Spring 2012 - Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School

St. Mary’s School
Notre Dame Academy
Julienne High School
Chaminade High School
St. Joseph Commercial
High School
The History
Among Us
Tracking Success
Beyond CJ
CJ Athletic Hall of Fame
Inducts Class of 2011
Reunion Weekend 2012
message from the PRESIDENT
We are building the Kingdom of God together, St. Paul tells us.
We need each other and we are
called to be together to construct the dwelling place of God.
Both the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and the Marianists have embraced this concept
of togetherness as people of God: the Marianists call us to educate in family spirit and the
Sisters, to create community with those we serve. The concept and practice of “community” is
deeply rooted in the Catholic educational ministry of our sponsoring religious congregations
and, thus, forms the approach to daily life and strategic planning at Chaminade Julienne.
We pray together every morning and each afternoon. For a few minutes, the bustle of the
day stops and all of us — students, teachers, visitors, staff — recognize that we together
need God’s blessing on our work and our lives. Our teachers and staff members gather in
sodalities (faith-sharing groups) at least once a month so that we can strengthen each other on our journey. Our student retreats include time for individual prayer and reflection
which culminates in shared prayer, group reflection, and liturgies. Our student athletes and
the crowd watching them compete join together before every athletic event in prayer.
Ephesians 2:19-22
“So then you are no longer
strangers and sojourners, but
you are fellow citizens with the
holy ones and members of the
household of God, built upon
the foundation of the apostles and prophets, with Christ
Jesus himself as the capstone.
Through him, the whole structure is held together and grows
into a temple sacred in the
The call to community extends into the classroom. No matter the subject area, you will
find students working together on projects and presentations, discussing concepts and
ideas with each other and their teachers, studying facts and dates, and preparing for exams. While each student earns his or her individual grade, most often that outcome is
shaped by the student’s ability and willingness to be an active member of a faithful learning
Planning for the future of this great Catholic ministry is most often the result of committees that work together to analyze an issue, discern opportunities, and align school resources to achieve a desired goal. Teachers work together in their departments to evaluate
student achievement data and make curricular adjustments that strengthen our students’
experience. Our Trustees collaborate with each other, school administration, and representatives of the Sisters and Marianists to determine how best to strengthen and extend the
CJ mission.
In this issue of Vision, you will see examples of how this sense of community is intentionally lived at Chaminade Julienne. You can see how we are being “built together into a
dwelling place of God in the Spirit” through the efforts of all members of the CJ community. This includes our alumni who — like the graduates from Julienne who gathered here
in March —continue in their commitment to make the experience more vibrant and relevant for our world today. It is in living as an educational community of faith that we are
strengthened to be God’s holy people.
May the good God continue to bless you in great abundance.
Lord; in him you are being built
together into a dwelling place of
God in the Spirit.”
Daniel J. Meixner ‘84
Vision is a publication of Chaminade Julienne Catholic High School for alumni, parents and friends.
Comments and suggestions are encouraged. Send your thoughts to:
Communications Office, 505 South Ludlow Street, Dayton, Ohio 45402
(937) 461-3740, ext. 238 www. cjeagles. org
Ministry & Service
Kelli Kinnear, Director
Erin Bole ‘04, Asst. Director
Marilyn McCrate, Asst. Director
Claire Davis, Administrative Asst.
Charlene Wheeler ‘65, Director &
Post-secondary Counselor
Jama Badinghaus, Counselor
Susan Eichenauer, Counselor
Nicole Will, Counselor
The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur,
Ohio Province
The Society of Mary,
Province of the United States
Living The Faith
Alumni News
2 God, You Have My
6 You Gotta’ Have Faith
10 Then & Now: Musical
3 Manufacturing Hope
7 Tracking Student
Success Beyond CJ
and Healing
4 Thinking & Acting
8 A Campus in Evolution -
Through the Big Issues
Part 2
10 Picnic with the Pops
11 CJ Athletic Hall of Fame:
Class of 2011
12 Milestones
15 In Memoriam
5 Senior Project
16 Reunion Weekend 2012:
The Details!
Kelly Muhl, Administrative Asst.
Board of Trustees
Jeffrey T. Cox, Chair
James W. Kelleher, Vice Chair
Antonette Lucente ’70, Secretary
Thomas R. Mann, Treasurer
Janice Dorsey Allen ‘74
Thomas J. Arquilla ‘77
Maureen Baldock
Sr. Christina Bartsch, SNDdeN ‘55
Bro. Raymond L. Fitz, SM
Mary Moeder Garman ‘79
Dr. Stephen R. Grant ‘70
Peter G. Haley
Kathleen D. Henderson
On the Cover
On March 24, the Julienne Notre Dame
Alumnae Association held their Alumnae Day
and General Meeting at Chaminade Julienne. Sr.
Joan Krimm, SND ‘48 shared some reflections on
the life of Sr. Dorothy Stang, SND ‘49 in the morning and the afternoon was dedicated to the
general meeting. “The day was a time for looking
back to our heritage, renewing friendships and
experiencing the spirit of Julienne alive at CJ
today. It was a time to look forward and examine
our role as alumnae in the Sisters education mission at the school,” said Mary Pat Golden ‘65, the
assosciation’s incoming president. “It was a gift for us to be present at the blessing of the chapel
window from Julienne and this was a powerful way to bring past, present and future together.”
Pictured on the cover: Julienne graduates and their grandchildren: (top left) Mary Anne Weaver Dudon
‘66, Abigail ‘15, and Caitlin ‘13 O’Loughlin; (top right) Peggy Rankin Weckesser ’63, Samantha ‘12 and
Nicole Weckesser ‘12; (bottom left) Mary Ann Miller Hausfeld ‘60 and Jon Meyer ‘12
Donald R. Hoendorf ‘72
Timothy M. Kroger ‘78
Bro. Ron Luksic, SM
Michael J. Mathile ‘87
Rev. Daniel Meyer
Joseph A. Zehenny
Predecessor Schools
St. Mary’s (1850-1927)
Notre Dame Academy (1886-1927)
Julienne High School (1927-1973)
Chaminade High School (1927-1973)
St. Joseph Commercial
High School (1946-1974)
by Tina Martinek ‘04
About the Author
liv ing th e faith
Ok God, You Have My Attention
Ted Herzog ‘70 and his wife,
Barb (Kramer) ‘71 live in
Kettering along with their
watchdog, Gracie, who
rarely leaves Ted’s side.
Ted is one of a small
handful of jewelers in the
nation trained on a cad/
cam designing system
that allows clients to view
creations before they are
cast in metal.
hen Ted is not fixing
client heirlooms or creating a new one-of-a-kind
jewelry in his Kettering,
Ohio store, he can usually
be found doing the same
thing with his free time in
his “mancave” at home, so
he can relax but still work
at what he enjoys.
2012 2012 ears spent at Chaminade shaped the
cornerstone of my life’s philosophy.
I was raised by good parents who
saw life in terms of black and white. The
teachers at Chaminade enforced that, but
also taught me how to deal with some grays.
God has a way of challenging us with some
grays and I am thankful for the knowledge
and strength to persevere.
I started at Chaminade as a tuba player for
the marching band under the direction of
Jim Wolf. Since he was a graduate of Ohio
State, we were allowed to spend a day with
their band. Our Marching Eagles learned
the discipline and precision well enough
that we were permitted to perform the famous Script Ohio. Oh, the pride of wearing that uniform and being one of the 100
Marching Men of Chaminade!
