10 May - Paulton Parish Council

Paulton Parish Council
Minutes of the annual meeting of Paulton Parish Council held in the
Meeting Room at Paulton Village Hall on Tuesday 10 May 2011 starting at 7.15 p.m.
ATTENDED by Mr T Bridgeman, Mr M Colliver, Mr G Dix, Mr R Dowling, Mr K Ellis, Mrs K Fear,
Mrs E Hardman, Mrs R James, Mrs S Long, Mrs A Lyons, Mrs L Madden, Mr B Newton,
Mr H Warren, Mrs M Wild and Mr L Wild.
Also in attendance were Mr J Bull and a parishioner.
Pro. Mr Dix, sec. Mrs Fear that Mr Wild be elected to serve as Chairperson. RESOLVED.
Mr Wild signed his declaration of acceptance of office as Chair of the council.
The Chair conveyed the appreciation of members to Mr Graham Dix for serving as Chair of the
council for many years and for his work during that time.
Pro. Mr Bridgeman, sec. Mr Warren that Mrs Lyons be elected to serve as Vice-chair.
AN APOLOGY FOR ABSENCE was received and accepted from Mrs M Barrett (refer to attendance
record for detail of apology).
Clerk advised members that Mrs Sarah Baldwin has resigned from the council and it was noted that
Felicity Horn, Gary Sales and Walter Selway did not submit applications to serve on the new council.
Members agreed that the Clerk should convey the thanks and appreciation of the council to
Mrs Baldwin, Mrs Horn, Mr Sales and Mr Selway for their work and commitment to the council during
the years they served as members.
Members declared the following interests in items on the agenda for the meeting:
Mrs S Long - Swimming Pool Management Committee
Mrs R James - Paulton Swimming Pool
Mrs L Madden - Village Hall Management Committee
Mr B Newton - Village Hall Management Committee
Mr H Warren - Village Hall Management Committee
With the addition that Mrs Madden declared an interest in the Village Hall Management Committee at
the meeting on 8 March 2011 the minutes of the above meetings were approved by members as a
true record and signed by the Chair.
Clerk read applications received from Jeff Humphries, Adam Taylor and Debby Tarrant to serve as
members of Paulton Parish Council.
Members agreed that Mr Humphries, Mr Taylor and Mrs Tarrant be co-opted as members.
Clerk advised members that there are two vacancies remaining on the council.
Mrs M Barrett, Mr T Bridgeman, Mr M Colliver, Mr G Dix, Mr R Dowling, Mrs K Fear, Mrs S Long,
Mrs A Lyons, Mrs L Madden, Mr B Newton, Mr H Warren, Mr L Wild, Mrs M Wild.
Mrs M Barrett, Mr M Colliver, Mr G Dix, Mrs K Fear, Mrs E Hardman, Mrs R James, Mrs S Long,
Mrs A Lyons, Mr B Newton, Mr H Warren,
Parks & Cemetery
Mr M Colliver, Mr R Dowling, Mrs S Long, Mrs L Madden, Mr H Warren, Mr L Wild, Mrs M Wild.
Mr M Colliver, Mr K Ellis, Mrs E Hardman, Mrs S Long, Mr B Newton, Mr H Warren, Mr L Wild.
Mr T Bridgeman, Mr R Dowling, Mrs E Hardman, Mrs A Lyons, Mr H Warren, Mrs M Wild.
Finance and General Purposes
It was noted that the council’s Standing Orders stipulate that every standing committee shall elect a
member to serve on the Finance & General Purposes Committee and the council may, if considered
appropriate, appoint additional members.
Working Parties:
Mr K Ellis, Mr L Wild.
Pubic Relations and Publicity
Mr G Dix, Mrs H Collins (parishioner), Mr R Dowling, Mrs F Horn (parishioner), Mr H Warren, Mrs M Wild,
Mr L Wild.
Youth Facilities
Mr T Bridgeman, Mr G Dix, Mrs E Hardman, Mrs S Long, Mr H Warren, PCSO Sarah McQuitty,
PC Trevor Gardiner
Representatives on local Organisations:
Village Hall Management Committee
Mrs L Madden, Mr B Newton, Mr H Warren.
