How unequal were the Latins? The “strange” case of Portugal, 1550-1770 Jaime Reis* Álvaro Santos Pereira** Conceição Andrade Martins* *Instituto de Ciências Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa ** Simon Fraser University For help and advice, the authors wish to express their gratitude to Maria Antónia Pires de Almeida, Inês Amorim, Raquel Berredo, Leonor Freire Costa, Rui Esperança, Carlos Faísca, João Ferrão, João Fialho, António Castro Henriques, Bruno Lopes, Filomena Melo, Esteban Niccolini, Susana Pereira, Amélia Polónia, Isabel dos Guimarães Sá, Carlos Santiago-Caballero and Ana Margarida Silva. Address for correspondence: 1 1. Introduction Latin countries, whether in Europe or the Americas, are perceived nowadays by much of the literature as having always been more unequal economically than others with similar levels of income. In part, this view is encouraged by contemporary economic inequalities, which show that Latin countries exhibit comparatively higher degrees of income or wealth disparity (Lopez and Perry, 2008). At the same time, it has been supported by the work of Engerman and others on the different paths of long term development in the New World (Engerman and Sokoloff, 1997, Engerman, Haber and Sokoloff, 2000). Their claim is that differing patterns of inequality go back a very long way and were evident already in the earliest colonial period. Over time they became more firmly entrenched and ultimately a powerful determinant of macro divergence between, respectively, Latin America, and Canada and the USA. This colonial legacy has thus become a central part of the conventional wisdom which explains the economic differences displayed by post colonial societies (Frankema, 2009). What is remarkable about this account is how little it has been subjected to empirical verification. As Williamson (2009) has pointed out, there is very little hard fact to substantiate it and the scarce available data actually point in the opposite direction to that of the consensus view1. A second problem with the thesis of the long run persistence of inequality in the Americas is that it is often specified poorly. A clear 1 In the case of the late 18th century USA, only two observations, to my knowledge, are known, neither of which is entirely satisfactory. One, from Solow (1971), employs data on housing, which is problematic as a means of assessing income or wealth inequality levels. The other is from Lindert (2000), citing Alice Hanson, and is based on a fairly small number of probate inventories. For the entire territory of Latin America, Milanovic et al. (2007) come up with a single measurement of aggregate inequality for the fullness of the colonial era. Recently, Dobado and Garcia (2011) have come up with evidence which suggests that at least Bourbon America was not “an exceptional unequal society” in international terms. 2 definition of the appropriate yardstick for comparison is lacking, i.e. wealth, income, land ownership or rents? The same applies to the geographic terms of the comparison. Is this supposed to pit the 13 Colonies against Latin America, or the New World against the Latins in Europe? Within Europe should we seek to contrast England and the Netherlands with Iberia? Finally, little attention has been given to the dating of these assessments despite the likelihood that economic inequality will have displayed differences across time, as well as across space. Clearly there is scope for improvement in all these aspects of the international history of economic inequality and the present paper tries to contribute to this in several ways. In the first place, it adds to the presently rather small information pool by mobilizing a rich and little studied seam of data from Portugal, a Latin country and a major colonial power between the sixteenth and the eighteenth centuries. Secondly, it provides a new set of reliable and consistent measures of inequality which can be used for meaningful comparisons with other nations, as well as to show that this Latin country at least was probably less unequal than England or the Netherlands. Thirdly, it sheds new light on the long run determinants of inequality, in particular economic growth, and on the applicability to pre-industrial societies of the Kuznets curve model. Finally, it shows that the most plausible scenario for the less-dynamic economies of the Early Modern era such as Portugal was a long term decline in inequality and a concurrent lessening of its social polarization. The paper is structured as follows. The next section sums up the current state of knowledge regarding economic inequality in Early Modern countries. It also highlights the problems of making long term comparative appraisals when heterogeneous data or methods are employed. The third section presents the data used in the paper and 3 evaluates their reliability, consistency and representativeness.2 The fourth part outlines the method whereby national indicators of economic inequality at long intervals can be generated and displays the results obtained for Portugal. Its principal claim is that this was a case of a long term inequality decline from the sixteenth to the 18th centuries and was probably growing less unequal than the more advanced economies of Europe of the time. The fifth section shows that van Zanden’s (1995) neo-kuznetsian hypothesis linking macroeconomic performance and economic inequality fits awkwardly with this account of Portugal’s inequality. It suggests an eclectic approach to a revision which encompasses both the experiences of “declining” economies (Portugal) and “advancing” ones (the Netherlands). The final section concludes. 2. Early Modern economic inequality: Data and estimation problems 2.1 Sources: social tables or fiscal data? Historians of pre-industrial economic inequality have relied mainly on two types of source: social tables and fiscal data. Both have advantages and weaknesses but, as table 1 below shows, this does not prevent the emergence of a consensual picture of the principal features of Early Modern inequality. Social tables are “highly educated guesses”, made by well-informed contemporaries, who report average income and the number of its recipients by social class for a given country, at a given moment (Milanovic, Lindert and Williamson, 2007 and 2011; Williamson, 2009). One of their strengths is that usually they were organized to provide This responds to Williamson’s (2009: 4) appeal to collect “new pre-industrial inequality evidence and thus perhaps overthrow once and for all the historical persistence view that pervades modern debate about Latin American inequality”. 2 4 full coverage of the country’s population or of a large region of a country. They are not marred therefore by missing observation biases as occurs when there are significant gaps in the distribution. Given that historically their aim was to assist in formulating tax policies, they tend to be focused on income rather than wealth or other indicators. This makes them an excellent source for calculating national indices of earnings inequality, instead of having to employ proxies. Finally, they are particularly suitable for studying societies such as those of the Early Modern period, in which mean income differences between classes are large, intra-class divergence is small and class demarcation lines are easy to detect. Estimating inequality on this basis is a comparatively simple undertaking essentially because it only has to concern itself with between-class income differences (Williamson, 2009). Social tables are not free from defects, however. A doubt inevitably hangs over their reliability. In part, it is a function of the extent of the guesswork involved and of the aptness and biases of its author. In addition, they tended to be carried out in the service of a ruler, to help maximize fiscal revenue, and this raises questions concerning possible systematic distortions of the results. Another important concern is the assumption that there was no variance within income classes. Modalsli (2011) has argued, however, that Gini coefficients obtained from social tables are prone to significant biases for two reasons which are related with this. One is that in each class the entire group is concentrated at its mean income point, which is improbable. The other is that there is no substantial overlap between the income ranges of adjacent classes. If neither assumption is met, then this may imply an upward correction of the estimated Gini coefficient of an order of between 30 and 100 per cent. Thus, there is a persistent downward bias in these estimates, and also a degree of uncertainty as to its size. 5 A final worry regards the prospects of historical inequality studies based on social tables. Not only is the pool of available material limited, but its supply is highly inelastic. Since it seems unlikely that future research will uncover a great many more as yet unknown ones of reasonable quality, historical inequality studies will have to be written on the basis of the same small pool of information. This will be an important limitation on the development of this field. 