Chemistry 101: General Chemistry I Course Syllabus

Chemistry 101: General Chemistry I Course Syllabus
Sections 8501 &8502
Pierce College
Dr. Cari D. Meyer
CHEM 805
Office Hours
Summer 2008
Lab Instructors
Dr. Isidore Goodman (8501)
Dr. Cari D. Meyer (8502)
M,T,W,Th 8:00– 9:25 am, CHEM 800
M,T,W,Th 9:25 – 10:30 am, CHEM 800
M, W 11:00 – 3:05 pm, CHEM 811 (8501)
T, Th 11:00 – 3:05 pm, CHEM 811 (8502)
07/31/08 (8:00 – 11:00 am)
Welcome to Chemistry 101. Chemistry 101 is a first semester college level course in general chemistry designed
primarily for students who have had previous chemistry training either in high school or the introductory course at a
community college. This 5-unit, UC:CSU transferable course consists of a lecture, lab, and workshop component. In
order to enroll, students must have passed BOTH Chemistry 60 (or its equivalent) and Math 125 (or its equivalent) with
a grade of “C” or better. You must otherwise take the Chemistry 101 Readiness Test at the Assessment Center
located in the campus center.
Required Materials:
Tro, N. J. Chemistry: A Molecular Approach, Custom Edition for L. A. Pierce College, Pearson 2008.
Chemistry 101 Laboratory Manual, Compiled by the Chemistry Department faculty, L. A. Pierce College.
Pearson Custom Laboratory Notebook, customized for Chemistry 101 at L. A. Pierce College
Safety Glasses
Scientific calculator with exponents and logarithms (NOT graphing/programmable)
Course Website: /current. Visit it often to view announcements,
view exam solutions, participate in the discussion board, and take the online quizzes.
Library: Copy of Tro Solutions Manual
The Learning Center (TLC) has specific tutors for this course during the semester. Their hours of availability
will be posted at TLC and the chemistry department.
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Attendance is required at lectures. I may drop you from the course if you have too many consecutive absences.
Please arrive on time and turn off all cell phones. Texting during lecture is disruptive and not allowed. If you choose
to stop participating in the course, it is your responsibility to drop the course.
Problems from the book will be assigned to correspond to each lecture, and you should plan on working out these
problems before you come to the next lecture. I may choose to put a problem on an exam that is VERY similar to
one found in your homework assignment (hint, hint).
Workshops are held once a week. This time is used for quizzes, and group problem solving. To make the most of this
time, come to workshops prepared by having completed the corresponding text readings, and homework. Note:
regular attendance, participation and completion of the workshop worksheets count toward your grade.
Laboratory and Attendance:
Wearing goggles and following laboratory safety procedures will be strictly enforced. I will subtract a point everytime
I see you without your safety glasses. Texting or using your cell phone during lab is strictly prohibited. If you don’t
follow safety regulations, you will be excused from lab and no points will be given towards that laboratory
experiment/activity. Protective footwear is required at all times – sandals are not permitted. Students must keep the
lab work areas clean. If you leave a mess, you will lose lab performance points. Work areas include assigned lab
drawer, lab bench top, reagent shelves, sinks, balance areas, cleaning station, equipment cart, and fume hoods.
Regular attendance in the laboratory is required. You may be dropped from the course if you have two or more
consecutive unexcused absences. There are NO LAB MAKE-UPS, NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are absent, no credit will be
given to any component of the lab experiment or activity that is missed. Completion of the lab work consists of
performing the experiment AND handing in the lab report. All work is to be done INDIVIDUALLY unless otherwise
Lab Performance:
You will additionally be graded on your level of preparation in lab. Upon entering the lab, your prelab assignments
will be checked ( = 2points) before beginning the lab. You are required to take notes on the observations that you
make during the laboratory. You should make notes on your qualitative (appearance, physical changes, etc) as well
as quantitative (masses, volumes, etc) observations. In order to receive performance credit for the laboratory, you
must come up to me when you are done with your lab, and I will initial it. For each experiment, you will be required
to include a title, objective, procedure, data (qualitative and quantitative), and calculations in your laboratory
notebook. You must turn in the yellow sheets to the instructor after completing the lab. At the end of the lab period,
you will receive a - (1 point),  (2 points), or  + (3 points) based on the accuracy and thoroughness of your
laboratory notes for that day.
