The Rehabilitation Alternative Huey P. Long Bridge Case Study Bruce E. Peterson, P.E. Project Manager Modjeski and Masters, Inc. March 22, 2010 Introduction • Replacement vs. Rehabilitation • Project Background • 4 Construction Contracts – Main Bridge – Substructure – Main Bridge – Superstructure Truss Widening – Railroad Modifications – Approaches and Main Bridge Deck Widening EXISTING BREAK • Project Status – Project Timeline – Construction Photographs PROPOSED WIDENING Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Bridge construction represents a large capital investment. Through time, all bridges receive “routine maintenance”. However, eventually they must be replaced or rehabilitated. Beyond the obvious difference in cost, there are other significant differences between these two approaches. How is the decision made? What influences the choice between these two alternatives? Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Louisiana Dept. of Transportation and Development (LADOTD) Methodology for Selecting and Programming Bridges for Replacement and Rehabilitation Priority for the selection of bridges for replacement or rehabilitation with Federal bridge replacement funds based on three (3) parameters: 1. Structural adequacy 2. Functional adequacy and serviceability 3. Essential for public use Replacement vs. Rehabilitation The three parameters are based on the following information: 1. Structural deficiency 2. Posted bridges (weight limits below statutory limits) 3. Traffic count (ADT) 4. Class of highway 5. Available detour routes 6. Bridge geometry (particularly bridges < 20 ft. wide) 7. Bridge inspection reports 8. Local district recommendations for replacement (submitted annually) Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) formula for prioritizing bridges Overall rating called a “sufficiency rating” Sufficiency rating assigns a numeric value ranging from 0 to 100 to a given bridge with the following percentage points applied to each parameter ITEM WEIGHT Structural Adequacy 55 % Functional Adequacy and Serviceability 30 % Essential For Public Use 15 % Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Requirement for replacement: • Sufficiency Rating < 50 • Classification as structurally deficient or functionally obsolete Requirement for rehabilitation: • Sufficiency Rating < 80 Replacement vs. Rehabilitation As previously noted there are three elements to the Sufficiency Rating 1. Structural Adequacy 2. Functional Adequacy and Serviceability 3. Essential for Public Use Let’s examine each in detail. Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Structural Adequacy Most important factor in evaluation process as a bridge failure could be catastrophic Determined from: • List of posted bridges (bridges with load restrictions) • Bridge inspection reports • Local district recommendations Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Functional Adequacy and Serviceability Bridge geometry a key element • Clear roadway width most important factor • Narrow bridges, if structurally adequate, can be widened rather than replaced Determined from: • Bridge inspection reports • Local district recommendations Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Functional Adequacy and Serviceability (con’d) Serviceability is related to factors such as • Stream scour • Maintenance for movable bridges • Deck deterioration Other important factors include frequency and severity of marine, railroad, and automotive traffic accidents Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Essential For Public Use Determined by the: • Traffic count (ADT) • Class of highway • Available detour routes Structural and functional adequacy of the bridge is evaluated with the traffic count in order to minimize exposure to unsafe conditions Example: two bridges with the same degree of inadequacy, the one with the higher traffic volume would receive the higher priority Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Essential For Public Use (con’d) Bridges located on a truck or school bus route or crosses a major river or stream receive extra attention Non-redundant routes (no available detours) receive a higher priority than bridges on redundant routes Replacement vs. Rehabilitation How Select? Numerous rational methods available Recommended procedure for State of Louisiana 1. Compile 3 lists • Bridges with lowest