At the first sock hop my junior year, I met
Barb Kramer, a Julienne sophomore who
became my girlfriend for life. I don’t quite
know what she saw in me but I wasn’t going
to let her go. I graduated in ‘70, Barb in ’71,
and we married in ‘72.
Music did not continue in my life, but I
stayed in the arts. Beginning as an apprentice, I grew my career into becoming a successful jeweler, designer and business owner.
In 1987, I opened the doors to Herzog’s
We had a lot to be thankful for — Barb
had a great job, the business was growing,
the kids, Jody and Andi, were terrific, but
in 1996 things turned gray.
That year, I had a chiropractic-induced
stroke that changed my world. Through it
all, there was a moment when I thought,
“Ok God, are you ready to take me?” And
then as clear as if He was standing in the
room, He replied, “I’m not done with you
yet, but I’m glad I have your attention.”
Armed with the knowledge that God wasn’t
done with me and with a lot of determination, I returned to my career, not with the
same physical strength, but with the will
power and mental strength that I had been
taught. Today, I am the proud parent of
children with college degrees and great careers. I’m a grandparent and Barb and I will
celebrate our 40th anniversary this year.
A minister friend of mine gave me a study
Bible that contains explanations about the
Scripture verses. I keep it by my workbench
so I can read a bit during the day. He wrote
a note inside that talks about God’s purpose
for our life and how we are to seek Him in
everything we do. So even though I don’t
know exactly what God’s purpose is for me,
I do live every day with purpose. Each day
with my family is a gift. Yes God, you have
my attention! V
liv ing th e faith
Manufacturing Hope and Healing
by Alexandra “Kate” Caldwell Rivers ‘04
have never been a fan of hospitals or
the sight of blood, but on my second
week on the job as a quality engineer
for Norwood Medical in Dayton, I viewed
pictures of a life-altering scoliosis surgery
and was able to put my thoughts about major medical procedures into perspective and
move past the uneasy feelings. From that
one experience, I understood that through
surgery, people had the opportunity to resume their normal lives, or start living the
lives they always imagined.
About the Author
Alexandra “Kate” Caldwell
Rivers ‘04 earned a Bachelors
As an engineer with Norwood, my job is to
design and support the quality system and
ensure that the product we ship to our customers is per their specification. I believe
that what I do makes a real difference in
the lives of others.
My math teacher at CJ really encouraged
my interest in math, and eventually I knew
that I would end up in a manufacturing environment — it is my passion! I just assumed that this particular career path
would lead me into an automotive environment, or something similar. Never did
I think that I would land a manufacturing role in the realm of health care, nor one
with such responsibility and gratification.
Over the past two years at Norwood, I
have learned so much about the importance of health care and basing what we do
on sound and ethical manufacturing practices. We are always seeking to know how
our work will affect the end user, and that
is our priority. I can remember a time in
one of my ethics courses at the University
of Dayton when we discussed the role our
faith plays in our decision-making. It is
when I began working with Norwood that
I truly came to understand the importance
of what I had learned in the course, and
what it means to practice it daily. My faith
and belief that I am here to serve others has
led me to think more critically about different decisions that I make on behalf of those
who rely on me.
of Science from the University
of Dayton in Industrial Engineering Technology. She
and husband, Shamel, have
two children, 6-month-old
Sydney and 7-year-old Christopher, Alexandra’s step-son.
At work, we are proud to say that we are
able to help change and restore people’s lives
by manufacturing surgical and implantable equipment used in an array of medical procedures. Any underestimation on
our part could cause someone pain or unnecessary stress, so we understand how important it is that we are methodical in our
product development. There are instances when we hear in the news about companies skipping vital operations in order to cut
costs, but I am glad to say that I am with a
company that lives by its mission statement,
“Norwood means Total Commitment,” total commitment not only to customers, but
also to the employees and the community.
Outside of work, she enjoys
cooking and entertaining
family and friends. She also
likes mentoring students and
encouraging young women,
in particular, to explore
STEM (science, technology,
engineering and math) related
fields. Her hope is that they
will discover diverse and
fun offerings.
As this company grows, it amazes me how
we are able to provide care for those not only
in the United States, but also abroad where
people are not as fortunate to have the care
that we can take for granted at times. I am
grateful that God has given me this work to
do, one that manufactures hope and healing
for so many that need to feel God’s power in
their lives. V
VISION Thinking & Acting Through the Big Issues
Junior Religion
Morality & Justice
Religion 11 Curriculum Offerings:
• Human Dignity & The Quest for Justice
• Domestic and International Poverty
• Equality for All People
resh from studying the faith journeys of their Biblical ancestors in
Scripture class during their sophomore year, juniors turn their attention
to how those examples of faith and obedience can help them actively apply the
Catholic response to injustices in their
own complex world.
For junior year, students choose from one
of three religion courses: Human Dignity
and the Quest for Justice; Domestic and
International Poverty; and Equality for
All People. No matter the course, they
are expected to enter into a multi-faceted
approach of exploring the subject through
research, critical thinking, problem-solving, reflection and simulations.
According to Mick Mominee, Religion
11 teacher, the idea is to create a classroom that touches on everyone’s learning
style so that each can experience injustice
in a way meaningful to him or her — an
experience that introduces them to the
idea of social change.
“What we accomplish goes beyond asking students to go out into the community and spend 25 hours performing
service; other schools do that,” he said.
“We want to light a fire in them to go out
and want to make a change.
“We do things to help them discover
their vocational call from God and how
their gifts and talents fit the need directly or indirectly. They learn that when you
take a look at social justice, you can take
direct action and change the community,
or create social change by changing the
system. We want to light that fire.
SPRING 2012 4
Students develop research skills through the completion of a moral issues project and a
25-hour service-learning project. They also take part in simulations and exercises that
illustrate both injustices and community building.
“As part of the social justice curriculum, students are asked to explore an issue and link it to the human experience,”
he said. “They talk about it, and then ask
what the Catholic church is saying about
it. They take their own talent and explain
back to the class what they’ve learned.
“My hope is that they find one or two
things that they are super excited about,
and then go out and do something about
it. It is a mini-Lenten journey each unit.
“At the end of junior year, they come
out and ask, ‘What do I do about this? I
want to do something now,’” he said. “It
sets the stage for senior year when their
service project takes them out into the
world. It’s a testament that they’re on
fire to take action. We tell them, ‘You
learn now, and you go out in your life and
make a change for the better.
“They show us that what we do in the religion department is changing lives.” V
Senior Project
Human Trafficking
by Jay Bryant ‘12
At each grade level, students are required to fulfill a service component for their religion classes.
Freshmen volunteer their time to a project sanctioned by the Ministry & Service Department;
sophomores give their time to directly benefit the CJ community; juniors spend 25 hours assisting Dayton
agencies; and seniors participate in a class-wide project that will impact the global community.
fter attending the Sr. Dorothy
Stang Symposium on February
12 (the seventh anniversary of
her death), the Class of 2012 was inspired to help elevate awareness about
human trafficking. Theresa Flores, a human trafficking survivor and founder of
S.O.A.P. (Save Our Adolescents from
Prostitution), was the keynote speaker.
She informed the crowd that human trafficking was not something that just happens to other people in other countries
— it occurs in many “good” neighborhoods and in every community in our
own nation. She said that it was a $15.5
billion industry.
During the symposium, Brother Don
Neff, S.M., and Sr. Theresa Del Genio,
SNDdeN, presented the Catholic response to the issue and how their religious orders are assisting to help alleviate
and heal the tragedy caused by trafficking. Anthony Talbott, co-founder of
Abolition Ohio, and Elizabeth Van Dine,
co-founder of Love 146, were also on
hand to illustrate how change could be
made at a grass-roots level.
