (4) - Loss on sale of machines Laba penjualan aset tetap 6 1.810 Gain on sale of fixed assets Bank memiliki beberapa bidang tanah dengan hak legal berupa Hak Guna Bangunan yang berjangka waktu 20-30 tahun dan akan jatuh tempo antara tahun 2013 sampai dengan 2037. Manajemen berpendapat bahwa tidak terdapat masalah dengan perpanjangan hak atas tanah karena seluruh tanah diperoleh secara sah dan didukung dengan bukti pemilikan yang memadai. The Bank owns several parcels of land with Building Use Rights (Hak Guna Bangunan or HGB) for 20 to 30 years until 2013 to 2037. Management believes that there will be no issue with the extension of land rights since all land was legally acquired and is supported by sufficient ownership. Aset tetap, kecuali tanah, diasuransikan pada PT Asuransi Recapital (pihak berelasi, Catatan 33), PT Asuransi Wahana Tata dan PT Asuransi Sinarmas, dengan nilai pertanggungan sebesar Rp 437.193 dan Rp 183.402 pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. Manajemen berpendapat bahwa nilai pertanggungan tersebut cukup untuk menutupi kemungkinan kerugian atas aset yang dipertanggungkan. All fixed assets, except land, are insured with PT Asuransi Recapital (related party, Note 33), PT Asuransi Wahana Tata and PT Asuransi Sinarmas, amounted to Rp 437,193 and Rp 183,402 as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively. Management believes that the insurance coverage is adequate to cover impairment loss on the assets insured. Manajemen berpendapat bahwa tidak terdapat penurunan nilai atas aset tersebut. Management believes that there is no impairment in value of the aforementioned assets. Aset dalam penyelesaian merupakan bangunan dan renovasi bangunan yang sedang dibangun oleh Bank, yang diperkirakan akan selesai tahun 2013. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, tingkat penyelesaian aset dalam penyelesaian tersebut rata-rata sekitar 99% dan 84%. Constructions in progress include building and building renovations being constructed by the Bank, which are estimated to be completed in 2013. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the percentage of completion of construction in progress is about 99% and 84%. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012, jumlah tercatat bruto dari setiap aset tetap yang telah disusutkan penuh dan masih digunakan adalah sebesar Rp 22.945. As of December 31, 2012, the gross amount of fixed assets which have been fully depreciated and are still used amounted to Rp 22,945. 53 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 13. AGUNAN YANG DIAMBIL ALIH 13. FORECLOSED ASSETS This account consists of: Akun ini terdiri dari: 2012 2011 Nilai tercatat Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai 37.986 76.935 (6.843) (37.891) Jumlah 31.143 39.044 Cost Allowance for impairment loss Total Agunan yang diambil alih terutama terdiri dari tanah, bangunan dan kendaraan bermotor. Foreclosed assets consist mainly of land, buildings and motor vehicles. Perubahan cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai adalah sebagai berikut: Changes in the allowance for impairment losses are as follows: 2012 Saldo awal Penyisihan tahun berjalan Penghapusan Pemulihan tahun berjalan Saldo akhir 2011 37.891 780 (31.828) 6.843 86.084 Beginning balance Provisions during the year (42.289) Write-off (5.904) Reversal of provisions during the year 37.891 Ending balance Manajemen berpendapat bahwa jumlah cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai agunan yang diambil alih adalah cukup untuk menutup kerugian yang mungkin timbul akibat tidak dapat terealisasinya agunan yang diambil alih tersebut. Management believes that the allowance for impairment losses of the foreclosed assets is adequate to cover all possible losses that may arise. Pengurangan untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 merupakan penjualan agunan yang diambil alih sebagai berikut: Deductions for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011 pertains to sale of certain foreclosed asset with details as follows: 2012 Harga jual Nilai buku agunan yang diambil alih Laba (rugi) penjualan agunan yang diambil alih (Catatan 29) 2011 4.123 (5.227) (1.104) 54 31.864 (30.019) 1.845 Selling price Net book value of foreclosed asset Gain (loss) on sale of foreclosed assets (Note 29) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 14. ASET LAIN-LAIN 14. OTHER ASSETS This account consist of: Rincian akun ini adalah sebagai berikut: 2012 2011 Uang muka Aset tak berwujud Setoran jaminan Persediaan kantor Tagihan kepada pihak ketiga - bersih Properti terbengkalai - bersih Hak atas tanah Lain-lain 21.514 15.982 2.975 2.448 1.702 905 339 21.759 3.929 2.730 1.322 844 905 2.297 13.613 Advances Intangible assets Security deposits Office supplies Third party receivables - net Abandoned property - net Land rights - net Others Jumlah 45.865 47.399 Total Uang muka merupakan pembayaran untuk kegiatan operasi seperti uang muka kepada pemasok yang berhubungan dengan pembelian perlengkapan kantor, uang muka untuk sistem informasi manajemen, uang muka personalia dan uang muka lainnya. Advances represent advances for operations such as payment to suppliers related to purchase of office supplies, payment for management information system, payment to employess and other payments. Perincian aset tak berwujud adalah sebagai berikut: The details of intangible assets are as follows: Perangkat Lunak Software 2012 2011 Biaya perolehan Saldo awal Penambahan 10.131 13.957 6.124 4.007 Cost Beginning balance Addition Saldo akhir 24.088 10.131 Ending balance (6.202) (1.931) (5.598) (604) (8.133) (6.202) Ending balance 15.955 3.929 Net Carrying Value Akumulasi amortisasi Saldo awal Penambahan Saldo akhir Nilai tercatat Hak Paten Accumulated Amortization Beginning balance Addition Patent 2012 Biaya perolehan 28 Akumulasi amortisasi (1) Nilai tercatat 27 55 Cost Accumulated Amortization Net Carrying Value PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 14. ASET LAIN-LAIN (lanjutan) 14. Third party receivables are from PT Mintuna Nagareksa amounted to Rp 28,000 for the cancellation of the purchase of space in the Topas Tower Building floors 1, 2 and 16. In accordance with letter of loan transfer No. 035/MN/SW/IV/10, PT Mintuna Nagareksa transferred their debt to Mr. Lunardi Widjaja. Other third party receivables pertain to receivables related with ATM transactions. In 2011, the Bank has provided allowance for impairment loss of the third party receivables. Details of third party receivables are as follow: Tagihan kepada pihak ketiga sebagian besar merupakan tagihan kepada PT Mintuna Nagareksa sebesar Rp 28.000, yaitu atas pembatalan pembelian ruangan di Gedung Menara Topas lantai 1, 2 dan 16. Sesuai dengan surat pengalihan utang No. 035/MN/SW/IV/10, PT Mintuna Nagareksa telah mengalihkan utangnya kepada Tn. Lunardi Widjaja. Tagihan kepada pihak ketiga lain selain tagihan di atas merupakan tagihan terkait dengan transaksi ATM. Pada tahun 2011, Bank sudah membentuk cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai atas tagihan kepada pihak ketiga. Rincian tagihan kepada pihak ketiga adalah sebagai berikut: 2012 Tagihan pihak ketiga Tn. Lunardi Widjaja Tagihan ATM Tagihan kepada pihak ketiga - lainnya Jumlah Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai Bersih OTHER ASSETS (continued) 2011 28.000 14.786 28.000 13.854 660 734 Third party receivables Mr. Lunardi Widjaja ATM transaction Third party receivables other 43.446 42.588 Total (41.744) (41.744) 1.702 844 Allowance for impairment loss Net Changes in allowances for impairment losses on third party receivables are as follows (Note 26): Mutasi cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai tagihan kepada pihak ketiga adalah sebagai berikut (Catatan 26): 2012 2011 Saldo awal Penambahan Tn. Lunardi Widjaja Tagihan ATM 41.744 - - 28.000 13.744 Saldo akhir 41.744 41.744 Beginning balance Additions Mr. Lunardi Widjaja ATM transaction Ending balance Setoran jaminan merupakan jaminan atas penggunaan jaringan ATM yang dapat diminta kembali setelah selesai masa kontrak. Security deposits represent deposit on rental of ATM networks and can be refunded at the end of the contract. Hak atas tanah merupakan biaya pengurusan sertifikat dan bea balik nama tanah. Hak atas tanah ini diamortisasi selama masa berlakunya hak atas tanah yaitu 20 - 30 tahun. Efektif 1 Januari 2012, hak atas tanah - bersih direklasifikasi ke tanah sesuai dengan ISAK No. 25 (Catatan 2l dan 12). Beban amortisasi sebesar Rp 202 untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2011. Land rights represent costs incurred in connection with the legal processing of the property. These land rights are deferred and amortized over 20 - 30 years. Effective January 1, 2012, land rights reclassified to land in accordance with interpretation on SFAS No. 25 (Notes 2l and 12). Amortization expense amounted to Rp 202 for the years ended December 31, 2011. Properti terbengkalai merupakan tanah yang tidak digunakan dalam kegiatan usaha, yang terletak di Kabupaten Pasuruan. Kerugian penurunan nilai properti terbengkalai untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 adalah Rp Nihil. Abandoned property is a land not used in operations, located in Kabupaten Pasuruan. Impairment loss recognized on these asset for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011 amounted to Rp Nil. 56 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 15. LIABILITAS SEGERA 15. LIABILITIES DUE IMMEDIATELY This account consists of: Akun ini terdiri dari: 2012 2011 Utang bunga Lain-lain 21.184 4.899 18.923 3.575 Interest payable Others Jumlah 26.083 22.498 Total 16. SIMPANAN DARI NASABAH 16. DEPOSITS FROM CUSTOMERS This account consists of: Akun ini terdiri dari: 2012 Pihak ketiga/ Third parties Pihak berelasi/ Related parties Jumlah/ Total Giro Tabungan Deposito berjangka 9.567 1.932 17.360 22.841 550.723 6.154.219 32.408 552.655 6.171.579 Demand deposits Savings Time deposits Jumlah 28.859 6.727.783 6.756.642 Total 2011 Pihak ketiga/ Third parties Pihak berelasi/ Related parties Jumlah/ Total Giro Tabungan Deposito berjangka 42.579 2.405 38.663 17.952 352.799 4.868.113 60.531 355.204 4.906.776 Demand deposits Savings Time deposits Jumlah 83.647 5.238.864 5.322.511 Total a. b. Giro a. Demand deposits Tidak ada giro yang diblokir dan digunakan sebagai jaminan atas kredit pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. There were no demand deposits blocked and pledged as loan collateral as of December 31, 2012 and 2011. Kisaran suku bunga dalam Catatan 37. The ranges of interest rates for demand deposits are disclosed in Note 37. untuk giro diungkapkan Tabungan b. Savings Tidak ada tabungan yang diblokir dan digunakan sebagai jaminan atas kredit pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. There were no savings blocked and pledged as loan collateral on December 31, 2012 and 2011. Kisaran suku bunga untuk diungkapkan dalam Catatan 37. The ranges of interest rates for savings deposits are disclosed in Note 37. tabungan 57 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 16. SIMPANAN DARI NASABAH (lanjutan) c. 16. DEPOSITS FROM CUSTOMERS (continued) Deposito berjangka c. Time deposits By Period of Contract Berdasarkan Jangka Waktu Kontrak 2012 2011 Pihak Pihak Berelasi/ Pihak ketiga/ Jumlah/ Berelasi/ Pihak ketiga/ Jumlah/ Related parties Third parties Total Related parties Third parties Total Kurang dari atau 1 bulan 14.531 3.395.538 3.410.069 26.243 1.544.631 1.570.874 Lebih dari 1 s/d 3 bulan 2.829 2.599.996 2.602.825 12.056 3.286.728 3.298.784 Lebih dari 3 s/d until 3 months More than 3 months - 6 bulan 157.799 157.799 364 19.430 19.794 Lebih dari 6 s/d until 6 months More than 6 months - 793 793 - 13.334 13.334 - 93 93 - 3.990 3.990 More than 12 months 17.360 6.154.219 6.171.579 38.663 4.868.113 4.906.776 Total 12 bulan Lebih dari 12 bulan Jumlah 1 month or less More than 1 month until 12 months By Remaining Period to Maturity Berdasarkan Jatuh Tempo 2012 2011 Pihak Pihak Berelasi/ Pihak ketiga/ Jumlah/ Berelasi/ Pihak ketiga/ Jumlah/ Related parties Third parties Total Related parties Third parties Total Kurang dari atau 1 bulan 16.835 4.160.518 4.177.353 26.357 2.393.454 2.419.811 Lebih dari 1 s/d 3 bulan 525 1.835.626 1.836.151 11.956 2.451.940 2.463.896 Lebih dari 3 s/d 6 bulan 12 bulan Jumlah until 3 months More than 3 months - 157.846 157.846 350 16.086 16.436 Lebih dari 6 s/d Lebih dari 12 bulan 1 month or less More than 1 month until 6 months More than 6 months - 217 217 - 6.408 6.408 - 12 12 - 225 225 More than 12 months 17.360 6.154.219 6.171.579 38.663 4.868.113 4.906.776 Total until 12 months Kisaran suku bunga untuk deposito berjangka diungkapkan dalam Catatan 37. The ranges of interest rates for time deposits are disclosed in Note 37. Deposito berjangka yang diblokir dan dijadikan jaminan atas kredit Bank adalah sebesar Rp 922 dan Rp 9.296 masing-masing pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. Time deposits blocked and pledged as loan collateral amounted to Rp 922 and Rp 9,296 as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively. 58 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 17. SIMPANAN DARI BANK LAIN - PIHAK KETIGA 17. DEPOSITS PARTIES FROM OTHER BANKS - THIRD Deposits from other banks consist of: Rincian simpanan dari bank lain terdiri atas: 2012 2011 Inter-bank call money Deposito berjangka Giro Tabungan 30.000 912 174 15 10.244 924 - Inter-bank call money Time deposits Demand deposits Saving Jumlah 31.101 11.168 Total Jangka waktu kontrak simpanan dari bank lain diatas kurang satu bulan. Period of contract of deposit from other bank above is less a month. Kisaran suku bunga untuk simpanan dari bank lain diungkapkan dalam Catatan 37. The ranges of interest rates for deposits from other banks are disclosed in Note 37. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 tidak ada simpanan dari bank lain yang diblokir dan digunakan sebagai jaminan atas kredit. There were no deposits from other banks that were blocked and pledged as loan collateral as of December 31, 2012 and 2011. 18. UTANG PAJAK 18. TAXES PAYABLE This account consists of: Akun ini terdiri dari: 2012 Pajak penghasilan: Pasal 4 (2) Pasal 21 Pasal 23 Pasal 26 Pajak pertambahan nilai Jumlah 2011 7.502 9.184 307 - 6.698 3.663 610 7 7 Income tax: Article 4 (2) Article 21 Article 23 Article 26 Value-added tax 16.993 10.985 Total The filing of tax returns is based on the Bank’s self-assessment of tax liabilities. Based on the Law No. 28 Year 2007 regarding “Third Amendment of Law No. 6 Year 1983 Regarding General Rules and Procedures of Taxation” which are applicable starting 2008, the Directorate General of Tax (“DGT”) may assess or amend taxes within 5 years from the date the tax becomes due. The transitional provisions of the said Law stipulate that taxes for fiscal year 2007 and before maybe assess by the DGT at the latest at the end of 2013. Besarnya pajak penghasilan terhutang ditetapkan berdasarkan perhitungan pajak yang dilakukan sendiri oleh wajib pajak. Berdasarkan Undangundang No. 28 Tahun 2007 mengenai “Perubahan Ketiga atas Undang-undang Nomor 6 Tahun 1983 tentang Ketentuan Umum dan Tata Cara Perpajakan” yang berlaku mulai tahun 2008, Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (“DJP”) dapat menetapkan dan mengubah kewajiban pajak dalam batas waktu 5 tahun sejak tanggal terhutangnya pajak. Ketentuan peralihan dari Undang-undang tersebut mengatur bahwa perpajakan untuk tahun fiskal 2007 dan sebelumnya dapat ditetapkan oleh DJP paling lambat pada akhir tahun 2013. 59 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 19. PINJAMAN DARI PIHAK BERELASI 19. LOAN FROM AFFILIATES Akun ini awalnya merupakan dana setoran modal dari Pemegang Saham Pengendali sebelumnya dalam rangka memperkuat Struktur Modal Bank. Dana setoran modal tersebut tidak dapat ditarik oleh Pemegang Saham Pengendali tanpa persetujuan terlebih dahulu dari Bank Indonesia (BI) sesuai dengan Surat Pernyataan Pemegang Saham Pengendali kepada BI. Dana setoran modal ini akan digunakan untuk peningkatan modal disetor setelah memperoleh persetujuan dari instansi terkait dan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham. Pinjaman dari pihak berelasi tidak dikenakan bunga. Initially, this account pertains to placement of funds to Bank Indonesia (BI) for capital injection of the previous controlling shareholders to strengthen the Bank's Capital Structure. The funds for capital stock cannot be withdrawn by the controlling shareholders without prior approval from BI in accordance with the Representation Letter of Controlling Shareholders to BI. This placement of funds will be used for the increase of share capital after getting approval from the related institution and General Shareholders Meeting. Loan from affiliates is not subject to interest. Berdasarkan Akta Perjanjian Jual Beli Piutang tanggal 26 Mei 2010, Pemegang Saham pengendali sebelumnya setuju untuk menjual semua tagihannya dari Bank kepada Green Resources International Ltd., yang merupakan perusahaan afiliasi dari PT Recapital Securities. Pokok-pokok perjanjian ini meliputi: Based on the Deed of Sales Purchase of the Receivable Agreement dated May 26, 2010, the previous controlling shareholders agreed to sell receivable of the Bank to Green Resources International Ltd., an affiliated company of PT Recapital Securities.The points of this agreement include: ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· Pemegang Saham Pengendali (PSP) saat itu telah memasukkan cadangan tambahan modal sebesar Rp 129.638 dan telah disetor penuh dalam Bank untuk tujuan penambahan modal Bank yang tidak boleh ditarik kembali oleh para Pemegang Saham. Piutang PSP kepada Bank sebesar Rp 129.638 tersebut dijual kepada Green Resources Internasional Ltd. yang merupakan afiliasi dari PT Recapital Securities, efektif sejak Perjanjian Jual Beli Piutang ditandatangani yaitu tanggal 26 Mei 2010. Penyerahan piutang dilakukan pada saat PT Recapital Securities menjadi Pemegang Saham Pengendali Bank dan dapat dilakukan sesuai dengan ketentuan peraturan perundangundangan yang berlaku. ï‚· ï‚· 20. LIABILITAS LAIN-LAIN 20. OTHER LIABILITIES This account consists of: Akun ini terdiri dari: 2012 Beban yang masih harus dibayar Asuransi Penyisihan atas estimasi kerugian yang timbul dari kasus hukum (Catatan 34) Kewajiban transaksi ATM Lain-lain Jumlah Controlling Shareholder (PSP) at that time has paid-in an additional reserve capital of Rp 129,638 and has been fully paid to the Bank for the purpose of the Bank’s capital increase which should not be withdrawn by the Shareholders. PSP receivable to the Bank amounting to Rp 129,638 were sold to Green Resources International Ltd. which is an affiliate of PT Recapital Securities, effective as of the Receivables Purchase Agreement that was signed on May 26, 2010. Submission of receivables carried at PT Recapital Securities became controlling shareholders of the Bank and can be done in accordance with the provisions of the legislation applicable. 