Where Sourcing Meets Innovation September 28-30, 2015 · Wigwam, Phoenix, AZ Sponsored By: Organized By: PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 2 WELCOME Dear friend of ProcureCon, If you think about the key functions of your job just eight years ago versus today, you’ll note that there has been quite a dramatic shift! We’ve seen procurement evolve from 1.0 (purchase orders, RFPs, and other tactical functions) to 2.0 (strategic sourcing and value creation), and now to 3.0 (innovation, business intelligence and revenue generation.) Given these rapid industry advancements, you need a place to learn how to successfully transition to the next phase of your procurement journey. ProcureCon Indirect West is just that place. At this year’s event, you will learn how the rise of Procurement 3.0 will elevate your procurement function beyond the strategic into a true internal business intelligence unit for your company — arming you with a comprehensive plan for implementing the latest strategic sourcing solutions through a variety of peer-led interactive sessions. Key themes at this year’s event include: · The latest in category management techniques · 5HGHȴQLQJVNLOOVHWVIRUWKHQH[WJHQHUDWLRQ · Innovating with key suppliers to achieve true win-win partnerships · 8VLQJSURFXUHPHQWWRLQȵXHQFHWRSOLQHJURZWKDQGJHQHUDWHUHYHQXH · Repositioning procurement to operate in an interconnected world We hope you’ll join us in Phoenix this September to experience how shared insight and innovation can truly transform your company’s procurement organization. Sincerely, Frank Musero Executive Director, ProcureCon Events Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 3 YOUR 2015 PROCURECON INDIRECT WEST SPEAKER FACULTY CPOs Rudy Batts Director of Procurement Zendesk Rick Darnold Vice President, Strategic Sourcing Boyd Gaming Corporation Quave Burton Vice President Global Expense Management & Services Abercrombie & Fitch Bob Hein Head of Enterprise Strategic Sourcing & Procurement Verisk Analytics .DURQ$(YDQR Vice President Global Supply Chain HID Global Corporation Joel Kornberg Vice President, Global Procurement Informatica Lawrence Fox Vice President, Purchasing Thales USA, Inc. Kenneth Chan &KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Asplundh Tree Expert Co. Jesus Galvan North & Latin America Sourcing and Procurement Manager Vopak Emma Chontos Global Sourcing Senior Vice President Paramount Pictures Ramsay Chu &KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Rio Tinto Ron Gregorsok Vice President & Chief Procurement 2ɝFHU Luxottica North America Rudy Lim Head of Global Procurement Colliers International Mitch Plaat &KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Con-Way Daeon Richardson SVP Global Procurement Northern Trust Jay Sklar CPO HUB International Joanna Martinez &KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU &XVKPDQ:DNHȴHOG Mike Morsch Vice President Global Procurement CDK Global Heads of Indirect Procurement Luz Aragon Director of Procurement Leprino Foods Bryce Berg VP Business Services Molina Healthcare Adam Boal Executive Director of Global Indirect Procurement Amgen Michael Cygan Director, Indirect Procurement True Value -H'HYRQ VP - Indirect Procurement Hewlett-Packard Register Now! Carlos Dones Head of Indirect Global Sourcing Solutions Applied Materials David Hearn Senior Director Indirect Procurement Juniper Networks Dawn Fritzell Procurement Indirect Services Team Leader Kimberly-Clark Corporation Tracy Joshua Vice President, Procurement Indirect Kellogg Company Flora Fuller Manager, Global Sourcing Indirect Spectrum Brands Mike Kamradt Director, Indirect Procurement Beam Suntory Stephen Glenning Director, Indirect Procurement Wegmans Food Markets Dan Linney Director, Global Indirect Procurement Asurion www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com Doug O’Brien Vice President Indirect Procurement Brinker International Supply Chain Management Mariela Oetinger Strategic Sourcing Group Director: Indirect Sourcing Safeway John Proverbs Senior Director, Corporate, Indirect and Technology Procurement KLA-Tencor Brian Reichardt Director, Procurement Services PetSmart 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION Phil Sampona Global Category Senior Manager/ Lead - Professional Services FMC Corporation Steve Schepps Director, Cross-Portfolio Procurement Lead KKR Chris Sandford Global Purchasing Director, Indirect Volvo Cars Nate Seibel Director, Procurement Finance & Indirect Procurement Center of Expertise (CoE) Energizer PAGE 4 -HUH\$6PLWK Sourcing Director DuPont Christian T. Widmann Director Global Indirect Purchasing Manitowoc Cranes Scott Wilkerson Vice President Enterprise Sourcing McKesson Corporation Vivian Wu Global Head, Indirect Procurement Revlon Leading Procurement Practitioners Randall C. Clark Global Lead Commodity Buyer, Segment Owner–Operating Fluids Volvo Group Trucks Operations Jon Kesman Global Procurement Director Professional Services and Labor Reed Elsevier Nicky Dilsworth-Floyd Sr. Manager – IT/Online Procurement Sears Holdings Melvin Landry Director, Strategic Sourcing Caesars Entertainment Corporation Mariam Georgaroudakis Strategic Commodity Manager Raytheon Company Trupti Marshall Vice President, Supplier Management ABB Optical Group -H*UD\ P2P Manager SVB Financial Group Gregory Holowicki Director, Global IT Procurement & Contracts VF Corporation Christopher Kelley Category Manager, Contingent Workforce salesforce.com Barry Norton Director of Strategic Sourcing Equifax Inc. Stephen Osmun Strategic Sourcing Manager, Process Center of Excellence Anthem Carol Philipps Senior Manager, Supply Chain Fellow Raytheon Company John Ruebush Director Procurement 6XVWDLQDELOLW\&RQȵLFW0LQHUDOV Program Johnson & Johnson Marc Ruzicka Strategic Sourcing & Procurement Manager Farmers Insurance Barb Smith Manager, Global Procurement Services Delivery Xerox Corporation Yasuo Sonoda Senior Global Manager, Travel, Card and Employee Services VeriSign Joe Stephens Sr. Director, Sourcing & Supplier Management PPL Services Corporation Joe Teesdale Global Procurement Manager - Indirect Spend Cisco Systems Ken Veach Director, Vendor 0DQDJHPHQW2ɝFH SVB Financial Group Béatrice Walker Director, Global Indirect Procurement Asurion Michael Stancill Strategic Sourcing Manager PetSmart Paul Williams Director – North America Procurement Operations 0RQGHOÕ]ΖQWHUQDWLRQDO Kenneth Jones Vice President, Chief Financial 2ɝFHU Annie E. Casey Foundation Joseph Richardson President & CEO Professional Purchasing Partners Industry Experts Phil Canning Director of Compensation DQG%HQHȴWV Equifax Inc. Lamar Chesney )RUPHU&KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Delta Air Lines; Marsh & McLennan Companies; SunTrust Banks Register Now! Craig Demarest Senior Director, Consumer Marketing, Strategic Innovations Group (Former CPO) RJ Reynolds Charles Dominick President & Chief Procurement 2ɝFHU Next Level Purchasing Association www.procureconindirect.com Derreck Kayongo Founder Global Soap Project procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 5 Monday, September 28, 2015 DAY 1: THE RISE OF PROCUREMENT 3.0 PRACTITIONERS-ONLY DAY 7:30 Registration and Breakfast 8:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks 8:40 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: You Have