W Serving Windsor, Connecticut’s First Town, founded 1633 July 31, 2015 E E www.TheWindsorJournal.com K L Y Priceless 8 pages SGT. THOMAS SULLIVAN A HERO WHO WAS THERE AND HE CARED Photo: Happier times. Sgt. Thomas Sullivan was a recipient of Win-TV’s “Send Hometown to the Troops” program, and in appreciation, he sent a photo with his Christmas stocking. Photos courtesy of Kathy Wakefield By Ann Walsh “I Wasn’t There but I Care.” On Monday July 27th 2015, at the Massachusetts Veterans Cemetery in Agawam Mas., I read these words on the back of the vest of a Patriot Guard. I told myself “Remember these words as they will define the story I will write.” On July 16th, in our own country, 4 Marines and one Navy man, were killed while doing their jobs. Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Sullivan, was one of the Marines killed on that date. He was killed because he was there and he cared. Tommy, as he was known to most, was from Springfield Mass., but what many don't know is that he had a Windsor Connection. Win TV for the past 10 years or more has been sending packages to the Troops. Tommy was See HERO page 5 WINDSOR EARLY CHILDHOOD COUNCIL HONORS EXCEPTIONAL CARE PROVIDERS, ASCEND MEMBERS Photos: (left) The Administrator Award was presented to Michelle Jones for dedication, leadership and commitment to excellence in education. Michele, principal of Clover Street School, is photographed with Windsor ECC Chair, Natasha Warner; Vice Chair, Kerri Martindale and Member at Large, Kevin Searles. (center) Windsor Early Childhood Council Chief Kevin Searles Scholarship Fund recipient, Matthew Dukes, with mother, Ascend Case Manager and Windsor ECC Executive Board members. (right) Rising Star Award presented to Tanisha Wilson for demonstration of outstanding promise in the field of child care. Tanisha is photographed with Windsor ECC Chair, Natasha Warner and Vice Chair, Kerri Martindale Photos courtesy of WECC awards to three Windsor resi- hood who demonstrates a pas- from among the Windsor Public family childcare provider for By Kaleitha Brown WECC Coordinator As a follow up to Provider Appreciation Day, a special day to recognize child care providers, teachers and other educators of young children everywhere, the Windsor Early Childcare Council provided dents. Each award recipient, nominated by colleagues and parents, received a plaque. This year’s recipients were: Tanisha Wilson received the Rising Star Award that is awarded to an up and coming professional in the field of early child- sion for child development, exemplifies commitment to education, and shows a positive attitude toward childhood development. Michelle Jones received the Administrator Award that is awarded to an administrator Schools who demonstrates a passion for community, exemplifies commitment to education, and shows a positive attitude toward childhood development. Natasha Warner received the Home Daycare Provider Award that is awarded to a home or TM dedication, vision, and commitment to excellence in the home daycare profession. The Windsor Early Childhood Council has also started a scholarship fund in honor of retired police chief See WECC page 4 12 E-F Mountain Ave., Bloomfield (860) 206-8006 www.littlemarksbbq.com 2 July 31, 2015 LOCAL SCHOOLS ST. GABRIEL’S SCHOOL CELEBRATES A SUCCESSFUL YEAR ST. GABRIEL’S SCHOOL’S GRADS AND HONOR ROLL STUDENTS By Lynn Wilkos St. Gabriel School congratulates our eighth grade graduating students: Elena Anderson, Lidia Anderson, Lliam Caroon, Brendan Chan, Taylor Desrosiers, Samuel Deveau, Samuel Dixon, Taylor Douglas, Hannah Dunlavey, Zoe Gosselin, Molly Henderson, Tiara Honaker, Trinity Olszewski, Tori Pilletere, Parker Reeves, Thomas Rizzo, Samantha Scott, Emile Shwayhat, Grace Strauch, Colby Tuttle, Gabrielle Wassell In addition, the following middle school students were recognized for making the honor roll for the fourth quarter of the 2014-2015 school year: Grade 8: High Honors: Elena Anderson. Honors: Brendan Chan, Taylor Desrosiers, Samuel Deveau, Taylor Douglas, Zoe Gosselin, Molly Henderson, Tiara Honaker, Thomas Rizzo, Emile Shwayhat, Grace Strauch, Gabrielle Wassell. Honorable Mention: Lidia Anderson, Lliam Caroon. Grade 7: High Honors: Ethan Alford. Honors: Alma Clark, Benjamin Clark, Saffron Gaudiosi, Nikaylia Lawrence, Sabrina Louro, Sarah Monarca, Calvin Schumacher, Jordon Walker. Honorable Mention: Thomas Dao. Grade 6: High Honors: Jessica Akin, Charlene Lam, Rachel Smith, Aarthi Tippireddy. Honors: Justin Asberry, Jeremy Blackwood, Rachel Delskey, Jordyn Desrosiers, Garrett Fusco, Abigayle Gautier, Om Ghetia, Paul Hijeck, Jamirah Honaker, Virginia Machon, Jack Owen, Morgan Rhoades, Bailey Strauch, Noah Winters. Honorable Mention: Myles John. We wish our graduates the best of luck in their high school years and we look forward to continued success for our 20152016 middle school students. PRIORE SCHOLARSHIPS HONOREES The following students were awarded the Priore Scholarship for their 2015-2016 academic school year; Grade 7: Ethan Alford and Benjamin Clark; Grade 6: Jessica Akin, Jack Owen and Rachel Smith; Grade 5: Benjamin Buckovitch and Nathan Chan This scholarship is awarded to students entering grades 6-8 in the upcoming academic school year. To be eligible for this scholarship a student must DO YOU HAVE A FHA LOAN? Lower your monthly payment… FHA has reduced their Mortgage Insurance cost Call Mark or Samir Now Samir Doshi 43 Court Street Windsor, CT 06095 Mark Harrington Call your Local Mortgage Experts First! 