sufficiency rating • Bridges with the highest priority based on local district recommendations • Bridges that are most severely posted for load restrictions 2. Generally, if a bridge makes all three lists, it will have a high priority for replacement Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Sufficiency Rating Posted Bridges List STRUCTURAL ADEQUACY Sufficiency Rating FUNCTIONAL Bridge Geometry, ADEQUACY AND Accidents, etc. SERVICEABILITY Bridge Inspection Report District Recommendations Bridge Inspection Report District Recommendations Available Detour Routes Sufficiency Rating ESSENTIALLITY Highway Class and TO THE PUBLIC District Recommendations Traffic Type Traffic Count (ADT) FINAL ORDER OF PRIORITY Source: LADOTD Bridge Design Manual Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Other Considerations - Replacement Pros: Cons: 1. New structure would meet all current standards 1. Potential for greater environmental impacts • Loads 2. Potential for greater costs • Geometry 3. Potential need for more right-of-way • Highway standards 4. Can require time for public to agree on a location and other impacts related to a new structure 2. New Construction • Do not have to connect new components with existing ones. • Reduced potential for “surprises” during construction 3. Estimating construction cost potentially more accurate 5. Can take more time from start of planning to final completion and delivery to public 6. Removal of an historic structure Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Other Considerations - Rehabilitation Pros: Cons: 1. Have the potential to reuse existing elements, thus saving time and money 1. Increased potential for problems and unknown discoveries with the existing structure 2. Potentially less environmental impacts 2. Greater demands on determination of existing conditions, details, geometry, etc. in order to produce accurate plans 3. Potentially less right-of-way requirements 4. Can fix some “legacy issues” that do not meet current standards or are less than desirable 3. Ability to meet all current standards may be difficult 4. Accurate estimation of construction costs can be difficult 5. Modification of an historic structure Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Other Considerations (con’d) Environmental • Historic structure? • Impacts? Remaining life of structure • Structural condition (corrosion) and capacity • Remaining fatigue life Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Other Considerations (con’d) Owner’s Concerns and Issues 1. Time required to perform the work 2. Funding • Available local funding? • Federal funds available? 3. Public • Wants the work completed “yesterday” • Does not want to be inconvenienced during the work • Low cost (no increased direct costs; e.g.. taxes, tolls, etc.) • While doing this work, why not fix these other problems and/or address other needs....”it’s only a little more $$” (scope creep) Replacement vs. Rehabilitation Where does the Huey P. Long Bridge fit within this criteria? Structurally Adequacy? - GOOD • Excellent condition; adequate strength • Reduced fatigue life of stringers and floorbeam brackets Functionally Adequacy and Serviceability? - POOR • 18 feet wide roadways • Barriers not current standards Essential For Public Use? - ESSENTIAL • Few Mississippi River crossings in metro region; essential for highway traffic • Only rail crossing of Miss. River south of Baton Rouge Location New Orleans Metro Area Huey P. Long Bridge French Quarter Before the Bridge Before the Bridge Construction of The Existing Bridge Construction of The Existing Bridge Construction of The Existing Bridge Construction of The Existing Bridge Construction of The Existing Bridge Construction of The Existing Bridge Background – Huey P. Long Bridge • Completed in December 1935, the bridge is one of the longest railroad bridges in the world. Background – Huey P. Long Bridge • Combined railroad – highway bridge – 2 tracks – 4 lanes – 9 ft. width Background – Huey P. Long Bridge • Very heavily built • Carries largest modern RR load without distress • Many years of service life remaining Project Background • By widening the existing structure rather than constructing a new river crossing: – Reduce environmental impact, property takings. – Reduce project cost. – Reuse existing right-ofway and traffic corridors. • Final report published April 1988. Project Background EXISTING PROPOSED WIDENING Project Background 1982 Study of new bridge in corridor; 5 alternates considered. High cost and large amount of ROW; project dropped. 