Advanced Placement Biology Syllabus 2012-2013 Exam Date: May 13, 2013 (morning session) Kim MacTaggart 303.982.8750 Text: Biology – Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece, Benjamin Cummings, 8th edition (AP edition) Course Description: (Adapted from AP Course Descriptions, The College Board) Introduction: The AP Biology course is designed to be the equivalent of a two-semester college introductory biology course usually taken by biology majors during their first year. After showing themselves to be qualified on the AP Exam, some students, in their first year of college, are permitted to take upper-level courses in biology or register for courses for which biology is a prerequisite. Other students may have fulfilled a basic requirement for a laboratory-science course and will be able to undertake other courses to pursue their majors. AP Biology should include those topics regularly covered in a college biology course for majors. The college course in biology differs significantly from the usual first high school course in biology with respect to the kind of textbook used, the range and depth of topics covered, the type of laboratory work done by students, and the time and effort required of students. The AP Biology course is designed to be taken by students after the successful completion of a first course in high school biology and one in high school chemistry as well. It aims to provide students with the conceptual framework, factual knowledge, and analytical skills necessary to deal critically with the rapidly changing science of biology. NEW CURRICULUM FOR 2012-2013 Objectives: • • • To help students develop a conceptual framework for modern biology. To help students gain an appreciation of science as a process. To help students prepare in such a manner that they will feel comfortable in taking and passing the AP Exam. Skills: • • • Grasp science as a process rather than as an accumulation of facts. Recognize unifying themes that integrate the major topics of biology. Apply biological knowledge and critical thinking to social concerns. Materials: • • • • • 3 ring binder with loose leaf paper and dividers. Composition book (already purchased for summer assgn) Black or blue pen and pencil. Colored pencils Lab notebook will be provided Attendance: • Your presence in this class is critical for your success. Should you be absent, the district attendance policy “twice the number of classes or days missed (two days allowed for makeup work for each day of absence)” will be followed. • Unexcused absences will affect your grade and may result in disciplinary action (per district policy). • You are expected to be in your seat and ready to learn when the bell rings. Arriving late will result in an administrative referral. Make-up work and extra help: • It is your responsibility to request any missed work the day of your return at an appropriate time. • Alternative make-up assignments may be used for some activities. Students will be responsible for understanding the content of any missed labs, discussions, etc. • Please see me in Access, or before or after school to work on missing assignments or to make corrections to assignments. • After school and evening review sessions will be held throughout the school year – attendance is highly suggested! Assignments: • • • • Assignments that are completed and on time will be graded for full credit. Late assignments may be turned in for reduced credit. Students have the opportunity to revise assignments to demonstrate their understanding of concepts. Revisions must be completed within the parameters established by the teacher. Evaluation: Student grades will reflect proficiency levels based on standards. 10% of the grade will be based on assignments and 90% of the grade will be based on assessments. A letter grade, based on the proficiency level the student demonstrates, will be assigned using the following scale: Mastery – exceeds standards Proficient – meets standards Partially Proficient – progressing towards standards Partially Proficient – NOT progressing towards standards Unsatisfactory – no evidence of standards achievement A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F = 0-59% Be Positive in AP Biology, you will learn so much! Engage in class. Get the most out of it. Act Responsibly. You know what to do. Respect ourselves, one another, and the classroom. Everyone in this class deserves opportunities to ask questions and be in an environment that helps him or her learn. Be respectful of those who learn differently from you. Listen when others are talking, allow yourself to learn from others. Stay Safe High school can be difficult at times, but this class will have a safe environment you are welcome to see me with any concerns you may have. NO HATS, FOOD, OR DRINK ARE ALLOWED IN THE CLASSROOM. NO CELL PHONES OR MUSIC DEVICES ARE TO BE USED IN THE CLASSROOM.