860-285-0635 Licensed in CT 16745 & 16746. Mortgage Broker Only, not a mortgage lender or mortgage correspondent lender. www.askthemortgageguru.com have received all A’s and only two B’s over the first three marking periods of the current school year, demonstrated exemplary Christian values, and each student, or family, shall have been active participants in the St. Gabriel School community. Those students meeting the previous requirements were then required to complete an application and on-site essay. This year’s topic was “What does St. Gabriel School mean to you in terms of Christian values, service to others, academics, and extracurricular activities like band, clubs or sports?” Philip A. Priore was a proud lifelong member of St. Gabriel Church who maintained a deep commitment of giving back to his church, community and country. The Priore Scholarship was set up after Mr. Priore died in 2006, and a certain amount of money from his estate was bequeathed to St. Gabriel School. Two graduating eighth grade students were awarded the Duffy Scholarship for their 20152016 academic school year, Tiara Honaker and Samuel Deveau. This scholarship is awarded to students who will be attending a Catholic high school and is based on their academic standing, well roundedness and involvement in the community demonstrating good Christian values. This scholarship was established in memory of Michael C. Duffy by his godparents, to remember his contributions to this earth, before his life ended abruptly in 2004 at the age of 36. We congratulate these students who worked so hard to achieve these honors and wish all of our students continued success for the 2015-2016 school year. July 31, 2015 3 CIVIC LIFE VOICES AGAINST LYME DESEASE NEED VOLUNTEERS TO TAKE LEAD IN SPREADING THE WORD By Bonnie Waterhouse Although Lyme Disease has been around for many years across the US and in other countries, it was not given the current name until the 1970’s after many children had been infected with a “mysterious” illness by ticks in Lyme, Connecticut. The CDC has now stated that over the last few years, in some northeast counties, “Lyme Disease has increased by over 320%!” “Voices Against Lyme Disease CT” (VALDCT) a nonprofit organization that began in Windsor, is now working throughout Connecticut to bring awareness, and education to families and communities through wellness fairs, marathons, libraries, senior centers and expos while also providing support to those with this devastating illness. Our objective starting in September through 2016 will be to focus on educating civic organizations as well as young people about how best to prevent being bitten by a tick and how to identify the symptoms, should they occur. We are planning to work with schools, the YMCA and YWCA, scouts and other community based organizations. That’s why we need your help! “Voices Against Lyme Disease CT” has worked closely with local state reps and the Windsor Health Department to provide a Forum and other means of communication to communities and State Legislators. The nonprofit VALDCT is a volunteer organization whose members are passionate about bringing awareness and understanding of this disease and other tick borne illnesses to the state of Connecticut. Part of our role is to tell the “human side” of this debilitating and often misdiagnosed disease. As a very young 501(c)3 organization, “Voices Against Lyme Disease” continues to look for folks passionate about helping others and willing to give of their time as volunteers. We are also looking for new Board members to help guide the organization in moving forward. We can be reached at our website: www.voicesagainstlymediseasect.org or call Bonnie Waterhouse at 860-930-2446. We hope to hear from you! Thank you. MAMOGRAM SCREENING, AUGUST 13 FREE FOR WOMEN FROM LOCAL TOWNS WHO DON’T HAVE INSURANCE YOU CAN REGISTER NOW! Hartford Hospital is offering Screening Mammograms at the Windsor Town Hall, 9:00am to 1:30pm. Eligibility: Women age 40 and over who have not had a mammogram in the past 12 months and one day. No Insurance? Funds are available to cover the cost. Appointments are to be made in advance. Please call 860-285-1824 or 860-285-1823 to schedule an appointment. 2015 CHILI CHALLENGE TO BE HELD OCTOBER 3 2015 Chili Challenge Presenting sponsor Windsor Federal Savings has announced that the 20th annual Windsor Chamber of Commerce Chili Challenge on Saturday, October 3, 2015 (Rain date October 4th) on the Windsor Town Green from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM. People from local businesses, civic groups and other creative cooks will assemble at this year’s Chili Challenge to determine who has the right “hot stuff.” Join in on the tongue-tingling flavors, toe-tappin' sounds and a great time at the annual Chili Challenge! Samples of delicious chili will be available for $1 each. Contestants work on their recipes all year and try new flavors and heat levels. There are no-bean traditional chilis, chili with beans, vegetarian chili, meaty chilis, and every heat from mild to way hot. Do you dare try them all? The Challenge has been on Columbus Day weekend for many years, but this year it has been