1986 LADOTD authorized M&M to perform conceptual widening study. 3 widening alternates considered. 1990 Geotechnical investigation of soil capacity under caissons. 19921996 Preliminary Design Main Bridge; Fatigue Evaluation. Line and Grade Study Approaches. 19992000 Environmental Processing Agency Consensus 20002007 Completion of final design plans; main bridge widening, railroad modifications, and approaches, Construction main bridge substructure widening, railroad 2006Present modifications, and main bridge superstructure widening. Huey P. Long Widening Project START PROJECT WEST BANK RR MOD EAST BANK APPR. END PROJECT WEST BANK APPR. EAST BANK RR MOD MAIN BRIDGE PIER, TRUSS, AND DECK WIDENING Main Bridge Pier Widening START PROJECT WEST BANK RR MOD EAST BANK APPR. END PROJECT WEST BANK APPR. EAST BANK RR MOD MAIN BRIDGE PIER, TRUSS, AND DECK WIDENING Main Bridge Pier Widening EXISTING Pier A Piers I & II Pier III Pier IV PROPOSED WIDENING Widened Pier Steel Frame Upper Encase Lower Encase Caisson Widened Pier - Details • The upper portion of the pier widening is composed of a steel frame. • The steel frame significantly reduces the loads on the pier by eliminating concrete and permits the center bearing to be jacked, relieving load from the exterior bearings. • This is beneficial by reducing load on the end faces of the existing concrete distribution block on top of the existing caisson. Widened Pier - Details • The steel frame will also permit more accurate setting and adjustment of the final bearing elevations after the lower encasement is poured. • Inspection access will be provided for the steel metalwork in the upper portion of the pier widening. Widened Pier - Details Constructability of Pier Frame • Must be constructed around existing pier • No construction access from above due to existing superstructure • Staged construction • Key splice locations. Widened Pier - Details The lower portion of the encasement serves several functions • The nose areas are columns to support the widening truss support bearings. • The remainder confines the existing pier concrete and granite masonry blocks which currently has minimal reinforcing. Widened Pier - Details Widened Pier - Details Strength of the Existing Concrete • One of the major questions for widening the substructure was the strength of the existing concrete. • Existing concrete was specified for 2000 psi. • Based on construction records, actual strength much higher • Using methods to estimate moderate amount of additional concrete strengthening with aging, 4000 psi could be used with confidence for the strength of the existing concrete. Strength of the Existing Concrete PIER AND CAISSON CONCRETE STRENGTHS LOCATION 1930 2000 - 1 2000 - 2 USED Piers 3,800 4,500 8,800 4,000 Caisson 3,300 3,870 7,565 3,800 2000-1 = ACI Committee 209, “Prediction of Creep, Shrinkage, and Temperature Effects in Concrete Structures” (ACI 209R-92) 2000-2 = Properties of Concrete” by A. M. Neville Existing Pier Conditions Underwater Acoustic Inspection performed April 2006 by C. H. Fenstermaker & Associates. Piers I, II, III, & IV examined and found to be in good condition. The equipment provided detailed information of the existing conditions. Examination though the use of a diver would be more costly, must be performed in extreme low to no visibility, and is dangerous. Existing Pier Conditions Pier I – North Face Existing Pier Conditions Pier II – West Nose Main Bridge Truss Widening START PROJECT WEST BANK RR MOD EAST BANK APPR. END PROJECT WEST BANK APPR. EAST BANK RR MOD MAIN BRIDGE PIER, TRUSS, AND DECK WIDENING Main Bridge Truss Widening Cantilever Truss Span Simple Through Truss Span EXISTING PROPOSED WIDENING Cross Sections – Existing Bridge Widened Main Bridge Features • 2 new trusses added, parallel to existing trusses. • Roadways widened from 18 ft. to 43 ft. • Currently: • Proposed: lanes 2 – 9 ft. lanes No offset 3 – 11 ft. 8 ft. shoulder 2 ft. offset Nomenclature • Normal terminology for truss bridges would be U.S. & D.S. trusses. • Widened HPL Bridge is a multiple truss plane structure – – – – U.S. Widening Truss U.S. Existing Truss D.S. Existing Truss D.S. Widening Truss 2D versus 3D Analysis and Design Traditional Truss Analysis (2D) • Vertical loads, e.g. D & L, supported by main (vertical) trusses • Transverse loads, e.g. W, supported by top and bottom lateral trusses, sway frames, and portals 2D versus 3D Analysis and Design 3 Dimensional Analysis Used • Widened bridge is multiple truss plane system • 3D analysis reflects the reality of the structure and its behavior • Load sharing will occur and it is beneficial • Members not normally supporting live load will have live loads • Need to know the amount of live load in non-traditional live load supporting members. 