The Cookie Monster - Central United Methodist Church

September 2, 2015
Volume 24, No. 34
Our MISSION: To make disciples of Christ who WORSHIP God,
GROW in their faith, and SERVE in the church and world.
200 East Marion Street, Shelby, NC 28150-4610
Phone: (704) 487-6336; Fax: (704) 487-4351
Kid’s Place Preschool: (704) 487-6357
Counseling Services: (704) 375-5354, ext. 409
Email:; Website:
Danny Leonard, Senior Pastor
Jeannie Hamrick, Director of Education
Keely DeBoever, Director of Youth Ministries
Danny Buckner, Director of Music Ministries
Libby Alexander, Organist
Dianne Whisnant, Financial Secretary
Shelley Rempson, Kid’s Place Preschool Director
Alan Hughes, Facilities Manager
Dan Treharne, Director of Worship Media
The Cookie Monster
While flying across the country, a lady traveler learned that she would have to wait for several hours
before catching her next flight. While she waited she bought a book and a pack of cookies to help
pass the time.
She was deep into her book, when suddenly she realized that there
was a young man sitting next to her who was stretching his hand, with
no concern whatsoever, and grabbing the pack of cookies lying
between them. He started to eat them one by one.
Not wanting to make a fuss about it she decided to ignore him. The
woman, slightly bothered, ate the cookies and watched the clock, while
the young and shameless cookie thief was also helping himself to them.
The woman started to get really angry at this point and thought, "If I wasn't such a good and
educated person, I would have given this daring man a black eye by now." Every time she ate a
cookie, he had one too. The dialogue between their eyes continued and when only one cookie was
left, she wondered what he was going to do.
Softly and with a nervous smile, the young man grabbed the last cookie and broke it in two. He
offered one half to the woman while he ate the other half. Briskly she took the cookie and thought,
"What a rude man! How uneducated! He didn't even thank me!" She was relieved to hear her flight
She grabbed her bags and went towards the boarding gate refusing to look back to where that
cookie thief was seated. After boarding the plane and nicely seated, she looked for her book which
was nearly finished by now.
While looking into her bag she was totally surprised to find her pack of cookies completely intact.
Have a great week and I look forward to seeing you in church on Sunday.
- Pastor Danny
2015 Stewardship
9:00am Worship (Aug 30)…………………………………….....................212
Sunday School (Aug 30)……………………………................................154
2015 Operating Budget..................................................$665,173.15
2015 Monthly Budget Needs.............................................$55,431.10
Total Receipts for Month of August....................................$28,912.15
Total Receipts for 08/23/2015—08/27/2015.......................$10,082.00
September 6th— September 12th
Calendar of Events
(Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost)
Combined rehearsal (Sanctuary)
Worship Service (Sanctuary)
Coffee & Refreshments (Fellowship Hall)
Sunday School for All Ages
Office Closed for Labor Day
Counseling Center open (by appointment)
7:15am HS Breakfast at Chick-fil-A
9:00am Church Office opens
11:30am Hot Lunch Program (PAC)
9:00am Church Office opens
5:00pm Family Kick-Off at Ruby Hunt YMCA
Counseling Center open (by appointment)
9:00am Church Office opens
9:30am Kid’s Place Board meeting
5:30pm Central Ringers rehearsal
7:00pm Praise Ensemble rehearsal
11:30am Hot Lunch Program (PAC)
Serving Sunday, September 6, 2015
The Lambs
Sunday School & Worship:
Rhonda Keeley
The Guppies
Sunday School & Worship:
Natalie Harrington
The Stars
Sunday School & Worship:
Linda Zachary
Collection Counters: Lynn Carter & Sallie Craig
Collection Counters for 09/13/2015:
Sallie Craig & Janet Edwards
Sunday School Assistant: Michael Schenck
Preschool Topic: “God Made Our World”
Genesis 1:1-19
Kindergarten-Grade 2: Godly Play : “The Circle of the
Church Year”
Grades 3– 5: “Because God Accepts Us, We Can Accept Others”
Colossians 3:9-11
Children’s Sermon: Caroline Laney
6..........................Brownie Plaster
7..................................Jack Arey
7.............................Beth Norman
9..............................Sarah Pruett
10..............................Paul Ellison
10...................Jennifer Mabry
10.................Wren Westbrook
10...................Keely DeBoever
10.....................Mason Wright
11...................Mary Lattimore
Fall Kick-Off
Everyone is invited to a family kick-off event at the Ruby Hunt YMCA pool on Wednesday
September 9th, 5-7pm. A supper including pizza, salad, dessert, and a drink is included! Please
contact Danny Buckner by Monday September 7th if you and your family plan to attend. This is a
great opportunity to invite friends/families that may be interested in our church and particularly in
our children/youth music ministry programs. Please be sure to include any first time guests in
your head count.