moved back to the original date, the first weekend in October, to avoid conflicts with other activities such as the annual Soccer tournament and the Hartford Marathon. Also new this year: the first twenty people, companies or organizations to register (and pay) for a Chili booth will be entered to win a $100 Geisslers gift card to help defray the cost of ingredients! Chairperson Kathy Kopacz, says about the event, “The Chili Challenge has developed over twenty years into a not-to-bemissed fall tradition. It is a great day for people of all ages from the Greater Hartford area to get together and enjoy a great variety of chili and enjoy the creativity of our participants!” The recipes are amazing. “There is always a great variety of chili tastes, creative costumes and plenty of family fun at this popular event,” said Windsor Chamber of Commerce Executive Director, Jane Garibay, “We are thrilled that so many cooks return again and again and we welcome our new chefs to the party as well.” Each contestant's booth includes costumed chefs reinforcing their booth's theme, to put them in the running for “Best Booth.” Some past Best Booth winners were Hobbit Chili, Mad Scientists, and Willy Wonka Chili. Prizes are awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place best tasting chili. In addition, prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in the Best Booth category, always a crowd favorite, will be awarded. Those attending the event will have their say in determining 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners for the “People’s Choice Award.” Can you taste all the chili? Chili sample tickets are $1.00 each. Great live entertainment will be on the green from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm. For more information, call the Windsor Chamber of Commerce at 860688-5165 or visit the Chamber of Commerce website at www.windsorcc.org. Windsor Chamber of Commerce is a non-profit organization here to help businesses work together to support the local economy and enhance the quality of life in Windsor. Sign up to receive "What's Going on in Windsor?" email newsletter at www.WindsorCC.org/About/ MailingListSignUp/ Let us make your Let L et u ussless m make a stressful... ke y your our summer ssummer u m m er lless e ss sstressful... t re ssf u l ... Ask us about Ask A s k us u s about abo ut Respite Care Respite Re e s p ite Care C a re For your own peace of mind and well-being, it’s important to allow yourself time off without worry. That is why we offer Short Term Respite Care. For F o r your y o u r oown w n peace p e a c e of o f mind m i n d and a n d well-being, w e l l - b e i n g , iit’s t ’s iimportant m p o r t a n t ttoo aallow l lo w yyourself our s el f This program is wdesigned for care givers who need aCare. safe, ttime i m e ooff ff w i t h o u t worry. o r r y. That T h a t is is w h y we w e offer o f f e r Short Shor t T erm R e s pi t e C are. without why Term Respite nurturing environment for the seniors in their care for a This program designed who need nurturing T h i s pr o g r a m iiss d e s i g n e d ffor o r ccare a r e ggivers ivv e r s w ho n e e d a ssafe, afe, n u r t u ri n g shortenvironment time be e n vperiod i r on m e n t of ffor o r tthe h e sseniors e n– io r swhether iin n ttheir h e i r ccare a rite ffor or a a sshort h oweekend rt p e rio d ooff away, ttime im e – a period whether be weekend business much needed w h e t h e r iitt b eaw eor e kean dmuch aaway, w a y, aneeded b u s i n e s s vacation. ttrip, ri p, oorr a m uch n e e d e d vvacation. a c a t ion . business trip, Weprovide p rovide d edelicious l i c io u s m e a l smeals, , ccompanionship, om p a ncompanionship, io n s h i p, h e a l t h ccare are m on i t o ri n g care aand nd provide delicious meals, health monitoring WeWe health assistance a s s i s t a n c e with w i t h activities a c t iv i t i e s of o f daily d a i l y living l iv i n g in i n a safe, s a f e , nurturing n u r t u ri n g environment. e n v i r on m e n t . monitoring and assistance with activities of daily living in a safe, nurturing environment. Our O ur R Respite e sp ite Care C are P Program r g ra m O ro Offers: f fe r s: Our Care Program Offers: î 24 Hour H Respite Nursing Care Car e Nutritional tritional Services Care • Nutritional Services • î24Nut Hour Nursing Medication Med dication Management • îMedication Management • Social Activities Social Soci ial Activities Activities • îSupervised Rehabilitation Programs î Sup Supervised ervised Rehabilitation Rehabilitation Pr Programs ograms • îNoNoMinimum Stay Required Minimum M Sta Stay y Re Required quired • îSpecial & Weekly Rates Special Spec cial Daily DDaily aily & Weekly Resp Respite iteRespite Ra Rates tes CallCCall today to arrange a personal visit a l l ttoday o d a y ttoo aarrange r r an g e a p personal e r s on a l vvisit i s i t aand n d ffind i n d oout ut m more ore and find more a b o uout t the the b e n e f i t s ooffabout oour ur R e s pithe te P r o gbenefits r am. about benefits Respite Program. of our Respite Program. 