In break-out sessions, seniors led discussions on what they could do to help. Ideas
included posting human trafficking statistics on their Facebook pages; starting
a Twitter trend on the issue; supplying
restaurants with S.O.A.P. stickers displaying the national human trafficking
hotline; and providing police agencies
with more information about victims and
how they should be viewed as unwilling
slaves rather than prostitutes.
A Community in Action
Energized by the symposium, the seniors took what they learned and hosted an awareness week for the school.
Blue hearts were posted to promote the
United Nation’s Blue Heart Campaign
effort which educates and inspires those
with decision-making power to affect
change. Each day a fact or statistic was
read over the PA, while some seniors
went to freshman religion classes to give
These activities led up to Ms. Flores’
return to CJ to “S.O.A.P. up the First
Four” for the NCAA March basketball tournament. Several members of
the class attended her community-wide
training and work session. The goal was
to place bars of soap with the human
trafficking hotline in the bathrooms of
area motels—often times the only place
where victims would be alone.
Finally, during Tuesday of Holy Week,
students were permitted to remain silent throughout the day in solidarity with the victims in this modern day
slavery; it provided a voice for the voiceless without speaking at all.
The Sr. Dorothy Stang Symposium featured
Theresa Flores (center), a human trafficking survivor. Bro. Don Neff, S.M. and Sr. Theresa Del
Genio, SNDdeN were guest presenters.
Seniors educated the school community about
the facts and statistics surrounding the issue of
human trafficking; they made announcements
and posted reminders.
For the fundraising aspect of the project, the senior class hosted a student vs.
faculty basketball game. Plus, a portion
of the Lenten school-wide collection for
the missions went to support this cause.
Throughout this experience, students
learned that positive energy could mobilize change. They realized that, together, they could make a difference in
our world and right here at home. V
As part of the symposium, students discussed
ways to raise awareness among teens and to
participate in activities that would help victims.
in stitution
Recipe for CJ’s Success
You Gotta’ Have Faith
t’s no secret the recipe for providing
quality high school education begins
and ends with quality academics;
however, as with preparing any recipe,
the success of what results depends largely on the supporting ingredients. For
Catholic schools, the special ingredient
is faith.
Each step in the 160-year-old Chaminade
Julienne recipe calls for a whole lot of
faith and a heavy sprinkling of the complimentary flavors of the school’s two orders, the Society of Mary and Sisters of
Notre Dame de Namur. The goal, when
all has been prepared, is to intentionally bring God’s presence to the table for
students as they sit down for life’s first
“Upholding high academic standards
should be the goal of any school, but
Catholic education must also help students grow in their faith,” said Bro. Ed
Brink, S.M., assistant for education of the
Marianist Province. High school, he said,
is a key time for setting the tone along the
faith-formation journey we all take.
“Growing in faith helps us to understand
God’s goodness and helps put difficult
situations in perspective,” Brink said.
Sr. Carol Lichtenberg, SNDdeN,
Provincial of the Ohio Province Office,
has witnessed how students who develop a deeper relationship with God and
believe in His actions in their lives begin to see the bigger picture—that there
exists “something larger out there than
“We need to develop, and in some cases
further grow, the faith-life of these young
people. From that deep faithlife flows the
ability to pray and to move along the path
of moral maturity,” Lichtenberg said.
Having served at both CJ and its predecessor institutions, Brink and
SPRING 2012 6
Freshman students discuss with Lisa Colbert, religion teacher, and Leanne Bernardez, University of
Dayton student-teacher, how the season of Lent is a time for prayer, fasting and alms giving, and
what that may mean in the life of a 15-year-old.
Lichtenberg have directly helped craft and
pass down the school’s unique recipe for
providing students with opportunities to
grow in their faith.
“The service program at CJ was innovative when it began and is a strong program now,” said Brink, who last served CJ
as principal in 1998. Other faith-developing opportunities include the all-school
monthly Mass, weekly Mass in the chapel, the Marianist L.I.F.E group, as well as
yearly retreat offerings.
Additionally, rigorous religion curriculum is required for all students at every grade level. But the effort to shepherd
faith formation, according to both Brink
and Lichtenberg, must extend beyond the
walls of the classrooms and permeate all
aspects of education, as it does in the real
“Even secular subjects, when taught with
the eye of faith, can deepen a student’s relationship with God,” said Brink, a former
chemistry teacher. Lichtenberg, herself
a former biology teacher, agreed.
“The whole environment needs to wrap
around the overt instruction of religious
teachings in school. Faith happens every day and in every part of our lives.”
Brett Chmiel, director of admissions,
knows that strong academics delivered
in a faith-filled community is why parents choose CJ for their families.
“We surveyed parents who registered
their children for the Class of 2016.
When asked what specific areas led
them to consider CJ, overwhelmingly
they responded that it was because CJ is
a Catholic institution that teaches and
exemplifies Catholic values, and because
of the school’s academic opportunities.
“Because we know that this is what parents want, the faculty, staff and administration are always asking themselves
how they can improve the experience,
and then they do.” V
in stitution
Tracking Student Success
asking how we can adjust and strengthen
Beyond CJ
the program to best benefit each student.”
n this day and age of social media
madness, the term “trending” has
taken on a whole new meaning. Ask
principal John Marshall ‘86 (who has
added “Twitter” to his vocabulary), and
you will quickly learn the two-fold implications of following the trends of student
success data for Chaminade Julienne and
the young people it serves.
Performance Trends in College
Since adding the City Connects program
in 2010, CJ has kept a keen eye focused
on monitoring the individual progress of
its students as well as the effectiveness
of the support programs it offers. In order to accurately gauge both, the school
charts each student’s development from
before he or she even steps inside the
“It is important for us to measure how
well graduates are doing at that next level
so we can adjust the programming, curriculum and experiences we continue to offer
CJ students,” Marshall said. Examining
college success data is a trend many secondary schools are starting to explore.
“We try to get a baseline with 8th graders through the admissions process,”
Marshall said. “Our job then is to place
each child in the right program so that
he or she can get to that endgame, which
is becoming a successful student.”
The program, according to Marshall,
holds the school accountable for how well
its services prepare students for a successful future beyond high school. To identify
the school’s areas of strengths and weaknesses, CJ pays extra attention to the performance trends of its graduates.
“According to data we received, we rank
number one in the Montgomery County
area with 94 percent of students returning to college for their second year, so this
is one indicator that helps us determine
how well our students are being prepared
to be successful,” said Marshall.
“We want to understand our students, so
we document their stories. We document
During the first few months at CJ, a
counselor works directly with each fresh- their needs, how we address those needs
man and his or her teachers to develop a at CJ, and also their success in college.
Their stories teach us how we can improve
personalized plan of action—known as
the educational experience that we offer
an Individual Student Review (ISR)—
future students.” V
taking into account internal and external factors from grades, test scores and
attendance to extra-curricular involvement, family and faith life.
This Spring John
According to Jama Badinghaus, guidMarshall ‘86,
ance counselor and student support coprincipal, will be
ordinator, each ISR is evaluated to map
a co-presenter
trends across an entire class and estabalong with Patrice
lish tiers. In this way, students who need
DiNatale and
more support or less can be identified.
Norman C. Hursh,
faculty mem“Taking a holistic approach allows us to
bers of Boston College, on CJ’s City
be much more proactive with the services
Connects Student Support program.
we provide,” she said. “It’s tempting, and
The team will address the nationmore convenient, to ask the students to
al conventions for both the National
fit the program. But I think we should be
Catholic Educational Association, and
the National Organization of School
Counselor Advocacy.
