THE EAST H A M PTO N STAR, FRID AY, NOVEM BER S8, 1930 Hassam Painting in New York A rt Exhibition Mr. and Mrs. P h ilip D i Santo spent Lira Arthur Hedges is a patient at Thanksgiving In New York. the 6puthampton Hospital. M r. a i- 1 Mrs. Richard A. Corwin and /Miss Francis M arley is spending the * sona, apenc last week end in New York- 'week end at EiyJlcott, N. Y. M iss Ella M ae Phillips is spending _/B «iton Russell and Edward Baker ' i t attended the Y ale-H arvard game the week end at Huntington. L. I. last Saturday Mrs. Thomas Babcock, who has been lira . John F. Gilm artin and Miss ill with a heavy cold. Is now much Im­ Sara G ilm artin spent a few days this proved. week in N ew York. Mr. a r d Mrs. W illiam M oore o f G ar­ Mias Alice Bennett, a student at A l­ den City, spent last week end here bany State College, is home for the with M r. and Mrs. H arry Easer. Thanksgiving holidays. Mrs. August Mosebach has returned R oy Parsons is spending the Thanks­ from the Southampton Hospital, where giving holidays here with his parents, she was taken last week for treatment. U r and Mrs. Raymond Parsons. Mrs. E. S. Boughton is spending the enneth E. Davis spent a few days Thanksgiving holiday with her daugh­ New Y ork last week on business, ter, Miss Barbara Boughton. in Boston. stopping at the H otel Governor Clinton. Frank Worthington, who has been T h e December meeting o f the L. V. quite 111 at his home on Egypt lane, was I. S. w ill be held next Monday after­ taken to the Southampton Hospital on noon, at 3 o’clock ,at the home o f Mrs. Monday for treatment. N. H. Dayton. Mrs. Jeremiah M. Huntting is t o en­ Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shea and fam ­ tertain at bridge and supper at her ily o f Nyack, N. Y., are spending the home on M ill H ill lane next Thursday Thanksgiving holidays here with Mr. afternoon, December 3. and Mrs. H. Wessberg. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor, David Mr. and Mrs. W. W h itten are spend­ Sherrill .and a large fam ily party spent ing the Thanksgiving week end here Thanksgiving D ay at Montauk with with Mrs. W hitten's sister. Mrs. Ben­ Mr. and Mrs. Ulysses Payne. jam in Dlsley and M r. Dlsley H. S. Stender, safety engineer for the Winthrop Gardiner, who is a student Royal Indem nity Company, o f which 3. Osborne Is local agent, made an at th e Hun Preparatory School In Prlnoeton, N. J., Is spending the inspection o f several places o f busin­ ess here this week. Thanksgiving holidays at his home. / M n . Herman Schenkel entertained th e A. B. C. last Friday at her home. Mrs. E. C. M orford, Mrs James G rimshaw. and Mrs. H. H ale Parsons held the winning scores. J^Lss Sara Dickinson, who is com­ pleting her course In Journalism at Columbia University this year, re­ turned to East Hampton on Wednesday fo r the Thanksgiving week end. f i l x t Sybil G ilm artin attended the Army-Urslnus football game and for­ mal "h op " at W est Point last Satur­ day. Miss G ilm artin was the guest of Oadet Robert Quackenbush. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Holfanby and Mr. Hollanby’s brother, Frederick, of East Islip, and Miss Sylvia Gluck, vis­ ited Mrs. Hollanby's mother, Mrs. H arry Cann over the week end. Miss M ary Louise Schenck and Courtland Schenck le ft Wednesday morning for Brookeville, Md.. where they w ill Join their mother, Mrs. P. C. Schenck. and their brother, Kennell Schenck, for Thanksgiving with their grandparents. Dr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. Rudolph Holm er entertained at Iddlngs. bridge and supper ta her home on Mdhday. T here were three tables; Mrs. E. J. Edwards and Mrs. Clifford M tb. E. C. Morford, Mrs. H arry Wess­ Edwards gave two dinners, followed by berg, and