355 Park 355 Park Avenue Avenue Bloomfield, B loomfield, CT, CT, 06002 06002 T.. 860-242-8595 T 860-242-8595 | F. F. 860-242-6512 860-242-6512 www.BloomfieldHealthCare.com w ww.BloomfieldHealthCare.com An A n affiliate affiliate of of National National HealthCare HealthCare Associates, Associates, Inc. Inc. 4 WINDSOR JOURNAL WEEKLY WINDSOR EARLY CHILDHOOD COUNCIL HONORS EXCEPTIONAL CARE PROVIDERS, ASCEND MEMBERS From Page One Kevin Searles, in recognition of his longtime commitment to the ECC and many years of participation on its executive board. Kevin Searles is also the founder of Ascend Mentoring Program and volunteers in many other community initiatives. According to the organization, Chief Searles' work has allowed the Windsor Early Childhood Council to reach a wider community in its efforts to ensure success for children in Windsor. This year’s recipients were Matthew Dukes and Katrina Parker. Both are graduating July 31, 2015 W I N D S O R ’ S PAT R I C K S M I T H H O N O R E D AT F E N WAY FO R D O N AT I N G B LO O D seniors and participants in the Ascend Mentoring program The Windsor Early Childhood Council meets monthly from September through June to plan and implement strategies that advocate for and support quality early childhood experiences enabling Windsor's children to grow, develop and learn to their fullest potential. Our meeting schedule is the 2nd Tuesday of every month, 5:30pm at Poquonock Community Church. Dinner and childcare are provided. Email ecc@windsorecc.org or call (860) 5778080 for more information. LIONS CONTINUE THEIR DONATION STREAK TO THE FOOD BANK Windsor, Connecticut resident Patrick Smith recently had the experience of a lifetime when he was honored on the field at Fenway Park prior to the Boston Red Sox game against the Miami Marlins on July 7, 2015. Patrick was named the Blood Donor of the Game after recently donating blood with the American Red Cross. A photo of Patrick is attached. Together with the Boston Red Sox and Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, the Red Cross is proud to honor lucky presenting donors through the Blood Donor of the LETTER TO THE EDITOR Correction to GOP announcement The Windsor Lions Club recently donated $1500 to the Windsor Food and Fuel Bank. Five hundred dollars of this amount will be used to help support two lunch programs, the Summer Sandwiches Program, run by the Food Bank and the Weekend Food Pac Program, operated by the Windsor School system. Summer Sandwiches provides a balanced lunch to children using the Goslee swimming pool in Wilson. The Food Pac Program ensures that Windsor students go home with enough food to last through the weekend. In the photo (from ledft) are Lou Morando of the Windsor Lions, Annette Guay, Demetri Chambers, Brianna Godlewski and Gabrielle McKay. Ms. Guay and Mr. Chambers set up and distribute the food for the Summer Sandwiches Program and Ms Godlewski and McKay are summer interns at Goslee Park pool. So far this year the Windsor Lions have donated a total of $3000 to the Windsor Food and Fuel Bank. Beginning in September, the club will resume its regular meeting schedule (it doesn't actually meet during the summer but is still active with service and fundraising activities). It will meet on second and fourth Tuesdays at 6:30 PM at Union Street Tavern in downtown Windsor. If you would like to attend a meeting or find out more about the Lions please contact Jim Daniels at 860-219-9489 or jamesadanielscpa@gmail.com. To the editor: In the July 24th edition of the Windsor Journal an article was published announcing the GOP candidates for Town Council, Board of Education and Constable for the upcoming November municipal election. There were comments regarding the candidate selection which I was quoted as stating as Vice Chair of the WRTC. The quoted comments were actually those of Sonya Dean who was chair of the nominating committee for the candidate selection. There was a mis-communication when the announcement was forwarded to the editor of the Windsor Journal and I wanted to make sure that the credit for the work of the nominating committee went to the appropriate individual. Thank you, Cari Turek Game program. Fans are invited to enter to win after volunteering to donate blood to help patients in need. “We are thrilled to honor Patrick Smith as one of our Blood Donors of the Game,” said Jeff Meyer, CEO, Connecticut and Massachusetts Blood Services Region. “Thank you to Patrick and all of our other generous volunteer blood donors who roll up their sleeves to help ensure blood is available for patients in need.” All presenting donors at Red Cross blood drives or donation centers in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Vermont will have the opportunity to enter to win the honor of becoming Blood Donor of the Game from now through the end of the 2015 regular baseball season. In addition to winning two tickets to a game at historic Fenway Park, the Blood Donor of the Game will be presented with a commemorative souvenir and will take part in a special onfield experience prior to the start of the game. The Blood Donor of the Game program is a unique way for the Red Cross to thank volunteer blood donors during the spring and especially during the summer months. The need is particularly great during the summer, as traditionally, this is the most difficult time for the Red Cross to collect blood donations. The Red Cross collects approximately 20 percent of its blood from high school and college campuses; in the summer, school is out but the need remains. For additional information about the Blood Donor of the Game program