2011 8.709 8.657 2.148 5.166 Accrued expenses Insurance 1.135 - 777 636 425 Provision for estimated losses arising from legal cases (Note 34) ATM transaction liabilities Others 19.914 7.739 Total Accrued expenses represent accruals in relation of general and administrative expenses and training expenses of the Bank. Beban yang masih harus dibayar merupakan akrual atas beban umum dan administrasi serta pelatihan Bank. 60 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 21. MODAL SAHAM 21. SHARE CAPITAL The details of the Bank’s shareholders and their shareholdings as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 are as follows: Rincian pemegang saham dan kepemilikan saham Bank pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 adalah sebagai berikut: Nama Pemegang Saham PT Recapital Securities IF Services Netherlands BV Pershing LLC Gandhi Ganda Putra (Direktur Utama) Masyarakat (masing-masing di bawah 5%) Jumlah Jumlah Saham (Jumlah Penuh)/ Number of Shares (Full Amount) Jumlah/ Total Name of Shareholders 7.296.964.802 1.434.300.000 1.151.717.814 67,85 13,34 10,71 729.696 143.430 115.172 3.270.000 868.864.537 0,03 8,07 327 86.887 PT Recapital Securities IF Services Netherlands BV Pershing LLC Gandhi Ganda Putra (President Director) Public (each below 5%) 1.075.512 Total 10.755.117.153 Nama Pemegang Saham 2012 Persentase Kepemilikan/ Percentage of Ownership (%) Jumlah Saham (Jumlah Penuh)/ Number of Shares (Full Amount) 100,00 2011 Persentase Kepemilikan/ Percentage of Ownership (%) Jumlah/ Total Name of Shareholders PT Recapital Securities IF Services Netherlands BV Pershing LLC Masyarakat (masing-masing di bawah 5%) 6.463.631.468 1.434.300.000 1.236.903.000 123.677.762 69,81 15,49 13,36 1,34 646.363 143.430 123.690 12.368 PT Recapital Securities IF Services Netherlands BV Pershing LLC Public (each below 5%) Jumlah 9.258.512.230 100,00 925.851 Total Below are the movements of the number of shares issued and fully paid: Berikut ini perubahan jumlah saham ditempatkan dan disetor penuh: Saldo awal Penawaran umum terbatas II Penawaran umum terbatas III Jumlah 2012 2011 9.258.512.230 1.496.604.923 5.976.250.000 - Beginning balance Public offering II Public offering III 10.755.117.153 9.258.512.230 Total Based on the Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting, as documented in Notarial Deed No. 58, dated November 28, 2012 of Fathiah Helmi, S.H., a Notary in Jakarta, the Bank’s shareholders approved the limited public offering III in issuance of Rights for existing shareholders at a maximum of 2,499,798,302 common shares. The shareholder can exercise the Rights to purchase 100 new shares for every 27 share held at Rp 120 (full amount) per share. On December 20, 2012, the Bank obtained the notice of effectivity from Ministry of Law and Human Rights of Republic of Indonesia in his letter No. AHU-AH.01.10-45068. Berdasarkan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Luar Biasa (RUPSLB) sebagaimana dinyatakan dalam Akta No. 58 tanggal 28 Nopember 2012 dari Fathiah Helmi, S.H., Notaris di Jakarta para pemegang saham Bank telah menyetujui penawaran umum terbatas III dalam rangka penerbitan Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu kepada para pemegang saham sebanyak-banyaknya 2.499.798.302 Saham Biasa Atas Nama. Setiap pemegang saham yang memiliki 100 saham lama berhak membeli 27 saham baru dengan harga penawaran sebesar Rp 120 (nilai penuh) per saham. Pada tanggal 20 Desember 2012, Bank memperoleh pengesahan dari Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia dengan surat No. AHU-AH.01.10-45068. 61 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 21. MODAL SAHAM (lanjutan) 21. SHARE CAPITAL (continued) Pada tanggal 30 Agustus 2012, Bank memperoleh pernyataan efektif dari Ketua Bapepam-LK dengan suratnya No. 10485/BL/2012 untuk melakukan penawaran umum terbatas III dalam rangka penerbitan Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu kepada para pemegang saham sebanyakbanyaknya 2.499.798.302 saham biasa. Setiap pemegang saham yang memiliki 100 saham lama berhak membeli 27 saham baru dengan nilai nominal Rp 100 (nilai penuh) per saham dengan harga penawaran sebesar Rp 120 (nilai penuh) per saham. On August 30, 2012, the Bank obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of the Bapepam-LK in his letter No. 10485/BL/2012 related to its approval of the limited public offering III for the issuance of preemptive rights for existing shareholders amounted to as much as 2,499,798,302 common shares. The holder can exercise the right to purchase 27 new shares for every 100 share held with a nominal value of Rp 100 (full amount) per share at Rp 120 (full amount) per share. Pada tanggal 15 September 2011, Bank memperoleh pernyataan efektif dari Ketua Bapepam-LK dengan suratnya No. 10116/BL/2011 untuk melakukan penawaran umum terbatas II dalam rangka penerbitan Hak Memesan Efek Terlebih Dahulu kepada para pemegang saham sebanyak-banyaknya 4.980.208.333 saham biasa. Setiap pemegang saham yang memiliki 6 saham lama berhak membeli 5 saham baru dengan nilai nominal Rp 100 (nilai penuh) per saham dengan harga penawaran sebesar Rp 100 (nilai penuh) per saham. On September 15, 2011, the Bank obtained the notice of effectivity from the Chairman of the Bapepam-LK in his letter No. 10116/BL/2011 related to its approval of the limited public offering II for the issuance of pre-emptive rights for existing shareholders amounted to 4,980,208,333 common shares. The holder can exercise the right to purchase 5 new shares for every 6 share held with a nominal value of Rp 100 (full amount) per share at Rp 100 (full amount) per share. Berdasarkan perjanjian jual beli saham pada tanggal 28 April 2011, Far East Opportunities Ltd, menjual saham yang dimiliki sebanyak 816.690.500 saham biasa atas nama yang merupakan 13,67% dari seluruh saham Bank kepada PT Recapital Securities. Based on the shares purchase agreement on April 28, 2011, Far East Opportunities Ltd sold its 816,690,500 common shares which is 13.67% of the total issued and fully paid Bank shares to PT Recapital Securities. 22. TAMBAHAN MODAL DISETOR 22. ADDITIONAL PAID-IN CAPITAL This account represents additional paid-in capital in connection with public offering in 2001, 2010, 2011 and 2012 after deducting share issuance costs as follows: Akun ini merupakan agio saham sehubungan dengan penawaran umum pada tahun 2001, 2010, 2011 dan 2012 setelah dikurangi biaya emisi saham dengan perincian sebagai berikut: 2012 Perbedaan antara harga penawaran saham dengan nilai nominal per saham Tahun 2001 Tahun 2012 Biaya emisi saham Tahun 2001 Tahun 2010 Tahun 2011 Tahun 2012 Jumlah 2011 11.100 29.932 11.100 - (3.434) (7.111) (3.557) (2.905) (3.434) (7.111) (3.557) - Difference between the offering price and par value per share Year 2001 Year 2012 Share issuance costs Year 2001 Year 2010 Year 2011 Year 2012 24.025 (3.002) Total 62 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 23. PENDAPATAN BUNGA 23. INTEREST INCOME This account consists of interest income from: Akun ini terdiri dari pendapatan bunga atas: 2012 2011 Kredit Efek-efek Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain Giro pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain Surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali 1.441.059 24.125 455.057 29.557 20.180 31.110 3.230 44 2.100 175 Loans Securities Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks Current accounts with Bank Indonesia and other banks Marketable securities purchased with agreement to resell Jumlah 1.490.694 515.943 Total Interest income from securities comes government bonds and corporate bonds. Pendapatan bunga dari efek-efek berasal dari obligasi pemerintah dan obligasi korporasi. 24. BEBAN BUNGA 24. 2012 Jumlah INTEREST EXPENSE This account consists of interest expense from: Akun ini terdiri dari beban bunga atas: Simpanan dari nasabah Deposito berjangka Tabungan Giro Inter-bank call money Amortisasi premium efek Premi penjaminan pemerintah (Catatan 38) from 2011 460.800 19.208 1.051 99 - 243.180 9.738 1.219 15.168 14.312 4.146 Deposits from customers Time deposits Saving Demand deposits Inter-bank call money Amortization of premium on securities Government guarantee premium (Note 38) 495.470 273.451 Total 25. PENDAPATAN ADMINISTRASI 25. ADMINISTRATIVE INCOME This account consists of income from: Akun ini terdiri dari pendapatan atas: 2012 2011 Administrasi kredit Denda dan pinalti Lain-lain 49.661 11.572 3.907 13.721 6.230 2.779 Loan administration Late payment and penalties Others Jumlah 65.140 22.730 Total 63 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 26. KERUGIAN PENURUNAN NILAI 26. IMPAIRMENT LOSSES This account consists of: Akun ini terdiri dari: Aset Keuangan Pemulihan kerugian penurunan nilai: Kredit (Catatan 9) Penyisihan kerugian penurunan nilai: Kredit (Catatan 9) Tagihan kepada pihak ketiga (Catatan 14) (Penyisihan) pemulihan kerugian penurunan nilai aset keuangan 2012 2011 Financial Asset - 66.108 (171.833) - - (41.744) (171.833) Reversal of impairment loss: Loans (Note 9) Provision for impairment loss: Loans (Note 9) Third party receivables (Note 14) (Provision) reversal of impairment loss for financial assets 24.364 Aset Non-keuangan Non-financial Asset Pemulihan kerugian penurunan nilai: Agunan yang diambil alih (Catatan 13) Estimasi kerugian komitmen dan kontinjensi Penyisihan kerugian penurunan nilai: Agunan yang diambil alih (Catatan 13) - 103 (780) 27. BEBAN UMUM DAN ADMINISTRASI 27. GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES This account consists of: Akun ini terdiri dari: 2012 Jumlah 6.007 (Provision) reversal of impairment loss for non financial assets 5.904 (780) (Penyisihan) Pemulihan kerugian penurunan nilai aset non-keuangan Penyusutan (Catatan 12) Sewa Jasa tenaga kerja Komunikasi Iklan, promosi dan pemasaran Transportasi dan perjalanan dinas Listrik, air dan gas Perlengkapan kantor Iuran dan administrasi Pajak dan perijinan Amortisasi perangkat lunak Perbaikan dan pemeliharaan Penagihan kredit Honorarium tenaga ahli Asuransi Lain-lain - Reversal of impairment loss: Foreclosed assets (Note 13) Estimated losses on commitments and contingencies Provision for impairment loss: Foreclosed assets (Note 13) - 2011 57.862 44.252 33.635 25.675 24.965 15.483 10.527 7.103 2.830 2.230 1.941 1.766 1.382 1.334 1.304 15.252 22.963 25.505 16.179 13.345 24.802 10.275 6.649 8.437 1.726 3.010 604 2.293 12.988 1.969 498 10.460 Depreciation (Note 12) Operating lease Man power outsourcing Telecommunication Advertising, promotion and marketing Transportation and travelling Electricity, water and gas Office supplies Administration and contributions Taxes and licenses Amortization of software Repairs and maintenance Loan collection Professional fees Insurance Others 247.541 161.703 Total 64 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 28. TENAGA KERJA DAN TUNJANGAN 28. PERSONNEL EXPENSES This account consist of: Rincian akun terdiri: 2012 2011 Gaji dan upah Kesejahteraan karyawan Imbalan pasca-kerja (Catatan 31) Pelatihan 365.143 200.919 237.692 83.767 Salaries and wages Social security cost 23.211 17.226 21.180 15.663 Post-employment benefits (Note 31) Training Jumlah 606.499 358.302 Total The details of salaries and allowances of commisioners, directors and audit committee are as follows: Perincian gaji dan tunjangan atas dewan komisaris, direksi dan komite audit adalah sebagai berikut: Jumlah/ Total Dewan Komisaris Direksi Komite audit Jumlah Gaji/ Salaries Tunjangan/ Allowances Jumlah/ Total 4 5 2 2.320 4.540 192 1.385 3.607 61 3.705 8.147 253 Board of Commissioners Board of Directors Audit committee 11 7.052 5.053 12.105 Total Jumlah/ Total Gaji/ Salaries 2011 Tunjangan/ Allowances Jumlah/ Total 3 5 2 950 2.985 208 203 1.343 - 1.153 4.328 208 Board of Commissioners Board of Directors Audit committee 10 4.143 1.546 5.689 Total Dewan Komisaris Direksi Komite audit Jumlah 2012 The Bank has not been able to realize the obligation for education and training expense by 5% of prior year’s human resources expense since the Bank adjusted the education budget based on the overall current situation and condition of the Bank. Bank belum dapat merealisasikan kewajiban pendanaan pendidikan dan pelatihan sebesar 5% dari biaya sumber daya manusia tahun sebelumnya dikarenakan Bank menyesuaikan anggaran pendidikan dengan situasi dan kondisi Bank secara keseluruhan. 29. BEBAN NON OPERASIONAL – BERSIH 29. NON-OPERATING EXPENSE - NET This account consists of: Akun ini terdiri dari: 2012 2011 Laba (rugi) penjualan agunan yang diambil alih - bersih (Catatan 13) Lain-lain (1.104) (2.229) 1.845 (3.808) Gain (loss) on sale of foreclosed assets - net (Note 13) Others Jumlah (3.333) (1.963) Total 65 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 30. PAJAK PENGHASILAN 30. INCOME TAX a. Bank mengalami laba fiskal untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan rugi fiskal untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2011. a. The Bank is in tax income position for the year ended December 31, 2012 and tax loss position for the year ended December 31, 2011. b. Pajak Kini b. Current Tax A reconciliation between income (loss) before tax per statements of comprehensive income and tax income (loss) is as follows: Rekonsiliasi antara laba (rugi) sebelum pajak menurut laporan laba rugi komprehensif dengan laba (rugi) fiskal adalah sebagai berikut: 2012 Laba (rugi) sebelum pajak menurut laporan laba rugi komprehensif Perbedaan temporer: Penyusutan aset tetap Cadangan imbalan pasti pasca-kerja - bersih Lain-lain Bersih Perbedaan tetap: Biaya yang tidak boleh dikurangkan Laba (rugi) fiskal tahun berjalan Ditambah akumulasi rugi fiskal tahun sebelumnya Dikurangi akumulasi rugi fiskal yang tidak dapat diperhitungkan lagi Akumulasi rugi fiskal akhir tahun 2011 68.220 (171.575) (5.540) 6.476 23.124 - 20.320 695 17.584 27.491 15.651 62.845 101.455 (81.239) (376.009) (306.213) (274.554) 11.443 (376.009) Income (loss) before tax per statements of comprehensive income Temporary differences: Depreciation of fixed assets Provision for defined post-employment benefits - net Others Net Permanent differences: Non-deductible expenses Fiscal income (loss) for the year Add accumulated fiscal losses from previous year Less expired fiscal losses Accumulated tax losses at the end of year Akumulasi rugi fiskal akhir periode Bank tahun 2011 telah sesuai dengan Surat Pemberitahuan Tahunan (SPT) yang disampaikan kepada Kantor Pajak. Bank’s accumulated tax losses at the end of year in 2011 have been in accordance with the Annual Tax Return (SPT) submitted to the Tax Office. Menurut peraturan perpajakan, rugi fiskal dapat dikompensasikan dengan laba fiskal pada masa lima tahun mendatang sejak terjadinya kerugian fiskal. Akumulasi rugi fiskal sebesar Rp 274.554 dan Rp 376.009 masing-masing untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. In accordance with Indonesia tax regulations, tax loss can be offset against the taxable income immediately within a period of five years after the tax loss had incurred. The tax loss amounted to Rp 274,554 and Rp 376,009 for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively. 66 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 30. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) PAJAK PENGHASILAN (lanjutan) 30. INCOME TAX (continued) c. c. Pajak Tangguhan 1 Januari/ January 1, 2011 Dikreditkan (Dibebankan) ke Laporan Laba Rugi Komprehensif/ Credited (Charged) to Statements of Comprehensive Income Deferred Tax Dikreditkan (Dibebankan) ke Laporan Laba Rugi Komprehensif/ Credited (Charged) to 31 Desember/ Statements of December 31, 2011 Comprehensive Income 31 Desember/ December 31, 2012 Rugi fiskal Akumulasi penyusutan aset tetap Liabilitas imbalan pasca-kerja Lain-lain 76.553 17.449 94.002 (25.364) 68.638 1.809 1.235 213 1.619 5.080 174 3.428 6.315 387 (1.385) 5.781 (387) 2.043 12.096 - Fiscal loss Accumulated depreciation of fixed assets Post-employment benefits Others Jumlah 79.810 24.322 104.132 (21.355) 82.777 Total Management believes that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the temporary differences, which results in deferred tax assets, can be utilized. Manajemen berpendapat bahwa terdapat kemungkinan besar bahwa jumlah laba fiskal pada masa mendatang akan memadai untuk mengkompensasi perbedaan temporer yang menimbulkan aset pajak tangguhan tersebut. d. d. Rekonsiliasi antara beban (manfaat) pajak dan hasil perkalian laba (rugi) akuntansi sebelum pajak Bank dengan tarif pajak yang berlaku adalah sebagai berikut: 2012 A reconciliation between the total tax expense (benefit) and the amounts computed by applying the effective tax rates to income (loss) before tax is as follow: 2011 Laba (rugi) sebelum pajak menurut laporan laba rugi komprehensif Tarif yang berlaku 68.220 25% (171.575) 25% Income (loss) before tax per statements of comprehensive income Effective tax rates Beban (manfaat) pajak berdasarkan tarif pajak yang berlaku 17.055 (42.894) Income tax expense (benefit) based on prevailing tax rates 3.913 387 15.711 2.861 Tax effects of: Permanent differences Recognized deferred taxes 21.355 (24.322) Pengaruh pajak: Perbedaan tetap Pajak tangguhan yang diakui Beban (manfaat) pajak penghasilan 31. LIABILITAS IMBALAN PASCA-KERJA Income tax expense (benefit) 31. POST-EMPLOYMENT BENEFITS OBLIGATION Bank menghitung dan mencatat imbalan pasca-kerja tanpa pendanaan khusus untuk karyawan yang berhak menurut Undang-undang Ketenagakerjaan No. 13 Tahun 2003 berdasarkan perhitungan aktuaria independen dari PT Jasa Aktuaria Pensiun dan Asuransi dan PT Pointera Aktuarial Strategis, yang laporannya tertanggal 15 Maret 2013 dan 16 Pebruari 2012 masing-masing dalam menghitung liabilitas imbalan pasca-kerja pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. The Bank calculated and recorded unfunded defined post-employment benefits to its qualified employees in accordance with Labor Law No. 13/2003 based on actuarial calculations performed by PT Jasa Aktuaria Pensiun dan Asuransi and PT Pointera Aktuarial Strategis, independent actuaries, in its reports dated March 15, 2013 and February 16, 2012 to recalculate the post-employment benefit obligation as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively. Jumlah karyawan yang berhak masing-masing sebanyak 7.439 dan 6.069 karyawan untuk pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. The number of eligible employees is 7,439 and 6,069 as of December 31, 2012 and 2011, respectively. 67 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 31. LIABILITAS IMBALAN PASCA-KERJA (lanjutan) 31. POST-EMPLOYMENT (continued) 2012 2011 45.667 (8.440) 48.383 25.259 2011 20.311 683 40 198 40 146 Current service cost Interest cost Amortization of past service cost Amortization of actuarial loss 23.211 21.180 Total Reconciliation present value of defined benefit obligation: Rekonsiliasi nilai kini kewajiban imbalan pasti: 2012 Nilai kini liabilitas awal tahun Beban jasa kini Beban bunga Pembayaran manfaat Kerugian (keuntungan) aktuaria Nilai kini kewajiban imbalan pasti akhir tahun Post-employment benefit liability 20.580 2.393 Amortisasi biaya jasa lalu Amortisasi kerugian aktuarial Jumlah Present value of defined benefit obligation Unrecognized Past Service Cost Non Vested Unrecognized actuarial gain (loss) The post-employment benefits expense recognized in the statements of comprehensive income are as follows: 2012 Beban jasa kini Beban bunga (581) 3.257 Beban imbalan pasca-kerja yang diakui pada laporan laba rugi komprehensif adalah sebagai berikut: 2011 34.280 20.580 2.393 (87) (11.499) 10.060 20.311 683 (1.861) 5.087 45.667 34.280 Actual present value of obligation at beginning of year Current service cost Interest cost Payment Actuarial - loss (gain) Ending balance of present value of defined benefit obligation Present value of defined benefit obligation for the current year and the previous four annual years are as follows: Jumlah nilai kini imbalan pasti untuk tahun berjalan dan empat tahun sebelumnya adalah sebagai berikut: Nilai kini kewajiban 34.280 (541) Liabilitas imbalan pasca-kerja LIABILITY The detail of defined post-employment benefit obligation is as follows: Rincian liabilitas imbalan pasca-kerja yang diakui dalam laporan posisi keuangan adalah sebagai berikut: Nilai kini kewajiban imbalan pasti Biaya jasa lalu yang belum diakui Non Vested Keuntungan (kerugian) aktuarial yang belum diakui BENEFITS 2012 2011 2010 45.667 34.280 10.060 68 2009 4.627 2008 4.115 Present value of obligation PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 31. LIABILITAS IMBALAN PASCA-KERJA (lanjutan) 31. Tingkat kenaikan gaji Tingkat bunga diskonto Tingkat pengunduran diri 56 dan 58 tahun pada tahun 2012 dan 55 tahun pada tahun 2011/ 56 and 58 years old in 2012 and 55 years old in 2011 5% per tahun pada tahun 2012 dan 7,5% per tahun pada tahun 2011/ 5% per annum in 2012 and 7.5% per annum in 2011 6,5% per tahun pada tahun 2012 dan 7% per tahun pada tahun 2011/ 6.5% per annum in 2012 and 7% per annum in 2011 1,2% per tahun (kecuali untuk Account Officer 10%) pada tahun 2012 dan 1,2% per tahun antara usia 40 sampai dengan 50 tahun lalu menurun menjadi 0% per tahun antara usia 53 sampai dengan 55 tahun pada tahun 2011/ 1.2% per annum (except for Account Officer 10%) in 2012 and 1.2% per annum at age 40 up to 50 years old, then decrease to 0% per annum at age 53 up to 55 years old in 2011 32. LABA (RUGI) PER SAHAM 32. 2012 Jumlah rata-rata tertimbang saham biasa untuk perhitungan laba per saham dasar Laba (rugi) per saham dasar (rupiah penuh) LIABILITY Normal pension age Salary increases Discount rate Withdrawal/resignation rate EARNING (LOSS) PER SHARE The calculation of basic earning (loss) per share are as follows: Perhitungan laba (rugi) per saham dasar adalah sebagai berikut: Laba (rugi) bersih untuk perhitungan laba (rugi) per saham dasar BENEFITS The principal assumptions used in the valuation of the defined post-employment benefits are as follows: Asumsi utama yang digunakan untuk menghitung imbalan pasti pasca-kerja adalah sebagai berikut: Umur pensiun normal POST-EMPLOYMENT (continued) 2011 46.865 9.757.380.538 4,80 33. TRANSAKSI PIHAK-PIHAK BERELASI (147.253) 6.796.815.558 (21,66) Net income (loss) for computation of basic earning (loss) per share Weighted average number of ordinary shares for computation of basic earning per share Basic earning (loss) per share (full amount) 33. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS Berdasarkan Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 7/3/PBI/2005 tanggal 20 Januari 2005 yang diubah dengan Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 8/13/PBI/2006 tanggal 5 Oktober 2006 tentang Batas Maksimum Pemberian Kredit Bank Umum, pihak-pihak berelasi adalah perusahaan dan perorangan yang mempunyai keterkaitan kepemilikan atau kepengurusan secara langsung maupun tidak langsung dengan Bank. Based on Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 7/3/PBI/2005 dated January 20, 2005, as amended by Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 8/13/PBI/2006 dated October 5, 2006 concerning the Legal Lending Limit for Commercial Banks, related parties are companies and individuals who have relationship with the Bank through ownership or management. Dalam kegiatan normal usahanya, Bank memiliki transaksi dengan pihak-pihak berelasi, yang dilakukan dengan syarat dan kondisi yang sama yang berlaku kepada pihak ketiga. In the normal course of business, the Bank has transactions with related parties, which are made under terms and conditions similar to those granted to third parties. 69 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 33. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) TRANSAKSI PIHAK-PIHAK BERELASI (lanjutan) 33. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (continued) Sifat Hubungan Pihak Berelasi Nature of Related Parties Relationship Sifat hubungan dengan pihak berelasi transaksinya adalah sebagai berikut: Pihak Berelasi/ Related Parties The nature of relationship with related parties and transactions are as follows: dan Transaksi/ Transaction Sifat Hubungan/ Nature of Relationship PT Capitalinc Investment Tbk Perusahaan afiliasi/ Affiliated company - Giro (Catatan 16)/Demand deposit (Note 16) PT Recapital Advisors Perusahaan afiliasi/ Affiliated company - Giro (Catatan 16)/Demand deposit (Note 16) PT Recapital Securities Pemegang saham/ Stockholder - Giro (Catatan 16)/Demand deposit (Note 16) - Jasa manajemen/Management fee PT Recapital Asset Management Perusahaan afiliasi/ Affiliated company - Deposito berjangka (Catatan 16)/ Time deposit (Note 16) - Giro (Catatan 16)/Demand deposit (Note 16) PT Restyle Concept Perusahaan afiliasi/ Affiliated company - Giro (Catatan 16)/Demand deposit (Note 16) - Sewa ruang kantor (Catatan 27)/ Rental of office space (Note 27) - Renovasi gedung kantor (Catatan 12)/ Office building renovation (Note 12) PT Capitalinc Finance Perusahaan afiliasi/ Affiliated company - Giro (Catatan 16)/Demand deposit (Note 16) PT Asuransi Jiwa Recapital Perusahaan afiliasi/ Affiliated company - Deposito berjangka (Catatan 16)/ Time deposit (Note 16) - Giro (Catatan 16)/Demand deposit (Note 16) - Asuransi kesehatan karyawan (Catatan 28)/ Employees' health insurance (Note 28) PT Asuransi Recapital Perusahaan afiliasi/ Affiliated company - Giro (Catatan 16)/Demand deposit (Note 16) - Asuransi aset tetap (Catatan 12)/ Fixed assets insurance (Note 12) PT Berau Coal Energy Tbk Perusahaan afiliasi/ Affiliated company - Giro (Catatan 16)/Demand deposit (Note 16) PT Berau Coal Perusahaan afiliasi/ Affiliated company - Deposito berjangka (Catatan 16)/ Time deposit (Note 16) - Giro (Catatan 16)/Demand deposit (Note 16) PT First Security Perusahaan afiliasi/ Affiliated company - Deposito berjangka (Catatan 16)/ Time deposit (Note 16) - Giro (Catatan 16)/Demand deposit (Note 16) - Beban jasa tenaga kerja (Note 27)/Outsourcing expense (Note 27) PT Capital Mitra Usaha Perusahaan afiliasi/ Affiliated company - Deposito berjangka (Catatan 16)/ Time deposit (Note 16) - Giro (Catatan 16)/Demand deposit (Note 16) - Beban jasa tenaga kerja (Note 27)/Outsourcing expense (Note 27) PT Selaras Indah Sejati Perusahaan afiliasi/ Affiliated company - Giro (Catatan 16)/Demand deposit (Note 16) Green Resources International Ltd. Perusahaan afiliasi/ Affiliated company - Pinjaman dari afiliasi (Catatan 19)/ Loan from affiliates (Note 19) PT Prima Sahaja Perusahaan afiliasi/ Affiliated company - Sewa kendaraan dinas (Catatan 27) / Operational car rental (Note 27) Direksi, Komisaris dan pejabat eksekutif/ Directors, Commissioners and executive officers Pengurus/ Management - Tabungan (Catatan 16)/Savings (Note 16) - Deposito berjangka (Catatan 16)/ Time deposit (Note 16) 70 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 33. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) TRANSAKSI PIHAK-PIHAK BERELASI (lanjutan) 33. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (continued) Transaksi-transaksi Pihak Berelasi Transactions with Related Parties Transaksi dan saldo yang signifikan dengan pihakpihak berelasi adalah sebagai berikut: Significant transactions and balances with related parties are as follows: 2012 Jumlah/ Total Persentase Terhadap Jumlah Liabilitas/ Percentage to Total Liabilities (%) 2011 Persentase Terhadap Jumlah Liabilitas/ Percentage to Total Liabilities (%) Jumlah/ Total Liabilitas Simpanan dari nasabah (Catatan 16) Pinjaman dari pihak berelasi dan pemegang saham (Catatan 19) 28.859 0,41 83.647 1,51 129.638 1,84 129.638 2,34 Liabilities Deposits from customers (Note 16) Loan from affiliates and shareholders (Note 19) Jumlah 158.497 2,25 213.285 3,85 Total 2012 Jumlah/ Total Beban bunga Persentase Terhadap Jumlah Beban Bunga/ Percentage to Total Interest Expense (%) 1.360 0,27 2011 Jumlah/ Total 5.201 Persentase Terhadap Jumlah Beban Bunga/ Percentage to Total Interest Expense (%) 1,90 Interest expense Bank mengadakan perjanjian sewa dengan PT Restyle Concept, pihak berelasi, untuk ruang kantor KCP Adityawarman dengan jangka waktu 12 bulan dari Pebruari 2012 hingga Pebruari 2013 sebesar Rp 1.210 dan kantor pusat dengan jangka waktu 12 bulan dari September 2011 hingga Agustus 2012 sebesar Rp 651. The Bank entered into lease agreement with PT Restyle Concept, a related party, for the lease of office space for Adityawarman sub-branch for a period of 12 months from February 2012 to February 2013 for Rp 1,210 and head office for a period of 12 months from September 2011 to August 2012 for Rp 651. Bank mengadakan perjanjian renovasi gedung kantor dengan PT Restyle Concept, pihak berelasi, dengan total pembayaran selama tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 adalah masing-masing sebesar Rp 1.948 dan Rp 3.901. The Bank entered into office building renovation agreement with PT Restyle Concept, a related party, with total payment during the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011 amounting to Rp 1,948 and Rp 3,901, respectively. Bank mengadakan perjanjian asuransi kesehatan karyawan dengan PT Asuransi Jiwa Recapital untuk periode pertanggungan 26 Oktober 2012 sampai dengan 25 Oktober 2013 untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2012 dan 25 Oktober 2011 sampai dengan 25 Oktober 2012 untuk tahun yang berakhir 31 Desember 2011. Beban asuransi kesehatan karyawan untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 adalah sebesar Rp 63.328 dan Rp 33.845. The Bank entered into employees’ health insurance agreement with PT Asuransi Jiwa Recapital for the period October 26, 2012 to October 25, 2013 for the year ended December 31, 2012 and October 25, 2011 to October 25, 2012 for the year ended December 31, 2011. Employees’ health insurance expense for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011 amounted to Rp 63,328 and Rp 33,845, respectively. 71 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 33. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) TRANSAKSI PIHAK-PIHAK BERELASI (lanjutan) 33. RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS (continued) Transaksi-transaksi Pihak Berelasi (lanjutan) Transactions with Related Parties (continued) Penempatan dana dari pihak berelasi dalam bentuk simpanan (Catatan 16) Placement of funds from related parties in the form of deposits (Note 16) Giro Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, persentase rekening giro pihak berelasi dari jumlah rekening giro masing-masing sebesar 29,52% dan 70,34%. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, tingkat bunga yang diberikan adalah berkisar antara 0% - 2,5%. Demand Deposits In December 31, 2012 and 2011, the percentage of demand deposits from related parties to the total demand deposits is 29.52% and 70.34%, respectively. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, interest rates are in the range of 0% - 2.5%. Tabungan Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, persentase tabungan pihak berelasi dari jumlah tabungan masing-masing sebesar 0,35% dan 0,68%. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, tingkat bunga yang diberikan adalah berkisar 5% dan 4%. Savings In December 31, 2012 and 2011, the percentage saving from related parties to the total saving is 0.35% and 0.68%, respectively. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, interest rates are in the range 5% and 4%, respectively. Deposito Berjangka Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, persentase deposito berjangka pihak berelasi dari jumlah deposito berjangka masing-masing sebesar 0,44% dan 0,89%. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, tingkat bunga yang diberikan berkisar antara 5,5% - 8% dan 6,5% - 9,5%. Time Deposits In December 31, 2012 and 2011, the percentage of time deposits from related parties to the total time deposits is 0.44% and 0.89%, respectively. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, interest rates are in the range 5.5% - 8% and 6.5% - 9.5%, respectively. Pihak berelasi yang memiliki saldo simpanan di atas Rp 1.000 adalah sebagai berikut: Related parties with more than outstanding deposits are as follows: Giro PT Berau Coal PT Recapital Asset Management 2012 2011 8.030 38 1,000 Demand Deposits 35.077 3.029 Deposito Berjangka PT Aetra Air Jakarta Elvin (Komisaris PT Recapital Securities) PT Asuransi Jiwa Recapital Komisaris Utama Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno (pemegang saham PT Recapital Advisors) PT Recapital Asset Management Rp PT Berau Coal PT Recapital Asset Management Time Deposits 10.000 6.700 2.500 2.375 2.000 1.113 PT Aetra Air Jakarta Elvin (Commissioner of PT Recapital Securities) 12.500 PT Asuransi Jiwa Recapital 18.850 President Commissioner 1.500 Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno (shareholder of PT Recapital Advisors) 2.000 PT Recapital Asset Management 1.048 5.000 Jasa Manajemen Management Fee Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, Bank membayar jasa manajemen sebesar Rp 988 dan Rp 1.805 sebagai konsultan manajemen sehubungan dengan Penawaran Umum Terbatas kepada PT Recapital Securities, pemegang saham. Jasa manajemen ini dicatat sebagai pengurang tambahan modal disetor di ekuitas di laporan posisi keuangan (Catatan 22). As of December 31, 2012 and 2011 the Bank paid management fee as financial advisor amounting to Rp 988 and Rp 1,805 related with rights issue to PT Recapital Securities, a shareholder. This amount is recognized as a deduction in “Additional Paid-in Capital” in the equity in the statements of financial position (Note 22). 72 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 34. KOMITMEN DAN KONTINJENSI a. 34. COMMITMENTS AND CONTINGENTS a. Bank memiliki transaksi komitmen dan kontinjensi dengan rincian sebagai berikut: 2012 KOMITMEN Tagihan komitmen Surat berharga titipan kliring Jumlah 2011 8.788 5.010 8.788 5.010 COMMITMENTS Commitment receivables Securities deposits clearing Total Liabilitas Komitmen Komitmen kredit yang belum ditarik Lainnya 2.137 115 2.464 115 Jumlah 2.252 2.579 Jumlah Tagihan Komitmen - bersih 6.536 2.431 Total Commitment Receivables net 156.817 89.186 CONTINGENTS Contingent Receivables Loans written-off 133.695 87.038 290.512 176.224 Total - 28 Contingent Payables Bank guarantees issued 290.512 176.196 KONTINJENSI Tagihan Kontinjensi Kredit yang hapus buku Penghasilan bunga dalam penyelesaian Jumlah Commitment Payables Liabilitas Kontinjensi Bank garansi yang diberikan Tagihan Kontinjensi - Bersih Unused customer loan facilities Others Total Past due interest income Contingent Receivables - Net As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the Bank does not have commitment and contingent transactions with related parties. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, Bank tidak memiliki saldo transaksi komitmen dan kontinjensi dengan pihak berelasi. b. The Bank has commitment and contingent transactions as follows: b. Komitmen Sewa Lease commitments The Bank has entered into various operating lease commitments for its branches’ premises with third parties. The terms of the rentals range from 3 to 5 years and renewable upon mutual agreement of both parties. Rental expense for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011 amounted to Rp 44,252 and Rp 25,505, respectively. Bank memiliki beberapa komitmen sewa operasi untuk kantor-kantor cabang dengan pihak ketiga. Jangka waktu penyewaan berkisar antara 3 - 5 tahun dan dapat diperpanjang berdasarkan kesepakatan kedua pihak. Beban sewa untuk periode tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 masing-masing sebesar Rp 44.252 dan Rp 25.505. 73 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 34. KOMITMEN DAN KONTINJENSI (lanjutan) 34. COMMITMENTS (continued) AND CONTINGENCIES c. Litigation c. Litigasi Putusan Perkara (1) Berdasarkan No. 292/Pdt.G/2001/PN.Jak.Sel tanggal 14 Mei 2003, Pengadilan Negeri (PN) Jakarta Selatan memutuskan memenangkan sebagian gugatan PT Super Adi Teknik Indonesia terhadap beberapa anggota bank sindikasi yang digugatnya. Gugatan tersebut sehubungan dengan pemberian fasilitas kredit oleh bank sindikasi sebesar Rp 12.000 dan porsi Bank adalah sebesar Rp 3.000. Terkait dengan gugatan terhadap Bank, putusannya adalah pengadilan menolak permohonan debitur untuk meminta pengurangan atas pokok pinjaman dan tunggakan bunga kepada Bank. Sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember 2012, perkara ini masih dalam proses dengan Mahkamah Agung. (1) Based on Case Decision No. 292/Pdt.G/2001/ PN.Jak.Sel dated May 14, 2003, the South Jakarta District Court decide PT Super Adi Teknik Indonesia to win some lawsuits against several members of the syndication. These lawsuits are in connection with the portion of syndicated credit facilities by the syndication bank amounted to Rp 12,000 and the portion of Bank amounted to Rp 3,000. Related to the lawsuit against Bank, the decision was to refuse the request of the debtor to request a reduction of loan principal and interest to the bank. As of December 31, 2012, this litigation case is still in the process with the Supreme Court. (2) Bank melakukan permohonan eksekusi jaminan PT Malfindo Primatama (debitur Ny. Ilya Malfun, Ny. R.A. Peni Surti Setiti dan Ny. Astuti Benitasari) sehubungan dengan pemberian fasilitas kredit kepada debitur karena wanprestasi. Berdasarkan Surat Penetapan No. 25/PEN.EKS/APHT/2003/PN/TNG dan No. 26/PEN.EKS/APHT/2003/PN/TNG masing-masing tanggal 27 Desember 2003, serta No. 52/2004 Eks.Jo No. 50/KJ/2000 tanggal 30 Desember 2003, ditetapkan sita eksekusi atas jaminan-jaminan debitur dan dilakukan pelelangan pada tanggal 17 Pebruari 2004. (2) Bank requests to execute the collateral of PT Malfindo Primatama (debtor Mrs. Ilya Malfun, Mrs. RA Peni Surti Setiti and Mrs. Astuti Benitasari) due to the debtor’s default facility. Based on letter No. 25/PEN.EKS/APHT/2003/PN/TNG and No. 26/PEN.EKS/APHT/2003/PN/TNG dated December 27, 2003 and No. 52/2004 Eks.Jo. No. 50/KJ/2000 dated December 30, 2003, set the execution of the collateral of the debtor and the date of auction February 17, 2004. Berdasarkan Berkas Perkara No. 117/PDT.G/2004/PN.JKT.BAR, pihak pemilik jaminan melakukan perlawanan terhadap permohonan lelang yang diajukan oleh Bank di PN Jakarta Barat. Majelis Hakim PN Jakarta Barat, memutuskan gugatan penggugat diterima, sehingga pihak Bank mengajukan Banding ke Pengadilan Tinggi Jakarta. Based on File Case No. 117/PDT.G/2004/PN.JKT.BAR, the collateral owner’s take the fight against the auction request filed by the Bank in West Jakarta District Court. West Jakarta District Court’s judges decide to grant the plaintiff’s petition, so the Bank has submitted appeal to the High Court. Berdasarkan Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi jo Jakarta No. 61/PDT/2005/PT.DKI No. 117/PDT/G/2004/PN.JKT.BARAT memutuskan mengabulkan permohonan penggugat dan pihak Bank mengajukan kasasi ke Mahkamah Agung. Based on Decision of the Jakarta High Court No. 61/PDT/2005/PT.DKI jo No. 117/PDT/G/2004/PN.JKT.BARAT decided to grant the plaintiff's petition and the Bank appeal to the Supreme Court. 74 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 34. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) KOMITMEN DAN KONTINJENSI (lanjutan) 34. COMMITMENTS (continued) AND CONTINGENCIES c. Litigation (continued) c. Litigasi (lanjutan) Berdasarkan putusan Kasasi Mahkamah Agung No. 1594.K/PDT/G/2003/ PN.JKT.BAR tanggal 21 April 2006 memutuskan menolak permohonan Kasasi dari Bank. Based on the Decision of the Supreme Court No. 1594.K/PDT/G/2003/PN.JKT.BAR dated April 21, 2006 decided to reject an appeal from the Bank. Pada tahun 2006, pemilik jaminan melakukan penebusan jaminan sebesar Rp 669 sebagai tindak lanjut proses lelang yang dilakukan oleh Bank. In 2006, the collateral owner’s made collateral redemption amounting to Rp 669 as a follow-up auction process undertaken by the Bank. Pihak Bank mengajukan Peninjauan Kembali (PK) yang saat ini sedang dalam proses di Mahkamah Agung. The Bank filed a judicial review (PK), which is currently in the process in the Supreme Court. Berdasarkan Berkas Perkara No. 161/Pdt.G/2008/PN.Jkt.Brt., pemilik jaminan yaitu RA Peni Surti Setiti mengajukan gugatan karena proses pengikatan jaminan dilakukan secara melawan hukum sehingga penggugat meminta pengembalian harga penebusan jaminan seharga Rp 635. Based on File Case No. 161/Pdt.G/2008/ PN.Jkt.Brt, the collateral owner’s, i.e. RA Peni Surti Setiti filed lawsuit since the collateral binding process made in contravention of law that the plaintiff asks the return of the collateral redemption amounting to Rp 635. Dalam putusannya PN Negeri Jakarta Barat mengabulkan sebagian gugatan Penggugat dan memutuskan Bank untuk mengembalikan uang kepada Penggugat sebesar Rp 635. Based on its decision, West Jakarta District Court approved the plaintiff’s claims partially and decided Bank to return the plaintiff amounting to Rp 635. Bank mengajukan upaya banding dalam perkara No. 135/Pdt/2009/PT.DKI., jo No. 161/Pdt.G/2008/PN.Jkt.Brt., yang memutuskan Bank untuk mengembalikan uang kepada penggugat sebesar Rp 635 setelah putusan berkekuatan hukum tetap. Pada tanggal 14 Oktober 2008, Bank mengajukan upaya kasasi. Sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember 2012, Mahkamah Agung belum mengeluarkan keputusan mengenai kasasi yang diajukan oleh Bank. The Bank has submitted appeal based on the case No. 135/Pdt/2009/PT.DKI., jo No. 161/Pdt.G/2008/PN.Jkt.Brt., which decided the Bank to return the plaintiff amounting to Rp 635 after the decision has firm legal authority. On October 14, 2008, the Bank has submitted cessation. As of December 31, 2012, the supreme count has not yet issued the decision regarding the cessation that was submitted by Bank. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012, Bank telah mencadangkan estimasi kerugian untuk kasus ini sebesar Rp 635 sesuai dengan putusan PN Jakarta Barat (Catatan 20). As of December 31, 2012, in this case the Bank has reserved for estimated losses of Rp 635 according to the West Jakarta District Court’s decision (Note 20). (3) Berdasarkan perkara perdata No. 111/Pdt.G/2004/PN.Bale Bandung tanggal 19 Oktober 2004, pemilik jaminan yang dimohonkan sita dan eksekusi jaminan oleh Bank dalam penyelesaian kewajiban debitur atas nama Denny Muliana mengajukan keberatan dan gugatan serta permohonan ganti kerugian sebesar Rp 500 kepada Bank. PN Bale Bandung mengabulkan sebagian gugatan penggugat dan menghukum Bank untuk membayar kepada para penggugat sebesar Rp 500. (3) Based on the Civil Case No. 111/Pdt.G/2004/PN.Bale Bandung dated October 19, 2004, the owner of collateral which being applied for confiscated and collateral execution by the Bank in settlement of debtor’s liabilities on behalf of Denny Muliana filed an objection and lawsuit and request for compensation amounting to Rp 500 to the Bank. Bale Bandung District Court approved the plaintiff’s claims partially and decided the Bank to pay to the plaintiff amounting to Rp 500. 