A is for Absolute: The metaphysics of everything is based on a system of three polarities formed of six poles. The first and primary poles of this system are the three poles of absolute time: the absolute past, the absolute present, and the absolute future. The polar opposite of the absolute past is the absolute future. The absolute present is infinitely distant from the absolute past and the absolute future. The polar opposite of the absolute present is the relativistic space-time present. Relativistic space-time is differentiated by a single polarity, the polarity between local quantum space and absolute space. Both the absolute now and absolute space exist within the transcendent aspect of the boundless and are not visible in the finite world. The manifest world is the polar opposite of the transcendent and consists of local quantum space compounding into relativistic space-time. The absolute past emerges in the manifest as mathematics and the systems of nature. The absolute future emerges in the manifest as thermodynamics and evolution. The polar opposite of the finite natural of the manifest is the infinite subjectivity of its supernatural source. The polar opposite of emergent evolution within the manifest is the ideal metaphysics from which it emerges, the ideal metaphysics described on this page (Plato’s Form of the Good). B is for Becoming: Absolute time emerges out of the absolute past through immortal time into the absolute now and through the absolute now into the novel diffentiations that are the primary cause of the absolute future. The polar opposite of this immortal time is the developing and evolving time of the thermodynamics of relativistic space-time. The polar opposite of this primary cause generated out of the novel differentiations of the subjective root of the boundless is its objective results in the homeostatic systems that order the natural world. In this process of becoming space differentiates out of time by the compounding of absolute time into relativistic spacetime as quantum space compounds into absolute space. To begin with there is only the transcendent absolute space time of the boundless and the Form of the Good that orders the ideal metaphysics of Nirvana, of the boundless subjectivity that is the source of all things. As primary time differentiates and compounds into local quantum space, it generates individual loci of local space. As a result centers of freedom and separation occur that generate individual mind and individual choice. Further compounding generates the objective results that are the polar opposite of the boundless subjective source and the emergent expressions that are the polar opposite of the ultimate metaphysical ideal. As a result, the manifest emerges as quantum space compounds into relativistic space-time. C is for Collective: As relativistic space-time compounds into larger systems, the universal begins to emerge as the polar opposite of the individual. Collective unconscious mind begins to emerge as the polar opposite of personal conscious mind. Order begins to emerge as the polar opposite of freedom. Synthesis begins to emerge as the polar opposite of the analysis and separation associated with individual minds. Infinite amounts of this compounding generate layer after layer of hyperspace that compounds into boundless absolute space. As this compounding occurs, absolute time is woven through an infinity of separate subjective centers to form infinitely dimensional hyperspace. The product of this differentiation is an infinite number of new dimensions of polar development of hyperspace, causing the emergence of level upon level of organization, from the photon through the cell and the city-state to astrological systems of the emergent gods. Individual time strands emerge in the world as quantum space. Relativistic space-time compounds through the collective to form absolute space. Absolute space and absolute time are the invisible ultimate that forms the hidden structure behind visible quantum space and visible relativistic space-time. We know the absolute “now” as our own singular center of subjectivity. This is the essential core of absolute time. It is the primary beginning of all things. All forms of secondary space and time are compounded from the threads it spins. D is for Determinate: Absolute space manifests in our world as the determinate synthesis, as the mechanical order that compounds the public universe. This larger order emerges in our world as local relativity extending into relativistic space-time event complexes. Features of this finite space-time are objects like black holes and stars and features of astronomical thermodynamics such as the Hubble constant. Locally they are present as the dynamic relationships of the solar system described by Newtonian mechanics. The deeper root of this visible system is astrology and the transmigration of the absolute “now” (the soul, the jiva) from one set of local quantum space attachments to another. This deeper root is not visible, but it throws confusing shadows into the visible that are the source of the astrological systems that seem to order local fate. As the absolute past and the absolute future generate local quantum space and absolute space as its polar opposite. Absolute space produces the ground of the possible in the direction