Personal Growth Gained
from the CJ Experience
“Going to CJ is
one of the best
decisions I’ve
ever made. I feel
the opportunities
here have helped
me grow as a
person and
strengthen my
leadership skills.
Everyone, from other students to the faculty and staff, is extremely supportive of your
goals. People push you to be the best
person you can be. You feel like you really
become family.”
— Adrianne Marx ‘12 St. Christopher School
“The teaching
staff at CJ is
superior. I feel
like I’m getting
a top-notch
education, as
opposed to some
of my friends at
other schools.
Ms. Meyers, my
honors math
teacher freshman and sophomore year,
had a big influence on me. She is a great
motivator, educator and coach who wants
to see you succeed. She is the kind of teacher
I really needed, especially in my first year of
high school.”
— Josh Conner ‘12 St. Rita Catholic School
“As a senior, I
attended the
summer mission
trip to Solsberry,
Ind. and went
on the Kairos
retreat. I think
both helped me
get in touch with
God. I feel it is
important to
have something to believe in that pushes
you forward; otherwise, what are you going
to do? Those experiences changed my
perspective on how I view my faith.”
Sara Held ‘12 Holy Angels School
A Campus in Evolution — Part 2
Plans for Revitalization
Progress Over the
Last Four Years
2008 Development of Blue
Green Field
2009 Closed Franklin and South
Perry Streets to unify campus
2010 Student Conditioning
Over the last few years CJ has worked with
engineers, architects, and construction
firms to complete a full audit of the school’s
buildings, built between 1950 and 1964.
The results confirmed that the buildings
are structurally sound and can be adapted to serve the next generation of students.
Based on the current structure of the buildings and exploring the needs of students and
teachers, initial plans were drafted to update classrooms, labs, auditorium, cafeteria,
and welcome center which would include
centralized offices for student services.
2011 Eagle Tennis Center
2012 Demolition of former
conditioning center; surface
grading for temporary parking
“Our buildings have been well maintained
throughout the years. Because of that, we
are able to update and modernize them to
enhance our ability to educate students in
an excellent way,” said Dan Meixner ‘84,
Spring 2012 In the process of
acquiring Layer Electric property
to provide future option for
campus gateway and parking
“The need for renovation now is dictated
mostly by our educators’ forward-thinking
and innovative approach to teaching. The
updates that we are exploring will provide
them with the environment and tools they
need to maximize learning opportunities
for students.”
Currently, architects are in the process of
finalizing plans so that the actual scope of
work can be determined. This includes calculating the time and resources it will take
to complete each project.
“Planning for the future of CJ is always
exciting,” said Meixner. “When we look at
our rich tradition and see what has been accomplished by so many before us, we know
that Chaminade Julienne has been uniquely
blessed to serve young people at this
location for 126 years.
“We are at a privileged point in history
when we believe it is essential to take these
monumental steps and boldly propel our
mission forward. By doing this, we continue
to proudly honor our tradition and plan for
success so future students can continue to
receive the premier Catholic educational
experience in the region.” V
First Floor
Plans for Renovation
Modernize school buildings
Renovate classrooms
Transform CJ STEMM labs
Refresh and Create gathering
• Cafeteria
• Welcome Center
• Centralized offices for
Student Services
2012 SPRING 2012
campu s pl anning
“We develop holistic
learning communities
which educate for life”
— A Hallmark of the Sisters of
Notre Dame de Namur
Second Floor: CJ STEMM Labs
“We provide a quality
integral education.”
Proposed New STEMM Department Design - Second Floor
November 23, 2011
“We educate for adaptation and change.”
— Two of the Characteristics of
a Marianist Education
in stitution
Musical Chairs
& Now
Rose Gysbers ‘52 Debi Schutt
Service to school: 1958-1974 Service to school: 2004 - current
Music director; girl’s glee club; taught
music theory; graduation coordinator;
musical productions; concerts
A Favorite Moment:
Big programs like the Christmas concert
were productions that got everyone involved. There were the four glee clubs
and orchestra — all wanted to learn
how to be in an ensemble
They felt pride in being a member
and knew how to handle and present
themselves; they wanted to learn the
finer points of singing and to perform
with sincerity
Director of a barbershop chorus;
member of Sweet Adelines and Bell
A Cappella; Organist sub at
St. Joseph’s and St. Pete; usher at
Schuster, Victoria Theater and Loft
Picnic with
the Pops
Join Us! Thurs., May 3 • 7 p.m.
Music director; director of instrument
music; music theory instruction;
graduation; musical productions;
concerts; community events
A Favorite Moment:
Witnessing students perform something
during rehearsals and realize that they
“got it,” and seeing the pride they feel
when they execute superb musicianship
They are self-motivated, independent
thinkers and passionate about the arts;
they are excited to perform and share
their talents with others
Guest conductor for UD’s Symphonic
Wind Ensemble; UD alumni artist
lecturer to music majors
s spring blooms back into season, it sets a picturesque stage for many “lasts”
of the school year — one being the popular Pops Concert that showcases the
many talented students who have worked to improve their musical performances over the year.
Wanting to add a forte to this performing arts department finale, the Parents of
Performing arts Students (affectionately known as CJ PoPS) decided last year to expand the event to include dinner along with the show. With their organization and
planning, “Picnic with the Pops” made its debut last May on Blue Green Field to a
crowd of over 250. Building on that success, they are extending the invitation to the
entire CJ community: alumni, family and friends.
“We are inviting everyone who would appreciate an evening of great music,” said
Christine Evans ‘86, co-president of CJ PoPS. “We really enjoy holding the picnic and
show outdoors because it allows other students and parents the opportunity to see
what performing arts is all about. It’s an easy way for them become part of the experience. It has a great community feel to it.”
Free Concert 7 p.m.
Optional Dinner 6 p.m.
For more information:
SPRING 2012 10
The free show starts at 7 p.m. — and there is always a rainy-day plan, so the show
goes on rain or shine. The optional box-lunch style dinner starts at 6 p.m. and PoPS
will take orders up through Monday, April 30. Both Regular Meals ($7) and Deluxe
Meals ($10) are available. To make meal reservations, contact: pops@cjeagles.org. V
Athletic Hall of Fame Class of 2011
On February 18, seven new members were inducted to the Hall. The organization seeks to recognize
individuals who have made significant contributions to athletics at Chaminade Julienne and its
predecessor schools, and to help perpetuate the spirit of pride and loyalty.
Angelo Chattams ‘01
Brandon McKinney ‘01
Rober Miller ‘01
e was an undrafted free agent
following the 2005 NFL draft
with something to prove to
those who passed on his talent, but when
it came to Chaminade Julienne’s Hall of
Fame committee, Brandon McKinney
was a cinch “first round pick.” As a defensive tackle for the NFL Baltimore Ravens’
vaunted defensive unit, McKinney
becomes the Hall’s first current NFL
player to be enshrined among CJ’s
athletic greats.
The two-time all-stater was among seven
inducted into the Hall’s 31st induction
class in February. The ’01 grad, who is as
amiable and humble off the field as he is
bullish on it, reflected high regard for his
experience at Chaminade Julienne. He
praised his coaches at CJ and said, “A big
highlight for me was being inducted with
two former teammates. You never forget
the guys you played with. It was an important time in my life.”
McKinney, who starred for four years at
Michigan State then signed with the San
Diego Chargers and moved to the Ravens
four years ago, had special praise for former Eagles coach Jim Place. “He’s one of
the most inspirational coaches I’ve ever
played for. He was very influential and he
expanded my football knowledge by playing me at various positions.”