Mrs. W illiam Edwards w in­ bridge, at the David lane home o f Mrs. ning the prizes. E. J. Edwartfs last Friday and Satur­ day evenings. T here were 36 guests Mrs. Charles Parsons, Mrs. Elizabeth Ralph Frood .and Miss M e t^ C o n k lin g Edwards, and Miss F. Brem er Hatch the first night; Mrs. John Hand. Mrs. left Wednesday aftenoon for a short holding the winning scores. On Sat­ motor trip, which includes Huntington. urday there were ten tables, Mrs. S. Oyster Bay and Jamaica. Th ey plan Gardner Osborn. Mrs. Raymond Magee to return on Sunday. and Miss F. Bremer Hatch winning the honors. Out-of-tow n guests on the Arthur Varca. steward o f the Devon second evening were Mrs. R obert C. Y acht Club, is spending the winter Baldwin, Mrs. Thom as E. Rlngwood, months at Pinehurst, N. C.. where he and Mrs. McCorry o f Montauk; Mrs. is steward at the Bronx Club. T he Alexander M acLean o f W a ter M ill; restaurant there opened Its season on Mrs. Raymond Magee o f Sagaponack. November 7. and Miss K itty Watkins o f Farmville. / [vans Shoe Store of Sag Harbor, has enlarged their present store by taking over the store next door, which is com­ pletely stocked and w ill be used as a men's departm ent and 5 S elf Service department. T h e Star has been requested to an­ nounce the annual Christmas sale at Kings Park State Hospital, on W ednes­ day, Thursday and Friday. December 3, 4, and 5. Beautiful and useful handi­ work, made by the patients w ill be offered at this sale. H elp the patients to help themselves. M ANY ATTEND THANKSGIVING UNION SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. I. Y . Halsey and Dr. and Mrs. David, Edwards, who le ft East Hampton by m otor for C alifornia, end­ ed th at part o f their Journey on N ov­ ember 18, at Santa Barbara. They will continue by train and boat, re­ turning home about the middle o f D e ­ cember. by way o f the Panama Canal. A t Presbyterian Church at 8 O ’Clock Yesterday Morning A large congregation attended the Union Thanksgiving Service o f the Methodist Episcopal Church and the Presbyterian Church at the Presbyter­ ian Church at 8 a. m. yesterday m orn­ ing. and also enjoyed the breakfast pre­ pared by the men o f the churches and served at the Session House. W illiam Young played two violin se­ lections during the service ; Thanks­ giving hymns were sung by the congre­ gation. and an Am erican Psalm read responsively. Rev. A. B. Horlacher preached on the subject, "T h e Spiritual Exaltation of G ratitude." Mr. Horlacher opened his short sermon w ith the story o f the rich young man who asked Jesus what he should do in return fo r the benefits which God had heaped upon him. Jesus replied: “Sell all thaUthou hast and give to the poor.” This, said Mr. Horlacher, Is not East Ham pton's spir­ itual requirement; he said th at the people o f this village are unusually generous, peep’ ? In trouble here are always helped Imm ediately; and that he believed If any East Hampton church should burn down tonight. It would be rebuilt and paid for within Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Huntting enter­ tained on Saturday evening at their M ill H ill lane home. Honors at bridge were won by M rs. James Hildreth. Mrs. J. Edward G ay Jr., Mrs. Elizabeth Edwards. B enjam in H. Barnes, W il­ lard Livingston and James Hildreth. The follow ing men o f East Hampton and rlcln lty were drawn for trial Jury duty o f the Suffolk Supreme Court, to convene at Rlverhead on Monday. D e­ cember 1, with Justice Charles J. Dodd o f Brooklyn, presiding: Oscar Brill, Ordway P. Cullum and J. Custls L aw r­ ence o f East Hampton; Charles W. Hildreth o f Bridgeham pton .and A l­ fred R. Topping o f Sagaponack. s K concrete sidewalk Is beln^ laid on ■'the west side of