3 It seems important therefore to consider the alternative offered by fiscal data. Fiscal sources have been employed to good effect in a number of studies on the period prior to 1800. Apart from being widely disseminated and well kept in archives, tax rolls exist in large quantities and contain a massive amount of individual information gathered at regular intervals on the households or householders of a given territory. They are presumed to reflect, with reasonable accuracy, the personal income or wealth of those listed at the particular moment (Soltow, 1987; van Zanden, 1995; Morrison and Snyder, 2000). Their application was normally universal and they followed a consistent methodology based on a flat rate charge. This made them less liable to error and obfuscation. Generally speaking, the quality of these data in fact appears acceptable. The emerging modern states of Europe armed themselves with surprisingly effective mechanisms for estimating worth and collecting revenue. Tax rolls were put together using the knowledge of crown officials, priests, magistrates and local “wise men”, and were implemented on a house-by-house basis, to prevent evasion. Burocratic control was used to dissuade favouritism or corruption, and a good deal of publicity accompanied assessments, to help deter prevaricators. 3 Symptomatically, Williamson (2009) was obliged to calculate a number of Latin American Gini coefficients for the pre-colonial, colonial and 19th century periods by means of regression analysis, given the absence of social tables from which to construct them for this region. The title of the paper is suggestively “History without Evidence”. 6 To obtain a national measure of inequality for a single year from a source of this type is a highly laborious endeavour, however, which requires processing hundreds of thousands of dispersed observations. Moreover, in most of Europe the administration of such taxes was carried out by local authorities and the results were kept by them, not centralized. To arrive at a satisfactory result consequently involves a heavy burden in locating and pulling together a tremendous quantity of source material.4 An obvious problem with this information is its reliability. Despite all the precautions to ensure procedural homogeneity, this was never easy to achieve. Ancien Regime France offers a good example of attempts to implement universal direct taxes which were repeatedly defeated in this aim. Given the pressure of local interests and the irresistible tendency over time to reinterpret rules of fiscal assessment at lower levels of administration, they tended to become idiosyncratic and the country was thus gradually converted into a mosaic of fiscal localism (Morrison and Snyder, 2000). The exceptional treatment under the tax law meted to certain individuals, groups of individuals or occupational and other social classes presents even more formidable difficulties. This was all the harder to eradicate as it involved very large numbers of taxpayers and was an integral part of the social and economic fabric of pre-industrial nations. In cases such as the clergy, the nobility, religious corporations, military officers and servants of the Crown, fiscal exemptions were conceded having in view the importance of their roles in society and in the power structure, or as a recompense for services which, once rendered, then became fossilized in time (Santiago-Caballero, 2011). Given the substantial incomes and assets associated with these groups, a Morrison and Snyder (2000) took a “small” sample of about 300,000 householders to study the income distribution of 28 million Frenchmen in 1788. In all, they perused 189 rolls covering 56 departments. 4 7 downward bias in inequality estimates seems probable. At times, this could be reinforced by placing a ceiling on high income valuations, though this effect could be countered by striking the poor and the humble off the tax rolls, to save on the cost of pursuing such a numerous and low income revenue target. Some “universal” taxes, on wealth or on income, are known to have failed to reach as much as 70 per cent of the population under consideration. (McCant, 2007; Soltow, 1980, 1985).5 2.2 Results and problems The informational possibilities which arise when social tables and fiscal data are pooled ought to ensure a rich empirical harvest on which to base the study of economic inequality before 1800. Table 1 displays the majority of available estimates from the literature on Early Modern Europe and the Americas. It reveals a set of thirty three observations covering a wide range of situations and points in time. Altogether, they originate in thirteen countries, cover the years from 1534 to 1808 and reflect the distribution of economic achievement in terms of income, wealth accumulation or expenditure on housing, usually on a household basis. It reveals a remarkable degree of interest in the history of economic inequality and a considerable research effort. On the other hand, it fails to go far enough towards satisfying the requirements of a comparative analysis of the long run evolution of distributional disparities between nations. [Table 1 about here] 5 Morrison and Snyder (2000) correct for another bias which was widespread in Early Modern economies, when assessments were made only with regard to monetized income. In fact, a large part of the population living off agriculture was to some extent self-sufficient, with the result that a significant share of earnings was ignored. 8 Apart from the deficiencies, vagaries and imperfections already noted above in the sources, there are three major shortcomings to this collection. The first is that only part of these country-year pairs can be used for our purpose. Roughly a third (13) only has been collected from research materials which are truly “national” in scope (see col. 5). None of the information on Spain, Germany or Italy satisfies this condition and parts of that respecting the Netherlands, France and the United States suffer from the same. Some of the estimates dubbed as “national” are, in fact, extrapolations from regional or local data, sometimes in a manner which casts doubts on their representativeness. The Dutch indicators of inequality are a case in point.6 One aspect is the poor coverage by the data in question. In two instances, they are drawn from income tax findings (1742 and 1808), while in two others, from tax rolls relating to a levy on the value of dwellings (1561 and 1732). All four of them, however, are heavily biased towards the richer segments of the population and therefore have invited scepticism (McCants, 2007). A second problem arises because so-called “national” indices of inequality are estimated by averaging population-weighted “local” Gini coefficients in order to obtain the desired global figure. This procedure is incorrect, however, since the Gini metric is not “decomposable” and consequently does not allow us “to write down a formula giving total inequality as a function of inequality within the constituent subgroups, and inequality between the subgroups” (Cowell, 2011: 64).7 This drawback is present in many national inequality coefficients presented for the Netherlands, as well as in the comparisons drawn by Williamson (2009) between inequality in Western Europe and Latin America, all of them based on weighted arithmetic means of Gini coefficients. 6 For the Netherlands indicators, see Van Zanden (1995); and Soltow and Van Zanden (1998). 7 The measures of inequality which do permit this treatment are: variance, coefficient of variation, Atkinson’s index, Dalton’s index, Theil’s index, MLD index, Herfindhal’s index and generalized entropy. See Cowell ( 2011: 74). There is some doubt on this score, however. For a claim that Ginis can be decomposed, see Soltow and Van Zanden (1998:18). 9 A final reason for shunning some of the estimates in table 1 is that the variables summarized do not constitute a homogeneous group. Comparison between some pairs can be therefore problematic. Proxying personal income with house rents, for example, is bound to lead to difficulties unless it is preceded by a careful enquiry into the nature of the relationship between these two variables.8 Likewise, comparing the evolution of inequality in two countries, one of which - England and Wales – refers to income and the other - Holland – to house rental values (Van Zanden, 1995) has to be questioned too. Finally, incomparability arises when the standard of inequality is applied to different underlying data, e.g. income versus wealth (Van Zanden, 1995; McCants, 2007; Nicolini and Ramos-Palencia, 2011). This is only possible if the relationship between the two variables is modeled with a reasonable degree of robustness so that one can be converted into equivalent units of the other. At present, few exercises of this kind are available, however, Nicolini and Ramos-Palencia (2011) and Williamson (2009) being rare exceptions.9 Nevertheless, table 1 represents a considerable increment in our knowledge of historical economic inequality. One of its achievements is to lend support to two notions which have become consensual in the literature and will be important in the development of the present paper. One is that Early Modern inequality in both Europe and the Americas Expressions like “[rents] came quite close to the distribution of incomes” (Van Zanden, 1995: 648) need to be substantiated. For a similar view on this relationship in late 18 th century North America, see Soltow (1987). 