Swimming Pool Management Committee
Mrs S Long.
Avon Local Councils Association
Mrs A Lyons, Mr L Wild.
The draft minutes of the meeting held on 6 April 2011 were received by the members.
Finance & General Purposes
The draft minutes of the meeting held on 12 April 2011 were received by the members.
Risk management plan
Copies of the above had been circulated to all members. Mrs Wild explained that the plan
had initially been reviewed by the Finance & General Purposes Committee and a full review
had then been delegated to herself and Mr Ellis as they have recently attended a course on
audit requirements for local councils.
They have since reviewed the councils existing controls with the Clerk and have, as detailed
in the plan, recommended a number of enhancements to the controls. Members approved
the recommendations with minor amendments and it was noted that an annual review of the
council’s internal controls will be carried out by designated councillors.
Mrs Wild reminded members that they are all responsible for ensuring that the council
operates an effective system of internal control.
Copies of the updated risk management plan will be circulated to all members.
Brownies – request for donation
Clerk read email received from Julie Harrington asking the council to consider making a
donation towards the cost of buying all the Brownies a commemorative mug in recognition of
of the royal wedding.
Members agreed that as the wedding has already taken place it would be inappropriate to
make a donation now but it was agreed that the council consider commemorating the
Queen’s Jubilee in 2012.
Traffic Management Study
The Clerk reported that the brief for the study has been passed to a Design Group to develop
a traffic management scheme for the Paulton area. Information has been received from
Tony Rutter, who is leading the project, explaining that it will involve carrying out a feasibility
study of the traffic management items already identified and develop them into an integrated
traffic improvement scheme. The feasibility study will be carried out this financial year, with
the agreed proposals implemented in the following or subsequent year.
Mr Rutter and his colleague, Simon Thomas, would like to develop a close working
partnership with the parish council to progress a scheme that is suitable for Paulton residents
and nearby villages. Clerk explained that a meeting has provisionally been arranged for
25 May and members of the Highways Committee, the Paulton Community Traffic Group,
B&NES councillors for Paulton and PC Trevor Gardiner will be invited to attend. The Clerk
has agreed with Mr Rutter that meetings should then be held on the 4th Wednesday of each
Mr Rutter has advised that he is aiming to hold a public exhibition in November 2011 to
present the proposals.
The above information was noted by the members.
The draft minutes of the meeting held on 6 April 2011 were received by the members.
The minutes of the meeting held on 23 March and the draft minutes of the meeting held on
4 May 2011 were received by the members.
Development of former print works site
Bovis Homes application
The application by Bovis Homes Ltd for the approval of reserved matters for the building of 39
residential units on the site had been considered by the committee in March. Insufficient
information had been included in the application to enable the committee to make an
assessment and a meeting been held with the developers on 4 May when the concerns of the
committee had been discussed.
The application was subsequently considered and the members had supported the concerns
detailed by the Chair, Mr Ellis. Members had agreed that “comments only” should be
forwarded to Bath & North East Somerset council (the committee would neither support nor
object to the application) and the Chair would prepare a report on the points raised for
circulation to members, prior to submitting comments to Bath & North East Somerset Council.
Copies of the report prepared by the Chair on the above were circulated to all members and it
was agreed that a summary of the report be forwarded to Bath & North East Somerset
Council as the council’s response to the application.
Wildlife area and allotments
Members were reminded that at the meeting on 4 May, with the developers of the former print
works site, brief discussions had taken place about the transfer of the wildlife area and the
allotment site to the parish council. Copies of documents on the wildlife area and Oxlease
received from the developers have either been emailed or given to all members.
At the meeting it had been agreed that a working group should be set up of councillors and
interested parishioners to liaise with the developers and discuss the management of the
areas. The following members said that they would like to be involved with the project:
Mr Bridgeman, Mr Colliver, Mrs Hardman, Mrs Long, Mrs Lyons, Mr Newton, Mr Warren,
Mr Wild and Mrs Wild. The council’s groundsman, Paul Davison, the Cam Valley Wildlife
Group and other interested parishioners will also be asked to participate.
Extension to Tesco store
Clerk advised members that Ian Thorn, Meeting Place Communications, had contacted her
and explained that his company is handling the consultation and public relations matters
relating to the proposed extension to the Tesco store and he would like to arrange a meeting
with the council and representatives of Tesco.