Your Seat at the Table. Yay. Now What? You’ve delivered cost savings. You’ve demonstrated value. You’ve earned your place in the C-Suite. What do you do now to advance the procurement function and secure its place for many years to come? Ramsay Chu, a leading global CPO, will discuss how to stay innovative and reinvent yourself, including: · Strengthening the value of indirect procurement · Creating a procurement “brand” to increase awareness of your accomplishments and capabilities throughout the organization · Overcoming the law of diminishing returns to generate more business improvements, not just cost improvements · How procurement can contribute to revenue growth · Implementing the next stage of the business relationship · What’s beyond price and value? Ramsay Chu &KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Rio Tinto 9:05 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION:+RZ5HYORQΖV5HGHȴQLQJΖWV3URFXUHPHQW2UJDQL]DWLRQDQG:K\ Revlon, with more than $700 million in global indirect spend, is in the process of completely reinventing its procurement program. Join Vivian Wu for this keynote case study on how they analyzed their program to determine what was working, what wasn’t and the processes they’ve implemented in their transformation to a world-class procurement organization. Vivian Wu Global Head, Indirect Procurement Revlon 9:30 Transition to Working Groups Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 6 Day 1 Continued 9:35 Working Groups for Improving Business Functions Attendees will break into these working group sessions, facilitated by area and category specialists, who will guide the JURXSWRZDUGFUDIWLQJDQDFWLRQSODQRIȴYHLGHDVWKDW\RXFDQLPSOHPHQWLPPHGLDWHO\WREHJLQJHWWLQJUHVXOWVEDFNLQWKH RɝFH7KHDFWLRQSODQVZLOOEHUHSRUWHGEDFNWRWKHHQWLUHJURXSGXULQJWKHDIWHUQRRQVHVVLRQV(DFKJURXSLVOLPLWHGWR participants to ensure practical takeaways. You can select your working groups at the time of conference registration. Working Group 1: Elevating Procurement Maturity Paul Williams Director – North America Procurement Operations 0RQGHOÕ]ΖQWHUQDWLRQDO Kenneth Chan &KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Asplundh Tree Expert Co. Working Group 2: Improving Procurement Operations Dan Linney Director, Global Indirect Procurement Asurion -H*UD\ P2P Manager SVB Financial Group Working Group 3: Ethics Mariam Georgaroudakis Strategic Commodity Manager Raytheon Company Carol Philipps Senior Manager, Supply Chain Fellow Raytheon Company Working Group 4: Big Data & Business Analytics — What Does It Mean For Procurement? Yasuo Sonoda Senior Global Manager, Travel, Card and Employee Services VeriSign :RUNLQJ*URXS%UHDNLQJ'RZQ<RXU2UJDQL]DWLRQ7R%XLOG$QG6WD<RXU7HDP Barb Smith Manager, Global Procurement Services Delivery Xerox Corporation Brian Reichardt Director, Procurement Services PetSmart Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 7 Day 1 Continued 10:45 11:05 Networking Break Working Groups for Mastering Complex Categories These working group sessions are designed to help you develop strategies for dealing with complex or non-traditional categories that many procurement practitioners are now responsible for. Each group will be facilitated by a category expert and two SUDFWLWLRQHUVDQGWKH\ZLOOJXLGHWKHJURXSWRZDUGFRQVWUXFWLQJȴYHLGHDVIRUWDFNOLQJWKHVHFDWHJRULHVDQGUHSRUWEDFNWKHUHVXOWV to the entire group during the afternoon sessions. Each group is limited to 30 participants in order to maximize interactivity. Working Group 1: Marketing Patrick Fogarty, CEO Americas, Charterhouse :RUNLQJ*URXS+5%HQHȴWV Bryce Berg VP Business Services Molina Healthcare -H'HYRQ VP - Indirect Procurement Hewlett-Packard Working Group 3: Professional Services Phil Sampona Global Category Senior Manager/Lead - Professional Services FMC Corporation Bob Hein Head of Enterprise Strategic Sourcing & Procurement Verisk Analytics Working Group 4: Information Technology Nicky Dilsworth-Floyd Sr. Manager – IT/Online Procurement Sears Holdings Michael Stancill Strategic Sourcing Manager PetSmart Working Group 5: Travel & Meetings Management Rudy Lim Head of Global Procurement Colliers International Jay Sklar CPO HUB International Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 8 Day 1 Continued 12:15 Procurement Practitioners Networking Lunch 1:15 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: The Power of Small Ideas in the Land of Giants When is the last time you were inspired into action? Come hear Derreck talk about a small but powerful idea that awakened a whole industry into action. Derreck Kayongo Founder Global Soap Project 1:55 2:50 Working Group Report Backs The facilitators of the morning working groups will each take 5 minutes to present the outcomes from their session. 'ULYH&RQWLQXRXV9DOXHWR<RXU3URFXUHPHQW2UJDQL]DWLRQ Sundar Kamakshisundaram Senior Director, Solutions Marketing Ariba 3:10 Networking Break and Opening of The Solutions Zone (Conference Opens to All Attendees) Concurrent Sessions Begin 3:40 4:00 7UDFN$*OREDOL]DWLRQ Track B: Workforce Management PRESENTATION: Reinforcing Procurement’s 5ROHLQDQΖQWHUFRQQHFWHG2UJDQL]DWLRQ PRESENTATION: Managing a Global Workforce Quave Burton Vice President Global Expense Management & Services Abercrombie & Fitch .DURQ$(YDQR Vice President Global Supply Chain HID Global Corporation PANEL: Strengthening Procurement Programs in a Superconnected World PANEL: Keeping Costs in Check When Using Contingent Labor in a Rising Price Environment Panelists: Panelists: Daeon Richardson SVP Global Procurement Northern Trust Christopher Kelley Category Manager, Contingent Workforce salesforce.com Steve Schepps Director, Cross-Portfolio Procurement Lead KKR Marc Ruzicka Strategic Sourcing & Procurement Manager Farmers Insurance Joseph Richardson President & CEO Professional Purchasing Partners Adam Boal Executive Director of Global Indirect Procurement Amgen Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 9 Day 1 Continued 4:40 Three Leading Procurement Challenges & Best Practices to Resolve Them Managing Contingent and SOW-Based Labor Presented by Fieldglass Presented by Insight Sourcing Group 5:00 Roundtable Discussions TABLE 1 Hosted by: Ariba TABLE 2 Hosted by: Insight Sourcing Group TABLE 3 The Impact of the ACA on Contingent and Contract Employees TABLE 4 Creating a Procurement Center of Excellence Hosted by: Stephen Osmun, Strategic Sourcing Manager, Process Center of Excellence, Anthem TABLE 5 Integrating Social Tools Into The Procurement Process Hosted by: Melvin Landry, Director, Strategic Sourcing, Caesars Entertainment Corporation TABLE 6 Hosted by Fieldglass TABLE 7 332SWLPL]DWLRQ TABLE 8 Transforming Your P-Card Program Hosted by: Joel Kornberg, Vice President, Global Procurement, Informatica TABLE 9 Low-Cost vs. Best-Cost Country Sourcing Hosted by: Mariela Oetinger, Strategic Sourcing Group Director: Indirect Sourcing, Safeway TABLE 10 Hosted by: Everest Group Additional Rountdable Topics to be announced. 6:00 Welcome Reception in The Solutions Zone “The people at ProcureCon are always thinking about the future of procurement, not just what we have already accomplished. It’s not just about sharing best practices, but also discussing what’s next, and that’s why we come back year after year.” -Charen Buyce, Global Indirect Procurement Director, Amway Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 10 Tuesday, September 29, 2015 DAY 2: STRATEGY AND TRANSFORMATION 7:45 Registration and Breakfast 8:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks 8:45 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Value Is in the Eye of the Beholder CPO Network (limited to 30 CPOs & Global Heads of Indirect from $1B+ revenue cos.) 9:05-10:25 Procurement practitioners are oftentimes their own worst enemy. Often bogged down in process, they have a tendency to alienate the value others see. Procurement visionary Lamar Chesney will be on hand to help you: · Assess the value of your business’ procurement function, right-size it for your business, and get the investment you need to raise its visibility in your organization · Become more aware of the capability of your team, your supply base, and the goals of the business to innovate internally · Capture and demonstrate your value to the business to avoid having them make ill-informed decisions Lamar Chesney )RUPHU&KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Delta Air Lines; Marsh & McLennan Companies; SunTrust Banks 9:05 PANEL: Mitigating Disruption By Implementing a Comprehensive Supplier Risk Management Program SESSION 1: Value Alignment To Get the Results You Want When procurement and the business are in alignment strategically, it’s much easier to deliver value. In this session, you will discuss how to demonstrate value to keep your engagements aligned. Lamar Chesney )RUPHU&KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Delta Air Lines; Marsh & McLennan Companies; SunTrust Banks Panelists: Tracy Joshua Vice President, Procurement Indirect Kellogg Company Christian T. Widmann Director Global Indirect Purchasing Manitowoc Cranes 9:45 Procurement Success: Where Do You Rank? Presented by Coupa Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 11 Day 2 Continued 10:05 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Reinventing Procurement to Move Beyond Savings Once the opportunities for cost savings have diminished to close to zero, how can procurement adapt to the new reality? What are you doing now that couldn’t be conceived of two years ago, and how can you use that hindsight to forecast what you’ll be doing tomorrow? Does it make sense to look at procurement from an analyst perspective to GHYHORSQHZSURFXUHPHQWSURFHVVHV"ΖQWKLVSUHVHQWDWLRQ-RDQQD0DUWLQH]&32RI&XVKPDQ:DNHȴHOGZLOOJLYH you strategies on what to do once the savings have been squeezed out. CPO Network Session 1 continued. Joanna Martinez &KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU &XVKPDQ:DNHȴHOG 10:25 Networking Break 11:00 3DQHO'LVFXVVLRQH3D\DEOHV0D[LPL]HWKH%HQHȴWVIRU<RXDQG<RXU6XSSOLHUV Ken Sebastian Director, Visa SESSION 2: The Intersection of Big Data and Risk Management Additional Panelists TBA 11:40 11:00-12:20 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: Tying Indirect Savings To Revenue The maturity of the procurement function has created many opportunities to move beyond cost savings to drive UHYHQXHDQGSURȴWDELOLW\7KLVSUHVHQWDWLRQSURYLGHV\RXZLWKWDQJLEOHH[DPSOHVRIKRZWR · Overcome the mindset that indirect procurement is pure overhead · 3DUWQHUZLWKȴQDQFHWRLGHQWLI\UHYHQXHHQKDQFLQJDFWLYLWLHVDQGYDOLGDWHVDYLQJV · Build strategic internal alliances with the business, resulting in increased margins, savings and revenue that can directly impact EBITDA No one wants to become the next Target, Home Depot or Sony, but too many companies leave privacy and security with IT to deal with. Procurement and Legal should be getting involved to make sure WKHFRQWUDFWVDQGOHYHORIVHUYLFHȴWWKH needs of the company to keep costs in check and data secure. But what exactly should procurement be looking for? Discuss with your peers. · Obtain the resources needed to make this model work Randall C. Clark Global Lead Commodity Buyer, Segment Owner–Operating Fluids Volvo Group Trucks Operations 12:20 Networking Luncheon Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 12 Day 2 Continued Concurrent Sessions Begin 1:30 1:50 Track A: 2UJDQL]DWLRQDO7UDQVIRUPDWLRQ Track B: Category Management 2.0 CPO Network (continued) PRESENTATION: Change Management in Procurement PRESENTATION: Reinventing Category Management David Hearn Senior Director Indirect Procurement Juniper Networks Mitch Plaat &KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Con-Way SESSION 3: Preparing for and Responding to Global Macroeconomic & Political Conditions Actionable BI Analytics for Managing the Global Workforce Case Study Presentation by Pontoon Presented by PRO Unlimited PANEL: Engaging Stakeholders and Internal Customers to Build True Partnerships PANEL: Capturing Unmanaged and New Categories to Uncover Savings Opportunities Panelists: Béatrice Walker Director, Global Indirect Procurement Asurion Jon Kesman Global Procurement Director - Professional Services and Labor Reed Elsevier -HUH\$6PLWK Sourcing Director DuPont Moderator: Gabe Smith Vice President, Client Development - Americas Region Schneider Electric Panelists: Doug O’Brien Vice President Indirect Procurement Brinker International Supply Chain Management Rudy Batts Director of Procurement Zendesk Flora Fuller Manager, Global Sourcing Indirect Spectrum Brands 2:50 Case Study Presentation TBD Case Study Presentation by Ivalua 3:10 Networking Break 3:45 Roundtable Discussions 2:10 TABLE 1 TABLE 5 Applying Lean Principles To Indirect Hosted by: Coupa Procurement TABLE 2 Hosted by: Pontoon TABLE 3 Hosted by: Ivalua TABLE 4 What’s New in Supplier Scorecarding and Benchmarking? Register Now! TABLE 6 The Rise of the Freelancer Management System Hosted by: Daniel Barrett, Vice President Sales, Upwork The drop in oil prices, wild currency ȵXFWXDWLRQVDQGJOREDOSROLWLFDO instability have forced CPOs to rethink how they do business to achieve desired savings on everything from commodities and plastics purchases, to freight and transport agreements and even their travel programs. Discuss with fellow CPOs on how to structure contracts and supplier agreements to best weather through this period of uncertainty. Craig Demarest Senior Director, Consumer Marketing, Strategic Innovations Group (Former CPO) RJ Reynolds 3:25-4:30 SESSION 4: Free Flow For the next hour, one of the Wigwam’s renowned sommeliers will present a selection of some of his favorite wines. This is your TABLE 7 Hosted by: MRO www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 13 Day 2 Continued TABLE 8 TABLE 9 Freight, Transportation & Logistics Management Hosted by: Stephen Glenning, Director, Indirect Procurement, Wegmans Food Markets TABLE 10 Warehouse and Plant Management Hosted by: Dawn Fritzell, Procurement Indirect Services Team Leader, Kimberly-Clark Corporation TABLE 12 Actionable BI Analytics for Managing the Global Workforce Hosted by: PRO Unlimited TABLE 11 Hosted by: IBISWorld opportunity to chat with your peers on top of mind issues and current events, because we know that your business is never static. Uncover Real Savings from Ongoing Operations to Support Revenue Growth Hosted by: Michael Baron, Vice President, Rimini Street Additional Rountdable Topics to be announced. 4:50 Track A: 2UJDQL]DWLRQDO7UDQVIRUPDWLRQ Track B: Category Management 2.0 CPO Network (continued) PANEL: Linking Spend Management to Risk Management PANEL: Making the Most of Your Outsourcing Engagements Panelists: Panelists: Nate Seibel Director, Procurement Finance & Indirect Procurement Center of Expertise (CoE) Energizer John Proverbs Senior Director, Corporate, Indirect and Technology Procurement KLA-Tencor Carlos Dones Head of Indirect Global Sourcing Solutions Applied Materials Stephen Osmun Strategic Sourcing Manager, Process Center of Excellence Anthem SESSION 5: Developing Career Paths to Keep Your Team High Performing and Happy Rick Darnold Vice President, Strategic Sourcing Boyd Gaming Corporation Mike Morsch Vice President Global Procurement CDK Global Joe Stephens Sr. Director, Sourcing & Supplier Management PPL Services Corporation 5:30 CASE STUDY: How to Build a Successful 6WUDWHJLF6RXUFLQJ2UJDQL]DWLRQIURPWKH Ground Up Gregory Holowicki Director, Global IT Procurement & Contracts VF Corporation 5:50 CASE STUDY: Partnering with Engineering to (HFWLYHO\0DQDJH&DSLWDO([SHQGLWXUHV The next round of “good” jobs will OLNHO\LQFOXGHWKHȴHOGRIVXSSO\FKDLQ management, as major corporations are increasingly seeking our graduates from newly established supply chain management programs. In this session, discuss how CPOs can build a career path for new hires and junior managers where none previously existed. Ron Gregorsok Vice President & Chief Procurement 2ɝFHU Luxottica North America Luz Aragon Director of Procurement Leprino Foods ProcureCon Powwow Under the Desert Sunset Hosted by Coupa Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 14 Wednesday, September 30, 2015 DAY 3: INNOVATING FOR TOMORROW 7:45 Registration and Breakfast 8:30 Opening Remarks 8:45 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: The Road to Becoming a Best Indirect Purchasing 2UJDQL]DWLRQ7KH9ROYR6WRU\ Indirect Purchasing at Volvo have almost doubled their savings the last two years from previous years, a direct result of its transformation in all areas of indirect procurement. It’s also no coincidence that Volvo Cars is the fastest growing premium European Car brand with 20 months continuous month-over-month sales increase, doubling LWVSURȴWDELOLW\LQWKLVWLPH9ROYRȇV&(2GLUHFWO\DWWULEXWHVWKHSURȴWJURZWKWRFRVWVDYLQJVLPSURYHPHQWV&KULV Sandford, Global Purchasing Director, Indirect from Volvo Cars, will tell you how they did it. Chris Sandford Global Purchasing Director, Indirect Volvo Cars 9:05 KEYNOTE PRESENTATION: The CFO Speaks: The CPO’s Evolution from Voodoo Master to Partner Procurement practitioners can’t always assume that their goals are aligned to the CFO’s. The relationship is often contentious due to a lack of trust and a CFO’s inability to grasp the perceived value the CPO brings. But how can the CPO work with the CFO to build a strong relationship? How can a CFO sort between good procurement and bad procurement practices? This session will bring you the CFO’s perspective on how to build credibility, align goals, develop a common vision for measuring success, and become true partners. Kenneth Jones 9LFH3UHVLGHQW&KLHI)LQDQFLDO2ɝFHU Annie E. Casey Foundation “At ProcureCon we are always having conversations about emerging technology and how we can integrate that technology into our individual procurement situation.” -Cody Aguirre Clearwater, Senior Manager, Indirect Procurement, Brightstar Corp. Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 15 Day 3 Continued 9:25 PANEL: The Role of Public Opinion In Procurement — Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Policies for the Right Reasons Moderator: Charles Dominick 3UHVLGHQW&KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Next Level Purchasing Association Panelists: Scott Wilkerson Vice President Enterprise Sourcing McKesson Corporation John Ruebush 'LUHFWRU3URFXUHPHQW6XVWDLQDELOLW\&RQȵLFW0LQHUDOV3URJUDP Johnson & Johnson 10:05 Enterprise MRO: Unlocking the Hidden Value in Your Indirect Supply Chain Kurt Meiers Director, Strategic Sourcing SDI 10:25 PANEL: Driving Innovation Through Collaborative Supplier Relationships Panelists: Kenneth Chan &KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Asplundh Tree Expert Co. Mike Kamradt Director, Indirect Procurement Beam Suntory John Proverbs Senior Director, Corporate, Indirect and Technology Procurement KLA-Tencor Trupti Marshall Vice President, Supplier Management ABB Optical Group 11:05 CASE STUDY: CoreTrust 11:25 Networking Break and Final Visit to The Solutions Zone 11:55 CASE STUDY: Procurement & HR Teaming Up Barry Norton Director of Strategic Sourcing Equifax Inc. Phil Canning 'LUHFWRURI&RPSHQVDWLRQDQG%HQHȴWV Equifax Inc. Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 16 Day 3 Continued 12:25 PANEL: 5HGHȴQLQJ6NLOOVHWVIRUD1H[W*HQHUDWLRQ3URFXUHPHQW7HDP Panelists: Michael Cygan Director, Indirect Procurement True Value Jesus Galvan North & Latin America Sourcing and Procurement Manager Vopak Emma Chontos Global Sourcing Senior Vice President Paramount Pictures Lawrence Fox Vice President, Purchasing Thales USA, Inc. 1:05 PRESENTATION: 8VLQJ(HFWLYH&RQWUDFW0DQDJHPHQW3URFHVVHV7R'HOLYHU9DOXH Mitigate Risk Ken Veach 'LUHFWRU9HQGRU0DQDJHPHQW2ɝFH SVB Financial Group 1:25 Networking Lunch 2:15 ProcureCon Indirect West Concludes “With ProcureCon, I get to recognize that I’m part of a group. These are people who do exactly what I do and have the exact same challenges I do. They are looking at how they’re organizing. They’re looking at how they’re marketing their team. They’re looking at how they’re attracting and retaining talent. And that’s everything I’m working on right now.” -Suzanne Harris, Vice President, Sourcing & Procurement, First American Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 17 Tuesday, September 29, 2015 CPO NETWORK Limited to 30 CPOs & Global Heads of Indirect from $1B+ revenue companies. The CPO Network’s mission is to develop a strategic agenda for the evolving role of the chief procurement RɝFHUΖQWRGD\ȇVZRUOGRIUDSLG change, the success of a CPO is measured not just by cost savings, but by creating value and becoming a strategic member of the management WHDP&KLHISURFXUHPHQWRɝFHUV and the most senior procurement executives of the world’s largest corporations are invited to spend one day during ProcureCon Indirect West deliberating vital issues that impact procurement leaders and their companies – becoming a better CPO, developing a comprehensive risk management program, overcoming challenges involving big data and analytics and locating and grooming future leaders. Register Now! 9:05-10:25 Session 1: Value Alignment To Get the Results You Want Lamar Chesney, )RUPHU&KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHUDelta Air Lines; Marsh & McLennan Companies; SunTrust Banks 11:00-12:20 Session 2: The Intersection of Big Data and Risk Management 1:30-2:50 Session 3: Preparing for and Responding to Global Macroeconomic & Political Conditions Craig Demarest, Senior Director, Consumer Marketing, Strategic Innovations Group (Former CPO), RJ Reynolds 3:25-4:30 Session 4: Free Flow CPOs will join the Wigwam’s sommelier for a festive wine tasting. 