8 9 Nicolini and Ramos-Palencia (2011) have estimated linear regressions of income on wealth plus control variables. This should make it possible to infer the inequality of distribution of the former, indirectly, from the latter. This second step has not yet been undertaken by them. Williamson (2009: table 2) has run a regression to estimate the impact on the Gini coefficients of various historical cases in which one of the explanatory variables is a dummy for the type of source used, i.e. “tax census” or “social table”. The same procedure could be used with a dummy for “wealth” versus “income” data. This would provide a solution for converting the values of one of these classes into the other and thus achieve comparability between them. 10 was very pronounced by present day standards. In fact, it is rare to encounter for this period Gini coefficients below 0.5, whilst the majority lie between 0.5 and 0.8. In the case of wealth, this coefficient tends to be even greater, in some instances coming close to the theoretical limit of inequality. Around 1800, the Scandinavian countries had the highest scores – 0.9 or more – revealing societies where more than half the male population over 20 years of age had no taxable property whatsoever, and a minute proportion (0.1%) held more than half of the country’s entire wealth (Soltow, 1979, 1980 and 1985).10 Thus, on both sides of the Atlantic, “gross inequality” was undoubtedly one of the hallmarks of pre-modern economies (McCants, 2007).11 The practical significance of this finding for the present study is that it provides a benchmark for the range within which any estimates produced by new research must occur, if they are to be considered plausible. The second generalisation comes from the possibility of ordering the sub-national indices of inequality presented according to the socio-economic characteristics of the human aggregates they represent. As has been noted, rural inequality in Europe during these centuries tended always to be lower than urban (Van Zanden, 1995). In turn, the scale of urban communities related to the extent of the disparities which they displayed. In 18th century Spain, for example, the larger villages of rural Guadalajara were more unequal than the smaller ones (Santiago-Caballero, 2011). In Madrid the Gini for income was 0.77, while in Jerez de la Frontera, a small peripheral town, it was 0.500 10 The UN’s list of country income distribution reveals that outside Latin America and Africa, Ginis above 0.5 do not exist. The majority of those in the group of the world’s most unequal societies have Ginis between 0.5 and 0.6. In 2005, the average for the EU was 0.31 and the coefficient for the USA was 0.47. Morrison and Snyder’s assertion that pre-revolutionary France’s Gini of 0.59 showed that this country’s “income inequality was probably as high as it has ever been anywhere in modern times” thus strikes an over-optimistic note (2000:77). 11 11 (Alvarez-Nogal and Prados de la Escosura, 2007). A finer distinction is exemplified by income levels in the Dutch province of Overijssel in 1750. Among those of similar scale, towns which were prosperous showed a higher degree of inequality and stagnant ones, conversely. These inequality rankings in association with social and economic characteristics can be helpful in constructing national measures of income disparity in two ways. One is that they provide an additional rule of thumb for testing the quality of freshly mined evidence, when sources are problematic or procedures less reliable. If a small village had an inequality measure above that of the country’s capital city, this would mean either that it was an outlier or, more probably, that there was an error of estimation. The other is that they enable us to select the stereotypical localities on which we can build a grid to serve as the basis for calculating national indicators. The latter would serve to calculate a weighted mean of “local” indicators that could be both statistically significant and historically representative. If an appropriate yardstick (i.e. a decomposable index) were used to aggregate them, this would yield a national measure of inequality built on a properly calibrated set of local coefficients, and which would be comparable internationally, as well as over time. In the following section we show how we attempt such a procedure in the case of Portugal. 3. Data on economic inequality in Early Modern Portugal The issue of economic inequality in 20th century Iberia has recently attracted some attention.12 As regards Spain, this has spilled back in time, and a clear picture based on solid empirical foundations is thus emerging even for the Early Modern period (Santiago-Caballero, 2011; Nicolini and Ramos-Palencia, 2011; Alvarez-Nogal and Prados de la 12 See for example Alvaredo and Saez (2009), Prados de la Escosura (2008) and Atkinson et al. (2009). 12 Escosura, 2007, 2011). In the case of Portugal, the 20th century has also been the object of some scholarly interest (Guillera (2011, 2010), Lains, Silva and Guilera (2008), Alvaredo (2009) but its extension into earlier centuries, in the form of quantitative studies, has hardly occurred. This is not to say that the topic has not any had its place in the historiography of the Portuguese Early Modern period. On the contrary, in the earlier and non-quantitative conventional wisdom, income and wealth disparities enjoyed a significant presence, which focused on three aspects. Ancien Regime Portugal was seen as profoundly unequal, the vast majority living in abject poverty, while a tiny minority of nobles and high clergy controlled enormous shares of wealth and income. Such inequality was a major barrier to the country’s long term economic development and growth, mainly because intermediate groups lacked the economic clout to drive this process (Godinho ([1971] 1980). These asymmetries were far from static, however, and there is a periodization to be considered in this respect. Income distribution was relatively “democratic” prior to 1500 but became increasingly unequal during the first overseas empire (1500-1600) and again, after 1700, as a result of renewed colonial expansion and the widespread concession of state monopolies. It declined in the seventeenth century, when the urban bourgeoisie was able to break the nobility’s grip on trade and shipping (Cortesão, 1950). None of these views has been supported by much if any evidence or developed with the correct analytic tools. They add relatively little to the understanding of historical distributional issues, which has stagnated and remained out of touch with international developments in this field. The exception is Johnson’s (2001?) quantitative study based on data from several Portuguese localities between the fourteenth and the eighteenth centuries. This relied on Gini coefficients to trace the trend of economic inequality over 13 480 years, an evolution to which it gave a Malthusian interpretation - population density drives inequality. It foundered, however, on a weak empirical verification, owing to the piecemeal nature of the data, its haphazard geographic dispersion and the lack of consideration for the size and nature of the localities in the sample. Portugal suffers from no dearth of primary material for the study of economic inequality, as Johnson’s study reveals. The present paper has followed therefore the quantitative approach which he pioneered. It introduces, however, four significant improvements. The first is to enlarge and refresh his pool of eighteen “soundings”, taking advantage of the large body of sources whose potential has now come to light. The second is to pick the localities where observations of income or wealth distribution can be carried out in a systematic fashion dictated by the aim of the exercise, instead of leaving the choice simply to the chance of discovery. The third is to concentrate data gathering on three benchmark years separated by extended intervals. This renders the overall effort less onerous, without prejudicing the possibility of an accurate perception of long run change. We have opted for 1550, in the middle of the first overseas expansion; 1770, towards the end of Portugal’s second great colonial cycle; and 1700, as an intermediate position between the economic lethargy of the seventeenth century and the relative dynamism of the next seventy years.13 The last is to select locations accordance with the grid of settlement types outlined above. For every benchmark year each one of the following classes are suitably represented in the sample: major cities (Lisbon and Porto); major towns (over 1,000 households); small towns (significantly 13 Benchmark selection has also been influenced by data considerations. The availability of detailed information on the extraordinary tax of 1565 makes this year a good choice. The decline in the comprehensiveness of the Décima tax after 1789 – all manual workers were excluded - makes it difficult to proceed beyond this moment. 14 less than 1,000 households); and rural settlements. All of them are presumed to be characterised by distinctive time-invariant patterns of economic inequality. Having created the sample, the next step is to compose the respective indices of local inequality into a single measurement, which should be representative of the country as a whole. Instead of the more popular Gini coefficient, we use the Theil index, which is not inferior in other respects, but, as mentioned already, has the virtue of being “decomposable” (Santiago-Caballero, 2011). It can be correctly used therefore for calculating the weighted average of local inequality estimates. If the locations have been correctly selected, this will be close to the true measurement of national inequality and will permit an enormous saving in research effort. 