M ain street, from Buell lane to the business section. A tree expert Is on duty all the tim?. making sure that no damage will be done to the trees. N o excavating has been done, and the path Is being laid very close to the fences. T h e sidewalk was voted some time ago. and work was delayed until the summer traffic was o r ft . But, he said, we are no t a clcmonEast Mrs. G . H. Bass has been In the v il­ sT atlvely appreciative people. lage this week closing the home o n 1Ham pton Is rarely blest; there Is no Egypt l&nc which she occupied this j more beautiful village In Am erica; It » hard to conceive o f anything t last summer. Mr. Bass sallod on the community shouU lfave ti 15th fo r England. Mrs. Bass remains , have. But we take these In N ew Y ork with her sisters until h e 1 >r less as our right, and th decides upon a definite location. Mr. he spiritual on ( Bas> has been with W allace Halsey. as this fault C. EL fo r the last four years, and both aight have; all Amc .1 he and Mrs. Bass have made many o some extent. iciuded with friends here who regret their going. our blessings one by one, and h e greatest blessings are those T b s East Hampton Auxiliary to the r e free gifts from God. Southampton Hospital met at the home J o f Mrs. John W h itb y on Tuesday a fte r­ noon. I t was reported that the Free Bed Fund for * i i s village, while not reaching the $1200 goal set for a rear, has been more than used up; any other applicants for this aid must be turned over to the Overseer o f the Poor. The n .x t meeting o f the Auxiliary w ill be held at the home of Mr?. N. H D ay’ -n on December 23 Diamond rings fo r Christmas Now showing a complete line as well as other appropriate Christmas gifts. F. H. Scnbnsr. Theatre Building. East Hampton, •Adv. 1ANO LESSONS— and organ by experienced teacher. W r it 'i Philip De Santo. Esst Hampton or phone Edwards Theatre. T e l 4*8. Music fam ished fo r all occasions 4-1 Announcements were made this week In the New Y ork papers o f three art exhibitions which include the work of Childe Hassam. T he first exhibtion fo r the season at the N ational Acad­ emy o f Design opened Monday evening with a private showing, at the Fine Arts Building. New York; this exhi­ bition, which includes etchings by Mr. Hassam, Includes two other Items of East Hampton Interest: A portrait of Mrs. Ellwood Hendrick, by Robert Spencer, and one of Dr. A. V. Williams Jackson, by W illiam J. Whittemore (loaned by Columbia University). T h e College A rt Association opened its traveling exhibtion o f American paintings on Monday, at its headquar­ ters, 20 W est 58th street, New York. T h e show Includes work by George Bellows, Ralph Blakelock, W illiam Chase, John Costigan, Frank Duveneck, Thomas Eakins, Childe Hasssam, Robert Henri. Winslow Homer, George Innes, John Singer Sargent, John Sloan, Eugene Speicher and others. Dr. A. Philip McMahon, professor o f Fine Arts at New York University, spoke. T he work of 30 Am erican painters and seven sculptors, none o f whom has been represented before In exhibitions at the Museum o f Modern Art, 730 F ifth avenue, New York, will make up the exhibition there, which is to be opened to the public on December 4. T h e painters included will be: G lfford'B eal, Guy Pene du Bols, Paul Burlln. Vincent Canade, Arthur Charles, James Chapin, Cllvette, Andrew Dasburg, Stuart Davis, Paul Daugherty, Arthur G. Dove. Ernest Flene. Arnold Friedman. W illiam Glackens, Marsden Hartley, Childe Hassam, John Kane, M orris Kantor, Benjam in Kopman, Carl Knaths, Leon K roll, Sidney Laufman. George Benjamin Luks, Henry Lee McFee, Boardman Robinson, Henry Schnakenberg, Charles Sheeler, Niles Spencer. Mark Tobey, Vincent August Tack. T h e sculptors w ill pe: Alexander