Glasgow Caledonian University SEBE PhD Research Project Portfolio Project Reference Number SEBE_NCS_HL_1 School/Institute/Research Group School of Engineering and Built Environment - Networks and Communications Research Group Research Discipline Project Title Building Energy management, Wireless sensors, advanced machine learning, Random Neural Networks Smart Building Energy management for Large Non-domestic Buildings Using HVAC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning) Control Research Project Summary Energy Management Systems and Building Control Systems are becoming a very important area of growth in the 21st century Green Economy. It requires many optimized specialties and techniques that span over a wide area of engineering: Network protocols and standards, embedded systems, and Building Standards. Central controllers have been mostly based on thermodynamic calculations for the large buildings, these are complex and require a lot of computing power, and are not suitable for real-time calculations. The aims of the project are to: 1. Develop an advanced central controller for management of energy and building control systems in large non-domestic buildings based on Random Neural networks. This project is an advancement of the previous successful Phd Studentship (Advanced Sensor Architecture (Protocols and Embedded Systems) for Development of Energy Management Systems and Building Control Systems) which culminated in a patent and several research papers (for local controllers). Large non-domestic buildings require both local and central controllers; our focus will be central controllers in this project. 2. Rigorously test and critically analyze the central controller in the test labs of the School as well as under field conditions, including remote monitoring (BNE: RICH center, and CEBE) of buildings with HVAC. 3. Optimize the control systems using advanced techniques (i.e. random neural networks) to develop machine learning central controller. This will generate a system that learns from the environment and what humans prefer as ideal settings for the building, and generate control commands in real-time. The main objective is energy efficiency and human comfort. This type of controller will be very important for reducing carbon footprint, and generate partnerships with industry. Supervisory Team Staff Contact Dr. Hadi Larijani (DoS) Dr. Ali Ahmadinia Prof. Rohinton Emmanuel Dr. Hadi Larijani (Senior Lecturer) Tel: 01413313190 Email: