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Psych 201 – Introduction to Psychology – Fall 2012
Classroom: MGB 101
Instructor: Alex Proaps, M.S.
E-mail & gchat:
Time: MWF 10:00 – 10:50
Office: MGB 326
Office hours: MW 11am – 12 pm (or appointment)
Catalog Description
Introduction to Psychology (PSYC 201) is an introduction to the scientific study of psychology.
The student is introduced to fundamental terms, facts, and concepts dealing with learning,
perception, intelligence, measurement, personality, behavior disorders, psychological
development, and social processes.
Learning Objectives
1) To survey major fields and disciplines within psychology.
2) To survey significant people and theories in psychology.
3) To gain exposure to psychology research through participation in experiments and
experience with published research.
4) To develop basic skills relevant to future psychology courses.
Required Course Text
Schacter, Gilbert, & Wegner (2011). Psychology (2nd Ed). Boston, MA: Worth Publishers.
ISBN: 9781429298377
Optional course supplement. There is a study guide that accompanies this text. I recommend
and encourage you to use this guide to study for each major quiz and exam. Be sure to
purchase the 2nd edition study guide. ISBN: 9781429241076. I will supply sections of this study
guide before the midterm and final exams to aid your exam review.
Blackboard allows you to access a single course site which has course materials including the
syllabus, exercise instructions, announcements, quizzes, and other materials I post to the site
during the semester. You will log in to the Blackboard course site
( using your Old Dominion University student email account
username and password.
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Email and gchat
E-mail will be sent to your ODU e-mail address. It is considered to be an official form of
communication at the university, and you are expected to check it daily. When contacting me,
please do so using your ODU e-mail account. Otherwise, I will not respond, as I cannot verify
your identity if it’s not from your ODU account. I will make every effort to reply to an email
within 48 hours of receiving it. I also will not check email between the hours of 9pm and 8am.
If you do not hear from me within 48 hours, please send me a follow up email!
While I do hold office hours (Mondays and Wednesdays 11am - 12pm), you can always email
me to set up an appointment for another day and time. Also, I spend a lot of time on my
computer outside of those specified hours. I know you do the same. Therefore, you can contact
me via instant messaging via Gchat through the ODU Gmail system. Feel free to send an instant
message if you see my name appear in the instant messaging section of your screen while
logged into the ODU Gmail system.
Students are expected to attend class, but I do not take attendance. If you miss class you are
responsible for all material covered that day including notes, discussions, and announcements.
“I wasn’t here that day” is not a valid excuse. Make sure to obtain these things from a friend, as
I will not supply you with the information you missed. I have included a list at the end of this
syllabus that outlines all deadlines and topics that I will cover each day.
I do not tolerate plagiarism. Should it come to my attention that you have plagiarized or are
attempting to turn in plagiarized material, you will receive an automatic F in the course and a
referral to the Honor Council. This is your only warning. If you ever have any questions about
plagiarism and cheating beyond the information in the document titled Plagiarism under Course
Documents, please do not hesitate to contact me at any point during the semester.
Honor Code
I encourage you to work together or in groups while preparing for exams and while studying
course material. However, all written work is to be your own. You are not to seek assistance,
provide assistance, or accept assistance from anyone during any exam or quiz. You may not use
any aids for an exam or quiz unless otherwise instructed. All students are bound by the honor
code; violations will be reported immediately to the Honor Council and will result in an
automatic F for the course. Again, this is your only warning. You will be required to sign the
statement below with every exam you turn in:
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I pledge to support the Honor System of Old Dominion University. I will refrain from any form of academic
dishonesty or deception, such as cheating or plagiarism. I am aware that as a member of the academic community
it is my responsibility to turn in all suspected violations of the Honor Code. I will report to a hearing if summoned.
If you are entitled to accommodations due to a disability, please provide me with your Disability
Services documentation as soon as possible. No accommodations will be made until verified
documentation from Disability Services is received.
Make up Exam or Quiz
Students are allowed to make up ONE quiz/exam for missing the original in class WITH an
excused absence (medical, legal, bereavement, athletic events). Missing more than one exam
will result in a 0 grade for the additional exam or quiz missed unless absence is verified through
student services. I will hold a make up exam/quiz session on December 5th at 11am after class.
Drop and Withdraw Policy
The last day to DROP/ADD is September 4th. The last day to withdraw from the course with a
“W” grade assigned is September 5th. The last day to withdraw from the course with half
tuition is September 7th. I will not agree to late withdrawals unless you are withdrawing from all
courses. Incompletes will only be granted given extreme circumstances and adequate
Incompletes will only be granted in the case of medical or personal emergencies. Incompletes
can also only be granted if 80% of the total course time has elapsed. Contact me as soon as you
suspect you might need to take an incomplete in the course. See for more detail.
Classroom Courtesy
 I expect all conversations to be directed towards me as questions and comments during
lecture periods. Side conversations are distracting. I dismiss disruptive students to
protect the interests of those who wish to learn. Obviously, this does not apply to group
discussions or activities I will assign in class throughout the semester.
 I only begin class with all cell phones, pagers, ipods, ipads, etc. are turned OFF or on
silent. Please do not use vibrate function as it can still be loud in a classroom like ours.
 Laptops are allowed in class, but I encourage you not to play on Facebook or Twitter
while you are in class.
 Be on time.
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Chapter (weekly or biweekly) quizzes on Blackboard – 50 points
There will be 10 mini-quizzes administered online through Blackboard. These quizzes will be
worth 5 points each (50 points total). Each mini-quiz will consist of 10 multiple choice
questions. You will only have 10 minutes to complete each quiz once you begin. They will be
open only for one or two weeks between classes when these topics are reviewed. You are
allowed to use your notes and textbook, but with the time limit, you will probably not have
time to use them. These quizzes will be based on content from one to two related chapters at a
time only. This a great way to review each chapter with a quiz and to test your knowledge
before major quiz days. The chapter quiz schedule is on page 8 of the syllabus.
Quizzes in class – 150 points
There will be three (3) quizzes throughout the semester. Each quiz will consist of 50 multiple
choice, true false, and matching questions. Each quiz will be worth 50 points (150 points total),
and will cover a few chapters each. These quizzes will be administered in class. Quizzes require
a GREEN 10 answer scantron. These can be purchased from the bookstore or from Webb
Center (by the card shop). You must have a scantron and pencil with you to take quizzes. I allow
students to “make-up” one quiz at the end of the semester (December 5th at 11am) with an
excused absence.
Midterm and Final – 200 points
There are 2 exams, the midterm and final. Each is worth 100 points (200 points total). Each
exam will consist of 50 multiple choice, true false, and matching questions. The exams will be
administered in class. Exams require a GREEN 10 answer scantron. These can be purchased
from the bookstore or from Webb Center (by the card shop). It is your responsibility to ensure
that you are prepared – you must have a scantron and pencil with you in order to take quizzes. I
allow students to “make-up” one exam at the end of the semester (December 5th at 11am)
with an excused absence.
Projects -150 points
There will be three projects due throughout the semester. Each project is worth 50 points (150
points total). More detailed instructions will be posted to Blackboard under Projects.
Project 1 (due September 21st in class)
For this project, you will be creating a brain diagram that labels basic structures of the brain and
neuron. I will provide a handout with blank illustrations and you will need to color and label
appropriate areas.
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Project 2 (due October 19th by midnight on Blackboard, not in class)
For this project, you will be completing an annotated bibliography. You will pick a topic related
to psychology that interests you (check out the chapters in the book for ideas), and will then
find 3 articles related to that topic. For each article you will write an APA style citation and
provide a brief description of the article. Finally, you will write a brief reflection paper
explaining why you chose your topic and what you learned about the topic from each article.
Project 3 (due December 5th by midnight on Blackboard, not in class)
For this project, you will be asked to violate a social norm and write a short one page paper
about your experience. You will describe the social norm, how you violated it, how you and
others reacted. You will also need to use key terms from Chapter 13 to help explain the social
norm violation.
Class participation – 50 points
I do not take attendance. However, class attendance is crucial for your comprehension of the
material. I want to reinforce those students who attend class regularly. Demonstrations and
activities are a major part of this course. Throughout the semester, we will do activities in the
classroom. I will ask you to turn in your activities at the end of class. While I am unsure of the
exact number of activities, I will divide the number so they are worth equal points. There will be
a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 15 possible activities you will complete if you attend class
SONA – 50 points
Psychology is a science, and research is a major part of the discipline. As such, a portion of your
grade in this class will come from engaging in research activities. You must obtain 4 SONA
credits by completing experiments (2 OFF, 2 ON) or the library alternative by the SONA
deadline. This is worth 50 points. There is a document titled SONA under Course Documents
that explains how to use SONA. Deadlines will be posted on the SONA website under FAQ.
Option 1: Experiments.
Go to (no “www”) to register as a user to participate
in psychology experiments being conducted at ODU. Once you’ve registered, you may sign up
for experiments. You earn 0.5 credits for every half hour (or portion of a half hour). Two of your
4 credits must come from on-site research (done in a lab or classroom physically located on
ODU’s campus). The other 2 come from off-site opportunities (completed at home or online).
Do NOT procrastinate signing up for experiments if you want to meet the research requirement
through this option. Once experimenters meet their quotas for participants, data collection
ceases and there will be fewer opportunities on the schedule.
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A note about “no shows”. People who fail to show up for experiments more than once will be
locked out of Sona-Systems, meaning you must write article summaries to meet the research
requirement. Participation in each experiment is voluntary. You can cease participation at
anytime or decline to participate in a particular study, but don’t just flake-out and not show up
at all. If you can’t make it to an experiment, log onto Sona-Systems and cancel your
appointment, which would allow someone else to sign up.
Option 2: Library Reports.
Alternatively, you can meet the research requirement by summarizing (not copying) research
articles related to psychology. Articles must come from refereed academic journals, and not
magazines or newspapers. Each library report is worth 1 credit towards the 4 required credits.
Submit article reports to the Sona-Systems webmaster, by the deadline specified on the
research participation website. Specific guidelines can be found at this website:
Create an account
Log onto the SONA instructions website to learn how to create an account:
To create an account, click the following link: Log onto the SONA website:
Click under the Lost Your Password link on the side of the screen. Type in your SONA ID. You
will receive a prompt with your password.
Extra Credit
SONA (possible 20 points)
You can earn up to 20 points of extra credit by completing up to 4 additional SONA experiment
credits (whatever combination of ON or OFF studies) or the library alternative equivalent. Extra
credit points will be added to your point total before I calculate your overall grade for the class.
Each SONA credit (1 credit) beyond the required 4 will be worth 5 points each. For example, if
you have 500 out of 600 points after all projects, exams, and quizzes, I will add your extra credit
points to your overall point total. If you complete 4 extra SONA credits, you would have 520
points before I divide by 600. That would bring your grade from an 83% to an 87%. It’s a great
opportunity to improve your grade!
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Pursuant to University policy, no A+ grades are awarded. There is no “curve”. If there are “bad”
question on quizzes or exams that over 50% of the class miss, these items will be dropped.
Grading Scale
Your grade is determined by calculating the percent of possible points that you have earned.
There are 650 possible points for the semester (excluding extra credit) so at the end of the
semester, I will total your points and divide by 650 to determine your grade.
If you want to calculate your grade at any point during the semester simply divide your points
by the total possible points (up to that point) and multiply the total by 100.
A = 93-100%
A- = 90-92%
B+ = 87-89%
B = 83-86%
B- = 80-82%
C+ = 77-79%
C = 73-76%
C- = 70-72%
D+ = 67-69%
D = 63-66
D- = 60-62%
F = 59% & below
This a 100/200-level course, so students will receive a progress grade in the fifth week of classes. You can access
your progress grade from the student menu in LeoOnline; simply click `Progress Report.’ In addition to the
assistance that I can provide you with this course, the Student Success Center can assist you in finding resources
and developing an academic success plan for the semester.
Schedule/Important Dates
Topic area
8/27 – 8/29
8/31– 9/5
9/7 – 9/12
9/12 – 9/19
9/21 (Friday)
Intro (Ch. 1)
Methods (Ch. 2)
9/24 – 9/28
Memory (Ch. 6)
Consciousness (Ch. 5) video
(not on exam)
Learning (Ch. 7)
Start Motivation (Ch. 8)
10/1 - 10/3
10/12 (Friday)
10/15– 10/19
Neuro Psych (Ch. 3)
Sensation/Perception (Ch. 4)
No class – Labor Day
Last day to DROP/ADD
Project 1 assigned
Review Ch 1 - 4
Quiz 1 (Ch. 1, 2, 3, 4)
Project 1 due in class
Project 2 assigned
Fall break – No class
Motivation (Ch. 8)
Quiz 2 (Ch. 6, 7, 8)
Language (Ch.9)
Review Ch 6 – 9
Project 2 due on Bb
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10/22 (Monday)
10/24 – 10/26
10/29 – 10/31
11/5 – 11/9
11/12 – 11/16
11/19 (Monday)
11/ 26– 11/28
Exam 1 (Ch 1 – 9, not 5)
Intelligence (Ch. 10)
Personality (Ch. 12)
Human Factors, HCI, Ergonomics
(chapter under Course Documents)
Developmental (Ch. 11)
Social (Ch. 13)
Project 3 assigned
Review Ch 10 -13
Quiz 3 (Ch. 10, 11, 12, 13)
Thanksgiving break
Disorders (Ch. 14)
Treatment (Ch. 15)
Review days
Give study guide
Makeup exams at 11am
Project 3 due on Bb
Optional review day
Final exam at 8:30am
(Ch. 1 – 15, not 5 or 16)
12/5 (Wednesday)
12/10 (Monday)
Chapter Quizzes (Blackboard)
Quiz number
Available dates on Blackboard
(until midnight on the last day)
8/27 – 9/10
9/7 – 9/21
9/21 – 10/22
10/1 - 10/22
10/14 -10/22
10/22 – 11/19
11/5 – 11/19
11/12 – 11/19
11/19 – 12/5
11/28 – 12/5
Topic areas covered
Intro (Ch. 1)
Methods (Ch. 2)
Neuro Psych (Ch. 3)
Sensation/Perception (Ch. 4)
Memory (Ch. 6)
Learning (Ch. 7)
Motivation (Ch. 8)
Language (Ch.9)
Intelligence (Ch. 10)
Personality (Ch. 12)
Developmental (Ch. 11)
Social (Ch. 13)
Disorders (Ch. 14)
Treatment (Ch. 15)
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