Metamorphic Rocks 1 2 3 5 6 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 ACROSS DOWN 4 a metamorphic rock used for tiles and roofs 5 an organic metamorphic rock 8 limestone is the parent rock of this 10 an agent of metamorphism resulting from the weight of rocks above 11 an agent of metamorphism related to temperature 12 a foliated dense rock that has light and dark colored banding 14 metamorphic rocks having a banded or striped appearance 1 comes from metamorphosed quart sandstone 2 ________techtonics is the movement of parts of the earth's crust 3 change form 6 ________solution is gases and water vapor escaping from magma 7 ______metamorphism is a localized low grade metamorphism 9 _________metamorphism is associated with mountain building. 13 the name comes from a Greek word meaning "to split" Metamorphic Rocks Solution: Q U A N T H R A C I R Y O T D N Z R T I O A T T C E H E A T E R G N M A L T M P E F O L P S L A T E A T R B L E M E T A M O R R E S S U R E P G H I I S S O C C N H A I L S I A T E D