14 It will also make it feasible to gather the necessary information for constructing the minimum number of benchmarks necessary for a perception of inequality trends in the long run. Of the three standard sources for studying the history of Early Modern economic inequality, two are of little use in Portugal. Social tables prior to 1800 are inexistent and probate inventories are too scarce and patchy to be of great use. 15 This leaves us with sole recourse to the personal rolls which arose from direct taxation. Fortunately, not only are these surprisingly abundant and well kept, but also of very good quality for the task at hand. Regular direct taxes became an integral part of the fiscal system only during the 1640s. Prior to this, however, the crown occasionally used direct impositions, on a part of or on the entire country, as an extraordinary measure to meet exceptional revenue needs. This 14 In order to permit comparisons with the results of other researcher, our presentation of the data sample displays local observations in the form both of Theil and Gini coefficients. 15 The first social table in Portugal - Franzini, (1843) - refers to the early 1840s. For work on probate inventories, see Rocha (1994) and Madureira (1989). 15 practice went back well into the middle ages (Gonçalves, 1966, 1964) and seems to have had a broad scope in terms of its incidence, though it usually fell on wealth alone. Typically, the motives were war or preparations for defence; festivities on the occasion of special events in the royal family, or dowries for princes; and the consolidation of crown finances. They had to be agreed to by the representatives of the estates in the cortes, with whom they were contractualized. They were meant to be unrepeatable, one-off events, and were subjected to close public scrutiny. Given their variety and heterogeneity, it is difficult to employ the rolls from these extraordinary taxes for inter-temporal comparisons on a national level, as is our present aim. An exception, however, seems to have been the levy, in 1565, of 40 million reais “for the service of His Majesty”, to consolidate the royal debt. It was applied uniformly throughout the country according to the same procedures as were used later when regular direct taxes were introduced. It allowed some exceptions but in principle was universal and encompassed a very high proportion of the entire population.16 We base our first benchmark on this source. For the second and third ones, we resort to the décima, an income tax adopted in 1641 by Portugal to finance its war of independence from the Spanish crown. This brought an end to all extraordinary direct taxes and ushered in a new fiscal era in which this regular annual imposition fell on all forms of personal income, however obtained. The new impost was applied to the whole population and allowed no exceptions, and consequently ignored the traditional privileges of the nobility and the clergy. It was due on all types of earnings from real estate, in whatever form; profits and income from 16 This source is well known, having been used for Lisbon by Rodrigues (1970), for Loulé by Magalhães (1970) and for Coimbra by Oliveira (1971). The full text of the Lisbon tax roll is in Livro (1947-8). 16 employment in business, trade, transport, manufacturing and agriculture; and interest on loans. Each head of household was obliged to pay jointly on as many of these activities as those living in his hearth were engaged in (female heads of household were also liable), multiple-sourcing then being a common occurrence.17 Initially the charge was 10 per cent on net income and remained so until 1668. It was lowered to 4.5 per cent at the end of the War of Independence, and then raised again to 10 per cent, in the early 18th century (in 1705), due to a renewed threat of war. In 1715, it fell back to 4.5 per cent with the stabilization of the international relations, and only brought back to the 10 % rate in 1762, when international tensions and war broke out again. It remained at this level until 1800.18 How helpful are both types of tax as proxies for studying the distribution of income in Portugal? Simply in terms of aims and design, a good deal seems to commend them. The stipulation that they must be universal in their application suggests that a very substantial degree of coverage was intended. The constant assertion by the authorities that, in carrying out their assessments, officials must always “keep justice and equality” and “be especially careful in judging the commercial, business and manufacturing activity of each subject” (Oliveira, 1971: 308) reveals that the wish that the fiscal burden should be truly proportional to each household’s true economic capacity. 19 It is important also to stress that in practise the process was surrounded by precautions to discourage any evasion of the system, either by omission or by under-valuation. 17 This contradicts the belief that in pre-industrial economies most households had only one source of income. See Morrison (2000). 18 This chronology was pieced together from the information in the legal data base Ius Lusitaniae at 19 This is demonstrated by the successive regulations which prescribed in ever increasing detail how the assessors were to calculate the liability of each household, and multiplied the number of different situations which might hypothetically arise. 17 The key moment in the valuation of the tax base was the compilation of the complete list of householders in every locality of the country and their respective responsibilities. This contained the personal identification of each subject and data for estimating individual fiscal capacity. In each municipality the task was coordinated by four experts appointed by the local authority for their knowledge of the district and its economic activity. They, in turn, selected two assessors for each street who lived in it and would have draw up its list of taxpayers. They were supposed to be familiar with its inhabitants and their respective incomes and wealth. The entire operation was overseen by a royal magistrate without local ties, who was appointed by the crown and on whom his career depended. A control was that the municipal list was assembled following rigorous geographic principles. In urban centres, it was done street-by-street and houseby-house. In the countryside, it was done hamlet-by-hamlet or farm-by-farm. Any gap in the tally had to be justified, making it difficult to conceal the “absence” of a taxpayer or to justify an erroneous appraisal of somebody whom all locals knew.20 Although obviously they cast a remarkably fine net, in practice it is not obvious to what extent direct taxation rolls were inclusive. In terms of gross coverage, they clearly reached a very high proportion of potential taxpayers. In 1565, in Lisbon and Coimbra, those listed in the rolls of the Serviço tax were more than 90 per cent of all households at the time. Later, in the era of the Décima, in all cases where population counts are still available, we have found similar proportions. This does not exclude the possibility, however, of their being enormous distortions in the manner in which taxable wealth or 20 In the instructions drawn up in 1654 on how to compile a tax roll for the décima the following steps were prescribed: 1) start with the list of parishioners, who will be called one by one to describe their employment and assets, as well as the income from each one 2) as a check, gather information on these cases from other people 3) walk up and down the street to check the names of the residents and see if any are missing or there are new residents 4) prepare the assessments and write them in the two copies of the roll, one to be kept locally and the other to be sent to Lisbon. 18 income were attributed to individuals in different income groups. In other words, were the rich (and powerful) systematically favoured and the poor heavily burdened at the moment of assessment? Figures 1A and B, which show the income distribution profiles of the towns of Coimbra and Caminha, respectively in 1567 and 1767, suggest that this did not occur on a scale which might seriously compromise our results. In both these panels, as in all the other local observations of our sample, we note the expected very long tail of extremely poor taxpayers and, at the other end, a very high concentration of reais Fig 1B Income distribution Coimbra 1567 16000 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 1 141 281 421 561 701 841 981 1121 1261 1401 1541 1681 1821 taxpayers income in the hands of a tiny share of wealthy heads of households. Fig 1A Income distribution in Caminha1767 7000 6000 Reais 5000 4000 Series1 3000 2000 1000 0 1 26 51 76 101 126 151 176 201 226 251 276 301 taxpayers 19 More problematic for this research than biases caused by prevarication is their likelihood as a consequence of exemptions given to certain social classes. The rules of the Serviço tax, for example, declared that it applied to the “entire population” without distinction, but then gave immunity to members of the religious orders and the royal household, high judicial magistrates, doctors, university graduates, doctors of Theology, knights and their widows and a few others. Moreover, it established a limit of one million reais on taxable income, and a minimum tax of 16 reais on manual labourers irrespective of their earnings or assets (Rodrigues, 1970). The former would bias the measurement of inequality downwards, the latter would have the opposite effect, and it may be that the two balanced each other out, though there is no way of controlling for this. Outside Lisbon and therefore among the majority of the population, these exceptions would be less numerous and would have had a lesser impact when gauging distributional disparities.21 In the case of the Décima, the only significant exclusion was the clergy, since neither the nobility nor all the other former privileged occupations and statuses were given any relief from this obligation. Indeed, an examination of the tax rolls reveals the presence throughout them of holders of titles of nobility and of the title of Dom. In the case of the secular clergy - mainly parish priests – their names, properties and credit activities appear in the rolls also. Although it is unclear whether they were obliged to pay the corresponding tax, this enables us to include in our estimates a substantial part of their incomes. On the other hand, the considerable revenues of the monastic orders and of the bishoprics and archbishoprics and their distribution escape our scrutiny since they paid 21 Regarding the higher titular nobility, which appears only scarcely in the 1565 Lisbon tax roll, we compensate for this by inputing available data on their estimated incomes from a 1529 list in Magalhâes (2004), p.491. 