and information regarding donor eligibility please call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit redcrossblood.org. Looking for a new dentist? Here’s what our patients are saying about Dr. Stephen Lipman… “My first visit there and I felt at ease despite my anxiety about going to the dentist. All staff were GREAT and made me laugh. I look forward to making this my family's place for dental care.” A.C. “This is not a run of the mill place for oral wellness, it is a caring and responsive practice, I am very happy to be a patient here.” I.M. “My last visit was an emergency situation and Dr. Lipman responded quickly to deal with it....he is "The Best".” J.G. “Best Dentist and dental team ...anywhere!!!!” T.M. ComeJoin Join our OurFamily! Family! Come Family Dentistry of Windsor, P.C. Stephen D. Lipman, D.M.D. 230 Broad Street Windsor, CT 06095 860-688-4634 www.drlipman.com Don’t forget to visit Dr. Lipman at www.thesingindentist.com too. July 31, 2015 HERO From Page One - one of our Marines who received our packages while in Iraq. He send us a photo in which he is laughing heartily with one of our Christmas stockings. How proud we should be that we were able to put a wonderful smile on the face of one of our soldiers who went on to fight 2 tours in Iraq? How did I get Tommy’s name? My husband and I were fortunate that we were a very active part of our grandchildren's lives. We had the honor of taking them to Wolcott School and making wonderful friends over the years with many of the teachers and staff. One of those wonderful friends is Diane Mullin, a special education teacher who has dedicated nearly 30 years to teaching here in Windsor. Two of our grandchildren were mentors in her class. GYSGT Thomas Sullivan was Diane Mullins nephew. My ties with Diane go beyond Home Town Windsor to the Troops. She and Kathy Wakefield who is a para in Diane’s class and a great friend, both make the Alex’s Lemonade Quilt that is donated each year for the Tavern Trot. Kathy called me when she heard the terrible news of Tommy's murder and kept me abreast. So, I was able to go to the wake and funeral of Tommy with Kathy and other teacher friends. The death of Gunnery Sergeant Sullivan is an American tragedy. The following tribute to GYSGT Thomas Sullivan makes this American Proud to have been a part of his life in a tiny way. Thomas Sullivan was in the words of his Commanding Officer, “vertically challenged.” However, he was larger than life, in all that he did. He received 2 purple hearts and many other medals, which now are with his grandmother Mary. Tommy lived all his life in Springfield going to parochial schools, and graduating from Cathedral High School. Classmates of his say that everyone was his friend and if you needed anything he was first in line to help. Family was a top priority in Tommy Sullivan's life. You could see that among all his relatives at his wake and funeral. Top priority was also his job. I found very interesting that Tommy never took a “leave” - he took vacations. My own thought is that he would never be “leaving” his job. His job was always in his heart and soul. He went into the Marines out of high school and loved his job of protecting our country at all costs. And he protected his fellow Americans both abroad, but also here, when the terrorist attacked. As reported by the Springfield Republican and Masslive.com, Marine Sgt. Amanda Vincent who was present when the terrorist attacked, told his family that “Gunny,” as he was affectionately known by fellow Marines, died a hero. During the attack, Sullivan shepherded a group of Marines to safety, helping them scale a fence. Then, instead of following them, he turned back to help more. “The only thing on his mind was if his Marines were OK,” Vincent said. “He had a chance to jump the fence and run, but instead he ran back to make sure (I) and the others inside and the Marines that were shot were OK.” He paid for this with his life. WINDSOR JOURNAL WEEKLY As the Bible says, “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” I am always proud to be an American. However, after having taken part in the funeral of GYSGT Thomas Sullivan and watching the masses of American people waiting for hours to take part in his wake and funeral procession along the roads of Springfield and Agawam, we really are ONE NATION under God and proud of it. The streets were lined with men, women, children, black, white, Spanish, Indian, the entire MELTING POT. We were holding flags, hands over the heart, signs, all expressing thanks for the life and death of Thomas Sullivan the American Hero. There were hundreds if not thousands of Marines here to KEN SMITH’S SHAKE & BAKE BASKETBALL CAMP Weatherby & Associates, PC Counselors at Law Helping families preserve and Protect Assets and Values It’s All About Family. Have you protected yours? Join us for a free workshop to learn how! “The 7 Threats to Your Family Security and Estate Plan” Bloomfield location: 693 Bloomfield Avenue, Suite 200, Bloomfield, CT 06002 PLEASE CALL (860) 769-6938 FOR UPCOMING WORKSHOP DATES AND TIMES!!! Life is complicated enough, protecting your family shouldn’t be! Come to our FREE Workshop and see how easy protecting your family can be! One hour of your time now can save your family months of aggravation in the future. If Crisis Strikes, You Risk: Proper Planning