The former CJ teammates of McKinney
included the only state champion wrestler in school history, Roger Miller, and
the only football player to be recognized
Leonard Pytel ‘54
Dennis Robinson ‘75
as a high school All-American, Angelo
Chattams. While at CJ, the threesome
keyed a four-year Eagles record of 35-12.
Chattams, a CJ primetime receiver, was
also a two-time All-State honoree. He
still holds several CJ receiving records,
including most receptions in a season
(80), most career catches (192), most receiving yardage in a season (1,486) and
most career receiving yards. He played
in the prestigious East-West game as
a prep All-American and the NorthSouth classic, before heading to Ohio
State where he played two seasons before being hampered by injuries.
Miller ranks as one of CJ’s all-time great
wrestlers, being the first and only Eagle
grappler to claim a state crown. The
285-pound competitor muscled his way
to the D-II title in ‘01 as a senior and
racked up an imposing career record
of 95-6-2. He went on to a storied career in college where he led Lindenwood
University to its first ever NAIA national championship. On the football
field, Miller was a defensive tackle and
nose guard on the CJ unit that charged
into the state semi-finals in ‘99.
Other new inductees into the Hall were
Leonard “Len” Pytel ‘54, Charlie Szabo
’98, Dennis Robinson ‘75 and special
inductee James “Wally” Walendzak.
Pytel was a two-year starter at linebacker and an anchor on the 1953 team,
which gave up only 73 points for the
Charlie Szabo ‘98
James Walendzak
entire season. He was twice named AllCity as a member of the championship
teams of ’52 and ’53, and was invited to
play in the city All-Star game in 1953.
His fondest memory includes holding the
Purcell Cavaliers to no score to end their
23-game winning streak.
Szabo, a two-sport standout in basketball and football, was once named the
scholar athlete of the year by the Miami
Valley Football Coaches Association.
Lauding Place, Szabo said, “He had a
knack for making you feel like an old
friend.” Szabo has been a successful assistant coach for the Eagles basketball
program for the past nine seasons where
he became the first coach under Joe
Staley to ever win six straight GCL titles
at the JV level.
Robinson was an early day wrestling
star who promoted interest in wrestling
during CJ’s wrestling infancy. He was
the school’s first four-year wrestler and
placed eighth in the state meet as a senior. His four-year record reads 49-33-3.
Walendzak was honored for his long service and support in the CJ athletic department, particularly his film work of
all games from 1988 to 2010. “Wally,”
as he is affectionately known around the
football program, dedicated thousands
of hours over his 22-year service to the
school by helping coaches prepare for
games, but also promoting student-athletes to prospective colleges with personalized highlight films. V
alumni ne ws
Mary Spraley Heiskell ‘38 has relocated to
Allentown, Penn. to live with her daughter, son-in-law and two grandchildren,
ages 9 and 11.
Jeanette Haire ‘46 writes, “I appreciate the
four years at Julienne High School. The
sisters were wonderful, especially my
piano and voice teacher, Sister Mary
Pauline, and my art teacher, Sister Mary
Cyrilla. During the war bond drive year
in Dayton, Ohio, my art poster entry won
first prize in the City of Dayton. I still
have a newspaper clipping showing my
entry. My art was used in 25 years of
teaching. Now I am in a vocal group
singing at the many retirement homes
in Grand Rapids.”
John Draves ‘47 “I found out anything is
possible if you put your mind to do it.
I raised four children and four grandchildren; worked 8 hours a day and went to
night school at UD, and in two years graduated in 1973 with a BAS in general studies. I was the first member of my family to
graduate from college. Through the help of
Our Lady and determination, I succeeded
and so, young people, you can too!”
Bernice Weghorst Axe ‘48 writes, “My sister,
Sylvia Weghorst Lolos’ husband passed
away last March of cancer. Sylvia was a
1956 graduate of St. Joe’s.”
Richard Fiely ‘52 marks his 50th year in the
James Bernier ‘57 writes, “this year brought us
Real Estate appraisal profession. He will
be spending the greater part of 2012 with
the grandchildren in Atlanta. The oldest
graduates college and the youngest graduates high school this year.
our second great-grandson, Asher Michael
Herrle, born last July.” He joins his brother,
Roman (4), and his parents Aaron and Gillian Herrle of Oxford, Ohio. Gillian is the
daughter of Kathryn (Bernier) Weymouth
‘81 of Oakwood, OH.”
Eileen Sutter Whitsett ‘52 writes, “After high
school graduation, I lived in Cincinnati, Detroit, Louisville and Indianapolis
which made Dayton the smallest town I’d
ever lived in until 1971 when our young
family moved to
Cranberry Prairie,
Ohio. My three
children: Beth
(RN), Chuck (Lt.
Colonel, Army)
and Becky (RN)
all say that growing up there was
idyllic, only our
house was much bigger than Laura Ingalls. Thanks to Carol (Bulcher) Zimmerman ‘52 who arranges get-togethers
for our “St. Joe girls.” I’ve been able to
keep up with my dearest friends. I’m
active in the Stateline Writers Club, the
ecumenical sisterhood, Cranberry card
club and the County Home and enjoy my
five wonderful grandchildren, ages 23-7.”
Myron Achbach ‘55 retired after 32 years in
the admission’s office at UD. He’s been
married 38 years to Jan Dericks, has two
children (Sarah and Molly) and three
granddaughters (Ana, Helena and Olivia).
Joseph Matt ‘50 and wife, Rosalie, live in
Hernando, Fla. and are very active in St.
Scholastica Parish in Lecanto. “Click on
our parish website and see what a wonderful and giving church we belong to!”
Pauline Bauer Iiames ‘55 and her husband, Bob,
celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary
in February. They plan to take their family on a cruise to celebrate.
Richard Dix ‘52 invites all 1952 grads to
Sue Ann Romie Serwas ‘56 returned to Dayton
call (229) 400-7331 or write him about
how they’re getting by—all fish stories
accepted. “I’m widowed now with lots
of free time on my hands, too much! So
give me a ring. If you’re heading south
for a vacation in Florida I’m right on the
way, so stop by.”
SPRING 2012 12
after retiring from teaching after 37-1/2
years. Sue taught in Dayton, New York
City and Greenville, Ohio. Two years ago,
she discovered that she was a diabetic and
had half of her right foot amputated. She
says she is pretty much confined to her
apartment because she can’t drive, and
would very much enjoy the company of
her classmates.
Helen Dugan McAllister ‘57 and her husband,
Jim, celebrated 50 years of marriage last
October 7. They have three daughters
and five grandchildren and all live in
Beavercreek, Ohio.
John Koerner ‘59 passed 70,000 miles of
running and a streak of 15 age-group
awards in 2010-2011. He is also busy
chairing the GermanFest Picnic, one
of Dayton’s favorite festivals, and writes,
“My son is doing well in Mechanical
Engineering at UD.”
Patricia Eardly Takahara ‘60 writes, “Ed and I
retired 10 years ago in California, sold our
home and bought a 40-foot American Eagle motor home and hit the road. We have
daughters across the U.S. and visit each of
them once or twice a year during our travels. We have been to every state (including
Hawaii since Ed is from there, but we go
there by plane) and look forward to revisiting each and every state again. Alaska is
by far our favorite. Life is great!”
Albert Bennett ‘61 has a son, Mario J-Bennett
who is stationed at Minot, N.D., and is
an AlC.
Esther Metzger Lloyd ‘61 was married for 46
years to her husband, Tim, who passed
away in December 2010.