20 a flat sum to the crown on account of the Décima. The burden of institutions was allocated among them in a manner unknown to us. In any case, even if the number of beneficiaries of these incomes and the amounts involved were known, there would be no way of knowing how its was shared out within them.22 On the whole, the stock of rolls arising from direct taxes both before and after 1641 appears to offer a reasonable empirical basis for estimating a measure of economic inequality at the national level across social classes, and allows us to make comparisons over time. To obtain such indices, we need an adequate number of local estimates of distributional inequality distributed among the four different types of population settlement referred to above. Table 2 displays the shares in the national population attributable to each of these categories, which will serve, in the following section, when we need them to weight these “local” inequality measures in order to obtain a national figure. Table 2: Shares of national population by types of settlement (thousands) mid 16 c. % end 17 c. % late 18 c.* Principal cities (Lisbon and Porto) 144 8,34 205 9,32 238 8,21 Major towns 119 6,89 117 5,32 264 9,10 Minor towns 76 4,40 73 3,32 56 1,93 It is known that some orders were far “richer” than others but the distribution of income within each one is impossible to know. For data on Church wealth, see Oliveira Marques and Fortunato de Almeida. 22 21 % Countryside 1388 80,37 1805 82,05 2342 80,76 Total population 1727 100,00 2200 100,00 2900 100,00 Urbanization rate 19,60 18,00 Source: Bairoch (1988) with adaptations. Notes:major towns are >1,000 households; minor towns <1,000 households Countriside= total - all towns *= 1800 4. Results and discussion Table 3 displays a set of summary statistics relating to direct taxation rolls over two centuries which has been put together mainly from archives around the country. It is organized into three panels – A, B and C - corresponding to each one of our three benchmark years: 1550, 1700 and the 1770s. Aside from the standard Gini and Theil measures of inequality, it shows the location and the date of production of each document, whether it was from an urban or a rural setting, the number of households described, and whether wealth or income were assessed. To give an idea of the levels of prosperity across time and space, it includes the mean of the tax paid per household, a very tentative indicator. Twenty one cases have been gathered to date, a number that is growing still. Within each panel, they are ordered according to category: principal cities, major towns, small towns and rural, dispersed settlement. They represent an effort at constituting a geographically balanced sample, although some improvement is still possible (see map). [Table 3 about here] All cases are complete, that is, they are supposed to include all households in the locality which were liable to tax. The entire set therefore cuts across all income 22 19,24 categories and affords a global vision of income or wealth distribution at each specific time and place. Three quarters of the present compilation are from Décima tax rolls, making it therefore a reasonably homogeneous whole. Although we have discarded a number of less satisfactory rolls used in Johnson (2001) because they contained excessive fiscal exemptions and exclusions, some selection bias seems likely nevertheless.23 Establishing comparisons on the basis of these inequality estimates raises two problems. The first has to do with the “principal city” class comprising Lisbon and Porto. Owing to the lack of consistent information for the two cities at each benchmark, we are obliged to represent it first with Lisbon (1565), then with Porto (1700 and 1770), but never able to use both at once. Between the 16th and the 18th centuries, Lisbon’s population was always several times that of Porto, a differential which was bound to translate, other things being equal, into a stronger inequality in the capital than its northern counterpart. 23 Of his original eighteen rolls, we have retained here only five. 23 24 The second stems from the fact that, in classifying locations according to their “structural inequality”, we have ignored whether regional and economic specificities (e.g. administrative, manufacturing, port) might have affected their respective Theils too. All we have taken into consideration is size and whether they were urban or rural. Lack of data prevents us from dealing satisfactorily with the latter problem. A satisfactory solution would require a substantially larger number of soundings than are available. As regards the former, we try to overcome it by resorting to a linear regression model to help us correct for possible biases arising from the urban size factor. We estimate the expression T = + * LHH + * URB + * T + UR? (1) in which T is the Theil coefficient (in logs), LHH is the log of thousands of households, urb is a dummy for town or country (urban=1; country=0) and T is a dummy for the century in which the inequality measure was taken. The error term is . [table 4 about here] Table 4 presents the results of this estimation, which are significant globally and for each individual variable except for the 18th century dummy. This allows us to confirm that size of locality (in logs of thousands of households) has an impact on the measurement of inequality and that urban location has a strong inequality bias as well. Moreover, it enables us to standardize the level of inequality for the “principal city” category, whether we are basing it on smaller Porto or larger Lisbon. For example, we can extrapolate what Lisbon’s inequality might have been in 1767, when it had three 25 times the households of Porto, 24 simply by increasing the latter’s Theil by a factor of 1,38.25 Before using the data in table 3 to analyse Portuguese income disparity, a preliminary plausibility check is in order. One criterion is whether they conformed to the standards of the Early Modern European context. We noted in section 2 that before 1800 measures of inequality normally reached considerably higher levels than present day ones and this is certainly the case with pre-industrial Portugal. Only two out of the eighteen Gini coefficients displayed falls below 0.5, thirteen lie between 0.5 and 0.7, and three are above 0.7. A second one is that at any given historical moment these values should fit a descending pattern of inequality in accordance with size of locality and whether or not it was urban. The principal cities should be highest, major and then lesser towns should come next and rural communities should be lowest. Figure 2, presents the Gini coefficient data from table 3 and orders them in terms of our four stereotypes of inequality as well as by benchmark years. Where more than one observation is available for a given time/location pair, we take their mean. In the other cases, we employ the only value available. The conclusion is that the sample gives reasonable support to the gradient hypothesis.26 24 Population figures for Portugal’s main towns et al. (1988). 25 The urban size effect is obtained by multiplying 300 percent (the proportion of Lisbon to Porto households) by the elasticity of the “major cities”’ Theil (0.127 x 3.00 = 0.381). The inferred Theil for Lisbon is equal therefore to 1.381 times that for Porto, i.e. 1.233. The Theil indices for “major cities” have been corrected upwards in 1700 and in 1770 using Porto data and the procedure described in the preceding footnote. 