RQ: Does the speed of music and the direction it comes from affect the speed and direction of growth Our project is in an entity a plant and music experiment. We are testing the effect music has on plants. Specifically the speed of the song and how it affects how fast plants grow. Also if the direction the music comes from affects the direction the plant grows. We chose this experiment because we both like music. As well as the fact that it has been scientifically proven music helps people work better/ faster. We figured that if it helped people it could help plants. So we decided to see if speed (how many beats per minute) affects how fast the plants grow, since it affects how much work people get done. I think the significance is that if this works than farmers and gardeners can use this to get their plants to grow faster or in a specific direction. Problem: Is there an efficient way to get plants to grow fast or in a direction that isn’t facing the sun? Hypothesis: Based on our research we believe that the plant will grow faster with the upbeat songs. We also believe that the plants will grow toward the speaker with the faster songs. Background information: Growing plants is fairly simple, especially Brassica Rapa. “Fast Plants” grow to their full size in 28-30 days. They are simple to grow and don’t require very much attention. Brassica Rapa aka “Fast Plants” are a combination of many other species of plants, such as; the turnip, the mizuna, napa cabbage, as well the cime de rapa (. GRIN April 2013.) This plant is a plant that is good for science experiments and school projects because it only needs, soil water and a steady light source. Not much needs to be done to it. This is because the Brassica Rapa is combined of mostly weed plants. Where they can grow in almost every condition. (GRIN September 2013) The fast plants’ seed once watered, breaks through it’s seed coat and expands near the bottom so the roots can come out. Once that is done it starts growing upward and breaks through the soil it sheds it’s seed coat completely, allowing it to begin flowering. Fast Plants obtain energy the same way all other plants do. They receive light from the sun and water that their roots suck from the soil. The energy is then used to produce food. Plants need this to survive.(Wisconsin Fast Plants Program 2006) Their roots are long and thin, they are used as straws basically. Their only purpose is to suck the water from the soil and to distribute it to the plant. Fast Plants are one of the few plants that geotropism doesn’t affect. Fast plants can be horizontally grown just as easily as one can grow vertically. If a Fast Plant seed was placed in a petri dish and put a lid on it the Fast Plant would grow the length of the petri dish. (Wisconsin Fast Plants Program© 1995 )Negative gravitropism is what affects all plants that grow out of the ground. This allows them to receive the necessary light to grow. Though it is in the plants better interest to grow towards the light. This is called phototropism. Phototropism is one of the things that can be seen in all plants. For example if a seed was planted and then place the only light source; a lamp, on the left, the plant when it broke through the ground, would grow toward the light. (Wisconsin Fast Plants Program© 1995 ) We found a study on how music affects cells growth. Though it’s not the same as music on plant growth, the idea is similar. The title of this study is “Direct effects of music in non-auditory cells in culture” (Lestard, Valente, Lopes, Capella 2013) Materials: 1. One pack of fast plant seeds (50 come in a pack)-school will order it 2. Three pots -buy/home 3. three of the same lamps with the same light bulb/growing lights -school 4. three boxes -buy/home 5. Two small CD players -buy/home 6. Two CD’s (one of slow songs 80-105 bpm, one with fast songs 106-200 bpm) 7. One roll of egg crate foam-buy/home 8. Water-school 9. Rope-school Experimental Design: We will test our hypothesis by building three plant habitats and growing three plants (control, test 1, test 2). would take 40 days, So approximately one month and ten days. The first thing we would have to do is gather all of our materials. Which are listed below. The second thing would be to build the plant habitats. 1. First two holes would be cut in the box a. One the size of the speaker. b. One the size if the lamp head. 2. Next you would take the egg shell foam and measure and mark it so you know where to cut it (so it is the same length as the sides of the box.) Making sure to mark the space where the lamp and speaker are. 3. Take gorilla glue or another strong glue and attach the foam to the sides and bottom of the boxes. Making sure to also get the lid. 4. Place the speaker and lamp in their designated holes. 5. “build plant pot” Take a large tupperware and another one similar in shape but slightly smaller. The smaller cut a hole just big enough for a piece of small rope or wick to go through. (This wick/ rope should have soaked in water for at least an hour) 6. Next place one and a half cups of soil in the container. 7. Next place 4-10 fertilizer pellets on top of the soil. 8. Take another half cup of soil and place it on top of the fertilizer. 9. Next take 10 fast plant seeds and gently place them atop the soil. Make sure no two seeds are directly next to each other, giving the roots room to spread out. 10. Take another half cup of soil lightly over the seeds 11. Fill the larger container with 2 cups of water 12. Place the smaller container into/on top of the larger one 13. Then sprinkle a few drops of water on top. 14. Carefully place the pot into the habitat 15. Once the music is on and the light as well close the lid on the box and tape it shut. 16. Make sure there is a way to look into the box. If necessary a hole can be cut in the lid and then cover it with plastic wrap 17. Repeat for other two boxes. IV: Speed of song IV levels: Slow song (Cry baby- garnet mimms-50 bpm), Fast song (Hey Ya! – OutKast -180 bpm) DV: Plants growth speed, and the direction it grows. Repeated trials: 2 Constants (controlled variables): Where the speaker and the light is placed (the habitat) Control Group: The control plant Every week (on Monday) we will measure the plants height. (in centimiters) As well as measuring how many degrees (with a protractor) it is growing toward whatever direction it is growing. Then we will calculate the difference from the last time we measured. Then we will make a guess on what the height/ degrees will be then next time we measure. Every time we measure we will sketch our findings. Once our plant has reached forty days and all of our data has been collected we will then creat a line graph depicting the growth over time.