Clerk explained that she informed Mr Thorn that two issues that will arise at a meeting - the
name given to the store, Midsomer Norton, and the fact that the section 106 contributions
arising from the development of the store have in the past been allocated to Midsomer Norton
and not Paulton although the store is in the parish of Paulton.
Members agreed that, if possible, a meeting should be organised for Tuesday 31 May 2011 at
7.00pm in the Meeting Room.
It was noted that there have been no formal meetings of the committee since the last council
meeting but members have been liaising on staffing issues.
Village Hall
The Chair of the committee, Mrs Madden reported that the hall is continuing to operate
satisfactorily and the external decoration of the hall has been completed.
The committee’s AGM had been held on 6 May when there had been four people in
attendance including the Chair, Clerk and Hall Administrator. She explained that the
committee will be arranging a Extraordinary General Meeting to make a decision about
whether to ask the parish council to take over the management of the hall. This is because it
has proved impossible to recruit members to serve on the committee.
As advised by the Charity Commission the seven existing organisations in the hall’s
governing document have been contacted in writing and asked if they would like to appoint a
representative trustee to carry out an active role in the management of the hall or confirm
their loss of right to appoint a trustee. The Clerk advised that six have confirmed their
consent to the loss of their right to appoint a trustee.
The outstanding organisation is Paulton Parish Council and the council is now being asked if
they would like to appoint a representative trustee to carry out an active role in the
management of the hall or confirm their loss of right to appoint a trustee. Mrs Madden
advised members that she is not prepared to continue serving on the committee.
Pro. Mr Dix, sec. Mr Colliver that the council agree to relinquish their right to appoint a
representative trustee on Paulton Village Hall Management Committee. RESOLVED.
Swimming Pool
Mrs James reported that the pool is doing well and the usage of the pool is increasing
particularly the lessons for 3-4 year olds and baby/carer. The Swimming Pool Management
Committee is working closely with the new Children’s Centre which is due to open in the near
future and it is hoped that the building will be used to provide additional facilities for children’s
pool parties.
The committee is planning an official grand opening of the upgraded pool on 18 June 2011.
Mrs James explained that the committee is hoping to be able to replace the pool surround in
the next couple of years. The cost of this project is £10,000 and a £2,000 grant has been
obtained from Quartet Community Foundation. The committee is also applying for grants to
upgrade the staff room.
Mrs Long expressed her concern about the security of the building, with regard to child
protection, as there is a fire exit with glass panes close to the entrance into the Children’s
Centre. Mrs James responded that the issue is being addressed and consideration is being
given to installing a one-way view screen on the door.
Youth Action
Clerk reported that Paula Bromley, Principal Youth Worker, confirmed in March that evening
work will continue in Paulton but as the Meeting Room is not being used she is not sure how
the service is operating. Mr Bull said that he understands the mobile unit is being used but
he will make enquiries and advise the Clerk.
It was noted that the Village Hall Management Committee has agreed that the Meeting Room
can be used free of charge for youth work on Monday evenings until the end of 2011 when
the situation will be reviewed.
Due to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted the meeting was closed to the
press and public, under section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act, for
consideration of the following item of business regarding staffing issues
Pool administrator
The Chair reported that since the meeting on 19 April he, Mrs Lyons and Mrs Wild had met
a solicitor to discuss the terms of an offer for the above post. As advised by the solicitor
Mr Wild is now liaising directly with DAS Legal Expenses Insurance Company. DAS have
provided advice on employment matters and appropriate terms for an offer and the company
has been instructed to prepare an offer document which will include information provided by
the council in a questionnaire provided by DAS.
Members approved the information and terms in the questionnaire for submission to DAS.
The Chair asked members if the costs arising should be funded from the sum allocated in the
council’s budget for pool administration or from the council’s contingency fund and reserves.
Pro. Mr Dowling, sec. Mrs Hardman that the costs incurred be funded from the
council’s contingency fund and reserves. RESOLVED with 7 councillors in favour and
6 against. Mrs James and Mrs Long abstained from the vote.
The meeting ended at 9.10pm