IV. Equipment and Supplies For Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 Healthcare Science Education EVALUATION GUIDE FOR PROGRAM OPERATIONAL STANDARDS (POS) Review Team for POS 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 1 IV. Equipment and Supplies For Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 Georgia’s Healthcare Science Education (HSE) PROGRAM OPERATIONAL STANDARDS I. HSE Program Goals and Objectives Standard Statement The Healthcare Science Education Program (HSE) must have clearly stated goals and/or objectives which inc mission statements related to the needs of students and the health occupations industry. B. Operational Criteria: GEORGIA STANDARD 1. INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION REVIEW The Philosophy, Mission, Goals, and Objectives for the Healthcare Science Education Program are listed / written. 2. There are written materials explaining and promoting the courses offered (Recruitment, Community Awareness, and PR). 3. Public relations information about your program distributed on a continuous basis (PR, Community Awareness and Recruitment. 2 YES NO Documentation in file: YES, including… Brochure(s) (or other Information/PR materials) informing students and parents about the program Syllabus of each course taught noted in file Recruitment activities, career fairs, visits to feeder schools (written statement and any materials and activities used) YES, such as Press releases, newspaper articles, web based announcements (list site, such as Ga HOSA, hospital, school, etc.) Community involvement (List of projects /activities.) COMM IV. Equipment and Supplies For Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 NONE Noted 4. Student Graduation Information showing the Impact HSE Program is making to encourage and assist students to further education and become a healthcare professional. (Information on Healthcare Science students after graduation, showing a sampling of those who have continued their interest, education and employment in healthcare fields.) YES (List includes name, school/program attended and where employed if out of postsecondary healthcare program.) NO 5. If Teacher on State Extended Day through Ga DOE, provide a copy of the Annual Plan/Program of Work as submitted to Georgia Department of Education. If Teacher on Local Extended Day, submit annual plan as required by local system. YES NO Not Applicable. Teacher Not on Extended Day or Plan not required by local school system. 6. Provide documentation to show active participation in Georgia HOSA. - Provide Ga HOSA calendar of events for year (such as, list of activities for year, monthly meetings scheduled, attendance at conferences, chapter events, community service programs.) - Provide roster with student memberships (Goal, as recommended and listed on program of work: 60 members or 60% of all classes, if on extended day program of work) 3 YES NO YES NO IV. Equipment and Supplies For Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 Georgia’s Healthcare Science Education (HSE) PROGRAM OPERATIONAL STANDARDS II. Teacher Qualifications A. Standard Statement Local Boards of Education are responsible for securing the best-qualified persons for the Healthc Education Programs. Teachers selected are subject to the State of Georgia teacher licensure and credentialing guidelin Teachers of Healthcare Science Education programs teach HSE courses that present career oppor knowledge and skills, explorations and may have shadowing and clinical components. Programs specialty programs that includes certification testing, i.e., nurse aide (CNA), Patient Care Tech/A (PCT/PCA), CERT, Phlebotomy, etc.. These may be cooperative or dual enrollment courses with College. . 4 IV. Equipment and Supplies For Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 II. Teacher Qualifications B. Operational Criteria: GEORGIA STANDARD INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION REVIEW Healthcare Science Technology Education (HSTE) Teachers seeking industry certification are required to provide evidence of the following: 1. 2.. 3. 3. a Hold a current Georgia health professional accreditation in one of the eligible health career fields recognized by the Professional Standards Commission. www.gapsc.org Rules: http://www.gapsc.com/Rules/Current/Certification/505 -2-.070.pdf Table: http://www.gapsc.com/Rules/Proposed/cert/4/505-2.70_HSTE_Table_of_Healthcare_Careers.pdf Hold a current teaching certification in Health Occupations recognized by the Professional Standards Commission. If “new” teacher, have certificate requirements accomplished by time of On-Site Evaluation. Show proof of updated status as Instructor for CPR and First Aid: Such as, Course completion of a Healthcare Provider /Basic Life Support Instructor Course for American Heart Association or other approved agency. 