ROYAL AIR FORCE HOCKEY UMPIRES ASSOCIATION RAFHUA/Sec 2/13/14 Hon Sec HQ JCU(R) Imjin Barracks Innsworth Gloucester See Distribution 4 Aug 14 MINUTES OF A ROYAL AIR FORCE HOCKEY UMPIRES ASSOCIATION ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, HELD AT THE NUFFIELD PAVILLION, RAF HALTON, ON MONDAY 21 JUL 14 Present Mr J R C Patel MBE Cpl N M J Windsor MBE Chair Hon Sec/Treasurer Mr M Rickett MBE Apologies Sgt J Glasspool Wg Cdr M Richardson RAF Leuchars Dental Centre Gutersloh RAF Brize Norton Appointments Sec FS D Lennie Sgt A Sparrow Mr S Ball Mr M W R Bryant Mr F Hubber Mr M Jarvis Mr T Lees Mr J Marchant Mr R Nutter Mr R Shepherd Mr A Stalker Item (a) 1. Minutes of previous meeting. Discussion and Decisions (b) 1. The Chair opened the meeting and proceeded to outline the minutes of the previous AGM held on 15 Jul 13. They were accepted as a true record. 2. Matters arising from previous meeting. 1. Item 6.3. The requirement to undertake an umpires course has been over taken by the England Hockey changes to the umpiring system. We can report that a course will be held at HFS Halton on 17 Aug 14 under the auspices of the RAFHA. 3. Hon Sec’s Annual Report. 1. The Hon Sec presented his report to the meeting and expanded upon it as required. The report is attached as Annex A to these minutes. 2. The Hon Sec has decided that due to small number of members it was felt more user friendly to now issue an actual list of members and their contact details. 1 Action (c) Item (a) 4. Hon Treasurer's Annual Report. Discussion and Decisions (b) 1. The Hon Treasurer presented his report to the meeting accompanied by an audited statement of the accounts. The report is attached as Annex B to these minutes. Action (c) 2. The Hon Treasurer informed the meeting that the Association was financially in a comfortable position and saw no reason in raising the membership fees. 3. The accounts will be seen by an officer of HQ JCU(R) during the coming months. 5. Chief Coach's Annual 1. There was no Chief Coach’s report as one is not Report. in post. This post is covered now by the Chairman and Hon Appts Sec. 6. Appointments Sec’s Annual Report. 1. The Appointments Sec presented his report to the meeting. The report is attached as Annex C to these minutes. 2. The Appointments Sec passed on his thanks to those Umpires who had accepted appointments during the season. 7. Chairman's Annual Report. 1. The Chair presented his report to the meeting. The report is attached as Annex D to these minutes. 8. Umpire of the Year Award. 1. The Chair informed the meeting that the Executive Committee had decided not to present the award this year. 9. Honorary Vice Presidents. 1. The Chair informed the meeting that the Executive Committee had decided not to select any Honorary Vice Presidents this year. 10. Election of Executive 1. In the absence of any other nominations, the Committee Season following RAFHUA members were nominated to 2014/15 stand for the coming season. These were unanimously endorsed by the AGM: Hon Sec – Cpl N M J Windsor MBE Appt Sec – To be covered by Chairman and Hon Sec/Treasurer. Hon Treasurer – Cpl N M J Windsor MBE These were proposed by the Chairman and seconded by Mr Rickett MBE 11. Any Other Business 1. The Chairman offered his disappointment as to the very low turnout this year. He offered the membership the chance to offer their own ideas and or offers of assistance in making the AGM a more worthwhile event. 2 Hon Treasurer Item Discussion and Decisions (a) (b) 12. Date of next meeting 1. The Chair thanked the AGM for their attendance, stating that the date of the next AGM would be 20 July 2014 starting at 1400 at Nuffield Pavilion RAF Halton. Original Signed N M J WINDSOR MBE Cpl Hon Sec RAFHUA Distribution: Action: Executive Committee Information: RAFHA Chairman (thro’ RAFHA Hon Sec) RAF Sports Board RAFHUA Members 3 Action (c) ANNEX A TO RAFHUA MINUTES DATED 4 Aug 14 Honorary Secretary’s Report to the RAFHUA AGM – 21 Jul 14 This my first report covering a full year with only myself to blame if anything has gone wrong!!!! As far as I am aware nothing has materially been incorrect or missed during this year, unless any of you know differently. As far as I am aware last season no Red Cards or MDMO’s were issued by our members whilst umpiring Service matches. When issuing a Red Card or MDMO members should