Chapter 2.1 Negative Numbers Goal: Use negative numbers to

Chapter 2.1 Negative Numbers
Goal: Use negative numbers to represent real-world quantities
Negative Number:
What are some ways negative numbers are used in the real-world:
____________________________ ____________________________
Example 1: Represent each real-world situation with either a positive or negative number
36°F below zero ____________________
A debit/withdrawal of $10,540 __________________
29,035 feet below sea level __________________
A gain of 45 yards __________________
Example 2:
New Orleans is 8 feet ____________ sea level
2. Mount Davidson is __________ feet above sea level
3. The deepest location among the four locations is ______________
4. The highest location among the four locations is ______________
5. The location nearest to sea level is __________________
Chapter 2.1 Negative Numbers
Goal: Represent, compare, and order positive and negative numbers on a number line
Like positive numbers, negative numbers can be represented on both horizontal and vertical
number lines.
Negative numbers are __________ in value than positive numbers, therefore since they are
___________ they are found further to the _____________.
Negative numbers are to the ___________ of zero on a horizontal number line and
______________ zero on a vertical number line.
Math Note:
Zero (0) is neither a positive nor negative number.
Example 1: Identifying opposites
8 ________
-29 ________
-5 ________
24 ________
21 ________
-106 ________
Example 2: Representing numbers on a number line
Draw a horizontal number line to represent the numbers from 0 to 6 and their opposites.
Draw on a vertical number line the following set of numbers: -26, -29, -30, -32, -34
Example 3: Fill in the missing numbers
Example 4: Write a statement of inequality ( > or < ) using the number line as a reference.
-12 _______ -10
-8 ________ -5
-6 _______ -9
1 ________ -4
Example 5: The table shows the average temperatures in Alaska each month
Write an inequality statement comparing the average temperature September to August.
Example 6:
Write an inequality statement that compares the elevation of Death Valley, California is greater
than the elevation of Lake Assal, Djibouti.
Example 7:
Write a sentence describing the inequality statement
-61°F < -45°F ___________________________________________________
-520 feet > -893 feet _____________________________________________