Zbigniew Brzezinski AN INVITATION The Polish Institute of Arts

Zbigniew Brzezinski
The Polish Institute of Arts & Sciences of America
Polski Instytut Naukowy w Ameryce
in cooperation with the
Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies
George Washington University, Washington, DC
cordially invites you to its
69th Annual Meeting
to be held at
Hyatt Arlington Hotel
1325 Wilson Boulevard
Arlington Virginia 22209
This national multi-disciplinary conference is sponsored by PIASA (208 East 30 th Street, New York, N.Y. 10016) in
cooperation with the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, George Washington University. The conference
is open to the public. All persons attending the conference including panelists, presenters, etc. are required to
register and pay a $50. registration fee to help cover the substantial expenses to secure the needed facilities and
services. Advance Registration by mail is strongly recommended on forms provided with this invitation. The forms are
also available on PIASA’s website ; www.piasa.org On site registration will also be possible.
PIASA has reserved a block of single/double occupancy rooms at a special group rate of $119. + tax per room. Rooms at
that rate will be available for arrival Thursday, June 9 and departure Sunday, June 12. All room reservations must be made
by directly telephoning 1-800-233-1234 or on line. Group Reference code is G-POLI www.arlington.hyatt.com
Reservations must be made not later than May 20, 2011.
The final detailed official program with full titles of presentations, room assignments and schedule will be printed later and
distributed at the Annual Meeting in Arlington, VA. It will also appear on PIASA’s website; www.piasa.org.
The following is an incomplete list of sessions and panels which will make up the 69th Annual Meeting program. The final version may
include some additions and corrections
June 10-11, 2011, Hyatt Arlington Hotel, Arlington, VA 22209
Economics, Politics and Society in Contemporary Poland. Jan N. Saykiewicz, Duquesne University; Richard
Hunter, Seton Hall Univrsity; Donald Pienkos, University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee; Krzysztof Bledowski, Manufacturers
Alliance, Arlington, VA; Marek Konarzewski, Embassy of the Republic of Poland.
John Dewey and the Poles. Robert Szymczak, Penn State University-Beaver; Timothy Madigan, St. John Fisher
College; M.B. B. Biskupski, Central Ct. State University.
Poland and Polonia in the New “Polish American Encyclopedia”. ( Roundtable co-sponsored by The Polish
American Historical Association).Angela Pienkos, Polish Center of Wisconsin; James S. Pula, Purdue University-North
Central; Donald Pienkos, University of Wiisconsin-Milwaukee; Neal Pease, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
Polish Women in the Service of Society: Maria Sklodowska-Curie & Ernestine Rose. Hanna Chroboczek Kelker,
NYU School of Medicine; Helena Pycior, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Norman Kelker, Enzio Biochem Inc.
Polish American Organizations: Electronic Solutions to Current Projects. Iwona Drag Korga, Pilsudski Institute of
America; Marek Zielinski, Pilsudski Institute of America; James S. Pula, Purdue University-North Central; Regina
Frackowiak, Library of Congress; Renata C. Vickrey, Central Ct. State Univerity.
Polonia Today. Susanne S. Lotarski, US Department of Commerce (ret.) and Polish American Congress; Maja
Trochimczyk, Moonrise Press CA; Thaddeus C. Radzilowski, Piast Institute.
Medieval and Early Modern Polish History. Paul W. Knoll, University of Southern California; Paul Milliman,
University of Arizona; Mark Munzinger, Radford University; Lynn Lubamersky, Boise State University.
The Holocaust Revisited. Charles Chotkowski, Piast Institute; Tomasz Frydel, Brandeis University; Monika Rice,
Brandeis University; Steven Paulsson, University of Toronto.
Genes, Stem Cells and Cell Death. Norman Kelker, Enzo BioChem, Inc.; Wlodek Mandecki, PharmaSeq, Inc.;
Mariusz Z. Ratajczak, University of Louisville; Zbigniew Darzynkiewiz, New York Medical College.
Poland Facing Global Economic Challenges. Krzysztof Bledowski, Manufacturers Alliance; James Morsink,
International Monetary Fund; Erika Jorgensen, World Bank; Anders Asluind, Petersen Institute of International Politics;
Katarzyna Zajdel-Kurowska, International Monetary Fund.
Language and Literature. Helene Wlodarczyk, Universite de Paris-Sorbonne; Beata Dorosz, Institute of Literary
Research, PAN, Warsaw; Elizabeth Blake, St. Lous University.
Dealing with Issues of WWII and Its Aftermath: New Interpretations. Krystyna Piorkowska, Muzeum Wojska
Polskiego, Warsaw; Robert Szymczak, Penn State University –Beaver; Charles Chotkowski, Piast Institute
Protest and the Polish People’s Republic. Leonard Baldyga, Minister, Foreign Service (ret.); Timothy F. Kearney,
Misericordia University, PA; Marek Payerhin, Lynchburg College; Jozef Figa, Kaplan University.
Poland as Viewed from America and Western Europe. Anna Ewa Peck, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill;
Anna M. Cienciala, Unversity of Kansas; Andrea Huterer, Editor, OSTEUROPA; Timothy Kearney, Miserecordia
University, Leoanard Baldyga, Foreign Service (ret.)
Polish Science and Scientists. Hanna Chroboczek Kelker, New York University School of Medicine; Izabela
Wagner, University of Warsaw and CEMS, Paris; Willian DeJong-Lambert, City University of New York & Harriman
Institute, Columbia University; Zbigniew Darzynkiewicz, Brander Cancer Research, New York Medical College
PIASA: Its Origins and Early History: On the Eve of Its 70th Anniversary. Jakub Grygiel, Johns Hopkins
University; Beata Dorosz, Institute of Literary Research PAN, Warsaw; Thaddeus V. Gromada, PIASA & New Jersey
City University and TBA.
The Memoir and the Novel: Two Means of Historical Memory. Neal Pease, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee;
Dan Vaillancourt, Loyola University Chicago; Angelica Krajewski, Loyola University Chicago; Douglas Jacobson, author.
Poland, USA and China at the Threshold of Globalization. Mark Michalski, U. of Maryland; Bernard Pitsvada,
GWU ; Slawomir Wawak, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny, Krakow, Bozena Leven,, College of New Jersey.
Polish Music and Art. Frank Borkowski, Appalachian State University; Dominique Porebska-Kwasnik, Jan
Kochanowski University, Kielce; Maja Trochimczyk, Moonrise Press; Alan Lockwood, Editor, Brooklyn Rail..
Saturday, June 11, 2011. 7:00 pm. to 9:30 pm – GALA Banquet – Hyatt Arlington Ballroom, 1325 Wilson Blvd.
Arlington , Va. Tickets $75. USD . Banquet reservation deadline June 1, 2011.
counselor and trustee, Center of Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC.
Thaddeus V. Gromada, President and Executive Director
Chair of 69th Annual Meeting, Dr. M. B.B. Biskupski. Program Committee: Dr. M. B.B. Biskupski, Dr. Hanna
Kelker, Dr. Paul W. Knoll, Dr. Bozena Leven, Leoanard Baldyga.
Chair of Local Arrangements Committee: Dr. Susanne S. Lotarski.
Souvenir Program: Janina Kedron & Mariusz Bargielski