Change Dan Archer HARD HAT SOFT HAT CONTRACTORISATION WAR FIGHTER FIRST DTR & DLC ACS ETHOS 1997 & CORE VALUES MFTS 2001/2 2000 RAFD 1999 2003 Developing Excellence in Leadership 2003 RTS & IOT 2002-4 RAFLC FDC 2004 2003 ROAD 2006 OPERATIONS Leading People Through Change •Knowledge •Skills Denial Exploitation •Attitudes •Habits (KASH) Sabotage Acceptance An emotional journey The Change Curve Change – the analysis - know where the truth is in the organisation Modified from DSAT & Leadership Development – Best Practice Guide for Organisations CEML Cultural Web QUESTIONS What do we have that we want to keep? What don’t we have that we want? What do we have that we don’t want? What don’t we have that we never want? LOOKING INTO THE FUTURE PESTLE ANALYSIS Respon ses1 Objective LEADERSHIP CADETS Overall TO 1 Demonstrate the functions, qualities and attributes of leadership required of an RAF Junior Officer 128 TO 2 Demonstrate the mental capabilities required of a leader 142 TO 3 Manage resources and manpower assets for the achievement of a range of tasks 141 TO 4 Demonstrate the manner and style appropriate to a Junior Officer in a leadership situation 140 TO 5 Demonstrate effective communication as a leader 143 Objective TO1 T02 Overal l TO3 1.97 TO1 1.59 TO4 TO2 Gap Analysis2 TO5 1.53 TO3 2.01 0 1 2 3 4 5 Measurement 6 7 8 9 10 Importance Satisfaction TO4 2.34 TO5 1.86 I’M IN CHARGE RELATIONSHIPS Tomorrow’s Officer should aspire to be Military minded and of a courageous and determined fighting spirit Mentally agile and physically robust Politically and globally astute Technologically minded Capable of understanding and managing inter-personal relations (Emotional Intelligence) Flexible, adaptable and responsive Willing to take risks Able to handle ambiguity The Leadership Balance Control Leadership Empowering Leadership “Action Centred” “Mission Command” philosophy How to think rather than what to think philosophy EMPOWERMENT VISION FOR ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Improve standardization Ability to relate with airmen/Non commissioned officers (NCOs) See NCOs as generalists Empowering culture Decoupling training and assessment Organisation Squadron Personnel Specialist Training Teams Flight Lieutenant as Flight Commander SNCO Deputy Leadership Support and Coaching team Military Skills Training Team (RAF Regiment) Academic Dept Operational Studies Academics Individual Tutors Defence Studies Training Support & Standards Similar Administrative Training and Support Physical Education Specialist Courses SERE (Specialist Entrants And Re-entrant) Additional trg LEADING CHANGE Find the right people Position, expertise, credibility Leadership & management skills Create trust Develop a common goal Sensible, appealing Create the guiding coalition Develop the vision & strategy Communicate the change vision Communicate a sensible vision & strategy Make structures & systems compatible with the strategy Provide the training employees need Confront those who under-cut needed change Provide evidence that sacrifices are worth it Reward change agents to build morale and motivation Use feedback to fine tune strategy and plans Undermine cynics Keep chain of command on board Build momentum Management is not leadership Leadership creates: Vision Strategies Management creates: Plans Budgets Empower employees for broad-based action Generate short term wins Consolidate gains & produce more change Anchor new approaches in the culture Comes last, not first Depends on results Requires a lot of talk May involve staff turnover Makes decisions on succession critical LEADERSHIP Establish a sense of urgency Transformation succeeds then faltes Successful transformation No change Short term change achieved but not major transformation MANAGEMENT Tinkerbell and last man standing It is a great if stressful technique, of questionable morality; I like to think of it not as lying but of telling ‘future truths’ REAL CHANGE INVOLVES EMOTION AND ANXIETY KNOW THE TRUTH KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING AND WHY