inform the Chairman or me as soon as possible. The completed Red Card Form should be sent within 48 hours to the respective Disciplinary Officer as directed on the form. The reports should be sent in the first instance to: For RAF Single Service games: Flt Lt Tom Godding RAFHA Hon Sec AFCO Nottingham 0115 9473629 (8134) For CS Appointments please contact the CSHA Hon Sec – Lt Paul Patterson RN on: Royal Arthur Building Royal Navy Leadership Academy (RNLA) HMS Collingwood Newgate Lane Fareham PO14 1AS Email: Mil - 93825 3195 BT - 01329 33319 Work: Mobile - 07793 813637 Red Card/MDMO Form, you can download one from the England Hockey Website under the Equity, Ethics and Behaviour Tab alternatively please contact me and I will E-Mail one to you. The RAF Hockey Association Website is now available on the Internet the RAFHUA area is available here: . The site will only show the last approved AGM minutes (2012) as those for 2013 will be approved at this meeting. If any member wishes to make a suggestion on a Hockey related matter they would wish to see published please contact myself, and the matter can be discussed. There is also for those with access to MOSS on DII an full RAFHA site which has areas for the RAFHUA. Here you will find all our standard forms, minutes of meetings and members details, the link is : Once again I would like to reiterate the requirement for adequate personal liability insurance when our members are going out to umpire. Serving members of the RAFHUA are only covered to umpire at any Service (Cup, League, Inter-Station) matches and for any CSHUA appointment where a Service team is involved. A civilian member is only covered for third party claims so any personal injuries are not covered. For any other type of match such as BUSA, schools or local clubs, you are NOT covered. You are advised to join a local HUA, through which insurance cover to the level of match you are graded to would normally be included in your annual subscription, however, it is always better to check with them. Insurance is also available through England Hockey. Pitch Report Forms – No Pitch Report Forms have been received this season. Members are reminded that we will NOT appoint members to the RAF Waddington pitch. If any member umpires a Service league match then it is at their own risk. See the point raised on insurance cover. Travel Authority for serving members will be issued by the Appointments Secretary at the time of making the appointment. Non-serving members undertaking RAFHUA appointments must submit a memo to the Chairman Mr J Patel for him to forward to the RAFHA Treasurer. Details of Membership With the ever decreasing number of members I have changed from the list of types to an actual list of names along with a few contact details. Those still serving are shown in bold. This I hope makes it more relevant to us all and gives us the opportunity to keep in touch where ever possible. A few changes of note: Dave Lennie has rejoined the uniformed element of the RAFHUA as a member of the RAuxAF serving at ASCOT Ops RAF Brize Norton. Two new members are Gp Capt Mason Felton - Old War Office and FS Greg Wines - 8 Sqn RAF Waddington. These are though in the FY 2014 – 15. We have removed Messer’s Cockerill and Fletcher as their membership has expired and they have failed to reply to our invitations to renew. The actual list is attached to these minutes as a stand alone item because it would have to be made too small to read in order to fit inside this whole document. It is available at anytime on request. Membership of the RAF Sports Lottery I have been reminded by the RAF Sports Board that all ex Serving RAF personnel are still eligible to be members of the lottery. Membership is a crucial if you were to request funding for attending a military hockey event, tournament or tour. If you are interested in becoming a member and to confirm the benefits available please contact them direct at: RAF Sports Lottery, Room 43 Kermode Hall, RAF Halton, Aylesbury HP22 5PG Tel: 01296 657132/657131 GPTN: 95237 x7132/7131 Email: Original Signed N M J Windsor MBE Cplt Hon Sec RAFHUA ANNEX B TO RAFHUA MINUTES DATED 4 Aug 14 Honorary Treasurer’s Report to the RAFHUA AGM – 21 Jul 14 1. A draft statement of accounts as at 31 Mar 14 is attached. It will be checked for completeness by a suitable person here at HQ ARRC. The account over the past few years only has a couple of transactions each year and does not represent a huge admin burden. 