4:30-5:30 Session 5: Developing Career Paths To Keep Your Team High Performing & Happy Ron Gregorsok, 9LFH3UHVLGHQW&KLHI3URFXUHPHQW2ɝFHU Luxottica North America To apply for participation in the CPO Network, please email Frank Musero at f.musero@wbresearch.com www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 18 WHAT MAKES PROCURECON INDIRECT WEST UNIQUE? MARKET-DRIVEN INTIMATE ProcureCon Indirect West’s agenda was created through in-depth market research with procurement practitioners. We are not beholden to set viewpoints or mission statements driven by editorial policy, politics, or winning business. You can be assured that ProcureCon Indirect West’s content is independent, objective, and focused on the procurement practitioner. Asking a question in a large room can be quite intimidating for some, but when in a group of 10-15 others with likeminded problems that need solving, magic happens. That’s why the ProcureCon roundtables are hands-down the most anticipated section of the conference. This is your opportunity to go in-depth with a speaker, share ideas, and make new connections in an intimate setting. PEER-LED ProcureCon Indirect West is a senior-level procurement and sourcing event, researched with top sourcing professionals to ensure the agenda provides top-ofmind issues, told from the point of view of the sourcing experts. COLLABORATIVE Featuring 24 roundtable discussions, 10 interactive workshops on managing the most complex pieces of your job, and 20 main conference sessions, you’ll hear a variety of viewpoints and be able to share your ideas with your peers at a variety of structured and unstructured networking activities. Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com A COMMUNITY From the pre-conference release of our networking app to social breaks, happy hours, and on-site entertainment (to be revealed!) ProcureCon Indirect West is an event where you’ll have fun and network with your fellow attendees. You may have initially UHJLVWHUHGIRUDQHGXFDWLRQDOHYHQWEXW\RXȇOOȴQG yourself making new friends, learning to improve your job and advancing your career. procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 19 LET’S HAVE SOME FUN! Sunday, September 27, 2015 Tuesday, September 29, 2015 Early Bird Welcome Tailgate Party 1:00 Make sure you arrive in Phoenix early to watch the Arizona Cardinals take on the San Francisco 49ers at The Wigwam Bar. Meet and network with your IHOORZDWWHQGHHVEHIRUHWKHFRQIHUHQFHNLFNVR<RXUȴUVWGULQNLVRQXV Join us in the Solutions Zone for Mimosas and Bellinis at the AM break and beer and sliders at the PM break. 3:25 During your busy day of active listening, keynotes and networking, this is your chance to take control of your event experience. Sangria will help JHWWKHFRQYHUVDWLRQVȵRZLQJDV\RXGLVFXVVQLFKHWRSLFVLQDVPDOOJURXS setting facilitated by a subject matter expert. Monday, September 28, 2015 3:00 Solutions Zone Grand Opening Join us in the Solutions Zone for popcorn, crackerjack, and beer as we open WKHȵRRUIRU\RXWRPHHWZLWKZRUOGFODVVSURFXUHPHQWVROXWLRQVSURYLGHUV Visit each booth to be entered to win 2 tickets to the Arizona Diamondbacks game Tuesday evening. The more booths you visit, the more chances you have to win! 6:00 Sangria Roundtables 5:30 ProcureCon Powwow After a busy day of solution-focused sessions, relax, mingle and celebrate with fellow ProcureCon attendees under the desert sunset. Wednesday, September 30,2015 Southwest Fiesta After a full day of interactive workshops, join us in The Solutions Zone for tequila, margaritas, and tasty appetizers. Come to the Solutions Zone for a Bloody Mary during the AM break! ΖQWURGXFLQJWKH3Ζ:3OD\RV :HȇUHH[FLWHGDV\RXDUHDERXWWKHXSFRPLQJ0DMRU/HDJXH%DVHEDOOSOD\RV6RZHȇUHLQIXVLQJDELWRIFRPSHWLWLYHVSLULWIXQDQGJDPHV$WWHQGHHVZLOOEHEURNHQXSLQWRWHDPVDQG will have plenty of opportunities to earn points, and the winning team will receive a donation to their favorite charity! Check out the PIW web site for complete detail Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 20 BENCHMARK WITH YOUR PEERS 3URFXUH&RQRHUVPRUHWKDQMXVWOLYHHYHQWV:HZRUN\HDUURXQGWRJDWKHULQIRUPDWLRQRQFXUUHQWWUHQGVDQGLVVXHVZLWKLQSURFXUHPHQW$W3URFXUH&RQΖQGLUHFW:HVW\RXȇOOKDYH the opportunity to participate in discussions and surveys that help us create in-depth reports to share with you and the rest of the community! 2XUPRVWUHFHQWUHSRUWFRPSLOHGZLWKVXUYH\UHVSRQVHVIURP3URFXUH&RQΖQGLUHFW(DVWHDUOLHUWKLV\HDUIRFXVHGRQGHȴQLQJDQGGHIHQGLQJWKHYDOXHRISURFXUHPHQW6RPHNH\ ȴQGLQJVLQFOXGHG Is your procurement operation... Which contract management issues stall your procurement team on a regular basis? We don’t face contract management issues Other 49% Centralized 39% Center-led 12% Decentralized Lost/misplaced Missing one or more signatures Out of date 15% 25% 27% 30% 37% 52% Missing critical language To view the full report, visit the ProcureCon Content Center at www.procureconindirectwest.com. Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 21 SPONSORS Ariba Ariba is the world’s business commerce network. Ariba combines industry-leading cloud-based applications with the world’s largest web-based trading community to help companies discover and collaborate with a global network of partners. Using the Ariba® Network, businesses of all sizes can connect to their trading partners anywhere, at any time from any application or device to buy, sell and manage WKHLUFDVKPRUHHɝFLHQWO\DQGHHFWLYHO\WKDQHYHUEHIRUH Companies around the world use the Ariba Network to simplify inter-enterprise commerce and enhance the results that they deliver. Join them at: www.ariba.com BidEnergy BidEnergy is an innovative cloud based technology that VLPSOLȴHVKRZRUJDQLVDWLRQVVRXUFHDQGPDQDJHWKHLUHQHUJ\ spend. Our technology platform automates the source to pay process, including: online bidding, automated bill validation DQGSD\PHQWSURFHVVLQJ3XEOLVKHGEHQHȴWVRIPRYLQJIURP a traditional manual approach to our cloud based technology platform include: · reducing the go to market time from months to days · reducing the bill processing and accounts payable time from days to minutes · reducing energy costs across the portfolio by over 12% compared to a traditional tendering approach · over 50% reduction in the internal and external cost to manage the energy category Bureau van Dijk (BvD) Bureau van Dijk (BvD) is one of the leading providers of global private and public company information. Our expertise includes simple-to-interpret, and internationally comparable, ȴQDQFLDOLQIRUPDWLRQULVNVFRUHV3(3VDQGVDQFWLRQVDQG probability of default indicators. Our comprehensive company information empowers SURFXUHPHQWSURIHVVLRQDOVWRLGHQWLI\DQGPLWLJDWHȴQDQFLDO DQGUHSXWDWLRQDOULVNDQGLPSURYHHɝFLHQF\ Procurement Catalyst is a supplier information platform where your own supplier data is combined with our extensive company and risk intelligence – giving you a more transparent view of your suppliers. It provides a secure, cloud based and Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com centralized platform for you to store and manage your procurement data and documents. Procurement Catalyst helps you: · EHPRUHHHFWLYHLQ\RXUVXSSOLHUVHOHFWLRQ · see where your riskiest areas are · monitor changes to suppliers so you can be proactive in your risk management · VFUHHQVXSSOLHUVDJDLQVWVDQFWLRQVOLVWVIRUȴQDQFLDO compliance Learn more at bvdinfo.com/procurement Charterhouse Charterhouse is a leading Marketing Services Production company. We think globally but understand and deliver strategic solutions locally. We connect through our professional likeminded marketing professionals usually on-site within our host clients marketing organization. Our dedicated teams are HPSRZHUHGE\SURSULHWDU\WHFKQRORJ\WRRHU solutions across