26 26 Theil Fig 2 Local inequality in Portugal, 150-1770 1,8 1,6 1,4 1,2 1 0,8 0,6 0,4 0,2 0 1550 1700 1770s Major cities Large towns Small towns rural Apart from enabling us to undertake these two plausibility tests, figure 2 also provides graphic evidence for a tentative answer to one of the main questions that motivate this paper. The issue is the long run evolution of Portuguese inequality between the mid 16th and the late 18th centuries. The hint provided by this figure comes from the general long term decline visible throughout the data. The signs are not completely unambiguous, however. Inequality in “large towns” falls and then rises, while in the major cities it rises, then falls. On the other hand, those for small towns and the countryside evince an unmistakable decline, which is important given that together they represent a large majority of the population. Nevertheless, it would be wrong to conclude from this sectoral distribution, without further examination, that country wide inequality was necessarily declining. Even if all four sectors had experienced a common fall in their respective Ginis, simultaneous inter-sectoral population movements could still have led to an overall increase in inequality. This would happen, for example, if there had been sufficiently large net shifts from the sectors with lower (rural) Ginis to those with higher ones (i.e. urban centres with more than 5,000 inhabitants). A second line of enquiry which can now be handled is the placement of Portugal in the international ranking of economic inequality at this time. Was it unusually “unequal” by 27 European, American or Spanish standards? Figure 3 puts together the available relevant evidence from tables 1 and 3. Unfortunately, this is less complete than one could have wished, the reason being that consistent local data, which would also be comparable to that gathered for Portugal is scarce in other countries European, and simply does not exist for the Americas. For instance, Ginis estimated from rents and wealth have been discarded because most Portuguese measurements are drawn from income rather than wealth distributions. Our analysis is thus confined to the late 18th century and focuses on a small handful of case studies which are nevertheless sufficient for our purpose. Fig 3 Inequality in Portugal and other countries, 18c. 0,9 0,8 0,7 Gini 0,6 Spain 0,5 Netherlands* 0,4 Portugal 0,3 0,2 0,1 0 Pr Ru La Sm in c rge ral all ip a t ow tow lc n n it y The main finding, on the basis of Ginis for Spain, the Netherlands and Portugal, is that a strong pattern of international contrasts fail to emerge. The dispersion of local inequality measures is not seriously pronounced in the categories of “principal cities” and “countryside” and in the other two there is no clear leader. The fact that “large towns” in Castile display less income disparity than Portugal and the Netherlands is difficult to interpret given that they are smaller than their counterparts and that we lack 28 adequate information regarding this category for Spain. In any case, Portugal certainly does not emerge as the most unequal. On the other hand, what is striking is the “gross inequality” (McCants, 2007; Soltow, 1979, 1880, 1985) which appears to have permeated uniformly the nations of Early Modern Europe, including Portugal. This evidence, however, is too weak to allow any analysis of how inequality trends were shaped by economic prosperity or any other factors, in particular in the case of the less well-off Iberian countries. We therefore turn now to estimating, as accurately as possible, the degree of economic inequality in Portugal for each of benchmarks we have selected. Given the already noted limitations of the Gini methodology, this exercise relies on local estimates of Theil indices [GE(1)] from column 8 of table 3. It thus takes advantage of the decomposability of this index (Sala-i-Martin, 2002) while using it, however, inversely in relation to the usual procedure. Rather than starting from an existing national estimate - which we do not possess - and decomposing it into subindices of inequality, we follow an “additive strategy”. This means calculating a national Theil from the available “local” Theils weighted by their respective populations and per capita outputs. The standard expression for this is T = (Nj/N)*(j/M)*Tj + (Nj/N)*(j/M)* ln (Mj/M) (2) where T is the national Theil, Nj and N are the sizes of the “local” and national populations respectively, Mj and M are their respective production means and Tj are the local Theil indices of each of the four reference groups. The means of the local production are proxied by nominal per capita tax ratings (col. 5, table 3), standardized by the variations in the rate of taxation (col. 9), and the national mean is their population-weighted average (see table 2 for the decomposition of population). 29 [Table 5 about here] The result is shown in table 5. The path of economic inequality it reveals is a downward sloping line, with a low gradient from the middle of the sixteenth century to 1700 and a sharper one in the ensuing seven decades or so of the eighteenth century. This estimate reveals several unusual features. In the first place, it represents possibly the longest time span (1550-1770s) for which we have consistent and comparable national indices of inequality for an Early Modern European country.27 Secondly, it is the first instance of a non-core economy of the Early Modern period for which inequality measurement exists on a large temporal scale. In the third place, the steady decline of Portuguese inequality over more than two centuries sets it clearly at odds with the better-studied examples of England and the Netherlands. Of these two, the former witnessed a decline during the first half of the eighteenth century and then a rise over the next fifty years. The latter experienced a prolonged increase in income disparity between 1590 and 1740, followed by stabilization up to around 1800 (Soltow and van Zanden, 1998; Lindert, 2000). This is especially important from the viewpoint of testing the relevance of the Kuznets curve for the pre-industrial age, given that it is on these two case studies alone that this discussion has rested empirically so far. The present new run of Portuguese Theil indices thus provides a chance, for the first time, of verifying this approach in the context of an economy which was quite different in more than one aspect from its northern counterparts. 5. Portuguese inequality and the Early Modern Kuznets curve 27 Morrison’s (2000) comparative study encompasses several significant time spans for different countries but they are shorter and cover mainly the history of modern industrialisation. 30 The original Kuznets curve model (1955) was devised for analysing economic inequality in societies undergoing processes of Modern Economic Growth. More recently, it has been adapted to account for the worsening levels of inequality witnessed in the Early Modern period among its more dynamic economies. It incorporates three mechanisms. One of them highlights the fact that during Early Modern economic growth a certain share of the labour force moved from low to high productivity occupations, thereby reinforcing income disparity. This process involved the growth of cities, under the influence of international trade expansion, export industry growth, rapid capital formation and the inordinate accumulation of urban fortunes (Van Zanden, 1995; Morrison, 2000; Lindert, 2000). A second occurred as a consequence of the growth of per capita income in a context of fixed natural resources and led to a transfer of “functional income” from labour to the other factors of production – land and capital – mainly in the agricultural sector. A third arose from scarcities in the human capital and skill markets, which were also generated by the rising prosperity of these economies and led to an increased remuneration of these assets. The joint consequence of all this was a movement towards greater inequality, which started before the onset of industrialization and linked up to the classical inverted U shaped curve identified earlier by Kuznets. This gave place to what has been termed a much longer “super Kuznets curve” (van Zanden, 1995), linking pre-industrial and industrial economies in the perspective of the study of their respective inequalities. The case of Portugal contradicts this picture. Instead of a “super Kuznets curve” during the Early Modern what emerges is a progressively more equal society. Instead of a dynamic macro performance, it comes out as a stagnant economy in which structural change is notable for its absence. Does this apparent clash with the current conventional 31 wisdom require a different explanation? Or is it in fact the counterfactual which confirms the neo-Kuznetzian model? This section discusses two issues. One of them is whether the descending Portuguese inequality curve can be ascribed to some of its economic features which are most relevant to this question. The other is whether a connection can be established between Portugal’s relative economic decline and the long trend improvement of its distributional profile. If it did, it would not only enable us to fit this case-study into a more encompassing version of the super Kuznets curve concept. It would also allow us to include in the model European countries with divergent macroeconomic characteristics whilst accounting for their respective inequality profiles with a common vector of causes. Figure 4 (panel A) presents the information needed for a preliminary analysis. First we note that, despite an unusual burst of growth in the first half of the 18th century, Portugal’s overall macroeconomic performance was characterised by a stagnant behaviour of GDP per capita between 1500 and 1800, which, by the latter date, had declined by some 20 per cent relative to its early 16th century level. This was accompanied by a marked stability of the urban share of the population, a favourite indicator of structural change, which hovered persistently just below the 20 per cent level (Figure 4 panel B) during the same period. The same constancy can be equally seen at a more detailed level of scrutiny (table 2). The shares of population in large, medium and small towns also remained essentially unchanged. If we put these facts together with the country’s three inequality benchmarks, the picture which comes to light suggests the opposite of the scenario depicted for the dynamic and less equal economies of Northwest Europe. While in the latter, “economic development, urbanization and capital accumulation […] went hand in hand with an increase in 32 inequality” (van Zanden, 1995: 649), in Portugal we find growing equality concurring with the opposite of those features. 