Keynsham Development Advisory Group

Keynsham Development Advisory Group
5.30, Tuesday 04 Aug 2014, Keynsham Riverside, Rm12
Draft Minutes
Cllr Ben Stevens (Chair)
Cllr Brian Simmons
Cllr Charles Gerrish
Jo Swift (Keynsham Town
Cllr Tony Crouch
Cllr Keith Kirwan
Jonathan Medlin
Rab Smith
Neil Best
Sara Dixon
John Cox
Cllr Lisa O’Brien
Bath & NE Somerset Council
Bath & NE Somerset Council
Bath & NE Somerset Council
Keynsham Town Council
Keynsham Town Council
Keynsham Town Council
Community Regeneration
Planning Policy
Policy & Partnerships
Economic Development
Keynsham Town Council
Cllrs Marie Longstaff, Cllr Clive Fricker.
Agenda Title
1 and 2
Apologies from: Cllrs Longstaff and Fricker, Kelvin Packer
Economic Strategy
John Cox provided an update on the Economic Strategy. Previously
Duncan Kerr had given an overview (May meeting of KDAG). John Cox
updated on the following:
The Review is a refresh, not a new strategy.
It will go to cabinet in September. There is still time for KDAG to
influence draft documents.
It was felt that the Economic Strategy needs to:
take on board the Keynsham transport Strategy. It should
reflect what the Transport Strategy says.
- Tackle long-term unemployment as a key issue within
- Provide an action plan for the long-term unemployed, as well as
assistance with travel for advice.
It was agreed that a summary would be circulated for KDAG Members
to provide further feedback.
Public Art Project
Lisa O’Brien updated on 2 projects. The Public Art progress on the new
Clock Tower for Keynsham Town Centre.
Boyesen has been selected following a public vote, and plans for the
next stage are emerging through the working group. This involves
certain necessary modifications (height, location).
The next steps will be submission of planning application and a
workshopped consultation event.
Cllr O’Brien also updated on the Timeline project.
Bath Hill/Temple Street Highways Scheme
JM updated that the Bath Hill/Temple Street Highways scheme. He
outlined the changes been made to make the scheme comply with
guidance for visually impaired people. Kelvin Packer had updated some
members and Chamber of Commerce.
Cllr Gerrish updated on a recent meeting with Kelvin. KDAG still have
some issues around:
- Preference of light controlled crossings, especially at junctions
where this improves the flow of traffic in the town centre;
- Any scheme needs to be compatible with future improvements
or changes;
- Consideration is required for the crossing points between the
Centre and Back Lane.
- The
KP to arrange a walking tour to help identify desire lines and crossing
points (formal, informal) with KDAG members.
Keynsham Transport Strategy
RS advised a revised draft is imminent. It also needs cabinet member
input, before being shared with KDAG. It also is revisiting some
modelling in support of Core Strategy and Placemaking Plan.
KDAG Members felt that they must be presented with early sighting of
the next draft. RS explained that will come to the first available KDAG
meeting, and if necessary a special meeting could be held.
JM (to
RS agreed to provide further updates, even if the strategy is not yet
available for circulation. Cllr Stevens agreed that KDAG will have an
input and chance to see the Strategy. It will be the subject of a Scrutiny
report in September, and will be public, so KDAG will get sight of it at
first available opportyunity.
NOTE: Rab Smith is on leave until 8th September. A special
meeting on the transport Strategy will be arranged to follow his
return. JM to undertake a doodle poll.
Core Strategy
Core Strategy Update
The Core Strategy has been found sound, subject to a number of
modifications. The full report and recommended modifications can be
found below:
The legal challenge period runs until end of August.
What it means for Keynsham
Between 2011 and 2029 a total of 2,100 new homes and 1,600
new jobs
Many of the new homes and jobs are accounted for by current
schemes such as Somerdale and the Local Plan K2 sites.
The major new elements are two urban extensions to
Keynsham, one to the east and one to the south west. Land has
been removed from the Green Belt to accommodate
The east of Keynsham urban extension is for 220-250 dwellings
and 30,000sqm of employment floorspace. It will also provide a
new primary school.
The south west Keynsham urban extension is for 180-200
Further land has been removed from the Green Belt
(safeguarded) east of Keynsham for future possible
development, but not within this Plan period. Until the Plan is
reviewed this land will continue to be treated as Green Belt.
The next stage is to work on the Placemaking Plan, which is Part 2 of
the local Plan, covering certain site specific requirements. This will
undergo consultation on options in late 2014.
Keynsham Town Centre
JM advised that Alistair Colston of Colston & Colston had been
instructed to advise traders. JM to check that he is seeking meetings
with all traders/occupiers. JM will also ensure further visits/assistance
is provided as necessary. The advice is centred on leasehold issues,
but the receivers have contacted occupiers to offer them extended
KDAG Members agreed that it would be beneficial if senior
officers/members of Council attended KDAG when appropriate.
Community Screen Project to be invited back to September meeting.
Dates for future meetings
Dates for future meetings
First Tuesday of the month for the coming months.
JM to arrange a separate Transport Strategy Meeting in September.
Do we wish to vary the time?