Calder. Hunt Diederlch, Anna Glenny, Gaston Lachalse, R obert Laurent, Dud­ ley Vail Talcott, W illiam Zorach. Most o f the artists were selected by a committee made up o f five o f the trustees and the two directors, A. Con­ g er Goodyer, president; Miss L. P. Bliss, vice president; Samuel A. Lewlsohn, secretary; Stephen C. Clark, A l­ fred H. B arr jr., director, and Jere A b ­ bott. associate director. Mrs. John D. R ockefeller jr., could not serve on the committee, since she has not yet re­ turned from Europe. R A M B LE R S ’ M E E T IN G T h e Ramblers m et at the home of Mrs. John Y . Strong on Tuesday eve­ ning. Mrs. J. M. Strong jr., assisting in entertaining. Mrs. George H. Hand and Mrs. E. H. Dayton were the committee in charge o f the evening's program, which was the subject o f “ T he W orld About Us." T he program opened with two violin solos and a song by 5-year-old James M. Strong 4th. His violin teacher. Miss Ellen Bates, accompanied him at the piano. Jim mie's playing would have done credit to a 12-year-old child. I t was very much enjoyed. Mrs. E. M. Baker read a very inter­ esting article on M exico City. Mrs. Frederick Russell read a paper on “Aeronautics Up to Date.” Mrs. Everlett J. Edwards read an article on the unemployment problem, also review of the new book, "Som e Folks W on't Work.” Mrs. George H. Hand read an ex­ tremely Interesting letter from Howard Campbell o f Oklahoma City, Okla.; Mrs. Campbell stayed at Mrs. Hand’s home last summer. T h is letter told a great deal about oil wells In Oklahoma. Mr. Campbell Is in the oil business. Mrs. S. J. Lynch read a paper on the latest wonders o f electricity, called "W h at W ill They D o N ext?” During the evening Miss Bates sang two songs, ending with a piano solo, a march o f her own composition, after which Jim mie Strong presented her, in the name o f the Ramblers, w ith a bouquet o f roses for her trouble In aiding the program. T h e December 9th meeting o f the Ramblers w ill be held at the home of Mrs. Nelson C. OSborne. Mrs. E. C. M ulford assisting. G R E G O R Y W IL L F ILE D Samuel A. Gregory, form er mayor of this village, who died September 26 last, leaves an estate valued at more than $20,000, according to his will, filed In Riverhead for probate. T he following bequests have been made: M innie Mahler, East Hampton, 40 shares o f the capital stock o f Gregory Company, Inc., and threefold screen painted by the testator; Catherine G. Mahler, East Hampton. 10 shares of Gregory Company. Inc., and a diamond ring; Elizabeth M. G regory and V ir ­ ginia G. Benjamin, sisters, o f Newark. N. J., each five shares o f stock; Id a M. Gregory .widow, residence and contents and on e-half o f the residuary during her lifetim e and at her death the prin­ cipal o f that ha lf is to be equally dlided between M innie and Catherine I M ah le r In the v -v that they predecease the wido’v. principal o f that h a lf is to be equal ■ .ded between the testa ■ Gregory and V irtor’s si. *” gin la B m . .uiin. T he Osborne Trust f East Ham ptcn was named K E N N E T H O 'B R IE N HONORED M r. ar.d M rs Julius K ci :r o f H am p­ ton Bsys. gave a dinner Monday night at the Esplanade fo r M r. and Mrs. K enneth O'Brien. T h e other guests Included form er Covert: i t and Mrs. Alfred E. Smith, United States Senator Robert F. W a g ^ r . S u rr o n te and Mrs. Jam 's A_ Foley, Secretary o f State and Mrs. Edward J. Flyn n M 'S . Charles F. Murphy. M r. and Mrs. J o in F. Murray azd M r. and Mrs. Edwa: i Cochran. .e M ade Sausage M eat Is cow at Dreesen’B Excelsior Market, wn Ian: East Hampton. Also cuts fresh pork. Orders taken :ce Jus: call East Hampton 465. SEVEN Society News It Is Said and Notes That A group of East Hampton Riding Club