NOMBRE:__________________________ HORA:______ FECHA:________________
Libro de texto - Página 436
El libro: Complete the following section of notes based on information from your textbook.
1.) Literally translated, what does gustar mean in English?
2.) When you say “Me gustan los programas deportivos” what are you actually saying?
3.) In the above sentence, what is the subject?
4.) In the above sentence, what is the indirect object?
5.) What pattern do you use when forming sentences using gustar and similar verbs?
6.) Typically, in sentences using gustar and similar verbs, the subject comes _____________ the verb.
7.) How do you know which form of gustar to use? (Either gusta OR gustan)
8.) How can you clarify who is pleased?
9.) Fill in the examples below using an indirect object pronoun (Look at the “a phrase” to help you
identify this!) and the singular OR plural form of the verb. (REMEMER: If a singular noun or
infinitive follows the verb, use the singular form of the verb. If a plural noun or more than one noun
follows the verb, use the plural form of the verb)
A mí ____ ____________ las películas románticas. (aburrir)
A mí ____ ____________ un cuchillo y un tenedor. (faltar)
A nosotros ____ ____________ mucho los programas musicales. (interesar)
A Fernando ____ ____________ los pies. (doler {o  ue})
El video: Answer the questions below based on what you learned from the GramActiva video.
1.) With gustar and similar verbs, you need to use the _______________ object pronouns.
2.) Indirect object pronouns were introduced in chapter 8B. In order to review, write them in the chart
(to/for) me
(to/for) us
(to/for) you
(to/for) you
(to/for) him, her;
you (formal)
(to/for) them;
you (formal)
3.) To say that something pleases someone, use this formula:
_______________ + gusta(n) + ____________________
Por ejemplo:
( Me
el helado )
NOMBRE:__________________________ HORA:______ FECHA:________________
4.) When the subject is plural, use _______________________.
Por ejemplo:
Me gustan las telenovelas.
5.) How do you say the following phrases in Spanish? (PISTA: Use an IOP followed by gusta(n))
He likes strawberries.
We like strawberries.
They like the show.
You like the movies.
6.) To emphasize or clarify you can use __________________.
Por ejemplo:
A Ben y a Luciana _____ gustan las telenovelas.
7.) Some other verbs are used in the same way as gustar. Write the Spanish verb infinitive next to the
English meanings below. (You can also find these on your chapter 9A overview paper.)
_______________________ = to please very much, to love
_______________________ = to hurt, to ache
_______________________ =to bore
_______________________ = to interest
_______________________ =to fit
¡PRUEBA! Fill in the blank with the correct verb and pronoun indicated in parenthesis.
(I love) __________________________ los programas musicales.
(It interests us) _______________________ navegar en la Red.
Unas oraciones asociadas con “El cine y la televisión”: Complete each sentence below with the correct
indirect object pronoun followed by the correct form of the verb indicated in parenthesis.
1.) A ellos ______ ________________ ir al cine para ver películas. (aburrir)
2.) A ti ______ ________________ las películas de horror. (encantar)
3.) A su hermano ______ ________________ el programa educativo y la película policíaca. (interesar.)
4.) A mí ______ ________________ el estómago. (doler)
5.) A Carla y a mi ______ ________________ la telenovela nueva. (gustar)
6.) A Sr. Rios ______ ________________ bien los trajes que lleva al cine. (quedar)
7.) Al estudiante ______ ________________ el mando a distancia. (faltar)
8.) A nosotros ______ ________________ hablar de esa película romántica. (gustar)