2D versus 3D Analysis and Design 3D SAP Computer Model Floorbeam and Hangers • Superposition needed to solve final forces in the existing and widened hangers • Moment and sequence of construction affect forces Construction and Erection • Method and Sequence of Construction provided in Contract Plans • Contractor proposed option also available in contract plans • Contractor proposed his own method Maintenance of Traffic Through Construction • Marine Traffic Maintained – same vertical and horizontal clearances • Rail Traffic Maintained • Vehicular Traffic Maintained – by use of staged construction Main Bridge Maintenance of Traffic WORK PERFORMED IN TRUSS WIDENING CONTRACT Main Bridge Maintenance of Traffic - Stage 1 WORK PERFORMED IN TRUSS WIDENING CONTRACT Main Bridge Maintenance of Traffic - Stage 2 WORK PERFORMED IN TRUSS WIDENING CONTRACT PREVIOUS STAGE Main Bridge Maintenance of Traffic - Stage 3 WORK PERFORMED IN TRUSS WIDENING CONTRACT PREVIOUS STAGE Main Bridge Maintenance of Traffic - Stage 4 WORK PERFORMED IN APPROACH AND DECK WIDENING CONTRACT PREVIOUS STAGE Main Bridge Maintenance of Traffic - Stage 4 - 5 SWITCH TRAFFIC Main Bridge Maintenance of Traffic - Stage 5 WORK PERFORMED IN APPROACH AND DECK WIDENING CONTRACT PREVIOUS STAGE Main Bridge Maintenance of Traffic - Stage 6 WORK PERFORMED IN APPROACH AND DECK WIDENING CONTRACT PREVIOUS STAGE Main Bridge Maintenance of Traffic - Stage 7 WORK PERFORMED IN APPROACH AND DECK WIDENING CONTRACT PREVIOUS STAGE Deflection Issues • Top laterals, bottom laterals, sway frames, and portal frames must hinge to permit movement • Erect rigid part over roadways open to traffic; hinge remaining part. Railroad Modifications - Westbank START PROJECT WEST BANK RR MOD EAST BANK APPR. END PROJECT WEST BANK APPR. EAST BANK RR MOD MAIN BRIDGE PIER, TRUSS, AND DECK WIDENING Railroad Modifications - Westbank Project Site Railroad LA 18 EXISTING Hwy. 90 Huey P. Long Widening Project Westbank Railroad Modifications 18 LA Y 90 US HW To Huey P. Long Bridge Existing Site Conditions Huey P. Long Widening Project Westbank Railroad Modifications Replacement Support 18 LA tur Fu w ad o eR ay Y 90 US HW To Huey P. Long Bridge Final Site Conditions Huey P. Long Widening Project Westbank Railroad Modifications Huey P. Long Widening Project Westbank Railroad Modifications Huey P. Long Widening Project Westbank Railroad Modifications 1. Construct foundations for new cross girders 2. Install falsework to lift existing girder spans 3. Begin 24 hour rail traffic closure 4. Lift existing girder spans off steel tower 5. Remove upper portion steel tower 6. Erect cross girders 7. Lower existing girder spans onto new cross girders 8. Restore rail traffic 9. Remove remaining portion of steel tower 24 HOUR RAIL CLOSURE Westbank Sequence of Construction Railroad Modifications - Eastbank START PROJECT WESTBANK RR MOD EASTBANK APPR. END PROJECT WESTBANK APPR. EASTBANK RR MOD MAIN BRIDGE PIER, TRUSS, AND DECK WIDENING Railroad Modifications - Eastbank Clearview Pkwy. EXISTING Project Site Jefferson Hwy Huey P. Long Widening Project Eastbank Railroad Modifications Gas ant Vac ation St y. Pkw w rvie Clea Power Poles & Power Line dge . Long Bri Jeffers on Hw y. To Huey P QWEST Line Existing Site Conditions Existing Superstructure and Towers to be Replaced Huey P. Long Widening Project Eastbank Railroad Modifications New Bents . Long Bri dge Jeffers on Hw y. To Huey P Gas ant Vac ation St y. Pkw w rvie Clea d ate v le e E way r u t d Fu Roa tur u F w ad o eR ay Final Site Conditions QWEST Line Huey P. Long Widening Project Eastbank Railroad Modifications 1. Construct new concrete straddle bents 2. Prepare steel tower and other falsework 3. Begin 24 hour rail traffic closure 4. Remove girders under one of the tracks 5. Erect new girders for one track 