5 YES, copy of current license (i.e., RN license, etc.) noted NO YES, up-to-date Teaching Certificate in file noted NO YES, copy of current Instructor Card noted in file NO COMM IV. Equipment and Supplies For Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 II. Teacher Qualifications B. 3.b Operational Criteria (continued) Completed the “First Aid/CPR/AED Instructor Course under the American Red Cross guidelines or other approved agency. YES, copy of current Instructor Card noted in file NO 4. Provide documentation (list) of PLU and/or CE programs attended during the last 2 years. YES, list noted in file NO 5. Completed an Annual update on (a) Safety and (b) Infection Control programs. YES, Certificate, letter or document verifying attendance and completion of a program. (example, can attend. local hospital Education Dept. programs.) NO 6. Professional Association memberships (HSTEA, GACTE, ACTE, and HOSA) 7. Conferences planned to attend for professional updates. YES ACTE, GACTE, & HSTEA/Healthcare (copy of ACTE card) HOSA (teacher membership; copy of card or membership roster with teacher name listed for this school year) NO YES NO Georgia’s Healthcare Science Education PROGRAM OPERATIONAL STANDARDS III. Facilities 6 IV. Equipment and Supplies For Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 A. Standard Statement Successful Healthcare Science Education Programs are dependent on adequate and well-equippe stay current with the health care business, industry, and other employment categories that the Pro B. Operational Criteria: GEORGIA STANDARD 1. INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION REVIEW To assure successful learning, the physical facilities for each program should meet the following requirements: Size and space for each program is adequate to accommodate the number of students enrolled. Includes classroom and lab: Required: 1800 square feet YES NO Write sq. ft. here: ____________________ for our records Recommended: 2400 square feet Amount of total space listed. Layout of the Room shown. *If space is under the Required amount and it is an established program based on previous sq. footage, there should be documentation or a letter from the Principal and Career, Technical & Agricultural Education Director stating that the square footage will increase as soon as is feasible for the school. Letter noted: YES NO 2. Classrooms, laboratories, auxiliary areas (finish rooms, storage), and other facilities are adequate in design, suitability, and quantity to enable students to meet the specified objectives 7 YES (Determined by Layout and observation of classroom and clinical lab areas) IV. Equipment and Supplies For Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 NO 3. Each teacher is assigned a conveniently located, furnished, and equipped area (office) for planning, record keeping, consultation, and administration. YES (Determined by Layout and observation of classroom and clinical lab areas) Write where this is located. _______________________ (such as within classroom; and/or private room in classroom/lab area.) NO 8 IV. Equipment and Supplies For Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 III. Facilities B. Operational Criteria (continued): 4. Facilities accommodate handicapped students YES (Determined by Layout and observation of classroom and clinical lab areas) NO Equity/Handicapped accessibility Review on file if available from school. (Not Required) 9 IV. Equipment and Supplies For Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 Georgia’s Healthcare Science Education (HSE) PROGRAM OPERATIONAL STANDARDS IV. Equipment and Supplies Pathways and Courses may have Equipment and Supplies lists that align with the courses, such as Nursing Essentials, General Medicine, Emergency Services, Biotechnology, etc. These lists may be accessed from the Georgia Department of Education’s CTAE Healthcare Science Program Specialist. B. Operational Criteria: An Inventory Sheet of the following Equipment & Supplies with a maintenance schedule included is recommended. To assure successful learning, each program will have available the following equipment and supplies. It is encouraged to have an Advisory Board to assist in receiving donations to provide supplies and equipment or access to use these in a healthcare agency. For Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 IV. Equipment and Supplies For Nursing Essentials B. Operational Criteria: An Inventory Sheet of the following Equipment & Supplies with a maintenance schedule included is recommended. To assure successful learning, each program will have available the following equipment and supplies. It is encouraged to have an Advisory Board to assist in receiving donations to provide supplies and equipment or access to use these in a healthcare