Bernadette Orf Bensman ‘62 and her husband,
Henry ‘60, married in 1965. Bernadette
graduated with her RN from St. Elizabeth School of Nursing in 1965 and received her BS in health education in 1983.
She worked as the Education/Assistant
Director of Nursing for seven years. She
started at Dayton Clinical Oncology Program in 1989. She retired in January as
prevention director, and plans to spend
her time with her two daughters and their
families. She enjoys exercising, walking,
gardening, reading and baking for others,
and will continue her volunteering. She
wishes health and happiness to her fellow
classmates and families.
Norma Walusis Breakall ‘62 writes, “I have
two daughters; one is married with three
children. My husband and I volunteer at
the University of Dayton and the Marianist Mission.”
Martha Evans Osterday ‘62 writes, “Looking
forward to our 50th reunion!”
William Schottelkotte ‘63 retired in July, 2009
after 38 years at The Dupps Company in
Germantown, Ohio. He and his wife are
doing a lot of traveling. Bill volunteers at
the National Museum of the U.S. Air
Force where he works in aircraft restoration. He is looking forward to his 50th
Charles Vehorn ‘64 and his wife, Mary Susan,
have three “wonderful” grandchildren,
ages 3-6.
David Bodner ‘64 retired from Kroger Co. in
for a great and better 2012 and is heavily
involved in the national "Dump Obama
in 2012 Campaign."
2011 after 48 years. He is currently consulting on a part time basis and playing
golf. He is the proud father of three and
very proud grandfather of three granddaughters, ages 6, 3 and 1.
Cheryl Brinkman Brennan ‘64 writes, “I am still
running my bookkeeping business, live on
15 acres, have five children, eight grandchildren. We have a get-together with
classmates on Thursdays. Contact me if
you want to join us!”
Nate Ricciuto ‘03 As part of the 50th Anniversary Celebration
of John Glenn’s historic flight, it was requested that The
Ohio State University’s glass program design and create
a gift to be presented to him during the event which was
to be hosted by the university. Professor Richard Harned,
head of the glass program, asked me to help design the
commemorative piece and to organize the execution of the
piece with assistance from other students in the program.
The result was a glass pedestal that supports a solid glass
globe covered by a glass dome. Floating in the middle of
the pedestal stem is a solid glass hand sculpted representation of the Friendship 7 space capsule that Mr. Glenn
used to orbit the earth in 1962. The dome covering the
globe is etched with the dates of the original flight and the
anniversary — Feb 20, 1962 and Feb 20, 2012, as well as
an image of Mr. Glenn’s three orbital flight paths.
As an artist, it is really interesting to be involved in projects that are so different from what I do on a regular basis.
Researching John Glenn and the early years of NASA was
just as fascinating as the actual process of designing and
creating this artwork, and certainly gave me a new appreciation of his accomplishments.
Nate is currently the studio coordinator and technician for
Sherman StudioArt Center at The Ohio State University
where he is also a lecturer in the Department of Art. He exhibits artwork in juried and invitational shows nationwide,
and has received awards from Glass Art Society and the College of Arts and Sciences at OSU.
Terrence Henehan ‘65 sends best wishes to all
Michael Knapke ‘67 retired from Monarch
Marking after 30 years. I have a daughter,
Jennifer, and a granddaughter, Caroline.
Hobbies include tennis, dancing, horseback riding and hiking.
Donald Markus ‘68 is interested in regaining
contact with fellow ‘68 members.
David Thorne ‘69 is a faculty member at
Michigan State University where he’s
“a nice guy.”
John Leibold ‘72 was recently recognized as a
fellow of the American College of Radiology, one of the highest honors the college
confers. “My wife, Marian, continues her
board work for multiple charitable and
non-profit organizations. Daughter, Kelly,
is an attorney in Cincinnati; son, Nicholas, is an analyst with J. P. Morgan Chase
in Manhattan; son, Ryan, is a senior at
Georgetown University in Washington,
D. C.; son, Seth, is a freshman at
Villanova University in Philadelphia. I
thank God for the blessing of life daily!”
Diane Hinders Showalter ‘72 works part time at
Northside Breast Care Center as a breast
health educator. She has three grown
children and six grandchildren under the
age of 7. They all live in Atlanta where she
is very busy. They have a home at Lake
Keowee in South Carolina and spend a
lot of time there.”
Mary Agnes Mikalauskas ‘78 works for the City
of Dayton Water Distribution and is
proud to be a part of the renewable source
here in the City since 2002.
Sarah Mulligan Norns ‘78 was married last May
to Lawrence C. Norns on the USS York-
alumni ne ws
town aircraft carrier at Patriot’s Point,
Charleston, S.C. In attendance were
siblings James Mulligan ‘68, Kevin Mulligan ‘71,
Paul Mulligan ‘75, Theresa Thompson ‘88 and Rita
McNabb ‘73.
Andrew Sicree ‘79 lives in Boalsburg, Penn.
with his wife, Rebecca, and their 10 children. He teaches geology and earth sciences at Penn State Harrisburg and
University Park campuses as an adjunct
professor. He is the director of the African Book Project which sends used books
to book-poor countries in Africa. More
than 80,000 books have been sent so far.
Johnnie Hamilton ‘82 is a self-employed finance
specialist, commercial and residential
funding. He and his family live in Tennessee. He writes, “I have been married for 18
years, and have daughters, Tasia (17), Jaidyn (13), Charli (9) and just found out, one
is on the way — Johnnie Jr. — due in July.”
Jennifer Ruddle Paulk ‘83 and her husband,
David, who retired from the U.S. Navy
as a Captain, live in Park Hill, Md. Jennifer continues to provide environmental
support to the Navy’s MH-60 helicopter
program. This year, Jennifer and David
purchased a farm in Maryland and are
growing and selling organic vegetables and
fruit at local farmer’s markets, restaurants
and grocery stores, and love what they do.
The business has been very successful in
its first year.
Julie Peterman Taylor ‘83 is co-chair of the
Catholic school’s Unity Mass to be held
at UD Arena on Wednesday, April 25,
Richard Kowal ‘87 has been a copier service
tech for Modern Office Methods for the
last 16 years. He married Julie (Sollmann) in 2006, and is active playing volleyball throughout the year.
Barbara Tesarz Estes ‘89 works as a dental assistant in Dayton and is busy raising three
children, Ashley, Jeremy and Kaitlyn.
Christopher Fraser ‘89is a family therapist in
private practice in Dublin, Ohio. He is
SPRING 2012 14
married to Heather and has one daughter,
Eva (7) and enjoys coaching his daughter’s
soccer team.
Kamal Gregory ‘92 will be graduating from
Wright State this fall and will pursue his
MBA at The Ohio State University.
Heather Fraser Berry ‘93 is married to
Steven Berry and lives in Chicago and
has a MSW from the University of
Chicago. She supervises in an agency
called U-CAN.
Colleen Klohe Browne ‘96 and her husband,
Bryan, had their second child, Brayen
Charles, last July. Colleen will be celebrating her 10-year anniversary of working
as a speech therapist at Dayton Children
Medical Center this May.
Andrew Shock ‘96 writes “My daughter,
Alexandria Claire, was born October 3”.
Sarah Lydia Keihl Steward ‘96 wed O’Dell Leon
Steward, Jr. on 11-11-11 in Siesta Key,
Fla. “I am currently living in my childhood home in Dayton with my husband
and two dogs, and work for the City of
Dayton as an aquatic specialist.”
Andrew Sicnolf ‘97 writes, “I am living in Fort
Myers, Fla. and looking forward to coming back to Dayton for my brother, Ben Sicnolf’s ‘00 wedding. Congrats to him and two
of my younger cousins, Anne Prier ‘07 and Allison Rindler ‘07 on their recent engagements!”