100 100 80 GDP pc 120 80 60 60 40 40 20 20 0 0 Theil Figure 4 - Panel A: Explaining Theil 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1770 1800 Theil GDPpc Linear (GDPpc) 0,50 80 0,40 60 0,30 40 0,20 20 0,10 0 0,00 shares 100 15 00 15 50 16 00 16 50 17 00 17 50 17 70 18 00 Theil Fig 4 - Panel B: Explaining Theil Theil share non agric share urban To verify the plausibility of an “enlarged” neo-Kuznetzian model, we need to check whether Portugal’s history of economic inequality can be interpreted with the same tools as the Netherlands and England have been by van Zanden (1995). To begin with, we clarify further the question of economic structure. An alternative to the urbanization 33 indicator, namely the share of the non-agricultural labour population, is displayed in table 4-B. This combines urban and rural workers who were occupied in the tertiary and secondary sectors, and, in a sense, is perhaps a better indicator of structure when analysing a society in which a significant part of the “modern sector” may not have had an urban location. The graph shows that structural change did occur from the fifteen hundreds to the seventeen hundreds, although the economic stagnated and yet there was no worsening of the distributional situation, on the contrary. To resolve this, we have to consider that despite these macro-economic conditions, nonagricultural workers were able nevertheless to increase their share in the labour force. This could only happen without any impact on inequality presumably because the corresponding changes in pay and in productivity were quite small. They would earn therefore only slightly more than unskilled workers, and therefore failed to reach levels of compensation akin to those of skilled urban workers, as would have happened in a more dynamic economic transition. Such a shift from the primary sector would in fact have lowered rather than raised disparities since it would have enlarged the earnings of a part of the formerly unskilled and poorest elements of society, without going so far as to raise them to the level of the better-off strata of the labour force. Had it been otherwise, such a shift would have increased the national Theil or Gini indices, as posited in the original Kuznetzian formulation. At present, we are not in a position to verify this hypothesis. This would require an analysis of the micro data regarding individual earnings which is to be found in tax rolls. These are available but have not yet been processed. The aim would be to establish what sort of distributional readjustment between the deciles had occurred during times of long run economic stagnation, with a particular focus on the lower 40 or 50 percent of incomes, i.e. the very modest ones earned only skilled and barely skilled 34 workers. It might reveal the effect of switching from agricultural to non-agricultural activity without leaving the countryside and show how and to what extent, in a stagnant Early Modern economy, alterations in employment could lead to the attenuation of its inequality, rather than its elevation. The next step in this enquiry takes us to the topic of shifts in “functional income” and their influence on inequality. In Early Modern Portugal, an increasing scarcity of land relative to a prevalently agrarian population drove down productivity in the primary sector. Consequently the real wage of unskilled labour, which seems to have enjoyed a fairly integrated market, fell sharply in the long run too, as Table 4-C shows. One might 40 40 20 20 0 0 real wage; agric product. 60 theil Agric productivity real wage 18 00 60 17 70 80 17 50 80 17 00 100 16 50 100 16 00 120 15 50 120 15 00 Theil Figure 4 - Panel C: Explaining Theil have thought that this reduction in the reward to the mass of the labour force would have been reflected also in how total income was shared among production factors, and have led to a shift in favour of the landed classes. A rise in the general distribution of income would seem a logical outcome to this. In fact, the ratio of rent to wages, the proxy usually employed to evaluate inequality in pre-industrial societies, yields an initially unexpected result (Bertola et al, 2010). Figure 5 shows that during the 17th and the first half of the 18th century (data for the 16th 35 century is unavailable) the “functional income” division clearly favoured labour, i.e. the poorest deciles of the population. During the latter part of the eighteenth century, this movement was reversed in favour of those controlling the land, although by 1770, it had only regained the level reached in 1650. This is hardly what one would expect in the light of what occurred in the Anglo-Dutch economies in this respect, but there can be little doubt as to its role it played in shaping income disparity, which was to reduce it up to the mid 18th century, and to have lessened it afterwards. 1771 1760 1749 1738 1727 1716 1705 1694 1683 1672 1661 1650 1639 1628 1617 1606 18,0 16,0 14,0 12,0 10,0 8,0 6,0 4,0 2,0 0,0 1595 ratio Fig 5 Rent-Wage ratio, 1595-1780 This is not the place to discuss in depth the long term movement in Portugal of the price of land relative to that of labour but three clues for resolving this puzzle can nevertheless be suggested. One is that the trend of this ratio in Portugal is very similar to that in Spain (Alvarez-Nogal and Prados de la Escosura, 2011), which lends credibility to our data and implies that a broader, Iberian explanation is necessary though currently not available. Another is the corroboration by recent research on the great landed aristocratic families of the post 1750, whose losses of income and wealth have been described for that period as “the twilight of the Great”. Finally, we may hypothesize that this may have been an instance of Milanovic, Wiliamson and Lindert’s (2010: 268) rule that “in a declining economy, a given measured inequality translates 36 into a greater extraction rate”, something that ruling groups might be fearful of having to live with. With real wages falling over the long run, the landed may have been ready to accept an income shift in favour of labour and lower inequality, rather than having to increase coercion in order to augment the extraction rate. Fig 6 Ratio of skilled-unskilled wages 2,50 ratio 2,00 1,50 1,00 0,50 ratio 1772 1759 1746 1733 1720 1707 1694 1681 1668 1655 1642 1629 1616 1603 1590 1577 1564 0,00 Linear (ratio) We now turn to the impact on income disparities of differences in pay arising out of differences in productivity and which relate in turn to the distribution of acquired manual skills and intellectual competences. The evidence in figure 6 represents the first of these, measured by the standard metric of the ratio of skilled-to-unskilled wages. It indicates that during the two centuries under observation the skills market failed to generate any pressure for raising distributional inequality and, if anything, it contributed towards lowering it. This is not a startling discovery, given the picture we have already of the Portuguese economy. In it, pressures for structural changes and for redistributive movements through the market for factors of production were on the whole weak and apparently were rapidly met by supply forces, even in urban settings. It contrasts clearly with how these markets and ratios evolved in England and the Netherlands in times of significant economic growth and the different effect this had on their inequality levels. 37 In contrast to the skill premium, comparatively little scholarly attention has been paid to the more subtle income redistributions which also took place in Early Modern societies, between medium and higher deciles, as opposed to among the lower ones, or between the lowest and the highest. Of these two types, the former might may be especially relevant not only because they can generate greater equality, but also encourage social situations in which the middle strata gain ground on the very wealthy and powerful, thereby creating dynamics of social mobility which are conducive to growth. There are two ways of exploring these aspects. One is an analysis of deciles, which compares the evolution over long time spans of the shares in total income of the low, middle and high deciles respectively. This can be done with the help of the fiscal records at our disposal, a feasible task which is currently being undertaken. The other is to look at the ebb and flow of the incomes of the intermediate segments of this society, of individuals who lived neither from large land ownership, political office or major business, nor from the sweat of their brows. Typically, they were engaged in “white collar” activities, namely the liberal professions or the administrative classes which served the state. In an earlier paper (Pereira et al, 2010), the earnings of these two groups were compared to those of unskilled workers in Coimbra, a major Portuguese town with a large and diverse non-manual salaried labour force. Between 1550 and 1770, the nominal wages of unskilled labour increased by a factor of three. In the same interval, the salaries of professors of the university, choristers and organists, burocrats, librarians and