KEYNSHAM TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of the Arts Joint Committee held on Monday 14th September 2015 at 10.00 a.m. in the Town Council Offices PRESENT: Keynsham Town Councillors J Cron, L O’Brien, S Waite and Z Wilkins. B&NES Councillor – P Anketell-Jones IN ATTENDANCE: A Cullis (Arts Development – B&NES) and J Swift (KTC) 20. B&NES REPRESENTATIVE ON ARTS COMMITTEE Councillor P Anketell-Jones was introduced to everyone and then briefly spoke about his role. He is responsible for Planning, Housing and Economic Development Policy Development and this responsibility includes Arts and Cultures. It is a busy time for the Arts and Culture sector. Initially Councillor P Anketell-Jones aims to understand more about this sector in terms of who they are, what their needs are, how they organise themselves and how and where do they fit in/use space for those activities. Councillor Anketell-Jones’ message was that budgets are getting tight and arts are an easy target for cuts therefore the Arts Committee needs to think about raising money which can come from events, a more business-like approach is required to make any projects self-funding. Members of the Committee informed Councillor Anketell-Jones about the lack of art space in Keynsham, as there are items in storage not being displayed although there is a small amount now on display in the library. It was felt that this is more to do with Heritage. The new Community Space was discussed. The space has never properly been named. There are many issues with the space such as - nowhere for the performers to change, no stage, limited toilets, lighting inadequate. These issues mean that it is not completely useable by all groups. It is the only space that Keynsham has other than church halls etc. Keynsham is lacking massively for performance space. Keynsham is growing and it would be preferable not to always have to go to Bath or Bristol for an event. It was suggested that when the new Leisure Centre is developed that there could be space included for performances. It was suggested that Keynsham Town Council get involved with trying to put this forward as a suggestion to B&NES Council. It was mentioned that the Town Council are having a Council review by making a plan and setting priorities for 2015-2019 in the next few weeks, this could definitely be mentioned then and this could be an opportunity to officially drive this idea forward. Frome Town Council has been very successful in turning their town around and very successfully promoting arts and culture. The Town Clerk suggested that it may be a good idea to visit Frome Town Council. RESOLVED: That the Town Clerk organises a visit to Frome Town Council. 21. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCES Councillors T Crouch, C Fricker and A Hale. 22. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There was none. 23. NON DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY INTERESTS There was none. 24. DISPENSATIONS There were none. 25. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES RESOLVED: That the above minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2015 are approved as a correct record and signed by the Chairman. 26. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION There was none. 27. B&NES ARTS DEVELOPMENT B&NES Councillors are presently working on the next 4 year plan and budget. (2016-2020). This is the usual process when there is a change of administration. It is challenging as all local authorities in the country are subject to consider reductions in their finances over the next few years, this translates locally, that by March 2020 B&NES council have to reduce its expenditure by 20% which is 38 million pounds. However, this won’t be solely about making reductions but it will focus on how to create income e.g. by charging for services. Presently the Cabinet Members and senior management officers are exploring all the options and then during October to December extensive work will be done on this. Due to this it is not known what the next 4 years will be like for the Arts Department in B&NES and any reductions in budget not known presently. The new administration are keen not to have favouritism towards Bath. Where possible the Arts Department will continue to support the partnership with Keynsham Town Council subject to budgets. Flags and Banners update – the consultation recently undertaken showed that there was 100% support by local businesses and organisations. Anne will submit the planning application in early October. It is envisaged that this new process will start from 1st April 2016. Bunting – small amounts of bunting does not need planning permission however Highways do need to be informed. Bunting across the street is not possible. The application will be in place for 5 years. The Winter Festival etc. will be bundled up into this therefore their present expiry date will be expanded. Jo will email those present the report and resolution from the Town Council as a reminder/for information. 2|Page 28. NEW PIECE OF PUBLIC ART AS PART OF THE WWI CENTERNAY EVENTS Unfortunately Jack Pollard was unable to attend the meeting. The item will be put back on the agenda for the December meeting of the Joint Arts Committee meeting. 29. EMPTY SHOPS AND POP UP ARTS CENTRE This was discussed at a recent KDAG meeting – there are 2 units that are not for consideration by prospective businesses presently, this is the 1 next to Sainsbury’s and the 1 opposite. Currently the state of them is that they have concrete floors and lighting. Business rates and the cost of the lighting will have to be paid by any users. Sara Dixon is finding out the exact details of these costs. Due to this the Town Council may need to act as a guarantor for these costs. It was thought that the artist would be charged a small fee for space and then a commission on what they sell. It is hoped that they can be used for approximately 6 weeks from mid-November to end of the year; this period will include the Winter Festival. RESOLVED: That when the exact costs are known the Town Council are asked to be guarantors as detailed above. 30. MOSAICS Anne will try and track down the artist due to the Town Clerk being unsuccessful. It was suggested that it may be preferable to get them moved inside. Before this is to be considered it was suggested that a survey is undertaken to consider their present condition and the best way for them to be stored. Ann said B&NES Council would be able to do this but there would be a charge. RESOLVED: Cost how much the survey will be, this will be taken back to the next Arts Committee meeting in December. Councillor Wilkins spoke about a recent visit she had been on to St Monica’s Trust. She has been invited to help choose the interior designer for the development interior, this was to be undertaken as a professional and was not in her role as a Town Councillor and she needs to make this clear to St Monica’s Trust. There is an opportunity for the Arts Committee to play a large part in the development and use of public space such as the foyer and corridors as they are keen for there to be a changing arts display. It was mentioned that St Monica’s Trust were only at the stage of having a few meetings with B&NES Council and a planning application had not yet been submitted therefore Councillors have to be careful not to comprise the position of the Town Council due to the forthcoming planning application. Councillor Wilkins will have to declare her involvement with St Monica Trust when the application comes to the Town Council as Councillor Wilkins is a member of the Planning and Development Committee. 3|Page 31. ARTS NEWSLETTER Thanks were given to Sheila Crocombe for her hard work in delivering the newsletter to the numerous places in Keynsham. It was agreed to send her a thank you in the way of a floral gift. Jo to organise future distributions of the newsletter between the Town Council admin. staff and Councillors Wilkins, O’Brien, Cron and Waite. 32. ARTS ADVISORY GROUP MEETING Timeline Project – the size of the Timeline has meant that it has gone over budget and as the majority of the group did not want to reduce the size of the timeline grant applications are presently being applied for to cover the short fall in funding. The total cost of the project is £60K but there is only £35K available. The trees in that area have now been pruned. The types of trees are being challenged as it is thought that they have not put in the correct trees. The Clock Tower unveiling is on Saturday 19th September, this is a very important piece of public art and the first in the B&NES area for many years. 33. CURRENT ART ACTIVITIES IN KEYNSHAM Comments were made that the report from Ric Davison on the Music Festival was excellent. Councillor Z Wilkins will contact 1 of the Bristol Savages as 3 live in Keynsham to attend a future meeting of the Joint Arts Committee. 34. DATE OF NEXT MEETING RESOLVED: That the date of the next meeting is Monday 14th December at 10.30pm. Signed: .......................................................... Date: .................................................. (Chairman) 4|Page