Questions for Identifying metamorphic video

Questions for Metamorphic video
1. What is a metamorphic rock?
2. Draw in space below, a diorite. Draw in second box how the diorite looks when subjected to
3. What is most common sedimentary rock? ___________________________.
4. When shale undergoes pressure, what happens to the clay minerals?
5. Starting with the lowest grade metamorphism, write down the foliated metamorphic rocks in
order of amount of metamorphism.
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Increased heat and/or pressure (metamorphism)
6. Regional metamorphism, which forms foliated metamorphic rocks, form at what types of crustal
7. What metamorphic rock does quartz,(sandstone) become?_________________________
8. Marble forms from________________________.
9. A conglomerate metamorphoses into a ____________________________.
10. Write the sequence from which buried plants over millions of years and great pressure, slowly
turn into coal.
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