agency. Recommended Equipment and Supplies: Automatic External Defibrillator Trainer (1) Bath basins (1 per bedside unit) Bedpans: standard and orthopedic/fracture (1 each per bed) Bedside commode or toilet Biohazard bag and container (3 bags, 1 container) Biohazard sharp disposable container (2) Blood Spill kit (1) Books - Text Books and workbooks (1 per student) Bowls, soup (6) Calculators (1 per student; classroom set for teacher) Call light for beds (1 per unit; simulation) Cane, adjustable (1) (Cane, Quad) 10 IV. Equipment and Supplies For Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 Chart holder /notebook (as local facilities use for patient chart/records) (1 per bedside) Clothing Protectors-disposable or non disposable Computer equipment and supplies (Minimum of 8 computers per classroom and/ or access to computer lab as needed); 1. Monitor 2. Printer 3. Scanner 4. Disk drive 5. CD ROM 6. DVD-W 7. USB slot 8.Diskettes or CD/DVD/USB storage devices 9. Word processing program 10. Medical office software 11. Database program 12. Spreadsheet program 13. Publisher program 14. Internet access for all computers Crutches, adjustable (1) Cup/pitcher/tray sets (1 per bed unit) Cups/plastic glass/drinking (6) Graduated measuring pitcher (1) Heel and Elbow protectors Instrument pans (soaking) (1) Instruments (pictures or actual instruments) Surgical and Exam Tray set-ups, including 1. Hemostats, straight and curved (1) 2. Kelley clamps, straight and curved (1) 3. Laryngeal mirror (1) 4. Lister (bandage) scissors (1) 5. Mayo scissors, straight and curved (1) 6. Nasal speculum (1) 7. Needle holder (1) 8. Otoscope/ophthalmoscope (1) 9. Reflex hammer (1 minimum) 10. Suture (3) 11. Tuning fork (1) 12. Vaginal speculum (1) IV pole (1 per bed unit) Laundry hamper (1) Linens * Denture cups (3) Dentures (3) (provided free by dental labs or buy at Pocket Nurse) Diet tray (plastic trays; 1per unit) DVD player (1) (combo w/VCR OK) Electronic Board for classroom (such as ActivBoard or Smartboard or Prometheon) Elastic stockings (knee high, large and extra large) Emesis basins (3) Eye patch shield (3) Fire extinguisher (1) Flashlight (Pen Light) (12) Furniture and equipment 1. Bedside table (1 per bed) 2. Electric hospital bed with working rails (1- 3, as space available) 3. Overbed table (1 per bed) 4. Screens or curtains, privacy (per pt. unit) 5. Stretcher (1) 6. Student desks/tables and chairs (1 per student per period) 7. Tables (2) 8. Wheelchair with footrests (1) Transfer/Gait belt (1) (Quantity sufficient for each patient unit) 1. Blankets (2 per bed unit; use for Bath Blanket) 2. Draw sheets (2 per bed unit) 3. Patient gowns (2 per bed unit) 4. Pillows (2 per bed unit) 5. Pillow cases (4 per bed unit ) 6. Sheets twin fitted and flat (3 per bed unit of each) 7. Spreads (2 per bed unit) 8. Towels (6 per bed unit) 9. Washcloths (6 per bed unit) 10. Hospital Gowns (2) per bed unit 11. Non-Disposable Bed Pads Measuring container Measuring cups (1 set) Measuring spoons (1 set) Measuring tape (paper/cloth) (3) Models/mannequins 11 IV. Equipment and Supplies For Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 1. Adult mannequin (1-3) (with catheter removal) 2. Breast cancer (1) 3. Testicular Cancer (1) 4. Choking Charlie (1) 5. Claw Adaptive device (1) 5. Colostomy/ileostomy (1) (if not included on adult manikin) 6. CPR infant (4) 7. CPR adult (3) 8. CPR child (3) 9. Ear (1) 10. Heart (1) 11. Human torso (1) 12. Infant mannequins, male and female (1) 13. Skeleton (1) Naso-gastric tube with clamp (1) Oxygen cannula (prong & nasal cannula) (1) Oxygen mask (1) Oxygen wall unit (simulated set up or pictures of) (1) Oxygen tent pictures) (1) Oxygen tubing (1) Patient Gowns PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) -1set per student Disposable mask, gloves, biohazard bag, gown, goggles, Shoe covers, Caps Isolation Linen Hamper Pictures of special devices 1. Braces (1) 2. Mechanical lift (1) 3. Trapeze (1) 4. Turning frame (1) 5. Stryker frame (1) 6. Circo-electric bed (1) 7. Sequential hose (1) 8. Other devices as developed Pillows (2 per bed) Postioning/supportive aids/devices (wedges/pillows/rolls/blankets) (2) Razors (safety) (4) Slides of blood smears and different types of bacteria, pre-prepared (10; may utilize internet sites) Snellen eye chart (visual acuity charts) (1) Sphygmomanometers (blood pressure cuffs), Manual – aneroid, digital [adult (9); pediatric (1); and extra large cuffs (1)] Splints (14) Stethoscopes -12 [Adult (9); pediatric (1); and teaching scopes/dual ear piece (2 minimum)] TED hose (2 pairs) Telephone (multi button for simulation for transfers, etc.) (1) Telephone directory (1) Thermometers, bath (1) Thermometers, electronic (1); non-mercury – (14); aural/tympanic (1); digital (14 - low cost versions) Tourniquets (1) Trash cans with