Metamorphic Rocks Worksheet: Types & Formation

Metamorphic Rocks
1. List and define the two types of metamorphism, also give
an example of each.
2. How is foliated different from non-foliated? Draw a picture
to help you.
3. Name three types of foliated metamorphic rocks.
4. What is the difference between high-grade and low-grade
metamorphism? Include examples of each.
5. What factors influence metamorphism?
6. What is parent rock of slate?
7. What is the composition of marble?
8. Which metamorphic rock is formed from the
metamorphism of sandstone?
9. What is the parent rock of anthracite?
10. What is the parent rock of marble?
11. What is the parent rock of Gneiss?
12. What is the parent rock of schist?
13. Which metamorphic rock is composed of quartz?