of the future and complete systems and purposeful ends in the direction of the past. Local quantum space produces structure in the direction of the past and motion and process in the direction of the future. Motion and process are the opposite of system and purpose. Form and structure are the opposite of ground and possibility. Together, this cycle of four poles in two polarities constitutes Aristotle’s four causes: purpose vs. motion, and ground vs. form. E is Emergent: These four causes emerge into the world as local mechanical systems and local determinate space-time orders defined by mathematically describable pattern. The deeper root of these systems is astrological and is characterized by various levels of astrological fate. Astrological fate is the emergence of absolute space into the visible world. Absolute space is compounded out of absolute time. If absolute space is determinate, absolute time emerges into the indeterminate. If absolute space is part of a compound order of the collective unconscious, absolute time reveals the separate consciousness that breaks the ancient paradigm of the absolute into boundless novelty. This novelty is not visible within the absolute. This novelty compounds into absolute space at an invisible level, at an occult level. Pure freedom cannot be seen in the public world. All elements of the public world appear fated and determinate at their hidden root. Yet emergent freedom is the source of unfreedom, the order of existence begins with the becoming of the private mind. Pure private time is the source of all space, both in the visible finite and the invisible infinite. All that we see in the emergent world contradicts this. Every astrological nativity charts our fate. Every examination of our mind within the world shows it to be the result of brain events determined by physiological processes. F is for Freedom: Only the larger picture, the picture revealed in the Form of the Good, demonstrates our true freedom. That is because our true freedom lies in the opening of the Form and the shattering of its order. Only the absolute “now” can penetrate the solidity of that Form and break through its hard order to yield things new and free. Novel developments broken loose in this freedom bind together with other novel threads within the boundless to generate new combinations, new orders of existence. The Form of the Good is endlessly extended into these new openings; hence it is renewed and kept progressing. There is not end to its expansion into the boundless. As these variations open out and emerge into the world, they combine in new developments, new evolutionary progression that collectively order new realms of becoming. The novel enters into the world of myth and dreams as it differentiates from the probable into the improbable as the boundless emerges into the bound. My birth gives me a fate within the astrological system of absolute space. But any new things I do, any major changes in my place of living and way of life, any new combinations I enter into, also have their new fate, their own astrological designations. I am continually generating a new fate rooted in the creativity of the absolute “now” that is my soul, that is my piece of the subjective boundless, of the Form of the Good. G is for Ground: Time begins by opening existence to the new. These new forms emerge in the world. They evolve new combinations and these new combinations collect into new possibilities generating new order and new systems. Ultimately existence is as much myth as it is fact. Fact describes the local world. Myth describes the larger possibility that provides the ground, the potential from which the actual emerges. The primary source of the development of these possibilities is rooted in the subjective now, in the soul, in the private singularity of the immortal self-becoming something different, something new, something revolutionary. Each strand of time is a potential revolution. Only attachment to the past and to the finite prevents the revolution from occurring. The ideal revolution is a liberation from bondage to local form and local surfaces. The ideal liberation returns the soul to its focus on infinite beauty, love, and joy rather than jealousy, anger, and hate. Ground is part of the cycle of Form, Purpose, Ground, and Motion. This cycle unites the absolute past and the absolute future with absolute space and local quantum space. Form and action are the extension of the absolute into the finite. Form extends the past and action extends the future. Ground returns action to the absolute and purpose returns form. H is for Horoscope: Purpose is also Dharma; it is the fate, the system defined by my astrology, by horoscope. It is the oppose of motion, of action, its is determined by the Karma of my previous life. The structures it generates set me up for new actions, new Karma that begin the mythological development that will combine my time line with others in the genesis of a new ground, the beginning of a new horoscope. Time is one-dimensional. The time cycle of conservation and novelty vs. development and homeostasis extend absolute time into the relative. The space cycle causes the infinitesimal to descend into the finite through onedimensional time into the two dimensional waveforms of the world of the photon and the