Sociology 1301 Telecourse


Sociology 1301 Telecourse Fall Semester 2005

Instructor: Kim Winford

Office: Old Main 408, Brenham

Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursdays from 10:30 - 10:50 a.m.

Office Phone: 979-830-4211 or 979-830-4424

Email address:

Course Description: Sociology 1301 is an analytical examination of the fundamental concepts and methods of theories in sociology. The focus is on the structure and processes of human group life. Credit: 3 semester hours.

Core curriculum course: This is a core course in the 42-Hour core of Blinn College. As such, students will develop proficiency in the appropriate intellectual competencies, exemplary educational objectives, and perspectives. The URL for the Blinn College Core Curriculum web site is:

ADA Statement: In order to receive accommodations on exams or assignments, proper documentation must first be provided to the Office of Disability Services on campus. Students then must present documentation to the instructor ASAP in order for the instructor to accommodate.

CIVILITY STATEMENT: Members of the Blinn College community, which includes faculty, staff and students, are expected to act honestly and responsibly in all aspects of campus life.

Blinn College holds all members accountable for their actions and words. Therefore, all members should commit themselves to behave in a manner that recognizes personal respect and demonstrates concern for the personal dignity, rights, and freedoms of every member of the

College community, including respect for College property and the physical and intellectual property of others.

Required Texts:

Kornblum, William. Sociology in a Changing World. 7 th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth

Publishing. 2005.

Penney, Jane A. Telecourse Guide for Exploring Society. 2nd ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth


Supplies : For the first two examinations, an 886-E scantron form (one used to take an essay and objective on) and a number two pencil are required. For the third exam and the final, an 882ES scantron and a number two pencil are required.

Review Sessions/Review Sheets: The study guide will provide an excellent review. Review sheets will be sent to you before the exams. Review sessions have been scheduled from 6

– 7 p.m. on the following dates:

September 29, October 27, November 10 and

November 16 . For Brenham students, we will be meeting in the Bullock Building, room

136. Bryan students will meet on the same date and time in E205B for the review session by teleconference video. Please let me know if you are attending either the Schulenburg or Sealy campuses, and I will try to do a teleconference video there, also.

Note: The November 21 review session for the final has been rescheduled to

Wednesday, November 16.

Make Up Examinations: You must take the exams when they are scheduled. The final exam cannot be taken late.

 Examination Feedback: I will provide each student with his/her score. For the first three majors, I will mail/email grades, or will give grades over the telephone, or will report the grade in person.

Extra Credit: You may earn up to 50 points in extra credit work by completing a

“Related Activity” assignment in your Study Guide. Each report must be typed, doublespaced and at least 500 words. They must be turned in by November 22, 2005 . You will receive up to 10 points per report. You can only turn in 5 reports. Extra credit can be emailed to me or sent to me through the campus mail. Extra credit will not be accepted after the deadline.

Television Schedule

Sociology 1301 telecourse can be viewed in Bryan on KAMU (channel 15) or TCA cable

(channel 4.) In Brenham, tapes can be viewed on Northland Cable (channel 9) or Wireless

One (channel 29) at 11:00 PM - 12:00 midnight beginning Friday, September 16, 2005.

Tapes are available in the Brenham Learning Center for on-site viewing and in the libraries in

Bryan, Brenham, and Schulenburg for limited check out. Tapes also can be rented from

Coastal RMII Media at 1-800-745-5480 (


Study Tips for the Telecourse

The STUDY GUIDE acts as your daily instructor. For each lesson it gives you the lesson assignment, an overview, learning objectives, textbook-reading assignments, study guide reading assignments, and video focus points, and a practice test with an answer key. If you follow the Study Guide recommendations and view each lesson carefully, you should successfully accomplish all of the requirements of this course.

The TEXTBOOK provides essential information and insight into the concepts of social foundations, social dynamics, social divisions, and social institutions. Key terms are defined in the glossary or in the reading. It helps to read the assignment before viewing the telelesson.

Each TELELESSON is correlated to a specific reading assignment. It is important that you read and understand your assignment and study the key terms before viewing the telelesson.

Using the Learning Center

Each major and the final will be available at the Learning Center one week before the deadline for each test to be taken. You must bring an 886 E or 882 E scantron, a number two pencil, and your current Blinn College ID in order to take the test. You will need to sign in for each exam and show your identification.

 The Brenham Campus testing/learning center is located in room 13 of the Academic

Building. The Bryan Campus testing/learning center is located in room 258 of the Library

Building. On holiday weekends the Learning Center is not open.

Testing Schedule

Exam One

Study Guide


Test dates:

Exam Two

Study Guide


Test dates:

Exam Three

Study Guide


Test dates:

Final Exam

Study Guide


Final test dates:

Lessons 1-5

As outlined in the Study Guide

Sunday, October 2 – Sunday, October 9

Lessons 6-11

As outlined in the Study Guide

Sunday, October 30 – Sunday, November 6

Lessons 12-17

As outlined in the Study Guide

Sunday, November 13 – Sunday, November 20

Lessons 18-22 and 1-17

As outlined in the Study Guide

Sunday, November 27 – Sunday, December 4

Testing Information: Three major exams will be given. The exams will consist of multiplechoice questions and two to four short answer questions. The questions will be taken from the text reading assignments, the telelessons, the review sheet, and the self-tests in the study guide.

Each major is worth 100 points The final will be a comprehensive objective exam and will be worth 100 points. Tests are not made up nor taken after the end of the testing day.

Exam I

Exam II

Exam III

Final Exam

100 Points

100 Points

100 Points

100 Points

400 Points

Extra credit an additional 50 Points

(5 reports at 10 points each)

Grades : The final course grade will be assigned on the following total point count.

A = 360 - above

B = 320 - 359 points

C = 280 - 319 points

D = 240 - 279 points

F = 239 - Below

Important: It is essential that should your address or telephone number change during the semester that you give me the new information. If you have a new email address, please email it to me. You will receive your grades much quicker this way.