Pre-Labs are due at the beginning of lab. You will not be allowed to start the laboratory activity if your Pre-Lab
materials are not completed. Pre-lab materials include:
Procedural notes hand written in your lab notebook – Briefly summarize the procedure to be followed,
preferably either as an outline or as a flow chart on the left side of the page. Leave the right side of the page
blank for observations to be filled in during lab. You do not need to write out the procedure in complete
sentences and you should not copy from the lab manual. Also prepare a table to help you fill in your data.
Completed pre-lab questions (when applicable).
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Lab Reports:
Lab reports must be typed out in Microsoft Word and data must be graphed using Microsoft Excel. Reports must
include calculations (obeying Sig Figs and units!) on all numerical answers. Lab reports must include:
Typed cover sheet (includes date lab performed, your name, section, lab title)
Typed purpose paragraph (2 sentences is enough)
Typed theory paragraph (1/2 page max)
Typed procedure (condensed – no more than ½ page)
Calculations (handwritten okay)
Complete post-lab questions
Appendix for graphs (when applicable)
In addition to the above criteria, lab reports are also graded on the accuracy in your technique. When accuracy
points apply, they constitute 20% of the grade for that lab report. Some experiments will be performed in pairs. In
these cases, the wording on your lab report MUST be different than your partner’s, otherwise it is considered to be
Sharing/modifying data is also considered cheating.
Lab Reports are due at the beginning of the
following lab. Any lab reports handed in after this deadline are considered late. Late lab reports will be penalized as
follows: reports received late on due date will be marked 20% down; lab reports received at next class meeting will
be marked 50% down; later lab reports will not be accepted. You WILL NOT pass this class if you do not pass the
laboratory section of the course.
Requirements and Grading:
One grade will be assigned for Chemistry 101. The grade will include lecture, workshop and laboratory work. Grades
will be assigned on the basis of an overall percentage of total points earned in lecture, workshops and the
laboratory. If you fail either the lecture or lab portion of the course, the highest grade you may earn is a “D”.
Excluding extra credit, there are 1000 possible points assigned as follows: Scale: 90-100% A; 80- 89% B; 70-79% C; 6069% D; 0-59 % F.
3 Lecture Exams
300 points
4 Lecture Quizzes (50 points each)
150 points
13 Workshop Worksheets
130 points
Final Examination (Cumulative)
200 points
LECTURE TOTAL: 780 points
Pre-lab Assignments &Experiment Reports
220 points
LAB TOTAL: 220 points
Exams and Quizzes: Examinations and quizzes will be administered periodically throughout the semester (see
schedule for dates). There will be no make-up quizzes or exams. You are required to take all 3 exams, 4 quizzes, plus
the cumulative final examination. If you miss an exam or quiz, you will receive a zero on that test. Exceptions will be
made on a case-by-case basis in the event of a verifiable documented emergency. You will be tested on your
ability to solve problems based on lecture notes, demonstrations, laboratory experiments and homework problems.
You must bring your OWN charged calculator for each examination and quiz; no borrowing is allowed. At the end of
the semester, a comprehensive final examination will be administered on Thursday, July 31 (8:00-11:00 am).
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY: Anyone found cheating will receive an “F” grade for the
assignment and will be recommended to the Dean for expulsion from the college.
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Chemistry 101: General Chemistry
Pierce College
Summer 2008
Tentative Lecture & Workshop Schedule:
Required Reading & Workshops
6/9, 6/10,
Introduction, Matter & Measurements
Chapter 1
Atomic Theory, Molecules and Compounds
Chapter 2 Workshop α
Quiz 1 (8:00 am)
Chapter 3 , Workshop β
Reactions, Gases
Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Exam 1 (8:00 am)
Workshop γ
Gases, Thermochemistry
Chapter 5, Workshop δ
Quiz 2 (8:00 am)
Chapter 6
Chapter 6, Workshop ε
Chemical Quantities and Aqueous
6/30, 7/1
7/2, 7/3
Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom
Exam 2 (8:00 am)
Chapter 7, Workshop λ
7/7, 7/8,
7/9, 7/10
Periodic Properties of the Elements
Acids and Bases
Quiz 3 (8:00 am)
Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
Chemical Bonding I
Exam 3
Chemical Bonding II
Liquids, Solids and Intermolecular Forces
Quiz 4
7/28, 7/29
FINAL EXAM(Comprehensive)
Chapter 8, Workshop µ
Chapter 15 (15.1, 15.2, 15.3, 15.5)
Also re-read Chapter 4.8
Workshop υ
Chapter 18 (18.2) Workshop π
Also re-read Chapter 4.9
Chapter 9 , Workshop
Chapter 10, Workshop σ
Chapter 11, Workshop χ
Chapter 12, Workshop ψ
Chapter 17 (17.1-17.7)
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