Ensures You: Discover: • Losing control • Additional stress on your family • The loss of what you spent a lifetime building • Maintain control of your assets for the sake of your family • Give control to those you trust most, when you’re not able • Remain home without stress on the family, should the need for long term care arise • Keep your family’s business private •Government assistance to help pay for care at home! • Up to $2085 a month in Veteran Benefits to assist with care at home or assisted living FOR GIRLS AND BOYS. 5 BIG WEEKS STARTING ON JUNE 22 COST IS $135 PER WEEK. CAMP HOURS ARE 9AM TO 3PM FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT COACH KEN SMITH AT 860-209-8912 OR WINDSOR LEISURE SERVICES AT 860-285-1990 5 pay tribute to a fallen Marine as well as every branch of the service. The Patriot Guards who ride their motorcycles and hold American Flags in honor guard fashion numbered thousands. The Red Cross was on site for distribution of water and safety. Safety was a concern as always, in today’s world, so FBI, CIS etc. were on board to make sure church and all were as safe as could be. K-9 dogs and their masters were with the lines waiting to go into the wake and church as they are healers and gave comfort to many. The Sullivan Family and all relatives are a WONDERFUL EXAMPLE OF WHO THOMAS SULLIVAN was. To see the support of each generation for one another, you truly could understand why Tommy was who he was. Their faith, love, loyalty, pride, and all the other values were instilled in Tommy, and they too showed us where he learned to be a hero. The thoughts and prayers of the citizens of Windsor go out to you Diane Mullin and your wonderful family for sharing Tommy with all of us. Know, that all will be in our thoughts and prayers as life begins to settle down and the grieving sets in. You all raised a Hero and are the Heroes that made him proud as he settles into “Fiddlers Green” and the special place for Marines in heaven. Thank You for the ultimate sacrifice of giving your life to the service of the American people and safety within our world Thomas Sullivan. Rest in Peace! We Buy •Diamonds •Gold, Silver and Platinum jewelry •Coins •Sterling flatware Bill Selig Jewelers, 161 Broad Street, Windsor, (860) 688-3111 6 July 31, 2015 WINDSOR PUBLIC L I B R A RY THE END IS NEAR! By Andrea Ingala Head of Reference & Technical Services Windsor Public Library There are only two more weeks left in our annual Summer Reading Program, but there are still plenty of opportunities to participate and engage with your community! This year, there are all kinds of activities you can do to participate in our program and enter to win amazing prizes from now until August 15th. It’s not even too late to start! Everyone gets a fair chance each week with the new round of incentives. Keep in mind you also get a FREE book when you sign up for the program. Research shows that kids who choose their own reading material are more likely to become kids who love reading. And who doesn't love that? Our program wouldn’t be nearly as exciting without the kind and generous donations from businesses near and far, both local and national. We want to thank Jordan Florist, The Cheesecake Factory, The Pez Company, Moe’s Burritos, The Connecticut Science Center, Duct Tape, Stop & Shop, Lake Compounce, Menchie’s, The Big E, Get Baked, The Mark Twain House, The Blue Dragonfly, The Lutz Museum, Edible Arrangements, The Boston Bruins and all the authors and publishers who donated the books that are ripe for “Free Book” picking. There were extrawide smiles when these incentives were given out! Lastly, we’d also like to thank Windsor Library Association, an excellent non-profit organization that funds all of our programs that you attend, in addition to other enhancements at the library. Among the program highlights this summer are the Henna Workshop, Sundae & A Story, Healing Heroes, and many, many more. Let’s end the summer in a big way. In August we have Birds of Prey at our Wilson Branch Library, plus a Hands-On Rhythm Circle, plus our Annual Teen Lock-in. We can’t wait to see you in the library. Programs: Kids: •August 3, 10:30a: Talk & Toys •August 3, 2:00p: Hands-on Rhythm Circle •August 4, 10:30a: Sunnyside Up •August 5, 1:00p: Historical Hero, Daniel Bissell •August 6, 6:30p: Fantastic Four Movie Teen •August 4, 3:30p: Teen Tuesday! •August 5, 4:00p: Studio Ghibli Day •August 6, 6:30p: Fantastic Four Movie Adults: •August 4, 6:30p: Summer Classic Movies: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner •August 5, 7:00p: Bring Your Gadgets to the Geeks •August 6, 2:30p: Intermediate Microsoft Excel Class •August 6, 6:30p: Fantastic Four Movie Wilson Branch: •August 3, 5:00p: Monday Matinee •August 6, 11:00a: Wilson Crafters •August 6, 1:00p: Sundae & A Story •August 7, 10:45a: Wilson Branch Library Playgroup •August 7, 12:00: One-on-One Tech Help LIBRARY WATCH P RO S S E R L I B R A RY E V E N T S Scrapbooking @ Your Library on Friday, July 31, 2015 at Prosser Public Library, for adults, 2:00 PM. Escape the ordinary and bring your own blank pages, photos, and memorabilia to a do it yourself scrapbooking time. The library will supply decorative papers, letters, fasteners and stickers for creating memorable pages for a scrapbook. No registration required. Summer fun for adults to create