particle. These two dimensions build up into the three dimensions of space and the four dimensions of space-time. The transcendent becomes manifest as individual loci in space join the collective universe. Absolute space generates the astrological system and its mythological potentials (see Liz Greene’s “The Astrology of Fate). All of this is hidden. It enters the visible through the perception of local form and the generation of local quantum events and processes. Absolute time is free and absolute space is bound by fate. As my private time combines with the time of others to make public time, I take on Dharma, on duty. I take on commitments and responsibilities. I agree to a local public world and must act out the role I have committed to. I is for Individual: My attachment to the world is private and unique. No bridge between the subjective and the objective is the same. No strand of time spins the same pattern. Each “now” forms its own unique pattern of relationships with quantum events that cause them to be separate out and uniquely extended by individual strands of singular time. The way my subjectivity differentiates my objectivity, the way my soul gives freedom to my brain, is unique to me and no other pattern is like it. My mind extends into to its own separate realm of time and space. It extends existence into something that opens up all things in new ways. Only certain brain events and quantum occurrences are effective in engaging my soul. It is tuned to the special events that it has associated with in the world. Its presence repels other souls of its kind, so that a unique subjective out pocket is extended from the objective that pushes away all other entities. No empirical explanation is adequate for the real work occurs at the occult level in the hidden transcendence of the supernatural that is the mother of the natural. Yet, its operation is indicated by the Form of the Good. It is the natural extension of the polar gradients of differentiation found within the objective. Its presence is further indicated by the character of my subjective states of being. I experience a unique now that seems to be primary. J is for Jehovah: God, Jehovah is utter transcendence, it is the eternal extension of the Form of the Good into the boundless. Thus, God is endless growth. God creates through the medium of the soul, the atman, the jiva, the absolute “now.” These absolute “nows” are the infinitesimal dust of God generated through the infinite number of ways she enters into creation. My spirit, my soul is one of those “nows.” In mythology it is called Christ, Buddha, Virgin Mary, Krishna, etc. It is Jehovah entering into creation. Elohim is absolute space, the Holy Spirit (Brahman, Nirvana, Tao) that transcends itself as Jehovah (Yahweh) by entering into the infinite dimensions of absolute time found in Christ, Buddha, etc. Although the key to the creativity of Jehovah is Jehovah’s avatarship in an infinity of infinitesimal absolute time “nows,” the key to creativity for the “now,” the creative Spirit, the soul, is its continuing connection with the boundless, with Jehovah, with the Form of the Good that is Jehovah’s core. This means the worship of a God that is eternal, boundless, love, joy, harmony, peace, tolerance, justice, abundance, goodness, perfection, progress, evolution, equality, democracy, liberty, virtue, beauty, sacredness, respect, faith, etc. It means a rejection of the God of despotism, envy, pride, intolerance, hate, etc. It means a rejection of the narrow tribal God in favor of the universal Jehovah. K is for Karma: Karma means action. The mental and physical actions generated by the soul, by the absolute time “now,” determine how it is treated within absolute space, within the larger system that generates Dharma, generates justice, determines the parameters of astrological fate. The Dharma to Karma relationship taught in the East is a product of the purpose to action, the system to process polarity of the Form of the Good. Absolute time becomes what it binds to, what it believes in, what it is faithful to. The attachments of the time thread spun from the “now” generate the collective level of its manifestation. It enters the world it attaches to and winds its time threads about. It enters into the relative space-time of that world by its presence in the world’s local quantum events. Ideally, the soul opens up the local world. Ideally the soul penetrates the world with its higher order and creative renewal. Often, the desire of the soul for pleasure binds it to the world it penetrates and the soul is wounded, the soul is penetrated and emptied out in the world. It is crucified by the flesh and drained of its powers till it wanders through the physical realm in pursuit of more pleasure that only more thoroughly deflates it. Such a soul turns the physical worlds into hells where it is trapped, utterly overcome by its attachments and connections to the physical, which utterly enslave it. L is for Lust: For a soul trapped in lust and envy, there is no immortality. Its attachment to pleasure drains it of all its spiritual powers. Lust flattens the soul. Lust turns the soul into an empty ghost with nothing left of its spiritual creativity. Lust forces the soul to follow the flesh, to do what ever the brain and body tell it to do. Such a soul