2. The current subscription rates remain at: Full members (5 Years) - £15.00 4. The accounts show the expenditure and income has been quite stable over the past year, I see no reason at the moment why the subscription fees should be changed. With a current balance of £927.31 in the RAFHUA account I consider we are in a healthy position. 5. Over the last 12 months the only expenditure was for AGM refreshments and a leaving present for Mr M Bryant. There were five membership renewals who were fully paid up to 31 Mar 14. Looking ahead there will only be a maximum of four expected in 2014 -15 of which two have already paid. 6. Given the difficulties we have encountered with Santander in the past relating to the change of signatories from John Musselwhite, Martin Bryant and myself we have left the account with the two latter names as signatories. That way the association stands a far better way of getting to its funds if there was only one signatory and something were to happen to that person. Original Signed N M J Windsor MBE Cpl Hon Treasurer RAFHUA ROYAL AIR FORCE HOCKEY UMPIRES ASSOCIATION BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31 MAR 14 2012-2013 £ 2013-2014 £ £ £ ASSETS 187.04 754.97 Santander Current Santander Deposit 171.59 755.72 942.01 927.31 REPRESENTED BY 903.76 120.75 82.50 942.01 Balance as at 1 Apr 13 Income Plus Expenditure Less Balance as at 31 Mar 14 942.01 75.75 90.45 927.31 INCOME & EXPENDITURE ACCT YEAR ENDING 31 MAR 14 INCOME 120.00 0.75 Subscriptions Interest 75.00 0.75 120.75 75.75 EXPENDITURE 67.50 15.00 0.00 0.00 Outdoor Rule Books Postage AGM Refreshment Martin Bryant Leaving Gift 82.50 +(38.25) Original signed N M J Windsor MBE Cpl RAFHUA Honorary Treasurer 0.00 0.00 36.45 54.00 90.45 Net (Income) Expenditure -(14.70) ANNEX C TO RAFHUA MINUTES DATED 4 Aug 14 APPOINTMENT SECRETARY REPORT TO RAFHUA AGM ON 21 JUL 14 Not much to report on for this season. The RAF Ladies provided an early fixture list including an indoor session. A few short notice changes but generally well informed. RAF Masters had fewer games than previously with a couple of short notice requests. RAF U23 - no fixture list provided. Very short notice requests so were unable to support them. I understand that they toured but did not take an umpire nor did they request one. Inter Station Cup - this was run over 2 days with a small increase of teams over last year. Four umpires supported this event. Inter Regions - four umpires supported this event although it was rather Ad Hoc and hard to see the difference from the Inter Stations. Indoor - new venue at RAF Shawbury successfully trailed. Good introduction to Indoor Hockey umpiring with wide range of player ability on display. Throughout the year events were supported by Lt Col Lees, Sgt Glasspool, Cpl Windsor, Sgt Sparrow, Cpl Duke, Mr Patel and Mr Marchant. Coaching of umpires has been provided by Mr Patel and Sgt Sparrow. The RAF are hosting a Level 1 umpire course on 17 Aug at RAF Halton with spare capacity to be used by local clubs as it is advertised through EHB. A J Sparrow Sgt RAFHUA Appts Sec ANNEX D TO RAFHUA MINUTES DATED 4 Aug 14 CHAIRMAN’S REPORT TO RAFHUA AGM - 21 JUL 14. 1. I am in my third season as Chairman of the RAFHUA. 2. As I have said in my last season AGM report the Association is getting smaller in membership and there are very few active umpires. However, I welcome the few new active umpires and once again strongly recommend to them that that they will only improve their standard of umpiring by joining their local civilian association. 3. The RAF Inter Station was held over 2 days in April at RAF Halton. I umpired and coached other umpires during the competition with the help of Sgt Andy Sparrow. 4. I would personally like to thank Sgt Andy Sparrow, Hon Appts Sec, for his valuable contribution to the RAFHUA Executive Committee. He is on his Resettlement course at present time. I will be attending his Top Table at RAF Northolt and will present him with a RAFHUA engraved glass tankard on behalf of RAFHUA. I wish him well for his chosen civilian career. 5. The RAFHUA, a very small Executive Committee, has run well during the season and I would like to thank them for their contribution. MR J R PATEL MBE CHAIRMAN RAFHUA