members have leased Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Hamlin's Spring Close Cottage, across the road from the R id ­ ing Club, to be used as a winter annex for the use o f members who wish to come out from town and stay near the club house. A steam heating plant has been Installed In the house, which will be ready fo r use this week end. Mrs. McKenna, wife of one o f the grooms at the R id ing Club, will do the cooking at the Spring Close. Mr. and Mrs. W illiam Maiers Duryea, who returned from abroad last week, were at the Maidstone Arms for a short stay. M r. and Mrs. Francis Newton enter­ tained a large party at a hunt break­ fast at Fulling M ill Farm, following the hunt m eeting on Thursday of last week. The Suffolk Hunt held its last m eet­ ing o f the season yesterday morning at 10 a. m. A fter the hunt M r. and Mrs. Harry L. Ham lin entertained a party o f 75 at a hunt breakfast at Stony H ill Farm. Mrs. James C. Bell and her son, James Christy Bell, are spending the Thanksgiving week end here with Mr. and Mrs. A lfred D. Bell. A n unusual number o f summer resi­ dents have come out from N ew York to pass the Thanksgiving season in East Hampton. M r. and Mrs. Robert Appleton, M r. and Mrs. Francis N ew ­ ton, Mr. and Mrs. Auguste J. Cordler, Mr. and Mrs. Ellery James. Mr. and Mrs. A lfred Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Dickson Potter, Mr. and Mrs. Scott McLanahan, Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Ham lin and Miss Judith Hamlin. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Herter. are among those here for the holiday week end; and many o f these fam ilies are entertalng house parties. East Hampton grows in popularity as a winter resort, with the Increasing In­ terest in riding and hunting here. Now is the Tim e to Buy a House L ot on M T I.I j h i l l la n e T A L M A GE LAN E M IL L E R LANE T he only restricted property In East Hampton, and the only proper­ ties sold during the land boom where the people got their money’s worth. Lots on the above lanes have been listed with me fo r re-sale. Now Is the time to pick up a lot at the right price. M AU R IC E V. BLO M E R TH 101 SU M M ER STR E E T M ALDEN, MASS. Phour 445, 447, or 699 East Hampton I f You're on Earth, Own a Slice of it al attendants carried muffs o f violets. Henry Wilkins Rustln was best man for Mr. Robinson. T h e ushers were W illiam Adyelotte, Louis Putnam Myers. Robert Lane, Arthur Fagan. Owen Pardee Jacobsen, G ardiner B ow­ den and Raymond A. Lander. Following the ceremony there was a reception at M ayfair House. A fte r a wedding trip M r. Robinson and his bride w ill live at 151 East 80th street. Mr. and Mrs. Van Vechten Burger, who were married in New Y ork on November 17, have sailed for Havana. On their return they w ill live at 15 Park avenue, N ew York. Mrs. R. Scott Perkin is a member of the Junior League committee in charge o f the Sanitary F air o f 1864, which will be presented at the Hotel St. George, Brooklyn, on'Decem ber 4 anff 5. Sev­ eral Brooklyn stores and other concerns w ill co-operate to reproduce Fulton street o f the C ivil W ar era. ✓ Mrs. H. L. Ham lin Hostess Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. de Beixedon / Mrs. H arry L. Ham lin gave a lunch­ are spending some time at Hot Spring, eon on Friday on the balcony o f the Georgian Room at the Pierre fo r Miss Mrs. Samuel C. Van Dusen w ill give Elizabeth D. Campbell and Miss Isabel a small tea dance In the Italian GarGardiner, debutantes o f the season/ . . , fnic , , , » 1den o f the Ambassdor. New York, this T h e luncheon was served at s m a ll1 __ ____ tn_ ,____ aftem oon, fo r her granddaughter, Miss tables decorated with large centerpieces Sally Van Dusen Kllbourn. of