dies when the body dies because all of its powers are drained into the body. People of this kind do not believe in immortality because they have none. They have no conscious connection with any former life. They have no awareness that they are a strand of fallen time that has existed for an eternity and has fallen from heaven into the dust of the world. These souls go from one incarnation to the next. Each incarnation is completely taken up in the lust and greed of the flesh, in the actions and processes of the physical world in pursuit of bare survival. Such impoverished souls never have time or energy to look for their spiritual origins. They are trapped in endless cycles of fate, of birth and death in pursuit of a tiny bit of pleasure and worldly power. These souls have woven their time threads through the world and allowed themselves to be penetrate and drained by the world. They have no power to lift themselves out of the world and find their roots. Their salvation is in their Buddha, Christ core, the gateway to Heaven, Brahman, Nirvana in the inner heart, to love, to beauty, to joy. M is for Manifest: The manifest world emerges out of absolute time and space as a result of the actions of the local absolute present (the soul, or spirit) that break open the Form of the Good and develop novel variations on the Form of the Good that expand it into the boundless. Absolute time is compounded of an infinity of immortal creative novel ways of expanding the Form of the Good. These are reflected in the homeostasis of the world evolving new levels of development. This cycle, the immortal vs. development, novelty vs. homeostasis is the cycle of absolute time becoming relative space-time. Absolute space enters into these changes that extend the absolute past into the absolute future. The past of absolute space is complete system and purpose. The future of absolute space is mythology, is possibility, is background potential, the formless void. Absolute space enters into the manifest world through its quantum opposite. The past connects to the quantum through form and the future through action and process. In this cycle, form is the opposite of ground and potential and purpose and system are the opposite of action and process. The third cycle ties together absolute time and relative space, absolute space and quantum mechanical time. In this cycle, the transcendent generates absolute time and space. Absolute time is the infinitesimal beginning and absolute space is the infinite end. Absolute time unites with the quantum particular to generate the manifest. N is for Neoplatonic: The Neoplatonic trinity defines the edges of the Form of the Good. The Form of the Good is bounded by absolute time, absolute space, and the absolute past. The Form of the Good is known in the East as Dharma and in the Far East as Heaven. It endlessly expands into the boundless. The boundless is known in the East as Nirvana and Brahman, and in the Far East as the Tao. The boundless is the endless expansion of the portion of the Form of the Good defined by absolute time, absolute space, and the absolute future. This whole area where the Form of the Good is expanding into the boundless, where Dharma is becoming Nirvana, is the divine. In Christianity and Judaism it is known as Yahweh and in Buddhism, it is the Vairocana Buddha. The Neoplatonic trinity of the One, Nous, and the Soul define the Form of the Good portion of this kingdom. The Neoplatonic One is the same as absolute space, the Neoplatonic Nous (primal mind) is the same as the absolute past, and the Neoplatonic soul is the same as absolute time. The Brahman-Nirvana portion is defined by the Hindu trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva. Brahma, the creator is absolute time. Shiva, the destroyer, is the absolute future, and Vishnu is absolute space. Thus, Dharma, the Form of the Good endlessly expands into the Nirvana boundless void generating all the angels, gods, Buddhas, bodhisattvas, avatars, messiahs, prophets, and novel approaches to the endless development of the eternal good. O is for Order: This endless expansion endlessly generates new orders and new levels of organization. The absolute past is the Law, the absolute present is the Spirit and the local space it generates is the Body. The absolute present is the Sattva Guna, the absolute future is the Rajas Guna, and the local space it generates is the Tamas Guna. As absolute time enters the manifest, it is locally individualized. It is locally projected from its boundless subjective state into a locally bound objective state generating local mind and local perception, local will and local behavior. The product is the quantum particular and its connections to the public world. This manifest world is collected into complexes of space-time relativity that are collected in turn into universes belonging to collections connected by black holes in local space. The transcendent order of absolute time and space is occult and hidden. Because absolute time is infinitesimal and absolute spade is infinite, they cannot enter local finite worlds. They are subjective and cannot be meaningfully objectified in their true boundless nature. The manifest world is the polar opposite of the transcendent. The individual loci generated by absolute time and quantum space are the