Leah Shortal Pekarik ‘98 writes, “We have been
visiting “home” more often since my father, Bob Shortal, had a stroke in August.
2012 brings lots of hope and promise for
all of us. My husband, Scott, is going to
celebrate working 10 years for Norfolk
Southern Railroad in Toledo, and our
son, Bobby, will be turning 2 in April.
With continued rehabilitation and love
from friends and family, especially my
mother, Vickie Shortal ‘65, our father will
be able to return home. Daddy was very
proud of the CJ girls golf team winning
state! He had the honor of coaching the
team years ago. Our continued love and
support to C J - GO EAGLES!”
Allison Mahrer Hardwick ‘99 writes, “I am still
serving in the US Air Force; stationed at
Connon AFB, N.M. I have two wonderful
little girls, Mary (3) and Maggie (1) and
am married to Michael Hardwick who is
also in the US Air Force.”
Alex Baldukas ‘06 Exciting advances are being made in technology each
year. This rapid change in technology means that people are upgrading and outgrowing their computers, gaming equipment, music players and phones at a faster rate. That’s where Access Project
steps in.
For the past five years I have volunteered my time at this non-profit
organization that repairs, demanufactures and recycles electronic
equipment. My job at is to take apart low-end or donated items to reuse as parts for
other components. We recycle and reuse unwanted electric equipment in safe and responsible ways that are compatible with EPA Universal Waste Rules. (We also take
VCRs, ink and ink toners cartridges, washers and dishwashers, and much more!)
In addition to providing the community with a much-needed service, Access Project
educates and trains people with challenges to become members of the general workforce. I’m thrilled to be personally involved with training high school students to do
this job in the summer. This job is very rewarding for me because I get to know many
people and I know that what I do is helping our environment.
As you upgrade your own electronic equipment, keep us in mind as a “green” place to
take your discards. Access Project is located on Salem Avenue in Trotwood and is open
Monday through Friday and on Saturdays until noon. More information can be found
on our Web site: accessproject.us. Giving Access Project your old items will help the
environment and our workers. As we say, “Computers can be written off, people can’t.”
Margaret Helldoerfer Ossege ‘01 married Rick Ossege ‘90 in August. She continues to teach
3rd grade at St. Luke School in
Beavercreek and Rick sells advertising in
the Cincinnati area. Rick and Maggie live
in Dayton and love cheering their Eagles
to victory!”
Ryan Wilhelm ‘02 currently lives in St. Louis,
won re-election, I began work at Ivy Tech
Community College in Bloomington, Ind.
where I am the assistant director of admissions. I am planning to attend the School
of Public and Environmental Affairs to
focus on non-profit and local government
management. I thank Chaminade Julienne
and my government teachers at CJ for introducing me to politics — my passion.”
Missouri with his wife Ellie. Ryan has
been with Nestle for four years as an
internal audit manager.
Cory Collins ‘07 graduated FA-BOLC in the
United States Army in November 2011.
He is stationed at Fort Riley, Kans.
Alexa Lopez ‘06 writes, “I graduated from
Benjamin Gibson ‘07 is currently serving in the
Indiana University in English, political
science, and philosophy. I was involved
in the Student Union Board as the performing arts director and held a position
with the College Democrats. I interned in
Washington, D.C. through the Washington Leadership Program, and also with
a congressman in Bloomington as well
as worked as a receptionist for the College of Arts and Sciences. My first job out
of college was a field organizer for Congressman Baron Hill and then worked
as deputy campaign manager for Mayor
Mark Kruzan in Bloomington. After he
Charles Brinkman ‘30
Eleanor Thies Meyer ‘32
Evelyn Klosterman Millonig ‘32
Raymond Tobias ‘34
Rosemary Trimbach ‘35
Mildred Wolf Mulhern ‘36
Annamae Grimes Spidel ‘36
Elsie Vescio Ruetschilling ‘37
Harriet Duffy Focke ‘39
Helen Pequignot ‘39
Richard Campbell ‘40
Robert McEnheimer ‘40
Sister Mary Grace Burg ‘43
Harold Albers ‘44
Barbara Fox Alexander ‘44
U.S. Army as an infantryman. He returned
from his first deployment in August 2010.
He is with the 10th Mountain Division and
is currently waiting on orders to perform
counter-insurgency operations in support of
Operation Enduring Freedom.
Anne Prier ‘07 and Sam Schwendeman ‘07 are getting married August 2012. Both are in
graduate school at the University of
Cincinnati in the Doctorate of Physical
Therapy Program.
David Baumgartner ‘10 is currently a sophomore at the Rose-Hulman Institute of
Technology in Terre Haute, Ind. earning
a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering.
He is the community service chair for the
American Society of Civil Engineer’s student chapter at Rose-Hulman. He writes,
“Recently, my classmates and I helped to
assemble over 200 bicycles given to underpriviledged children in and around
Terre Haute, in an event called, ‘Bikes for
Tykes.’ Earlier this year I was awarded the
rank of Eagle Scout as well.”
Matthew Smith ‘11 writes, “I am thankful
for a great experience as an Eagle and it’s
the reason I am where I am today. I am at
Clark State for two years and will go on
to finish my degree in computer network
and criminal justice. The CJ community
is a long tradition that is growing each
day. Other Catholic high schools wish
they had the spirit and tradition that we
have at CJ! Encourage the young families
that you know to take a look at our wonderful school and build on our tradition.
Let’s go Eagles!
Chaminade Julienne extends its deepest sympathy to the families
and friends of CJ family members who have passed on.
Adele Eisenhauer ‘44
Angelo Manzo ‘44
Mary Ann Osterfeld Kenny ‘45
Mary Alice Westgerdes Wright ‘45
Muriel Anderson Buchenroth ‘46
Suzanne Kelly Helmig ‘46
Barbara Glaser Bachey ‘48
Emma Reigler Cummings ‘48
Rosemary Jeckering ‘48
Virginia Heindl Ryan ‘48
Wilbur Spatz ‘48
Walter Trimbach ‘48
Cletus Kobes ‘49
Francis J. Seiler ‘49
Regina Glode Earley ‘50
Francis E. Swift ‘50
Raymond Balzer ‘51
Lawrence Reboulet ‘51
M. Kathleen Metz Barnwell ‘52
Miriam Holtvoight Drake ‘52
Mary Anne Kauflin Jared ‘52
Robert Kaiser ‘52
Robert L. Speller ‘52
John Streiff ‘52
Carolyn Kite Jones ‘53
Deborah Monaghan Law ‘53
Robert Fecher ‘54
Rose Bysak Fischer ‘54
Loretta Riepenhoff Geiger ‘54
Mary Ann Osterfeld Kenny ‘45
Mary Ann Furay Warner ‘55
Paul Crisler ‘56
William Ireton ‘56
Darlene Schuster Alexander ‘57
Lawrence Francis ‘57
E. Peter Williams ‘58
Sandra Buning Birt ‘59
Carole M. Weber ‘59
Margaret Neary Dahm ‘61
Louis B. Folino ‘61
Penny Poeppelmeier Horstman ‘62
John Stebel ‘62
Timothy Sullivan ‘62
Diane Zimmerman Baird ‘65
Mary Staddon Gural ‘66
Please submit information for Milestones and In Memoriam to: milestones@cjeagles.org.