foot-operated lids (1 per bed unit and sink)) Triangular bandages (14) Urinals (1) DVD player) Refrigerator (1) Restraints for patients (as approved and utilized in local healthcare agencies; pictures; utilize local agency restraints) Ruler (1) Scale, balance, adult (1) with height measuring device (calibrated scale/standing) Scissors (1 minimum) Screens, privacy Scrub brush and sponge (for nails and hands; disposable pkgs for surgery) (1 per student) Sharps Container Signs (can be made by teacher) 1. Bed bath in progress (1) 2. Occupied (1) 3. Isolation (1) 4. Oxygen in Use (1) 5. Wet Floor (1) Sinks (with running water; 3 if available space to meet CNA guidelines) Sitz bath (2) 12 V. Equipment and Supplies for Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 Walker, adjustable (1) Walker with wheels Wall clock with second hand (1 at each bed unit) Washer (1) & Dryer (1) Wastebasket – no hands pedal to open lid, with plastic liner White board (1) Wound simulation kit (1) X-rays (examples) (2) – can be access online Yardstick/meter stick (1 minimum) Recommended Equipment & Supplies (Have access to or simulate; If have access to: list where, i.e., nursing, hospital, doctor’s office-list name of each facility. Under this section, the Teacher will list the Agency that they can take students to and actually teach, train and attain the skill to use this piece of equipment, not just look at it.) Autoclave Automatic blood pressure cuffs (variety to show possible equipment will use in facilities.) Baby supplies (quantity sufficient per mannequin) Exam lamp (1) Exam table (1) Glucose Monitor Basic surgical instrument tray Cleaning supplies 1. Wet mop 2. Dust mop 3. Commode brush Copying machine EKG machine and supplies (access for practice) Electric razor (1) Eyeglasses – /donated Fax machine (1) Foot drop shoe device (1) Gastrostomy tube (1) Glass slides for microscope (1 box) Geri Chair (access for practice Heat/Cold packs (1) Intercom system (simulation) Isolation cart Projector Mayo stand with cover (1) Meal tray Mechanical Lift (access for practice) Medical office management software Microwave Microscopes (3) Mirror, fill length (review appearance before internships) Moist heat pad/unit (access for practice) Patient alarm (view at long term care, etc) Pulse Oximeter (access for practice) Scale, balance, infant (1) Soap, liquid in pump Shower/ bath Television/Monitor Video Camera (1) X-ray view box 13 V. Equipment and Supplies for Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 Recommended Consumable Supplies 2" ace bandages 4 X 4 gauze 5 X 7 index cards ABO blood typing serum Adult formula Alcohol Alcohol swabs Antiseptic/antimicrobial solution Appointment computer program Autoclave indicator Autoclave pen (use to write on tape) Autoclave tape Autoclave wrapping paper Blue pads (underpads) Brush, hair Catheter drainage bags Catheter clamp Catheters, French and foley Chemical blood Colostomy bags Comb Cotton balls Cups, medicine Dental floss Denture Brush Denture cleanser (or toothpaste) Denture solution Diapers (Infant and Adult) (Briefs) Disinfectant Disposable face masks Drapes, sterile procedure Drinking Cups, disposable Eating utensils and napkins Emery boards Envelopes Facial tissue File boxes File folders Food coloring Gloves, clean (at least one box of non-latex) Gloves, sterile Identification bands Isolation tape 14 V. Equipment and Supplies for Nursing Essentials Career Pathway 2010-2011 Kits: 1. Catheter care 2. Catheterization 3. Enema 4. Perineal care 5. Pre-operative prep 6. Sterile dressing 7. Vaginal irrigation Labeling pen Lemon glycerine swabs Lens paper Lotion Lubricant Markers, assorted colors Masks, disposable 15 POS Revised- 2010-2011 __________________________________ Name of School _____________________ Date Memory storage device (Flashdrive; DVD-W) Mirror, full length Mouthwash Nail clippers Non-skid footwear Orangewood sticks, disposable Paper towels Paper (Copy) for printing & duplicating Plastic thermometer covers Plates, disposable Poster board Razors Rolled gauze Shampoo Shaving lotion Shaving creme Slides, glass, microscope Soap, germicidal Specimen cup and labels Sterile 4 X 4 dressings Sterile applicator swabs Sterile culture swabs Sterile solution Straws Tableware, disposable Tape, cellophane Tape, masking Tape, paper (dressings) Thermometer Probe covers for non-mercury and digital Thermometer Probe covers, tympanic Tongue depressors Toothbrush Toothpaste Trash bags Urine test tape and/or sticks POS Evaluation - 16 ______________________________________ Signature of Team member reviewing Standards 16 POS Revised- 2010-2011 __________________________________ Name of School _____________________ Date C. Ways of Assessing Program Meets Standards: The equipment and supplies operational criteria will be evaluated annually, or more