6. Re-establish track 7. Restore rail traffic 8. Repeat girder replacement for other track (Steps 3 – 7 above) 9. Remove steel tower 24 HOUR RAIL CLOSURE Eastbank Sequence of Construction Approaches & Deck Widening START PROJECT WEST BANK RR MOD EAST BANK APPR. END PROJECT WEST BANK APPR. EAST BANK RR MOD MAIN BRIDGE PIER, TRUSS, AND DECK WIDENING Approaches & Deck Widening Bridge City Ave. Interchange Start Project WEST BANK APPROACH Conflict w/ Existing Rdwy Approaches & Deck Widening Cantilever Truss Span Simple Through Truss Span EXISTING PROPOSED WIDENING Approaches & Deck Widening Jefferson Hwy Interchange End Project NOPBRR Spur Conflict w/ Existing Rdwy EAST BANK APPROACH Approaches & Deck Widening Approaches & Deck Widening EB APPR. EB APPR. Approaches & Deck Widening Created using Google SketchUp Approaches & Deck Widening W.P. CAP TRUMPET TRUMPET PC COLUMN FOUNDATION Approaches & Deck Widening 184 - TOTAL SUBSTRUCTURE UNITS 123 - 4’ X 6’ COLUMN BENTS 8’ x 14’ 8’ x 12’ 6’ x 12’ 4’ x 6’ Approaches & Deck Widening Column Type 4: 8’ x 14’ Column Type 3: 8’ x 12’ Column Type 2: 6’ x 12’ Column Type 1: 4’ x 6’ Approaches & Deck Widening Trumpet for 8’ x 14’ Columns Trumpets for 6’ & 8’ x 12’ columns Trumpet for 4’ x 6’ columns 8’ x 14’ 8’ x 12’ 6’ x 12’ 4’ x 6’ Approaches & Deck Widening Adjust Footing Depth As Necessary Typical Bent Full Height Trumpet SubTrumpet Size 1 SubTrumpet Size 2 Main Bridge Deck Widening WORK PERFORMED IN APPROACH CONTRACT Approaches & Deck Widening West Bank Approach - West Bank Bound East Bank Approach - East Bank Bound Approaches & Deck Widening WB APPR. Location of West Bank Steel Girder Spans West Bank Approach East Bank Bound Approaches & Deck Widening EB APPR. Location of East Bank Steel Girder Spans East Bank Approach West Bank Bound Approaches & Deck Widening Approaches & Deck Widening SWITCH TRAFFIC Project Timeline Project Schedule 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Main Bridge Substructure Railroad Modifications Superstructure Fabrication & Erection Approaches & Main Bridge Re-decking • Work Completed – Railroad Modifications – Main Bridge Pier Widening • Work Under Construction – Main Bridge Truss Widening – West Bank Approach, Main Bridge Deck Widening, East Bank Approach 2013 Project Status – Completed Main Bridge Pier Widening • Letting Date: – December 14, 2005 • Notice To Proceed Date: – April 10, 2006 • Construction Bid: – $ 98,826,907 • Contractor: – Massman Construction Co. Main Bridge Pier Widening EXISTING Pier A Piers I & II Pier III Pier IV PROPOSED WIDENING Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Distribution Block Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening G&G Steel New Orleans Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Main Bridge Pier Widening Project Status - Completed Railroad Modifications • Letting Date: – May 10, 2006 • Notice To Proceed Date: – August 28, 2006 • Construction Bid: – $ 13,782,713 • Contractor: – Boh Bros. Construction Co. Railroad Modifications - Westbank Project Site Railroad LA 18 EXISTING Hwy. 90 Railroad Modifications - Westbank Railroad Modifications - Westbank Railroad Modifications - Westbank Railroad Modifications - Westbank G&G Steel New Orleans Railroad Modifications - Westbank Railroad Modifications - Westbank Railroad Modifications - Westbank Railroad Modifications - Westbank Railroad Modifications - Westbank Railroad Modifications - Westbank Railroad Modifications - Westbank Railroad Modifications - Eastbank Clearview Pkwy. EXISTING Project Site Jefferson Hwy Railroad Modifications - Eastbank Railroad Modifications - Eastbank Huey P. Long Widening Project Eastbank Railroad Modifications Railroad Modifications - Eastbank Railroad Modifications - Eastbank Railroad Modifications - Eastbank Railroad Modifications - Eastbank Railroad Modifications - Eastbank Railroad Modifications - Eastbank Railroad Modifications - Eastbank Railroad Modifications - Eastbank Railroad Modifications - Eastbank Project Status – Under Construction Main Bridge Truss Widening • Letting Date: – March 28, 2007 • Notice to Proceed Date: – November 5, 2007 • Construction Bid: – $ 452,605,568 • Contractor: – Massman Construction Co., Traylor Brothers Inc., and IHI, Inc. Main Bridge Truss Widening Cantilever Truss Span Simple Through Truss Span EXISTING PROPOSED WIDENING Main Bridge Truss Widening Industrial Steel