our global locations and through many media channels on behalf of the worldsí leading brands. Charterhouse works closely with clients to truly XQGHUVWDQGWKHLUJRDOVWRGHOLYHUFRVWHHFWLYH sustainable and innovative production solutions. Our key services are Print Management, Data Management, Online Digital execution, Merchandise, Creative Services and Point of Sale Insight. For more information on Charterhouse please visit our website www.charterhouseproduction.com CoreTrust CoreTrust (www.coretrustpg.com) serves an exclusive PHPEHUVKLSRIVHOHFWSULYDWHHTXLW\ȴUPVDQG)RUWXQH 1000 companies. A division of HealthTrustóthe healthcare industryís leading group purchasing organizationóCoreTrust leverages its purchasing volume along with that of HealthTrust members to achieve market-leading pricing for a portfolio of contracts in more than 50 indirect spend categories. This unique DQGKLJKO\FRPSOLDQWEXVLQHVVPRGHODRUGVPRVW members double-digit savings across all categories. procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 22 external compliance and contingent workforce program HɝFLHQFLHV Coupa Software Coupa Software is the leading provider of cloud-based ȴQDQFLDODSSOLFDWLRQV0RUHWKDQFXVWRPHUVLQRYHU FRXQWULHVXVHWKH&RXSDVXLWHRIȴQDQFLDODSSOLFDWLRQV to support business agility and reduce costs. Only Coupa SURYLGHVDVXLWHRIWUXHFORXGDSSOLFDWLRQVIRUȴQDQFH including accounts payable, sourcing, procurement and expense management that allows customers to realize a return on their investment within a few months and savings that continually impact the bottom line. Learn more at www. coupa.com. Read more at our company blog, Making Cents or follow @Coupa on Twitter. Everest Group Everest Group is an advisor to business leaders on the next generation of global services with a worldwide reputation IRUKHOSLQJ*OREDOȴUPVGUDPDWLFDOO\LPSURYHWKHLU performance by optimizing their front-, back- and middleRɝFHEXVLQHVVVHUYLFHV:LWKDIDFWEDVHGDSSURDFKGULYLQJ outcomes, Everest Group counsels organizations with complex challenges related to the use and delivery of global services in their pursuits to balance short-term needs with long-term goals. Through its practical consulting, original research and industry resource services, Everest Group helps clients maximize value from delivery strategies, talent and sourcing models, technologies and management approaches. Established in 1991, Everest Group serves users of global services, providers of services, country organizations and SULYDWHHTXLW\ȴUPVLQVL[FRQWLQHQWVDFURVVDOOLQGXVWU\ categories. For more information, please visit www. everestgrp.com and research.everestgrp.com. )RXQGHGLQWKHȴUPZRUNVZLWKVHQLRUH[HFXWLYHV and procurement leaders to accelerate strategic sourcing savings, increase spend visibility, provide category intelligence, and implement procurement best practices. With hundreds of corporate and more than 50 private equity clients, Insight Sourcing Group has developed a reputation for delivering big impact. Typical client results include up to a 30% EBITDA LPSURYHPHQWȴUVW\HDUUHWXUQRQLQYHVWPHQWDQG project payback in less than 90 days. Insight Sourcing Group has also developed a marketleading spend visibility technology called SpendHQô which provides on-demand spend visibility to drive strategic sourcing results & on-going analytics to measure performance and compliance. Inc. Magazine has ranked Insight Sourcing Group among the fastest growing private companies in America every year since 2008, making Insight Sourcing Group one of the IHZȴUPVWREHOLVWHGVHYHQ\HDUVLQDURZΖQΖQVLJKW Sourcing Group was also recently named the #1 Boutique Consulting Firm in the US and the #2 Most Innovative Consulting Firm by Vault.com. Ivalua Fieldglass Fieldglass, now part of SAP, provides a cloud-based Vendor Management System (VMS) allowing organizations to EHWWHUSURFXUHPDQDJHDQGRSWLPL]HWKHLUJOREDOȵH[LEOH workforces, including contingent labor, services managed through Statements of Work and independent contractors. Fieldglass consistently leads the VMS industry in total spend DQGJOREDOIRRWSULQWDFFRUGLQJWR6WDɝQJΖQGXVWU\$QDO\VWV More than 250 organizations leverage Fieldglass to achieve total workforce visibility. Customers have access to best practices, unmatched expertise and the largest VMS user community to optimize all areas of services procurement including complex spend, worker quality, corporate and Register Now! Insight Sourcing Group Insight Sourcing Group is the premier management FRQVXOWLQJȴUPIRFXVHGH[FOXVLYHO\RQVWUDWHJLFVRXUFLQJ and procurement-related services in North America. www.procureconindirect.com Founded in 2000, Ivalua has become a trusted global provider of Cloud Spend Management solutions and a leader in Gartnerís Magic Quadrant. Ivalua supports quick deployments through a single platform androbust functionality including Performance and Risk tracking, Sourcing, Contracts, Procure to Pay, InvoiceAutomation and Analytics. Clients can increase adoption, coverage, and savings with theindustryís widest UDQJHRIFRQȴJXUDELOLW\DQGLQWHJUDWLRQFDSDELOLWLHV Ivaluahas successfully implemented solutions for more than 200 customers worldwide (most among the Fortune 500) and is used daily bymore than 500,000 users and millions of suppliers from over 70 countries. procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION Ivalua provides a unique technology experience and KLJKO\GLHUHQWLDWHGYDOXHSURSRVLWLRQWR3URFXUHPHQWDQG Finance organizationslooking to bring more spend under management and achieve a lower total cost ofownership. Liquidity Services Liquidity Services is the leader in managing surplus across WKHJOREHWRPD[LPL]HUHWXUQPRUHHɝFLHQWO\DQGPRUH strategically. No matter the type of surplus asset or where it is located, we optimize and execute surplus management strategies to achieve your business goals. We are the industry innovator, leveraging insights from over 500,000 annual transactions and $1 billion in annual sales proceeds to continuously pioneer a superior model for managing the reverse supply chain. With Liquidity Services, you have a partner who maximizes the total value you can expect for \RXUVXUSOXV³KLJKHUUHFRYHU\PRUHHɝFLHQWSURFHVVHV VLPSOLȴHGDQGFRQVLVWHQWRSHUDWLRQVJOREDOFRYHUDJHORZHU risks, sustainable solutions, and service from people you can trust to deliver results. 