BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM BWR/PWR Generic Fundamentals COMPONENTS CHAPTER 8 CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS NRC Exam Bank Questions Study Guide (thru Dec 2007) Rev 4 (revised July 2008) ©2006-2008 General Physics Corporation, Elkridge, Maryland All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from General Physics Corporation. DO NOT LEND OR MAKE ILLEGAL COPIES OF THIS DOCUMENT OR SOFTWARE. This material is licensed for authorized licensed sites only. Use of these materials at unlicensed sites is a violation of the license and the copyright. Do not use or provide to unlicensed sites. BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM TABLE OF CONTENTS PWR K/A – OBJECTIVE CROSS REFERENCE .................................................................................... iii BWR K/A – OBJECTIVE CROSS REFERENCE..................................................................................... v 1 / 2 QID: P17 (B15/B1414) Operation of Flow Controller......................................................1 0 / 0 QID: P217 (B215) Operation of Flow Controller..............................................................3 0 / 1 QID: P715 (B1817) Operation of Flow Controller............................................................5 0 / 1 QID: P1115 Operation of Flow Controller ........................................................................7 1 / 1 QID: P1518 (B1616) Operation of Flow Controller..........................................................9 0 / 1 QID: P1615 (B715) Operation of Flow Controller..........................................................11 0 / 0 QID: B15 (P17) Operation of Flow Controller................................................................13 0 / 0 QID: P1019 Safety Precautions – Controllers and Positioners........................................15 0 / 0 QID: P918 (B2115 / B2615) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers17 0 / 0 QID: P2519 (B2515) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers ..........19 1 / 0 QID: P1417 (B2215) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers ..........21 0 / 0 QID: P1216 Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ....................................23 2 / 2 QID: P3715 (B3715) Operation of Flow Controller........................................................25 0 / 3 QID: P20 Cautions for placing a valve controller in manual mode.................................27 0 / 3 QID: P220 (B1502) Cautions for placing a valve controller in manual mode ................29 1 / 1 QID: P917 (B1015) Operation of Controllers .................................................................31 0 / 1 QID: P616 Operation of Valve Controller.......................................................................33 0 / 2 QID: P2117 Operation of Valve Controller.....................................................................35 0 / 0 QID: P617 (B516) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ..........................37 0 / 0 QID: P1315 (B917) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ........................39 0 / 1 QID: P1715 (B1914) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ......................41 0 / 2 QID: P2016 (B2016) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ......................43 2 / 1 QID: B5109 (P5107) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ......................45 1 / 2 QID: P318 (B317) Valve Positioners Operation .............................................................47 0 / 0 QID: P1217 (B1416) Valve Positioners Operation .........................................................49 1 / 2 QID: P2416 (B2917) Valve Positioners Operation .........................................................51 0 / 2 QID: P2617 (B2216) Valve Positioners Operation .........................................................53 0 / 2 QID: P4008 Operation of Controllers..............................................................................55 1 / 4 QID: P319 (B316) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers ..............57 1 / 0 QID: P818 (B1317) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers ............59 4 / 2 QID: P3015 (B3016) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ......................61 1 / 1 QID: P3215 (B3216) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ......................63 1 / 1 QID: P3516 Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ....................................65 1 / 1 QID: B4609 (P4607) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ......................67 1 / 3 QID: P3816 (B3817) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ......................69 2 / 2 QID: B4408 (P4408) Operation of Controllers ...............................................................71 1 / 1 QID: B4908 (P4909) Operation of Controllers ...............................................................73 1 / 1 QID: B4509 (P4508) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ......................75 0 / 0 QID: B2017 (P2019) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ......................77 0 / 0 QID: B816 (P18) Valve Positioners Operation ...............................................................79 0 / 0 QID: P18 (B816/B217) Valve Positioners Operation......................................................81 0 / 0 QID: B2816 (P116) Valve Positioners Operation ...........................................................83 © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page i BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM TABLE OF CONTENTS 0 / 1 QID: P1117 (B1116) Valve Positioners Operation .........................................................85 0 / 0 QID: P1516 (B1517) Valve Positioners Operation .........................................................87 0 / 0 QID: P1618 (B1617) Valve Positioners Operation .........................................................89 0 / 0 QID: P2116 (B2117) Valve Positioners Operation .........................................................91 2 / 0 QID: P2216 (B3317) Valve Positioners Operation .........................................................93 0 / 0 QID: P2417 (B2416) Valve Positioners Operation .........................................................95 0 / 0 QID: P2517 (2516) Valve Positioners Operation ............................................................97 1 / 0 QID: P2716 (B2716) Valve Positioners Operation .........................................................99 0 / 1 QID: P2917 (B2915) Valve Positioners Operation .......................................................101 0 / 0 QID: P1716 Valve Positioners Operation......................................................................103 0 / 0 QID: P1219 (B1516) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers ........105 0 / 0 QID: P1016 (B1915) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers ........107 0 / 0 QID: P2319 (B2315) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers ........109 1 / 0 QID: P2419 (B2415) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers ........111 2 / 1 QID: P2919 (B3116) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers ........113 1 / 1 QID: P2819 (B2815) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers ........115 2 / 3 QID: P3617 (B3616) Operation of Valve Controller ....................................................117 2 / 1 QID: B4108 (P4109) Operation of Controllers .............................................................119 1 / 2 QID: P3319 (B3316) Operation of Controllers .............................................................121 1 / 1 QID: B5009 (P5009) Operation of Controllers .............................................................123 2 / 2 QID: B4708 (P4707) Operation of Controllers .............................................................127 1 / 1 QID: P3419 (B3415) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers ........131 1 / 1 QID: P3519 (B3515) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers ........133 1 / 1 QID: P3818 (B3816) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers ........135 4 / 2 QID: P218 (B3115) Operation of Speed Controller ......................................................137 0 / 2 QID: P1316 Operation of Speed Controller ..................................................................139 1 / 3 QID: P1815 (B1016) Operation of Speed Controller ....................................................141 1 / 3 QID: P1818 (B1815) Governors and Other Mechanical Controllers Operation ...........143 2 / 0 QID: P2818 (B2817) Governors and Other Mechanical Controllers Operation ...........145 0 / 0 QID: P2018 (B2015) Governors and Other Mechanical Controllers Operation ...........147 0 / 0 QID: P419 (B1316) Governors and Other Mechanical Controllers Operation .............149 © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page ii BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM COMPONENTS: 191003 CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS PWR K/A – OBJECTIVE CROSS REFERENCE NUREG-1021 ES-205 3 question(s) on 50 question PWR GF Test K/A Quest. in NRC bank 72 K/A STATEMENT IMPORTANCE RO SRO RELATED OBJECTIVE NUMBER K1.01 7 †Function and operation of flow controller in manual and automatic modes 3.1 3.2 4,7,10 K1.02 3 †Function and operation of a speed controller 2.6 2.7 4,12, 13 K1.03 3 Operation of valve controllers in manual and automatic mode 3.1 3.1 10, 12 K1.04 13 Function and operation of pressure and temperature controllers, including pressure and temperature control valves 2.8 3.0 4,9 K1.05 17 Function and characteristics of valve positioners 2.5 2.8 8 K1.06 4 Function and characteristics of governors and other mechanical controllers 2.3 2.6 8, 12, 13 K1.07 1 Safety precautions with respect to the operation of controllers and positioners 2.3 2.6 14 K1.08 8 Theory of operation of the following types of controllers: electronic, electrical, and pneumatic 2.1 2.6 7 K1.09 14 Effects on operation of controllers due to proportional, integral (reset), derivative (rate), as well as their combinations 2.4 2.5 5 © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page iii BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM COMPONENTS: 191003 CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS K1.10 0 Function and characteristics of airoperated valves, including failure models 2.4 2.8 Covered in Components, Chapter 1 K1.11 2 †Cautions for placing a valve controller in manual mode 2.8 2.9 11, 12, 14 The following objectives, while not cross-referenced to specific K/As, ensure mastery of fundamental concepts: 1, 2, 3, and 6. Note: Importance ratings that are marked with an asterisk (*) or question mark (?) indicate variability in rating responses by reviewers. An asterisk (*) indicates that the rating spread was very broad. An asterisk (*) can also indicate that more than 15% of the raters felt the knowledge or ability is not required for the RO/SRO position at their plant. A question mark (?) indicates that more than 15% of the raters felt that they were not familiar with the knowledge or ability as related to the particular system or design feature. A dagger (†) indicates that more than 20% of the raters indicated that the level of knowledge or ability required by a SRO is different from the level of knowledge or ability required by a RO. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page iv BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM COMPONENTS: 291003 CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS BWR K/A – OBJECTIVE CROSS REFERENCE NUREG-1021 ES-205 2 question(s) on 50 question BWR GF Test K/A Quest. in NRC bank 67 K/A STATEMENT IMPORTANCE RO SRO RELATED OBJECTIVE NUMBER K1.01 10 Function and operation of flow controller in manual and automatic modes. 3.5 3.7 4, 11 K1.02 1 Function and operation of speed controller. 3.5 3.6 12, 13 K1.03 16 Operation of a valve controller, including seal-in features. 3.3 3.4 6 K1.04 16 Function and operation of pressure and temperature controllers, including pressure, and temperature control valves. 3.3 3.3 10 K1.05 17 Function and characteristics of valve positioners. 2.8 2.8 9 K1.06 5 Function and characteristics of governors and other mechanical controllers. 2.5 2.6 12 K1.07 2 Safety precautions with respect to the operation of controllers and positioners. 2.8 2.8 14 K1.08 0 Theory of operation of the following types of controllers: electronic, electrical, and pneumatic. 2.2* 2.2* Covered in Components, Chapter 1, Valves © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page v BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM COMPONENTS: 291003 CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS K1.09 0 Effects on operation of controllers due to proportional, proportional and reset, and proportional and integral features. 2.0* 2.2* 5 The following objectives, while not cross-referenced to specific K/As, ensure mastery of fundamental concepts: 1-3, and 7. Note: Importance ratings that are marked with an asterisk (*) or question mark (?) indicate variability in rating responses by reviewers. An asterisk (*) indicates that the rating spread was very broad. An asterisk (*) can also indicate that more than 15% of the raters felt the knowledge or ability is not required for the RO/SRO position at their plant. A question mark (?) indicates that more than 15% of the raters felt that they were not familiar with the knowledge or ability as related to the particular system or design feature. A dagger (†) indicates that more than 20% of the raters indicated that the level of knowledge or ability required by a SRO is different from the level of knowledge or ability required by a RO. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page vi BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM This Page Intentionally Blank © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page vii BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 2 QID: P17 (B15/B1414) Operation of Flow Controller ANSWER: A. BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.01 [3.5/3.7] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.01 [3.1/3.2] Similar questions P217 (B215); P17 (B15/B1414); P17 (B15) Two questions have the QID P17 with slightly different wording P17 (B15/B1414) and P17 (B15) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Oct2003 Jun2007, Mar2005 The difference between the setpoint in an automatic controller and the steady-state value of the controlled parameter is called... A. offset. B. gain. C. dead band. D. feedback. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 1 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 2 QID: P17 (B15/B1414) Operation of Flow Controller ANSWER: A. Explanation The difference between the setpoint in an automatic controller and the steady-state value of the controlled parameter is called... A. offset. CORRECT, this is a textbook definition of offset. B. gain. Incorrect, gain is the ratio of output change to input change for a proportional controller. C. dead band. Incorrect, dead band describes the region of overlap in which the controller does not change state. D. feedback. Incorrect, feedback is information on the controlled variable, which is sent, or fed, back to the controller via the measuring element. The correct answer is ANSWER A. offset. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 2 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P217 (B215) Operation of Flow Controller ANSWER: C. BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.01 [3.5/3.7] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.01 [3.1/3.2] Similar questions P217 (B215); P17 (B15/B1414); P17 (B15) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 In an automatic flow controller, the range of values around the set point of a measured variable where no action occurs is called... A. bias. B. error. C. dead band. D. deviation. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 3 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P217 (B215) Operation of Flow Controller ANSWER: C. Explanation In an automatic flow controller, the range of values around the set point of a measured variable where no action occurs is called... A. bias. Incorrect, bias represents the control effort required to maintain the process variable at its setpoint in the absence of a load. B. error. Incorrect, error is the difference between the measured variable and the setpoint. C. dead band. CORRECT, this is a textbook definition of dead band. D. deviation. Incorrect, same as error. The correct answer is ANSWER C. dead band. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 4 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 1 QID: P715 (B1817) Operation of Flow Controller ANSWER: B. BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.01 [3.5/3.7] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.01 [3.1/3.2] Similar questions N/A Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Oct2002 An automatic flow controller is being used to position a valve in a cooling water system. The controller develops a flow error signal and then increases the magnitude of the signal to drive the valve operator. The factor by which the magnitude of the flow error signal is increased is referred to as... A. bias. B. gain. C. feedback. D. offset. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 5 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 1 QID: P715 (B1817) Operation of Flow Controller ANSWER: B. Explanation An automatic flow controller is being used to position a valve in a cooling water system. The controller develops a flow error signal and then increases the magnitude of the signal to drive the valve operator. The factor by which the magnitude of the flow error signal is increased is referred to as... A. bias. Incorrect, bias represents the control effort required to maintain the process variable at its setpoint in the absence of a load. B. gain. CORRECT, this is a textbook definition of gain. C. feedback. Incorrect, feedback is information on the controlled variable, which is sent, or fed, back to the controller via the measuring element. D. offset. Incorrect, offset is the difference between the setpoint in an automatic controller and the steady-state value of the controlled parameter The correct answer is ANSWER B. gain. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 6 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 1 QID: P1115 Operation of Flow Controller BWR TOPIC: KNOWLEDGE: Similar questions N/A Recent BWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 ANSWER: C. PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: PK1.01 [3.1/3.2] Recent PWR exams Jun2005 A typical flow controller uses the ____________ method of control. A. open-loop B. on-off C. closed-loop D. external regulating © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 7 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 1 QID: P1115 Operation of Flow Controller Explanation A typical flow controller uses the _CLOSED-LOOP_ method of control. ANSWER: C. A. open-loop Incorrect, in an open-loop system the controlled variable is not used to adjust any of the inputs to the process. B. on-off Incorrect, on-off control allows for large swings in the process. If the flow controller is controlling a valve, then it is either on or off with no real way to fine tune the flow rate. C. closed-loop CORRECT, in a closed-loop system the controlled variable is used to adjust the inputs to the process. D. external regulating Incorrect, external regulating is another way of describing an open loop system where the controlled variable is not used to control the process. The correct answer is ANSWER C. closed-loop © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 8 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P1518 (B1616) Operation of Flow Controller ANSWER: C BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.01 [3.5/3.7] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.01 [3.1/3.2] Similar questions N/A Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Jun2006 Sep2006 Which one of the following is used to describe the delay between a process parameter change and the sensing of that change by the process controller? A. Offset B. Gain C. Dead time D. Feedback © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 9 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P1518 (B1616) Operation of Flow Controller ANSWER: C Explanation Which one of the following is used to describe the delay between a process parameter change and the sensing of that change by the process controller? A. Offset Incorrect, off set is the difference between the setpoint in an automatic controller and the steady-state value of the controlled parameter B. Gain Incorrect, gain is the ratio of output change to input change for a proportional controller. C. Dead time CORRECT, this is a text book definition of dead time D. Feedback Incorrect, feedback is information on the controlled variable, which is sent, or fed, back to the controller via the measuring element. The correct answer is ANSWER C. Dead time © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 10 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 1 QID: P1615 (B715) Operation of Flow Controller ANSWER: C. BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.01 [3.5/3.7] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.01 [3.1/3.2] Similar questions N/A Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Jun2001 An automatic flow controller is being used to position a valve in a cooling water system. A signal from the valve, which is proportional to valve position, is returned to the controller. This signal is referred to as... A. gain. B. bias. C. feedback. D. error. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 11 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 1 QID: P1615 (B715) Operation of Flow Controller ANSWER: C. Explanation An automatic flow controller is being used to position a valve in a cooling water system. A signal from the valve, which is proportional to valve position, is returned to the controller. This signal is referred to as... A. gain. Incorrect, gain is the ratio of output change to input change for a proportional controller. B. bias. Incorrect, bias represents the control effort required to maintain the process variable at its setpoint in the absence of a load. C. feedback. CORRECT, this is a text book definition of feedback D. error. Incorrect, error is the difference between the measured variable and the setpoint. The correct answer is ANSWER C. feedback. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 12 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: B15 (P17) Operation of Flow Controller ANSWER: C. BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.01 [3.5/3.7] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.01 [3.1/3.2] P217 (B215); P17 (B15/B1414); P17 (B15) Two questions have the QID P17 with slightly different wording P17 (B15/B1414) and P17 (B15) Similar questions Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 The difference between the setpoint and the measured parameter in an automatic flow controller is called... A. gain. B. bias. C. error. D. feedback. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 13 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: B15 (P17) Operation of Flow Controller ANSWER: C. Explanation The difference between the setpoint and the measured parameter in an automatic flow controller is called... A. gain. Incorrect, gain is the ratio of output change to input change for a proportional controller. B. bias. Incorrect, bias represents the control effort required to maintain the process variable at its setpoint in the absence of a load. C. error. CORRECT, this is a text book definition of error D. feedback. Incorrect, feedback is information on the controlled variable, which is sent, or fed, back to the controller via the measuring element. The correct answer is ANSWER C. error. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 14 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1019 Safety Precautions – Controllers and Positioners ANSWER: D BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: KNOWLEDGE: PK1.07 [2.3/2.6] Similar questions N/A Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 Which one of the following refers to the transfer of controller modes from automatic-to-manual or manual-to-automatic without causing a system perturbation? A. A direct transfer B. A dead band transfer C. An analog-to-digital transfer D. A bumpless transfer © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 15 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1019 Safety Precautions – Controllers and Positioners ANSWER: D Explanation Which one of the following refers to the transfer of controller modes from automatic-to-manual or manual-to-automatic without causing a system perturbation? The smooth transfer of control from one mode to another is termed “bumpless transfer” A. A direct transfer Incorrect - this is a distracter B. A dead band transfer Incorrect – this is a distracter C. An analog-to-digital transfer Incorrect – automatic-to-manual or manual-to-automatic transfer of controller is not an analog to digital transfer D. A bumpless transfer CORRECT, this is a textbook definition of a bumpless transfer. The correct answer is ANSWER D. A bumpless transfer © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 16 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P918 (B2115 / B2615) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative ANSWER: A (rate) Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.01 [3.5/3.7] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.09 [2.4/2.5] Similar questions N/A Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 In a proportional controller, the term "offset" refers to the difference between the... A. control point and set point. B. control point and proportional band. C. dead band and set point. D. dead band and proportional band. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 17 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P918 (B2115 / B2615) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative ANSWER: A (rate) Controllers Explanation In a proportional controller, the term "offset" refers to the difference between the... A. control point (TRUE) and set point. (TRUE) CORRECT - all sections are true; if all sections are true the answer is correct, and all other answer must be incorrect. The difference between the setpoint and the measured variable is called error. This error signal is used to maintain the control valve at a specific position in response to a change in demand of the system. Offset error exists between the control point and set point. B. control point (TRUE) and proportional band. (FALSE) Incorrect- one section is true and one section is false; if any section is false the answer must be incorrect and another answer must be correct. The control point is the value that an automatic controller attempts to maintain. Proportional band is the change in the input required to produce a full-range change in output. There is no term for the relationship between control point and proportional band. C. dead band (FALSE) and set point (TRUE). Incorrect – one section is false and one section is true; if any section is false the answer must be incorrect and another answer must be correct. The dead band represents the region of measured variable overlap within which the controller output can be either on or off, depending on the state of controller output prior to the measured variable entering the dead band. When the measured variable is below the dead band, the controller output is always on. When the measured variable is above the dead band, the controller output is always off. The controller output does not change state within the dead band. As such, the controller causes the process to cycle above and below the setpoint. The measured variable oscillates within a band defined by the width of the dead band. Set point is the value that we want to maintain to keep the process within specification. There is no term for the relationship between dead band and set point. D. dead band (FALSE) and proportional band (FALSE). Incorrect – both sections are false; if any sections are false the answer must be incorrect and another answer must be correct. The dead band represents the region of measured variable overlap within which the controller output can be either on or off, depending on the state of controller output prior to the measured variable entering the dead band. When the measured variable is below the dead band, the controller output is always on. When the measured variable is above the dead band, the controller output is always off. The controller output does not change state within the dead band. As such, the controller causes the process to cycle above and below the setpoint. The measured variable oscillates within a band defined by the width of the dead band. Proportional band is the change in the input required to produce a full-range change in output. There is no term for the relationship between dead band and proportional band. The correct answer is ANSWER A. control point and set point. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 18 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P2519 (B2515) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: A Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.09 [2.4/2.5] Similar questions P2519 (B2515); P1219 (B1516) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 The temperature of the water in a small outside storage tank is controlled by a set of heaters submerged in the tank. The heaters energize at a water temperature of 40°F and deenergize at 48°F. When the heater set is energized, the tank heatup rate averages 2°F/minute in the operating range between 40°F and 48°F. Which one of the following types of control devices is used in the heater control circuit to produce these characteristics? A. Bistable B. Proportional C. Proportional Integral D. Proportional Derivative © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 19 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P2519 (B2515) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: A Controllers Explanation The temperature of the water in a small outside storage tank is controlled by a set of heaters submerged in the tank. The heaters energize at a water temperature of 40°F and deenergize at 48°F. When the heater set is energized, the tank heatup rate averages 2°F/minute in the operating range between 40°F and 48°F. Which one of the following types of control devices is used in the heater control circuit to produce these characteristics? A. Bistable CORRECT, there is no control occurring other than on and off of the heater circuits. B. Proportional Incorrect, proportional would ramp the output of the heater with the changes in temperature. C. Proportional Integral Incorrect, proportional integral would drive the temperature back to the setpoint. D. Proportional Derivative Incorrect, proportional derivative would ramp the output of the heater with the changes in temperature at a certain rate. The correct answer is ANSWER A. Bistable © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 20 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 0 QID: P1417 (B2215) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: A Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.09 [2.4/2.5] Similar questions P1417 (B2215); P1016 (B1915) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Oct2001 Not used in 2001 through 2007 Which one of the following controller types is designed to maintain the measured parameter at the controller set point? A. Integral B. Proportional C. On-Off D. Derivative © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 21 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 0 QID: P1417 (B2215) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: A Controllers Explanation Which one of the following controller types is designed to maintain the measured parameter at the controller set point? A. Integral CORRECT, integral (proportional-plus-reset) controllers automatically reset the measured variable to the setpoint. B. Proportional Incorrect, allows the final control element to be throttled to various positions that are dependent on process system conditions. C. On-Off Incorrect, on-off will not maintain the measured parameter at the controller set point, there is usually dead band associated with it. D. Derivative Incorrect, there are not derivative only controllers. The correct answer is ANSWER A. Integral © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 22 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1216 Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ANSWER: A BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: KNOWLEDGE: PK1.04 [2.8/3.0] Similar questions N/A Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 If a typical flow controller is in manual control, the output of the flow controller is determined by the... A. operator. B. system feedback. C. plant computer. D. flow error signal. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 23 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1216 Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ANSWER: A Explanation If a typical flow controller is in manual control, the output of the flow controller is determined by the... A. operator. CORRECT, this is a text book definition of manual control. B. system feedback. Incorrect, this would be true if the system were in automatic. C. plant computer. Incorrect, this would be true if the system were in automatic. D. flow error signal. Incorrect, this would be true if the system were in automatic. The correct answer is ANSWER A. operator. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 24 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 2 QID: P3715 (B3715) Operation of Flow Controller ANSWER: C. BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.01 [3.5/3.7] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.01 [3.1/3.2] Similar questions N/A Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Dec2006, Jun2003 Sep2007, Jun2003 A flow controller has proportional, integral, and derivative control features. Which one of the following lists the effect on the control features when the controller is switched from the automatic mode to the manual mode? A. Only the derivative feature will be lost. B. Only the integral and derivative features will be lost. C. All proportional, integral, and derivative features will be lost. D. All control features will continue to influence the controller output. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 25 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 2 QID: P3715 (B3715) Operation of Flow Controller ANSWER: C. Explanation A flow controller has proportional, integral, and derivative control features. Which one of the following lists the effect on the control features when the controller is switched from the automatic mode to the manual mode? A. Only the derivative feature will be lost. Incorrect, when the controller is switched to manual, all automatic control functions will be lost. B. Only the integral and derivative features will be lost. Incorrect, when the controller is switched to manual, all automatic control functions will be lost. C. All proportional, integral, and derivative features will be lost. CORRECT, when the controller is switched to manual, all automatic control functions will be lost. D. All control features will continue to influence the controller output. Incorrect, when the controller is switched to manual, all automatic control functions will be lost. The correct answer is ANSWER C. All proportional, integral, and derivative features will be lost. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 26 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 3 QID: P20 Cautions for placing a valve controller in manual mode ANSWER: B BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.07 2.8/2.8 KNOWLEDGE: PK1.11 [2.8/2.9] Similar questions P20; P220 (B1502) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Jun2006, Jun2004, Oct2001 What precaution must be observed when transferring a valve controller from the automatic mode to the manual mode of control? A. Ensure that a substantial deviation is established between the automatic and manual valve controller outputs. B. Ensure that the automatic and manual valve controller outputs are matched. C. Ensure that the automatic valve controller output is increasing before transferring to the manual mode of control. D. Ensure that the automatic valve controller output is decreasing before transferring to the manual mode of control. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 27 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 3 QID: P20 Cautions for placing a valve controller in manual mode ANSWER: B Explanation What precaution must be observed when transferring a valve controller from the automatic mode to the manual mode of control? A. Ensure that a substantial deviation is established between the automatic and manual valve controller outputs. Incorrect – there should be MINIMAL deviation between the automatic and manual valve controller outputs before transferring control. B. Ensure that the automatic and manual valve controller outputs are matched. CORRECT, prior to transferring a controller (electronic or pneumatic) from automatic to manual or manual to automatic, ensure the controlled variable is balanced to the setpoint (at or near zero error) on the deviation indicator. This check will prevent a large change (“bump”) in the process system when the transfer is accomplished. C. Ensure that the automatic valve controller output is increasing before transferring to the manual mode of control. Incorrect – there is no need to ensure the output is increasing before transferring to the manual mode of control. It is better to have a stable NON-CHANGING output before transfer. D. Ensure that the automatic valve controller output is decreasing before transferring to the manual mode of control. Incorrect - there is no need to ensure the output is decreasing before transferring to the manual mode of control. It is better to have a stable NON-CHANGING output before transfer. The correct answer is ANSWER B. Ensure that the automatic and manual valve controller outputs are matched. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 28 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 3 QID: P220 (B1502) Cautions for placing a valve controller in manual ANSWER: D mode BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.07 2.8/2.8 KNOWLEDGE: PK1.11 [2.8/2.9] Similar questions P20; P220 (B1502) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Mar2007, Oct2003, Jun2001 Prior to shifting a valve controller from automatic to manual control, why should the automatic and manual controller output signals be matched? A. To ensure the valve will operate in manual control upon demand. B. To ensure valve position indication is accurate in manual control. C. To move the valve to the new position prior to the transfer. D. To prevent a sudden valve repositioning during the transfer. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 29 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 3 QID: P220 (B1502) Cautions for placing a valve controller in manual ANSWER: D mode Explanation Prior to shifting a valve controller from automatic to manual control, why should the automatic and manual controller output signals be matched? A. To ensure the valve will operate in manual control upon demand. Incorrect, demand implies automatic control. B. To ensure valve position indication is accurate in manual control. Incorrect, valve position is independent of control. C. To move the valve to the new position prior to the transfer. Incorrect, moving the valve to the new position has nothing to do with matching the controller output signals. D. To prevent a sudden valve repositioning during the transfer. CORRECT, with a controller in manual, the system should be monitored closely, since setpoint and final control element positioning must be accomplished manually, and feedback is not available to (automatically) control the process. The correct answer is ANSWER D. To prevent a sudden valve repositioning during the transfer. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 30 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P917 (B1015) Operation of Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] Similar questions N/A Recent BWR exams Sep2006 ANSWER: D PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: PK1.08 [2.1/2.6] Recent PWR exams Jun2003 A proportional-derivative controller senses an increase in the controlled parameter above the controller set point. The derivative function causes the controller output signal to... A. increase until the controlled parameter equals the controller set point, at which time the output signal becomes constant. B. remain directly proportional to the difference between the controlled parameter and the controller set point. C. increase until the controlled parameter equals the controller set point, at which time the output signal becomes zero. D. change at a rate that is directly proportional to the rate of change of the controlled parameter. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 31 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P917 (B1015) Operation of Controllers ANSWER: D Explanation A proportional-derivative controller senses an increase in the controlled parameter above the controller set point. The derivative function causes the controller output signal to... A. increase until the controlled parameter equals the controller set point, at which time the output signal becomes constant. Incorrect, this does not describe the derivative function. B. remain directly proportional to the difference between the controlled parameter and the controller set point. Incorrect, this does not describe the derivative function. C. increase until the controlled parameter equals the controller set point, at which time the output signal becomes zero. Incorrect, this does not describe the derivative function. D. change at a rate that is directly proportional to the rate of change of the controlled parameter. CORRECT, the rate section responds to the rate of change of the error signal. It accomplishes this by increasing the controller output as the error signal rate of change increases. Thus, the controller anticipates large error signals. The rate portion of the controller actually performs the mathematical operation of differentiation. The correct answer is ANSWER D. change at a rate that is directly proportional to the rate of change of the controlled parameter. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 32 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 1 QID: P616 Operation of Valve Controller BWR TOPIC: 291003 KNOWLEDGE: Similar questions P616; P2117 Recent BWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 ANSWER: C PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: PK1.03 [3.1/3.1] Recent PWR exams Feb2002 Refer to the drawing of a pneumatic control system (see figure below). An increasing steam generator (S/G) level will decrease the S/G level control signal and reduce the control air pressure applied to the feed control valve, which reduces feedwater flow to the S/G. If the level control signal is manually increased, how will the pneumatic control system affect steam generator level? A. Level will increase because the valve positioner will close more. B. Level will decrease because the valve positioner will close more. C. Level will increase because the valve positioner will open more. D. Level will decrease because the valve positioner will open more. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 33 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 1 QID: P616 Operation of Valve Controller ANSWER: C Explanation Refer to the drawing of a pneumatic control system (see figure below). An increasing steam generator (S/G) level will decrease the S/G level control signal and reduce the control air pressure applied to the feed control valve which reduces feedwater flow to the S/G. If the level control signal is manually increased, how will the pneumatic control system affect steam generator level? A. Level will increase because the valve positioner will close more. Incorrect, manually increasing the level control signal will cause the valve positioner to open more. B. Level will decrease because the valve positioner will close more. Incorrect, manually increasing the level control signal will cause the valve positioner to open more. C. Level will increase because the valve positioner will open more. CORRECT, manually overriding the automatic controls will increase the steam generator (SG) level. D. Level will decrease because the valve positioner will open more. Incorrect, manually increasing the level control signal will increase the control air pressure applied to the feed control valve, which increases feedwater flow to the S/G and increases level. The correct answer is ANSWER C. Level will increase because the valve positioner will open more. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 34 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 2 QID: P2117 Operation of Valve Controller BWR TOPIC: 291003 KNOWLEDGE: Similar questions P616; P2117 Recent BWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 ANSWER: A PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: PK1.03 [3.1/3.1] Recent PWR exams Sep2006, Feb2001 Refer to the drawing of a pneumatic control system (see figure below). An increasing steam generator (S/G) level will decrease the S/G level control signal and reduce the control air pressure applied to the actuator of the feed control valve. If the level control signal fails high, S/G level will __________ because the control air pressure to the valve positioner will __________. A. increase; increase B. increase; decrease C. decrease; increase D. decrease; decrease © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 35 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 2 QID: P2117 Operation of Valve Controller ANSWER: A Explanation Refer to the drawing of a pneumatic control system (see figure below). An increasing steam generator (S/G) level will decrease the S/G level control signal and reduce the control air pressure applied to the actuator of the feed control valve. If the level control signal fails high, S/G level will _ INCREASE_ because the control air pressure to the valve positioner will _INCREASE_. The stem states an INCREASING S/G level DECREASES the level control signal and REDUCES control air pressure applied to the actuator of the feed control valve, which we can imply must CLOSE DOWN the valve in response. If the S/G CONTROL SIGNAL (controller output) FAILS HIGH/G level, it will cause an INCREASE control air pressure applied to the actuator of the feed control valve, which will OPEN the valve further, which will in turn create an INCREASE in S/G level. A. increase (TRUE); increase (TRUE) CORRECT – see above B. increase (TRUE); decrease (FALSE) Incorrect - see above C. decrease (FALSE); increase (TRUE) Incorrect – see above D. decrease (FALSE); decrease (FALSE) Incorrect – see above The correct answer is ANSWER A. increase; increase © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 36 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P617 (B516) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ANSWER: A BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.04 [2.8/3.0] Similar questions P1315 P617 (B516); P1315 (B917); P1715 (B1914); P2016 (B2016) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 Refer to the drawing of a lube oil temperature control system (see figure below). If the temperature transmitter fails high (high temperature output signal), the temperature controller will ________ the temperature control valve, causing the actual heat exchanger lube oil outlet temperature to ________. A. open; decrease B. open; increase C. close; decrease D. close; increase © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 37 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P617 (B516) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ANSWER: A Explanation Refer to the drawing of a lube oil temperature control system (see figure below). If the temperature transmitter fails high (high temperature output signal), the temperature controller will _OPEN_ the temperature control valve, causing the actual heat exchanger lube oil outlet temperature to _DECREASE_. The temperature transmitter failing high will OPEN the temperature control valve in attempt to cool the sensed “hot” lube oil. The controller thinks the oil outlet temperature is to hot. The extra cooling water flowing through the open temperature control valve provides excess cooling for the lube oil resulting in a DECREASED heat exchanger outlet temperature. A. open (TRUE); decrease (TRUE) CORRECT – see above B. open (TRUE); increase (FALSE) Incorrect – see above C. close (FALSE); decrease (TRUE) Incorrect – see above D. close (FALSE); increase (FALSE) Incorrect – see above The correct answer is ANSWER A. open; decrease © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 38 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1315 (B917) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ANSWER: B BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.04 [2.8/3.0] Similar questions P617 (B516); P1315 (B917); P1715 (B1914); P2016 (B2016) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 Refer to the drawing of a lube oil temperature control system (see figure below). If the temperature transmitter fails low (low temperature output signal), the temperature controller will throttle the temperature control valve ________, causing the actual heat exchanger lube oil outlet temperature to ________. A. closed; decrease B. closed; increase C. open; decrease D. open; increase © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 39 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1315 (B917) Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ANSWER: B Explanation Refer to the drawing of a lube oil temperature control system (see figure below). If the temperature transmitter fails low (low temperature output signal), the temperature controller will throttle the temperature control valve CLOSED, causing the actual heat exchanger lube oil outlet temperature to INCREASE. The temperature transmitter failing LOW will CLOSE the temperature control valve in attempt to REDUCE the cooling of the sensed “cold” lube oil. The controller thinks the oil outlet temperature is too cold. The reduced cooling water flowing through the heat exchanger caused by the closed temperature control valve will result in an INCREASED heat exchanger lube oil outlet temperature. A. closed (TRUE); decrease (FALSE) Incorrect, the temperature controller will think that the oil leaving the heat exchanger is too cold and will drive the temperature control valve closed. However, the heat exchanger lube oil outlet temperature will not decrease. B. closed (TRUE); increase (TRUE) CORRECT, the temperature controller will think that the oil leaving the heat exchanger is too cold and will drive the temperature control valve closed which will cause the heat exchanger outlet temperature to increase. C. open (FALSE); decrease (FALSE) Incorrect, this would be true if the temperature transmitter fails high. The temperature control valve would drive open, which will cause the heat exchanger outlet temperature to decrease. D. open (FALSE); increase (TRUE) Incorrect, this would be true if the temperature transmitter fails high. The temperature control valve would drive open, which will cause the heat exchanger outlet temperature to decrease not increase. The correct answer is ANSWER B. closed; increase © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 40 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 1 QID: P1715 (B1914) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: C Controller BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.04 [2.8/3.0] Similar questions P617 (B516); P1315 (B917); P1715 (B1914); P2016 (B2016) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Dec2006 Refer to the drawing of a lube oil temperature control system (see figure below). Which one of the following describes the type of control used in the lube oil temperature control system? A. Open loop, because lube oil temperature feedback is being provided to the controller from the lube oil temperature transmitter B. Open loop, because lube oil temperature is being controlled by positioning a flow control valve in a separate system C. Closed loop, because lube oil temperature feedback is being provided to the controller from the lube oil temperature transmitter D. Closed loop, because lube oil temperature is being controlled by positioning a flow control valve in a separate system © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 41 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 1 QID: P1715 (B1914) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: C Controller Explanation Refer to the drawing of a lube oil temperature control system (see figure below). Which one of the following describes the type of control used in the lube oil temperature control system? A. Open loop (FALSE), because lube oil temperature feedback is being provided to the controller from the lube oil temperature transmitter (TRUE). Incorrect, this description is true for a closed system. B. Open loop (FALSE), because lube oil temperature is being controlled by positioning a flow control valve in a separate system (FALSE) Incorrect - this is a closed system, but the flow control signal does not directly control the lube oil temperature. C. Closed loop (TRUE), because lube oil temperature feedback is being provided to the controller from the lube oil temperature transmitter (TRUE) CORRECT, the controlled variable change is sensed by the measuring element, the temperature transmitter, and is sent as the measured variable to the controller. D. Closed loop (TRUE), because lube oil temperature is being controlled by positioning a flow control valve in a separate system (FALSE) Incorrect, this is a closed system, but the flow control signal does not directly control the lube oil temperature. The correct answer is ANSWER C. Closed loop, because lube oil temperature feedback is being provided to the controller from the lube oil temperature transmitter © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 42 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 2 QID: P2016 (B2016) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: B Controller BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.04 [2.8/3.0] Similar questions P617 (B516); P1315 (B917); P1715 (B1914); P2016 (B2016) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Jun2006, Feb2002 Refer to the drawing of a lube oil temperature control system (see figure below). The temperature control valve is currently 50% open. If the cooling water inlet temperature decreases, the temperature controller will throttle the temperature control valve more ________, causing cooling water differential temperature through the heat exchanger to ________. A. closed; decrease B. closed; increase C. open; decrease D. open; increase © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 43 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 2 QID: P2016 (B2016) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: B Controller Explanation Refer to the drawing of a lube oil temperature control system (see figure below). The temperature control valve is currently 50% open. If the cooling water inlet temperature decreases, the temperature controller will throttle the temperature control valve more _CLOSED_, causing cooling water differential temperature through the heat exchanger to _INCREASE_. A. closed (TRUE); decrease (FALSE) Incorrect, closing the temperature control valve will cause cooling water differential temperature through the heat exchanger to increase not decrease. B. closed (TRUE); increase (TRUE) CORRECT, the temperature controller will think that the oil leaving the heat exchanger is too cold and will drive the temperature control valve closed which will cause the heat exchanger outlet temperature to increase. C. open (FALSE); decrease (FALSE) Incorrect, opening the temperature control valve will cause the cooling water differential temperature through the heat exchanger to decrease. D. open (FALSE); increase (TRUE) Incorrect, opening the temperature control valve will cause the cooling water differential temperature through the heat exchanger to increase. The correct answer is ANSWER B. closed; increase © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 44 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 1 QID: B5109 (P5107) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: A1 Controller BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.04 [2.8/3.0] Similar questions Recent BWR exams Dec2007, Mar2007 Recent PWR exams Mar2007 Refer to the drawing of a lube oil temperature control system (see figure below). The temperature controller is a direct-acting proportional controller with a gain of 1.0. Which one of the following describes the effect of changing the gain to 2.0? A. Half the temperature deviation from setpoint will produce a given controller output. B. Twice the temperature deviation from setpoint will produce a given controller output. C. The temperature control valve will move half as far for a given change in controller output. D. The temperature control valve will move twice as far for a given change in controller output. 1 08Jan22 new question added © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 45 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 1 QID: B5109 (P5107) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: A1 Controller Explanation Refer to the drawing of a lube oil temperature control system (see figure below). The temperature controller is a direct-acting proportional controller with a gain of 1.0. Which one of the following describes the effect of changing the gain to 2.0? The gain in a controller is a ratio of the output deviation from the setpoint to the input deviation from the setpoint. A. Half the temperature deviation from setpoint will produce a given controller output. CORRECT – Since the circuit is changing to a gain of 2, one half of the previous deviation will result in desired controller output. B. Twice the temperature deviation from setpoint will produce a given controller output. Incorrect – This would represent a gain of 0.5. C. The temperature control valve will move half as far for a given change in controller output. Incorrect – the gain is associated with the controller not temperature control valve position. D. The temperature control valve will move twice as far for a given change in controller output. Incorrect – the gain is associated with the controller not temperature control valve position. The correct answer is ANSWER: A. Half the temperature deviation from setpoint will produce a given controller output. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 46 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 2 QID: P318 (B317) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: A BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P318 (B317); P1716 Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Oct2002 Dec2004, Oct2002 Refer to the drawing of a pneumatic control system (see figure below). The purpose of the valve positioner is to convert... A. a small control air pressure into a proportionally larger air pressure to adjust valve position. B. a large control air pressure into a proportionally smaller air pressure to adjust valve position. C. pneumatic force into mechanical force to adjust valve position. D. mechanical force into pneumatic force to adjust valve position. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 47 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 2 QID: P318 (B317) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: A Explanation Refer to the drawing of a pneumatic control system (see figure below). The purpose of the valve positioner is to convert... A. a small control air pressure into a proportionally larger air pressure to adjust valve position. CORRECT, the purpose of the valve positioner is to convert a small control air pressure into a proportionally larger air pressure to adjust valve position. B. a large control air pressure into a proportionally smaller air pressure to adjust valve position. Incorrect, this is a description of a pressure regulator. C. pneumatic force into mechanical force to adjust valve position. Incorrect, the valve positioner shown in the drawing is pneumatically operated. D. mechanical force into pneumatic force to adjust valve position. Incorrect, according to the drawing, air is being used. The correct answer is ANSWER A. a small control air pressure into a proportionally larger air pressure to adjust valve position. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 48 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1217 (B1416) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: D BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P1217 (B1416); P2416 (B2917); P2617 (B2216); B2816 (P116) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 The purpose of a typical valve positioner in a pneumatic control system is to... A. provide actual valve position feedback to the valve controller. B. position the solenoid valve that supplies air to the valve actuator. C. compare valve controller output signal to setpoint error and adjust valve actuator air supply pressure to position the valve. D. compare valve controller output signal to valve position, and adjust valve actuator air supply pressure to position the valve. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 49 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1217 (B1416) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: D Explanation The purpose of a typical valve positioner in a pneumatic control system is to... A. provide actual valve position feedback to the valve controller. Incorrect, the valve positioner does not provide actual valve position feedback to the valve controller. B. position the solenoid valve that supplies air to the valve actuator. Incorrect, the valve positioner does not position the solenoid valve that supplies air to the valve actuator. C. compare valve controller output signal to setpoint error and adjust valve actuator air supply pressure to position the valve. Incorrect, the valve positioner does not compare valve controller output signal to setpoint error and adjust valve actuator air supply pressure to position the valve. D. compare valve controller output signal to valve position, and adjust valve actuator air supply pressure to position the valve. CORRECT, the stem motion of the valve actuator is compared to the signal from the controller. Any deviation from the desired position produces an error signal that activates a pneumatic relay valve. Pneumatic pressure to the valve actuator is then either increased or decreased to drive the valve stem and disc to the desired position. The correct answer is ANSWER D. compare valve controller output signal to valve position, and adjust valve actuator air supply pressure to position the valve. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 50 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 2 QID: P2416 (B2917) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: D BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P1217 (B1416); P2416 (B2917); P2617 (B2216); B2816 (P116) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Jun2007 Oct2003, Oct2001 Which one of the following describes the operation of a typical pneumatic valve positioner? A. Compares the valve controller demand signal with actual valve position and sends an error signal to the valve controller for adjustment of the demand signal. B. Compares the valve controller automatic and manual setpoints and sends an error signal to the valve controller to ensure the manual demand signal is tracking the automatic demand signal. C. Receives a valve position error signal from the valve controller and positions the valve as necessary to null the valve position error signal. D. Receives a demand signal from the valve controller and supplies the appropriate air pressure to the valve actuator to move the valve to the demanded position. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 51 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 2 QID: P2416 (B2917) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: D Explanation Which one of the following describes the operation of a typical pneumatic valve positioner? A. Compares the valve controller demand signal with actual valve position (FALSE) and sends an error signal to the valve controller for adjustment of the demand signal (FALSE). Incorrect, there is no mechanism to compare demand signal to actual valve position. There is no error signal sent to the valve controller for adjustment of the demand signal. B. Compares the valve controller automatic and manual setpoints (FALSE) and sends an error signal to the valve controller to ensure the manual demand signal is tracking the automatic demand signal (FALSE). Incorrect, there is no mechanism to compare valve controller automatic and manual setpoints. There is no mechanism to send an error signal to the valve controller to ensure the manual demand signal is tracking the automatic demand signal. C. Receives a valve position error signal from the valve controller (FALSE) and positions the valve as necessary to null the valve position error signal (FALSE). Incorrect, the valve positioner does not receive a valve position error signal from the valve controller. The valve is not positioned to null the valve position error signal. D. Receives a demand signal from the valve controller (TRUE) and supplies the appropriate air pressure to the valve actuator to move the valve to the demanded position (TRUE). CORRECT - The correct answer is ANSWER D. Receives a demand signal from the valve controller and supplies the appropriate air pressure to the valve actuator to move the valve to the demanded position. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 52 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 2 QID: P2617 (B2216) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: B BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P1217 (B1416); P2416 (B2917); P2617 (B2216); B2816 (P116) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Jun2005, Jun2003 Which one of the following describes a characteristic of pneumatic valve positioners? A. They can provide automatic and manual demand signals to valve controllers and valve actuators. B. They can automatically increase or decrease air pressure to valve actuators to obtain the proper valve response. C. They can either receive or supply air to/from valve controllers, depending on the direction of valve travel. D. They can amplify air pressure to valve actuators above existing main air header pressure. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 53 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 2 QID: P2617 (B2216) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: B Explanation Which one of the following describes a characteristic of pneumatic valve positioners? A. They can provide automatic and manual demand signals to valve controllers and valve actuators (FALSE). Incorrect, valve positioners do not PROVIDE, they receive, automatic and manual demand signals to valve controllers and valve actuators. B. They can automatically increase or decrease air pressure to valve actuators to obtain the proper valve response (TRUE). CORRECT, the primary function of a valve positioner is to maintain the control valve disc at a position that is directly proportional to its controller output pressure. Additionally, the valve positioner may function to supply a proportionally larger pneumatic signal in order to move the valve. C. They can either receive or supply air to/from valve controllers, depending on the direction of valve travel (FALSE). Incorrect, a valve positioner can NOT receive air from the valve controllers, a valve positioner can supply air to the valve controllers. The direction of valve travel depends on the direction and amount of air pressure supplied to the valve actuator, in conjunction with the valve seat and spring arrangements. D. They can amplify air pressure to valve actuators above existing main air header pressure (FALSE). Incorrect, valve positioners supply control air to valve actuators but can NOT increase (amplify) the air pressure above existing main air header pressure. The actuator can increase the effect of the available air pressure by increasing the surface area the air pressure acts on. The correct answer is ANSWER B. They can automatically increase or decrease air pressure to valve actuators to obtain the proper valve response. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 54 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 2 QID: P4008 Operation of Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 KNOWLEDGE: Similar questions N/A Recent BWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 ANSWER: B PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: PK1.08 [2.1/2.6] Recent PWR exams Dec2005, Jun2004 A pressurizer pressure controller has the following features: • • • • The controller output signal is null when the differential pressure (∆P) between the pressurizer pressure setpoint and the actual pressurizer pressure is zero. The controller output signal increases linearly with the ∆P. The controller output signal is not affected by the rate of change of the ∆P. The controller output signal is not affected by the length of time the ∆P exists. Which one of the following lists the type(s) of control used by the controller described above? A. Bistable only B. Proportional only C. Proportional plus integral D. Proportional plus integral plus derivative © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 55 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 2 QID: P4008 Operation of Controllers ANSWER: B Explanation A pressurizer pressure controller has the following features: The controller output signal is null when the differential pressure (∆P) between the pressurizer pressure setpoint and the actual pressurizer pressure is zero. • The controller output signal increases linearly with the ∆P. • The controller output signal is not affected by the rate of change of the ∆P. • The controller output signal is not affected by the length of time the ∆P exists. Which one of the following lists the type(s) of control used by the controller described above? A. Bistable only Incorrect - Since the controller output signal increases linearly with the ∆P, it is not a bistable. B. Proportional only CORRECT – lack of response to duration of DP or rate of change rules out integral and derivative, respectively. The linear output with DP defines Proportional versus bistable, which is either on or off. C. Proportional plus integral (FALSE) Incorrect - since the controller output signal is not affected by the length of time the ∆P exists, it is not proportional PLUS integral. Integral would provide the duration function D. Proportional plus integral plus derivative Incorrect - Since the controller output signal is not affected duration of DP or by rate of change it is neither, integral or derivative. The correct answer is ANSWER B. Proportional only © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 56 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 4 QID: P319 (B316) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: A Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.09/K1.08 [2.4/2.5] Similar questions N/A Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Dec2004 Dec2004, Mar2004, Feb2003, Feb2001 Which one of the following describes the response of a direct acting proportional-integral controller, operating in automatic mode, to an increase in the controlled parameter above the controller set point? A. The controller will develop an output signal that continues to increase until the controlled parameter equals the controller set point, at which time the output signal becomes constant. B. The controller will develop an output signal that will remain directly proportional to the difference between the controlled parameter and the controller set point. C. The controller will develop an output signal that continues to increase until the controlled parameter equals the controller set point, at which time the output signal becomes zero. D. The controller will develop an output signal that will remain directly proportional to the rate of change of the controlled parameter. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 57 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 4 QID: P319 (B316) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: A Controllers Explanation Which one of the following describes the response of a direct acting proportional-integral controller, operating in automatic mode, to an increase in the controlled parameter above the controller set point? A. The controller will develop an output signal that continues to increase until the controlled parameter equals the controller set point, at which time the output signal becomes constant. CORRECT – this describes the response of a proportional plus integral (PI) controller. The final state designates parameter equal to setpoint or no offset. Therefore it is PI. Lack of rate response rules out any derivative function. B. The controller will develop an output signal that will remain directly proportional to the difference between the controlled parameter and the controller set point. Incorrect, this would be a proportional only controller with resultant offset. C. The controller will develop an output signal that continues to increase until the controlled parameter equals the controller set point, at which time the output signal becomes zero. Incorrect, this would be a bistable controller. D. The controller will develop an output signal that will remain directly proportional to the rate of change of the controlled parameter. Incorrect, this would be a proportional plus integral plus derivative controller. The correct answer is ANSWER A. The controller will develop an output signal that continues to increase until the controlled parameter equals the controller set point, at which time the output signal becomes constant. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 58 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 0 QID: P818 (B1317) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: C Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.09 [2.4/2.5] Similar questions P818 (B1317); P2319 (B2315); P2419 (B2415) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Sep2005 Not used in 2001 through 2007 The level in a tank is being controlled by an automatic level controller and is initially at the controller setpoint. A drain valve is then opened, causing tank level to begin to decrease. The decreasing level causes the controller to begin to open a makeup supply valve. After a few minutes, a new, steady-state tank level below the original level is established, with the supply rate equal to the drain rate. The controller in this system uses __________ control. A. proportional integral, and derivative B. proportional and integral C. proportional only D. bistable © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 59 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 0 QID: P818 (B1317) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: C Controllers Explanation The level in a tank is being controlled by an automatic level controller and is initially at the controller set-point. A drain valve is then opened, causing tank level to begin to decrease. The decreasing level causes the controller to begin to open a makeup supply valve. After a few minutes, a new, steady-state tank level below the original level is established, with the supply rate equal to the drain rate. The controller in this system uses _PROPORTIONAL ONLY_ control. A. proportional integral, and derivative Incorrect, proportional integral, and derivative would drive the level back to the original level in a certain period of time. B. proportional and integral Incorrect, proportional and integral would drive the level back to the original level. C. proportional only CORRECT, a proportional controller provides a stepless output that can position a control valve at intermediate positions as well as fully open and fully shut. D. bistable Incorrect, a bistable provides on-off control only. The correct answer is ANSWER C. proportional only © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 60 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 4 / 2 QID: P3015 (B3016) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: C Controller BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [2.8/3.0] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.04 [2.8/3.0] Similar questions P3015 (B3016); P3516, P3215 (B3216), P3816 (B3817) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Jun2003, Feb2003, Jun2002, Feb2001 Mar2006, Jun2003 Refer to the drawing of a pressure bistable in an alarm circuit (see figure below). The orientation of the bistable symbol indicates the characteristics of the bistable, as is normal for a control circuit diagram. The bistable turns on to actuate an alarm at a system pressure of 100 psig. The bistable has a 5 psig dead band, or neutral zone. If current system pressure is 90 psig, which one of the following describes the alarm response as system pressure is slowly increased to 110 psig? A. The alarm is currently actuated and will turn off at 95 psig. B. The alarm will actuate at 100 psig and will not turn off. C. The alarm is currently actuated and will turn off at 105 psig. D. The alarm will actuate at 100 psig and will turn off at 105 psig. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 61 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 4 / 2 QID: P3015 (B3016) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: C Controller Explanation Refer to the drawing of a pressure bistable in an alarm circuit (see figure below). The orientation of the bistable symbol indicates the characteristics of the bistable, as is normal for a control circuit diagram. The bistable turns on to actuate an alarm at a system pressure of 100 psig. The bistable has a 5 psig dead band, or neutral zone. If current system pressure is 90 psig, which one of the following describes the alarm response as system pressure is slowly increased to 110 psig? In this arrangement the alarm comes ON with a decreasing parameter (top of signal pointing to left). Given that the conditions start BELOW the setpoint, the alarm is actuated (ON). When pressure INCREASES to the reset point (setpoint plus dead band), 105 units (100 units + 5 units), the alarm is extinguished (OFF). Alarm will remain extinguished (OFF) while parameter is ABOVE setpoint minus one half dead band. Example conditions 80 – ON 90 – ON 100 increasing - ON 105 – OFF 110 – OFF 120 – OFF 110 – OFF 100 decreasing – ON 95 – ON 90 – ON 95 – ON 120 – OFF 105 – OFF 80 – ON A. The alarm is currently actuated (TRUE) and will turn off at 95 psig (FALSE). Incorrect – it will not turn off until above setpoint plus dead band. B. The alarm will actuate at 100 psig (FALSE) and will not turn off (FALSE). Incorrect – it is currently on and will turn off at setpoint plus dead band. C. The alarm is currently actuated (TRUE) and will turn off at 105 psig (TRUE). CORRECT – the alarm is ON and will not turn off until setpoint plus dead band, 105 psig D. The alarm will actuate at 100 psig (FALSE) and will turn off at 105 psig (TRUE). Incorrect - the alarm is ON and will not turn off until setpoint plus dead band, 105 psig The correct answer is ANSWER C. The alarm is currently actuated and will turn off at 105 psig. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 62 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P3215 (B3216) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: B Controller BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.04 [2.8/3.0] Similar questions P3015 (B3016); P3516, P3215 (B3216), P3816 (B3817) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Oct2001 Mar2005 Refer to the drawing of a pressure bistable in an alarm circuit (see figure below). The orientation of the bistable symbol indicates the characteristics of the bistable, as is normal for a control circuit diagram. The bistable turns on to actuate an alarm at a system pressure of 100 psig. The bistable has a 5 psig dead band, or neutral zone. If current system pressure is 90 psig, which one of the following describes the alarm response as system pressure is slowly increased to 110 psig? A. The alarm is currently actuated and will turn off at 95 psig. B. The alarm will actuate at 100 psig and will not turn off. C. The alarm is currently actuated and will turn off at 105 psig. D. The alarm will actuate at 100 psig and will turn off at 105 psig. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 63 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P3215 (B3216) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: B Controller Explanation Refer to the drawing of a pressure bistable in an alarm circuit (see figure below). The orientation of the bistable symbol indicates the characteristics of the bistable, as is normal for a control circuit diagram. The bistable turns on to actuate an alarm at a system pressure of 100 psig. The bistable has a 5 psig dead band, or neutral zone. If current system pressure is 90 psig, which one of the following describes the alarm response as system pressure is slowly increased to 110 psig? In this arrangement the alarm comes ON with an increasing parameter (top of symbol pointing right). Given a starting condition BELOW setpoint alarm is extinguished (OFF). When parameter INCREASES to setpoint, 100 units, alarm is actuated (ON). Alarm will remain actuated (ON) while parameter is ABOVE setpoint. Example conditions 80 – OFF 90 – OFF 100 increasing - ON 105 – ON 110 – ON 120 – ON 110 – ON 100 decreasing – ON 95 – OFF 90 – OFF 95 – OFF 120 – ON 105 – ON 80 – OFF A. The alarm is currently actuated (FALSE) and will turn off at 95 psig (FALSE). Incorrect – see above B. The alarm will actuate at 100 psig (TRUE) and will not turn off (TRUE). CORRECT – see above C. The alarm is currently actuated (FALSE) and will turn off at 105 psig (FALSE). Incorrect – see above D. The alarm will actuate at 100 psig (TRUE) and will turn off at 105 psig (FALSE). Incorrect – see above The correct answer is ANSWER B. The alarm will actuate at 100 psig and will not turn off. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 64 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P3516 Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ANSWER: A BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.04 [2.8/3.0] Similar questions P3015 (B3016); P3516, P3215 (B3216), P3816 (B3817) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Mar2004 Jun2007 Refer to the drawing of a pressure bistable in an alarm circuit (see figure below). The orientation of the bistable symbol indicates the characteristics of the bistable, as is normal for a control circuit diagram. The bistable turns on to actuate an alarm at a system pressure of 100 psig. The bistable has a 5 psig dead band, or neutral zone. If system pressure is currently 110 psig, which one of the following describes the alarm circuit response as system pressure slowly decreases to 90 psig? A. The alarm will actuate at 100 psig and will not turn off. B. The alarm will actuate at 100 psig and will turn off at 95 psig. C. The alarm is currently actuated and will not turn off. D. The alarm is currently actuated and will turn off at 95 psig. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 65 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P3516 Operation of Pressure and Temperature Controller ANSWER: A Explanation Refer to the drawing of a pressure bistable in an alarm circuit (see figure below). The orientation of the bistable symbol indicates the characteristics of the bistable, as is normal for a control circuit diagram. The bistable turns on to actuate an alarm at a system pressure of 100 psig. The bistable has a 5 psig dead band, or neutral zone. If system pressure is currently 110 psig, which one of the following describes the alarm circuit response as system pressure slowly decreases to 90 psig? In this arrangement the alarm comes ON with a decreasing parameter (top of signal pointing to left). Given a condition ABOVE setpoint alarm is extinguished (OFF). When parameter DECREASES to setpoint, 100 units, alarm is actuated (ON). Alarm will remain actuated (ON) while parameter is BELOW setpoint. Example conditions 120 – OFF 110 – OFF 100 decreasing – ON 95 – ON 90 – ON 80 – ON 90 – ON 100 increasing - ON 105 – OFF 110 – OFF 105 – OFF 80 – ON 95 – ON 120 – OFF A. The alarm will actuate at 100 psig (TRUE) and will not turn off (TRUE). CORRECT – see above B. The alarm will actuate at 100 psig (TRUE) and will turn off at 95 psig (FALSE). Incorrect – see above C. The alarm is currently actuated (FALSE) and will not turn off (TRUE). Incorrect – see above D. The alarm is currently actuated (FALSE) and will turn off at 95 psig (FALSE). Incorrect – see above The correct answer is ANSWER A. The alarm will actuate at 100 psig and will not turn off. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 66 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: B4609 (P4607) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: B2 Controller BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.04 [2.8/3.0] Similar questions Recent BWR exams Dec2005 Recent PWR exams Dec2005 Refer to the drawing of a temperature bistable in a bistable alarm circuit (see figure below). The orientation of the bistable symbol indicates the characteristics of the bistable, as is normal for a control circuit diagram. The bistable turns on to actuate an alarm at a temperature of 130°F. The bistable has a 5°F dead band, or neutral zone. If the current temperature is 150°F, which one of the following describes the alarm response as temperature slowly decreases to 110°F? A. The alarm is currently actuated and will not turn off. B. The alarm will actuate at 130°F and will not turn off. C. The alarm is currently actuated and will turn off at 125°F. D. The alarm will actuate at 130°F and will turn off at 125°F. TEMPERATURE SIGNAL A BISTABLE 2 ALARM 08Jan22 new question added © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 67 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: B4609 (P4607) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: B2 Controller Explanation Refer to the drawing of a temperature bistable in a bistable alarm circuit (see figure below). The orientation of the bistable symbol indicates the characteristics of the bistable, as is normal for a control circuit diagram. The bistable turns on to actuate an alarm at a temperature of 130°F. The bistable has a 5°F dead band, or neutral zone. If the current temperature is 150°F, which one of the following describes the alarm response as temperature slowly decreases to 110°F? Given a condition ABOVE setpoint alarm is extinguished (OFF). When parameter DECREASES to setpoint, 130 units, alarm is actuated (ON). Alarm will remain actuated (ON) while parameter is BELOW setpoint. Example conditions 150 – OFF 140 – OFF 135 – OFF TEMPERATURE 130 decreasing – ON A SIGNAL 125 – ON 120 – ON 110 – ON BISTABLE 1100 – ON 120 – ON 130 increasing - ON 135 – OFF 140 – OFF ALARM 125 – ON 150 – OFF This bistable symbol represents a controller that turns off when the setpoint is reached. As the temperature decreases the bistable turns on again at 130°F and stays on through out the problem. A. The alarm is currently actuated (FALSE) and will not turn off (TRUE). Incorrect – the alarm come on at 130 degrees decreasing not 150°F. B. The alarm will actuate at 130°F (TRUE) and will not turn off (TRUE). CORRECT – at 130°F decreasing the bistable is true and the alarm actuates and stays on as long as the temperature is below 135°F. C. The alarm is currently actuated (FALSE) and will turn off at 125°F (FALSE). Incorrect – the alarm come on at 130 degrees decreasing not 150°F and stays on as long as the temperature is below 130°F. D. The alarm will actuate at 130°F (FALSE) and will turn off at 125°F (FALSE). Incorrect – The alarm does actuate at 130°F but stays on until temperature rises above 135°F. The correct answer is ANSWER: B. The alarm will actuate at 130°F and will not turn off. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 68 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 3 QID: P3816 (B3817) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: A Controller BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.04 [2.8/3.0] Similar questions P3015 (B3016); P3516, P3215 (B3216), P3816 (B3817) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Oct2003 Dec2007, Jun2004, Oct2003 Refer to the drawing of four bistable symbols (see figure below). A temperature controller uses a bistable that turns on to actuate a warning light when controlled temperature reaches a low setpoint. The warning light extinguishes immediately after temperature increases above the low setpoint. Which one of the following bistable symbols indicates the characteristics of the bistable? A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 69 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 3 QID: P3816 (B3817) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: A Controller Explanation Refer to the drawing of four bistable symbols (see figure below). A temperature controller uses a bistable that turns on to actuate a warning light when controlled temperature reaches a low setpoint. The warning light extinguishes immediately after temperature increases above the low setpoint. Which one of the following bistable symbols indicates the characteristics of the bistable? Bistable symbols are show with or without a dead band and as either decreasing signal to actuate or increasing signal to actuate. The presence or lack of a dead band (some difference between the actuation setpoint and the reset point) is designated by a rectangular area in the middle of the symbol. Since we are told that the “…light extinguishes IMMEDIATELY after temperature increases above the setpoint…” we know that this unit has no dead band and we are left with symbol 1 or 3. The symbol convention is always that the top is ON (actuated) and the bottom is OFF (extinguished). The direction the top points to designates increase or decrease to actuate via right or left, respectively. As we are told this is a decrease to actuate unit, we are looking for a symbol whose top points left, #1. A. 1. CORRECT - in this arrangement the alarm light comes ON with a DECREASING parameter and because the top points left and there is no dead band so the alarm light will extinguishes immediately after temperature increases above the low setpoint. B. 2. Incorrect – this arrangement has a dead band, therefore the light will not “extinguishes immediately after temperature increases above the low setpoint”. C. 3. Incorrect - in this arrangement the alarm comes ON with an INCREASING parameter (top pointing to right). D. 4. Incorrect – this arrangement has a dead band, therefore the light will not “extinguishes immediately after temperature increases above the low setpoint”. The correct answer is ANSWER A. 1. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 70 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 2 QID: B4408 (P4408) Operation of Controllers ANSWER: D3 BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.08 [2.1/2.6] Similar questions Recent BWR exams Jun2007, Jun2005 Recent PWR exams Mar2007, Jun2005 The water level in a water storage tank is being controlled by an automatic bistable level controller. If water level increases to 70%, the controller bistable turns on to open a tank drain valve. When water level decreases to 60%, the controller bistable turns off to close the drain valve. Which one of the following bistable symbols indicates the characteristics of the bistable used in the level controller? A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4. 3 08Jan22 new question added © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 71 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 2 QID: B4408 (P4408) Operation of Controllers ANSWER: D3 Explanation The water level in a water storage tank is being controlled by an automatic bistable level controller. If water level increases to 70%, the controller bistable turns on to open a tank drain valve. When water level decreases to 60%, the controller bistable turns off to close the drain valve. Which one of the following bistable symbols indicates the characteristics of the bistable used in the level controller? Bistable symbols are show with or without a dead band and as either decreasing signal to actuate or increasing signal to actuate. The presence or lack of a dead band (some difference between the actuation setpoint and the reset point) is designated by a rectangular area in the middle of the symbol. Since we are told that the “level increases to 70%, the controller bistable turns on … level decreases to 60%, the controller bistable turns off …” we know that this unit has a dead band of 10% and we are left with symbol 2 or 4. The symbol convention is always that the top is ON (drain valve open) and the bottom is OFF (drain valve closed). The direction of the symbol indicates an increase or increase to actuate via right. As we are told this is an increase to actuate unit, we are looking for a symbol whose top points to the right, #4. A. 1. Incorrect - in this arrangement the drain valve opens with a DECREASING parameter and because the top points left and there is no dead band drain valve closes immediately after water level increases above the low setpoint. B. 2. Incorrect – this arrangement has a dead band, therefore the drain valve will close after the water level increases above the low setpoint”. C. 3. Incorrect - in this arrangement the drain valve comes ON with an INCREASING parameter (top pointing to right) without a dead band. D. 4. CORRECT – this arrangement has a dead band, therefore the drain valve will open when the tank is 70% filled. As tank level decreases to 60% the bistable resets and the drain valve closes. The correct answer is ANSWER: D. 4 © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 72 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: B4908 (P4909) Operation of Controllers ANSWER: B4 BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.08 [2.1/2.6] Similar questions Recent BWR exams Sep2006 Recent PWR exams Sep2006 The water level in a water storage tank is being controlled by an automatic bistable level controller. If water level increases to 70%, the controller bistable turns off to open a tank drain valve. When water level decreases to 60%, the controller bistable turns on to close the drain valve. Which one of the following bistable symbols indicates the characteristics of the bistable used in the level controller? A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4. 4 08Jan22 new question added © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 73 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: B4908 (P4909) Operation of Controllers ANSWER: B4 Explanation The water level in a water storage tank is being controlled by an automatic bistable level controller. If water level increases to 70%, the controller bistable turns off to open a tank drain valve. When water level decreases to 60%, the controller bistable turns on to close the drain valve. Which one of the following bistable symbols indicates the characteristics of the bistable used in the level controller? Bistable symbols are show with or without a dead band and as either decreasing signal to actuate or increasing signal to actuate. The presence or lack of a dead band (some difference between the actuation setpoint and the reset point) is designated by a rectangular area in the middle of the symbol. Since we are told that the “level increases to 70%, the controller bistable turns off … level decreases to 60%, the controller bistable turns on …” we know that this unit has a dead band of 10% and we are left with symbol 2 or 4. The symbol convention is always that the top is ON (drain valve open) and the bottom is OFF (drain valve closed). The direction of the symbol indicates a decrease in the parameter being monitored. As we are told this is a decrease to actuate unit, we are looking for a symbol whose top points to the left, #2. A. 1. Incorrect – in this arrangement the drain valve opens with a DECREASING parameter and because the top points left and there is no dead band drain valve closes immediately after water level increases above the low setpoint. B. 2. CORRECT – this arrangement has a dead band, therefore the drain valve will turn off to open the valve when the tank is 70% filled. As tank level decreases to 60% the bistable resets, turns on and the drain valve closes. C. 3. Incorrect – in this arrangement the drain valve comes ON with an INCREASING parameter (top pointing to right) without a dead band. D. 4. Incorrect – in this arrangement the drain valve comes ON with an INCREASING parameter (top pointing to right) with a dead band. The correct answer is ANSWER: B. 2 © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 74 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: B4509 (P4508) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: D5 Controller BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.04 [2.8/3.0] Similar questions Recent BWR exams Sep2005 Recent PWR exams Sep2005 Refer to the drawing of four bistable symbols (see figure below). A temperature controller uses a bistable that turns on to actuate a warning light when the controlled temperature reaches a high setpoint. The bistable turns off to extinguish the warning light when the temperature decreases to 5°F below the high setpoint. Which one of the following bistable symbols indicates the characteristics of the bistable? A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4. 5 08Jan22 new question added © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 75 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: B4509 (P4508) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: D5 Controller Explanation Refer to the drawing of four bistable symbols (see figure below). A temperature controller uses a bistable that turns on to actuate a warning light when the controlled temperature reaches a high setpoint. The bistable turns off to extinguish the warning light when the temperature decreases to 5°F below the high setpoint. Which one of the following bistable symbols indicates the characteristics of the bistable? Bistable symbols are show with or without a dead band and as either decreasing signal to actuate or increasing signal to actuate. The presence or lack of a dead band (some difference between the actuation setpoint and the reset point) is designated by a rectangular area in the middle of the symbol. Since we are told that the “…light extinguishes 5°F after temperature decreases below the high setpoint…” we know that this unit has a dead band and we are left with symbol 2 or 4. The symbol convention is always that the top is ON (actuated) and the bottom is OFF (extinguished). The direction the top points to designates increase or decrease to actuate via right or left, respectively. As we are told this is a decrease to actuate unit, we are looking for a symbol whose top points left, #4. A. 1. Incorrect – in this arrangement the light comes ON with a DECREASING parameter (top pointing to left) without a dead band. B. 2. Incorrect – in this arrangement the light comes ON with an DECREASING parameter (top pointing to left) with a dead band C. 3. Incorrect – in this arrangement the light comes ON with an INCREASING parameter (top pointing to right) without a dead band. D. 4. CORRECT – in this arrangement the light comes ON with an INCREASING parameter (top pointing to right) a dead band and is extinguished when the temperature decreases to 5°F below the high setpoint. The correct answer is ANSWER: D. 4 © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 76 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: B2017 (P2019) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: B. Controller BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.04 [2.8/3.0] Similar questions See ESG BPC02Gr4 Pumps for similar questions. Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 Refer to the drawing of a pump with recirculation line (see figure below). Which one of the following describes the response of the pump if a complete flow blockage occurs in the discharge line just downstream of the flow transmitter? A. The pump will overheat after a relatively short period of time due to a loss of both main flow and recirculation flow. B. The pump will overheat after a relatively long period of time due to a loss of main flow only. C. The pump will overheat after a relatively long period of time due to a loss of recirculation flow only. D. The pump will be able to operate under these conditions indefinitely due to sustained main flow. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 77 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: B2017 (P2019) Operation of Pressure and Temperature ANSWER: B. Controller Explanation Refer to the drawing of a pump with recirculation line (see figure below). Which one of the following describes the response of the pump if a complete flow blockage occurs in the discharge line just downstream of the flow transmitter? Operation of the pump under a total no flow conditions prevents the pumped fluid from removing heat generated by friction between the impeller and the fluid being pumped. Complete flow blockage occurs in the discharge line just downstream of the flow transmitter, this prevents the flow transmitter from sensing flow in the main discharge line. The flow transmitter should generate a signal that opens the recirculation minimum flow line. The question does not indicate that recirculation flow has been blocked. Therefore minimum flow should flow through the recirculation line providing adequate cooling of the pump. Flow through the recirculation line will allow the pump to operate initially without overheating. However extended operation on recirculation flow only is not a desired configuration. A. The pump will overheat after a relatively short period (FALSE) of time due to a loss of both main flow (TRUE) and recirculation flow. (FALSE) Incorrect, blockage occurs in the discharge line just downstream of the flow transmitter therefore recirculation flow has not been blocked. Flow through the recirculation line will allow the pump to operate initially without overheating. However extended operation on recirculation flow only is not a desired configuration. B. The pump will overheat after a relatively long period (TRUE) of time due to a loss of main flow only. (TRUE) CORRECT – see above C. The pump will overheat after a relatively long period (TRUE) of time due to a loss of recirculation flow only. (FALSE) Incorrect, blockage occurs in the discharge line just downstream of the flow transmitter therefore recirculation flow has not been blocked. Flow through the recirculation line will allow the pump to operate initially without overheating. However extended operation on recirculation flow only is not a desired configuration. D. The pump will be able to operate under these conditions indefinitely (FALSE) due to sustained main flow. (FALSE) Incorrect, blockage occurs in the discharge line just downstream of the flow transmitter therefore there is a complete main flow blockage. The correct answer is ANSWER B. The pump will overheat after a relatively long period of time due to a loss of main flow only. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 78 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: B816 (P18) Valve Positioners Operation BWR TOPIC: 291003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] Similar questions B816 (P18); P18 (B816/B217) Recent BWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 ANSWER: D. PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.8/2.8] Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 The output pressure of a pneumatic controller is typically insufficient to drive a valve actuator accurately. To overcome this problem, a pneumatic control system will normally employ a... A. diaphragm operator. B. pneumatic clutch. C. torque converter. D. valve positioner. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 79 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: B816 (P18) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: D. Explanation The output pressure of a pneumatic controller is typically insufficient to drive a valve actuator accurately. To overcome this problem, a pneumatic control system will normally employ a... A. diaphragm operator. Incorrect, this is an incomplete distracter; a diaphragm can be a type of valve positioner. B. pneumatic clutch. Incorrect, this is a meaningless distracter in reference to pneumatic control systems. . A pneumatic clutch is a clutch that transmits power through friction shoes. The pneumatic clutch is self-adjusting, disengagement occurs when the air under pressure is removed. C. torque converter. Incorrect, this is a meaningless distracter in reference to pneumatic control systems. A torque converter is mechanical (or hydraulic) component that changes the shaft torque and speed between the input and output shafts. D. valve positioner. CORRECT, a typical pneumatic control signal of 3-15 psig air will not operate a valve actuator, the valve positioner is added to the system to allow the low pressure control air to generate enough pressure to drive the valve actuator. The correct answer is ANSWER D. valve positioner. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 80 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P18 (B816/B217) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: C BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions B816 (P18); P18 (B816/B217) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 The output pressure of a pneumatic controller is typically insufficient to drive a valve actuator accurately. To overcome this problem, a valve operating control loop would normally employ a... A. valve actuating lead/lag unit. B. pressure regulator. C. valve positioner. D. pressure modulator. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 81 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P18 (B816/B217) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: C Explanation The output pressure of a pneumatic controller is typically insufficient to drive a valve actuator accurately. To overcome this problem, a valve operating control loop would normally employ a... A. valve actuating lead/lag unit. Incorrect, this is a meaningless distracter. Lead and lag are terms used in discussion of AC power or when synchronizing a generator and have no use in discussions of control loops. B. pressure regulator. Incorrect, a pressure regulator takes line air pressure and reduces it to a pressure that a pneumatic device can use. Because the pneumatic controller output is so low already it is not helpful to reduce the pressure any further. C. valve positioner. CORRECT, a typical pneumatic control signal of 3-15 psig air is not strong enough operate a valve actuator. D. pressure modulator. Incorrect, this is a meaningless distracter. A pressure modulator is another term for a pressure regulator. The correct answer is ANSWER C. valve positioner. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 82 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: B2816 (P116) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: B. BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P1217 (B1416); P2416 (B2917); P2617 (B2216); B2816 (P116) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 Which one of the following describes a characteristic of pneumatic valve positioners? A. They provide auto and manual demand signals to valve controllers and valve actuators. B. They supply air pressure to valve actuators in response to a control signal to regulate valve position. C. They can either receive or supply air to/from valve controllers, depending on the direction of valve travel. D. They act independently of the valve controller, in order to prevent pressure transients on the valve actuator diaphragm. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 83 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: B2816 (P116) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: B. Explanation Which one of the following describes a characteristic of pneumatic valve positioners? A. They provide auto and manual demand signals to valve controllers and valve actuators. Incorrect, the valve positioner does not supply signals. B. They supply air pressure to valve actuators in response to a control signal to regulate valve position. CORRECT, they supply air pressure to valve actuators in response to a control signal to regulate valve position. C. They can either receive or supply air to/from valve controllers, depending on the direction of valve travel. Incorrect, valve positioners cannot supply air to other components. D. They act independently of the valve controller, in order to prevent pressure transients on the valve actuator diaphragm. Incorrect, valve positioners act in response to valve controllers. The correct answer is ANSWER B. They supply air pressure to valve actuators in response to a control signal to regulate valve position. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 84 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 1 QID: P1117 (B1116) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: B BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P1117 (B1116); P1618 (B1617); P2216 (B3317) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Sep2004 An air-operated isolation valve requires 4,800 pounds-force (lbf) from its diaphragm actuator and 4 inches of stem travel for proper operation. The air supply system can provide a nominal 80 psig of air pressure to the actuator. What is the minimum surface area of the actuator diaphragm required for proper valve operation? A. 15 square inches B. 60 square inches C. 120 square inches D. 240 square inches © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 85 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 1 QID: P1117 (B1116) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: B Explanation An air-operated isolation valve requires 4,800 pounds-force (lbf) from its diaphragm actuator and 4 inches of stem travel for proper operation. The air supply system can provide a nominal 80 psig of air pressure to the actuator. What is the minimum surface area of the actuator diaphragm required for proper valve operation? F A F A= P 4,800 lbf A= = 60 square inches lbf 80 2 in P= The correct answer is ANSWER B. 60 square inches © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 86 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1516 (B1517) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: C BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P1516 (B1517); P2116 (B2117); P2417 (B2416); P2517 (2516); P2716 (B2716); P2917 (B2915); P1716 Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 An air-operated isolation valve requires 3,200 pounds-force (lbf) from its diaphragm actuator and 4 inches of stem travel for proper operation. The area of the actuator diaphragm is 80 square inches. What is the minimum air pressure (rounded to the nearest psig) required for proper valve operation? A. 10 psig B. 25 psig C. 40 psig D. 55 psig © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 87 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1516 (B1517) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: C Explanation Same type of question as P1117 (B1116), revised to find minimum air pressure. An air-operated isolation valve requires 3,200 pounds-force (lbf) from its diaphragm actuator and 4 inches of stem travel for proper operation. The area of the actuator diaphragm is 80 square inches. What is the minimum air pressure (rounded to the nearest psig) required for proper valve operation? P= F A P= 3,200 lbf lbf = 40 2 = 40 psig 80 square inches in The correct answer is ANSWER C. 40 psig © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 88 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1618 (B1617) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: A BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P1117 (B1116); P1618 (B1617); P2216 (B3317) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 An air-operated isolation valve requires 3,600 pounds-force (lbf) from its diaphragm actuator and 4 inches of stem travel for proper operation. The valve positioner can supply a nominal 120 psig of air pressure to the actuator. What is the minimum surface area of the actuator diaphragm required for proper valve operation? A. 30 square inches B. 60 square inches C. 90 square inches D. 120 square inches © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 89 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1618 (B1617) Valve Positioners Operation Explanation Same question as P1117 (B1116) with different values. ANSWER: A An air-operated isolation valve requires 3,600 pounds-force (lbf) from its diaphragm actuator and 4 inches of stem travel for proper operation. The valve positioner can supply a nominal 120 psig of air pressure to the actuator. What is the minimum surface area of the actuator diaphragm required for proper valve operation? F A F A= P 3,600 lbf 3,600 lbf A= = = 30 square inches lbf 120psig 120 2 in P= The correct answer is ANSWER A. 30 square inches © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 90 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P2116 (B2117) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: A BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P1516 (B1517); P2116 (B2117); P2417 (B2416); P2517 (2516); P2716 (B2716); P2917 (B2915); P1716 Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 An air-operated isolation valve requires 3,200 pounds-force from its pneumatic actuator and 4 inches of stem travel for proper operation. The area of the actuator diaphragm is 160 square inches. What is the minimum air pressure (rounded to the nearest psig) required for proper valve operation? A. 20 psig B. 40 psig C. 60 psig D. 80 psig © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 91 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P2116 (B2117) Valve Positioners Operation Explanation Same question as P1516 (B1517) with different values. ANSWER: A An air-operated isolation valve requires 3,200 pounds-force from its pneumatic actuator and 4 inches of stem travel for proper operation. The area of the actuator diaphragm is 160 square inches. What is the minimum air pressure (rounded to the nearest psig) required for proper valve operation? P= F A P= 3200 lbf = 20 psig 160 square inches The correct answer is ANSWER A. 20 psig © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 92 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 0 QID: P2216 (B3317) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: A BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P1117 (B1116); P1618 (B1617); P2216 (B3317) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Mar2006, Feb2002 Not used in 2001 through 2007 An air-operated isolation valve requires 2,800 pounds-force from its diaphragm actuator and 4 inches of stem travel for proper operation. The valve positioner can supply a nominal 117 psig of air pressure to the actuator. What is the minimum surface area of the actuator diaphragm required for proper valve operation? A. 24 square inches B. 48 square inches C. 94 square inches D. 138 square inches © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 93 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 0 QID: P2216 (B3317) Valve Positioners Operation Explanation Same question as P1117 (B1116), P1618 (B1617) with different values. ANSWER: A An air-operated isolation valve requires 2,800 pounds-force (lbf) from its diaphragm actuator and 4 inches of stem travel for proper operation. The valve positioner can supply a nominal 117 psig of air pressure to the actuator. What is the minimum surface area of the actuator diaphragm required for proper valve operation? F A F A= P 2,800 lbf A= = 24 square inches 117 psig P= The correct answer is ANSWER A. 24 square inches © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 94 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P2417 (B2416) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: B BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P1516 (B1517); P2116 (B2117); P2417 (B2416); P2517 (2516); P2716 (B2716); P2917 (B2915); P1716 Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 An air-operated isolation valve requires 3,600 lbf applied to the top of the actuator diaphragm to open. The actuator diaphragm has a diameter of 9 inches. If control air pressure to the valve actuator begins to increase from 0 psig, which one of the following is the approximate air pressure at which the valve will begin to open? A. 14 psig B. 57 psig C. 81 psig D. 127 psig © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 95 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P2417 (B2416) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: B Explanation Same type of question as P1516 (B1517), P2116 (B2117), but area must be calculated first. An air-operated isolation valve requires 3,600 lbf applied to the top of the actuator diaphragm to open. The actuator diaphragm has a diameter of 9 inches. If control air pressure to the valve actuator begins to increase from 0 psig, which one of the following is the approximate air pressure at which the valve will begin to open? F A A = πr 2 P= D A = π  ï£2 2 2  9 in  2 2 A = π  = π(4.5 in ) = 63.617 in ï£ 2  3,600 lbf lbf P= = 56.59 2 2 63.617 in in The correct answer is ANSWER B. 57 psig © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 96 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P2517 (2516) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: A BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P1516 (B1517); P2116 (B2117); P2417 (B2416); P2517 (2516); P2716 (B2716); P2917 (B2915) ; P1716 Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 An air-operated isolation valve requires 2,400 lbf applied to the top of the actuator diaphragm to open. The actuator diaphragm has a diameter of 12 inches. If control air pressure to the valve actuator begins to increase from 0 psig, which one of the following is the approximate air pressure at which the valve will begin to open? A. 21 psig B. 34 psig C. 43 psig D. 64 psig © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 97 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P2517 (2516) Valve Positioners Operation Explanation Same type of question as P2417 (B2416) with different values. ANSWER: A An air-operated isolation valve requires 2,400 lbf applied to the top of the actuator diaphragm to open. The actuator diaphragm has a diameter of 12 inches. If control air pressure to the valve actuator begins to increase from 0 psig, which one of the following is the approximate air pressure at which the valve will begin to open? F A A = πr 2 P= D A = π  ï£2 2 2  12 in  2 2 A = π  = π(6 in ) = 113.097 in ï£ 2  2,400 lbf lbf P= = 21.22 2 2 113.097 in in The correct answer is ANSWER A. 21 psig © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 98 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 0 QID: P2716 (B2716) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: D BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P1516 (B1517); P2116 (B2117); P2417 (B2416); P2517 (2516); P2716 (B2716); P2917 (B2915) ; P1716 Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Jun2001 Not used in 2001 through 2007 An air-operated isolation valve requires 3,600 lbf applied to the top of the actuator diaphragm to open. The actuator diaphragm has a diameter of 8 inches. If control air pressure to the valve actuator begins to increase from 0 psig, which one of the following is the approximate air pressure at which the valve will begin to open? A. 32 psig B. 45 psig C. 56 psig D. 72 psig © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 99 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 0 QID: P2716 (B2716) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: D Explanation Same type of question as P2417 (B2416), P2517 (2516) with different values. An air-operated isolation valve requires 3,600 lbf applied to the top of the actuator diaphragm to open. The actuator diaphragm has a diameter of 8 inches. If control air pressure to the valve actuator begins to increase from 0 psig, which one of the following is the approximate air pressure at which the valve will begin to open? F A A = πr 2 P= D A = π  ï£2 2 2  8 in  2 2 A = π  = π(4 in ) = 50.265 in ï£ 2  3,600 lbf lbf P= = 71.62 2 2 50.265 in in The correct answer is ANSWER D. 72 psig © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 100 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 1 QID: P2917 (B2915) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: C BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P2417, P2517 P1516 (B1517); P2116 (B2117); P2417 (B2416); P2517 (2516); P2716 (B2716); P2917 (B2915) ; P1716 Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Jun2001 An air-operated isolation valve requires 2,400 lbf applied to the top of the actuator diaphragm to open against spring pressure. The actuator diaphragm has a diameter of 12 inches. If control air pressure to the valve actuator begins to decrease from 100 psig, which one of the following is the approximate air pressure at which the valve will begin to close? A. 5.3 psig B. 16.7 psig C. 21.2 psig D. 66.7 psig © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 101 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 1 QID: P2917 (B2915) Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: C Explanation Same type of question as P2417 (B2416), P2517 (B2516), P2716 (B2716) with different values. An air-operated isolation valve requires 2,400 lbf applied to the top of the actuator diaphragm to open against spring pressure. The actuator diaphragm has a diameter of 12 inches. If control air pressure to the valve actuator begins to decrease from 100 psig, which one of the following is the approximate air pressure at which the valve will begin to close? F A A = πr 2 P= D A = π  ï£2 2 2  12 in  2 2 A = π  = π(6 in ) = 113.097 in ï£ 2  2,400 lbf lbf P= = 21.22 2 2 113.097 in in The correct answer is ANSWER C. 21.2 psig © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 102 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1716 Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: D BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.05 [2.8/2.8] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.05 [2.5/2.8] Similar questions P1516 (B1517); P2116 (B2117); P2417 (B2416); P2517 (2516); P2716 (B2716); P2917 (B2915); P1716; P318 (B317) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 Refer to the drawing of an air-operated isolation valve (see figure below). The valve requires 2,400 lbf applied to the top of the actuator diaphragm to open. The actuator diaphragm has a surface area of 60 square inches and the valve stem travels 2 inches from fully open to fully closed. If control air pressure to the valve actuator begins to increase from 0 psig, which one of the following is the minimum air pressure required to open the valve? A. 10 psig B. 20 psig C. 30 psig D. 40 psig © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 103 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1716 Valve Positioners Operation ANSWER: D Explanation Same type of question as P1516 (B1517), P2116 (B2117), P2417 (B2416) with different values. Refer to the drawing of an air-operated isolation valve (see figure below). The valve requires 2,400 lbf applied to the top of the actuator diaphragm to open. The actuator diaphragm has a surface area of 60 square inches and the valve stem travels 2 inches from fully open to fully closed. If control air pressure to the valve actuator begins to increase from 0 psig, which one of the following is the minimum air pressure required to open the valve? P= F A P= 2,400 lbf = 40 psig 60 square inches The correct answer is ANSWER D. 40 psig © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 104 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1219 (B1516) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: B Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.01 [3.5/3.7] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.09 [2.4/2.5] Similar questions P2519 (B2515); P1219 (B1516) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 The level in a tank is controlled by an automatic level controller. Level is initially at the setpoint when a drain valve opens. When level decreases to 5% below setpoint the level controller opens a makeup supply valve. After a few minutes level is 5% above setpoint and the makeup valve closes. With the drain valve still open, level continues to oscillate 5% above and below the setpoint. The controller in this system uses primarily ____________ control. A. Integral B. Bistable C. Derivative D. Proportional © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 105 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1219 (B1516) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: B Controllers Explanation The level in a tank is controlled by an automatic level controller. Level is initially at the setpoint when a drain valve opens. When level decreases to 5% below setpoint the level controller opens a makeup supply valve. After a few minutes level is 5% above setpoint and the makeup valve closes. With the drain valve still open, level continues to oscillate 5% above and below the setpoint. The controller in this system uses primarily _BISTABLE_ control. A. Integral Incorrect, there are no integral only controllers. B. Bistable CORRECT, the bistable opened the drain valve. It will not close until it is reset. In the meantime, the makeup valve will continue to open and close. C. Derivative Incorrect, there are no derivative only controllers. D. Proportional Incorrect, a proportional only controller allows the final control element to be throttled to various positions that are dependent on process system conditions. The correct answer is ANSWER B. Bistable © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 106 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1016 (B1915) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: A Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.04 [3.3/3.3] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.09 [2.4/2.5] Similar questions P1417 (B2215); P1016 (B1915) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 The level in a tank is controlled by an automatic control system. Level is initially at its setpoint. A drain valve is then opened, causing tank level to begin to decrease. The decreasing level causes the controller to begin to open a makeup supply valve. After a few minutes, with the drain valve still open, level is again constant at the setpoint. The controller in this system uses primarily ______________ control. A. integral B. on-off C. derivative D. proportional © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 107 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P1016 (B1915) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: A Controllers Explanation The level in a tank is controlled by an automatic control system. Level is initially at its setpoint. A drain valve is then opened, causing tank level to begin to decrease. The decreasing level causes the controller to begin to open a makeup supply valve. After a few minutes, with the drain valve still open, level is again constant at the setpoint. The controller in this system uses primarily _INTEGRAL_ control. A. Integral CORRECT, integral (proportional-plus-reset) controllers automatically reset the measured variable to the setpoint. B. on-off Incorrect, on-off will allow the level to bounce between its low and high states. C. derivative Incorrect, there are no derivative only controllers. D. proportional Incorrect, proportional only allows the final control element to be throttled to various positions that are dependent on process system conditions. The correct answer is ANSWER A. Integral © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 108 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P2319 (B2315) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: B Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.09 [2.4/2.5] Similar questions P818 (B1317); P2319 (B2315); P2419 (B2415) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 The level in a drain collection tank is being controlled by an automatic level controller and is initially at the controller set point. Flow rate into the tank increases, causing tank level to increase. The increasing level causes the controller to throttle open a tank drain valve. After a few minutes, a new, steady-state tank level above the original level is established, with the drain flow rate equal to the supply flow rate. The controller in this system uses __________ control. A. on-off B. proportional C. proportional plus integral D. proportional plus integral plus derivative © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 109 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P2319 (B2315) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: B Controllers Explanation The level in a drain collection tank is being controlled by an automatic level controller and is initially at the controller set point. Flow rate into the tank increases, causing tank level to increase. The increasing level causes the controller to throttle open a tank drain valve. After a few minutes, a new, steady-state tank level above the original level is established, with the drain flow rate equal to the supply flow rate. The controller in this system uses _PROPORTIONAL_ control. A. on-off Incorrect, if on - off, then throttling of the tank drain valve would not be possible. B. proportional CORRECT, proportional allows the final control element to be throttled to various positions that are dependent on process system conditions. C. proportional plus integral Incorrect, proportional plus integral would drive the level to the original setpoint. D. proportional plus integral plus derivative Incorrect, proportional plus integral plus derivative would drive the level to the original setpoint quickly. The correct answer is ANSWER B. proportional © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 110 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 0 QID: P2419 (B2415) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: A Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.09 [2.4/2.5] Similar questions P818 (B1317); P2319 (B2315); P2419 (B2415); P2819 (B2815); P2919 (B3116) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Dec2005 Not used in 2001 through 2007 The level in a drain collection tank is being controlled by an automatic level controller and level is initially at the controller set point. Flow rate into the tank causes tank level to increase. The increasing level causes the controller to fully open a tank drain valve. When level decreases below the setpoint, the controller closes the drain valve. Tank level continues to be controlled in this manner within a narrow band above and below the setpoint. The controller in this system uses __________ control. A. on-off B. proportional C. proportional plus integral D. proportional plus integral plus derivative © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 111 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 0 QID: P2419 (B2415) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: A Controllers Explanation The level in a drain collection tank is being controlled by an automatic level controller and level is initially at the controller set point. Flow rate into the tank causes tank level to increase. The increasing level causes the controller to fully open a tank drain valve. When level decreases below the setpoint, the controller closes the drain valve. Tank level continues to be controlled in this manner within a narrow band above and below the setpoint. The controller in this system uses _ON-OFF_ control. A. on-off CORRECT, tank level continues to be controlled within a narrow band above and below the setpoint. B. proportional Incorrect, proportional would remove the narrow band above and below the setpoint and allow the process to be smooth. C. proportional plus integral Incorrect, proportional plus integral would drive the level to the original setpoint. D. proportional plus integral plus derivative Incorrect, proportional plus integral plus derivative would drive the level to the original setpoint quickly. The correct answer is ANSWER A. on-off © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 112 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 1 QID: P2919 (B3116) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: D Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.09 [2.4/2.5] Similar questions P2419 (B2415); P2919 (B3116) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Mar2005, Jun2001 Oct2001 The level in a drain collection tank is being controlled by an automatic level controller and is initially at the controller set point. Flow rate into the tank increases, slowly at first, and then faster until a stable high flow rate is attained. As tank level increases, the controller slowly opens a tank drain valve. The level controller output signal increases both as the tank level increases and as the rate of tank level change quickens. After a few minutes, tank level returns to and remains at the original level with the drain flow rate equal to the supply flow rate. The controller in this system uses __________ control. A. proportional only B. proportional plus derivative only C. proportional plus integral only D. proportional plus integral plus derivative © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 113 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 1 QID: P2919 (B3116) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: D Controllers Explanation The level in a drain collection tank is being controlled by an automatic level controller and is initially at the controller set point. Flow rate into the tank increases, slowly at first, and then faster until a stable high flow rate is attained. As tank level increases, the controller slowly opens a tank drain valve. The level controller output signal increases both as the tank level increases and as the rate of tank level change quickens. After a few minutes, tank level returns to and remains at the original level with the drain flow rate equal to the supply flow rate. The controller in this system uses _PROPORTIONAL PLUS INTEGRAL PLUS DERIVATIVE_ control. A. proportional only Incorrect, if proportional only, there would be no match of the supply and drain flow rates. B. proportional plus derivative only Incorrect, proportional plus derivative only would match flow rates but at a new level. C. proportional plus integral only Incorrect, proportional plus integral only, there would be no match of the supply and drain flow rates but the level would be the same as the original level. D. proportional plus integral plus derivative CORRECT, tank level returns to and remains at the original level with the drain flow rate equal to the supply flow rate. The correct answer is ANSWER D. proportional plus integral plus derivative © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 114 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P2819 (B2815) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: B Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.09 [2.4/2.5] Similar questions P2419 (B2415); P2819 (B2815); P2919 (B3116) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Jun2003 Mar2006 The level in a drain collection tank is being controlled by an automatic level controller and is initially at the controller set point. Flow rate into the tank increases, slowly at first, and then faster until a stable higher flow rate is attained. As tank level increases, the controller slowly opens a tank drain valve. The level controller output signal increases both as the tank level increases and as the rate of tank level change quickens. After a few minutes, a new, steady-state tank level above the original level is established, with the drain flow rate equal to the supply flow rate. The controller in this system uses __________ control. A. proportional only B. proportional plus derivative C. proportional plus integral D. proportional plus integral plus derivative © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 115 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P2819 (B2815) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: B Controllers Explanation The level in a drain collection tank is being controlled by an automatic level controller and is initially at the controller set point. Flow rate into the tank increases, slowly at first, and then faster until a stable higher flow rate is attained. As tank level increases, the controller slowly opens a tank drain valve. The level controller output signal increases both as the tank level increases and as the rate of tank level change quickens. After a few minutes, a new, steady-state tank level above the original level is established, with the drain flow rate equal to the supply flow rate. The controller in this system uses _PROPORTIONAL PLUS DERIVATIVE_ control. A. proportional only Incorrect, if proportional only, there would be no match of the supply and drain flow rates. B. proportional plus derivative CORRECT, a new, steady-state tank level above the original level is established, with the drain flow rate equal to the supply flow rate. C. proportional plus integral Incorrect, proportional plus integral would have driven the setpoint back to the original setpoint. D. proportional plus integral plus derivative Incorrect, proportional plus integral plus derivative would have matched flow rates but with the original setpoint. The correct answer is ANSWER B. proportional plus derivative © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 116 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 3 QID: P3617 (B3616) Operation of Valve Controller ANSWER: D BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.03 [3.1/3.1] Similar questions P3617 (B3616) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Jun2004, Feb2003 Sep2004, Mar2004, Feb2003 Refer to the drawing of a water storage tank with an automatic level control system (see figure below). Given: • The drain valve fails open on loss of controller output signal. • The level sensor output signal changes directly with tank water level. For proper automatic control of tank water level, the controller must be ____________; and the control loop must be __________. A. direct-acting; open B. direct-acting; closed C. reverse-acting; open D. reverse-acting; closed © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 117 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 3 QID: P3617 (B3616) Operation of Valve Controller ANSWER: D Explanation Refer to the drawing of a water storage tank with an automatic level control system (see figure below). Given: • The drain valve fails open on loss of controller output signal. • The level sensor output signal changes directly with tank water level. For proper automatic control of tank water level, the controller must be _REVERSE-ACTING_; and the control loop must be _CLOSED_. A. direct-acting (FALSE); open (FALSE) Incorrect, a direct acting controller will increase the output signal as the input (temperature or pressure) of the application increases. In an open system the controlled variable is not used to adjust any of the inputs to the system. B. direct-acting (FALSE); closed (TRUE) Incorrect, a direct acting controller will increase the output signal as the input (temperature or pressure) of the application increases. In a closed system the controlled variable change is sensed by the measuring element, the temperature transmitter, and is sent as the measured variable to the controller. C. reverse-acting (TRUE); open (FALSE) Incorrect, a reverse acting controller will reduce the output signal as the input of the application increases. In an open system the controlled variable is not used to adjust any of the inputs to the system. D. reverse-acting (TRUE); closed (TRUE) CORRECT, a reverse acting controller will reduce the output signal as the input of the application increases. In a closed system the controlled variable change is sensed by the measuring element, the temperature transmitter, and is sent as the measured variable to the controller. The correct answer is ANSWER D. reverse-acting; closed © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 118 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 1 QID: B4108 (P4109) Operation of Controllers ANSWER: B6 BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.08 [2.1/2.6] Similar questions Recent BWR exams Jun2006, Sep2004 Recent PWR exams Sep2004 Refer to the drawing of a water storage tank with an automatic level control system (see figure below). Given: The drain valve fails closed on loss of controller output signal. The level sensor output signal changes directly with tank water level. For proper automatic control of tank water level, the controller must be ____________; and the control loop must be __________. A. direct-acting; open B. direct-acting; closed C. reverse-acting; open D. reverse-acting; closed 6 08Jan22 new question added © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 119 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 1 QID: B4108 (P4109) Operation of Controllers ANSWER: B6 Explanation Refer to the drawing of a water storage tank with an automatic level control system (see figure below). Given: The drain valve fails closed on loss of controller output signal. The level sensor output signal changes directly with tank water level. For proper automatic control of tank water level, the controller must be DIRECT-ACTING; and the control loop must be CLOSED. A. direct-acting (TRUE); open (FALSE) Incorrect, a direct acting controller will increase the output signal as the input (temperature or pressure) of the application increases. In an open system the controlled variable is not used to adjust any of the inputs to the system. B. direct-acting (TRUE); closed (TRUE) CORRECT, a direct acting controller will increase the output signal as the input (temperature or pressure) of the application increases. In a closed system the controlled variable change is sensed by the measuring element, the temperature transmitter, and is sent as the measured variable to the controller. C. reverse-acting (FALSE); open (FALSE) Incorrect, a reverse acting controller will reduce the output signal as the input of the application increases. In an open system the controlled variable is not used to adjust any of the inputs to the system. D. reverse-acting (FALSE); closed (TRUE) Incorrect, a reverse acting controller will reduce the output signal as the input of the application increases. In a closed system the controlled variable change is sensed by the measuring element, the temperature transmitter, and is sent as the measured variable to the controller. The correct answer is ANSWER: B. direct-acting; closed © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 120 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 2 QID: P3319 (B3316) Operation of Controllers ANSWER: C BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.08 [2.1/2.6] Similar questions P3319 (B3316); P3419 (B3415); P3818 (B3816); P3519 (B3515) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Feb2002 Sep2005, Feb2002 Refer to the drawing of a water storage tank with a level control system (see figure below). The tank water level is being automatically controlled at 50% by a proportional-integral (PI) controller that positions the drain valve. Tank water level is currently stable with 500 gpm entering the tank and the drain valve 50% open. Tank inlet flow rate suddenly increases to 700 gpm and remains constant. When tank water level stabilizes, level will be ____________, and the drain valve position will be ____________. A. higher than 50%; more open B. higher than 50%; the same C. 50%; more open D. 50%; the same © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 121 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 2 QID: P3319 (B3316) Operation of Controllers ANSWER: C Explanation Refer to the drawing of a water storage tank with a level control system (see figure below). The tank water level is being automatically controlled at 50% by a proportional-integral (PI) controller that positions the drain valve. Tank water level is currently stable with 500 gpm entering the tank and the drain valve 50% open. Tank inlet flow rate suddenly increases to 700 gpm and remains constant. When tank water level stabilizes, level will be _50%_, and the drain valve position will be _MORE OPEN_. A. higher than 50% (FALSE); more open (TRUE) Incorrect, the PI controller automatically resets the measured variable to the setpoint. The drain valve will be more open to allow the tank level to stay at 50%. B. higher than 50% (FALSE); the same (FALSE) Incorrect, the PI controller automatically resets the measured variable to the setpoint. The drain valve will be more open to allow the tank level to stay at 50%. C. 50% (TRUE); more open (TRUE) CORRECT, the PI controller automatically resets the measured variable to the setpoint. The drain valve will be more open to allow the tank level to stay at 50%. D. 50% (TRUE); the same (FALSE) Incorrect, the PI controller automatically resets the measured variable to the setpoint. The drain valve will be more open to allow the tank level to stay at 50%. The correct answer is ANSWER C. 50%; more open © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 122 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: B5009 (P5009) Operation of Controllers ANSWER: B7 BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.08 [2.1/2.6] Similar questions Recent BWR exams Dec2006 Recent PWR exams Dec2006 Refer to the valve controller logic diagram (see figure below). Which one of the following combinations of inputs will result in the valve receiving a close signal? 7 1. INPUTS 2. 3. 4. A. On On Off Off B. Off Off On Off C. On Off Off On D. On On On Off 08Jan22 new question added © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 123 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM ANSWER: B7 1 / 1 QID: B5009 (P5009) Operation of Controllers Explanation Refer to the valve controller logic diagram (see figure below). Which one of the following combinations of inputs will result in the valve receiving a close signal? A. INPUT OUTPUT 1 1 NOT 0 OUTPUT B. INPUT OUTPUT 1 0 NOT 1 OUTPUT C. INPUT OUTPUT 1 1 NOT 0 OUTPUT D. INPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT 1 1 NOT 0 2 1 gfe@gpworldwide.com 4 0 OR 1 2/3 COINCIDENCE 0 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 0 0 4 1 OR 0 2/3 COINCIDENCE 0 2 1 0 4 0 OR 1 2/3 COINCIDENCE 1 3 1 0 4 0 OR 0 2/3 COINCIDENCE 0 © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 3 0 0 Page 124 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM ANSWER: B7 1 / 1 QID: B5009 (P5009) Operation of Controllers 1. INPUTS 2. 3. 4. A. On On Incorrect – Off Off B. Off Off On CORRECT – Off C. On Off Incorrect – Off On D. On On Incorrect – On Off The correct answer is ANSWER: B. Off © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Off On Page 125 of 150 Off BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM This Page Intentionally Blank © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 126 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 2 QID: B4708 (P4707) Operation of Controllers ANSWER: B8 BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.08 [2.1/2.6] Similar questions Recent BWR exams Sep2007, Mar2006 Recent PWR exams Sep2007, Mar2006 Refer to the valve controller logic diagram (see figure below). Which one of the following combinations of inputs will result in the valve receiving an open signal? 8 1. INPUTS 2. 3. 4. A. On Off Off On B. Off On On Off C. On Off On Off D. Off On Off On 08Jan22 new question added © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 127 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM ANSWER: B8 2 / 2 QID: B4708 (P4707) Operation of Controllers Explanation Refer to the valve controller logic diagram (see figure below). Which one of the following combinations of inputs will result in the valve receiving an open signal? The output of the controller must be 1 for the valve to open. A. INPUT OUTPUT 1 1 1 OUTPUT OUTPUT B. INPUT OUTPUT 1 0 0 OUTPUT OUTPUT C. INPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT OUTPUT 1 1 1 2 0 gfe@gpworldwide.com 4 1 OR 0 2/3 COINCIDENCE 1 NOT 0 2 1 3 1 2 0 1 4 0 OR 1 2/3 COINCIDENCE 0 NOT 1 3 1 0 4 0 OR 1 2/3 COINCIDENCE 1 NOT 0 © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 3 0 0 Page 128 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM ANSWER: B8 2 / 2 QID: B4708 (P4707) Operation of Controllers D. INPUT 1 0 OUTPUT 2 1 OUTPUT OUTPUT INPUTS 2. 3. On Off Incorrect – Off On B. Off On On CORRECT – Off C. On Off Incorrect – On Off D. Off On Incorrect – Off On The correct answer is ANSWER: B. Off © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION gfe@gpworldwide.com 1 4. A. REV 4 4 1 OR 1 2/3 COINCIDENCE 1 NOT 0 0 1. 