75 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 34. KOMITMEN DAN KONTINJENSI (lanjutan) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 34. COMMITMENTS (continued) AND CONTINGENCIES c. Litigation (continued) c. Litigasi (lanjutan) Bank mengajukan upaya banding dalam perkara No. 392/Pdt/2005/PT.Bandung tanggal 30 Agustus 2004 yang menguatkan putusan PN Bale Bandung No. 111/Pdt.G/2004/PN.BB. Upaya Bank dalam Peninjauan Kembali di Mahkamah Agung dalam perkara No. 506/PK/Pdt/2007 tanggal 26 Pebruari 2008 ditolak oleh MA sehingga eksekusi untuk membayar ganti kerugian kepada penggugat telah dilaksanakan oleh PN Bale Bandung namun Bank selaku termohon eksekusi mengajukan penundaan dan oleh karena itu Kantor Cabang Astana Anyar diletakkan sita jaminan. Bank has submitted appeal based on the case No. 392/Pdt/2005/PT.Bandung dated August 30, 2004 which reinforced the decision of Bale Bandung District Court No. 111/Pdt.G/2004/PN.BB. Bank efforts in judicial review in the Supreme Court based on case No. 506/PK/Pdt/2007 dated February 26, 2008 was rejected by the Supreme Court so that the execution to make restitution to the plaintiff has been done by the Bale Bandung District Court but the Bank as the defendant filed a delay of execution and therefore Anyar Astana Branch Office has been executed confiscation. Pada 31 Desember 2012, gedung masih disita dan belum dilaksanakan eksekusi oleh Pengadilan. Bank terus mengajukan penundaan ke pengadilan agar tidak dilakukan eksekusi. On December 31, 2012, the building was confiscated and has not carried out executions by the Court. Bank continues to apply to the court to delay execution is not performed. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012, Bank telah mencadangkan estimasi kerugian untuk kasus ini sebesar Rp 500 sesuai dengan putusan PN Bale Bandung (Catatan 20). As of December 31, 2012, in this case the Bank has reserved for estimated losses of Rp 500 according to the Bale Bandung District Court decision (Note 20). (4) Berdasarkan putusan Perkara No. 410/PDT.G/2006/PN.TNG tanggal 27 Juni 2007, Bank digugat oleh H. Nur‘ain sehubungan dengan jaminan fasilitas yang macet, dimana Bank sebagai pemegang hak tanggungan atas jaminan tersebut. Pengadilan Negeri memutuskan gugatan tidak dapat diterima. Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi No. 68/PDT/2007/PT.Banten tanggal 22 Nopember 2007, menguatkan Putusan Pengadilan Negeri. Sampai dengan tanggal 31 Desember 2012, perkara ini masih dalam proses dengan Mahkamah Agung. (4) Based on the Case decision No. 410/PDT.G/2006/PN.TNG dated June 27, 2007, the Bank was sued by H. Nur’ain in accordance with the collateral of the NPL, where the Bank as holder of the rights of the collateral. District Court decided the lawsuit is not acceptable. High Court’s Decision No. 68/PDT/2007/ PT.Banten dated November 22, 2007, reinforced the District Court’s decision. As of December 31, 2012, this litigation case is still in the process with the Supreme Court. (5) Berdasarkan putusan PN Kendari No. 27/PDT.G/2008 tanggal 3 Maret 2009, Bank menggugat Berlin Mukin dkk atas perbuatan melawan hukum sehubungan dengan dialihkannya asetaset jaminan penyelesaian liabilitas yang timbul dari perjanjian kredit. Pengadilan Negeri memutuskan mengabulkan sebagian gugatan. Putusan Pengadilan Tinggi Sulawesi Tenggara No. 39/PDT/G/2009/PN.Kendari tanggal 14 Agustus 2009 menguatkan putusan PN Kendari sebelumnya. Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2012, Mahkamah Agung belum mengeluarkan keputusan mengenai kasasi yang diajukan oleh pemohon kasasi. (5) Based on the Kendari District Court’s decision No. 27/PDT.G/2008 dated March 3, 2009, Banks sue Berlin Mukin et al in unlawful acts in connection with the transfer of the assets of insurance settlement obligations arising from the credit agreement. District Court decided to approvex the claims partially. South East Sulawesi High Court’s decision No. 39/PDT/G/2009/PN.Kendari dated August 14, 2009 reinforced the Kendari District Court‘s decision. As of December 31, 2012, the Supreme Court has not yet issued the decision regarding the cessation that was submitted by the cessation applicant. 76 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 34. KOMITMEN DAN KONTINJENSI (lanjutan) 34. COMMITMENTS (continued) c. c. Litigasi (lanjutan) AND CONTINGENCIES Litigation (continued) (6) Berdasarkan putusan Pengadilan Negeri No. 85/PDT.G/2007/PN.PTK tanggal 5 Juni 2008, Bank digugat oleh Eddy Martodho (CV Ponti Indo Perkasa) mengenai perbuatan melawan hukum yaitu tindakan tergugat yang meminta Penggugat menandatangani beberapa akta notaris dalam keadaan terpaksa. Total gugatan adalah sebesar Rp 11.000. Pengadilan Negeri memutuskan menolak keseluruhan gugatan. Pengadilan Tinggi Kalimantan Barat No. 54/PDT/2008/PT.PTK tanggal 18 Mei 2009 menyatakan mengabulkan sebagian gugatan penggugat. Per tanggal 31 Desember 2012, Mahkamah Agung belum mengeluarkan keputusan mengenai kasasi yang diajukan oleh pemohon kasasi. District Court’s Decision (6) Based on No. 85/PDT.G/2007/PN.PTK dated June 5, 2008, the Bank was sued by Eddy Martodho (CV Ponti Indo Perkasa) regarding the unlawful acts done by defendant who asked Plaintiff to sign some deeds. Total claims amounted to Rp 11,000. The District Court decided to reject all of the plaintiff’s claims. Based on West Kalimantan High Court’s decision No. 54/PDT/2008/PT.PTK dated May 18, 2009 granted the plaintiff's claim for the most part. As of December 31, 2012, the Supreme Court has not yet issued the decision regarding the cessation that was submitted by the cessation applicant. (7) Berdasarkan Perkara Perdata No. 248/2011/PN.JKT.PST tanggal 8 Juni 2011, mengenai gugatan Drs. Handoyo, MM bahwa Bank telah melakukan perbuatan melawan hukum dan merugikan penggugat karena Bank melakukan pengalihan kredit bermasalah dan menjadikan harta Drs. Handoyo, MM sebagai jaminan penyelesaian kredit. Pengadilan Negeri memutuskan gugatan tidak dapat diterima. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012, Bank menunggu upaya hukum banding oleh penggugat. (7) Based on the Civil Case No. 248/2011/PN.JKT.PST dated June 8, 2011, regarding the lawsuit against Drs. Handoyo, MM, the Bank has committed acts against the law and harm the plaintiff because the Bank made non-performing loans and transfer of property of Drs. Handoyo, MM, as a settlement as collateral of loan. District Court decided the lawsuit is not acceptable. As of December 31, 2012, the Bank is waiting for the appeal submitted by the plaintiff. Berdasarkan Perkara Perdata No. 653/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel tanggal 8 Desember 2011, PT Jedds Constructs mengajukan gugatan terhadap Bank (Tergugat I) dan Hartono Tjandra (Tergugat II) karena atas fasilitas kreditnya yang telah disetujui Bank sebesar Rp 19.120 hanya dipergunakan oleh Penggugat sebesar Rp 7.925 sedangkan sisanya sebesar Rp 13.115 dipergunakan oleh Tergugat II. Per 31 Desember 2012, perkara dalam pemeriksaan tingkat pertama di PN Jakarta Selatan. (8) Based on the Civil Case No. 653/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Jkt.Sel dated December 8, 2011, PT Jedds Constructs submitted the lawsuit against the Bank (Defendant I) and Hartono Tjandra (Defendant II) regarding its approved loan facility amouting to Rp 19,120 which only utilized by the plaintiff amounting to Rp 7,925 while the rest amounting to Rp 13,115 was utilized by the defendant II. As of December 31, 2012, the case is in first investigation in the South Jakarta District Court. (8) 77 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 34. KOMITMEN DAN KONTINJENSI (lanjutan) 34. COMMITMENTS (continued) c. c. Litigasi (lanjutan) (9) CONTINGENCIES Litigation (continued) (9) Perkara Perdata Berdasarkan No. 593/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Mdn tanggal 28 Nopember 2011, penggugat adalah pemilik barang jaminan yang menyatakan bahwa barang jaminan atas fasilitas kredit Ariadi (debitur) adalah milik penggugat. Beralihnya kepemilikan jaminan dari penggugat kepada debitur adalah atas dasar jual beli fiktif. Per 31 Desember 2012, perkara dalam pemeriksaan tingkat pertama di PN Medan. AND Based on the Civil Case No. 593/Pdt.G/2011/PN.Mdn dated November 28, 2011, plaintiff is the owner of a collateral who stated that the collateral for credit facilities of Ariadi (debtor) is owned by the plaintiff. Transfer of ownership of collateral to the debtor from the the plaintiff is based on fictitious selling. As of December 31, 2012, the case is in first investigation in the Medan District Court. (10) Berdasarkan Perkara Perdata No. 131/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Bdg tanggal 12 Maret 2012, David Manariur Nababan (debitur) mengajukan gugatan terhadap Bank (Tergugat I) dan Hartono Tjandra (Tergugat II) karena fasilitas kredit yang telah disetujui oleh Bank sebesar Rp 750 tidak seluruhnya dipergunakan oleh penggugat karena sebesar Rp 532 dipergunakan oleh Tergugat II dan diketahui oleh Tergugat I. Per 31 Desember 2012, perkara dalam pemeriksaan tingkat pertama di PN Bandung. (10) Based on the Civil Case No. 131/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Bdg dated March 12, 2012, David Manariur Nababan (debtor) submitted the lawsuit against the Bank (Defendant I) and Hartono Tjandra (Defendant II) regarding his approved loan facility amouting to Rp 750 wasn’t fully utilized by him that amounting to Rp 532 was utilized by Defendant II and known by Defendant I. As of December 31, 2012, the case is in first investigation in the Bandung District Court. perkara Perdata (11) Berdasarkan No. 139/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Smg tanggal 23 April 2012, Teguh Wiyono dan Titik Wahyuni (Debitur) bersama-sama mengajukan perlawanan atas eksekusi lelang jaminan yang dilakukan oleh Bank dengan dalil bahwa pada saat proses lelang dilaksanakan keberadaan Debitur tidak diketahui. Per 31 Desember 2012, perkara dalam pemeriksaan tingkat pertama di PN Semarang. (11) Based on the Civil Case No. 139/Pdt.G/2012/PN.Smg dated April 23, 2012, Teguh Wiyono and Titik Wahyuni (debtor) jointly filed a resistance to the execution of a collateral auction conducted by the Bank since at that time the auction conducted the debtor’s existence is not known. As of December 31, 2012, the case is in first investigation in the Semarang District Court. 78 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 35. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) INFORMASI SEGMEN 35. SEGMENT INFORMATION Kegiatan Bank sepenuhnya adalah bank konvensional sehingga informasi segmen Bank tidak dikelompokkan per segmen usaha hanya dikelompokkan berdasarkan segmen geografis. Bank activities are entirely conventional bank so that bank segment information is not classified as business segments and is only classified by geographical segment. Berikut ini adalah informasi segmen geografis: The following information: PENDAPATAN Pendapatan bunga Pendapatan lainnya HASIL Laba (rugi) bersih 2012 DKI Luar DKI Jakarta/ Jakarta/Jakarta outside Jakarta 1.313.120 63.949 1.490.694 102.982 216.607 1.377.069 1.593.676 395.267 46.865 INFORMASI LAINNYA ASET Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain - bersih Efek-efek - bersih Kredit - bersih Aset tetap - bersih Aset lainnya a geographical segment Jumlah/Total 177.574 39.033 (348.402) is REVENUE Interest income Other income INCOME Net income (loss) OTHER INFORMATION 776.178 203.466 554.986 67.151 773.296 22 4.803.301 256.550 247.988 776.200 203.466 5.358.287 323.701 1.021.284 ASSETS Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks - net Securities - net Loans - net Fixed asset - net Other assets Jumlah Aset 2.375.077 5.307.861 7.682.938 Total Asset LIABILITAS Simpanan nasabah dan dari bank lain Liabilitas lainnya 1.906.014 214.330 4.881.729 26.681 6.787.743 241.011 LIABILITIES Deposit from customer and from other banks Other liabilities Jumlah Liabilitas 2.120.344 4.908.410 7.028.754 Total Liabilities 6.958 7.369 24.318 50.493 31.276 57.862 Capital expenditure Depreciation Pengeluaran modal Penyusutan PENDAPATAN Pendapatan bunga Pendapatan lainnya HASIL Rugi bersih 2011 DKI Luar DKI Jakarta/ Jakarta/Jakarta outside Jakarta Jumlah/Total 141.828 60.081 374.115 17.449 515.943 77.530 201.909 391.564 593.473 (47.565) (99.688) (147.253) INFORMASI LAINNYA ASET Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain - bersih Efek-efek - bersih Kredit - bersih Aset tetap - bersih Aset lainnya REVENUE Interest income Other income INCOME Net loss OTHER INFORMATION 770.301 499.360 842.497 131.494 807.746 20 2.495.396 216.601 229.624 770.321 499.360 3.337.893 348.095 1.037.370 ASSETS Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks - net Securities - net Loans - net Fixed asset - net Other assets Jumlah Aset 3.051.398 2.941.641 5.993.039 Total Asset LIABILITAS Simpanan nasabah dan dari bank lain Liabilitas lainnya 1.651.434 141.237 3.682.245 54.882 5.333.679 196.119 LIABILITIES Deposit from customer and from other banks Other liabilities Jumlah Liabilitas 1.792.671 3.737.127 5.529.798 Total Liabilities 132.117 4.213 110.558 18.750 242.675 22.963 Capital expenditure Depreciation Pengeluaran modal Penyusutan 79 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 36. ASET KEUANGAN KEUANGAN DAN PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) LIABILITAS 36. FINANCIAL ASSETS AND FINANCIAL LIABILITIES Tabel dibawah ini adalah nilai tercatat dan nilai wajar atas aset keuangan dan liabilitas keuangan dalam laporan posisi keuangan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011: The table below sets out the carrying values and fair values of financial assets and liabilities in statements of financial position as of December 31, 2012 and 2011: 2012 Nilai Tercatat/ Nilai Wajar/ Carrying Value Fair Value 2011 Nilai Tercatat/ Nilai Wajar/ Carrying Value Fair Value Financial Assets Aset Keuangan Pinjaman yang Diberikan dan Piutang: Kas Giro pada Bank Indonesia Giro pada bank lain Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain - bersih Surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali Kredit - bersih Pendapatan bunga yang masih akan diterima Aset lain-lain 78.101 520.795 50.142 78.101 520.795 50.142 85.547 464.607 9.848 85.547 464.607 9.848 776.200 776.200 770.321 770.321 5.358.287 5.358.287 125.394 3.337.893 125.394 3.337.893 Loans and Receivables: Cash Current accounts with Bank Indonesia Current accounts with other banks Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks - net Marketable securities purchased with agreement to resell Loans - net 96.868 1.702 96.868 1.702 51.489 844 51.489 844 Accrued interest receivable Other assets 203.466 203.466 499.360 499.360 Available-for-sale: Securities Jumlah 7.085.561 7.085.561 5.345.303 5.345.303 Total Liabilitas Keuangan Liabilitas segera Simpanan dari nasabah Simpanan dari bank lain Liabilitas lain-lain 26.083 6.756.642 31.101 19.914 26.083 6.756.642 31.101 19.914 22.498 5.322.511 11.168 7.739 22.498 5.322.511 11.168 7.739 Financial Liabilities Liabilities due immediately Deposit from customers Deposit from other banks Other liabilities Jumlah 6.833.740 6.833.740 5.363.916 5.363.916 Total Tersedia untuk Dijual: Efek-efek Nilai wajar aset keuangan dan liabilitas keuangan diukur dengan dasar sebagai berikut: The fair values of the above financial assets and liabilities are determined based on the following: Aset Keuangan Financial Assets Nilai wajar atas aset keuangan jangka pendek (umumnya kurang dari satu tahun) seperti giro pada Bank Indonesia, giro pada bank lain, penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain, dan aset lainnya adalah sebesar nilai tercatat karena telah mendekati estimasi nilai wajarnya. The fair values of financial assets that are short-term in nature (generally less than 1 year) such as current accounts with Bank Indonesia, current accounts with other banks, placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks and other assets represent their carrying amounts as these approximates their fair values. Nilai wajar atas efek-efek ditentukan dengan mengacu pada kuotasi harga pasar terakhir yang dipublikasikan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011. The fair values of securities are determined based on the latest published quoted price as of December 31, 2012 and 2011. Estimasi nilai wajar kredit yang diberikan (umumnya kredit dengan bunga mengambang) merupakan nilai kini dari estimasi arus kas masa depan yang diharapkan akan diterima yang didiskontokan pada suku bunga pasar. Kredit yang diberikan disajikan bersih setelah dikurangi cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai. The estimated fair value of loans (normally floating interest bearing loans) represents the present value of estimated future cash flows which expected to be received at discounted current market rate. Loans are presented net of allowance for impairment losses. 80 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 36. ASET KEUANGAN KEUANGAN (lanjutan) DAN PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) LIABILITAS 36. AND FINANCIAL Liabilitas Keuangan Financial Liabilities Nilai wajar liabilitas keuangan jangka pendek (biasanya kurang dari satu tahun) seperti simpanan dari nasabah dan simpanan dari bank lain dan liabilitas lainnya adalah sebesar nilai tercatat karena telah mendekati estimasi nilai wajarnya. The fair values of financial liabilities that are shortterm in nature (generally less than 1 year) such as deposits from customers and deposits from other banks, and other liabilities represent their carrying amounts as these approximates their fair values. Estimasi nilai wajar simpanan tanpa jatuh tempo adalah sebesar jumlah terutang ketika utang tersebut harus segera dibayar pada saat ditagih. The estimated fair value of deposits with no stated maturity is the amount payable on demand. Pengukuran nilai wajar yang laporan posisi keuangan Fair value measurements recognized in the statements of financial position ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· diakui pada ï‚· Tingkat pertama pengukuran nilai wajar berasal dari kuotasi harga (tidak disesuaikan) dalam pasar aktif untuk aset dan liabilitas yang identik. Tingkat kedua pengukuran nilai wajar berasal dari masukan lain selain dari kuotasi harga pasar yang sudah termasuk dalam tingkat pertama yang dapat diamati untuk aset maupun kewajiban, baik secara langsung (contohnya harga) atau tidak langsung (contohnya yang berasal dari harga). Tingkat ketiga pengukuran nilai wajar yang berasal dari teknik penilaian yang meliputi input untuk aset atau liabilitas jika tidak berdasarkan data pasar yang dapat diamati (masukan yang tidak dapat diamati). ï‚· ï‚· Level 1 fair value measurements are those derived from quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2 fair value measurements are those derived from inputs other than quoted prices included within Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices). Level 3 fair value measurements are those derived from valuation techniques that include inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs). The Bank has securities as financial asset at AFS. The fair value of this financial instrument as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 only in the level 1 of Rp 203,466 and Rp 499,360, respectively. Bank memiliki aset keuangan AFS yaitu efek-efek. Nilai wajar instrumen keuangan ini pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 hanya ada di tingkat pertama masing-masing sebesar Rp 203.466 dan Rp 499.360. 37. FINANCIAL ASSETS LIABILITIES (continued) MANAJEMEN RISIKO 37. RISK MANAGEMENT Bank, sebagai penyedia jasa keuangan, menghadapi risiko dalam kegiatan operasionalnya seperti risiko kredit, risiko pasar/suku bunga, risiko likuiditas, risiko operasional, risiko hukum, risiko kepatuhan serta risiko reputasi dan risiko stratejik. The Bank, being in a financial service industry, is facing various inherent risks in its day-to-day business activities such as credit risk, market/interest rate risk, liquidity risk, operational risk, legal risk, compliance risk, reputation risk and strategic risk. Dalam mengelola risiko-risiko tersebut, Bank telah menyempurnakan Kebijakan Manajemen Risiko, Profil Risiko dan Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Bank yang mengacu pada: In managing those risks, Bank has improved the Risk Management Policy, Risk Profile and Bank Rating Assessment which refers to: ï‚· ï‚· Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 11/25/PBI/2009 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 5/8/PBI/2003 tentang Penerapan Manajemen Risiko bagi Bank Umum. 81 Bank Indonesia regulation No. 11/25/PBI/2009 regarding “Amendment to Bank Indonesia Regulation No. 5/8/PBI/2003 regarding Application of Risk Management for Commercial Banks”. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 37. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) MANAJEMEN RISIKO (lanjutan) ï‚· ï‚· ï‚· 37. RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) ï‚· Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 13/23/DPNP tanggal 25 Oktober 2011 perihal Perubahan atas Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 5/21/DPNP perihal Penerapan Manajemen Risiko bagi Bank Umum. Peraturan Bank Indonesia No. 13/I/PBI/2011 tentang “Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Umum.” Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 13/24/DPNP tanggal 25 Oktober 2011 perihal Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Bank Umum. ï‚· ï‚· Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 13/23/DPNP dated October 25, 2011 regarding “Amendment to Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 5/21/DPNP regarding Application of Risk Management for Commercial Banks. Bank Indonesia regulation No. 13/I/PBI/2011 regarding “Commercial banks rating Assessment.” Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 13/24/DPNP dated October 25, 2011 regarding Commercial Banks Rating Assessment. Bank sudah menyusun Laporan Profil Risiko dan Penilaian Tingkat Kesehatan Bank sesuai ketentuan Bank Indonesia tersebut sejak periode Desember 2011. The Bank has prepared Risk Profile Report and Bank Rating Assessment based on BI regulation since December 2011. Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi bertanggung jawab penuh atas manajemen risiko Bank. Penerapan manajemen risiko dilakukan melalui pembentukan struktur organisasi, kebijakan dan prosedur, serta beberapa komite khusus seperti Komite Manajemen Risiko, Komite Pemantau Risiko, Komite Audit, Komite Aset-Liabilitas (ALCO), Komite Kredit, serta Komite Teknologi Informasi. Komite-komite tersebut bertugas mengarahkan Bank untuk dapat mengidentifikasi, mengukur, memantau dan meminimalkan risiko-risiko. The members of the Boards of Commissioners and Directors are overall responsible for the risk management of the Bank. Risk management implementation is carried out through establishment of organizational structure, policies and procedures, and various committees such as Risk Management Committee, Risk Monitoring Committee, Audit Committee, Asset-Liability Committee, Credit Committee, and Information Technology Committee. These committees provide guidance to the Bank to identify, measure, monitor and mitigate risks. Satuan Kerja Audit Internal (SKAI) juga bertanggung jawab melakukan kaji ulang atas penerapan manajemen risiko dan kepatuhan terhadap kebijakan. The Internal Audit also responsible to review the application of risk management and compliance of policies. Risiko Kredit Credit Risk Risiko kredit adalah risiko yang terjadi akibat kegagalan debitur Bank untuk membayar pokok dan bunga pinjaman. Bank memonitor risiko kredit untuk meyakinkan bahwa kemungkinan kerugian yang terjadi akibat gagal bayar debitur Bank serta pemenuhan kontrak perjanjian dapat diminimalkan, baik untuk debitur individu maupun kelompok. Credit risk is the risk that occurs due to the failure of debtors to pay principal and interest on loans. The Bank monitors credit risk to ensure that the potential loss from default on the loans and fulfillment of contractual agreements is minimized, at both on individual debtor and group of debtor. Pengelolaan eksposur risiko kredit meliputi identifikasi risiko, pengukuran risiko, pemantauan risiko, dan pengendalian risiko. Exposures to credit risk is managed through risk identification, risk measurement, risk monitoring and risk control. a. Pemberian kredit dilakukan dengan mengutamakan prinsip hati-hati dan berkelanjutan. Kebijakan dan prosedur pemberian kredit disusun secara sistematis dan terstruktur dengan tujuan untuk pengendalian risiko. Pemberian kredit dilakukan berdasarkan pada suatu kerangka acuan khusus pemberian kredit dan disetujui serta diketahui oleh pejabat Bank yang berwenang. Mulai tahun 2011, proses persetujuan kredit ditambahkan dengan metode presentasi proposal kredit oleh Account Officer di hadapan Komite Kredit Cabang. a. Lending is conducted by prioritizing prudent and sustainable principle. Lending policies and procedures are developed in a systematic and structured in order to control risk. Lending is conducted within a defined framework specially for lending and are approved and noted at the appropriate level of responsibility within the Bank. Since 2011, lending approval process is added by the method of credit proposals presentation by Account Officer in the presence of Branch Credit Committee. b. Analisa berkala atas kemampuan debitur untuk membayar pokok dan bunga pinjaman. b. Regular analysis of the ability of debtors to meet interest and principal repayment obligations. 82 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 37. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) MANAJEMEN RISIKO (lanjutan) 37. RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) Risiko Kredit (lanjutan) Credit Risk (continued) c. Pemantauan Batas Maksimum Pemberian Kredit (BMPK) sesuai peraturan Bank Indonesia. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, kredit kepada pihak berelasi dan pihak ketiga masih dalam BMPK yang ditetapkan oleh Bank Indonesia. c. Monitor Legal Lending Limits (LLL) as required by Bank Indonesia. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, the credit granted to related parties and third parties are still within the LLL required by Bank Indonesia. d. Sejalan dengan misi Bank, maka sejak tahun 2011, Bank fokus pada pembiayaan usaha mikro dan usaha kecil dengan maksimum plafond Rp 200, kemudian sejak Juni 2012 ditingkatkan menjadi Rp 350. d. In line with the Bank’s mission, since 2011, the Bank focuses on financing micro and small enterprises with maximum plafond by Rp 200, and since June 2012 increased to Rp 350. e. Bank melengkapi sistem pemantauan kinerja cabang dan kualitas portofolio kredit secara nasional dan harian. e. Bank controls the branches performance and loan portfolio quality nationally and daily. f. Permintaan jaminan atas kredit kepada debitur, berdasarkan kriteria yang ditetapkan Bank. f. Collateral requirement as an assurance from debtors are based on the Bank’s criteria. g. Pengakuan cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai untuk tujuan pelaporan keuangan hanya dibentuk atas kerugian yang terjadi pada tanggal laporan keuangan berdasarkan bukti obyektif atas penurunan nilai. Cadangan kerugian penurunan nilai yang tidak didukung dengan bukti obyektif mengenai adanya penurunan nilai dibentuk secara kolektif berdasarkan peraturan Bank Indonesia. g. Allowance for impairment losses are recognized for financial reporting purposes only for losses that have been incurred at the date of the statements of financial position based on objective evidence of impairment. For those assets that have no objective evidence, these are assessed using collective assessment in accordance with Bank Indonesia rules. h. Eksposur maksimum risiko kredit tanpa memperhitungkan agunan ataupun pendukung kredit lainnya yang tercatat dalam laporan posisi keuangan maupun rekening administratif pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 sebagai berikut: h. The maximum exposure to credit risk before collateral or other credit enhancements relating to on-balance items and off-statement of financial position items as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 are as follows: 2012 Laporan posisi keuangan Giro pada Bank Indonesia Giro pada bank lain Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain - bersih Efek-efek Surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali Kredit - bersih Pendapatan bunga yang masih akan diterima Aset lain-lain Jumlah 2011 520.795 50.142 464.607 9.848 776.200 203.466 770.321 499.360 5.358.287 125.394 3.337.893 On-financial Position Current accounts with Bank Indonesia Current accounts with other banks Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks - net Securities Marketable securities purchased with agreement to resell Loans - net 96.868 1.702 51.489 844 Accrued interest receivable Other assets 7.007.460 5.259.756 Total Off-financial position Rekening administratif Fasilitas kredit yang diberikan yang belum digunakan Bank garansi yang diberikan 2.137 - 2.464 28 Unused loan facilities Bank guarantees issued Jumlah 2.137 2.492 Total 83 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 37. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) MANAJEMEN RISIKO (lanjutan) 37. RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) Risiko Kredit (lanjutan) Credit Risk (continued) Untuk aset laporan posisi keuangan, eksposur risiko kredit maksimal adalah berdasarkan nilai tercatat dalam laporan posisi keuangan pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 dengan memperhitungkan agunan. For on-statement of financial position items, the maximum credit risk exposures are based on the net carrying amounts reflected in the statements of financial position as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 considering the related collateral. Manajemen berkeyakinan bahwa Bank memiliki kemampuan untuk mengendalikan dan mempertahankan eksposur risiko kredit pada tingkat yang minimal. Management believes that it has the ability to continue to control and sustain minimal exposure of credit risk. Konsentrasi risiko aset keuangan yang memiliki eksposur risiko kredit. Concentration of risks of financial assets with credit risk exposure. a. Sektor geografis a. Geographical sectors The table below shows the credit risk exposure relating to financial assets and commitment and contingent transactions by geographical sectors based on-statement of financial position and offstatement of financial position items as of December 31, 2012 and 2011: Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, eksposur risiko kredit atas aset keuangan dan transaksi komitmen dan kontinjensi menurut sektor geografis berdasarkan laporan posisi keuangan dan rekening administratif adalah sebagai berikut: Jakarta Laporan posisi keuangan Giro pada Bank Indonesia Giro pada bank lain Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain - bersih Efek-efek Kredit - bersih Pendapatan bunga yang masih akan diterima Aset lain-lain Jumlah 2012 Jawa Barat/ Jawa Tengah/ Jawa Timur/ West Java Central Java East Java Sumatera Lainnya/Others Jumlah/Total 520.795 43.628 1.568 - 2.358 3 2.585 520.795 50.142 776.177 203.466 554.986 1.425.801 23 559.789 537.172 755.069 1.525.470 776.200 203.466 5.358.287 On-financial position Current accounts with Bank Indonesia Current accounts with other banks Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks - net Securities Loans - net 8.907 1.337 26.516 83 10.013 126 9.500 22 14.171 76 27.761 58 96.868 1.702 Accrued interest receivable Other assets 2.109.296 1.453.968 569.951 549.052 769.319 1.555.874 7.007.460 Total Rekening adminstrasi Komitmen kredit yang belum ditarik 936 133 105 623 - 340 2.137 Off-financial position Unused customer loan facilities Jumlah 936 133 105 623 - 340 2.137 Total 2011 Jawa Tengah/ Jawa Timur/ Central Java East Java Lainnya/Others Jakarta Laporan posisi keuangan Giro pada Bank Indonesia Giro pada bank lain Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain - bersih Efek-efek Surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali Kredit - bersih Pendapatan bunga yang masih akan diterima Aset lain-lain Jumlah Jawa Barat/ West Java Sumatera Jumlah/Total 464,607 9,767 3 - 70 - 8 464,607 9,848 770,301 499,360 125,394 - 20 - - - - 770,321 499,360 125,394 842,497 759,356 344,220 222,305 504,133 665,382 3,337,893 On-financial position Current accounts with Bank Indonesia Current accounts with other banks Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks - net Securities Marketable securities purchased with agreement to resell Loans - net 7,830 640 12,116 15 5,089 149 3,247 2 8,250 10 14,957 28 51,489 844 Accrued interest receivable Other assets 2,720,396 771,490 349,478 225,624 512,393 680,375 5,259,756 Total Rekening adminstrasi Komitmen kredit yang belum ditarik Bank garansi yang diberikan 1,522 28 248 - 127 - 31 - 41 - 495 - 2,464 28 Off-financial position Unused customer loan facilities Bank guarantees issued Jumlah 1,550 248 127 31 41 495 2,492 Total 84 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 37. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) MANAJEMEN RISIKO (lanjutan) 37. RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) Risiko Kredit (lanjutan) Credit Risk (continued) b. Sektor industri b. Industry sectors Credit risk exposure relating to financial assets and commitment and contingent transactions by industry sector based on-statement of financial position and off-statement of financial position items are as follows: Eksposur risiko kredit atas aset keuangan dan transaksi komitmen dan kontinjensi menurut sektor industri berdasarkan laporan posisi keuangan dan rekening administratif adalah sebagai berikut: Pemerintah/ Government Lembaga Keuangan/ Financial Institution 520.795 - 50.142 736.177 203.466 86 Laporan posisi keuangan Giro pada Bank Indonesia Giro pada bank lain Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain - bersih Efek-efek Kredit - bersih Pendapatan bunga yang masih akan diterima Aset lain-lain Jumlah 2012 Jasa Dunia Usaha/ Services Pertanian/ Agriculture - - - - 520.795 50.142 40.023 - 481.208 4.374.596 184.116 318.281 776.200 203.466 5.358.287 On-financial position Current accounts with Bank Indonesia Current accounts with other banks Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks - net Securities Loans - net 3.188 - 56 - 7.974 - 72.401 - 2.967 - 10.282 1.702 96.868 1.702 Accrued interest receivable Other assets 1.463.712 90.221 489.182 4.446.997 187.083 330.265 7.007.460 Total Industri/ Manufacturing Lainnya/ Others Jumlah/ Total Rekening Administratif Komitmen kredit yang belum ditarik - - 119 1.456 4 558 2.137 Off-financial position Unused customer loan facilities Jumlah - - 119 1.456 4 558 2.137 Total Pemerintah/ Government Lembaga Keuangan/ Financial Institution 464.607 - 9.848 503.031 488.915 Laporan posisi keuangan Giro pada Bank Indonesia Giro pada bank lain Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain - bersih Efek-efek Surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali Kredit - bersih Pendapatan bunga yang masih akan diterima Aset lain-lain Jumlah 2011 Jasa Dunia Usaha/ Services Pertanian/ Agriculture - - - - 464.607 9.848 149.395 - 118.895 10.445 - - - 771.321 499.360 125.394 244 - 296.948 2.715.625 45.129 279.947 125.394 3.337.893 On-financial position Current accounts with Bank Indonesia Current accounts with other banks Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks - net Securities Marketable securities purchased with agreement to resell Loans - net 3.623 - - 4.526 - 41.204 - 713 - 1.423 844 51.489 844 Accrued interest receivable Other assets 1.585.814 159.243 430.814 2.756.829 45.842 282.214 5.260.756 Total Industri/ Manufacturing Lainnya/ Others Jumlah/ Total Rekening Administratif Komitmen kredit yang belum ditarik Bank garansi yang diberikan - - 136 - 2.322 28 - 6 - 2.464 28 Off-financial position Unused customer loan facilities Bank guarantees issued Jumlah - - 136 2.350 - 6 2.492 Total c. Konsentrasi kredit menurut sektor ekonomi dan jenis konsumen diungkapkan pada Catatan 9. c. Loan concentrations per economic sector and per type of customer are disclosed in Note 9. Risiko Pasar/Suku Bunga Market/Interest Rate Risk Risiko pasar merupakan risiko yang timbul karena adanya pergerakan variabel pasar dari portofolio yang dimiliki oleh Bank, yang dapat merugikan Bank (adverse movement). Variabel pasar adalah suku bunga dan nilai tukar, termasuk derivatif dari kedua jenis risiko pasar tersebut yaitu perubahan harga options. Sebagai Bank Non Devisa, saat ini Bank hanya terekspos risiko suku bunga. Market risk is the risk that arises because of the market variable movement of the portfolio held by the Bank, which could cause adverse movement to the Bank. Market variables are interest rates and exchange rates, including the derivative of these two types of market risk, i.e. changes in options price. As a Non Foreign Exchange Bank, now Bank is only exposed to interest rate risk. 85 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 37. MANAJEMEN RISIKO (lanjutan) 37. RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) Risiko Pasar/Suku Bunga (lanjutan) Market/Interest Rate Risk (continued) Risiko suku bunga merupakan bagian risiko pasar bagi Bank. Risiko suku bunga adalah potensi kerugian yang timbul akibat pergerakan suku bunga di pasar yang berlawanan dengan transaksi Bank yang mengandung risiko suku bunga. Adapun transaksi Bank yang mengandung risiko suku bunga seperti: simpanan atau dana pihak ketiga (deposito berjangka, giro dan tabungan), kredit, surat berharga dan penempatan antar bank. Interest rate risk is a part of market risk. The interest rate risk is the potential loss arising from the movement in market interest rates which opposite with the Bank’s transactions that have interest rate risk. The Bank’s transactions that have interest rate risk such as: customers’ deposits (time deposits, demand deposits, and savings), loans, securities and inter-bank placement. Manajemen Bank bertanggung jawab atas penerapan dan pengawasan kebijakan manajemen risiko suku bunga sesuai dengan batasan, sistem dan prosedur yang telah dibuat untuk menghadapi risiko suku bunga ini. Tujuan utama manajemen risiko suku bunga adalah untuk membatasi dampak buruk dari pergerakan suku bunga yang dapat mengurangi laba dan untuk meningkatkan pendapatan di dalam batasan tertentu. Sebagian besar suku bunga atas simpanan nasabah adalah suku bunga mengambang yang langsung berhubungan dengan suku bunga pasar atau suku bunga yang diumumkan secara periodik, sementara kredit adalah suku bunga tetap. The Bank’s management is responsible for implementing and monitoring the interest risk management policies in accordance with defined limits, system procedures and policy to manage the risk of interest rate. The main objectives of interest rate risk management are to limit the adverse effect of interest rate movements to reduce profits and to enhance earnings within defined parameters. A substantial portion of deposits from customers are entered at floating interest rates, either directly linked to market rates or based upon published rates, while loans are entered at fix interest rates. Untuk memperkecil dampak perubahan risiko suku bunga terhadap pendapatan Bank, Bank tetap menjaga rasio RSA (rate sensitivity asset) terhadap RSL (rate sensitivity liabilities) agar tidak terlalu jauh dari 100%. Pada posisi 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, rasio RSA/RSL masing-masing sebesar 103,22% dan 98,60%. Dengan rasio yang tidak jauh dari 100% tersebut apabila terjadi perubahan suku bunga secara paralel pada aset dan liabilitas, Bank tidak terekspos risiko suku bunga yang besar. Bank juga senantiasa memantau repricing profile setiap pengelompokan waktu (time bucket) untuk mengetahui dampak perubahan suku bunga terhadap Net Interest Income (NII) Bank secara lebih akurat. To minimize the impacts of interest rate exchange risk, the Bank made efforts to reduce the gap between assets and liabilities that were sensitive to such risk. In December 2012 and 2011, the gap was 103.22% and 98.60%, respectively. With that small gap between the assets and liabilities, the Bank would not be significantly exposed when interest rate changes were applied in parallel to both the assets and liabilities. The Bank also monitored the repricing profile over time to identify the impacts of the risk on its Net Interest Income (NII). Tabel di bawah ini menunjukkan repricing profile aset dan liabilitas Bank yang sensitif terhadap suku bunga dan diurutkan berdasarkan rentang waktu suku bunga tersebut akan di-repricing (untuk floating rate) atau tanggal jatuh temponya (untuk fixed rate), pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011: The table below showed the repricing profile of the assets and liabilities that were sensitive to interest rate exchange arranged by its periodic repricing for floating rates and by its tenor for fixed rates, as of December 31, 2012 and 2011: 86 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 37. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) MANAJEMEN RISIKO (lanjutan) 37. RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) Risiko Suku Bunga (lanjutan) Interest Rate Risk (continued) 2012 Jangka Waktu Kontrak/Period of Contract Sampai dengan 1 bulan/ Up to 1 month 1-3 bulan/ 1-3 months 3-12 bulan/ 3-12 months 1-5 tahun/ 1-5 years Lebih dari 5 tahun/ More than 5 years Jumlah/ Total Financial Assets Aset Keuangan Giro pada Bank Indonesia Giro pada Bank lain 520.795 - - - - 520.795 Current accounts with Bank Indonesia 50.142 - - - - 50.142 Current accounts with other banks 776.200 - - - - 776.200 - - - - 203.466 203.466 Securities 1.433 33 172.256 4.991.116 193.449 5.358.287 Loans - net Accrued interest receivable Placement with Bank Indonesia Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain - bersih Efek-efek Kredit - bersih and other banks - net Pendapatan bunga yang masih akan diterima Jumlah 96.868 - - - - 96.868 1.445.438 33 172.256 4.991.116 396.915 7.005.758 Liabilitas Keuangan Financial Liabilities Deposit from customer Simpanan dari nasabah Giro Tabungan Deposito berjangka Inter-bank call money Tabungan Deposito berjangka Jumlah Demand deposits 32.408 - - - - 32.408 552.655 - - - - 552.655 Savings 3.410.069 2.602.825 158.592 93 - 6.171.579 Time deposits 174 - - - - 174 Demand deposits 30.000 - - - - 30.000 Inter-bank call money Deposits from other banks Simpanan dari bank lain Giro Total 15 - - - - 15 Savings 912 - - - - 912 Time deposits 4.026.233 2.602.825 158.592 93 - 6.787.743 Total 2011 Jangka Waktu Kontrak/Period of Contract Sampai dengan 1 bulan/ Up to 1 month 1-3 bulan/ 1-3 months 3-12 bulan/ 3-12 months 1-5 tahun/ 1-5 years Lebih dari 5 tahun/ More than 5 years Jumlah/ Total Aset Keuangan Giro pada Bank Indonesia Giro pada Bank lain Financial Assets 464.607 - - - - 464.607 Current accounts with Bank Indonesia 9.848 - - - - 9.848 Current accounts with other banks 502.131 149.395 118.795 - - 770.321 - - - - 499.360 499.360 Placement with Bank Indonesia Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain - bersih Efek-efek Surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali Kredit - bersih and other banks - net 125.394 - - - - 125.394 Securities Marketable securities purchased with agreement to resell 5.257 4.433 135.982 3.099.746 92.475 3.337.893 Loans - net Accrued interest receivable Pendapatan bunga yang masih akan diterima Jumlah 51.489 - - - - 51.489 1.158.726 153.828 254.777 3.099.746 591.835 5.258.912 Financial Liabilities Liabilitas Keuangan Simpanan dari nasabah Giro Tabungan Deposito berjangka Deposit from customer Deposito berjangka Jumlah Demand deposits 60.531 - - - - 60.531 355.204 - - - - 355.204 Savings 1.570.874 3.298.784 33.128 3.990 - 4.906.776 Time deposits 924 - - - - 924 Demand deposits 10.244 - - - - 10.244 Time deposits 1.997.777 3.298.784 33.128 3.990 - 5.333.679 Deposits from other banks Simpanan dari bank lain Giro Total 87 Total PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 37. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) MANAJEMEN RISIKO (lanjutan) 37. RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) Risiko Suku Bunga (lanjutan) Interest Rate Risk (continued) Kisaran suku bunga atas aset dan liabilitas keuangan adalah sebagai berikut: The ranges of interest rates for financial assets and liabilities are as follows: 2012 2011 Aset Keuangan Giro pada Bank Indonesia Giro pada bank lain Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain Efek-efek Surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali Kredit Liabilitas Keuangan Simpanan dari nasabah Giro Tabungan Deposito berjangka Simpanan dari bank lain Giro Inter-bank call money Tabungan Deposito berjangka Financial Assets 0 - 2,50% 0 - 2,50% 0 - 2,50% 0 - 2,50% 4,00 - 4,60% 6,00 - 6,38% 4,50 - 6,45% 7,00 - 13,25% 6,00 - 89,62% 4,57% 6,00 - 70,26% 0 - 2,50% 5,00% 4,50 - 9,00% 0 - 2,50% 4,00% 6,25 - 13,00% 0 - 2,50% 4,40% 5,00% 4,50 - 5,50% 0 - 2,50% 4,00 - 9,50% Current accounts with Bank Indonesia Current accounts with other banks Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks Securities Marketable securities purchased with agreement to resell Loans Financial Liabilities Deposit from customers Demand deposits Savings deposits Time deposits Deposit from other banks Demand deposits Inter-bank call money Savings Time deposits Sensitivitas Suku Bunga Interest Rate Sensitivity Analisis sensitivitas suku bunga diukur dengan kemampuan ekses modal Bank untuk menyerap potential loss dari perubahan suku bunga/fluktuasi suku bunga (BI rate). Berdasarkan historical data BI rate selama satu tahun terakhir, fluktuasi suku bunga (standar deviasi) untuk posisi Desember 2012 dan 2011 masing-masing sebesar 0,07% dan 0,18%. Hal ini disebabkan karena ekses modal bank yang tinggi untuk menutup perubahan suku bunga pada laporan posisi keuangan sehingga Bank dinilai sangat tidak rentan terhadap pergerakan suku bunga. Interest rate sensitivity analysis is measured with capital excess capability to cover interest rate exchange potential loss, by making an interest rate/fluctuation interest rate (BI rate). Based on historical data BI rate over the past year, interest rate fluctuation (standard deviation) as of December 2012 and 2011 is 0.07% and 0.18%, respectively. This was due to Bank’s capital excess was high enough to cover the impact to interest rate exchange so that the Bank was assessed as not vulnerable to interest rate exchange movements. Profil Risiko Pasar Bank untuk posisi Desember 2012 secara Komposit dinilai Low to Moderate, berdasarkan hasil perhitungan Risiko Inheren berada pada kisaran Low dan Kualitas Penerapan Manajemen Resiko dinilai Satisfactory. The Bank’s Market Risk Profile for December 2012 was Low to Moderate, based on the Inherent Risk that was Low and Quality Risk Management that was Satisfactory. 88 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 37. MANAJEMEN RISIKO (lanjutan) 37. RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) Risiko Likuiditas Liquidity Risk Risiko likuiditas adalah risiko dimana Bank tidak dapat memenuhi liabilitasnya kepada nasabah dan pihak lawan pada saat jatuh tempo. Liquidity risk is the risk that the Bank may unable to meet its obligations to customers and counterparties at maturity. Bank memantau likuiditasnya dengan menganalisa profil jatuh tempo dari aset dan liabilitas. The Bank monitors its liquidity by analyzing its maturity profile of assets and liabilities. Aset Keuangan Kas Giro pada Bank Indonesia Giro pada bank lain Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain - bersih Efek-efek Kredit - bersih Pendapatan bunga yang masih akan diterima Aset lain-lain Jumlah Nilai tercatat/ Carrying value 2012 Tidak mempunyai jatuh tempo kontraktual/ No contractual maturity Kurang dari/ Less than 1 bulan/ month 1-3 bulan/ months 3-6 bulan/ months Lebih dari/ More than 12 bulan/ months 6 - 12 bulan/ months Financial Assets Cash - Current accounts with Bank Indonesia Current accounts with other banks Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks - net 203.466 Securities 4.780.292 Loans - net 78.101 520.795 50.142 78.101 - 520.795 50.142 - - - 776.200 203.466 5.358.287 - 776.200 60.149 19.852 111.806 386.188 96.868 1.702 1.702 96.868 - - - - - 7.085.561 79.803 1.504.154 19.852 111.806 386.188 4.983.758 Total 12 - Financial Liabilities Liabilities due immediately Deposit from customers Deposit from other banks Other liabilities Accrued interest receivable Other assets Liabilitas Keuangan Liabilitas segera Simpanan dari nasabah Simpanan dari bank lain Liabilitas lain-lain 26.083 6.756.642 31.101 19.914 19.914 Jumlah 6.833.740 19.914 251.821 59.889 Nilai tercatat/ Carrying value Tidak mempunyai jatuh tempo kontraktual/ No contractual maturity 85.547 464.607 9.848 85.547 - 464.607 9.848 - - - 770.321 499.360 - 501.906 - 268.415 - - - 125.394 3.337.893 - 125.394 98.043 11.897 28.417 123.545 51.489 844 844 51.489 - - - - - 5.345.303 86.391 1.251.287 280.312 28.417 123.545 3.575.351 Total 225 - Financial Liabilities Liabilities due immediately Deposit from customers Deposit from other banks Other liabilities Perbedaan jatuh tempo Aset Keuangan Kas Giro pada Bank Indonesia Giro pada bank lain Penempatan pada Bank Indonesia dan bank lain - bersih Efek-efek Surat berharga yang dibeli dengan janji dijual kembali Kredit - bersih Pendapatan bunga yang masih akan diterima Aset lain-lain Jumlah Liabilitas Keuangan Liabilitas segera Simpanan dari nasabah Simpanan dari bank lain Liabilitas lain-lain 22.498 5.322.511 11.168 7.739 Jumlah 5.363.916 Perbedaan jatuh tempo (18.613) 26.083 4.762.416 31.101 - 7.739 1.836.151 - 157.846 - 217 - 4.819.600 1.836.151 157.846 (3.315.446) (1.816.299) (46.040) 217 12 Total 385.971 4.983.746 Maturiy Gap 2011 Kurang dari/ Less than 1 bulan/ month 1-3 bulan/ months 22.498 2.835.546 11.168 - 3-6 bulan/ months 2.463.896 - Lebih dari/ More than 12 bulan/ months 6 - 12 bulan/ months 16.436 - 6.408 - Financial Assets Cash - Current accounts with Bank Indonesia Current accounts with other banks Placements with Bank Indonesia and other banks - net 499.360 Securities Marketable securities purchased with agreement to resell 3.075.991 Loans - net Accrued interest receivable Other assets 7.739 2.869.212 2.463.896 16.436 6.408 225 Total 78.652 (1.617.925) (2.183.584) 11.981 117.137 3.575.126 Maturity Gap The Bank undertakes actions to overcome the maturity gap, among others by shifting short-term time deposits into time deposits with longer period using commitment pattern. In addition, the Bank has been managing the pattern of withdrawals of customer deposits. Bank telah mengambil langkah-langkah untuk mengatasi perbedaan jatuh tempo (gap) antara lain dengan cara menggeser deposito jangka pendek menjadi deposito dengan jangka waktu yang lebih panjang yaitu dengan pola komitmen. Disamping itu, Bank telah mengelola pola penarikan simpanan nasabah. 89 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 37. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) MANAJEMEN RISIKO (lanjutan) 37. RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) Risiko Operasional Operational Risk Risiko operasional adalah risiko timbulnya kerugian akibat sistem dan pengendalian yang tidak memadai, kesalahan manusia atau kegagalan pengendalian manajemen, termasuk bencana alam, kegagalan sistem, risiko pengelolaan dana, risiko operasi kustodian dan kecurangan (fraud). Operational risk is the risk arising from losses as a result of inadequate systems and controls, human error or management failure. It includes the threat of natural disasters, systems failure, funds management risk, custodian operations risk dan fraud. Kerangka kerja dibentuk untuk memastikan adanya identifikasi dan pengendalian terhadap risiko operasional, termasuk pengendalian melalui kebijakan dan prosedur standar, praktik usaha serta pengawasan kepatuhan. Pengendalian tersebut akan terus ditinjau kembali dan disempurnakan secara berkala. A framework is in place to ensure operational risk is identified and controlled. This includes a variety of controls including formal policies and standard procedures, business practices and compliance monitoring. These controls are subject for regular reviews and updates. Risiko Hukum Legal Risk Risiko hukum dapat bersumber antara lain dari kelemahan aspek yuridis yang disebabkan oleh lemahnya perikatan yang dilakukan oleh Bank, ketiadaan dan/atau perubahan peraturan perundang-undangan yang menyebabkan suatu transaksi yang telah dilakukan Bank menjadi tidak sesuai dengan ketentuan yang akan ada dan adanya proses litigasi baik yang timbul dari gugatan pihak ketiga terhadap Bank maupun Bank terhadap pihak ketiga. Legal risk may arise due to the weakness of juridical aspects caused by lack of agreement made by the Bank, absence and/or changes in regulation which led to a transaction conducted by the Bank to be not in accordance with the regulation and the litigation process arising from third-party lawsuit against the Bank and the Bank against third party. Bank selalu melakukan penilaian terhadap segala jenis perjanjian yang dilakukan Bank, baik dengan nasabah maupun dengan pihak ketiga sebelum perjanjian tersebut digunakan. Bank always make an assessment of any kind of agreement involving the Bank, both with customers and with third parties before the agreement is implemented. Risiko Kepatuhan Compliance Risk Risiko kepatuhan adalah risiko yang disebabkan Bank tidak mematuhi atau tidak melaksanakan peraturan dan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Pada prakteknya risiko kepatuhan melekat pada Bank, seperti terkait dengan ketentuan Kewajiban Penyediaan Modal Minimum (KPMM) Bank Umum, Kualitas Aset Produktif, Cadangan Kerugian Penurunan Nilai (CKPN), Batas Maksimum Pemberian Kredit (BMPK) dan risiko lain yang terkait dengan ketentuan tertentu. Compliance risk is the risk that may arise due to the non-compliance by the Bank with prevailing regulations and laws. In practice, compliance risks are inherent with the Bank’s risks, such as to comply with Minimum Reverse Requirement, Quality of Earning Assets, Allowance for Impairment Loss, Legal Lending Limit and other risk that may arise relating to certain regulations. 90 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 37. MANAJEMEN RISIKO (lanjutan) 37. RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) Risiko Reputasi Reputation Risk Risiko reputasi adalah risiko yang antara lain disebabkan oleh adanya publikasi negatif yang terkait dengan kegiatan usaha Bank atau persepsi negatif terhadap Bank. Reputation risks are risks which are caused by, among others, negative publication of the Bank’s business or negative perception of the Bank itself. Reputasi berkaitan erat dengan kepercayaan. Tanpa reputasi, maka kepercayaan tidak akan ada karena reputasi merupakan komponen yang sangat penting dalam industri perbankan. Reputasi merupakan salah satu aset Bank yang terpenting, namun justru paling sulit untuk dilindungi. Reputasi dapat menjadi suatu keunggulan kompetitif, namun berpotensi untuk rusak terutama karena perkembangan media dan komunikasi, regulasi yang makin ketat, juga loyalitas nasabah yang menurun. Reputation is closely related with trust. Without reputation, there will be no trust since reputation is a crucial component in a banking industry. Reputation is one of the Bank’s precious assets, nonetheless it is also the most difficult to guard. Reputation can be a competitive advantage, but also potential to be damaged due to development of news and communication, more tightened regulations and declining in customers’ loyalty. Penilaian risiko reputasi meliputi inherent risk dan kualitas penerapan manajemen risiko. Inherent risk terdiri dari pengaruh reputasi dari pemilik Bank dan perusahaan terkait, pelanggaran etika bisnis, kompleksitas produk dan kerjasama bisnis Bank, frekuensi, materialitas dan eksposur pemberitaan negatif Bank, serta frekuensi dan materialitas keluhan nasabah. Reputational risk assessment includes inherent risk and quality of risk management implementation. Inherent risk consists of the influence of the reputation of the Bank’s owner and related companies, violation of business ethics, the complexity of the Bank's products and business cooperation, materiality and frequency of the Bank’s negative news, and the materiality and the frequency of customer complaints. Risiko Stratejik Strategic Risk Risiko stratejik adalah risiko yang antara lain disebabkan adanya penetapan dan pelaksanaan strategi Bank yang tidak tepat atau pengambilan keputusan bisnis yang tidak tepat. Strategic risks are risks which are caused by, among others, inappropriate or less responsive in application of the Bank’s strategy and making business decisions. Penilaian risiko stratejik meliputi inherent risk dan kualitas penerapan manajemen risiko. Inherent risk terdiri dari kesesuaian strategi dengan kondisi lingkungan bisnis, strategi berisiko tinggi dan strategi berisiko rendah, posisi bisnis Bank, dan pencapaian rencana bisnis Bank. Strategic risk assessment includes inherent risk and quality of risk management implementation. Inherent risk consists of compliance of strategy with the business environment, high risk and low-risk strategy, the Bank's business positioning, and the achievement of the Bank's business plan. Pengelolaan Modal Capital Management Peraturan Permodalan Regulatory Capital Bank Indonesia (BI) menetapkan dan memonitor ketentuan dan persyaratan modal untuk Bank sebagai entitas individu. Bank diharuskan untuk mematuhi peraturan BI sebagai badan pengawas modal. Bank Indonesia (BI) establishes and monitors the terms and conditions for the Bank's capital as an individual entity. Banks are required to comply with regulatory capital of BI as a supervisory board. Bank menggunakan pendekatan Model Standar untuk mengukur risiko kredit, sedangkan untuk risiko operasional menggunakan pendekatan Indikator Dasar. The Bank is using the Standard Model approach for measuring credit risk, while for operational risk is measured using the Basic Indicator approach. 91 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 37. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) MANAJEMEN RISIKO (lanjutan) 37. RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) Pengelolaan Modal (lanjutan) Capital Management (continued) Perhitungan modal bank umum sesuai dengan peraturan Bank Indonesia dikelompokkan menjadi modal inti (tier 1), modal pelengkap (tier 2), dan modal pelengkap tambahan (tier 3). The calculation of capital for commercial banks is in accordance with the Bank Indonesia regulation which are grouped into core capital (tier 1), supplementary capital (tier 2), and additional supplementary capital (tier 3). Modal Inti (tier 1) Core Capital (tier 1) Bank wajib menyediakan modal inti (tier 1), paling kurang 5% (lima persen) dari aset tertimbang menurut resiko (ATMR). Banks are required to provide the core capital (tier 1), at least 5% (five percent) of risk weighted assets (RWA). Modal inti terdiri dari: Core capital consists of: a. Modal disetor b. Cadangan tambahan modal (disclosed reserve) c. Modal inovatif (innovative capital instrument) a. Paid-in capital b. Additional reserve capital (disclosed reserves) c. Innovative capital (innovative capital instruments) Modal Pelengkap (tier 2) Supplementary capital (tier 2) Terdiri dari modal pelengkap level atas (upper tier 2) dan modal pelengkap level bawah (lower tier 2). Supplementary capital consists of the upper level (upper tier 2) and supplementary capital below the level (lower tier 2). Modal pelengkap level atas (upper tier 2) meliputi: Level of supplementary capital (upper tier 2) shall include: a. Instrumen modal dalam bentuk saham atau instrumen modal lainnya b. Bagian dari modal inovatif yang tidak dapat diperhitungkan dalam modal inti c. Revaluasi aset tetap d. Cadangan umum penyisihan penghapusan atas aset produktif yang wajib dibentuk e. Pendapatan komprehensif lainnya a. Capital instruments in the form of shares or other equity instruments b. Part of an innovative capital that can not be taken into account in the core capital c. Revaluation of fixed assets d. Common reserve allowance for earning assets which shall be established e. Other comprehensive income Modal pelengkap level bawah (lower tier 2) dapat diperhitungkan paling tinggi sebesar 50% dari modal inti. Capital complement the lower level (lower tier 2) may be taken into account a maximum of 50% of core capital. Modal Pelengkap Tambahan (tier 3) meliputi: Additional Supplementary Capital (tier 3) include: a. Pinjaman subordinasi atau obligasi subordinasi jangka pendek. b. Modal pelengkap yang tidak dialokasikan untuk menutup beban modal untuk Risiko Kredit dan/atau beban modal untuk Risiko Operasional namun memenuhi syarat sebagai modal pelengkap. c. Bagian dari modal pelengkap level bawah (lower tier 2) yang melebihi batasan modal pelengkap level bawah (lower tier 2). a. Subordinated loans or short-term subordinated bonds. b. Supplementary capital is not allocated to cover capital charges for credit risk and / or capital charges for Operational Risk yet qualify as supplementary capital. Bank tidak memiliki modal tambahan lainnya yang memenuhi kriteria modal tier 3 dalam peraturan BI yang berlaku. The Bank does not have any other supplementary capital which meets the criteria of tier 3 capital under prevailing BI regulation. c. Part of the supplementary capital below the level (lower tier 2) which exceeds the limits below the level of supplementary capital (lower tier 2). 