2UELW] Orbitz for Business is the corporate travel brand of Orbitz :RUOGZLGH/DXQFKHGLQ2UELW]IRU%XVLQHVVRHUVD complete portfolio of global business travel products and services that help corporate customers plan, search and book travel. Orbitz for Business leverages Orbitz Worldwide technology, customized for corporate travelers. In addition to its leading technology, Orbitz for Business delivers full VHUYLFHFRVWHHFWLYHWUDYHOPDQDJHPHQWVROXWLRQVLQFOXGLQJ 24/7 customer support; expense reporting and policy management tools; and comprehensive choice in travel inventory. Novatus Novatus, a market-leading Enterprise contract management solution provider, is used by hundreds of companies to manage their most critical agreements. Powerful modules such as the Negotiation Portal, Supplier Registration, Sales Connect and DocuSign integration deliver additional value to our customers. A streamlined implementation process that has your solution up within days, Novatus automates the entire CLM process, including drafting, negotiation, ZRUNȵRZDQGDSSURYDOVUHQHZDOPDQDJHPHQWDQG HOHFWURQLFVLJQDWXUH1RYDWXVVROXWLRQRHUVFRPSUHKHQVLYH Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com PAGE 23 functionality with an easy-to-use administration dashboard that enables you to manage and change FRQȴJXUDWLRQVTXLFNO\)LQGUHDOWLPHDFFHVVWR compliance reporting gives greater visibility between departments and throughout your organization, reducing risk and exposure. All upgrades and enhancements are included making Novatus the best solution for your contract management needs. Perfect Commerce Since 1994, Perfect Commerce has been automating spend PDQDJHPHQWLQLWLDWLYHVµRHULQJZRUOGFODVVVRXUFLQJDQG procurement software and services to the enterprise and public market sectors. Combining our global procurement RHULQJZLWKDKLJKO\SHUVRQDOL]HGDSSURDFKDQGD company-wide commitment to optimized transaction HɝFLHQF\EHWZHHQEX\HUVDQGVHOOHUV3HUIHFW&RPPHUFH enjoys the highest customer renewal rate in the industry. Globally, we serve more than 300 businesses, most in the Fortune 500, such as market leaders BNP Paribas, Johnson Controls, Inc., YRC Worldwide, UCLA, Honeywell, Inc., and ITT. Our proven, reliable suite of software and services solve even the most complex industry challenges throughout the spend lifecycle. Pontoon Pontoon is a market leader in global talent management that provides a competitive advantage through people. Along with unrivaled access to data and workforce intelligence, Pontoon delivers global workforce solutions that reduce risk, increase quality and improve visibility and forecastingówhile also reducing cost. Headquartered LQ-DFNVRQYLOOH)/86$DQGZLWKRɝFHORFDWLRQVJOREDOO\ Pontoon is a wholly owned Adecco company. Pontoon delivers outsourcing solutions in the areas of contingent labor, SOW management as well as employee recruiting and placement in over 70 countries for nearly 100 clients, a global footprint that is broader and deeper than the industry has experienced to date. PRO Unlimited PRO Unlimited, through its purely vendor-neutral Managed Service Provider (MSP) and Vendor Management System (VMS) solutions, helps organizations address the costs, risks, and quality issues associated with managing a contingent workforce. A pioneer and innovator in the VMS/ procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION 063VSDFH352RHUVVROXWLRQVIRUHSURFXUHPHQWDQG management of contingent labor, 1099/co-employment risk management, and third-party payroll for client-sourced contract talent. 352ȇVPXOWLFKDQQHOVRXUFLQJPRGHOLQFOXGHVDYDVWVWDɝQJ supplier network, self-sourcing capabilities, SOW project vendors, and the ability to integrate freelance marketplaces. The company’s purely vendor-neutral MSP approach creates DOHYHOSOD\LQJȴHOGIRUDOOVWDɝQJȴUPVWKDWGHOLYHUVWKHPRVW TXDOLȴHGFDQGLGDWHVDWPDUNHWFRPSHWLWLYHUDWHV PRO’s award-winning software-as-a-service (SaaS) Wand 906SODWIRUPRHUVHQWHUSULVHVDKLJKO\LQWXLWLYHUREXVW omnichannel experience for managing their contingent workforce. Wand Mobile platform is a 100% native app for iOS and Android devices with tens of thousands of global users. And with the release of Wand Wearable, contingent workforce management is extended to the Apple Watch. &RQIHUHQFHDWWHQGHHVFDQVFKHGXOHDEULHȴQJDQG:DQG demo with PRO subject-matter experts by completing a short request form at http://www.prounlimited.com/wandmobile Rimini Street Rimini Street is the leading independent provider of enterprise software support services. Our innovative, award-winning program enables Oracle and SAP licensees to save 50 percent on their annual support fees and up to 90 percent on overall support costs over a decade. Clients can remain on their current software release without any UHTXLUHGXSJUDGHVIRUȴIWHHQ\HDUVRUPRUHZKLOHUHFHLYLQJ ultra-response premium service including support for customizations at no extra cost. To learn more, please visit www.riministreet.com. Schneider Electric Schneider Electric’s Energy & Sustainability Services division addresses clients’ diverse energy and sustainability management needs with tailored services and solutions. The energy experts within the division provide integrated solutions around the Energy Management Life Cycle, Schneider Electric’s guided, strategic approach to comprehensive energy management. With an expanding global footprint, Energy & Sustainability Services includes DWHDPRIPRUHWKDQHQHUJ\SURIHVVLRQDOVLQRɝFHV around the globe. Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com PAGE 24 SDI By helping organizations understand how each link in their MRO supply chain impacts the entire enterprise, SDI helps them achieve year-over-year savings, enterpriseZLGHHɝFLHQFLHVDQGQHZIRXQGFRQWURO Using a custom suite of products, services and tools, we specialize in connecting, coordinating, aligning and optimizing every step of the MRO indirect process. Upwork Upwork is the worldís largest freelance talent marketplace. As an increasingly connected and independent workforce goes online, knowledge work ólike software, shopping and content before itó is shifting online as well. This shift is making it faster and easier for clients to connect and work with talent in near real-time and is freeing professionals everywhere from having to work at a set time and place. Freelancers are earning more than $1 billion annually via Upwork. Upwork is headquartered in Mountain View, &DOLIRUQLDZLWKRɝFHVLQ6DQ)UDQFLVFR&DOLIRUQLDDQG Oslo, Norway. For more information, visit our website at www.upwork.com, join us on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Visa Visa is a global payments technology company that FRQQHFWVFRQVXPHUVEXVLQHVVHVȴQDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQV and governments in more than 200 countries and territories to fast, secure and reliable electronic payments. We operate one of the worldís most advanced processing networks ó VisaNet ó that is capable of handling more than 47,000 transaction messages a second, with fraud protection for consumers and assured payment for merchants. Visa is not a bank and does not issue cards, extend credit or set rates and fees for consumers. Visaís innovations, however, enable LWVȴQDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQFXVWRPHUVWRRHUFRQVXPHUV more choices: pay now with debit, ahead of time with prepaid or later with credit products. As a global leader LQFRPPHUFLDOSD\PHQWV9LVDRHUVDUDQJHRISD\PHQW products and services designed to help businesses, global corporations and governments everywhere LQFUHDVHRSHUDWLRQDOHɝFLHQF\PDQDJHH[SHQVHV streamline operations, and improve their bottom line. procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 25 MEDIA PARTNERS IACCM My Purchasing Center IACCM – the International Association for Contract &RPPHUFLDO0DQDJHPHQWȂLVDQRQSURȴW membership organization that supports innovation and collaboration in meeting the demands of today’s global trading relationships and practices. We have a vibrant, global community of nearly 30,000 members in 155 countries from 11,638 crossindustry corporations. Our membership represents both sides of the negotiation table and include procurement/sourcing, contracting, commercial and legal professionals. IACCM equips members to improve contract performance, achieve better balance between risk and opportunity, simplify the contracts and commercial process and achieve increased long-term value – for competitiveness in global markets. Visit www.iaccm.com for more information. My Purchasing Center™ provides the essential information required by procurement professionals to keep their companies competitive in a dynamic global marketplace. My Purchasing Center™ reports news, pinpoints trends, interprets events and presents pricing and supply data through unique content GHYHORSHGE\LWVHGLWRULDOVWDDQGVWUDWHJLF partnerships. The Logistics Institute The Logistics Institute is Canada’s premier Supply Chain Logistics professional body and the only RUJDQL]DWLRQLQWKHZRUOGGHOLYHULQJ3/RJFHUWLȴFDWLRQ programs. The Institute works with private and public sector groups around the world to: · Establish SCL competency and productivity standards from entry to executive. · Enhance career mobility of professionals, from school-to-work transition to leadership development. · Deliver programs from tactical to strategic FRPSHWHQFLHVOHDGLQJWR3/RJFHUWLȴFDWLRQ · Design workforce development strategies for companies and governments. Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com Next Level Purchasing Next Level Purchasing is a leading provider of online training for purchasing professionals. Its training includes the SPSM and SPSM2 &HUWLȴFDWLRQ3URJUDPVIRUZRUOGFODVV supply management success, which enable organizations to lower costs, support operations, and reduce risk by improving purchasing processes and expanding the capabilities of supply management organizations. The Paypers The Paypers (www.thepaypers.com) is the Netherlands-based leading independent source of news and intelligence for professionals in the global payment community. Our products are aimed at merchants, payment services providers, SURFHVVRUVȴQDQFLDOLQVWLWXWLRQVVWDUWXSV technology vendors and payment professionals and have a special focus on all major trends and developments in payments-related industries including online and mobile payments, online/ mobile banking, cards, cross-border e-commerce, e-invoicing and SEPA. We are also keen on keeping our readership informed with regard to online fraud prevention innovations and the most VLJQLȴFDQWWUHQGVLQWKHGLJLWDOLGHQWLW\VSDFH procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION Supply & Demand Chain Executive Supply & Demand Chain Executive is the executive’s user manual for successful supply chain transformation, utilizing hard hitting analysis, viewpoints and unbiased case studies to steer executives and supply management professionals through the complicated, yet critical, world of supply and demand chain enablement to gain competitive advantage. On the Web at www.SDCExec.com. SupplyChainBrain SupplyChainBrain, the world’s most comprehensive supply chain management information resource, is accessed year round through a wide range of ever evolving multi-media formats by hundreds of thousands of senior level industry executives. In addition to addressing the fundamental principles of supply-chain management, SupplyChainBrain LGHQWLȴHVHPHUJLQJWUHQGVWHFKQRORJLHVDQGEHVW practices, forward thinking ideas and cutting-edge solutions-and continues to write and report about these as they evolve and mature. Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com PAGE 26 Supply Chain World Supply Chain World is the authority on best practices in supply chain management, featuring interviews with experts who know the process ȴUVWKDQGDQGDUHȴQGLQJHYHUEHWWHUZD\VWR LPSURYHHɝFLHQFLHV6XSSO\&KDLQ:RUOGLVD convenient, authoritative benchmarking tool, helping forward-thinking supply chain leaders and their global teams to stay current through cutting-edge content on our website and in our quarterly magazine. Each print and digital issue highlights best-practice strategies and tactics to help our readers move products and LQIRUPDWLRQPRUHHɝFLHQWO\DQGFRPSHWHLQ the 21st century’s linked economy. In every LVVXH6XSSO\&KDLQ:RUOGȇVHGLWRUVSURȴOHWKH leading companies in supply chain management across multiple industries, including retail, manufacturing and healthcare. Whether the goal LVWRWDSLQWRWKHEHQHȴWVRIWKLUGSDUW\ORJLVWLFV RUWROHDUQKRZWRSDUWQHUPRUHHɝFLHQWO\ZLWK suppliers, Supply Chain World keeps its readers up to date on the latest developments, trends, and strategies. www.scw-mag.com. procurecon@wbresearch.com 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 27 VENUE & ACCOMMODATIONS The Wigwam “There are probably more people that I met 300 East Wigwam Blvd. /LWFKȴHOG3DUN$UL]RQD at this event that I stay in touch throughout the Website: www.wigwamarizona.com Phone: (623) 935-3811 year than any other even Rate & Reservations ProcureCon Indirect West has procured the special rate of $169 a night (plus tax) for ProcureCon Indirect West attendees. A porterage fee of $8 round trip and daily room attendant charge of $2 also applies. To book your room, contact the Wigwam at 800-327-0396 and identify yourself as a 3URFXUH&RQΖQGLUHFW:HVWDWWHQGHH5RRPVDUHOLPLWHGDQGDUHȴUVWFRPHȴUVWVHUYHGVRERRN as soon as possible. The discounted rate expires Monday, September 7, 2015. If you have missed the deadline, inquire with the hotel as rooms may still be available. Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com procurecon@wbresearch.com that I’ve been involved with over the course of my career.” - Jamie Crump, Strategic Sourcing and Supplier Diversity Director, United Rentals 1.646.200.7530 PIW 2015: WHERE SOURCING MEETS INNOVATION PAGE 28 PRICING & DISCOUNTS CONTACT US 'LVFRXQWHG5DWHVIRU4XDOLȴHG3URFXUHPHQW3UDFWLWLRQHUV 3 Day Pass (September 28-30, 2015) Until June 30 Until July 31 $1,599 $1,699 Until Aug 31 $1,799 Standard Price $1,899 6SHFLDO*URXS'LVFRXQWVIRU4XDOLȴHG3URFXUHPHQW3UDFWLWLRQHUV Standard Price Groups of 3-4 RWKHDERYHWLHUSULFH Groups of 5+ RDERYHWLHUSULFH Groups of 8-12 $8,999 Rates for Solution Providers / Others Standard Price 2.5 Day Pass (September 28-30, 2015, excludes practitioner-only AM sessions on Sept 28) · Worldwide Business Research reserves the right to enforce the rate for solution providers. No two discounts RURHUVPD\EHFRPELQHG7HDP'LVFRXQWVGRQRWDSSO\ to sponsoring or exhibiting companies. Fee includes continental breakfast, lunch, afternoon refreshments, cocktail receptions and conference documentation. · Connecticut residents must add 6% sales tax to their registration fee. VISIT WWW.PROCURECONINDIRECT.COM FOR THE WBR CANCELLATION, POSTPONEMENT AND SUBSTITUTION POLICY Register Now! www.procureconindirect.com Sponsorship Director Chet Silverman Phone: +1 646.200.7478 Sponsorship Director Scott Rossen Phone: +1 646.200.7526 Delegate Outreach Team Lead Jack Kivik Phone: +1 416.597.4778 Meeting Planner Caitlin Vance +Phone: +1 646.200.7827 $3,499 To secure your team discount, call Jack Kivik at 416-597-4778, or email him at jack.kivik@wbresearch.com · *To qualify for the Procurement Practitioners’ rate, you must work in the corporate sourcing function of your company. Standard price applies to: any service provider or supplier to companies including, but not limited to software vendors, technology vendors, solution providers, consultants or companies with primary revenues resulting from these other areas. Event Director Frank Musero Phone: +1.646.200.7450 procurecon@wbresearch.com Marketing & Media Partnerships Price Padgett Phone: +1 646.200.7921 Marketing & Media Partnerships Rose Fava Phone: +1 646.200.7941 Digital Sales Patrick O’Conner Phone: +1 646.200.7944 1.646.200.7530