and play! On Wednesday August 5, 2015 at 1:30 PM Caregiver Support Group / Healing Hearts Are you sometimes overwhelmed by your responsibilities as a caregiver? Do you have questions but are not sure who to ask? Do you have a loved one in hospice? Are you grieving after a loss? Feeling alone? Don’t know where to turn? Please consider coming to Bloomfield’s Caregiver & Healing Hearts support groups. Meetings are held at 1:30 pm on the first Wednesday of each month at the Senior Center, 330 Park Avenue. Cospponsored by the Prosser Public Library and the Bloomfield Senior Center. On Friday, August 7, 2015 see the film If You Don’t I Will, at 1:30 PM at Prosser Public Library in Bloomfield. In this film from France, directed by Sophie Fillieres, Pomme and Pierre have been together a long time, long enough that passion and spontaneity have given way to predictability. On a hike together one afternoon, Pomme declares her independence by staying in the woods rather than return home. As Pomme remains in GENEALOGY AT PROSSER Research your family tree at the library! Need help starting your genealogy research? Join us at Prosser Public Library in Bloomfield for a demonstration on using Ancestry Library Edition on Monday, August 10, 2015, 2:00 – 3:30 PM. Bring one person’s name to research in class, along with all the identifying information you already have on that person, like birth date, town of residence, spouse name, etc. Please register for this session online at www.prosserlibrary.info, or call the library at 860-243-9721, as space is limited. The library also offers individual assistance by appointment – contact Prosser Public Library for details. Ancestry Library Edition delivers billions of historical records, such as census data, vital records, immigration and military records, photos, and more! Visit Prosser Public Library or McMahon Wintonbury Library to access Ancestry Library Edition, which is available for inlibrary use only at www.prosserlibrary.info. the woods, with Pierre at home, each is left to contemplate the strength and meaning of each other’s commitment. In French with English subtitles, running time: 102 minutes. No registration required. “Strikes an engaging tone...powerfully poignant.” — The A.V. Club See the film, enjoy refreshments and casual conversation after it. No registration required. W I N D S O R L O C K S P U B L I C L I B R A RY Nappy’s Puppets July 22, 2015 at 2:00pm - Jim Napolitano never disappoints with his high-quality shadow theatre presentations and humorous tales. He will be performing stories about Jack. We’ll hear the story of Jack B. Nimble, Jack Horner, Jack and the Beanstalk and more. For grades K to 5. Siblings are welcome. Register online The Boxtrolls Movie Event © Focus Features July 27, 2015 at 2:00pm - We will be showing The BoxTrolls and handing out free popcorn and juice to enjoy during the movie. Don’t forget to bring extra snacks if you’d life. Runtime: 100min Rated: PG Register online. Open to all ages. Henna Tattoo Wksp for Tweens & Teens July 28, 2015 at 6:30pm- Teens and Tweens are invited to a henna tattoo workshop with Jamilah. Henna is a natural dye derive for a plant. Jamilah uses only natural fresh ingredients to make her henna paste, never commercial dyes. For grades 5 to 12. Limited seating. Register online. Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax Drivein Move Event! © Universal Pictures August 6, 2015 at 2:00pm- We will be showing The Lorax and designing our very own cars out of recycled cardboard boxes, markers, plates and more! Runtime: 93 min Rated: PG Register online. For grades K-2. Limited seating. Registration begins July 28, 2015 Registration is required for all these free events! Register online at www.wlpl.weebly.com For questions, please contact Gabby at (860) 627-1495 E A S T G R A N BY PUBLIC L I B R A RY BASEBALL NIGHT Join us on Monday, August 10th at 5:30pm for Baseball Night at East Granby Public Library. Mr. Carroll will lead the kids in baseball trivia, games, hot dogs & apple pie. Wear something from your favorite team! Sign up requested. Free July 31, 2015 7 Events Watch SATURDAY Aug 1: Windsor: Cosplay Creations; 1-2pm; Windsor Library 2: Windsor: Farmer's Market; 3:30pm-6pm; 240 Broad Street 3: Windsor: Hands-On Rhythm Circle; 2-3pm; Windsor Library 4: Windsor Locks: Drop In Origami; All Day; Windsor Locks Library 5: Windsor: Bart's Cruise Nights; 5:30pm; Bart's 6: Windsor Locks: The Lorax Drive In Movie; 23:30pm; Windsor Locks Library 7: Bloomfield: Toddler Time Storytime; 10:15am; Prosser Library GREAT FUN WITH A MORALITY PLAY OF A VERY DIFFERENT SORT: ‘LA CAGE AUX FOLLES’ By Howard Frydman Art Critic at large Happy Hour Specials Monday - Thursday 4:00pm to 6:00pm & 10:00pm-Midnight • Friday 4:00pm-6:00pm $4 DRAFTS $5 House Wine MONDAY Backeast • TUESDAY Sam Adams •WEDNESDAY Blue Point THURSDAY Smithwick’s •FRIDAY Stella Artois • SATURDAY $4 Bud Light Drafts ALL DAY • SUNDAY SPECIAL $4 DRAFTS ALL DAY 14 DRAFTS TO CHOOSE FROM BROOKMAN RE • Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling • All Repairs • Additions • Residential & Commercial R IP STOPS HE PLUMBING, LLC (860)683-2613 Lic. #P-1 204228 THE D 20 Union Street, Windsor •Phone: 860.683.2899 Serving Windsor for over 20 years John Brookman • 1112 Palisado Ave. • Windsor, CT 06095 Licenced and Insured. 