surgeons, rose by between four and six times, a trend which resembles what happened with salaried employees in cities like Amsterdam and Vienna (van Zanden, 1995). Shifts such as these could obviously be responsible for some of the downward movement in Theil estimates which we observed in table 5, and in reality were probably 38 comprehended more extensive groups than those in the example we have just given. They were also occurring throughout the country amongst larger farmers who were successfully transforming agricultural practices, small merchants who were rising thanks to the protection of the state, returned colonial civil servants and the like. This is a vast and complex reality and much of the currently available evidence on it is anecdotal. The signs of a society moving towards greater equality and driven by a middle stratum in Portugal is, however, a hypothesis which deserves further exploration. This section, on balance, has served two purposes. Firstly, it has helped to corroborate the reliability of our Theil estimates by showing a good fit between them and some of the principal features of their economic context. In the second place, it has shown that the Portuguese inequality trend between the 16th and the 18th centuries can be satisfactorily explained in terms of the same variables as underpinned the earlier examination of the very different Dutch and English experiences in this domain. This suggests the possibility of a common European model to fit these disparate situations and one which has at the base the macro performance of the respective economies. At the same time and in the light of the evidence furnished by the Portuguese case-study, two new items may be proposed in order to enrich the analysis. One is that, for the sake of generality, the notion of a “super Kuznets curve” is heuristically less important, if not altogether dispensable, given that it is absent in some countries, possibly in a majority of them at this time. The other is that for the completeness of the inequality account social, political and institutional factors are important too. This means that not only we need to study more countries but we also have to know much more about the conditions under which the Milanovic et al’s extraction rate influenced distribution in them. 5A. Latin Inequality in comparative perspective 39 A final point takes us back to the question of whether Latin inequality was more pronounced than in non-Latin Europe. Our reasoning starts with the notion that medieval inequality was a good deal less than what it became during the Early Modern period. As regards Portugal, this appears to be correct, the prevailing view of the nonquantitative historiography being that its society was relatively egalitarian until the creation of its empire started in earnest from 1500. Johnson (2001) has adduced evidence in support of this and of the subsequent alteration of Portuguese society in the 16th century by rapid urbanization, overseas trade and the development of a centralized state. Together, all of these led to the emergence of very wealthy strata of Portuguese businessmen, courtiers, financiers and so on, living mostly in the capital. We can thus presume that income distribution worsened from, say, the end of the fifteenth century and that this proceeded until the mid or late 1500s. By this time, the factors that had provoked this change were weakening. The empire was in retreat, and it seems reasonable to infer that the long swing of falling inequality portrayed in table 5 had started. In the Netherlands, a similar process of economic development and concurrently rising disparity of incomes started later, circa 1590, and was to go on until the mid-eighteenth century. A plausible scenario might then be that when Portugal’s inequality peaked it did so earlier than elsewhere in Europe. At this stage it may well not have been higher than in the contemporary Netherlands. Meanwhile, from 1600 or perhaps a bit sooner, Dutch inequality rose continuously for a century and a half, a time in which in Portugal it fell steadily. By the 18 th century therefore, there is reason to believe that Portuguese inequality had been overtaken and that thereafter, as it continued to fall might therefore be falling behind the Netherlands. In other words, Portugal may well have been less unequal than the Dutch. 40 6. Conclusions This paper set out to make three new contributions in the study of Early Modern economic inequality. The first has been to enlarge and improve significantly the pool of information on Portugal and thus contribute to the burgeoning European data base in this field. This has shown that fiscal information is not only a rich source, but one which promises to break a looming data bottleneck in the field. Using a Theil approach, the result has been a set of national, consistent benchmark estimates over a considerable time span, which shows that income distribution in Portugal declined steadily over two hundred years, starting from the middle of the sixteenth century. The second aim was to introduce a new player in the debate on inequality on both sides of the Atlantic and thereby broaden the debate surrounding the roots of economic backwardness in Latin America. A satisfactory international comparison using Portugal is as yet not possible and it is unclear how this country would stand in it vis-à-vis Brazil and other former Latin American colonies. The Portuguese data confirm, however, that high inequality was indeed the norm during these centuries, in Europe as in Latin America. Moreover, it shows that, at least by the eighteenth century, if not earlier, Portugal was probably less unequal than the Netherlands and possibly France too. Exceptional “Latin inequality” in the Early Modern period may after all simply be a fiction. Our third finding lies in the interpretation of these results. Given the aim of reaching an encompassing explanation, we focused on the task of unifying our understanding of two well-known and contrasting situations. One was the case of economically successful countries like England and the Netherlands, where the rise of per capita GDP over a long period led to an increase in distributional inequality. The other was Portugal, which 41 experienced slow structural change and economic stagnation and followed a downward trend of income disparity. An explanatory model in the Kuznets tradition, using the set of variables proposed in van Zanden’s (1995) study, was applied. It showed its capacity to account for both rising and declining experiences of inequality. It also revealed that the notion of a “super Kuznets curve” probably reflects only a small part of what happened in pre-industrial Europe and is not essential to the broader analytical effort we have pursued here. This is something, however, that only future research can elucidate. It also brought to light the need to provide a role for non-economic factors in this discussion, this time in the tradition of Milanovic et al’s concept of inequality extraction ratios, again, a task for future research to worry about. References Alvarez-Nogal, Carlos and Prados de la Escosura, Leandro (2007), “The Decline of Spain (1500-1850): Conjectural Estimates, European Review of Economic History, 11, pp. 319-366. Alvaredo, Facundo and Saez, Emmanuel (2009), “Income and Wealth Concentration in Spain from a Historical and Fiscal Perspective”, Journal of the European Economic Association, 7 (5), pp.1140-67. 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Notes:major towns are >1,000 households; minor towns <1,000 households Countriside= total - all towns *= 1800 49 % 19,24 TABLE 3 Gini and Theil coefficients: Local economic inequality 1 locality 2 date 3 4 5 6 Tx paid households per taxed urban/rural cap Wealth/Income 7 8 9 Gini Theil Tax rate Panel A -circa 1550 Lisboa 1565 15020 U 430 Y 0,798 1,392 na Coimbra 1567 1334 U 118 Y 0,697 1,178 na Loulé 1564 694 U (302) Y 0,714 1,127 na Loulé 1564 507 R (156) Y 0,553 0,538 na 4,50% Panel B - circa 1700 Porto 16981701 5000 U 263,6 Y 0,660 0,998 Portalegre siza 1725 1489 U 609 Y 0,648 0,887 1690 311 U 569 Y 0,656 0,829 4,50% 1698 706 U 293 Y 0,577 0,688 4,50% 1725 1690 1011 313 R R 680 1260 Y Y 0,541 0,559 0,635 0,791 4,50% 4,50% Avis Vila do Conde Portalegre (siza) Avis Panel C- 1770s Porto 1767 12000 U 1768 Y 0,663 0,893 10% Guarda 1763-9 1042 U 735 Y 0,744 1,360 10% Viseu Caminha Vila do Conde 1763 1767 390 459 u u Y 0,696 1,024 0,585 0,753 10% 1763 706 u 709 Y 0,559 0,663 10% 1763 124 R 639 Y 0,461 0,279 10% Vila do Conde 50 Caminha Galveias 1767 1753 2021 107 R R 2720 0,483 0,401 0,61 0,750 Sources: Johnson (2001); various archives. Note: Porto population is for whole city but inequality counts are for a number of parishes only: see population file; "hh taxed" are actually simply hh Table 4 Determinants of Theil Coefficients: a regression (ordinary least squares) Dependent variable: Theil coefficient Explanatory variables coefficients constant -1,472*** 0,007 16th c. 0,317** 0,049 18th c. -0,123 0,533 Log households (000s) 0,127* 0,072 0,601*** 0,000 Urban vs. Rural p values N = 22 R squared = 0,775 Adjusted R squared = 0,699 Sources: table 3 Notes: coefficients significant at 10, 5 and 1 percent levels denoted by respectively one, two or three asterisks 51 10% 4,50% Table 5 Global Income Inequality in Portugal: Theil, 1550-1770s Theil within groups across groups 1550 0,918 0,817 0,0978 1700 0,872 0,768 0,102 Ca. 1770 0,654 0,624 0,034 Source: Data from table 3. For adjustments and interpolations, see text. 52