3 0 On On Page 129 of 150 Off BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM This Page Intentionally Blank © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 130 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P3419 (B3415) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: B Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.09 [2.4/2.5] Similar questions P3319 (B3316); P3419 (B3415); P3818 (B3816); P3519 (B3515) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Jun2002 Jun2002 Refer to the drawing of a water storage tank with a level control system (see figure below). The tank water level is being automatically controlled at 50% by a proportional-integral (PI) controller that positions the drain valve. Tank water level is currently stable with 500 gpm entering the tank and the drain valve 50% open. The tank suddenly develops a constant 200 gpm leak, while the input flow rate remains constant at 500 gpm. When tank water level stabilizes, level will be ____________, and the drain valve position will be ____________. A. 50%; more open B. 50%; more closed C. lower than 50%; more open D. lower than 50%; more closed © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 131 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P3419 (B3415) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers Explanation Same question as P3319 (B3316) with different values. ANSWER: B Refer to the drawing of a water storage tank with a level control system (see figure below). The tank water level is being automatically controlled at 50% by a proportional-integral (PI) controller that positions the drain valve. Tank water level is currently stable with 500 gpm entering the tank and the drain valve 50% open. The tank suddenly develops a constant 200 gpm leak, while the input flow rate remains constant at 500 gpm. When tank water level stabilizes, level will be _50%_, and the drain valve position will be _MORE CLOSED_. A. 50% (TRUE); more open (FALSE) Incorrect, since this is a PI controller, the level will be driven back to 50% and the drain valve will be more closed to accomplish this. B. 50% (TRUE); more closed (TRUE) CORRECT, since this is a PI controller, the level will be driven back to 50% and the drain valve will be more closed to accomplish this. C. lower than 50% (FALSE); more open (FALSE) Incorrect, since this is a PI controller, the level will be driven back to 50% and the drain valve will be more closed to accomplish this. D. lower than 50% (FALSE); more closed (TRUE) Incorrect, since this is a PI controller, the level will be driven back to 50% and the drain valve will be more closed to accomplish this. The correct answer is ANSWER B. 50%; more closed © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 132 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P3519 (B3515) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: D Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.09 [2.4/2.5] Similar questions P3818 (B3816); P3319 (B3316); P3419 (B3415); P3519 (B3515) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Oct2002 Oct2002 Refer to the drawing of a water storage tank with a level control system (see figure below). The tank water level is being automatically controlled by a proportional-only controller with a setpoint of 50%. Tank water level is currently stable at 50% with 500 gpm entering the tank and the drain valve 50% open. The tank suddenly develops a constant 200 gpm leak, while the input flow rate remains constant at 500 gpm. After the tank water level stabilizes, level will be ____________, and the drain valve position will be ____________. A. 50%; more than 50% open B. 50%; less than 50% open C. below 50%; more than 50% open D. below 50%; less than 50% open © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 133 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P3519 (B3515) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers Explanation Same question as P3818 (B3816) with different values. ANSWER: D Refer to the drawing of a water storage tank with a level control system (see figure below). The tank water level is being automatically controlled by a proportional-only controller with a setpoint of 50%. Tank water level is currently stable at 50% with 500 gpm entering the tank and the drain valve 50% open. The tank suddenly develops a constant 200 gpm leak, while the input flow rate remains constant at 500 gpm. After the tank water level stabilizes, level will be _BELOW 50%_, and the drain valve position will be _LESS THAN 50% OPEN_. A. 50% (FALSE); more than 50% open (FALSE) Incorrect, this would be true with a PI controller. The drain valve will be less than 50% open to try and maintain level. B. 50% (FALSE); less than 50% open (TRUE) Incorrect, this would be true with a PI controller. The drain valve will be less than 50% open to try and maintain level. C. below 50% (TRUE); more than 50% open (FALSE) Incorrect, since this is a proportional only controller, the level will be lower because it cannot return to the original setpoint. The drain valve will be less than 50% open to try and maintain level. D. below 50% (TRUE); less than 50% open (TRUE) CORRECT, since this is a proportional only controller, the level will be lower because it cannot return to the original setpoint. The drain valve will be less than 50% open to try and maintain level. The correct answer is ANSWER D. below 50%; less than 50% open © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 134 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P3818 (B3816) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) ANSWER: C Controllers BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.03 [3.3/3.4] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.09 [2.4/2.5] Similar questions P3818 (B3816); P3419 (B3415); P3319 (B3316); P3519 (B3515) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Oct2003 Oct2003 Refer to the drawing of a water storage tank with a level control system (see figure below). The tank water level is being automatically controlled by a proportional-only controller with a level setpoint of 50%. Tank water level is currently stable at 50% with 500 gpm entering the tank and the drain valve 50% open. The tank input flow rate suddenly increases to 700 gpm. After the tank water level stabilizes, level will be ____________; and the drain valve position will be ____________. A. 50%; more than 50% open B. 50%; 50% open C. above 50%; more than 50% open D. above 50%; 50% open © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 135 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 1 QID: P3818 (B3816) Proportional, Integral (reset), derivative (rate) Controllers Explanation Same question as P3519 (B3515) with different values. ANSWER: C Refer to the drawing of a water storage tank with a level control system (see figure below). The tank water level is being automatically controlled by a proportional-only controller with a level setpoint of 50%. Tank water level is currently stable at 50% with 500 gpm entering the tank and the drain valve 50% open. The tank input flow rate suddenly increases to 700 gpm. After the tank water level stabilizes, level will be _ABOVE 50%_; and the drain valve position will be _MORE THAN 50% OPEN_. A. 50% (FALSE); more than 50% open (TRUE) Incorrect, this would be true with a PI controller. The drain valve will be more than 50% open to try and maintain level. B. 50% (FALSE); 50% open (FALSE) Incorrect, this would be true with a PI controller. The drain valve will be more than 50% open to try and maintain level. C. above 50% (TRUE); more than 50% open (TRUE) CORRECT, since this is a proportional only controller, the level will be above 50% because it cannot return to the original setpoint. The drain valve will be more than 50% open to try and maintain level. D. above 50% (TRUE); 50% open (FALSE) Incorrect, since this is a proportional only controller, the level will be above 50% because it cannot return to the original setpoint. The drain valve will be more than 50% open to try and maintain level. The correct answer is ANSWER C. above 50%; more than 50% open © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 136 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 4 / 2 QID: P218 (B3115) Operation of Speed Controller ANSWER: A BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.02 [3.5/3.6] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.02 [2.6/2.7] Similar questions P218 (B3115); P1316 Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Mar2007, Mar2005, Feb2002, Jun2001 Dec2007, Dec2006 An emergency diesel generator (D/G) is operating as the only power source connected to an emergency bus. The governor of the D/G is directly sensing D/G __________ and will directly adjust D/G __________ flow to maintain a relatively constant D/G frequency. A. speed; fuel B. speed; air C. load; fuel D. load; air © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 137 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 4 / 2 QID: P218 (B3115) Operation of Speed Controller ANSWER: A Explanation An emergency diesel generator (D/G) is operating as the only power source connected to an emergency bus. The governor of the D/G is directly sensing D/G _SPEED_ and will directly adjust D/G _FUEL_ flow to maintain a relatively constant D/G frequency. A. speed (TRUE); fuel (TRUE) CORRECT, during normal operation, the speed controls sense the speed and load of the diesel generator and send a corresponding electrical signal to the hydraulic actuator. During normal operation, the electric governor controls fuel to the prime mover, in this case the diesel engine. B. speed (TRUE); air (FALSE) Incorrect, during normal operation, the speed controls sense the speed and load of the diesel generator and send a corresponding electrical signal to the hydraulic actuator. However, fuel flow is adjusted, not air flow. C. load (FALSE); fuel (TRUE) Incorrect, the governor does not directly sense load. During normal operation, the electric governor controls fuel to the prime mover, in this case the diesel engine. D. load (FALSE); air (FALSE) Incorrect, the governor does not directly sense load. During normal operation, the electric governor controls fuel flow, not air flow. The correct answer is ANSWER A. speed; fuel © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 138 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 2 QID: P1316 Operation of Speed Controller BWR TOPIC: 291003 KNOWLEDGE: Similar questions P218 (B3115); P1316 Recent BWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 ANSWER: D PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: PK1.02 [2.6/2.7] Recent PWR exams Jun2006, Sep2004 An emergency diesel generator (D/G) is the only power source connected to an emergency bus. The governor of the D/G directly senses D/G ____________ and adjusts D/G fuel flow to maintain a relatively constant D/G ____________. A. voltage; voltage B. voltage; frequency C. speed; voltage D. speed; frequency © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 139 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 2 QID: P1316 Operation of Speed Controller ANSWER: D Explanation An emergency diesel generator (D/G) is the only power source connected to an emergency bus. The governor of the D/G directly senses D/G _SPEED_ and adjusts D/G fuel flow to maintain a relatively constant D/G _FREQUENCY_. A. voltage (FALSE); voltage (FALSE) Incorrect, the governor of the D/G does not directly sense D/G voltage. The governor of the D/G does not adjust D/G fuel flow to maintain voltage. B. voltage (FALSE); frequency (TRUE) Incorrect, the governor of the D/G does not directly sense D/G voltage. During normal operation, the electric governor controls fuel to the prime mover, in this case the diesel engine to maintain D/G frequency. C. speed (TRUE); voltage (FALSE) Incorrect, during normal operation, the speed controls sense the speed and load of the diesel generator and send a corresponding electrical signal to the hydraulic actuator. The governor of the D/G does not adjust D/G fuel flow to maintain voltage. D. speed (TRUE); frequency (TRUE) CORRECT, during normal operation, the speed controls sense the speed and load of the diesel generator and send a corresponding electrical signal to the hydraulic actuator. During normal operation, the electric governor controls fuel to the prime mover, in this case the diesel engine to maintain D/G frequency. he correct answer is ANSWER D. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com speed; frequency Page 140 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 3 QID: P1815 (B1016) Operation of Speed Controller ANSWER: D BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.06 [2.5/2.6] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.02 [2.6/2.7] Similar questions P417 (B417); P1815 (B1016) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Oct2002 Jun2007, Sep2005, Dec2004 If the turbine shaft speed signal received by a typical turbine governor control system fails high during turbine startup, the turbine governor will cause turbine speed to... A. increase, until an upper limit is reached or the turbine trips on overspeed. B. decrease, until the mismatch with the turbine speed demand signal is nulled. C. increase, until the mismatch with the turbine speed demand signal is nulled. D. decrease, until a lower limit is reached or turbine steam flow is isolated. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 141 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 3 QID: P1815 (B1016) Operation of Speed Controller Explanation This question is the same as P417 (B417) except for failure high. ANSWER: D If the turbine shaft speed signal received by a typical turbine governor control system fails high during turbine startup, the turbine governor will cause turbine speed to... A. increase (FALSE), until an upper limit is reached or the turbine trips on overspeed (FALSE). Incorrect, this would be true if the turbine governor control system fails low. B. decrease (TRUE), until the mismatch with the turbine speed demand signal is nulled (FALSE). Incorrect, if the turbine governor control system fails high, the governor mechanism will reduce fuel flow to the engine. This has nothing to do with the turbine speed demand signal going to null. C. increase (FALSE), until the mismatch with the turbine speed demand signal is nulled (FALSE). Incorrect, this would be true if the turbine governor control system fails low. D. decrease (TRUE), until a lower limit is reached or turbine steam flow is isolated (TRUE). CORRECT, if the turbine governor control system fails high, the governor mechanism will reduce fuel flow to the engine. With no fuel flow, speed will then slow until a lower limit is reached or turbine steam flow is isolated. The correct answer is ANSWER D. decrease, until a lower limit is reached or turbine steam flow is isolated. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 142 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 3 QID: P1818 (B1815) Governors and Other Mechanical Controllers ANSWER: B Operation BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.06 [2.5/2.6] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.06 [2.3/2.6] Similar questions P1818 (B1815); P2818 (B2817); P2018 (B2015) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Dec2004 Jun2003, Jun2002, Jun2001 A diesel generator is supplying an isolated electrical bus with the governor operating in the isochronous mode. If a large electrical load is started on the bus, generator frequency will... A. initially decrease, then increase and stabilize below the initial value. B. initially decrease, then increase and stabilize at the initial value. C. initially decrease, then increase and stabilize above the initial value. D. remain constant during and after the load start. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 143 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 1 / 3 QID: P1818 (B1815) Governors and Other Mechanical Controllers Operation Explanation This question is the same as P2818 (B2817) except for failure mode. ANSWER: B A diesel generator is supplying an isolated electrical bus with the governor operating in the isochronous mode. If a large electrical load is started on the bus, generator frequency will... As additional loads are added, the generator supplies them instantaneously. This slows the diesel engine, because more power is being taken out of the generator than is being supplied by the diesel engine. This initially DECREASES the generator frequency. As the shaft slows, the governor raises fuel flow to the engine. This increases the driving force to the generator, raising the generator speed to that required to provide 60 Hz. This INCREASES the frequency of the generator until it STABILIZES at the initial value. Without some form of speed control, either manual or automatic, the engine will not return to original speed. A. initially decrease (TRUE), then increase and stabilize below the initial value (FALSE). Incorrect B. initially decrease (TRUE), then increase and stabilize at the initial value (TRUE). CORRECT C. initially decrease (TRUE), then increase and stabilize above the initial value (FALSE). Incorrect D. remain constant during and after the load start (FALSE). Incorrect - The correct answer is ANSWER B. initially decrease, then increase and stabilize at the initial value. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 144 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 0 QID: P2818 (B2817) Governors and Other Mechanical Controllers ANSWER: B Operation BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.06 [2.5/2.6] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.06 [2.3/2.6] Similar questions P1818 (B1815); P2818 (B2817); P2018 (B2015) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Jun2005, Jun2004 Not used in 2001 through 2007 A diesel generator (DG) is supplying an isolated electrical bus with the DG governor operating in the speed droop mode. Assuming the DG does not trip, if a large electrical bus load trips, bus frequency will initially... A. increase, then decrease and stabilize below the initial value. B. increase, then decrease and stabilize above the initial value. C. decrease, then increase and stabilize below the initial value. D. decrease, then increase and stabilize above the initial value. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 145 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 2 / 0 QID: P2818 (B2817) Governors and Other Mechanical Controllers Operation Explanation This question is the same as P2818 (B2817) except for failure mode. ANSWER: B A diesel generator (DG) is supplying an isolated electrical bus with the DG governor operating in the speed droop mode. Assuming the DG does not trip, if a large electrical bus load trips, bus frequency will initially... As the load sheds, bus frequency increases because less power is being taken out of the generator than is being supplied by the diesel engine. This initially INCREASES the generator frequency. As the shaft speeds up, the governor lowers fuel flow to the engine. This decreases the driving force to the generator, lowering the generator speed to that required to provide 60 Hz. This DECREASES the frequency of the generator until it STABILIZES ABOVE the initial value. A. increase (TRUE), then decrease (TRUE) and stabilize below (FALSE) the initial value. Incorrect B. increase (TRUE), then decrease (TRUE) and stabilize above (TRUE) the initial value. CORRECT C. decrease (FALSE) , then increase (FALSE) and stabilize below (FALSE) the initial value. Incorrect D. decrease (FALSE) , then increase (FALSE) and stabilize above (TRUE) the initial value. Incorrect - The correct answer is ANSWER B. increase, then decrease and stabilize above the initial value. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 146 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P2018 (B2015) Governors and Other Mechanical Controllers ANSWER: B Operation BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.06 [2.5/2.6] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.06 [2.3/2.6] Similar questions P1818 (B1815); P2818 (B2817); P2018 (B2015) Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 A diesel generator is supplying an isolated electrical bus with the governor operating in the isochronous mode. If a large electrical bus load trips, generator frequency will... A. initially increase, then decrease and stabilize below the initial value. B. initially increase, then decrease and stabilize at the initial value. C. initially increase, then decrease and stabilize above the initial value. D. remain constant during and after the load trip. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 147 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P2018 (B2015) Governors and Other Mechanical Controllers ANSWER: B Operation Explanation A diesel generator is supplying an isolated electrical bus with the governor operating in the isochronous mode. If a large electrical bus load trips, generator frequency will... As the load sheds, bus frequency increases because less power is being taken out of the generator than is being supplied by the diesel engine. This initially INCREASES the generator frequency. As the shaft speeds up, the governor lowers fuel flow to the engine. This decreases the driving force to the generator, lowering the generator speed to that required to provide 60 Hz. This DECREASES the frequency of the generator until it STABILIZES at the initial value. A. initially increase (TRUE), then decrease (TRUE) and stabilize below (FALSE).the initial value Incorrect B. initially increase (TRUE), then decrease (TRUE) and stabilize at (TRUE) the initial value. CORRECT, C. initially increase (TRUE), then decrease (TRUE) and stabilize above (FALSE) the initial value. Incorrect D. remain constant during (FALSE) and after the load trip (FALSE). Incorrect - The correct answer is ANSWER B. initially increase, then decrease and stabilize at the initial value. © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 148 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P419 (B1316) Governors and Other Mechanical Controllers ANSWER: C Operation BWR TOPIC: 291003 PWR TOPIC: 191003 KNOWLEDGE: BK1.06 [2.5/2.6] KNOWLEDGE: PK1.06 [2.3/2.6] Similar questions N/A Recent BWR exams Recent PWR exams Not used in 2001 through 2007 Not used in 2001 through 2007 Refer to the drawing of a flyball-weight mechanical speed governor (see figure below). In a flyballweight mechanical speed governor, the purpose of the spring on the flyball mechanism is to ____________ centrifugal force by driving the flyballs ___________. A. counteract; apart B. aid; together C. counteract; together D. aid; apart © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 149 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com BPC08Gr4_Controllers 8/6/2008 11:12 AM 0 / 0 QID: P419 (B1316) Governors and Other Mechanical Controllers ANSWER: C Operation Explanation Refer to the drawing of a flyball-weight mechanical speed governor (see figure below). In a flyballweight mechanical speed governor, the purpose of the spring on the flyball mechanism is to _COUNTERACT_ centrifugal force by driving the flyballs _TOGETHER_. If the load is increased, the engine speed will decrease, and a resultant reduction will occur in the centrifugal force of the flyweights. The spring pressure then becomes the greater force and acts on the fuel control mechanism to increase the quantity of fuel delivered to the engine. The increase in fuel results in an increase in engine speed until balance of the forces is again reached. When the load on an engine is reduced or removed, the engine speed increases and the centrifugal force on the flyweights increases. The centrifugal force then becomes greater than the spring pressure and acts on the fuel control linkage to reduce the amount of fuel delivered to the cylinders. This causes the engine speed to decrease until a balance between the opposing forces is again reached and engine speed becomes constant. A. counteract (TRUE); apart (FALSE) Incorrect – one section is true and one section is false; if any section is false the answer must be incorrect and another answer must be correct. B. aid (FALSE); together (TRUE) Incorrect – one section is false and one section is true; if any section is false the answer must be incorrect and another answer must be correct. C. counteract (TRUE); together (TRUE) CORRECT – all sections are true; if all sections are true the answer is correct, and all other answer must be incorrect. D. aid (FALSE); apart (FALSE) Incorrect – both sections are false; if any sections are false the answer must be incorrect and another answer must be correct. The correct answer is ANSWER C. counteract; together © 2006-2008 GENERAL PHYSICS CORPORATION REV 4 gfe@gpworldwide.com Page 150 of 150 BWR-PWR / COMPONENTS / CHAPTER 8 / CONTROLLERS AND POSITIONERS www.gpworldwide.com