24-Hour Emergency Service Fax (860) 683-1533 • Cell (860) 209-2089 I am sad- but in a good wayI liken it to the sadness one gets at seeing the last remnants of an ice cream cone wane, once in hand, moments later gone, yet the taste, memories and sticky fingers lingers. This sadness I equate with what is known as “Summer-itis” - you know- that sense that this three month Equinox is simply fading too fast and you better squeeze in all the delights of summer while you can. What is a Summer delight you ask my friend? The Goodspeed Opera House in East Haddam is a singular one - She is “The” Grand Dame of Summer - musical theater at its best with wondrous productions within that will cause you to take pause and share as a special delight of the Summer of '15. In fact, on my most recent visit I must state what lies inside can best be described as Frisky, Glittery and full of Jazz-hot Divine Funthe three tier hallmarks of any good show! As they say “it's a Gay old time” on the sizzling hot stage of the Goodspeed Opera House as they present the bigger than life- “La Cage Aux Folles” (Birds of a feather). With a book by Harvey Fierstein (Edna Turnblad in Hairspray) and lyrics and music by Jerry Herman and based on the 1973 French play of the same name by Jean Poiret, the production focuses on a gay couple Georges, (portrayed by James Lloyd Reynolds) the Master of Ceremonies of the SaintTropez nightclub, “La Cage Aux Folles” featuring drag entertainment by the chorus line known as Les Cagelles, and starring Georges “wife” Albin, (portrayed by Jamison Stern) as the "queen" of the La Cage aux Folles - affectionately known as “Zaza” as the star attraction. Similar to an episode of “Father Knows Best”, Georges and Albin have led an idyllic life together in the well-heeled apartment above the nightclub with their saucy “maid” Jacob, but the Jimmy Choos literally hit the fan when Georges's son, Jean-Michel, brings home his fiancée Anne and her ultra-conservative parents, whose father is the leader of the Tradition, Family and Morality Party, to meet them. The original 1983 Broadway production received nine nominations for Tony Awards and won six, including Best Musical, Best Score and Best Book for Harvey Fierstein. Those familiar with the musical know that Act One ends with Albin singing the triumphant “I Am What I Am”- to the rousing applause of an appreciative Goodspeed audience. And here is where I take note of two observances during intermission- one: it is hard put not to hear overeager couples throughout the theater trying to figure out if all of the chorusgirls in d.r.a.g are really girls I personally think all but one but I could be wrong. The second observance, that I wholeheartedly agree with, is that Cedric Leiba, Jr. who portrays Maid/Butler Jacob- steals this production in a literal handbag! Folks are looking through their programs to find details about this young actor and discuss his wickedly commanding presence on stage. Cedric's comedic timing is a “fab-blast” to be seen, and this rising “star” is not to be missed. I also send kudos to the remarkable Jamison Stern for his stellar performance as Albin- he reminded me of a young Dame Edna Everage- yes “hello Possums”! Additionally I want to mention the incredible work of the Les Cagelles dancers(Nic Thompson, Michael Bullard, Nick Silverio, Alex Cruz and Darius Barnes) great job all- I still don't know how you can wear all that “full” makeup on a hot summer day and lastly of course, our good friend, Rob Ruggiero, for directing this wonderfully emotional, sentimental and oh so charming production. As stated please make a sojourn to the Goodspeed for a very special summer memory. Enjoy!! La Cage aux Folles will run June 26 through September 10th, 2015. Curtain times are Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., Thursday at 7:30 p.m. (with select performances at 2:00 p.m.), Friday at 8:00 p.m., Saturday at 3:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., and Sunday at 2:00 p.m. (with select performances at 6:30 p.m.). Tickets are available through the Box Office (860.873.8668), open seven days a week, or online at goodspeed.org. Howard Steven Frydman is General Manager and Executive Director of BATV – Channels 5, 95 & 96. Published by Town New Media LLC editor@TheWindsorJournal.com editor@TheWindsorLocksJournal.com editor@BloomfieldMessenger.com OUR STAFF: ✒ John Karas Reporter & Webmaster ✒ Lawrence Jaggon Reporter ✒ Eric Stoecker Reporter ☎ (860)922-6442 Masthead design by Kathy Lepak, Transcriptions by Daisy Karas, Mikela Karas 8 WINDSOR JOURNAL WEEKLY July 31, 2015 LIKE US ON FACEBOOK www.facebook.com/ActionCarpet •Carpet •Area Rugs •Tile •Floors • Countertops •Bamboo • Vinyl • Laminate •Engineered & Solid Wood • Sanding & Refinishing Mold/Mildew Remediation Free in-home consultations! Lifetime labor warranty! Professional Installation Professional Cleaning Services 1 0 6 5 K E N N E DY R d . 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IN MANCHESTER: • PERFORMANCE OPPORTUNITIES IN THE NUTCRACKER FOR ALL BALLET STUDENTS! on the Manchester/Glastonbury line IN WINDSOR: on the Loomis Chaffee campus OPEN REGISTRATIONS WILL BE HELD In MANCHESTER: Wed Aug 26 & Tue Sep 1 from 5-8pm In WINDSOR: Thurs Aug 27 & Mon Aug 31 from 6-8pm A positive joyful place to study dance make lifelong friends and learn about life WINNER