James Luneke ‘66
James Kain ‘67
Gerald Keating ‘67
Donald Koverman ‘69
Belinda Rawlins-Mason ‘70
Jeffrey Wenning ‘70
Paul Kuntz ‘71
Mary Welsh ‘71
John Murty ‘72
Kathleen Caulfield ‘75
Roland Hines ‘85
Michael Williams ‘96
Fri., June 15 and Sat., June 16
Reunion Weekend 2012
This year marks the inaugural year of the Chaminade Julienne Reunion Weekend. All milestone classes will gather on the same weekend to celebrate,
reconnect, and give thanks for all we have been given by being graduates of this wonderful school and its predecessors. We have an
action-packed weekend planned with time to reunite and reminisce with your class, to gather with family, and explore the CJ campus.
All milestone classes should have received an invitation in the mail. If not, please contact the alumni office at (937) 461-3740 x201 or cbennett@cjeagles.org.
F R I D AY, J U N E 15
Eagle Golf Outing - $50
9:00 a.m. registration (10:00 a.m. shotgun start)
Enjoy a golf scramble with your classmates and fellow alumni at Miami Valley
Golf Club. Includes golf, cart, and lunch. Play with your own foursome or we
will match you up with one.
Reunion Weekend Kick-Off & Taste of CJ - $20 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Enjoy your Dayton favorites under a tent on CJ’s Blue Green Field. “Taste”
features alumni owned and operated restaurants including: The Amber Rose,
Marion’s Pizza, Company 7, Jimmie’s Ladder 11, and Four Columns Catering.
Wine and beer included. Spouses and guests welcome. Tours of CJ’s campus
available all evening.
S AT U R D AY, J U N E 16
Eagle Tennis Center Alumni Match 9:00 a.m. - noon
Sign up to play some tennis. Participants will be matched up with opponents at
their level of play, beginner through advanced.
Golden Eagle Luncheon - $15 11:30 a.m.
Alumni of all classes celebrating 50 years or more are invited to join us in the
Eagle Family Fun 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Fun for all ages! Join us in the new Student Conditioning Center and Blue Green
Field for games, face painting, and science demonstrations.
Reunion Weekend Liturgy 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Join us for Mass in the CJ auditorium. The alumni choir will lead us in singing.
Contact us if you are interested in joining the group.
One for the archives
We want to capture your memories on video at
Reunion Weekend!
Top Five Ways our over 2,100 fans enjoy our Alumni
Facebook page:
There will be video booths set up Friday evening at Reunion Weekend Kick-Off so that we can preserve your
memories for future generations! We will appreciate all
contributions, and in particular we are looking for:
5. Know the latest happening at CJ
• your favorite memories of school life
2. Find classmates and friends
• the impact a teacher had on your life
1. Share some great memories of high school years!
• the sacrifices that your family made to send you to
Chaminade, Julienne, St. Joseph’s, or CJ
WINTER TOPICS: Reunion Weekend • All-call for young singers in
CJ’s Spring Musical • Former Julienne Building • Catholic Schools
Week • Athletic Hall of Fame • CJ Basketball • Fish Fry
We look forward to capturing your memories!
SPRING 2012 16
4. Receive invites to alumni events
3. Have questions answered about the school
Like us! Find us at Chaminade Julienne Alumni
CLASS OF ‘57 • CLASS OF ‘62 • CLASS OF ‘67 • CLASS OF ‘72 • CLASS OF ‘77 • CLASS OF ‘82
Individual Class Gatherings
Milestone years will gather all over Dayton to celebrate! Where are you going on Saturday night? See below for where your class will celebrate a night all your own.
Register online or by mail. Registration and payment must be received by June 1, 2012. If you are interested in helping with Reunion Weekend or if you have
questions, contact Caitlin Cronin Bennett, alumni relations coordinator, at (937)461-3740 x201 or cbennett@cjeagles.org.
S AT U R D AY, J U N E 16 E V E N I N G
— or at another date and time as indicated below in bold type.
Chaminade 1952
Giuliano (an Anticoli Tavern) at 5:30 p.m., $35/
person. Contact Fred Sills (937) 432-6715 or
Julienne 1952
The Julienne class of 1952 will gather for lunch
on Thursday, June 14 at The Presidential at
noon. There will be other gatherings for those
interested on Thursday and Saturday evenings.
More information will be sent out. Contact Beth
Grismer at (937) 438-9878.
Julienne 1957
Join us at Neil’s Heritage House at 6:30 p.m.,
$32/person. Contact Mary Ellen Romer
Graham at (937) 885-1223.
Chaminade 1957
The 55th year reunion on September 21 & 22.
Plans include Friday golf, Friday night stag,
and Saturday night dinner at the Presidential.
Contact Jack Thein at (937) 657-3720
with questions.
Class of 1962
The combined 50th class reunion is the weekend of July 27-29 in addition to the Reunion
Weekend activities in June. Grads from CHS,
JHS, and SJHS will gather for this special
reunion. Activities will include a Friday golf
outing, individual school grad activities on
Friday night, a joint dinner at the Presidential
Center on Saturday night, and a memorial Mass
on Sunday morning at Emmanuel. Contact
Mike Freeman at (937) 294-0201, or freebs62@
aol.com with questions.
Class of 1967
The women of Julienne & St. Joseph will also
gather for lunch on Saturday at 11:30 a.m.
at Neil’s Heritage House, $35/person. In the
evening, the combined class gathering will be
held at The Engineer’s Club of Dayton 5:30 p.m.
Cocktails and 6:30 p.m. Dinner $45/person.
Contact Rick Ianniarino at (937) 275-7176 or
riannarino@woh.rr.com with questions.
Class of 1972
Combined class gathering at Jimmie’s Ladder
11 at 7 p.m., $20/person. Contact Mike Fries at
(937) 275-4067 with questions.
Class of 1977
Spaghetti Warehouse downtown beginning at
6 p.m., $25/person. Planners are Tom Arquilla,
Teresa Schaefer Hucke, and Carol Leibold Krebs.
Class of 1982
Celebration scheduled for July 27-28 in addition
to CJ’s Reunion Weekend. More details to follow
from the committee. Contact Jon Boeckman at
(937) 254-2533 or cjeagles82@hotmail.com.
Class of 1987
The Wine Loft Dayton at the Greene at 7 p.m.
$55/person. Contact Scott Monaghan at (937)
436-5915 or smonaghan@monaghaninc.com.
Class of 1992
UD Flight Deck at 7 p.m., $25/person. Contact
Lynne Gregory Storar at lynnestorar@gmail.com.
Class of 1997
The Amber Rose at 7 p.m., $10/person.
Contact Anne Beyer Schoen at (937) 294-5110 or
Class of 2002
Brixx Ice Co. at 7 p.m., $15/person. Contact Brett
Chmiel at bchmiel@cjeagles.org.
Class of 2007
Flanagan’s Pub at 7 p.m., $10/person. Contact
Katie Hoendorf at hoendorfk1@udayton.edu.
Chaminade Julienne High School
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Dayton, Ohio 45402
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Predecessor Schools
St. Mary’s School (1850-1927)
Notre Dame Academy (1886-1927)
Julienne High School (1927-1973)
Chaminade High School (1927-1973)
St. Joseph Commercial High School (1945-1974)
Picnic with the Pops!
Thur., May 3 at 7 p.m.
Join us for dinner and a show!
Details on page 10.
2012 Reunion Weekend
June 15-16
The first ever! Details on page 16.
Alumni & Families
Grades K-7
It’s Time!
Open House
K-7th GRADE Try-it
Sunday, April 22 • 1 p.m.
Treat Your Family to an Afternoon of FUN!
Catholic Faith • Excellent Academics • Enriched Community