The Soup Kitchen has a great need for your help on 6 Tuesdays a year, 3 hours each time. No
experience necessary. Gary does all the cooking! Due to illness and death, our number of helpers
has declined while the need has grown. Call Barbara at 704-480-6082 to volunteer for this
rewarding service.
Laity Service Award
It has been our practice each year to recognize a member of Central UMC who shares unselfishly
of their time in the ministry of the church. The Lay Leadership Committee would like to hear from
you as to whom we should honor this year. Forms are available in the church office. Please
submit your nomination to the pastor, church secretary, or any member of the lay leadership
team no later than Friday, September 11th. The Committee will meet the following week and
make a selection.
Bits & Pieces from Central’s Past - Billie Ann Haynes, Ch. Historian
To the 4th Quarterly Conference of 1922, the following was reported concerning Central Methodist’s
Sunday School classes:”We have seven departments including Cradle Roll and Home Department.
The teachers are regular in their attendance and are taking a great deal of interest in their work,
not only in building up attendance of their classed, but in teaching the Word of God.”
Memorials and Honorariums
In honor of Alan & Ginny Hughes by Bill & Marilyn Jack.
In memory of Holly Fryar by Bill & Marilyn Jack..
In memory of Mary Jane Darr by Bill & Marilyn Jack..
Kid’s Place Scholarships Needed
Church Family, we have 1 child that would love to attend preschool but due to financial strains
cannot afford the entire cost. If you would like to sponsor a child or just make a one time
donation to our scholarship fund please contact Shelley Rempson at 704-472-8572 or You can also turn any donation into the main office— just mark it
Kid’s Place scholarship. Kid’s Place Preschool is a great place for children to learn and grow in
Christ! Thank you for your help!
Legacy Grants
The life and energy of Central and it’s programs remain strong as Summer comes to an end. The
most recent Legacy Grants are a true gift to Central and our community. This year’s Legacy Grants
have helped send youth and leaders to Honduras, helped with moving expenses for our new
minister, helped new college students prepare for their first year , helped with math tutoring for
local students….just to name a few! These are just the beginning of how Legacy Grants not only
touch others but involve and touch members of Central. Over $40,000 was awarded this year. All
programs awarded are to be completed by March 1, 2016.
Here is a list of this year’s Legacy Grant awards:
Music Ministry -ear monitors
WinGS Circle -Life Skills for Foster girls
WinGS Circle -Math Academy
Trustees -PAC Refrigerator
Kid’s Place -Scholarship Fund
Education -Super Saturday Service
Education -Interpretation Bible Commentary
Education -Living Gift Market
Youth Ministry -Honduras Mission Trip
Youth Ministry -Youth Bibles & Devotionals
Trustees -History Room Improvements
Missions -Summer Nutritional Program
Missions -Book Fairies
Missions -Back Pack Ministry
Missions -College Digs
Staff Parrish -Computer back up service
Staff Parrish -Pastor Moving/Parsonage Prep
Central’s Legacy Committee is excited to share the above grant awards. We are certain the
members of Central and our community will continue to enjoy the ongoing results of these grants.
The exciting news is that this grant process will take place again next year! Be thinking of how you
could possibly touch the lives of others through a Legacy grant.
Will Rucker