polar opposites of the universal orders generated by relative space-time and absolute space. These universal orders are collective. They are the collective unconscious complement to the personal. P is for Patterns: The relationships of local and general time produce patterns and complexes of patterns. From the creativity of subjective time at the deep roots of all existence, creative subjectivity endlessly spins webs that generate the local space of the quantum realm. From this comes the public space-time worlds of planets, galaxies, and universes that binds public space-time relativity into the infinite complexity of absolute space. First comes the cycle of absolute private time that generates relative public space-time, as conservation is the opposite of development and homeostasis is the effect of novel causes. Then comes the emergence of local two and threedimensional forms from one-dimensional absolute time as the transcendent becomes the individual through the creative focus of the absolute now (soul-spirit-subjective self). The quantum now generates the two and threedimensional structures of light waves and gravitational fields. This is the manifest world that is the finite polar opposite of the infinite and infinitesimal transcendent. These are collected into the universes that merge public time with boundless absolute space. The absolute space cycle connects the systems of the past with the potential of the future and the processes of the quantum world that link it to the past. This space cycle completes the system and returns the compounding time to the transcendent, as the infinitesimal expands through the finite and the public into the infinite. Q is for Quarters: The result is three sets of quarter parts. The set of absolute and relative time: conservation (eternal), novelty (cause), development (temporary), homeostasis (effect). The set of the absolute and relative space and time: transcendent, individual, manifest, and collective, the set of absolute and relative space: system (purpose), potential (ground), process (motion), form (perception). These sets define the boundaries of the four quarters of two tetrahedrons. The Dharma tetrahedron (Form of the Good) consists of four faces: Ideal, Nature, Synthesis, Freedom. Its opposite is the Nirvana tetrahedron with four faces: Source, Expression, Order, and Analysis. Scientists know the Dharma tetrahedron as the three aspects that extend the natural world: quantum uncertainty, levels of organization, and relativity. Relativity is the natural science aspect of the Synthesis face. Quantum uncertainty is the natural science aspect of the Freedom face, and levels of organization is the natural science aspect of the Ideal face. The Natural face is the empirical world of natural phenomena. Scientists know the Nirvana trinity as the mechanistic, thermodynamic, and mathematical. Thermodynamics is the natural science aspect of the Expression face. Mechanistic determinism is the natural science aspect of the Order face, and mathematics is the scientific aspect of the Analysis face. The Source face is the subjective boundless. R is for Reverse: This system of patterns that comprises the Form of the Good, will operate in reverse. What we call absolute space can also be interpreted as total present time. If absolute space is interpreted as total present time, then absolute present time becomes singular space. Out of total present time comes the collective time strands of hyperspace that generate local universes and local space-time relativity, defined by two dimensional wave forms of light and three dimensional fields of gravitation. As these dimensions complex, they generate local dimensions that roll up within particle and quantum space generating, increasingly complex local string patterns. These merge through increasingly complex developments to the level of the infinitesimal, where space is defined by an infinity of dimensions emerging from infinitesimal singularities. These infinitesimal singularities are local private subjectivity. From the standpoint of the whole, they are singular space. From the standpoint of the soul they are primal time, absolute time, the creative beginning of all things. Which approach is true depends upon the observer. In the public world, only relativistic space-time exists. The subjective time of the individual is only an internal aspect of the complex relationships of the quantum particular and its connections to organic forms and processes. For the private individual, true time is necessarily the absolute now that is the core of the soul. Only it has real creativity. S is for Space: The key to this interpretation is the notion of the expansion of the Form of the Good into the boundless. The Form of the Good expands both through the infinitesimal and through the infinite, both through the individual and the collective. The individual expansion generates singular time and the collective expansion generates total time. Space is the current state of the expansion, the relationship of the individual now to the collective now through local quantum space and relativistic space-time. Because the finite world is limited, any view of this expansion within the finite will be limited. Any larger view within the finite is necessarily rooted in the past and is a vision of the