Tissue web quest - Fulton County Schools

Tissue Webquest
Within the Essential Study Partner - GO TO: Levels of Organization -> Tissues -> Introduction
In the top left corner of the “Essential Study Partner” screen, click “Click here to choose a unit.” – and a drop down
menu should appear showing “Levels of Organization,” “Support and Movement” etc.
Click on “Levels of Organization”
Next Click on “Tissues” – and another drop down menu should appear – “Introduction” “Epithelial Tissue” Etc.
Click on “Introduction” and you should see a picture of some lungs and the respiratory system.
At the bottom of the screen are icons that represent pages within this section. There is an icon that looks like a
“page” and two that have arrows associated with them. Click on these icons to move between the 5 pages that are
associated with the Introduction section of the Histology unit. Most of the time, no page number will be given and
you’ll have to hunt a bit between the different pages.
You are now ready to begin your quest for information about tissues of the body!!
Part 1 – Introduction
Throughout the semester, we will look at pictures of organs, such as a brain or a heart, and then point to a specific
section of the image and ask, “What general tissue type is this?” When the question “What GENERAL tissue type
is this” arises, you only have four options
1. What are the four tissue types and where might they be found?
2. What is a tissue?
3. What is histology? (you may need to refer to your book for this answer)
4. What is extracellular material (also called matrix).
Part 2 - Epithelial Tissue
Epithelial tissue is classified according to two different systems: First, the shapes of the cells, e.g., squamous, and
second, the arrangements of the cells, i.e. simple, stratified, or pseudostratified. Combining these two systems you
get terms such as "simple squamous epithelium" or "stratified squamous epithelium."
5. What are the functions of epithelial tissue?
6. Epithelial tissues cover internal and external surfaces. True / False Explain.
7. The lining of the stomach (a common example of a hollow organ) is made of epithelial cells. True / False
8. Basement membrane
9. Free surface (Note: there is a free surface in your stomach, and many other hollow organs, like your bladder,
heart, etc)
10. Make a drawing of each cell/tissue type and provide an example location.
Simple Squamous Epithelium
Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
Example Location
Example Location
Simple Columnar Epithelium
Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium
Example Location
Example Location
Stratified Squamous Epithelium
Stratified Cuboidal Epithelium
Example Location
Example Location
Stratified Columnar Epithelium
Transitional Epithelium
Drawing (This one is difficult to draw)
Example Location
Example Location
11. What is the difference between simple, stratified, and pseudostratified epithelium? Try to make a drawing of
each tissue type.
Simple Epithelium
Stratified Epithelium
Pseudostratified Epithelium
12. What is the difference between Columnar, Squamous and Cuboidal arrangement of epithelial cells? Try to
make a drawing of type of arrangement.
13. List a few other “surfaces of the body” that are covered with Epithelial tissues.
14. What is function of microvilli and cilia? Where can they be found (give examples)?
15. What are goblet cells?
16. What is a gland?
17. What is the difference between an exocrine and an endocrine gland?
Part 3 Connective Tissue
Connective tissue typically has large quantities of extracellular materials, such as collagen and elastin.
18. What is the difference between a “blast,” “cyte” and a “clast” cell?
19. What is the function and location of the following connective tissues?
Adipose tissue
Cartilage (hyaline, fibro and elastic cartilage)
20. What is the matrix of blood?
Part 4 Nervous Tissue
21. Name a few organs that contain nervous tissue.
22. What is the difference between a neuron and a neuroglia cell?
Part 5 Muscle Tissue
Muscle tissue can essentially do only two things: it can contract and it can relax. Muscle tissue will be examined in
detail later in the course, but for now, answer the following simple questions about muscles.
23. What are the three types of muscle tissue and where can each be found?
24. Skeletal muscle makes-up over 50% of a person’s body weight. True / False
25. Smooth muscle can be found in the walls of hollow organs. True / False
26. Besides the heart, cardiac muscle can also be found in the liver. True / False
27. What are intercalated discs?
28. In which muscle type can you find intercalated discs?
Be sure to do the activities on the last two screens.
Part 5 Membranes
Review the structure of serous membranes (Serous membranes was initially covered in Chapter 1 of the textbook).
29. What are Serous membranes and where in the body can they be found?
30. Watch the movie in screen 3
Part 6 The Quiz
Turn in your computer. You must work alone but you may use you’re your book & your webquest packet.
Pick up your quiz at the front of the class – Everything is due at the end of class today.
Name ______________________________________ Date _______ Per _______
Tissue Webquest Quiz
Identify the tissues on microscopes 1-5
Epithelial Tissues
In a brief sentence, explain how epithelial tissues are named.
What type of epithelial cells can stretch? Where can you find them in your body?
What are the seven characteristics of epithelial cells?
Connective Tissues
What is the matrix of blood called?
Blood is a tissue, more specifically, a connective tissue. True/False
Nervous Tissue
What is the difference between a neuron and a nerve?
Muscle Tissue
Name the three different types of muscle tissue. Explain how are they different from each other?
A. Epithelial Tissue
B. Connective Tissue
C. Nerve Tissue
D. Muscle Tissue
1 ___
2. ___
3. ___
4. ___
5. ___
6. ___
7. ___
The outer layer of skin
Lines your stomach.
The jaw bone
Lines the bladder.
BONUS! What causes human skin to sag?
8 ___ Tendons
9. ___ Blood
10. ___ Spinal cord
11. ___ Lots of matrix (think!)
12. ___ Cartilage
13. ___ Glands
14. ___ Biceps and Quadriceps