autumn flowers. Am ong the other A Sensation O U R N E W LA M P S — $5.00 UP W e have had many calls for the new M odern­ istic C. LOUIS ED W ARD S Authorized Dealers Mrs. H enry Kidder G ilbert of Chicago ,a form er summer resident o f East Hampton, has been the guest o f Mrs. | Harry L. Ham lin at Stony H ill Farm. T he L. V. I. S. w ill meet at the home IX o f Mrs. N. H. Dayton on Monday after- I noon, December 1. at 3 p. m. LONG JLSTER Mr. and Mrs. John Haffen %pent the | Thanksgiving holiday at their home here. W et street— brakes that failed to hold— and then— ! Good liability and collision insurance will take care of this loss and will protect you and the other fellow, too, if the fault is yours. E. T . D A Y T O N Mrs. Schurman, W ife of Dr. Jacob G. Schurman, Dies ggx East H am pton SS N ational Bank A H appy Surprise for Christmas Club Members C H R IS T M A S C LUB CH ECKS are being mailed to our Christina* Club members one week earlier this year, December 1. This L» done to 1—enable members to profit by the prevailing low prices 2— aid employment by immediate and substantial Increase of community purchasing power D 'ALE SIO R ECEIVES D IPLO M A ✓Philip D'Alesio, Newtown lane tailor, lia s received a diplom a from the Ita l­ ian Am erican School o f Red Bank. N. J., which is a branch o f th? M.'ano. Italy, school, “ M odelll and'' A t the school ln.Red Bank M r. D 'A leslo received personal instructions from John Colonnello, head Instructor o f the school, In designing and cutting men's clothing. M r. D'Alesio has been In business In East Ham p'on for a number o f years. High Grade 3— as a service to the community, which we conceive to be not only a banker's duty but also a very pleasant privilege This bank Ls thus releasing nearly 915.000, which w ill be a decided bene­ fit to the whole community. Do your Christmas ' hopping promptly. Buy from our local mer­ chants who stand back o f every plcee of merchandise they aell and are at this moment offering exceptional values. Your Christmas giving will make you more happy than ever thin year bccauae your dollars w ill do double duty— securing extra value and making jobs more plentiful fo r others. CE CORPORATION A N T H R A C IT E D. L. & W . A C O PH O NE 251 ,j M AIN STREE1 Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon in St. M atthew’s Protestant Episcopal Church. Bedford, N. Y.. for Mrs. Barbara Munro Schurman, 65. wife o f Dr. Jacob Gould Schurman, form er Ambassador to Germany. Bur­ ial was In the churchyard. Mrs. Sch'urman died at her home in Bedford after a week's Illness. Her j husband, who retired as Ambassador 11 m onths ago; three sons and four daughters survive her. She was born and educated in New York, and married Dr. Schurman 46 years ago. Th ey were summer resi­ dents here for a number o f years, and resided on Further lane. Dr. Schurman, who was named Am ­ bassador to Germ any in 1925, was president of Cornell University from 1892 to 1920, United States M inister to Greece and Montenegro in 1912 and 1913. and from 1921 to 1925 Minister Plenipotentiary to China. Q UAL1TY SP A R T O N Why take a chance and run unnecessary risks when good automobile insurance can be ob­ tained at very low rates here? Dr. O. H. Vollbehr spent T h a n k sg iv -; ing Day in East Hampton. H IG H E S T ED ISO N G U LB R AN S E N K O L S T E R B RAND ES Liability and Collision Insurance W ill Cover This Loss Mr. and Mrs. Albert Herter gave a dinner at T h e Creeks last evening. i ISLAND & CO. E L E C T R IC A L C O N T R A C T O R S Arrangements have been completed for the supper dance to be held in the Japanese Room of the St. R egis on Friday, December 5, for the benefit of the Prosperity Shop. Mrs. W inifred Lee is chairman o f the