often as determined by Georgia Department of Education and the local board of education. A written record of the status of the Healthcare Science Education (HSE) program equipment and supplies will be available for review by Georgia Department of Education’s CTAE Healthcare Science Program Specialist and accreditation agencies upon their request. (An Inventory Sheet of the following Equipment & Supplies with a maintenance schedule included is recommended.) Additionally, where there is a state-approved Training Program, such as Nurse Aide, Patient Care Assistant (PCA), Patient Care Tech, First Responder, Dental Science, Medical Services, and Medical Lab, etc., is conducted, the equipment and supplies are reviewed according to the established monitoring guidelines of that agency’s guidelines (such as Georgia Medical Care Foundation / Promissor for Nurse Aide). In other words, the program will ensure that the supplies needed for that program as listed by that agency will be provided as needed. You may provide that list since you are required to provide by the agency. POS Evaluation - 17 ______________________________________ Signature of Team member reviewing Standards 17 POS Revised- 2010-2011 __________________________________ Name of School _____________________ Date Georgia’s Healthcare Science Education PROGRAM OPERATIONAL STANDARDS V. Advisory Committee A. Standard Statement A local Healthcare Science Education Program Advisory Committee provides invaluable field support to the learning environment and interaction with those healthcare businesses and agencies which will employ graduates. B. Operational Criteria: To assure successful learning, the Healthcare Science Education Program faculty will form a local advisory committee with objectives of improving both the content and operation of the program. (The following Criteria can be used to set up, guide, and assess the Advisory Committee and its reports, documents and support.) GEORGIA STANDARD 1. INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION REVIEW Membership: The Healthcare Science Education Program faculty, in cooperation with school administration, selects the local advisory committee which: Includes a cross-section of representatives from various healthcare occupations, related healthcare businesses and agencies, and specific to the areas of courses offered and specialization(s). COMMENTS YES List of members provided NO Other suggested members might include a postsecondary healthcare representative, administrator (principal, or CTAE Director or Supervisor), counselor, middle school representative such as a Healthcare Science middle school teacher or middle school counselor, and student. POS Evaluation - 18 ______________________________________ Signature of Team member reviewing Standards 18 POS Revised- 2010-2011 __________________________________ Name of School _____________________ Date V. Advisory Committee B. Operational Criteria 2. Objectives 2. 2a. Objectives: The program’s local advisory committee meetings focus on program planning, developing, implementing, and evaluation through: Assisting with developing short-range and long-range plans (Each year the committee needs to identify their plans for the year and following years.) YES NO Documentation is not in place, but the Committee plans to use this objective to ensure development of shortrange and long range goals each year. Statement of this plan is in file or will be placed in file.. 2b. Supporting program through public relations activities; provide opportunities to share information about HSE program or HOSA activities (local newsletter; facility newspaper/letter; web sites) YES NO Documentation is not in place, but the Committee plans to use this objective to improve the efforts to promote the program and activities. Statement stating their Plans is in file. POS Evaluation - 19 ______________________________________ Signature of Team member reviewing Standards 19 POS Revised- 2010-2011 2c. __________________________________ Name of School Assisting in program effectiveness, program promotion, and job openings awareness and student placements. _____________________ Date YES NO Documentation is not in place, but the Committee plans to use this objective to assist in evaluating the program’s effectiveness, promotion, and job placements. Statement stating their Plans is in file. 3. Meetings: 3a. Electing officers, including a chairman and a secretary (Needs to be documented as to who is the Chair and secretary on Advisory Committee list.) 3b. YES NO Meeting a minimum of two times annually. YES NO 3c. Recording Minutes to include date, agenda, members present, and committee recommendations. YES POS Evaluation - 20 ______________________________________ Signature of Team member reviewing Standards 20 POS Revised- 2010-2011 __________________________________ Name of School _____________________ Date NO 3d. Retaining an open file of meeting minutes and other supporting documents for a minimum of two years. YES NO Documentation is not in place, but the Committee and Teacher(s) plan to use this objective to ensure that meeting minutes, agenda, and other supporting documents are continuously kept by the teacher and school Statement stating their Plans is in file. POS Evaluation - 21 ______________________________________ Signature of Team member reviewing Standards 21 POS Revised- 2010-2011 __________________________________ Name of School _____________________ Date Georgia’s Healthcare Science Education PROGRAM OPERATIONAL STANDARDS (POS) VI. Program of Study Standard Statement Local boards of education establishing Healthcare Science Education Program(s) shall provide curriculum, instruction and support services in accordance with current Georgia Department of Education rules governing high school graduation and assessments requirements. Program Operational Criteria (POS): GEORGIA STANDARD 1. INDUSTRY CERTIFICATION REVIEW Provide Program(s) of study/ - Pathways and courses in Healthcare Science Education provided. Documentation in file: a. List Pathways taught 1a. COMMENTS YES NO b. List of the courses taught/provided at this school. 1b. YES NO POS Evaluation - 22 ______________________________________ Signature of Team member reviewing Standards 22 POS Revised- 2010-2011 2. __________________________________ Name of School _____________________ Date Partnership agreements with Educational Programs, Technical Colleges or Colleges/Universities. a. List of colleges/postsecondary programs that the Healthcare Science program partners with to provide additional courses or programs. (such as, articulation, Education Career Partnership (ECP) - Move on When Ready http://www.gadoe.org/ci_cta.as px?PageReq=CICTASeam ), dual enrollment, specialty programs CNA, PCA/PTA, etc.). 2a. b. Provide a copy of agreement. NOT At This Time- no activities or agreements, but plan to become involved with these activities – Lists plans including activities, programs and colleges. YES NOT Applicable, no agreements 2b. YES (List of activities and colleges; provide copy of agreements) NO 3. Partnership agreements with Business & Industry/Healthcare Agencies. Workbased Learning documentation -Provide copy of clinical rotations agreements with agencies. 3a. NOT Applicable, no agreements 3b. -Provide copy of form for parent and student signatures. 4. Certification Programs offered List the certification programs offered, YES YES NOT Applicable, no agreements 3. YES POS Evaluation - 23 ______________________________________ Signature of Team member reviewing Standards 23 POS Revised- 2010-2011 such as Certified Nursing Assistant (within the Nursing Essentials course), First Responder, EMT, CERT. __________________________________ Name of School _____________________ Date Which programs offered: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ NO 5. Provide a copy of the Peach State Pathways- Programs of Study (Education and Planning Tools)AND/OR your school system Plan that you are using or plan to use. TEACHERS: Look at and use these Ga DOE Pathway Tools (go to this page, then scroll down to Healthcare Science section, then click on the Pathways you are teaching. Then print off and add for your documentation needed.) http://www.gadoe.org/ci_cta.aspx?Pag eReq=CICTAPlanningNew Shows these Pathways at this time: Biotechnology Research and Development Pathway Diagnostic Services Pathway Health Informatics Pathway Therapeutic Services-Emergency Services Pathway Therapeutic Services-Medical Services Pathway Therapeutic Services-Nursing Pathway Physical Medicine - upcoming 4. YES Peach State Plan(s) provided Local Program of Study Plan provided NO For more information, Go to: http://www.gadoe.org/ci_cta.aspx?Pag eReq=CICTACareer POS Evaluation - 24 ______________________________________ Signature of Team member reviewing Standards 24 POS Revised- 2010-2011 __________________________________ Name of School _____________________ Date Review this page, then go to the Files & Presentation on the right side of this web page. Click on different files for further information. 5. 6. Provide orientation and use of the College 411, Georgia Work Ready, and Georgia’s Health Careers Manual: College 411 https://secure.gacollege411.org/de fault.aspx), Work Ready http://gaworkready.org, and Georgia Health Careers manual (by the AHECs), available online and hardcopy - at www.sowega-ahec.org , then click on Health Careers manual picture) 5. Provide HOSA Program of Work (POW) including list of activities for this school year. 6. YES No YES No POS Evaluation - 25 ______________________________________ Signature of Team member reviewing Standards 25