G. H. Raisoni College of Engineering, Nagpur Electronics Department Question Bank Subject – Radar Engineering Objective Questions Unit I 1) Radar is a contraction of word ________ . 2) Radar range is measure in ______ unit. 3) What do you mean by second time around echoes. 4) What do you mean by maximum unambiguous range. 5) What is pulse repetition frequency? 6) What is minimum detectable signal. 7) Which factor affects the maximum radar range. 8) Frequency bands for radar system is _____ . 9) What do you mean by false alarm. 10) What is radar cross section of target. Unit II 1) MTI stands for ____ . 2) What do you mean by coherent signal. 3) What do you mean by non coherent signal. 4) What is function of delay line canceller. 5) What is function of phase detector. 6) Why output of MTI stage is bipolar 7) What is function of Tracking radar. 8) Which are the different methods for generating error signal in Tracking radar. 9) Explain function of COHO & STALO in MTI radar. 10) Explain function of duplexer. Unit III 1) What is Klystron. 2) Which are the different types of klystron. 3) What is the use of klystron. 4) What do you mean by mode. 5) What is the condition for maximum amplification in klystron. 6) How much is the efficiency of reflex klystron. 7) How much is the efficiency of magnetron. 8) Why magnetron is called cross field device. 9) Which mode is used for oscillation in magnetron. 10) How R. F. field is generated in magnetron. Unit IV 1) What do you mean by Directivity. 2) What is power gain. 3) What is Effective aperture area 4) What is effective length. 5) What is aperture efficiency. 6) What is radiation resistance. 7) What do you mean by efficiency. 8) What is radiation intensity. 9) Which are the different feeds for paraboloids. 10) Which are the different types of lens antennas. Unit V 1) What is the function of radar receiver. 2) What do you mean by noise figure. 3) First stage of radar receiver is _____ . 4) What is the function of mixer. 5) What is the function of duplexer. 6) Which are the different types of duplexers. 7) What is the function of display unit. 8) Which are the important parameters of mixer. 9) What is conversion loss. 10) What is low noise temperature loss. Unit VI 1) what do you mean by clutter. 2) Which are the different types of clutters. 3) What do you mean by radar cross section . 4) What do you mean by surface clutter. 5) What is angel echoes. 6) What is sea clutter. 7) What is function of synthetic aperture radar 8) What is the function of HF over horizon radar. 9) What is use of synthetic aperture radar. 10) What is use of Hf over horizon radar. Subjective Questions Unit I 1) What is radar range equation? Derive expression for it. 2) Draw & Explain block diagram of simple pulse radar system. 3) Explain different applications of radar. 4) What is doppler effect? Derive expression for Doppler frequency shift. 5) Draw & explain block diagram of simple CW radar. 6) What are the advantages of CW radar. 7) What are the applications of CW radar. 8) Explain frequency modulated CW radar. 9) Explain FM CW altimeters. 10) Explain advantages of FM CW radar over CW radar. Unit II 1) What is the difference between pulse radar & pulse Doppler radar. 2) Explain basic principle of MTI radar. 3) Draw & explain block diagram of MTI radar. 4) What do you understand by blind speed ? How to eliminate it? 5) Explain non coherent MTI radar. 6) Explain principle of tracking radar. 7) Explain acquisition in detail. 8) Compare the radar trackers. 9) Explain Sequential Lobing 10) What are the limitation of MTI radar. Unit III 1) Explain working of two cavity klystron. 2) Explain reflex klystron with circuit diagram. 3) What is difference between two cavity klystron & reflex klystron 4) Explain construction of 8 cavity magnetron 5) How oscillations are generated in a magnetron . 6) Explain difference between klystron & magnetron. 7) Explain phase focusing effect. 8) Explain working of TWT. 9) Explain basic structure of radar pulse modulator. 10) Explain line pulse modulator. Unit IV 1) Explain different properties of antenna. 2) Explain parabolic reflector antenna. 3) Explain cassegrain antenna. 4) Explain lens antenna. 5) Explain scanning feed reflector antenna. 6) Explain delay or dielectric lens, 7) Explain feed for paraboloids. 8) Explain artificial dielectric lens 9) What are the advantages of lens antenna. 10) What are the advantages & disadvantages of cassegrain antenna. Unit V 1) What is noise figure? Find out expression for noise figure. 2) What is the noise figure for network in cascade. 3) What is noise temperature? Find out expression for noise temperature. 4) What is conversion loss & noise temperature ratio. 5) Explain balanced mixer 6) Explain image recovery mixer 7) Explain balance duplexer 8) Explain branch type duplexer 9) Write short note ob display unit 10) Write short note on i) Diode burn out ii) Low noise front end Unit VI 1) Derive expression for surface clutter. 2) Explain detection of target in sea clutter. 3) Write short note in sea clutter. 4) Explain detection of target in land clutter. 5) Explain short note on land clutter. 6) Write short note on anger echoes. 7) Explain detection of target in precipitation 8) Explain effect of weather on radar. 9) Explain synthetic aperture radar. 10) Explain HF over the horizon radar. Problems Unit I 1) Calculate minimum receivable signal in a radar receiver which has IF bandwidth 1.5 M Hz & 9 db noise figure. 2) Calculate maximum range of radar system which operates at 3 cm wavelength with peak pulse power of 1 MW. If its minimum detectable signal is 4mW. Radar cross section area is 15 m2 & effective antenna aperture is 6 m2. Unit II 1) A MTI radar operates at 5 G Hz with PRF of 800 PPs. Calculate lowest three blind speeds of this radar. 2) A MTI radar operates at 4.8 G Hz with pulse repetition frequency of 600 Hz. Calculate lowest blind speed of the radar. Unit IV 1) Calculate beam width between null of a 2.5 m paraboloid reflector used at 60 G Hz,. 2) Calculate radiation resistance of a / 16 wire dipole in free space . also find antenna efficiency.