debutante com­ mittee, o f which Miss M argaret M offett is a member. Mrs. Winslow Guertln T uttle Is a member o f the committee on arrangements, o f which Mrs. R an ­ dolph Hall Is chairman. T h e M aternity Center Association is sponsoring a benefit perform ance of “Smiles” oil December 16. following the successful ~ flower sale a t the four Fleischman Flower Shops on Tuesday. Mrs. Ellery James and Mrs. Frank Shepard assisted at the shop at 90 Broadway, while Mrs. Shepard Krech was chairman o f sales at the Sherry Netherland Hotel. The marriage o f Miss Jean Darrow, daughter o f .Mr. and Mrs. Daniel b a r ­ row. to Russell Robinson, son of the late M r. Robinson, took place last Thursday afternoon In St. B artholo­ mew's Church. T he Rev. Dr. Robert Norwood performed the ceremony. The bride, who was given in m arriage by her father, wore a princess gown of ivory-colored satin and a veil o f tulle held in place by a cap c ( lace. She, carried a bouquet of lilies o f the vailev. Miss Virginia Raebum was maid of honor. She wore a costume of rosecolored taffeta, made long and full, and a hat o f the same shade o f velvet. I T he bridesmaids were the Misses Jayne I Rathbun. Dorothy Bailey, Helen F orj shay, Gladys Kelm . Frances Dana Hyde and Eleanor Henry Myers. T heir I frocks w?re aim tlar to that o f the maid ' o f honor, o f pink taffeta. A ll :h brid- and $5 Complete W ith Shade The Misses Frederica Gallatin, Isasl Gardiner. Rosalie Bailey, Elinor and Evelyn Wurzburg, and Bettey Steele were among the guests of Mrs. Frederick Conklin Zabriskle of Hack­ ensack. N. J.. on Monday, at a lunch­ eon given at the H otel Pierre, New York, for Miss Constance Pierrepont Zabriskle, and for Miss M ary Elizabeth Johnson, debutante daughter o f W. Kem pton Johnson. Mrs. Howard V. Morris entertained on Thanksgiving D ay at her M ain street home, which she is keeping open through the winter. T he Misses Judith Hamlin. Sara Chisholm and Grace Cody recently made a duck-shooting expedition under the guidance o f Everett Talm age, crack shot .and president o f the East Ham p­ ton Skeet Club, and returned with a , creditable ^ g . Robinson— Darrow Lamps—strikingly designed, Other New Lamps in Bright and Attractive D e­ signs up to $15 guests were: T he Misses Jane Erd­ mann, Elizabeth Rumbaugh, Jane A lcott, Natalie Coe, M olly Lemcke, Alice Bishop, Barbara Bowne, W in ifred Lee. Rosamund Turner, Alice du Pont, Joanna B. Neilson, Penelope Gray. Frederica Gallatin, Elizabeth Englar. Gertrude Bailey. Charlotte Milburn, M argaret Tyler, Theodora Crimmlns. Katherine Hobart. Peggy Rickard, Elizabeth Sinclair. Eleanor Taylor, D orothy Spraker. Also the Misses Clara Legg. M ary McGusty, Gwendolen Armstrong, Susie Hopkins. Jeanne Froment. Marianna Richardson, Caroljfti Stanton, Alice Waterman, Dorothy K ing, Eleanor Sheedy, M arguerite Brokaw. Beatrice Meeker. Alexandria Gardiner, Cecilia Huertematte, Shirley Myrick. Eleanor Gould. Penna Tew, M ary Schumacher, Beatrice T e r Meulen Frances Weeks and Carolyn Saltus. Mrs. S. Fullerton W eaver was among the patronesses o f the benefit perform ­ ance o f “ Nina Rosa.” at the M ajestic Theatre on Monday. T he proceeds were devoted to the welfare work of the Women's Auxiliary o f the French Hospital. Orson D. Munn of N ew York and Southampton, has announced the en­ gagement o f his daughter. Miss E liza­ beth M artin Munn, to George Truxton Glazebrook, son o f Dr. and Mrs. F ran­ cis H. Glazebrook o f Morristown. N. J Design with colored bases and shades. A L Clean Burning Your Ash Can W ill Show You the Difference MANUFACTURERS AND DISTRIBUTORS OF DEALERS IN COAL, W OOD, PU R E CRYSTAL ICE RO AD S A L L STEEL REFRIGERATORS— IN COLORS— $30 U P Phone Ea*.t Hampton 505 BLUESTONE FOR