past. But, all views within the boundless are hidden, are occult, only manifest as dreams and visions. Thus, the individual is left with his private singular portion, his infinitesimal piece of this vision, limited to his lonely private world. He joins the larger space at his peril because the windows to this private world are through the quantum particular, through the flesh and through the finite, through attachments to finite pleasure, finite greed, finite envy, finite desire for finite gain. The wise suggest that he is better to seek the collective space through the medium of the boundless rather than through the bound. Even though this blocks his vision and leaves him blind, he is better approaching the world through blind love and virtue. Innocence is his friend. T is for Time: There is an X-axis and a Y-axis that define the advancement of time. Infinitesimal time advances on the X-axis from conservation through creativity and novelty. Infinite time advances on the Y-axis from system through wholeness to possibility. Infinitesimal time and infinite time advance the transcendent part of space. The manifest portion of space advances along the finite portion of the X and Y-axis. The relativistic finite portion of the X-axis advances the homeostatic through the relative into evolution and development. The quantum finite portion of the Y-axis advances structure through the quantum particular into process and motion. The Z-axis defines the limits of space uniting transcendent space through the infinitesimal into individual loci and through the quantum particular into the manifest. The manifest is tied through the relative to the collective and universal and the universal to the infinite portion of the transcendent. The Z-axis is forever expanding the past into the future as it extends the Form of the Good into the boundless increasing the enlightenment and Buddhamind power of all things. Absolute time and space are forever dissolving as this occurs and their transformation opens up the old order to new freedom. The despotic is forever liberated into new freedom. The old is forever expanding into the new. Thus, all cosmology transforms into cosmogony. U is for Universe: The Universe disappears the moment we attempt to define it. Space is transformed into time and time into space. The past dissolves into the future and the future into the past. Everything changes and yet remains the same. Energy is neither created nor destroyed and mathematical pattern is eternal. Yet, endless perturbations of these two unchanging polar opposites endlessly change all things. Existence is paradoxical at its root. It consists of balancing polarities that dance on gradients that endlessly combine and separate in simple and complex patterns that change and yet endlessly repeat. To know is to approach the unknown. The occult and the manifest interact in love and war. They invade each other. They confound us with the dust thrown up by their dancing feet as they continue their courtship. They frustrate our science and baffle our philosophy. They leave us spiritually weak and physically deaf and blind. The Universe is the polar opposite of the individual. The whole is divided into ½ by the singular (two points of a single dimension endlessly extended into an infinite circle). It is one becoming two. It is the locus of the now endlessly rediscovering its hidden roots in the past and its hidden potential in the future. A fourth is added by the manifest to make ¾. In the manifest waves of 2/3 space (of two points becoming three points) generate the four points of three dimensional space that extend into 4/5 (four dimensional, five pointed) relativistic space time. V is for Vertex: Three polarities describe the vertices of an octahedron and the faces of a cube (the edges of a tetrahedron). The absolute now (singular, soul etc.) vs. the relativistic world, the absolute whole vs. the quantum particular, the fixed (absolute past) vs. flux (the absolute future). These vertices are connected in three cycles on an X-axis, a Y-axis, and a Z-axis. The X-axis connects the fixed to the singular through conservation, the singular to flux through novelty, flux to the relative (group) through development and the relative to the fixed through homeostasis. The Y-axis connects the whole to the fixed through system, the fixed to the particular through form, form to flux through motion, and flux to the whole through possibility. The Z-axis connects the whole to the singular through the transcendent, the singular to the particular through the individual, the particular to the relative (group) through the manifest, and the relative to the whole through the collective. The triangle formed by the singular, whole, and the fixed defines the ideal (Dharma, Form of the Good). The triangle formed by the singular, whole, and flux defines the source (Nirvana). The triangle of the singular, fixed, and the particular defines the separate. The triangle formed by the singular, flux, and the particular defines the free. The polar opposite of the separate is the mixed. The polar opposite of the free is order. The polar opposite of the ideal is the expressed. The polar opposite of source is result. W is for Wave: If the transcendent is the whole (one) becoming divided, breaking into the singular (The one-dimensional of two points extended endlessly at first and then breaking into ever-smaller fragments as it enters the finite.), than the manifest is two becoming three, as the one-dimensional becomes the waveforms of the light that makes the manifest world visible. These waves compound as light generates space and then relativistic space-time. This realm is the world of Maya and Karma. It is the realm of the objective and the probable, of problems and entropy. It forms the surface that we can see and touch. The deeper meaning lies within. It cannot be seen. It is the hidden Dharma and Nirvana. It is the transcendent reality of the infinite opening up in the infinitesimal as freedom and enlightenment as the pure Buddha. This freedom disappears when we attach too tightly to the particular and hold too close to local form. The objective is hollow without the subjective to fill it. Lust is hollow without love to give it meaning and joy to give it warmth. Greed is hollow without beauty to give it depth and serenity to give it stability, without generosity to free it and responsibility to strength it, virtue to perfect it from within. We can have pride as long as we fill it with love and forgiveness; stuff it with innocence and wonder. X is for X Axis: The X-axis is the road of time. It runs from the fixed into the immortality that generates the soul. The creativity of the soul extends it through novelty into flux. The power of flux generates development that extends the world resulting in new forms of homeostasis and equilibrium in support of the fixed. The immortal is the polar opposite of the developmental. The novel is the polar opposite of the homeostatic. Fixed is the polar opposite of flux. The soul (singular) is the polar opposite of the world (group, the relative). The X-axis begins with the singular, with the absolute time “now.” It is the creative primary, the essence of all beginnings. Out of this eternal generation, this endless primal spinning, come all lesser threads of time, immortal and mortal. It is the endless vegetation cycle. Conservation is the seed. Novelty is the germination. Development is the growth of the vegetation. Reproduction (Homeostasis of Populations) is its flowering. Conservation is Winter. Novelty is Spring. Development is Summer. Reproduction is Fall. Conservation is the opposite of Development, Novelty of Reproduction. It will work in reverse. Conservation can be the seed. Reproduction can be the germination. Development can be the growth. Novelty can be its differentiation and fruit. Y is for Y Axis: If the X-axis is the vegetation cycle, is the seasons of the year, the Y-axis is the four causes of Aristotle, which can also express the ancient cycles. Possibility is the ground, the material cause. Motion is the active cause. Form and structure is cause as shape. System and completion is cause as purpose. If conservation is the seed, so is possibility. If novelty is its germination, so is motion. If development is its growth, so is structure and form. If reproduction is its flower and fruit, so is system and purpose. If conservation is Winter, so is possibility. If novelty is Spring, so is motion. If development is Summer, so is form. If reproduction is Fall, so is purpose and complete system. With the Y-axis, the whole moves into the void and is extended into flux. Flux germinates into particular motions. These particularize into structures and forms. The structures and forms generate the fixed. The fixed is extended till it is completed in the ultimate whole. The void is the background that is the opposite of the structures and forms of figure. Motion is incomplete and is the opposite of purpose and complete system. The whole is the opposite of the part. Flux is the opposite of the fixed. Thus, this cycle extends possibility into actuality. It extends motion into the end produced by the motion. Z is for Z Axis: The Z-axis completes the system. With the Z-axis, the whole transcends itself by generating the singular. The singular individualizes in the particular. The particular manifests in the public group. The group collects others to regenerate the whole. The Z axis is the boundary where the fixed is moving into flux, where the Form of the Good and the objects it generates are moving into the boundless and into evolutionary expressions. Movement along this boundary splinters the ultimate into an infinity of souls that create individual centers within the particular. Quantum events are generated within the particular. Photons emerge as light creating the visible. The movement of light traces the relativity of space-time. Gravitation bends space and generates black holes through which one universe connects with another in hyperspace. The collection of all hyperspaces regenerates the whole. If conservation is joined with purpose to make Winter, then possibility can join with novelty to make Spring, then development can join with motion to make Summer, and form with reproduction to make Fall. Now rather than moving from the transcendent to individual freedom and then to the manifest and collective orders, we move from the ideal to the source to its expression and natural results. The fixed is drawn out through the ideal into ultimate transcendence. Transcendence moves through the boundless generating flux, expression, manifest results.