92 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 37. MANAJEMEN RISIKO (lanjutan) 37. RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) Pengelolaan Modal (lanjutan) Capital Management (continued) Berbagai batasan diterapkan untuk unsur-unsur dari modal dasar. Pengaruh pajak tangguhan telah dikecualikan dalam menentukan jumlah laba ditahan untuk modal tier 1, hanya 50 persen dari laba tahun berjalan sebelum pajak tangguhan yang termasuk dalam modal tier 1 dan kualifikasi modal tingkat 2 tidak dapat melebihi modal tier 1. Ada juga pembatasan pada jumlah cadangan penurunan kolektif yang dapat dimasukkan sebagai bagian dari modal tier 2. Various limits are applied to elements of the capital base. The effect of deferred taxation has been excluded in determining the amount of retained earnings for tier 1 capital; only 50 percent of the profit for the year before deferred taxation being included in tier 1 capital; and qualifying tier 2 capital cannot exceed tier 1 capital. There also are restrictions on the amount of collective impairment allowances that may be included as part of tier 2 capital. Operasional/aktivitas perbankan dikategorikan sebagai pembukuan perdagangan (trading book) atau pembukuan perbankan (banking book) dan ATMR yang ditentukan sesuai dengan persyaratan yang ditetapkan yang mencerminkan berbagai tingkat risiko yang melekat pada aset dan eksposur yang tidak diakui dalam laporan posisi keuangan. Seperti disebutkan di atas, aset tertimbang menurut risiko memperhitungkan risiko operasional. Banking operations are categorized as either trading book or banking book, and RWA are determined according to specified requirements that reflect the varying levels of risk attached to assets and exposures that were not recognized in the statement of financial position. As noted above, risk weighted asset in respect of operational risk is included in the measurement. Kebijakan Bank untuk mempertahankan modal dasar yang kuat sehingga dapat menjaga kepercayaan investor, kreditur dan pasar serta untuk mempertahankan pengembangan bisnis masa depan. Dampak tingkat pengembalian modal pada pemegang saham juga diakui dan Bank mengakui kebutuhan untuk menjaga keseimbangan antara tingkat pengembalian yang lebih tinggi dari tingkat utang yang lebih besar dan keuntungan dan keamanan dari posisi modal yang sehat. The Bank's policy is to maintain a strong capital base so as to maintain investor, creditor and market confidence and to sustain future development of the business. The impact of the level of capital on shareholders' return is also recognized and the Bank recognizes the need to maintain a balance between the higher returns from the bigger rate of loan that might be possible with greater gearing and the advantages and security afforded by a strong capital position. Bank telah memenuhi semua persyaratan modal ditetapkan sepanjang tahun. The Bank has complied with all externally imposed capital requirements throughout the year. Rasio kecukupan modal Bank diungkapkan di Catatan 38. The capital adequacy ratio of the Bank is disclosed in Note 38. Manajemen menggunakan rasio permodalan untuk memantau modal dasar dan rasio-rasio modal sesuai standar industri untuk kecukupan modal. Pendekatan BI untuk pengukuran tersebut terutama didasarkan pada pemantauan hubungan kebutuhan sumber daya modal (diukur sebagai 8 persen dari ATMR ke sumber daya modal yang tersedia). Management uses regulatory capital ratios in order to monitor its capital base and these capital ratios remain the industry standards for measuring capital adequacy. BI's approach to such measurement is primarily based on monitoring the relationship of the capital resources requirement (measured as 8 percent of RWA to available capital resources). 93 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 37. MANAJEMEN RISIKO (lanjutan) 37. RISK MANAGEMENT (continued) Pengelolaan Modal (lanjutan) Capital Management (continued) Alokasi modal antara kegiatan operasional dan kegiatan khusus, untuk pengembangan usaha, didorong oleh optimalisasi pengembalian yang dicapai pada modal yang dialokasikan. Jumlah modal yang dialokasikan untuk setiap operasi atau kegiatan didasarkan terutama pada peraturan modal, tetapi dalam beberapa kasus peraturan tidak mencerminkan sepenuhnya berbagai tingkat risiko yang terkait dengan kegiatan yang berbeda. Dalam kasus seperti ini, kebutuhan modal dapat mencerminkan profil risiko yang berbeda, sesuai dengan tingkat keseluruhan modal untuk mendukung operasional atau kegiatan tertentu yang tidak di bawah persyaratan minimum yang diperlukan untuk tujuan pemenuhan peraturan. Proses mengalokasikan modal untuk kegiatan operasional dan kegiatan khusus dilakukan secara independen dari mereka yang bertanggung jawab untuk operasi oleh Risiko Bank dan Kredit Bank, dan ditinjau apakah sudah sesuai atau belum oleh Komite Kredit Bank atau ALCO. The allocation of capital between operation and specific activities is, to a large extent, driven by optimization of the return achieved on the capital allocated. The amount of capital allocated to each operation or activity is based primarily upon the regulatory capital, but in some cases the regulatory requirements do not reflect fully the varying degree of risk associated with different activities. In such cases the capital requirements may be flexed to reflect differing risk profiles, subject to the overall level of capital to support a particular operation or activity not falling below the minimum required for regulatory purposes. The process of allocating capital to operation and specific activities is undertaken independently of those responsible for the operation by Bank Risk and Bank Credit, and is subject to review by the Bank Credit Committee or ALCO as appropriate. Meskipun memaksimalkan pengembalian modal yang disesuaikan dengan risiko adalah dasar utama yang digunakan dalam menentukan bagaimana modal dialokasikan didalam Bank untuk kegiatan operasional atau kegiatan tertentu, tetapi hal tersebut bukan satu-satunya dasar yang digunakan untuk pengambilan keputusan. Namun juga memperhitungkan sinergi dengan kegiatan operasional dan kegiatan lainnya, ketersediaan manajemen dan sumber daya lainnya dan kesesuaian dari aktivitas dengan tujuan jangka panjang Bank. Kebijakan Bank dalam hal manajemen dan alokasi modal ditinjau secara teratur oleh Direksi. Although maximization of the return on risk-adjusted capital is the principal basis used in determining how capital is allocated within the Bank to particular operations or activities, it is not the sole basis used for decision-making. Synergies with other operations and activities, the availability of management and other resources, and the fit of the activity with the Bank's longer term strategic objectives are also taken into consideration. The Bank's policies regarding capital management and allocation are reviewed regularly by the Board of Directors. 38. INFORMASI LAINNYA 38. OTHER INFORMATION a. a. Berdasarkan PBI No. 14/18/PBI/2012 tanggal 28 November 2012 tentang “Kewajiban Penyediaan Modal Minimum” dan Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 14/37/DPNP tanggal 27 Desember 2012 perihal “Kewajiban Penyediaan Modal Minimum sesuai Profil Risiko dan Pemenuhan Capital Equivalency Maintained Assets (CEMA)”, Bank wajib menyediakan modal minimum sesuai profil risiko. Penyediaan modal minimum ditetapkan paling rendah sebagai berikut: - 8% dari Aset Tertimbang Menurut Risiko (ATMR) untuk Bank dengan profil risiko peringkat 1 (satu); 9% sampai dengan kurang dari 10% dari ATMR untuk Bank dengan profil risiko peringkat 2 (dua); 94 In accordance with Bank Indonesia regulation No. 14/18/PBI/2012 dated November 28, 2012 regarding “Minimum Capital Adequacy Requirement” and Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 14/37/DPNP dated December 27, 2012 regarding “Minimum Capital Adequacy Requirement and Fulfillment of Capital Equivalency Maintained Assets (CEMA)”, the Bank is required to fulfill minimum capital based on risk profile. Minimum capital adequacy is determined as follow: - 8% of Risk Weighted Asset (RWA) for Bank with risk profile rating of 1 (one); - 9% to less than 10% of RWA for Bank with risk profile rating of 2 (two); PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 38. INFORMASI LAINNYA (lanjutan) - 38. OTHER INFORMATION (continued) 10% sampai dengan kurang dari 11% dari ATMR untuk Bank dengan profil risiko peringkat 3 (tiga); 11% sampai dengan 14% (empat belas persen) dari ATMR untuk Bank dengan profil risiko peringkat 4 (empat) atau peringkat 5 (lima). - 10% to less than 11% of RWA for Bank with risk profile rating of 3 (three); - 11% to less than 14% of RWA for Bank with risk profile rating of 4 (four) or 5 (five). Bank telah memenuhi kecukupan modal minimum sesuai profil risiko yaitu dengan penyediaan modal minimum sebesar 13,27% per 31 Desember 2012. Penyediaan modal tersebut lebih besar di atas ketentuan BI yaitu 9% sampai dengan 10% untuk profil risiko peringkat 2. The Bank has fulfilled the minimum capital adequacy in accordance with risk profile by the capital adequacy of 13.27% as of December 31, 2012. The capital adequacy is above the Bank Indonesia requirement which is 9% to 10% for the risk profile of rating 2. Perhitungan ATMR untuk risiko kredit diatur dalam Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 13/6/DPNP tanggal 18 Pebruari 2011, perihal Pedoman Perhitungan Aset Tertimbang Menurut Risiko (ATMR) untuk Risiko Kredit dengan menggunakan Pendekatan Standar. The calculation of RWA with credit risk is stipulated in Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 13/6/DPNP dated February 18, 2011 regarding “RWA with Credit Risk Calculation using Standard Approach”. Perhitungan ATMR untuk risiko operasional diatur dalam Surat Edaran Bank Indonesia No. 11/3/DPNP tanggal 27 Januari 2009 tentang “Perhitungan ATMR untuk Risiko Operasional dengan Menggunakan Pendekatan Indikator Dasar”. Berdasarkan surat edaran tersebut, sejak 1 Januari 2011, Bank telah memperhitungkan ATMR untuk risiko operasional dengan perhitungan beban modal risiko operasional 15% dari rata-rata pendapatan bruto positif tahunan selama tiga periode terakhir. The calculation of RWA with operational risk is stipulated in Bank Indonesia Circular Letter No. 11/3/DPNP dated January 27, 2009 regarding “RWA with Operational Risk Calculation using Basic Indicator Approach”. Based on this circular letter, since January 1, 2011, bank has calculated RWA with operational risk in which capital charge with operational risk at 15% of average annual positive gross income for the last three periods. Perhitungan rasio kecukupan modal pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 adalah sebagai berikut: The calculation of CAR as of December 31, 2012 and 2011 is as follows: Aset Tertimbang Menurut Risiko (ATMR) Untuk risiko kredit Untuk risiko operasional Modal inti Modal pelengkap Jumlah modal inti dan pelengkap Rasio Kewajiban Penyediaan Modal Minimum (KPMM) Dengan memperhitungkan risiko kredit dan operasional Dengan memperhitungkan risiko kredit, operasional dan pasar 2012 2011 4.819.253 267.003 613.819 61.314 3.444.052 150.193 386.120 45.780 Risk weighted assets With credit charge With operational credit charge Core capital Supplementary capital 675.133 431.900 Total core and supplementary capital 13,27% 12,02% 13,27% 12,02% Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) with credit and operational risk with credit, operational and market risk Rasio Kewajiban Penyediaan Modal Minimum yang diwajibkan 9 - 10% 8,00% Required Capital Adequacy Ratio Rasio modal inti terhadap aset tertimbang menurut risiko 12,07% 10,74% Ratio of core capital to risk weighted assets 95 PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN UNTUK TAHUN YANG BERAKHIR PADA TANGGAL-TANGGAL 31 DESEMBER 2012 DAN 2011 (Dinyatakan dalam jutaan Rupiah, kecuali dinyatakan lain) 38. INFORMASI LAINNYA (lanjutan) b. Jaminan Pemerintah terhadap Pembayaran Bank Umum c. 39. PT BANK PUNDI INDONESIA Tbk NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2012 AND 2011 (Expressed in million Rupiah, unless otherwise stated) 38. OTHER INFORMATION (continued) b. Government Guarantee on Obligations of Banks Kewajiban Sehubungan dengan Program Penjaminan Pemerintah untuk menjamin kelangsungan liabilitas pembayaran bank umum, Pemerintah telah membentuk suatu lembaga independen yaitu Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) yang menggantikan Unit Pelaksana Program Penjaminan (UP3) berdasarkan Undangundang Republik Indonesia No. 24 tahun 2004 tanggal 22 September 2004 yang kemudian diperbarui dengan Peraturan Pemerintah No. 3 tanggal 13 Oktober 2008 dimana LPS menjamin dana masyarakat termasuk dana dari bank lain dalam bentuk giro, deposito, sertifikat deposito, tabungan dan/atau bentuk lainnya yang setara. In connection with Indonesian Government guarantee program to continuously guarantee the payment of banks’ liabilities, the Government has established an independent institution, Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation (LPS), replacing the Government Guarantee Implementation Unit (UP3) in accordance with the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 24 Year 2004 dated September 22, 2004 and as further amended by the Government Regulation No. 3, dated October 13, 2008, whereby LPS guarantees third party deposits including deposits from other banks in the form of current accounts, time deposits, certificates of deposit, savings deposits and/or other equivalent forms. Pada tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011, berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia No. 66 Tahun 2008 tanggal 13 Oktober 2008 tentang Besaran Nilai Simpanan yang Dijamin Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan, jumlah simpanan yang dijamin LPS adalah simpanan sampai dengan Rp 2.000 untuk masing-masing nasabah per masingmasing bank dengan kriteria suku bunga deposito tertentu. As of December 31, 2012 and 2011, based on Government Regulation No. 66/2008 dated October 13, 2008 regarding the amount of deposit guaranteed by Indonesia Deposit Insurance Corporation, the amount of deposits covered by LPS is up to Rp 2,000 per depositor per bank subject to certain criteria of interest rates of deposits. Beban premi penjaminan Pemerintah untuk tahun yang berakhir pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2012 dan 2011 masing-masing sebesar Rp 14.312 dan Rp 4.146 dibukukan pada akun beban bunga (Catatan 24) dalam laporan laba rugi komprehensif. The goverment guarantee premium incurred for the years ended December 31, 2012 and 2011 amounted to Rp 14,312 and Rp 4,146, respectively, are recognized as part of interest expense (Note 24) in the statements of comprehensive income. c. Significant Agreement Perjanjian-perjanjian Signifikan Perjanjian atas Pemanfaatan ATM Bersama untuk Principle Member tertanggal 8 Agustus 2011 dengan PT Artajasa Pembayaran Elektronis dengan jangka waktu 3 tahun. Agreement on Joint Utilization of ATM Bersama for Principle Member dated August 8, 2011 by PT Artajasa Pembayaran Elektronis with a term of 3 years. Perjanjian Kerjasama Pengembangan dan Penyelenggaraan Jasa Internet Banking tertanggal 1 September 2010 dengan PT Sigma Cipta Caraka dengan tujuan penyediaan Jasa Manajemen Teknologi Informasi. Perjanjian kerja sama ini berakhir tanggal 11 April 2014. Agreement for Developing and Implementing Internet Banking Service dated September 1, 2010 with PT Sigma Cipta Caraka with the purpose of providing of Information Technology Management Services.This agreement will expire on April 11, 2014. AKTIVITAS NON KAS 39. NON-CASH ACTIVITIES Non-cash investing activities, as follows: Aktivitas investasi yang tidak mempengaruhi arus kas adalah sebagai berikut: 2012 Kenaikan (penurunan) efek tersedia untuk dijual yang berasal dari perubahan nilai wajar 2011 (32.610) 96 29.262 Increase (decrease) in available-for-sale securities arising from changes in fair value REFERENCE OF FINANCIAL SUPERVISORY AUTHORITY Reference of Financial Supervisory Authority SUBJECT EXPLANATION PAGE I. General 1. In good and correct Indonesian, it is recommended to present the report also in English. V 2. The annual report should be printed in good quality paper, using the fonttype and size that allow for easy reading V Name of company and year of the Annual Report is placed on: 1. The front cover; 2. Sides; 3. Back cover; 2. Each page. 3. Should state clearly the identity of the company 4. The Annual Report is presented in the company’s website II. Summary of Key Financial Information 1. Result of the Company information in comparative form over a periodof 5 financial years or since the commencement of business if thecompany has been running its business activities for less than 5 years The information contained includes: 1. Sales/income from business. 2. Profit (loss). 3. Total comprehensive profit (loss) 4. Net profit (loss) per share. 4 2. Financial information in comparative form over a period of 5 financialyears or since the commencement of business if the company has beenrunning its business activities for less than 5 years. The information contained includes: 1. Net working capital 2. Investments in other business entities 3. Total assets 4. Total liabilities 5. Total equity 5 3. Financial Ratio in comparative form over a period of 5 financial years or since the commencement of business if the company has been running its business activities for less than 5 years The information contains 5 (five) general financial ratios and relevant to the industry 4 4. Information regarding share price in the form of tables and graphs The information contained includes: 1. Highest share price 2. Lowest share price 3. Closing share price 4. Share volume for each three-month period in the last two (2) financial years (if any). III. Board of Commissioners’ and Board of Directors’ Report 1. Board of Commissioners’ Report PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. V V Contains the following items: 1. Assessment on the performance of the Board of Directors in managing the company. 2. View on the prospects of the company’s business as established by the Board of Directors. 3. Committees under the Board of Commissioners. 4. Changes in the composition of the Board of Commissioners (if any) Laporan Tahunan 2012 16-17 24 Board of Directors’ Report. 1. Analysis of the company’s performance, i.e. strategic policies, comparison between achievement of results and targets, andchallenges faced by the company. 2. Business prospects. 3. Implementation of Good Corporate Governance by the company. 4. Changes in the composition of the Board of Directors (if any). 30 3. Signature of members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners. Contains the following items: 1. Signatures are set on a separate page. 2. Statement that the Board of Directors and the Board of Commissioners are fully responsible for the accuracy of the annual report. 3. Signed by all members of the Board of Commissioners and Board of Directors, stating their names and titles/ positions. 4. A written explanation in a separate letter from each member of the Board of Commissioners or Board of Directors who refuses to sign the annual report, or: written explanation in a separate letter from the other members in the event that there is no written explanation provided by the said member. 143 IV. Company Profile 1. Name and address of the company Includes information on name and address, zip code, telephone and/or facsimile, email, website. 20 2. Brief history of the company. Includes among others: date/year of establishment, name and change in the company name, if any. 8 3. Field of business To include description of: 1. Company business activity in pursuant to the articles of association; and 2. Product and services description. 20 4. Organization structure in chart include names and positions 116 Company vision and mission. Includes: 1. The company vision and mission; and 2. Information on the approval of vision and mission from Board of Directors/Board of Commissioners 11 The Board of Commissioners’ identity and resume Information to include: 1. Name 2. Position (include in other company or institution) 3. Age 4. Education 5. Work experience 6. Date of appointment as member of Board of Commissioners 120 The Board of Directors’ identity and resume. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 125 2. 5. 6. 7. Name Position (include in other company or institution) Age Education Work experience Date of appointment as member of Board of Directors. PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2012 Total numbers of employee (2 years comparison) and description of competence development (i.e.: education aspects and employees training). Information to include: 1. Total employee on organization level 2. Total employee on education level 3. Employees training to represent equal opportunity for all employees 4. Budget allocation Shareholders composition Includes: 1. Shareholders name with 5% or more shares 2. Name of Directors and Commissioners with shares ownership 3. Public shareholders with the ownership of less than 5%, its percentage List of subsidiary and/or associates. Information to include: 1. Name of subsidiary/associates 2. Ownership percentage 3. Business activity of subsidiary/associates 4. Operations status of subsidiary/associates (has commenced operations or not yet commenced operations) Shares listing chronology Includes: 1. Share listing chronology 2. Any corporate action that may amend share price fluctuation 3. Shares fluctuation from the initial listing to the end of fiscal report 4. The stock exchange name where the company is listed 5. Securities rating 18 12. Chronology of other securities listing. Includes: 1. Chronology of other securities listing 2. Ccorporate action that create amendment in total other securities 3. Amendment in total other securities from listing up to fiscal book 4. The name of exchange where it’s being listed 5. Securities ratings - 13. Name and address of institution and/or supporting profession of capital market Information to include: 1. Name and address of Share Registrar 2. Name and address of Public Accountant Firm 3. Name and address of Rating Agency 14. Awards and or certifications received by the company, both national and international Information to include: 1. Awards and or certificates name 2. Year of awards 3. The institutions information 4. Validity of certificates 15. Name and address of subsidiary and or branch office or representative office (if any) 8. 9. 10. 11. PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. 5, 56 19 - 20, 21 - 134 Laporan Tahunan 2012 V. Management Analysis and Discussion on Company Performance Operational review per business segment Contains description of: 1. Production/business activity; 2. Increase/decrease in production capacity; 3. Sales/income from business; 4. Profitability. 38 2. Description of company’s financial performance Financial performance analysis which includes a comparison between the financial performance of the current year and that of the previous year (in the form of narration and tables), among others concerning: 1. Current assets, non-current assets, and total assets. 2. Short term liabilities, long term liabilities, total liabilities 3. Sales/operating revenues, expenses and profit (loss) 4. Other comprehensive revenues, and total comprehensive profit(loss) 5. Cash flows 69 3. Discussion and analysis on the capacity to pay debts and the company’saccounts receivable collectibility. Explanation on: 1. Capacity to pay debts in long term and short term 2. Accounts receivable collectibility. 78 4. Discussion on capital structure and capital structure policies) Explanation on: 1. Capital structure. 2. Capital structure policies 77 5. Discussion on material ties for the investment of capital goods Explanation on: 1. The purpose of such ties. 2. Source of funds expected to fulfil the said ties. 3. Currency of denomination. 4. Steps taken by the company to protect the position of related foreign currency against risks. Note: Should be disclosed if the company has no material ties in investments in capital goods. 79 6. If the financial statement discloses a material increase or decrease in net sales or net revenues, then an explanation should be includedconcerning the extent that such changes can be linked to, amongothers, the amount of goods or services sold, and or the existence ofnew products or services. Explanation on: 1. The increase/decrease in net sales or net revenues 2. Reasons for the material increase/decrease in net sales or net revenues, related to the amount of goods or services sold, and or any new products or services 71 7. Discussion on the impact of price change to the company’s net sales ornet revenues and the profit of the company for the past two (2) years orsince the company commenced its business, if the company has beenoperating for less than two years. Is this disclosed or not. 80 1. PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2012 8. Material Information and facts that occurred after the date of theaccountant’s report (subsequent events). Description of important events after the date of the accountant’s reportincluding their impact on performance and business risks in the future. 80 Note: should be disclosed if there is no significant events after the dateof accountant report 9. Description of the company’s business prospects Information on the company prospects in connection with industry,economy in general, accompanied with supporting quantitative data ifthere is a reliable data source 81 10. Information on marketing aspects Information regarding the marketing of the company’s products andservices, among others concerning the market segment. 42 11. Description regarding the dividend policy and the date and amount ofcash dividend per share and amount of dividend per year as announcedor paid during the past two (2) years. 12. Use of proceeds from the public offering (in the event that the company is still obligated to report such use of proceeds). 13. Material information, among others concerning investment, expansion,divestment, acquisition, debt/ capital restructuring Contains information on: 1. Amount of dividend 2. Dividend per share 3. Pay-out ratio for each year 80 Note: if there is no dividend payment, disclose the reasons for notmaking a dividend payment Contains information on: 1. Total funds obtained. 2. Plan for funds utilization. 3. Details of funds utilization. 4. Remaining balance of funds, and 5. Date of GMS approval on change in the funds utilization plan (if any). Contains information on: 1. The purpose of the transaction; 2. The value of transactions or amount being restructured 3. Source of funds 48, 79 80 Note: should be disclosed if there are no such transactions 14. Information on material transactions with conflict of interest and/ortransactions with related parties. 1. Name of the transacting parties and nature of related parties; 2. A description of the fairness of the transaction; 3. Reason for the transaction 4. Realization of transactions during the period. 5. Company policies regarding the review mechanism on thetransactions 6. Compliance with related rules and regulations N/A Note: should be disclosed if there are no such transactions 15. Description of changes in regulation which have a significant effect onthe company PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. Description should contain among others: any changes in regulation and its impact on the company. 80 Note: if there is no change in regulation which have a significant effect, to be disclosed Laporan Tahunan 2012 Description should contain among others: Any revision to accounting policies, rationale and impact on the financial statement. 80 Information on the Board of Commissioners The information should contain: 1. Description of the responsibility of the Board of Commissioners. 2. Disclosing the procedure for determining remuneration 3. Remuneration structure, disclosing the remuneration components and nominal amount of each component for each Commissioner 4. Frequency of meetings and attendance of the Board of Commissioners in the meetings. 5. Training programs for improving the competence of the Board of Commissioner. 88 Information on the Board of Directors The information should include: 1. Scope of work and responsibility of each member of the Board of Directors. 2. Frequency of meetings. 3. Attendance of the Board of Directors in the meetings. 4. Training programs for improving the competence of the Board of Directors. 95 Assessment on members of the Board of Commissioners and/or Board of Directors Description of: 1. The assessment process on the performance of members of the Board of Commissioners and/or Directors 2. The criteria used in the assessment on the performance of members of the Board of Commissioners and/or Directors 3. The party performing the assessment 98 Description of the remuneration policy for the Board of Directors that isrelated to the company performance Includes among others: 1. Remuneration procedures 2. Remuneration structure, disclosing the type and amount of short-term and long-term compensation/ post service benefits for each member of the Board of Directors 3. Performance indicators to measure the performance of the Board of Directors. 97 Audit Committee Includes among others: 1. Name and title of the members of the Audit Committee. 2. Education and work experience of Audit Committee members 3. Independence of the members of the Audit Committee 4. Description of tasks and responsibilities. 5. Brief report on the activities carried out by the Audit Committee. 6. Frequency of meetings and the attendance of the Audit Committee 92, 121, 122 16. Description of changes in the accounting policy VI. GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2012 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Nomination Committee Includes among others: 1. Name, title, and brief curriculum vitae of the members of the Nomination Committee. 2. Independence of the members of the Nomination Committee. 3. Description of the tasks and responsibilities. 4. Activities carried out by the Nomination Committee. 5. Frequency of meetings and the attendance of the Nomination Committee. 94, 120, 124 Remuneration Committee Includes among others: 1. Name, title, and brief curriculum vitae of the members of the Remuneration Committee. 2. Independence of the members of the Remuneration Committee. 3. Description of the tasks and responsibilities. 4. Activities carried out by the Remuneration Committee 5. Frequency of meetings and the attendance of the Remuneration Committee. 94, 120, 124 Other committees under the Board of Commissioners (Risk Oversight Committee) 1. Name, title, and brief curriculum vitae of the members of the committees 2. Independence of the members of the committee. 3. Description of the tasks and responsibilities. 4. Activities carried out by the committees 5. Frequency of meetings and the attendance of other committee 93, 121, 123 Description of tasks and function of the Corporate Secretary. Includes among others: 1. Name and brief history of the position of Corporate Secretary. 2. Description of the tasks performed by the Corporate Secretary 101, 127 Description of the company’s internal audit unit. Company accountant PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of the head of audit internal unit Number of auditors in the unit Qualification/certification as an internal audit profession Structure or position of the internal audit unit Description of audit work performed The party authorized to appoint/dismiss the head of Internal audit unit 105, 127 The information should contain: 1. How many audit periods has the accountant audited the financial statements of the company. 2. How many audit periods has the public accountant firm audited the financial statements of the company. 3. The amount of fees for the audit and other attestation services (in the event that such accountant provides other attestation services together with the audit) 4. Other service provided by the accountant in addition to financial audit. 106 Laporan Tahunan 2012 12. 13. 14. Description of the company’s risk management Includes among others: 1. Description of risk management systems 2. Description of evaluation on the effectiveness of risk Management systems 3. Description of risks faced by the company 4. Efforts to manage these risks 52 Description of internal control systems Includes among others: 1. Short description of the internal control system 2. Description of evaluation on the effectiveness of internal control system 105 Description of corporate social responsibility activities related to environment Include description on: 1. The name of parties in the transaction and the nature of affiliated relations; 2. The explanation on the transaction fairness; 3. The reasons on the transaction; 4. Transaction realization on current period; 5. The company policy related to the review mechanism on the transaction; 6. Regulation compliance and related rules N/A Notes: please disclose if there is no transaction. 15. 16. 17. 18. Description of corporate social responsibility related to the workforce,work health and safety Contains information on, among others: 1. Policies 2. Activities conducted 3. Financial impact of workforce, health and safetyrelated activities,such as gender equality, equal work opportunity, work and safety facilities, employee turnover, work incident rate, training, etc N/A Description of corporate social responsibility activities related to social and community development Contains information on, among others: 1. Policies 2. Activities conducted 3. Financial impact of social and community development related activities, such as the use of local work force, empowerment of local communities, aid for public social facilities, social donations,etc. 103 Description of corporate social responsibility activities related to responsibility to the consumer Contains information on, among others: 1. Policies 2. Activities conducted 3. Financial impact on consumer protection related activities, suchas consumer health and safety, product information, facility for consumer complaint, number and resolution of consumer complaint cases, etc 108 Important legal cases faced by the Company, subsidiaries, members of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners serving in the period of the annual report Information includes among others: 1. Substance of the case/claim. 2. Status of settlement of case/claim. 3. Potential impacts on the financial condition of the company. Notes: in case not litigants, to be disclosed PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2012 109 Access to corporate information and data. Description on the availability of access to corporate information and data to the public, for example through website, mass media, mailing list, bulletin, analyst meeting, etc. Discussion of company code of conduct 1. The existence of the Code of Conduct. 2. Content of the Code of Conduct. 3. Disclosure on the relevancy of the code of conduct for all levels of the organization 4. Implementation and enforcement of the code of conduct 5. Statement concerning the corporate culture. 21. Disclosure on the whistleblowing system 1. 2. 3. 4. VII. Financial Information 1. Statement by the Board of Directors concerning the Responsibility of the Board of Directors on the Financial Statement. 2. Independent auditor’s opinion on the financial statement 19. 20. Mechanism for violation reporting Protection for the whistleblower Handling of violation report The unit responsible for handling of violation report Compliance with Bapepam-LK Regulation No.VIII.G.11 on Responsibility of the Board of Directors on the Financial Statement. 21, 108 62 108 149 150 Description of the Independent Auditor in the Opinion. The description contains: 1. Name and signature. 2. Date of the audit report. 3. KAP license number and Public Accountant license number. 151 4. Comprehensive financial statement Contains all elements of the financial statement: 1. Financial Position (Balance sheet) 2. Comprehensive Profit loss statement 3. Statement of changes in equity 4. Statement of Cash flows. 5. Notes to the financial statement 6. Financial position at the start of comparative periods being presented when the company implement retrospective application of accounting policies, or re-stated its accounts of financial statements, or reclassified the accounts of its financial statements (where applicable) 1-96 5. Disclosure on the Notes to the Financial Statements when the company implement retrospective application of accounting policies, or re-stated its accounts of financial statements, or re-classified the accounts of its financial statements Whether there is any disclosure or not in accordance to the PSAK N/A 3. PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2012 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Comparison of profitability Comparison of profit (loss) from operations for the year by the previous year. 3 Cash Flow Report. Meets the following provisions: 1. Grouped into three categories of activity: operational activity, investment, and funding. 2. Uses a direct method reporting for cash flows for operational activity. 3. Separating the presentation between cash receipt and or cash expended during the current year for operational, investment, and funding activities. 4. Disclosing activities that do not influence the cash flow 5 Summary of Accounting Policy Includes at least: 1. Statement of compliance to Financial Accounting Standard 2. Basis for the measurement and preparation of financial statements 3. Recognition of revenues and expenses 4. Fixed assets 5. Financial instruments 10-39 Disclosure on transaction with related parties 1. Name of related party, and nature of relation with related party 2. Amount of transaction and its percentage to total related Revenues and expenses 3. Total balance of transaction and its percentage to total assets or liabilities 4. Terms and condition of transaction with related parties 69-72 Disclosure related to taxation Issues that should be disclosed: 1. Explanation on the relation between tax expenses (benefit) and accounting/book profit 2. Fiscal reconciliation and calculation of current tax. 3. Statement that the amount of Taxable Profit as calculated through reconciliation is in accordance with the Tax Return. 4. Details of deferred tax assets and liabilities recognized on the financial position (balance sheet) for each reporting period, and the amount of deferred tax expenses (benefit) recognized in the profit/ loss statement in the event that the amount is not recognizable fromthe amount of deferred tax assets and liabilities presented on the financial position (balance sheet) 5. Disclosure of whether or not there is a tax dispute 66-67 PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2012 11. 12. Disclosure related to Fixed Assets Issues that should be disclosed: 1. Depreciation method used 2. Description of the selected accounting policies between the revaluation model and cost model 3. The methods and significant assumptions used in estimating the fair value of fixed assets (revaluation model) or disclosure of the fairvalue of fixed assets (cost model) 4. Reconciliation of the gross book value and accumulated depreciation of fixed assets at the beginning and end ofthe reporting period, showing any addition, reduction and reclassification. Updates on Financial Accounting Standards and Other Regulations. Description of Financial Accounting Standard (SAK)/ regulation that have been issued but not yet in force, and not yet implemented by the company, by disclosing: 1. The type and effective date of the new SAK/regulation 2. The nature of changes not yet effective or changes to the accounting policies; and 3. Impact of the early implementation of the new SAK/ regulation on the financial statements Issues that should be disclosed: 13. 14. Disclosures relating to Financial Instruments Publication of financial statements PT Bank Pundi Indonesia Tbk. 1. Terms, conditions and accounting policies for each class of financial instruments 2. Classification of financial instruments 3. The fair value of each class of financial instruments 4. Explanation of the risks associated with financial instruments: market risk, credit risk and liquidity risk 5. Objectives and policies of financial risk management Issues to be disclosed include: 1. The date that the financial statements is authorized to be published; and 2. The party responsible to authorize the published financial statements Laporan Tahunan 2012 52-55 N/A 16-28, 16-28 80-81 81-94 81-94 9