Construction Gary, IN New Orleans Main Bridge Truss Widening Truss Monitoring STATIC MONITORING SYSTEM – 433 Members (777 Vibrating Wire Strain Gages) – 5 Piers (10 Vibrating Wire Tilt Meters) – Wind Speed/Direction DYNAMIC (LIVE LOAD) MONITORING SYSTEM – 31 Members (50 Electrical Resistance Strain Gages) Main Bridge Truss Widening Work Platform Main Bridge Truss Widening Work Platform Main Bridge Truss Widening Floorbeam Modifications Template Fit Up Check Main Bridge Truss Widening Floorbeam Modifications Installation of Wedge Fill Main Bridge Truss Widening Floorbeam Modifications Installation of Wedge Fill Main Bridge Truss Widening Work on Existing Structure – Bottom Chord Main Bridge Truss Widening Work on Existing Structure – Top Chord Main Bridge Truss Widening Widening Truss Bottom Laterals Main Bridge Truss Widening Remove Existing Sidewalk – Install Temporary Steel Barrier Main Bridge Truss Widening Main Bridge Erection - Methods A B A = “Stick Build” A B B = “Span by Span” B Main Bridge Truss Widening Main Bridge Erection Main Bridge Truss Widening Main Bridge Erection Main Bridge Truss Widening Main Bridge Erection Main Bridge Truss Widening Main Bridge Erection Main Bridge Truss Widening Main Bridge Erection Main Bridge Truss Widening Main Bridge Erection Main Bridge Truss Widening Main Bridge Erection Main Bridge Truss Widening Main Bridge Erection Main Bridge Truss Widening Main Bridge Erection December 2009 Main Bridge Truss Widening Main Bridge Erection December 2009 Main Bridge Truss Widening Contractor’s Erection Scheme – “Span by Span” Erection • • • East Anchor Arm Suspended Span Through Truss Span Project Status – Under Construction West Bank Approach, Main Bridge Deck Widening, East Bank Approach • Letting Date: – March 19, 2008 • Notice to Proceed Date: – May 5, 2008 • Construction Bid: – $ 433,950,000 • Contractor: – Kiewit Massman Traylor Constructors Approaches & Deck Widening START PROJECT WEST BANK RR MOD EAST BANK APPR. END PROJECT WEST BANK APPR. EAST BANK RR MOD MAIN BRIDGE PIER, TRUSS, AND DECK WIDENING Approaches & Deck Widening Box Culverts Approaches & Deck Widening At Grade Roadways – West Bank Approaches & Deck Widening Foundations - Westbank Approaches & Deck Widening Foundations - Westbank Approaches & Deck Widening Substructure - Westbank Approaches & Deck Widening Substructure Westbank Approaches & Deck Widening Superstructure - Westbank Approaches & Deck Widening Superstructure - Westbank Approaches & Deck Widening Superstructure - Westbank Approaches & Deck Widening Superstructure - Westbank Approaches & Deck Widening Superstructure - Westbank Approaches & Deck Widening Superstructure - Westbank Approaches & Deck Widening Superstructure - Westbank Approaches & Deck Widening Substructure – Pier IVA Created using Google SketchUp Approaches & Deck Widening Substructure – Pier IVA The Rehabilitation Alternative Huey P. Long Bridge Case Study Q&A 1. Priority for the selection of bridges for replacement or rehabilitation with Federal bridge replacement funds based on three parameters. Name them. ? 2. Of the three parameters above, which is given the highest weight? ? 3. What Sufficiency Rating is required for replacement? ? 4. Bridge geometry is a key element of Functional Adequacy and Serviceability. What is the most important factor within bridge geometry? ? 5. For the case study project, name one key design challenge? ? 6. For the case study project, how was approach bent formwork simplified? ? Q&A 1. Priority for the selection of bridges for replacement or rehabilitation with Federal bridge replacement funds based on three parameters. Name them. Structural adequacy, functional adequacy and serviceability, and essential for public use. 2. Of the three parameters above, which is given the highest weight? Structural adequacy 3. What Sufficiency Rating is required for replacement? < 50 4. Bridge geometry is a key element of Functional Adequacy and Serviceability. What is the most important factor within bridge geometry? Clear roadway width 5. For the case study project, name one key design challenge? Maintenance of traffic, deflection between existing and widened structures, not imposing deflection induced loads into the existing bridge. 6. For the case study project, how was approach bent formwork simplified? 2/3’s of the forms were the same, and the rest required only simple formwork changes